The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 19, 1906, Image 7

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Gents' Plain and j ti" 1 CloSi'Z'
Fancy Dress Shirts. and Men's Furnishing Goods and Boys.
waterman Block Men's :i Boys' New and Up-to-Date Spring Clothing Plattsmouth. Neb.
legal Htvcrttecmcnte.
STATt or N'kiihaka,
I'anh C(iim y.
In County C01.1t.
In Ihe nmtti-r of tli i-Utt of Ahhw TYfft.
Notice U licrrli.v irivcn thai tin--ivilltorH of
miid Ui reasi il will nii'. i tlx- Administrator uf
NHid e.tiit ix-forr ni-. County .lixliw of Cr-m
011 my, .t-iiriikn. hi Mir County Court mom
In riiittsmnutli. In kiiIiI County, on the ltt ilhy
of Aui'iist, lHH, mid on the -nil day of l-Vlmi-nry.
lUi", nt Hlo'rlo-k a. in., em-Inlay, for the
imriMiseof pivM-iitlntf their i'IhIius foreanil
nation, adjustinent and allowuix'e.
Hlx montlit, from the indduyof July. IIKHI,
niv allowed for the creditors of Mild deei-aoeil
to present their elalms and one year for the
Ailmliiistriitor to settle said estate, from the
2nd day of July, I'.H'ti.
Witness my hand vjt seal of said County
Court, at I'lattsniouih, Nehraskn, this ind day
of July. num. lUmur 1. Tit a vis,
kicai,. County Juoire.
In County Court of Cuss County, Nehrnskn.
In the matter of the est ate of Marcus ,. White,
dei-easi d. All iierson lnteii'sted In said estate
(ire hereby notlHeil that a N-1ltloii has Imtii
tiled In this rourt. ulletrlntr tlmt the executrix
of the estate of Maivtis I,. White, Is deceased,
and luayinir for the apixilutmeiit of nn ailmlu
lst rat or de Ismns non. with will annexed: a
hearliiK will Ik-hail uiioii said Ntltlon at the
County Court Koom, at riaiismoui h, Ne
braska, on the J4th day of July A. 1. llnl, at 10
o'clock a. ni. Alliiersons Interested In said
estate are required to show cauw on or In-fore
10 o'clock of said day why the in-ayerof said
IH-tltlon should not Ik-(.'ranted, or the court
will trranl letter of administration de bonus
non, with will annexed of said est ate to William
Delles Hernier, or some other iiiltable js-rson
and proceed to n settlement thereof.
seai.. County Judire.
In the County Court, County of Cnss, Ne
braska. In re estate of James Allison, de
ceased. To all iH-rsons Interested. You are
hereby not Irled that uimii July -;ist A. Ii. ltN'
nt I0o'cloi-k a.m. at my office, in iheCltyof
I'lattsmoutli, Nebraska, there will In- a liear
Inir upon the H-tltloii of Mary Allison tonro
bate ail I list in m.-Mt said to be the Last Will
and Testament of James AHUon. deceased. and
toapiKiint Mary Allison Executrix and l.ero.v
Allison Kxecutor. at which hour all objections
thereto must be on tile.
Dated this 2nd day of Jnlv A. U. Itn ii.
Haiivi y 1 1. Timv:.
I I--EA I.. County Juiltre.
In the District Court of Cass Count; v. Nehra
The State.
,f N. t-ikM.
The Several I'at c-elsof I.aml i
Hereinafter l'es.-r!t'd and I
All Persons anil CoriNiia- !
l lNAI. NtlTMK
Tract No. J40
lions llavliur or C lnhnlntr
Title to or Any Interest,
Ulirtit orClaim inortosuch
Parrels of Ileal Estate or
any Purt Tbeteof.
Iiefendauts, i
To W. J. C. Smith, owner III trust, and to 1'.
S. Wheeler, and to the occupants of the real es
tate uescrllied tielow, whose name Is I'. I.
Notice Is hereby trhen that under a decree of
the District Court of salil county rendered in
the State Tax Suit for the year 1!4, the follow
Inir descrilied real estate situate In the county
of Cass anil State of Nebraska, to-wlt: Oils
Nine ( and Ten (le), Bloi-k nn. I'lattsmoutli,
and North Half (nS) lit Twelve 1J HK-k 4i
I'lattsmoutli. was on the 7th day of NovemU-r,
duly sold at public vendue by the County
Treasurer of said county In the manner pro
vided by law. and the is-rlod nf redemption
from such sale will expire on the Wh day of
Noveniler. l!Mi.
You re further notified that, the owner of
the certificate of tax sale issued by the Treas
urer will make application to the court In the
alHive entitled cause for confirmation of said
sale as soon as practicable after the is-ilod of
redemption has expired, and you are hereby
not Irled that the time and pla -e of heart nir u li
on such confirmation will lie entered In thet'on
firma'ion Kccord kept by the Clerk of said
Court, on or l-fore the 7th day of Noveml r,
l: ii. You will examine said Confirmation Itcc
ord to as eri ain the time of said hearln-f B'id
may I- irs-iit. If you desire, to make any ob
jections or show cause why the sale should not
lie confirmed.
7-ltf I'. i. KATF-.
Of Fb.ttsrr.outh, Nebraska, on the
;!')tli rlay f if June, 1 :)'.
r'lrs' n.ort.-...-e 1 , .':! 43
st,-k loans 3,M
Del'n.iuent Interest, premiums and
tines Si) H
I M her assets, insurance and taxes paid
and advanced 1.731
Ileal estate contracts .3hI 77
Cai'ital s'c.-k paid ui. to
K.-serve fund "T4
l'i..::vi.!el pmfi-s I7.i'7 M
n'A ?TS 113 TWlTUSE$
, f e -.earendliu J-n "'.
Ihlr..;.- i 1 . r. !.. J J-ilv t. I . .
i ies
i.i.::. ;
v. .: i
t'-.'f O I
i.-1-i :
r i
Ii.ters. ict',n. i i'.s ,i,..i r'rif
l..nns r' : :i Li
Veiu'iersi, ,;i ar.d t tai.sf.-r ;'
l:-l et'e '1.1 r.l -' s
l;. i.'
I '. 111-., t il,. s. I., I. . ;;:
.I fii..
Hills I :U.H'.c ". .s '.'i
Ir-siirnM '.. ni i t.i. s ; ;ii. ard r..!-
. :m-' . s
T 'ai y
I. .n-s . rr'..4s .hi
f;i;s-nss. s;ilj,r:s . . l .V
s-.n k' re.;.- n:-l !..?'- ;t
t ash on hand 4 .7 '
' s,-ellaneoi:s exiiers. s Iii.'
lal estate contracts l..jsrt ti
Ir'ereston h.lls pa.uHe i Ii
H lls yl.le... 3.i'3
Irs irance arid ,fa-s paid and ad
vanced f "s
Total f4o..",;i JB
Sr ri or Nrim
( AP( lifXTT
t. li'nrr Ii. l-erlrif. cretarK "f the alsive
ra.-red asw-la-lon. do leaiuly swear that the
f is'n-ointf tatemeiit. .if the condition of ald
Assvvl.ttlon. Is trie anl correct to the best t.f
m Inowiedire and f-l!ef.
S i' s.-rils-d ard sworn to if. ire ,t 'li's -o day
bt Jiilf. I'.K'-. TH"K. Wlt.LIX'it,
Ail"Tel: itif'7 I' ihl '
I' V y:TH. )
ft''iiltf. -I'itcts)rs l-IAt.i
H. M 'ixin mi X1. t
(lly G. A. I.tls.)
Corrected weekly by Martin Si Tuo!,
who pay highest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
RutU-r is-
Eiftta UK-
Hens ic.
Spriiir 14c
Crrutn .No. 1. 170; No. C. IV
Hoirs KUW
Cattle 11.10 and 3.UU
: hiki 4.v
IiocK Island Ti.meTahi.k.
Murdock Station.
No. 41, mail.
No. 75, local.
No. ,1. mail..
No. 37, mail.
S:l."i a. m.
8:.Vi a. m.
:i:(Mi p. m.
5:47 p. m.
No. HO, freight 12:;i)a. in.
No. 38, mail lOiWa. m.
No. 70, Local 1:14 p. m.
No. fi, mail 3:00 p. m.
Herman Gakemeler was in Omaha
l'rof. Barrett and wife of Alvo, were
In this bur; last Friday.
A. J. Tool and family visited in
Omaha Sunday and Monday.
Sam 1'atterson is visiting at the
home of II. V. Long this week.
Mrs. Wm. Gehrts and daughter are
visiting at South P.end this week.
Frank Snavley, of Lincoln, is visit
lnr relatives in Murdock this week.
Julian IJickcrt was down from E;ile
Sunday entertaining some of our fair
Lent Lau was down from Omaha
Saturday evening for a short visit with
The apple blossom social at Fred
Zink's Saturday evening was well
Avoca has promised to come up
Saturday and give our second team a
irame of ball.
Erhart Goehry spent Sunday in
Murdock and Manley, returning to
Omaha Monday.
Miss Wobbenhorst returned Monday
from a two week's visit with relatives
at Eelden, Neb.
Oscar McIonald and George Gilles
pie were over to Murray and Platts
mouth last Thursday.
Ey the heroic efforts of I)r. Wort
man of Louisville, Herman Gakemeier
is able to be out again.
MlssOlga Neitzel returned Thurs
day from a prolonged visit In the
western part of the state.
W. C. Monroe moved into town
Monday and will occupy the house
recently vacated byG.C. Meierjurgen.
Four or five hundred soldiers from
Fort ( rook passed through Murdock
Tuesday enroute to some fort in
Tile Avoca bane ball team failed to
appear last Saturday and a scrub game
was played, which caused consider
able amusement.
Wm. Gakemeier pulled in from
Chicago Monday, bringing a friend
with him and will spend a month's
vacation at home.
A. J. Tool, J. K. Funk, Jacob
Goehry, jr., and Wm. Schewe were
over to Salt Creek last week and
captured a good number of fish.
John Hildebrandtand Ralph Morris
lo-st about five thousand bushels of
corn lait Friday by fire. No cause
for the origin of the fire Is known.
For great bargains attend the
big mid-summer clearance sale
now going on at Herold's.
Library Closed For Repair.
llcrinnlng on July 11th. the public
library wlli be close.1 for ten days on
account of repairs. I!y orler of the
library buard and t!,e judiciary com
mittee -.f the city council.
' Bowtl Complaint In Children
During the larrnjr asjnthj children
Ltt subject to disorders cf tte boweli
frbkhttould receive cxreful ttteoition
i tooQ as the flrst uczutonl looseness
cf tbe boweli pperv Tt.e best med
Idee for bowtl cacpltlat ts Cham be r
LUo's CoUc, Cholera &ai Diirrboa
Cemedy, ult prompWy controls any
ttnaatarilloosepfssof the bowels. For
nle by F. 0. Fricke k Co. sod A. T.
For IrfaxU sad CUIirex
Hi KlnJ Yen Hau Alwajs Bssght
flO up.
10 up.
We Carry the Only Stock
of Victor and Edison Gold
Moulded rccordstn Cass Co
Write for Catalogue and Trices
Weeping Water
From tti Herald.
Mr. and Mrs. John l'hllpot are re
joicing over a fine baby girl, born to
them Sunday, June 15, lfioii.
I. N. Woodford Is the owner of a
horse thirty-one years old. that, he
keeps for the good he has done.
Lars Nelson was the owner of two
cows that were killed by lightning
during the thunder storm on Monday.
Philip Spanker was taken very ill
last Sunday with appendicitis. This
is his fourth attack, and quite serious.
A little daughter of Perry Wright
got the index finger of her right hand
cut off last Saturday while riding with
ber father on the binder.
Mr, and Mrs. J. I. Corley and Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. I)one!an leave this
Wednesday for Lake Ouobojl to spend
about ten days boating and fishing.
Geo. Stoner and Henry O'Erien at
tempted to remove a super full of
honey from a bee hive last Monday.
Henry left in a hurry but Georce
stuck it out and when the work was
finished they both had the swell head
and felt quite sick enough to die but
Word was received here Tuesday of
the death of Fred Lee at Lincoln,
of quick consumption. Fred htd many
friends here who will be irrpaflv
shocked to hear this sad piece of news.
lie was here for a visit only a few
weeks ago. The fur.eral occurred
The wheat yield is fine this year, In
many cases the yield Is over 40 bushels
per acre. Troy Iiavis' '.'x-acre field
threshed out an average of 42 bushels
per acre, and part or it was down and
was fed to the h' gs. J. H. Henetrer
threshed 44 bushels per acre from his
field. The mill has purchased about
4.000 bushels already, but will doubt
less lay In a big supply yet.
Attend the big mid-summer
clearance sale at Herold's.
to kn jw about bor N IN
If it's
you can rely upon it being g A
beer. It 1 brewed from st
hop and malt. ANIIEI'SEIi
EUSCII ber Is healthful for It s
a well known fart that ma:t
possesses certain trc r,?th build
ing qualities. In fact, many
eminent physicians recommend
the drinking of the right kind
rf beer. You can rely upon
Phil Thierolf
T4aeie Me. IS
American Bankers' Association Traces the
Swindler Through Many States.
department stores In the large cities
and merchants generally throughout
the country have lieen warned to be
on the lookout for the operations of a
clever bogus-check worker, whose
Identity Is unknown. The warning
came from the American Hankers' As
sociation. His method of operation, according
to a detective agency, Is to present
checks fur from to :!) In the ofllce
of the store, representing that lie lias
not suDlclent money to pay for his pur
chases. The swindler gets Ills checks
at various hanks, where he manages to
secure blocks of ordinary counter
I'urliig January he operated In St.
Louis, Milwaukee and Louisville under
the name of A. C. Acton, his checks
purporting to have been signed by S.
It. Swanson & Ero., Galesburg, III.,
the checks being Issued for amounts
ranging from 12.75 to m7."i, he claim
ing to be traveling agent for this (Inn.
During March al April lieoperatjd
from Dallas, Tex., northwestward
through Colorado, Montana and Wash
ington. He passed checks In Tacorna
and Seattle, and also operated In Ore
At Denver ho represented himself as
a clergyman. He next appeared In
Grand Ilaplds, where he operated un
der the name of W. M. Warde.
The swindler Is descrilied as ?," to lo
years of aye, 5 feet Indies in height,
140 poinds In weight, slim build, me
dium dark hair, mixed with gray, close
cropped mustache or clean shaven.
It will be just as well for merchants
In the smaller cities like I'lattsmoutli
to be on their guard, for, as soon as he
has worked the larger points, unless
captured, he will try the smaller ones.
Second week; of the big mid
summer clearance sole ot Har
old's. A sweet breat h adds to the joys of
a kiss. You wouldn't want to kiss
your wife, mother or sweetheart with
a bad breath. You can't have a sweet
breath without a healthy stomach.
You can't have a healthy stomach
without perfect digestion. There Is
only one remedy that digests what you
eat and makes the breath as sweet u
a rose and that remedy Is KODOL
FOR DYSPEPSIA. It Is a relief for
tour stomach, palpitation of the heart
and other aliments arising from dis
order Of the stomach and digestion.
Take a little Kodol after your teals
and see what it will do for you. Sold
ty F. G. Fricke fcrV tndGerlngtCo.
Second mz of the big mid
summer eleorence sale ot Her
old's. Lost In I'lattsmoutli, near Sixth
street, while enroute from John SoMp-!
pneasse's candy store to the age llv-
ery barn, a heavy gold hinge bracelet, j
Finder pleas; leave at the Journal I
GSice. :
Wonjei) Wf)o Krw
ay our Oxfords arc rhar.-n-in'.
There's certainly a
charm ahout the trim style
of our shoe.'' that not fail
to pos-e-s.
There's a charm about
the Shapeliness and per
fect Shocmaking, Fit
and Prices
H Ijj tigti in fit Tin
ciroia:. it sai j d:i w. is
pC Q
Vacation Trip
Huy a Jo excursion ticket lo Wurland, Wyo in elm I'.lg Horn
llasln und register there lodrnw for a liiml prlo In the SIkkI
lleserviitlon, or niiike Wurland your objecllve point In looking up a
mineral or tlniherclelm In tlie Owl Creek mountains. Tim llnal
limit of August will permit you to make the side trip from
Worland to the Tliermopolw hot springs, whose watersamlciiriitlvn
properties are- pronounced as line as any In the world, the. outllow Is
ls,r,(io,iii(i gallons of water every 24 hours at a temperature- of lit". c'
F. Tlierniopolls will heroine one or the most remarkable health re.
sorts of this country.
Side trip tickets from Kilgcmont through the liiat k Hills to
Dead wood and return, m.oo; to Hot springs, S. I ., ami return, .'.on.
From Frannlc to duly and return, 2.5n. Stop overs allowed on
SlKM'shone tickets. I'lfteen days' personally condui'led camping
tour through Yellowstone Park over the Sylvan Pass lloute, every
thing provided, S m.OU.
Another delightful mountain side-trip Is that from Cody to
(Jul. Cody's I'ahaska Tepee, or Log Cabin Inn, In the Yellowstone
Park Forest Ileserve, 2 inllt-s east of the Park houndry. This Is
one of the choicest mountain and forest hunting and trout llshlng
spots anywhere available.
Call or write for Yellowstone Park folders descrlhing lours be
yond Gardiner or Cody; or Slack Hills leatlet; Shoshone free lands;
Pig Horn P.asln folder, etc. Let me describe lo you the, possibili
J (Mb i
Ayers Pills
m uwauwjui fi un uui i iwu fiawa r usw
rttltm Hf til fcJafe 1
A nn twt Im nMiMwa, TaMflttla, Qataay,
tarUaM4, 1'lwiM aa4 CtUrrkal SfTkra,
A arrall ) Craaa, Cm k aa4
rtairTtffs strut motim
t U Man hum ffVM
kMll k ttyt a rvcrr kos. Prlaall Oaakk
M4Ult Ca, baa MUa few
GERIXG CO. druists
Allssouri Pacific Time Table
TiiAl.vs ftoi.vo .vol: if.
N't, t6 Or(,;il,H f. pr
.V. In-: N-iirk .Miill
No. i:ti !; Kr. iiit
TKAIN MilXd -iiC H,
.! M hiii
K iin
.'I 17 pin
No. 1 in
N. If.
. ' IJ Hill
II 'M U"
Teeth $5
f.'.W C--.-i nA Frifij- Th I- 'i :p P:i-r-!.
n f -ir. I 'A ai I ilm.ff - '!). ri-'lli
Li:r.irA f'Jin.ev N i dt ji
nAILEY, The Dnntlat,
rithllthd lM. CiilnaRlk. O.IAHA.
When You are Thirsty
The Finest ThirstQucncher Ever Formulated.
Made From Pure Orange Juice
ties of an outing through the Interesting
Northwest. In connection with tin-cheap ex
cursion rules to Worland, one of the princi
pal points of registration for Shoshone hunk
I he i;rcat rule of health -Keep
the bowels rcuular.
And tlic ureal medicine-
Avcr's Pills. ui:,rm'-
tin i at. or tii-ounn un n. r hau to , hahi n
It's the
who makes a suc
cess these stren
uous days.
Fvery energy
must he applied.
Kvery good meth
od adopted.
The First Na
tional Bank
ofTi-rs the method
of keeping and
piiying money
which the smart
est liuslneis men
. employ. An ae
' count with It, will
relieve you of a lot
of worry and put
jour Imslne-tHon a
higher plane.
on Ice at
Bears the