The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 19, 1906, Image 6

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    Murray Department
I If ih'I f tin: ifuh rs of the Juurwd kwir f i
UV mint till ttt mt ff ,l!l! J,u imi.j
iU,;t .., if. m ..fn.ftrt.Nt in thi vh-initi ond .rill m.iil vim to f'.i o'Jl'-t it will aMnr thi lum;;,
" " ! " .
j B A N K 1 1H (a
THIS BANK Is run on safe and
conservative methods, sanc
tioned by a board of directors
composed of some of Cass coun
ty's most substantial and honor
able citizens, who meet In regu
lar session to tro over and pass
upon all motters affecting the
welfare of the institution. Your
savings are sacredly guarded,
and depositors are recognlcd as
having personal rights in know
ing Just how our business Is
transacted. This Is a bank or
honest, Investment, free from
any risks of speculation.
Murray Stale Bank.
Chas. S. Stone, Cashier. Murray. Neb.
t iitxxmrarrsxsammmvrs assent tamxsamEwmmaxmxBataBai
Dr. (lilmoie was a county s,'at vlsl"
tor Monday.
Joe Lloyd of Plattsmeuth was In
Murray Wednesday.
James Campbell was a riattsmoutli
visitor Wednesday evening.
W. S. Smith and wife were Platts
mouth visitors Sunday evening
T. J. Rrendel and wife wero Platts
mouth visitors Sunday evening.
W. II. McDanlcl was transacting
business In riattsmoutli Monday.
J oo Lloyd Is at work with his new
threshing machine south of town.
W. S. Smith was InOmahaTuesday,
returning home Wednesday morning.'
The tirst issue of the Murray Mes
senger will appear Friday of this week.
l'.illle l'.rown and C. S. Stone were
transacting business in Union Tuesday
Mrs. (!et. Conrad and niece, Miss
Laura i'itmann, went to Omaha Wed
nesday evening.
('has. Melteynokls and (leo. Conrad,
from near Nehawka, were In Murray
Tuesday evening.
(ieo. Soullimajde, of Omaha, was In
Murray Wednesday, Interviewing our
grocery merchants.
Peter Smith, residing west of town.
was taking in the street lair at, I'latts-
mo. .th one day last week.
Dennis Dannlher, residing two milis
northeast of Mm ray, Is quite hick, suf
lerlng With an attack of heart failure.
F. M. Mastic, our sterling demo
crat ic friend from Mt. Pleasant, was
transacting business In Murray Tues
day. Misss I'.essie liiciulel ritumed home
Tuesday evening from a week's visit
Willi her brother, Dr. Hrendcl, who is
living In A viva.
Joe ('lemons, of Ilavelock, a former
resident of Cass county, was here Sun
day, the guest of his cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. M. 15. Churchill.
Herman Relke, from down near
Union, was In Murray Tuesday tran
sacting business with our popular
hardware man, L. R. Underwood.
Father Rradley, of I'lattsmouth, was
In Murray Tuesday afternoon enroute
to the home of Mis. John West to see
Uncle Jos. Kastel, who Is a very sick
man, suffering from ailments develop
ed from the Injuries received in the
accident at Omaha some time ago.
The eld gentleman Is suffering from
septicaemia, a form of blood poisoning
that may result in death, although the
friends and relatives still entertain
hopes for his recovery.
The promoters of the Murray lecture
course are very thankful to those la
dies who worked so hard In disposing
of the season tickets and thereby as
surlng the success of the same.
Wm. Hendricks Is making some sub
stantial Improvements on his town
property this week, in the way of add
ing a new room and remodellngothcrs.
W. W. Hamilton Is assisting In the
carpenter work.
Miles Standlsh, whom we reported
as being Injured last week while at
tending to his chores, Is fast gaining
strength, and at this time Is able to
look after a portion of the light work
about the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Young, residing
six miles southwest of Murray, are re
joicing this week over the arrival of a
new baby boy at their home on Mon
day evenlni:. Roth mother and little
one are doing nicely.
l'liillip Lambert orders a copy of the
Journal sent to W. D. Whalen In Oma
ha this week If you want the news
of this neighborhood and the county In
general, you will be compelled to sub
scribe for the Journal.
A dampener was placed on the hay-
In.? seri.M.ii this wick by the numerous
showers that have vlsltul this section
In l ho past few (lays A great deal has
hi . n cut and is down, but the showers
prevented the shocking or stacking of
A. J Engclkemcler and wife have
removed to the old Hansen farm, six
miles northwest of Murray, which
place Mr. Knuclkcmcler purchased
some time ago. Mr. Eugclkcmeier has
been farming the place this season and
is only a short distance from where he
formerly lived.
'Ulllle" Rrownell, representing the
I'lattsmouth Telephone Co., has been
In Murray the past few days, selling
stock In the above mentioned com
pany. He has been very successful, as
our farmers know a good thing when
they see It, and are willing to place
thtlr money where It is safe.
I'rof. Ash was looking after some
business matters In the county scat
this week. He took a few of his line
paintings with him, that he found
ready sale for. Mr. Ash Is certainly an
artist, and he seldom experiences the
slightest trouble In disposing of his
work at good prices, anil me oniy
secret for the same Is that they
fully w orth the money.
Place your orders for fresh meat.
W. H. McDanlcl has a complete line
for the threshing season, at prices that
will pay ynu to buy at home.
Murray was well represented at the
carnival In I'lattsmouth Saturday
evening. It would be Impossible for
us to get all the names of those attend
ing, so we will not give personal men
tion of any.
Mrs. Connally and her daughter,
Miss Nettie, have removed their house
hold goods to South Omaha, where
they will make their future home.
They still own their Murray property,
although the same Is for sale.
Mrs. L. I!. Underwood, who Is visit
ing friends and relatives In Waller,
Minn., writes home that she Is having
a line time.and will stay the full three
weeks mat sue nianne.i on. aow, we
wonder who buys the box of hon-hciisV
Harvey and Rev (iregg and their
mother, w ho removed in Furnas coun
ty In the early spring, have returned
to Murray, and will make their heme
here. They did not like western Ne
braska, and returned to Cass county to
Rennett Chriswelsser came down
from I'lattsmouth Tuesday evening
for a short visit at the farm, return
ing Wednesday evening accompanied
by his granddaughter, who will visit a
few days with grandma In I'lattsmouth.
J. A. Walker has been suffering a
Those Yha Lie In Knoz ar.i Cedar Cow-
ties Enjoy a Reunion.
A god friend of the Journal, who
lives near Wausa, Neb., sends us the
following account of a reunion of for
mer Cass county people now living in
Knox and Cedar counties:
The ex-Cass county pel pie of. Knex
and Cedar counties gave a picnic Sun-
Jealccs Man Slist Girl and Then Himself
at Marten rtes Last Evening.
Following are the partlculais of the
terrible tragedy enacted at Nebraska
City last evening: Great excitement
was occasioned in and about the Mor
ton house at '.' o'clock last evening,
when a woman was heard pleading iu
one of the upper rooms In the ser
vants' quarters, and a scream for help
n r . M a y. ciw. ri. -
day, July 1.1, In honor of Grandpa and '""" s Vu.te,a
Grandma Frans of Union, who are vis- erccalled and found the door of the
Ring relatives In this vicinity. A room locked. They broe it open and
short program was rendered, consist- found Charles Norrls, the night clerk
ing of singing, J.C.Moore leading In of the hotel, fully dressed lyiar In a
prayer, and a brief speech by C. W. of bloocl 00 the flor. wlth a buI'
Burrows. An excellent picnic dinner let hole through the side of the head,
was served by the ladies, and to tell and Miss Fearl Crouse, one or the din
our old neighbors and friends in Cass In room girls, lying on the bed partly
county that it was one of the most en- disrobed and blood streaming from a
joyable events in the lives of those hole in her forehead,
present but half expresses it. From what can be learned 'rrls
TlinCisscniintvnennlenresentwere LalIlc "clc 4UUUl '""
tim foiinwlnir eentlo.nen and their met the girl and became infatuated
I If. t lJt...!fct.
r,milins- (V V !,r,,w. .1. S. Uur- nil lier. lie gave up msjuowuna
The more coiuetish the foot
the more likely the shoe Is to
become untied. ( Hir shoes show
a marked tendency in this di
rection when the circumstan
ari: such astomakcitdesirable.
There Is nothing t hat will com
pare with our warm weather
loot wear-1 txfords for men and
Oxfords and pumps for women.
Every sfylish leather In Rluch
et, button or lace. White can
vas and colored canvas shoes to
match or harmonl.e with dress
Holmes & Smith
rows, John Sherwood, J. H. Hill, W.
T. Jones, L. C. Hathaway, J. A. Hog
gin, Rob't Cogchcll, John Klaurens
W. R. Dodson, ('. S. Healy, J. I. Lynn,
J. P.. Reckner, J. C Fieiburghouse,
W. K. Deloier, Mrs. James Ward and
Mrs. W. R. Cross, of Union: Karl Pick
ett and wife, Frank Hathaway and
wife, Chas. Anderson and wife, David-
Nettleton .ukI wife, Albert Horn and
wife, H. J. Wenke and wife, Frank
Carroll and wife, J. C. Islington, Rer-
carnival company and remained here.
The girl was then working as a domes
tic with a private family, lie secured
a place for her as dining room girl at
the hotel and afterwards he was given
the position as night, clerk. He was
twenty-two years of a..- and the girl
sixteen. They were both together a
great deal on the streets i!nd I e was
Insanely jealous.
He culled the girl into room last
night and after making her partly dis
robe shot her in the forehead, and
Mr. Holme Recovering.
A great many times during the past
Mm I.vilmr C. ' nnd I! t' flnnd.
Tim friends ioined the tanking sue was ueaa p.auieu uie re-
n i Li. i j -j i i
party and assisted very materially in voiver 10 n.s i.eao auu uisc. urKeu a,
making the event one long to be re- - "-m
membered by the participants: Mr. which blood and bra ns gushed. I is
and Mrs. J. C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. C. not t,,ouht Posslble for to ll,ve
W. Chalner, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hayes, ana some rears are enieruuneu ior wo
Mrs. Mundt, Mrs. Ed. Floury, Otto recovery of the girl.
Nelson and wife, II. L. Jorgensen and oh5' parents are wealthy land
th.,.i,i r. u v r.., owners near nausourg, iio. ne leiu
Wl.e, mis. i.iuimv, mm. i. v u . , , .
MiPa Ollvn Dlesnn. Rertha Oleson. uume auuu" luut ) cal3 au icau"
j. . i.anu IA.UI auiibnt.K - iwu years nas tue Juuuiai pi lutcu ai . rnnvlnu llfo hnr irnlni tinmo nc
great deal for the past fewdays with a ,oug DCWS itemslnregard to the health Nannie Guss and Anna Fosberg, Carl ' J roav log i ir B, out p sing home oc
.,!, r n..,,.,n MrihonHt . n-. . i j,,i,ps. Vrank Jaeohson.Peter Johnson, casionaiiy. li.e parents 01 tne gin
. m. ivn,. ,unrwi ti,o . ...j ..v...u. r w Xpisnn. resiae at ivockport, iio., ana are poor
ii-w jua.s mi. ..ttmi umua.i,u ... we lluu WK opui tuiiiiy ui puuusuiuK Vnrrls wrntp a lettpr to his mother
approach of the present season, as this one that will bring as much joy to the The time passed oil so pleasantly, n"let lpl ' h
trouble has made Its appearance for many friends and relatives as we now that it was with deep regret wnenuia r ; ' nniil " . tllp pnrnnpr.nd
three consecutive vears at this time, h.ave. ..ast few months she Sol hied himself behind the western Is n tiie possess on of the coroner ana
nnrt e.mtlnues fnralMiut two months. 1 1, mnHo mnirt imins. nnrl whilp wp horizon, and we knew it was time for wl" ue PeDea e-
James Root and wife and daughter, cannot say that she has entirely re- adjournment. All repaired to their
nr. .i i i,;. LnrnH im r.iintit-PG fi.rtiinHruttimn various homes, feeling that it was
il rs. .'1 llllliu uuon, m.iu aic iiut i3iu- wmm, iviu.i.i,', i. ,,v ...o. ..i.,
Ing In Warren, Ohio, write tohcr In all her sickness, entertain hopes for good to be there, and In the hope that
home folks saying that they will soon her permanent recovery. Mrs. Holmes some more of their friends from old
depart for RulTalo, and from that city has suffered a great deal and at times Cass might visit them and a repetition
will start on the return trip, going to the relatives nearly lost all hopes for ot mis pieasant exent ian oe nan.
Cleveland. Chicago and various towns her, and it will indeed he joyful news
hi Michigan. They are having an ex- to the many f 1 lends to learn that she
ccllent time. will regain her strength once more
R. M. Shrader and wRe and son, a letter from Mr. Holmes he says
Chester, of Hendley, Neb., arrived in that they have rented their farm, held
Murray last Saturday evening, at the a public sale, selling olT all personal
, .,.i t, n.i Trc property, and will about the last of
T , J . M 'and M X V this month move to M urray to make M . Annie Puis Tuesday.
Timif win n.miin iiimir two tlieir home, having rented a residence J.ihn Rauer, of I'lattsmouth deli ver-
'. , ' i i.i,.,..i.,.,o..,c.,n property from Uncle Sam Latta. Mr.
V ITKS, tlll.l .11 Lliv; litij i.ifc. .-...ifcciw.i. i - - -
lioimcswiii rent 1 1 is i.i.ui mi li.c pie
sent at least. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes
have a host of friends in Cass county,
where they lived for many years, who
will be mighty glad to welcome them
back to the old home.
Magpie Grove
(Spcrlul Corrisjnik!.ci)
John Habel made a business trip to
Om:'ia Thrsday.
Mrs. Emma Ilild visited her sister
It is always well to have a box of
salve In the house. Sunburn, cuts,
bruises, piles and boils, yield to De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Should
keep a box on hand all times to pro
vide for emergencies. For years the
standard, but followed by many
imitators. Re sure you get the genu
ine HeWitt's Wilcli Hazel Salve. Sold
bv F. G. Fricke x Co. and Coring &
Mr. Shrader says his crops In Furnas
county are looking line, ai d that he Is
well pleased with that part of the
While in Murray Wednesday the
Journal man accepted the kind invita
tion of Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Gilniorc to
take dinner with them at their most
pleasant home. It Is indeed a pleas
ure to be remembered upon such occa
sions, as the usual country newspaper
man is always prepared for such an ex
cellent meal as we were given on
Wednesday. Please accept our thanks.
Lecture Course.
The people of Murray and vicinity
have made arrangements with the Co
operative Lyceum Rureau fora course
of lectures this winter. The course
will consist of four numbers and will
begin In October and continue until
spring. They are as follows: "Dixie
Jubilee Singers," "Jas. B. Watson,"
"Imperial Quartette," and "Brush,
the Great." Enough tickets have been
How Is That Range?
IF you need a new one let
us hVure with vou. We
have the best range on the
market anil wottU he glail
to show it and give prices. flutay SattsfiUory'PAnse
Call and look atthe host range in the land, examine
its good points, if in need of one you'll buy.
We also have a number of the
Grcvt New Lightning
Feed Grinder
ed two ranges in this city Monday.
Quite a number from this section at
tended the street fair at I'lattsmouth
last week;
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis visited at
the home of Michael Ilild at i'latts
mouth Sunday.
Two Barns Burned.
A special from Elm wood, under date
of July IS says: "Yesterday after
noon two barns belonging to II. F.
Krulle, were totally destroyed by tire.
The buildings were situated on the
outskirts and it was Impossible to
reach them with city water. Fortun
ately no wind was blowing at the
time, so that the fire was kept from
Only 82 Year Old.
"I am only 82 years old and ion't e-n-ci
even when I get to be real old to
r- el that way as long as I can get Elec
i iu hitters," says Mrs. E. II. Rruosoo,
( Dublin, Ga. Surely there's nothing
ie keeps the old as youocr and makes
me weak as strong as this grand tonlo
medicine. Dyspasia, torpid liver, in
Humeri kldneysor chronic constipation
are unknown a'lei taking Electric Bit-
tjuite a game of ball was played at spreading to other buildings. Both
Jake Hild's pasture last Sunday among barns were tilled with hay. The bulld-
our home boys.
George Schafer, of Manley, made a
weeks' stay at the home of Mrs.
Schafer near here.
Threshing has begun in this locality
end the fall wheat Isgood, making from
3o to "k) bushels per acre.
August Engclkemelcr and family,
P. A. Ilild and family, W. H. Puis and
Ings were Insured In the German of
Freeport for l-'T".. The general opin
ion Is that the fire was the result of
matches in the hands of small boys."
t.ri a reasonable i ime. Guaranteed family visited at the home of William
bv F G. Fricke X Co., drugtfisU. l'rlce Puis Sunday.
oo cents per bottle.
Dr. Elster, Dentls,
Waterman Blook
D.O. DNYER, Attomcy-at-LGW
sold to assuro the appearance of these Qffce in building CQSt of COUrt which adds one more family to this
that we would like to show you.
It's the best grinder sold today,
hearing all the improvements,
and is a irreat monev save to
stock raisers.
To guarantee the funds necessary to
meet the prices of these companies a
committee of ten was appointed to sell
tickets In advance. Ovcronc hundred
tickets were sold the first week, which
practically covers the cost. Tickets
shall be good for reserved seats and
shall cost as follows: Family tickets,
$.".0O; adult, ll..")0 and children " cents
for the season. Single admission fifty
cents. Settlement for season tickets
shall be made on or before the first of
Notice to Farmers!
1 have purchased a new Westing
house traction engine and separator,
and prepared to thrash your small
grain In tirst class shape. Before con
tracting your work let us figure with
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
J. T. Li.. .vn.
J ust received a car of the American
fencing If In need of any please give
us a call nefore buying.
ASKMlssKX & Lol l KS.
For Sale!
A acre farm close to Murray; fair
Improvements. For particulars cal
on or address C. S. Stunk,
Murray, Neb.
Farmer, took!
If you are In need of new hay fork
rope, please boar In mind that we carry
a high grade rope and have some on
band. Call and see us. Holmes A
Smith, Mynard.
How About Thai
You Have Promised Yourself
lor the Past Few Months?
My complete line has
arrived and my prices
will be right. Call in
early and let me show
you that I am in posi
tion to give you a
For Congressman.
The News does not know who will
be nominated by the democrats of the
First district for congress, but we
know of two men who would make ad
mirable candidates. One Is the genial
and affable mayor of Plattsmouth
Henry Gerlng, and the other Is that
brainy and versatile gentleman who
has long been an editorial writer on
Bryan's Commoner and who Is so well
known among the labor element of
the state-Will Maupln.
The News Is not prejudiced, but like
town. Maple Grove Is growing every an nA mal(i ..iiaDDv we would be
year. 'twere other dear charmer away."
R. A. Young had a big smile on his Either would be satisfactory.
face Tuesday and we all wondered Hy the way, why has not the corn-
why. Hut we soon found out that he mlttee called a meeting of the con
was a grandpa, that a boy had been gresslonal convention? Why this dc-
borntoMr. and Mrs. u. E. loung. lay ?-Ncbraska City News.
We hone to see Hob pass around the
rlirar nrettv soon. aaiuraay. iuiy o.
tm, r,.d, mt Wi.i. nulto nn aecl- reopie s innepenaeni party 01
dent last Saturday night while he and a county will meet in Weeping
... lnAi in wit ii prim .iiilv'M nr n ma
Z. W. Shrader, W. II. l'ulsand John
Noel were delegates to the county
convention at Plattsmouth Saturday
from Mt. Pleasant precinct.
Mr. and Mrs. August Engelkemeler
moved in their new home Monday
his family were returning from town.
He met someone and turned out and
happened to hit a culvert and upset
his buggy which resulted In spraining
one of his lower limbs, which will lay
him up fora fewdays. Nootherharm
was done.
How I Thi?
Twenty-seven thousand (JT.UOo) acres
of the Fort Auply Reservation lands In
Woodard county, Oklahoma, now on
the market . Come, hurry up, or you
will le too late to get a chance of se
curing a farm In this tine country. The
price Is In reach of all. Parties wish
ing to look at this land can join our
excursion party. For further particu
lars call on or write to
Plattsmouth, Neb.
' Residence at the end of fith street
andLtncoln Avenue.
For Kale-Second hand furniture.
Inquire second door west of Christian
Water on Saturday. Julys, at one
o'clock for the purpose of selecting
nine delegates to their state conven
tion in Lincoln on Wednesday.Aug.l."..
Ml klnilri-nt:il wnrk. I'IiiIch ni iil(thl
lit. 1M y.'i.rn c ihtLtji'I'. I'rU'e ri'Anbl.
Work Ku.irintct'd.
TKl.fct'lloNi: So. S oh 47
Lands, Ranches and City Real F.state
In Nebraska and elsewhere bought
. sold and exchanged.
Iti'iitala. Inxiimnee ami Alwlrvtl.u of
Tltlf. M.irn-y lo loitn .it a low ru of
Int.'rcvt on ImpMV.'il f:m.n. Ilmlni'w
rorrt.iml.'nM In all Important cltlwi
uml tonsl.i the L'ulteU Slit.,
' R. B. WINDHAM, Pridnl
W. W. WINDHAM , SteraUry