The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1906, Image 7

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    4 4
fLsa Inn
All the Late Styles
in Ready-to-Wear
Clothing for Men
and Boys.
Gents' Plain and
Fancy Dress Shirts.
Waterman Block
Clothing, Boots and Shoes
and Men's Furnishing Goods
li Men's I Rovs New and Uo-to-Date Sorinci Clothinn I Pl&ttsinoutl.. Neb.
I in b . t -j in j
Xcoal advertisements. ptatesestofthkconi.ition Mvirdock Avoca
"""'"N"",W'",N"rN"S"' - .... t a k k!i,....l,. 1 r- 1 I I
IVIIfiSTON I MM iVn R n NR ,n,u. - v...M.H....-m,
Statu ir Nr.HKAkA, 1 i ,.,.,. i,,,,
In the mailer of the s.u'.e uf AimwTvfft,
.Nutwe i 'nereby given 1 1 1 u i ilie rie;;iui of
kuWI ilereasf il will meet the AdiTilnisinttor of
Niiid estate. Iieiiiie me. County .luiltrx of I'UVi
County, Net nusk a. lit tlic I 'utility I milt room
In I'latlsiiiiiiiili, In sulil County, on the 1st dny
of Aiitrust, lli. and on tlie Jnri nay el Fetiru
ury. lt'7, at 111 o'clock . in., enrli dny, for the
imriHKc uf present lilt: t licit' I'lulms for exami
nation, adjustment and allowance.
fix months from the .'nd day of .luly. 1!H,
are allowed tor the creditors of said licensed
to present tlielrclulins. and one year forthe
Administrator to settle said estate, from the
U'ud day of July. Weil.
Witness my hand aAl seal of said County
Court, at I'laltsiiioutli. Nehruska. t his inil (lay
of .Inly. Itmi. I'akvkv 1'. Tkaviu,
stAl.. County .Itiiltre.
riattsmuuth, Nebraska, on the
30th (lay of J une , lSKKi.
I'list niortcmre loans
Stock loans
cash 4:.; :v
lcliiuii:ctit Interest, pre nilnm and
(Mher assets. Insurance and taxes iiald
nnd iiilvnncetl 1.7.11
Ileal estate 'oiii ni'-ls..l MM '
44'.si:t 4:1
;t.sii! hi
::ki s4
Corrected weekly by Martin & TW.,
who pay the highest prices fur produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Ilotrs. ..
. I3C.
In County Court of Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter of the est ate of Marcus L. While,
deceased. All is'rsons interested In said estate
are hereby untitled that a iietition lias heen
tiled in t his court, allirlntr t hat the exectit t lx
of the estate of Marcus L. White, is deceased,
and praylntr for the aiiiHilntment of an admin
istrator le Ikiiuis lion, with will annexed: a
liearini,' will lie hud iiikim said lictlt ion at the
County Court liooni, at I'lattsmoiitli, Ne
hraska, on the 24th day of July A. 1. inn, at 10
o'clock a. m. All iiersons Interested In said
estate ate required to show cause on or hefore
KloVliiek of said day why the prayer of said
petition should not lie trranted, or the court
will Hi mit letter of nilinlnltratloii (ie bonus
non. with will annexed of said estate to William
Delles lieriiier, or some other suitalilis iierson
and proceed to a settlement thereof.
HAHVgr li. Tiiavis,
stAL.l County Judge.
In the County Court, County of Cass, Ne
braska. In re estute of James Allison, de
ceased. To all iiersons Interested. You are
hereby untitled that Uimu July Mist A. 1. lt't'
at 10 o'clock a.m. at my office In the City of
I'lattsmoiitli, Nebraska, there will he a hear
inir iiisin the in tltloii of Mary Allison to pro
hate an Instrument said to be the Last W ill
and Testament of .1 Bines Allison, deceased.and
to npiHilm Mary Allison K.xecmri.x anil U'roy
Allison Kxecutor. at which hour all objections
thereto must be on Hie.
Dated this '.'nil (lay of July A. 1. 1!"Vi.
llAIIVl'.V II. TllAVN.
seAi County .ludte.
Capital stock paid up fc','JT4 00
lieserve fund 4 no
I'ndivltled protlls IT.N'7 M
Total M,:UI til
for the year endlnir June':ki, I'.Ml
flalance on hand July 1, MCi $ l.fcTi :
lhies a.4."! 11
Interest, premiums and linen li.tnn li
Loans repaid KI.hH ill
Memltershlp and transfer fee lit" iit
Ileal estate contracts..... "'.'A
Kent II ni
lielliKiuent dues. Interest and tines... 4'c' "I
Hills payable '
Insurani'e and taxes paid and ad
vanced ilV Is
Total....; 4sr.-n -V.
Lonns .' 00
F.xpenses, salaries 7-1 .ri
Stock redeemed lMiTtt Kl
Cash on hand 4.'" T
Mlsc'eljaneous exiienses I III fill
lieal estate contracts l.INl iW
Interest on I'.llls payable 4i l.'i
Hills payable '
liisuraiice and .taxes paid and ad
vanced t S l-s
In the County Com t of Cass County, Nebraska
In the matter of tlie estute of William Weten
kamp. deceased.
All iM rsons interested In the estate of W II
liam Wetenkamp. deceased, will take notice
that E. I. Cummins, administrator with will
annexed of said estate, has tiled his tiual
report in said estate and a petition for
final settlement and for his discharge as such
administrator with will annexed of said estate,
and the court havlntr tlxed tlie 21st day of July.
A. II. Uli, at 10 o'clock a. m., as the tin e of
hearlni.' and the Office of the county ludtre In
said county as the place of hearini.. You are
therefore required to show cause. If any you
have, by said date, why said account should
not he approved and said administrator with
will annexed dlschan.'ed and his bond re
leased. llAIIVHV Tl. TltAVIH.
IpicalI County Judire.
Notice is hereby irlven to all iiersons Inter
ested, that on thesthday of June, A. J. Itti,
Aretas lieynolds and wife. Hat tie Reynolds,
hied their petition In this Court proisislnir to
adopt Kditli Reynolds, a minor child under the
ace of fourteen years.and toirlvp to said minor
child all the rlk'hts, privileges and immunities
of a child Ikiiii In lawful wedhs'k. and the
Home of the Krlendless of IJncoln. Nebraska.
Iiavlntr control of said infant child has tiled a
statement duly signed and ac know led fed that
It desires to rellimulsh to said petitioner all
care, eustisly and control of said minor child.
You are further notltled that by vlitue of mi
order of this court duly enteivil, u heaiini: will
lie had In the County Court ltisun in riatts
motith. Cass county, on the lth day of July,
A. E. Unit, at which Mine .link-mem will lie en
tered on the mutter liefoie the I'ourt.
Iiated June stli, 1!'t',.
Iskai.I II. 1. Tiiavis. County Jndte.
State of Nebraska. , (. (.
C ( ounty,
In the lliutterof tlie estate of l.evl Todd,
Hr., deceased.
Notice Is hereby chen that the ctedllorof
said deceased wlllnieil the Adinlnlst rntoi of
said estate, befote inc. County Jtid.'e of Cu-s
Comity, Nebraska, at the County Court room
In riiittsinimth. in said County, on the bith
day of July. I !'. and on the K'n day of Janu
ary. IH'7, al lo o'clock, a. in., each dny. forthe
purimse of present Intf 1 heir claims for exami
nation, adjust mi nt and allowance.
Six months mi-allowed for the ciedltors of
said deceased to present their claims, fiom
July l!'e. and one year for the Adinlnlst tu
tor to settle said estate, from tiie in Inlay of
June, ltmti.
Wltnesr my hatnl anilser.l of said County
Coun. al I'laitsinnuth. Nebraska .this nth day
June. Huh;. IIauvi v 1'. Tinvts.
stAl..l County Jtidk'".
State of Nr.miAsKA i v
I, Henry I!, (if tini.', secretary of the above
named association, do solemnly swear that the
forefoln.'statement of tlie condition of said
Association, Is true anil correct to tlie liest of
my knowledge and belief.
HENKY K. (.EIlINti. Secretary.
Subset i'ned and swotn to lie fore me this 2d day
of July, itmi. Tiium. Wai.i.imi,
Approved: Notary Tublic
li. M. Smith. i
No. I. lTes No,
Cuttle I.W and 3.uu
Corn 41S Hiul IJ'tO
Wheat ia and t.V
Outs -! to -Is'
KdCK Island TimeTahi.k.
Murdock Station.
No. 41, mail.
No. 75, local
No. 5. mail. .
No. 3", mail.
a. m.
::") a. in.
:t:00 p. m.
5:47 p. m.
No. HO,
No. :8,
No. 7(i,
Local .
No. o, mall
.12:30 a. m.
.10:55 a. m.
. 1:14 p. m.
. 3:00 p. m.
Wll.l.lAM lliu.t.v. Mllrectors
H. M. SorxxK iisi:x. I
Dealer in IMison I'lionorai.'lis
and Victor Talking Machines
Large stock of Records
In the District Court of Cass County, Nebra
Tlie State of Nelraska.
The Several Parcels of Land
Hereinafter Described and
All I'ersons and Corpora- I KlXAl. Notice
tions Havlntr or l laiminir I ract ,o. e
Title to or Any Interest,
Kit-'bt orClalm luortosuch
I'ari'els of Heal Estate or
any l'art Thereof.
To W. J. C. Smith, owner III trust, and to I'.
S. Wheeler, and to the occupants of tlie real es
tate described below, whose name Is I'. D.
Notice Is hereby irlven that under n decree of
the District Court of said county rendered In
the State Tax Suit for the year l!H4, the follow
ing descrllied real estatesltuate In the county
of Cass and State of Nebraska, to-wit: Lots
Nine (HI and Ten (in). Hloi'k lie. Phittsmouth,
and North Half ii'4) Lot Twelve 0.) Mock 4i.
l'latt smooth, wason the 7th day of Novemls-r.
1l'4. duly sold at public vendue by the County
Treasurer of said county In the manner pro
vided by law. and the iierlod of redemption
from such saie will expire on the 7th day of
N'ovemlsr. 1tmi!.
You an-further notltled that the owner of
the certificate of tax sale Issued by the Tieas-
uter will make application to tl ourt In the
above ent It led cause for continuation of said
sale as wsin as practicable after the is'ilod of
ledi iiiptlon has expired, and yon are hereby
noli lied that the time and place of heiiriiiir up
on sucl iittrtiini Inn will lie entered In the Con
tinuation lii'oord kept by the Clerk of said
( ourt. on or Is'fore ihe 7tli day of November.
Iwti. You wlllexninlne said Continual ion Kec
ord to ascertain the time of said In mini: and
may be present , If you desire, bxrnake any ob
ject Inns or show cause why the "ale should not
In' continued.
7-l:.'-tf I'. D. HATES.
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Am kiolat aptcirtt tad antl-uptk fnm
ratioi Ut all kloda at
irmi i eiKOLB, rsarsoTiT hazhleh.
A mr ear tor MtanaaM Tanillltl. Ouuny,
tarianx, t'lcarated ao Catarrhal Sara Threat.
A prtvaatlva at Craua, Whaepiof Caafh 4
rcBiruxo nzkina looTanr
aari4 hf th Wot laiat at fhraal Isaaut
UM la Ui aoaatrr.
tteala M ktpl la artrr aotaa. Prlcsa Ctahki
Warg MadJaU Cts Dm Bf alaa lawa
GERING & CO. druKfists
,Ar. Teeth $5
Cold Crownt and Bridge Tenh fvi jp rVr?
lam C'nwns fso up. Fdluik' or en. fcelll
Liuaoied t'ainltu. Nrmtltm i:t
DA I LEY, The Dentist,
Entahlithrd IRSD. Paitna Blk. OTAHA.
Ir. A. E. Merkel and wife were
Omaha passenpers Tuesday.
Mrs. Jacob Goehry pleasantly enter
tained the Kensington Wednesday.
Miss Uertlia Goehry and Mrs. O. I.
Stewart were In Louisville Saturday.
Georpe Leis and family and Miss
Maud Cordage were at Elmwood Sun
day. Mrs. G. A. Leis and Miss Maud Gor
sage drove over to Ashland Wednes
day. Aaron Wood went to Omaha Wed
nesday to visit for a few days with
Mrs. O. P. Stewart and dauuhtcrs
are visiting with her parents for an
indefinite period.
Miss Amy Westlake was down from
Alvo and spent Sunday with relatives
and friends in this burg. '
R. E. Xeitzel, cashier of the Rank
of W aterloo, was down aunday for a
short visit with friends, returning
overland Monday.
Mrs. Steppet of Plattsmouth.accom
panied by her mother, Mrs. Erz of
Burlington, Iowa, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Leis.
Some careless rowdies were shooting
firecrackers on Main street Saturday
eight, and caused John Gustin's team
to break loose and run away. It was
lucky for some young fellows that no
damage was done.
Dr. Merkel returned from Omaha
Wednesday. The doctor has decided
on a post graduate course, ana will
soon leave for Chicago, to complete
his course. During this time his wife
will remain with her parents at Jul
ian, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Tool celebrated
their ninth wedding anniversary last
Friday evening and a large number of
friends were Invited to help partake
of delicious ice cream and cake. The
evening was enjoyably spent until a
very late hour, and all departed wish
ing these good people many more
years of happiness.
JohnBusklrk, born April 2:1, 1x24,
died July 7, MKXi. Funeral services
were conducted at the Evangelical
church la Murdock Monday afternoon
and Interment at Wabash cemetery.
The deceased left Wisconsin thirty-six
years ago. and has ever since resided
In Cass county. Dropsy was the cause
of his death. He leaves a wife and a
number of children to mourn hisdeath.
The ball game between the Murdock
second nine and the eastern league, or
in other words a nine composed of
Elmwood, Louisville and a few fellows
living out east of town caused con
siderable amusement last Saturday
Our local boys simply out classed the
other fellows and laid them in the
shade to the tune of 10 to 4. The
battery work of McDonald and Thim
gan for the locals was superb. A big
windy guy started out on the diamond
and attempted to dispute the umpire,
but the way he got called down was'
not slow. He accepted the llrst invita
Hon to get out, and the last we saw of
him he was behind the backstop
smoking clgaretts. I'mplre, JI. V
McDonald. Time of game, 1 hour and
.Hi minutes.
(SpecUI Correbpoiidcnt )
The foundation forthe addition to
the bank is being built. .
Miss Patterson left Tuesday for'
Canton, Illinois. !
Geo. Malcolm spent Sunday visiting '
his parents at Xehawka.
G. liuss had business at Omaha!
Herman Ruhge and wife, of Wausa, !
are visiting Avoca relatives. '
Jno. l'eterson was up from Berlin
Rev. M. li. Bird left the tirst of the !
week for a month's visit in the east.
SheritT (uinton was in town Sunday.
Mrs. F. Durham left Monday for
Jno. Kuhge has purchased tlie liv
ery brrn of A. E. Cutter.
Geo. Bowland had business at Lin
coln Friday evening.
P. P. Peckham and wife and Jno.
McFarland and wife spent Sunday
visiting near Palmyra.
Mrs. A. B. Lew ton was tlie guest of
Murdock friends Thursday.
The Avoca ball team were defeated
by Lincoln at Elmwood July 4th.
Arthur Wood returned Monday
from a visit at Wabash.
Alf Marshall was down from Weep
ing Water Monday.
William Gillian was at Lcton Wed
nesday. Jake Frey and wife, of Douglas,
spent several days this week visiting
Avoca relatives.
Avoca was well represented at Elm
mood July 4th.
Roy Young and family, of near Ber
lin, spent Sunday in Avoca.
Wo make a specialty of fitting spectacles
and guarantee a lit or no sale. That is,
you can take them home, try them for ten
days, ami if not satisfactory, return them
and jct your money hack.
Gering . Co
Ayers Pills
Keep them in the house.
Take one when you feel bil
ious or dizzy. They act di
rectly on the liver. L,fc. r;.V
WntJourn,,e.r beard BUCKINGHAM S DYE
Bowel portjplajnt In hltrft
During mo luajtay mofithschjldraa
trc aubject to sJ0Sm$ It tug. bolj
wbJcholi rctcha cireful attloMon
M toon as .Uftst unnatural lo&cticss
ct t&e boWels inpevt. The best med-
Icjoe (ot bowel coantalDt Is Chimber
lala'i CoHc, Cholera and Diarrhoea prorajrUy controls any
.unnatural loosenes t the bowels. For
ule by F. 0. Frlcke & Co. and A. T.
Magpie Grove
(Spci'lul Correspondence.)
WTilliam Puis made a trip to Platts
mouth Saturday.
Herman Beck and wife visited at
the home of Fred Hild Sunday.
W. W. Philpot shipped fat cattle to
South Omaha market Sunday evening.
Mrs. Adam Hild and daughter,
Emma, visited at the home of Louie
Puis Friday.
John I label had the misfortune to
have his hand poisoned, and he has
ijuite a time of it now.
J. R. Cathey and son, Cameron, left
last week for a three week's visit in
Custer county, Nebraska.
Mrs. Medic Fleming, of Coleridge
Nebraska, is visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz this
Mrs. Amos Hunter and children of
Plattsmouth were visiting at the
homeof Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gansemcr
last week.
yultea number of this locality at
tended the lecture of James Stander,
of Louisville, at the Otterbein church
Sunday nlht.
Corn plowing is nearly all done in
this section. Fall wheat Is all harvest
ed and oats and spring wheat is nearly
all ready to cut, and the prospects are
for a bouncing crop this season.
The Fourth of July picnic was not
largely attended on account of the
bad weather, but there w ill be a dance
Saturday night, July l.'.th. A good
turnout is expected. Come and help to
enlarge the crowd.
Weeping Water
From tlie llcriild.
On Saturday, July :tli, Hkmi, to Mr.
and Mrs, Leslie Wiles, was horn a
Mrs. Jno. Domink'O was In Lincoln
last week with her son, Jesse. The
family Is somewhat discouraged, and
report that Jesse docs not Improve
but little If any.
Uncle James Colbert has been quite
111 the past two weeks. He suffers
with heart t rouble, but being ill so
little heretofore, the confinement is
about as hard on him as tlie sickness,
Miss Minnie White of Plattsmouth,
who had been visiting with her sister,
Mrs. J. A. Donelan, went to Nebraska
City Tuesday to visit before returning
J. H. Davis went to Kansas last
week. He lost the crop on one farm
from hall, but has another farm that
was not In the strip tlie hail destroyed.
O. K. Cromwell also lost his crop.
Mrs. T. F. Jameson received word
from Omaha Unit Mrs. Edith Menu, a
former resident of Weeping Water,
and later uT Canton, Mo., was dead,
and her mother, Mrs. Geo. Smith, was
In Colorado very sick with consump
tion. Mrs. (!. II. Olive and son, Ben, went
to Omaha Saturday, and from then
to Plattsmouth Monday, to visit her
sister, Mrs. .1. M. Lcyda, and take in
tlie Parker Amusement Co. carnival
that is there all this week.
Notice has been received at the
Weeping Water postolllce that after
July Kl, l!H)ii, the rural routes num
bered it and 10 will be changed to num
bers 1 and 2 respectively. Patrons of
the routes will please note the change
and date given.
A prompt relief for croup, One Mln
ule C.ii.kii Vc. cms the phPkm, al
Ihiv i, ie inil minium the miich syrup
iio ii icpin;,! ion Sold by F. (J.
Kl IrKC Cm ,111(1 ; i,L. (.
Base Ball Gmno.
The Maple Grove ball team went
out to J. A. Riser's pasture last Sun
day afternoon and played a game with
the U. P. C. which resulted In a score
of hi to 10 in favor of Maple Grove.
The following is the line up:
Maple Grove Philip Schafer, catch;
Harry Doty, pitch: Nick Frcidrich,
lb: Fred Hild, 2b: Will Puis, .lb; Louis
Frcdiich, ss; Fred Schafer, If; Adam
Schafer, cf; otto Puis, If.
U. P. C.-N. Land, catch; J. Miller,
pitch; A3. KIscr, lb; L. Manners, 2b:
Fred Meisinger, .'lb: R. Barker, ss; B.
Vallery, rf; G. K'lscr, cf; E. Vallery,
If. The Jack Rabbits team challenged
the winners and a four inning game
was played which resulted in a score
of " to 1 In favor of Maple (.rove.
. 1 , ii.l
APPAREL is BKonirfG.m,
uon't Be Backward.
Do not hesitate to ask for a free
samplo of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. We are glad to give
them to anyone who Is troubled with
biliousness, constipation or any disor
der of the Etomacb. Many have been
permanently cured by their use. V. U.
Frlcke & Co. and A.T. Fried .druggists.
Whew! But isn't it hot? You really need noth
ing more than a night gown unci a pair of slip
pers but you must have more than these. Do
then the next best thing and let us rig you out
in real light-weight underwear, neglige shirts
and a suit that will keep you cool. It won't cost
you much-only $10 for u $12.50 suit, $12.50
fora $15 suit, etc.
$1.50 will bring you a proper neglige shirt, $2
a better one. Nice hose, too, arc good things to
show between the tops of your and the bottoms
of your trousers: try ours at I5c, 25c, 50c and
$1 per paire.
All the Time
areautimirrownorricnnacir use
urn en r Hamsun ua a, r. aaut .. kuaua, a a.
i i