The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 19, 1906, Image 8

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    The County Exchanges
Hems of General Interest Selected from the Columns of Contemporaries 2
(From tlie Ki'islKli r.)
Hob Willis threshed ills winter
wheat Wednesday and It yielded :1
bushels per acre and tested cl pounds.
Grandma Sheldon's many friends
will be glad to licar that she arrived
in Ww Knirliuid safelv. having stood
the trip nicely.
0. F.. Young threshed his wheat this
week and from a twenty acre Held lie
threshed out til.', bushels or almost 31
bushels per acre.
Miss I.eona Pollard, Miss Kuth Mur
dock and Miss Hall left Thursday for
the mountains of Colorado. They
will be joined at Lincoln by Miss Min
erva Tool.
Paul Klrkpatrlck, wife and babe
lcrt the first of the week for their
home In Denlson, Texas, They went
by the way of Colorado, where they
will enjoy tbe mountain air and scenery
a few days before returning home.
The soliciting committee for the
Nehawka fair has been doing some
work tho past week and have nearly
300 raised. With the concessions
this will make a neat sum for
and other necessary expenses. The
fair this year Is bound to be ahummer
l'aul Klrknatrlck. wife and little
which lie has been waiting, was va
cated tills week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. (ireen and
daughter have krone to their home
stead In the northwest part of the
state, about :i0 miles from Alliance,
where they will remain a few weeks.
On their return they will visit In Ster
ling and Ienver.
Mrs. W. L. Cooper and two sons ar
rived In our city Wednesday morning.
Mr. Cooper, who Is tho new chief
clerk In the supply department, has
hr-en Inthecitv two or three weeks
and Is proving quite popular. They
win live In the Lobdell property. We
extend a hearty welcome.
Vice President Wlllard of the I!. &
M. Issued an order which went Into
ellect yesterday at the various shops
of Nebraska, reducing the time to 40
hours per week. They will work five
days of eight hours each. The shop
being closed on Saturday, Is causing
considerable disappointment among
the men, especially In view of the fact
that the Havclock shop was crowded
with work, leaving no visible reason
for the order. Under the clrcum
stances It will not be likely to last
As a
Old Chronic Sore
dressing for old chronic sores
dauitbter came home for the Fourth, there Is nothing so good as Chamber
They were Joined there by a number Iain's Salve. While It Is not advisable
of relatives, and the day was spent In to heal old sores entirely, they should
a family reunion. Those present were be kept In a good condition, for which
Guy Klrkpatrlck from St. Joe, Mo., this salve Is especially valuable. For
W. R. Heed, wife and daughters, from sore nipples Chamberlain's Salve has
Council Mrs. Ruffncr and no superior. For sale by F. G. Fricke
Hons from I'lattsmouth and Ir. Dodge & Co. and A. T. Fried, druggists
and wife from Omaha. In the even
ing Mrs. Palmer and Miss Stella ban
ning called and a pleasant time was
From tlif (."mm r
Hum, 10 Mr. an 1 Mrs. Hvan, '
11th, a boy.
l'.orn, to Mr. an 1 Mis. '.uU
July the 11th. a girl.
Lightning struck and killed mil-of
Kmery Steele's cows durliiK the .t'rm
Thursday afternoon.
The chapel car, which has been sta
tioned here for a number of wces,
left fur Wabash last Saturday.
Last week a typographical error
caused the Courier to state that C E.
Mockenliaupt had celebrated his titty-
ninth birthday on July 4th. Chris,
says the family records show him to
be but tlfty and that he doesn't feel a
day older. Here's hoping that be may
live another fifty.
Arthur Palmer, the Louisville sailor
boy, who was expected home on a fur
lough this week, did not come because
of a favorable change In his rating,
which admitted him to the naval
school of yocmanry. Arthur writes
that he Is enjoying splendid health
and since being made a member the
Ycuba Huena Vaudeville company
thinks he Is going to "like the place.'
Arthur's stunt In vaudeville Is elocu
Modstt Claim Often Carry tht Most
When Maxim, the famous gun In
ventor placed his gun before a commit
tee of Judges, he suted its carrying
power much below what lie thought
sure the gun would accomplish.
The result of the trial was therefore h
treat surprise Instead of disappoint,
ment. It Is the same with the manu
facturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Iirrhoea remedy. They do
not putilicly boast of all this great
remedy will accomplish, but prefer to
let the users make the statements.
What they do claim. Is that It will
positively cure diarrhoea, dysentery,
pains In the stomach and bowels and
has never been known to fall. For
sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co. and A. T.
educe Your
of those hih
Refrigerators Below Cost
GASOLINE STOVES, of best makes .it puces that are WAY BELOW COST
Come in and see n. when you need thes goods and get prices on
many other desirable articles in the line ot
HoiseRirnishing Goods.
A Traflo Flnl.h.
A watchman's neglect permitted a
leak in the great North Sea dyke,
which a child's ringer could have stop
ped, to become a ruinous break, de
vastating an entire province of Hol
land. In like manner Kenneth Mc-
lver, or vanccboro, Me., permitted a
little cold to go unnoticed until atrag-
lo finish was only averted by Dr.
King's New Discovery. He writes:
"Three doctors gave me up to die of
lung Inflammation, caused by a neg
lected oold; but Dr. King's New Dis
covery saved by life." Guaranteed
best cough and cold cure, at F. G.
Fricke & Co.'r drug store. 50c and
$1.00 Trial bottle free
From tli Lender-Echo.
A twelve pound boy was born to Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Newlln Wednesday.
An eight pound boy was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Krugar, Thursday,
July 12.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Richardson, of Iremont,
Wednesday, July 11th.
Jake Fleishman is the first of our
farmers to thresh fall wheat. We did
not learn how many acres he had, but
It yielded a little over thirty bushels
per acre and tested cc'J pounds.
J. 11. Elliott had his left hand terri
bly-mangled In the cylinder of a
threshing machine yesterday. Dr.
Munger, who was called to dress the
wounds, Is In hopes of saving the hand.
L. A. Tyson has purchased the W.
N. Mlnford house, and Dick McN'urlin
is moving It onto the two lots adjoin
ing Cyrus Alton's property on the
cast. Lou will repair ana remocici
the building and make It his home.
Wm. Kunz severely mashed the sec-
Summer time
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yard:
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Coal
HII Kinds of Feed
From tlif limeon.
We arc Informed that Mr. A. C.
Adams has purchased a tine new dec
trie automobile.
Wheat threshing commenced this 0nd linger of his right hand, Tuesday,
week. Uoth the quality and quantity catching It between a plow beam and
are far better than was expected a few wakron wr,eel while loading the plow,
weeks ago. Hilly lost the end of this finger two
With a felon on one of his lingers years ago in a corn sheller, and begins
and a large boll on the back of his to think he might as well have It am-
n.i-k. little Warren Trumb e thinks nutated so as to keep from losing a
he Is having more than his share of pieco of it every year or st
trouble. Dr. Munger called lr. Allison, of
Ed P.ctts has loaded and shipped live Omaha, and Dr. Hall, of I'lattsmout h,
cars of new wheat this week. The in consultation Saturday evening over
wheat has all been of cxcellentquality the case of James Hall, and it was dc-
and brought :i cents per bushel, elded to operate for the removal of
inft the prostrate eland. Later In the
tnr Ih-nmark for ft visit with his aged evening the operation was performed.
mother and other relatives. He ex- Mr. Hall rallied from the shocknicely,
.-u tr u about three months, and Is now doing even letter than was
aii r ,,).- iw .inuiwui anticipated.
threshing his o acre field of wheat
which was marketed here at :i cents
per bushel. The vield was s; bushels
to the acre and tested (13 pounds. The
threshers said It was the finest piece of
wheat they ever saw. Stand up for
"Be Y Temperate In All Thine
Why Is it that when people talk
about intemperance they always ap
ply it to the drink habit? Why don't
they occasionally take a shy at intern
Dcrancc in eating? Intemperance In
talking? Intemperance Inlying? In
temperance In abuse of those that are
not liked? Intemperance in gossiping?
Intemperance Is going about casting
a Plattsmouth Reader Will
Grateful for This Information.
When your back gives out;
Recomes lame, weak or aching:
Your kidneys are "in a bad way."
Doan's Kidney Fills will cure you.
Here Is local evidence to prove It:
Mrs. L. A. Newcomer, of mm Gold
street. I'lattsmouth, Neb., says "As
soon as 1 would lie down my back
would commence to ache and I could
hardly lie still. 1 would try one posl
tlon then another and another and
was all the time changing to find somo
From tbe Lf dRtr.
Mrs. Eva Keene, of Red River, New
Mexlco.spcnt several days visiting her
sister, Mrs. Nelson Applegate, and
other relatives, departing for home
Jesse Fell's little daughter, aged
two years, suffered a severe attack of
cholera Infantum last Sunday, and al
though she was dangerously 111 she is
now recovering nicely.
George Graves, who has been play
ing with the Topeka Western Associ
ation ball team, came home last Fri
day to spend several days recovering
from an Injured ankle which he re- j
ceived In making a slide to a base.
W. H. Ilargus was taken very sick
last Sunday, apparently with an at
tack resulting from kidney trouble,
and for a few days his condition was
so serious as to cause alarm, but he Is
now Improving and It is thought he
will recover his old-time vigor in a
short time.
J. W. Flttman suffered some painful
Injuries last Friday, the result of his
team becoming frightened and run
ning away, throwing him out over the
frunt of the wagon. Soon as possible
after the accident a physician was
called and an examination showed
that Mr. Flttman had suffered a
broken rib and a good general shaking
up from which he will not soon fully
recover, but is now able to be out.
Simon G ruber's little daughter,
Charlotte, suffered a painful wound
Wednesday afternoon while playing
with some other children near home.
They were wading in the pond and
the little girl stepped upon a large
spike driven through a board that was
imbedded in the mud, the rusty spike
running entirely through the middle
of the foot. It made an ugly wound,
but unless blood poison follows there
is no fear of serious results.
J. V. Egenberger
Proprietor Plattsmouth
Coal Yards
Corner Third and Main Streets
Bell Phone 25 Platts Phone 22
Automob i list Submits a Few
Rules For Machine Drivers,
Men's Furnishings
The negligee man enjoys life in the
hottest kind of weather, because he
is dessed for comfort. "We show you
the most beautiful and exclusive pat
terns in men's fine quality negligee
shirts all colors, Including new effects
In white. Straw hats, the kind that
bespeak you at a glance to be a good
dresser. Everything In midsummer
wear that is found In the most fashion
able haberdashery of the larger cities,
but at prices much below those usually
charged for the same goods.
Department Store
JW. FANGER, Prop. .
I . ii.l.t 1 J ll .. J!)..,!..!!.!
reflections on neighbors? There are way in wmcu i couniieu.iuiimirenei
manv kinds of Intemperance that need This was my condition every now and
ntiAnt I An t lint nra nnvnr monf Innnil then for three years or longer. Dur-
lie ye temperate In all things. Ing the day or when on my feet the
trouble was not noticeable. The
Urv irr1rrr trouble would come when 1 wastry
v vt-we ing to get some rest. Friends told me
(Mi-.M-i.m-r.) that my Sidneys were undoubtedly
Raymond Hlnkle had his foot pretty affected which was the cause of my
badly crushed last Wednesday even- suffering. Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills
Ing. He was running the elevator at so highly recommended, 1 goj a box at
the shops and by some mistake got his r,cring rjo.'s drug store. I used
foot caught. about one-half of them and my back
The boilcrmakers are planning for a coased to ache and 1 have not been
big picnic one week from tomorrow, bothered scarcely at all since. My
The five day order will lit in with experience with lean's Kidney Pills
their plans very nicely and oren the warrants me In saying they are true to
war for a general good time. their reprcsentlons.
i if fin. k X' r tnrrWppm.r For sale by all dealers. Price fiOc
A tllnnwl iritclrrll tn tiarlf hit Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
. fnr .hinnin and move his fam- wle agents for the United States
i . u....! ii.nttn rem Remember the name-l'oan's-and
ii fcv imv. - r - - - -
XIA. Th Knmnter bouse, for I tkt CO OtDCr.
Facts and Figures Would Indicate a Steady
Increase In the Population.
While One Year Ago Dozens of Them Could
Be Had at a Very Low Price.
A little love, a little wealth,
A little home for you and me;
It's all 1 ask except g'"d health.
Which comes wlili Rocky Mountain
Tea. Gerlng & Co., druggists,
"Kit Caron" Friday Night.
Reed's Kit Carson Tent Show will
exhibit on the high school grounds
Friday night. This Is a clean, first-
class organization, carrying a line band
and orchestra, thirty people, traveling
in two special cars. The show Is equal
to the very best opera house attrac
Hons. Rand concert at noon and 7:30,
free exhibition by Marcello, the hu
man frog, In front of the tent In the
evening. "Kit Carson" Is a beautiful
western melodrama In four acts. Late
up-to-date specialties between every
act. Remember the date and place
Try & little KODOL FOP. DYS
I'KPblA afUr you; meals. See the
tfect It will prodvje on your general
'eellng by dljest'if your food and
helping your stomach to g.t Itself Into
xhapc. Many stomachs are ovoftrork
?d to the point where they refuse to
go farther. Kodol digests your food
Mtid gives your stomach tbe rest It
needs, while iu reconstructing proper
ties get the stomach baok to working
order. Eodo) relieves flatulence, sour
nloraach, palpitation of Die heart,
belching, etc. Sold by F. G. Frlcks
k Co, and GeriDg ft Co.
Never since the year that a portion
of the Burlington shops were removed
from this city to Havelock, has Platts
mouth boasted of the number of in
habitants that we can boast of at the
present time. Take for an Illustration,
the Increase in the numberof children
between the ages of 5 and ".'1 years, and
it shows a total of 1, .':;. Tills is ac
counted for by the many families that
lave moved here from other states,
and have found steady employment in
the shops or in other avocations. We
must all acknowledge that there has
been a steady growth and Improve
ment In Plattsmouth In the past two
years. The Journal Is no enthusiast,
but for tbe benefit of the city we all
must toot our own horns when It be
comes necessary, utner towns no it,
and so must we.
The citizens are becoming more In
terested In the welfare of the city and
many good words may be heard on
very hand, for its future welfare. It
Is apparent, also, that there Is a steady
growth In the population of PlattS'
mouth. A walk over the city will dis
close the fact, that there are but very
few, if indeed any, desirable residences
now vacant, and, figuring our popula
tion upon the same basis used by
Omaha and Lincoln and other cities
of our state, in arriving at and an
nouncing their population, viz: figur
ing from the number of children of
school age In the city, and It will give
us a population of nearly, If not quite,
S,0o0. The future of Plattsmouth Is
by no means waning, but has the ap
pearance to a casual observer of hav
ing a very bright future, and Is bound
to receive ber share of the emigration
from the cast to the west.
The Journal Is no optimist, or any
thing of that kind, but from the day
we entered the city to make It our
abiding place, over four years ago, we
have had faith In the future of Platts
mouth. All towns and cities have
their reverses. Plattsmouth has had
hers, and from now, on, with "a long
pull and pull altogether," we will In
side of the next five years boast of a
population ot not less than 10,000,
based on the average Increase In the
rast two years.
Machine oil at Asemlssen fc Louck'6,
We will give you bargains on Amer
lean Fence. Asemusen & Louck.
A Hard Let
of trouble to contend with spring from
a torpid iiver,.and blockaded bowels
unless you awaken tbem to their prop
er action with Dr. King's New Life
Pills, tbe.pleaaaotest and most effec
tive oure-tor constipation. They pre
vent appendicitis and tone up the sys
tem. 25c at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug
Nothing Sure.
Cass county will have the largest
delegation, except Lancaster, in the
republican congressional convention
which meets in Auburn, Thursday
August !. Cass has 20; Richardson
comes next with 2", and Otoe has 20,
It will be seen that the successful
nominee will have to have Lancaster
Cass and one other county, even if it
be that of Johnson, which has the
smallest number of delegates 14
There will be lively times In Auburn
about the nth, and without a pledg
from Lancaster, we can't see where
Mr. Pollard has any sure thing.
Kennedy's L:iHve Honey and Tar
U 'he original 'imiive cough syru
ana ciinoines tnr. quan;; necessary
to relieve the cough ana "urge the sys
tem of cold. Contains no opiates. Sold
by F. G. Fricke & Co. and Gering&Co,
An automobile owner sends in the
following rules worthy of considera
tion by drivers who have trouble with
their horses on the appearance of
autos. Chaffeurs are just as anxious
to avoid accidents as horse owners,
and a little caution and observance of
the rules will materially lessen the
chances for trouble. Here Is what he
writes: ,
''Never try to pass a car on a side
bill. Stop your team either at the
top or bottom of a bill until the car
passes. It is very difficult to stop a
car going down hill, particularly on
a side bill. If you are on tbe road.
and a car approaches from tbe rear,
and you cannot trust your team to
turn out, drive straight ahead to the
first cross road, where you can turn
out and let the car go by. Then come
back into the road behind the car. Do
not try to be smart and drive ahead
Just to annoy the car, for tbe man Is
liable to lose patience or take it for
granted that your team Is not afraid
of the auto and rush past you at tbe
first opportunity. If you are meeting
a car and have a bad horse, signal
the car by a wave of the hand, and
the man will assist you to get by. Do
not attempt to drive ahead and pass
a car unless you are not afraid. If
team is troublesome, Just stop and
signal, and the car man will do his
part to help avoiding trouble. Don't
hesitate to signal. Any chaffeur will
understand it. Always keep cool and
do not get excited. Often the driver
gets more excited than his team."
It ttajcausedpore laughs and dried
nWiean. wiped away diseases and
(U3& awaj more fears than any other
medicine in tbe world. Hollister'
ESfckj Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Te
CTTvblet. Gering ft Co., druggists.
KL a 1 av kai 1
in any style
Short Orders!
Regular Meals j
Our Spa-
If you arc hungry we can supply
you with the pick of the market
3th door Tast of Css Co. Bank
rowing Hirlsn
Growing girls need care, advice and medicine,
especially on reaching the age of puberty. A
mother's tender care and words of caution will
often accomplish wonders. As for medicine, a
gentle, safe and reliable strengthening tonic is
Wine of Cardui,
It will prevent and relieve pain, regulate the
functions, clear the complexion and strengthen
the constitution.
It is a valuable medicine for growing girls. It
has tided thousands over a critical period, and
saved them from years of suffering. It can never
do harm and is sure to do good. .
A relief or cure for all female disorders in girls
and women.
At every druggist's in $1.00 bottles. Try it.