The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 19, 1906, Image 5

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    Kroehler & Kroehler
In selecting your spring neeils, please bear in mind that
we carry a complete line of Builders' Material
in the Hardware Line. Also,
and the old
Buck's Stoves
and Ranges
We do all kinds of Roofing, Repairing and Spouting. ( all and see us.
hmi IS
Supreme Court Asked to Stale Exactly
Where It Begins in Cases.
Don't allow money to lie around.
Is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it
tj keeping it In a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock $")0,000, Surplus 115,000
CUs. C. Pai-mole. Pres., Jucob Trltscli, V-P,
T. M. Patterson. Cusli.
You can give a check for any part of
It at any time and so have a receipt
for payment w itiiout asuing ior one.
When vou have a hank account you
will he anxious to add to it rather than
spend from it. lon't you want to
kuow more about It.
No appetite, loss of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to Indigestion.
Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural Juices of diges
tion as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonlo
and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion
and dyspepsia, - but this famous remedy
cures all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Ball, of Rivanswood. W. V.. iiyi:
" I wis troubled with tour itomich (or twenty ytin.
Kodol cured me end we ere now using It In milk
(or bby,"
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Size holding 2M times the trial
tlie. which sells for 50 cents.
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT 00., OHIOAOO.
Gerino; it Co.
Osteooathic Physician
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Coiiti s Murk. riKHii-t.T) iindU. Oflk'ehoure
9 to 12 a. in.. 1 Uta p. in. mid " to II p. in. by ap
pointment. 'JVIeplionrs, (illlci- 347; residence
at I'erklns Hotel.
Great Water Damage Sale!
Now in
Full Blast
15fe R.elia.ble Store
Now in
Full Blast
Interest Still Increases
In this
Greatest of all Great Bargain Events
After over a week of tremendous selling
our stock still remains practically intact.
When you come to consider that this store
carried probably four times as large a stock
as any one store in this part of the country
the fact is in no way surprising. Hundreds
of thousands of dollars worth of goods
which could not be -shown previous to
this time, will be placed on sale during
the coming week and will offer to you
Bargain Opportunities as
Great as Ever.
How far may a criminal trial pro
Kress before the accused person Is
placed "In jeopardy," which under the
constitution of the I'nlted States can
I he done only once for the same of
fense? Ioes the prosecution have the
right to supplement Its case after evi
dence has been heaid and a motion by
the defense for a directed verdict over
ruled, by rectifying an error In the
complaint and starting the proceed
ings anew In proper legal form?
These questions are presented to the
supreme court of Nebraska In a case
brought up on error from Otoe county,
says the Lincoln News, the defendant
being; Herman Stelnkuhler, who was
fined $100 and costs last September for
having In possession without all
cense alcoholic liquors kept on hand
to he sold. Stelnkuhler lives at lUirr
a small village of that county, where
the offense occurred. His trial was
started and proceeded to the point
where a nlea of not utilit y had been
entered, a jury empanelled, testimony
for the state introduced and a motion
for dismissal denied. The prosecution
then secured permission In amend its
hill of particulars, after which it ol
jected to one of the jurors silting in
the trial and by that means obtained
a continuance, the entire jury being
discharged, .subsequently, the case
was tried again and Stelnkuhler was
In their undertaking before the su
premc court, lawyers for the defend
ant contend that the constitutional
rights of their client were violated by
placing him on trial twice for the
same offense. They argue that the
tlrst hearing was to all Intents and
purposes complete so far as the state
was concerned, and that Stelnkuhler
was entitled to the benefit of and mis
take that the state may have made In
Its conduct of the case. The action of
the trial Judge In allowing a revision
of the complaint and granting a con
tinuance Is alleged to have been
wrongful under the constitution and
In the view of the attorney general'
ollicc, which has just offered its an
swering brief to the supreme court
this position Is not well grounded
The tirief points out that the sulll
ciency of the complaint was objected
to by the defense, and that the county
attorney, by asking leave to amend
confessed it to be inadequate. Thi
being the case, it is maintained that
the defendant was at no time placed
in actual jeopardy. The argument i
ulvanced that to show former jeop
ardy it must appear that the accused
was put upon trial before a court hav
Ing jurisdiction on an information suf
licient in form and substance to secure
Some further objection has been
made by Steinkuhler's counsel to para
graphs in the trial court's instructions
to the jury, one of which left it an
open question to he determined
whether hop ale, nerve tonic and
similar compounds were intoxicating
beverages. The attorney general
brief defends this paragraph by show
tng that does not amount to a posi
tive Instruction from any standpoint
Walt Mason In Town.
The IrrepiessiUe Walt Mis.. n, known '
tn perhaps tverv newspaper in
Nebraska, is in the city today, In the
interests . f Lis publication at -
itriee. Mr. Mason is an old-timer
In the newspaper business, ami one ol
the finest descriptive writers In the
west, and if lie succeeds in bis mission j
here, l'l .ittsiiioutll people will somi i
have the pleasure of reading an atticle
from liis pen portrawng the many
gutid things about I'lattsmouth and
her people. Mr. Mason Is now en
gaged In publication in magazine form,
,it Beatrice, but for several years was
one of the principal writers on the
State Journal at Lincoln, of course
he was a caller at these headquarters
Gets Fined to the Limit.
One of the web feet from across the
river accumulated a good-shed "snoot
ful" last night and proceeded to cele
brate. As a result one C. V. rerklns
was arraigned before Judge Archer
this morning on a charge or being
drunk, and conducting himself in a
vicious and offensive manner. He
pleaded guilty and was taxed to the
limit, h0 and costs, and in delault.
of which lie was remanded to the
county jail to work out his line,
amounting in all to h, upon the
Silks, Wash
Goods, Laces,
broideries, Art
Fancy Leather
Goods, Dress
Ribbons, Em
Needle Work,
Goods, Ladles'
Mualin and Knit Underwear,
Corsets, Hosletry, Ladies' Suits,
Waists, Skirts, Jackets, Millin
ery, Table and Fancy Linens,
Muslins, Sheetings, Domestics
of all Descriptions.
Men's Clothing, Hats, Caps,
Men's, Ladies' and Children's
Shoes, Men's Shirts, Hosiery,
Underwear, Furniture, Carpets.
Rugs, Curtains and Draperies.
Wall Paper, Pianos and Orga'hs,
small Musical Instruments,
Sheet Music and Books. Hard
ware and House Furnishings,
China and Glassware.
Goods Are Marked Regardless of Cost.
It would pay ytt t0. come hundreds of miles prepared to
tupply four needs at this Great Sale.
gSS? MaydenBros;06'
uon't Bo Backward.
Do not hesitate to ask for a free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. We arc glad to give
them to anyone who Is troubled with
biliousness, constipation or any disor
dcr of the stomach. Many have been
permanently cured by their use. F. 0
Fricke Si Co. and A .T. Fried druggists
American Held fencing and poultry
netting at Asemisscn & Louck's.
Burlington Pay Car Went Into a Ditch and
Causes Delay cf Several Hours.
Paymaster Beans and Roadmaster Ibsan
Were Slightly Injured.
he Lodge Get All They Wanted From the
Supreme Court.
A (Jrand Island, Neb., correspon
dent savs: "Silas I!, ilarton, grand
recorder of the Ancient Order I'nited
Workmen, has returned from Mont
real, Canada, where the session of the
supreme lodge, Ancient Order I'nited
Workmen, has been held. M r. Ilarton
states that Nebraska's delegation se
cured about all that It asked for and,
In common with other jurisdictions
similarly situated, wanted.
"The supreme lodge was one of the
most favorable ever held for years,"
saysMr.Harton. The Nebraskajurisdle-
tlon has absolutely refused to pay un
der the law the guarantee fund asked
for by the supreme lodge for the reason
that the amount requested was, In the
judgment of this jurisdiction, the
same as bankruptcy; and conseciuently
the Nebraska jurisdiction refused to
pay the assessment. Through the
strength of the delegation from Ne
braska and other jurisdictions the
supreme lodge was amended in such a
manner I hat from and after .1 uly 1 the
guarantee fund will be doncaway w ith
and leach jurisdiction make its own
rates raise and Invest its own reserve
fund and in fact lias everything that
the Nebraska jurisdiction has striven
for, the right of selfgnvernment.
M. K. Nehultz of Ileal rice was
chosen as inside watch by that body
and S. 11. Ilarton was named as a mem
ber o the linance committee. I hiring
the session Nebraska members held
very important places on the commit-
t.iees. Jacob Jaskalek, of South ma-
ha, was placed on the committee of
"good of the order," M. K. Schult. on
the committee of "merger" and S. II.
Ilarton on the committee on "condi
tion of the order" which committee
had to do with the vital question rela
tive to the guarantee fund and to the
preservation of the high rate jurisdic
tions. O. J. Van Dyke was on the ad
visory committee of the degree of
honor. Will M. Narvis was re-elected
supreme master workmen. The Su
preme Lodge r.ulletin, published at
Sioux Falls, and a source of much ex
pense to the organization, was discon
tinued and all communications from
supreme lodge will be sent t3 the local
organs of the various Jurisdictions.
Several committees of less Importance
were cut off. An attempt was made
to reduce the representation, but it
A 'phone message was received at
Hie Journal odice just before we had
gone to press Thursday afternoon
stating that a serious wreck had oc
curred near Louisville, In which the
pay car, which had left this city about
2 o'clock, had been wrecked near
Louisville. A reporter Immediately
proceeded to the llurllngton depot In
an effort to nahi some information re
garding the accident, but im one
seemed to know an thing about it. A
reporter might just, as well bunt lor a
needle In a hav slack as to try to get
any particulars of railroad accident-,
from oiieofthe employes. They are
adverse lo giving particulars about
such tilings, through compulsion, or
ot hem ise.
The accident occurred, however,
about one mile west of Louisville, and
at about the hour of .!: I'i p. in. The
particulars of which, as near as we
can glean them, are about as follows:
A bridge over a small stream was
washed out by Hie heavy rain of a
short time previous, and the engineer
did not see it until It was too late to
slop his t rain. The underpinning of
the bridge was entirely swept away,
leaving the rails suspended in midair.
1'nable to avert an accident, the en
gineer threw on a full head of steam
and the engine and pay car cleared the
bridge without leaving the track, al
though the track sagged at least four
feet. After landing safely on the op
posite side the tender left the rails
and went Into the ditch.
Paymaster lleans received a severe
scalp wound and was cut about the
face In several places. Koadmaster
Ibsan was perhaps the most seriously
injured, receiving a badly sprained
back. A wrecking crew was soon on
on the grounds and had everything in
shape for the passing of trains. Ills
very fortunate that the accident r
suited no worse.
I Give Up Their Jobs.
I The Nebraska City 1'iesi gives the
following, which shows the lesulls of
I reading "Nick Carter" novels, it will
; be well for some of the young men of
this vicinity, who do nothing but sit
around under the shade of t he trees
leading this "high class literal i: re" to
prollt thereby:
"Not long since two young Ne
braska I'll v men ma le application to
a Detective Agency for a commission
authorizing them to 'detect' crimi
nals. The fact was cltculated iiiitu
freely and Wednesday evening a joke
was 'framed up' on the alleged 'detec
tives.' A traveling man assumed the
roll of a l'inkerton detective and the
two followers of Sherlock llolmeN
were led by the 'l'inkerton' to au un
frcvuented spot and a shot ilred Into
the air. Kyewltnesses assert that the
way one of the 'King Itradeys' hit the
pike would have done credit to an os
trich race at a county fair. It N said
that the gentlemen with the 'Nick
Carter' aspirations have withdrawn
from act Ive service an I severed their
conned Ion w It h t he detect Ive bureau."
Snved His Comrade's Life.
"While returning from the (irand
Army lmcampment at Washington
City, acomrade from I.lgin, 111., was
taken with cholera morbus and was in
a critical condition,'1 says Mr. J. V.
lioagland, ol Lldon, Iowa. "I gavt
him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Ilemcdyand believe saved
his life. 1 have been engaged for ten
years In Immigration work and con
ducted many parties I o the southwest
I always carry this remedy and have
used it successfully on many occasion"
Sold by F. (i. Fricke & Co. and A. T.
FqrAny Class of Work
Consult Larson
He will take bold of it md
personally superintend same.
Hatto: "Work with you: lortnii itt tin nlttiku"
Thirty Yenrs in rinttu
motitli, nml I lmve built
.noro buildings in Ciuks
county tluin nil the other
carpenters. Fnir trentmcnt
fissured nil, nntl prompt
find satisfactory comple
tion of all undertnkinga
Any Class of Work
Any Sire of Building
Your (or Buslnoss
Most complete line of screen wire to
be found In town, also screen doors
and window screen frames. Asemisscn
Si Louck.
Struck By Lightning.
The Louisville Courier gives the
following particulars of a barn that
was struck by lightning during the
storm last Thursday: "During the
electrical storm Thursday afternoon
C. Ci. Maytield's barn was struck by
lightning while he and his two sons
and hired man were In the barn. They
had just finished unloading hay and
the storm came up licforc they could
get their teams out of the drive way
and Into the basement. The bolt
struck directly above them on the roof,
divided and went down each side tear
ing up the bhlnglcs and spliting the
rafters from top to bottom. Fire was
started In two dllfcrent places, and It
was only by their being right In the
barn and acting quickly that it was
saved." Louisville Courier.
The editor of an exchange with a
head full of "queer thoughts," prints
the following: "If we were to an
nounce that you could get this paper
thirty days for three beers, every dc
cendant of Adam would know that
meant 13 cents, but If wo were to say
that It could be sent three months for
the price of a hymn book, half of them
would not know whether we had rais
ed the subscription rate or were giv
ing the paper away."
Disappointment to Many.
The Lincoln Star of Friday, In
speaking of the wreck near Louisville
Thursday says:
"There were many disappointed
worklngmen In Lincoln, last night,
when they learned that the llurllng
ton pay car had gone Into the ditch
near Louisville. One family was
obliged to postpone a long-planned
vacation trip because the head of the
house, who is a railroad man, could
not get his pay to defray the expenses
of the journey.
"Paymaster lleans was injured when
the car rolled from the track. Koad
master Ibsen was also put to the bad,
though neither man is said to bo seri
ously affected. The roadmaster I;
Just recovering from an accident he
sustained In the Omaha yards some
weeks ago when he stepped sldcwlse
on a rail and wrenched his ankle. Mr.
lleans received a cut on the head,
which physicians found easy to dress.
"The feature of the wreck was the
gallant search for medical aid con
ducted by the section men, and the
brilliant dash to the rescue on a hand
car. The physician reached the scene
of the catastrophe before It was too
late to tic bandages on the sutlerers
and then the wrecking outlit arrived.
"The car was somewhat damaged by
the accident, though by no means be
yond repair, lloth paymaster and
roadma.ster will lind themselves able
to resume their regular duties almost
As Trusts are the Order ol the Republican
Party, Let Wheat Raisers Also
Get the Benefit.
There no doubt is a movement on
foot among the wheat producing
oiiul les In many of the slates to form
it nisi to protect themselves. and I hey
will strive to make dollar wheat by
operating through the assistance of
the American Society of lenity of In
dianapolis, I ml. The society has a list
t)f 120 counties In the winter wheat
stales and many Nebraska counties
are Included In the list, and Cass
county Is one of them. These 120
counties produce nearly one-half of
the winter wheat and if the farmers
In there will refuse to market or will
market slowly after harvest, the price
will surely be forced to l at Chicago.
The society have set the I'.tOH crop at
i'i, If It Is a large one, and if material
damage occurs to spring wheat the.
price will be set higher and notice
given to I he farmers. The American
Society of Faulty at Indianapolis Is
now becoinlngnatlonal In itsscopeand
is constantly at work on a plan to
unite the tillers of t he soil In one huge,
and powerful organization to not only
control the market supply and demand
but also to dictate the prices that
shall be paid on the markets for farm
products -wheat, corn, barley, rye,
cotton, etc. - as well as cattle and
hogs. This organization Is nothing
more or less than the outcome of
trusts, which have extorted from the
producers and the consumers to the.
limit and now the fanners are going
to try th Ir hand In the way of a coun
ter trust organization for their own
exclusive benefit as well as protection.
Can you blame them?
Did You Ever Think?
Did you ever stop to think that our
city is a city that enjoys many natural
and acquired resources a city that
needs but the skillful manipulation of
man to make them yield bountifully
of their rich treasures a substantial
city whose foundations are laid upon a
soil that cannot be surpassed for pro
ductiveness - a city supplied with the
very best and purest of water a city
whose educational advantages have
reached a standard through the skill
ful direction of competent oftlclals
second to that of no other place of its
size anywhere-a city where harmony
among the communicants of the dif
ferent churches ism perfect accord
with the ohjoot sought by our fore
fathers of tho "Mayflower" and all
doctrines are ably expounded with un
trammeled freedom from the pulpits
of our different churches a city whose
social advantages are eiual to those
afforded by places many times Its size .
(and age a city where the rich enjoy
every luxury desired, and the prior are
not allowed to suffer a city where
peace and good will toward all men Is
Nebraska Land Frauds.
A new feature was recently develop
ed In the Nebraska land fraud cases. In
addition to the charges hitherto de
veloped in a number of cases the alle
gation of forgery is now made. The
tlrst of the prosecutions under the new
charge is that, of J. II, Kd mis ten of
Lincoln, the well known politician and
oil Inspector under Governor Holcomb.
A true bill growing out of the charge
of fraudulent signatures signed to
homestead affidavits was returned
against htm.
Young Cat of Dropsy.
On Tuesday Dr. Jester was called to
the home of O. O. I'arkcr, living south
of town, to see his little eight-year-old
son who has been suffering with dropsy
since last February. When the doc
tor arrived there the child's abdomen
was so distended that it measured 42
Inches and It was thought best to
"tap" him. Dr. Jester performed the
operation assisted by Dr. II. K. Moore,
druggist, of I'almyra. About two
gallons of water were secured at the
time of the operation and Ids parents
say fully as much more has been drain
ed out since. The child Is Improving
but his condition is dangerous, and
the results arc uncertain. lie has
just returned from Denver where ho
was taken about four weeks ago for
treatment. Figlo lleacon.
In taking their departuro Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Longhorst and Mr. and
Mrs. Stark were accompanied on their
return home to Kim wood by Mr. and
Mrs. oscncrans as far as Orcapolls.
Ot course Mrs. Itoscncrans being with
them there was no danger of the party
being put on the wrong train.