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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1906)
Murray Department TUKI iTtHK INTKKIISTS OF TUB lT.ol'LK OF MFIIUAY ANI. VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. him; of" l.'a' rciiifi.- I'tt J"iu )i.i! lumr Y( iciiiif d( ihow of iii.'ii.M. ,Y .1 ..;, if . (. mi i't ill of in' rtf! t.iUluf Jl'Ui ll'li. J I iii this riri-iifi mul trill until une to thi ojfire it will ujijwir umkr this liwiiimj. Murray State Bank J. M. STONE, President; t'HAS. S. STONE, (.'ashler: (II AS, C. PARMELE. Y-l're LESS F. HALL, Assftaslir Whoct Wc Heivo Done: Deposits $24,(300.00 8 1 1)05. ...Juno :mU1i, 102.. 2S.000.00 VM.. 31,000.00 1004. . 34,000,00 42,000.00 37.00O.Oi) What Wc Will Do "Invite You to tirow With Us." Murray State Bank. Cisas. S. Stone. Cashier. Murray. Neb. Chris Mllli-r has been cn tin-sick list a few days tills week. Tho lltt lis daughter of T. ' Khoden Is unite sick this week. li. M. Mlnford marketed lils tine bunch of cattle Monday. A. L. linker and C. S. Stone were In rialtsmouth Monday evening. Joseph Sans of Rock RlulTs, was a business caller In Murray Friday. (?. II. Manners of Weeping Water was u Murray visitor over Sunday. J. S. Lindsay Isenjoying a visit from his daughters, who reside In Colorado. It. Danlher enjoyed a visit from bis sister of South Omaha a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Holmes came down from Mynard Sunday to attend church. I,. (J. Todd shipped a car load of fat cattle to the South Omaha markets .Tuesday. Murray has been pretty well repre sented at the street fair in Platts mouth this week. Mrs. James Lowther, residing west of town has been on the sick 1 St for the past few dajs. J. S. Lindsay and family went to Plattsmouth Wednesday evening U attend the street fair. Frank. I. Davis of Wcepii g Wain was looking' after some business mat ters In Murray Friday. Mrs. D. C. West of Nebawka was visiting friends and relatives in Mur li'y ;i d leii fs vuck. (.'has. Stone drove to Nehawka Sun lay to wltne-s the ball came between Nebawka and Nebraska City. W. E. P. row n and wife returned home from Villisca last Friday, where they went to spend the Fourth with relatives. Miss Mary Sbeeby departed for her home In South Omaha Sunday, after making an extended visit with Mrs. T. J. Urcndel. Mis Daisy Ruck went to Platts mouth Wednesday evening to visit w ith her sister a few days anri attend the street fair. Mr. Hugh Slaugh and Miss lrma Hopkins of Vallsca, Iowa, were visit ing Mr, and Mrs. W. C. ltrown the first of the week. Dr. T. P. Livingston of Platts mouth, was called here one dav this week In cunsultatlon with Dr. Rren del to see Mrs. J. I!. Seabolt, who Is still quite sick at her home, south of town. John II. Cook is stocking up the building Just recently rented from Otis McNurlin with a line line of bug gies. It looks as though John was right there with the goods, and meant business. John Klnser, the old reliable plas- ally when bis team works without a driver. One day last week he drove' down to the depot to look after some business matters on the way to the Held, and while KOlng to the depot he left the team standing untied, and be coming frightened they started up the street at a pretty good speed. They were stopped without much damage to the team or the machine. Say, did you know that Less F. Hall wrote tire, lightning and tornado In surance on farm and city property? Sec him, at the Murray State Rank. The newest venture In Murray Is the lecture course now bciinr worked upon by a number of the ladies of our little city. This Is an enterprise that should receive the united support of all our people, as they are very Instructive to every class or people, me numbers given during the winter season are variid and will please all classes of people. It is the duty of all our people to give the ladies priunotii.g this en terprise every possible assistance, tm anclally and otherwise, In order to make the lecture course a success. While In Murray Wednesday the Journal man accepted the kind Invita tion of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rrendel to take dinner with them at t heir most pleasant home In the north part of town. The parents of Mr. Rrendel, the Dr. and wife, were also present to assist In devouring that excellent noon day meal prepared by the good lady of the house. Mr. and Mrs. Rrendel are How About That NEW BUGGY VIEWS OF AN ICE IN He Tells Kansas City Inquisitor: That He Sells Ice Solely to Accumulate Dollars. THEY STKIKE A BCSASZA OBJECT ALL SUBLIME'1 You Have Promised Yourself for the Past Few Months? My complete line lias arrived ami my prices will be riht. Call in early and let me show yon that I am in posi tion to Lrive vou a GENUINE BARGAIN tnrnr nf Phittsnuiiit.h. n In Murrnv last Friday, tonkin after anmn work certainly very comfortably located In in his linn, lie hn boon dninv soma tclr new home, and the Journal Joins work for D. C. Rhoden at his farm. P. II. Abel of Oklahoma paid his sister, Mrs. J. II. Rurton, a short visit this week, on his return trip from Woodson, where lie was called owing to the serious Illness of his father. with their many frlcndsln wishing that it may be ever thus Miss Pauline Oldham went to Oma ha Wednesday morning. Mrs. Old ham and daughter, Fay, went to Plattsmouth In the evening to meet her and after attending the street fair, returned home. Mrs. L. P. l'nder,vood departed for Omaha Monday morning to meet her Temporary Paralysis. Miles Standish, one of our excellent farmer friends from south of Murray met with an accident last Thursday that has confined him to his bed since, and might have proven of a more serious nature. He was looking after his chores on the farm, and led one of his horses to tho watering tank, when the animal pressed him against the tank with sulllcient force to throw him In the same, and not only nearly drowning him, but produced a case of father who was enroutc to Minnesota temporary paralysis. While Mr. Stan- for a few weeks visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. I'liderwood went with her father on the t rip. These seems to be considerable sick ne.vs in tin' vicinity or .Murray atpres- i.t, Mrs. Mariiiette, of Lincoln, who is ai i ne Lome oi ner lamer, i of town Is one of the number; al- , Mrs. Join: Wyatt. Wiide Miner of Plattsmouth came down lo Murray Wednesday to assist Janu s I.oughridge In the blacksmith shop. .1 immie has been kept very busy this spiiug and summer but has been unable to ect a good man to help him. Among t h.'M1 from Murray who nt tended ti e street fair were Miss Etta Nickels. Mrs. A L. Raker. Miss Yiola Young, Win. Wehrbeln Creamer, Mr. and Mrs. R. and Miss liessle, James Manners and Miss Marie Rergerand Wm. McDaniel Tlie above all attended the fair Tues day. P. R. Smith went to Havelock Wed nesday with the lad wlm lias been working for him the past few months, who was going to Dunning, Neb. The lad is only twelve years of age and he wanted the boy to take the right train for Lincoln. While in Lincoln Mr Smith visited with his brother, S. R Smith. In Havelock. returning home Thursday morning. Nicholas Kaurens owns the swiftest running machine in the town, espcel How Is That Range? IF yon need a new one let us figure with you. We have the best range on the market and would be glad to show it and give prices. Call and look atthe best range in the land, examine I its good points. if I ill ll JaetAy.S&tlsfitorxR&r-g, in nerd of one you'll buy. tlu We also have a number o Gretvt New Lightning Feed Grinder that we would like to show you. It's the best grinder sold today, bearing all the improvements, and is a great monev save to stock dish has suffered a great deal since the accident, the attending physician claims that no Injury of a permanent nat ure will result. Yet in a Serious Condition. Joseph Uastol, the old gentleman who was injured on the RurlingtOn track some weeks ago in Omaha. Is now at the home of ids sister, Mrs, John West, south of Murray, and is still In a very dangerous condition as a result of his Injuries. Dr. (iilmorc was called to his bedside Wednesday morning, and after an examination it was found that an operation was neces sary to remove several particles of the hip bone that had been crushed While the old gentleman Is resting and Miss very easy at present, his injuries arc F. Hrendel yet of a serious nature. For Sale! A It's) acre farm close to Murray; fair improvements. F'or particulars cal on or address C. S. Stone, Murray, Neb. Farmer, Look! If you are in need of new hay fork rope, please bear In mind that we oarry a high grade rope and have some on hand. Call and stc us. Holmes & Smith, Mynard. Delicate Operation. A rather delicate operation was per formed by Dr. Lynch of Nehawka July 3rd. Winnie, three-year old daughter of Mrs. Eva Hadlcy, since her birth, has been aftllcted with crooked feet. Roth turned In and up, Drs. Lynch and Pollard placed her under the Influence of chloroform rubbed her limbs until the ligaments and muscles were softened, and then pulled on them until straightened From above tho knee down they were placed in a piaster cast. sue came out from under the chloroform all right.and lias suffered but little it any pain from the severe strain to which she was subjected. Later she will be compelled to wear a brace until her limbs get strengthened. - Weeping Water Herald. Part of a Letter. "Never can I tind suitable words to express my thanks to you. I was very weak and feeble and was unable to find a remedy t'.iat would make me strong and stout again. Triner's American Elixir of Ritter 'Wine was the only remedy which helped me. It Is certainly very good; itgivesappe- tite and builds up the whole body. Wherever we can speak a good word for it wc will do so." This is a part of a letter written to the manufac turer by Sister M. Donata of Drus- sllla. O. It shows again that Triner's American Elixir of Ritter Wine is a perfectly reliable remedy In all casts where bodily strength is required. La dies, pale and sickly, can lind nothing better; it is indicated in all cases of maladies of the digestive system and of the blood. Impure or poor blood Is the only cause of weakness. This remedy rejuvenates the blood, makes It rich and strong and in this way brings new life and new energy to the body. At drug stores. Jos. Trincr, in So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. J0HNW.C0OK MURRAY, NEBRASKA Be Secm3 To Be Achieving, and ia Quick Time, Too. Knows of No Combine, and Thinks Ice Should lie Higher-Hay Stule Health Hoard KeKrt on Canned Meat. Kansas City, July In the inves tigation lion into the workings of the Kansas City lee companies cluirgcd with bring lu tin illegal eumlihie ex ftate Senator W. F. Lynns, president of the Central Ice eimipiiiiy, denied Unit he li:id histrileteil peddlers to vlioin his company sold See In ask M UnH'oViii price of Uieiv eii-itnluers. lb' hud. hi.wcver, he mid. I :i lkcil willi the peddlers mid told tin 1 : : li elVi et that lie did not expect tliem to take away fi-iiin Iho t'eiiti'ill company any of its retail trade Lyons testified that he Went int'i the ice Imsiness ia Hum, invest:;,!.- s.. on. In the r,.a .wirg sum mer, wliirh was very hot, he had raise. 1 the piiie twice hi n the dc- 111:1 1 1 1 in. 11 ased. mid had mail,' a prout si.'.i 00 1 list t year. There' h Money In the Ice Tradr. lie added that he ow lied a plant now that Is valued at Lyons said that price's ought to lie even higher than they are, anil told of making two Advances this season In the price of o Hold to the peddlers, ou Aprl 1 and on May 1. IInw did you come to raise the nrlce 011 the 1st of AprilY" was asked. heard that the Peoples lee com puny was going to rnise trie price on that date, so I raised it." Not in the Huslne Tor Charity. "WhvV" "Well. I am not in the lee business as a philanthropist. I want ed to get all I could for my Ice." Tho first advance was from ."i cents to $1 ton. Luter he niiule 1111 additional raise when lie heard that the other companies intended doing so. Lyons Baid he knew of 110 combination in the e business, "ilut it is not necessary this year."' he added. ThinkH the Price Should He Higher. In reply t; fiirtlieru'iestioiihig Lyons lid: "If I had the making of the price of ice it would lie higher in th iiisiness sales than it. is now. I Ii dowtnown trade today ought to be pay imr !?7 11 ton. It Is due to the timidity of the ice men that tho pilce is not- higher. I say timidity. 1 won't say cowardice, but it Is business timidity and moral timidity." Lyons said h thought the cost ol liianiitaetuiing ic was nhmit Sl.T.'i to ifl.S" a ton. Drothrri Who Kind Tiiemrlvr Vo' e-eil ot'a Kurt line oftjili.Oiil),. OOO Iron) an Old I.t usr. I' ti rshurg. 1ml.. July l- I.ou.o, William and AM.eit Uh-g.-.i, bothers, of t!:H city, have been hifiimel that they are hehs through thi Ir mother, who has been dead for the years, to 11 great estate In Carls, 1 ranee. Many ears ngn the mother of the IIisge:i brothers came to the I'uited Sb'.tes mid settled In this elty. where she wa-i tnarrhsl to Frit, llisgm, who died in the Tu's, leaving three sons. His wit a lived until she was nearly NO years old, meanwhile, through her enersy and good management she left mi es tate valued ut .i'.,(H. . Vears before her birth in Franco her family leased for iiliiety-nlue years certain real estate, at that time of lit tle value. However, property has in creased iu value, and rivently when the leaRe expired the owners of tlu building occupying the site ottered the heirs .'J.(x io.oi m In compromise of all claims. The boys were Ignorant of this prospective estate, as It was something of which their mother never talked. MA US 11 ALU DKNTIST... All klmln of IM-ntitl work. I'IuU'h made that Hi. "il years experience. Prices reasonable. WorkKiiuranleeu. Or'KICK I'itzokkai.d Block. Tki.epiionkNo.3oh4" WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Lands, Ranches and City Ileal Estate In Nebraska and elsew here bought sold and exchanged. Mentals. Insurance and Abstracting of Titles. Money to loan al a low rate of I merest tin Improved farms. HiisineHH correspondent in all Important cities iiini towns In tlie United Slates. Tlchonaa No. tO and R. B. WINDHAM, President W. W. WINDHAM , Secretary Dr. Ehter, Denth, Waterman Block raisers. L. B. UNDERWOOD AllRRAY, NEBRASKA. Notico to Fnrnicts! I have purchased a new Westing house traction engine and separator, and prepared to thrash your small grain in first-class shape. Itefore con tracting your work let us ligure with you. J. T. Li.ovo. l'ou't think that piles can't lie cured. Thousands of obstinate cases have been cured by 1 loan's ointment. ."iOc at any drug store. Have you Rackachc? Get a box of Kldney-Ettes tho most wonderful remedy for all kidney troubles, and they will mako jou right. 25c. Gering IT'S ALL OVER and now comes the Street Carnival, af ter a rest-up from the glorious Fourth. DON'T WAIt but come in ami try some of our prime roast beet or juicy steak beef, mutton or pork. Finest of Fresh Fruits, Vegeta bles and Groceries All the Time. STRIK2 OF FREIGHT HANDLERS Tlicy Want an Increase ol' Three t'ent an Hour in Their Vn;;c; at I'll It'll.). r.utraK X. V., .Iclv 12. -A g.".:;':..l Strike of fn ik 'it li;; t.i:li r--i has been t'.e- I nl Ihis port 1' t en ii. r. .'.!' in Wii'-'i's I rum 1, to 'Jii cent- :.! hour. The trouble had its inceoti' .i .vct;-. (lay when the incli at tlie Xt '.V iidi Cent nil freight house quit work, aileg- in-: that an agreement whereby nicy were to receive uiclicr pay alter .luiy 1 had not been carried out. i. lanre detail of police was suit to the docks today and started to drive the strikers. Some resisted and the Milicp made a elm nee, hut the strikers utooil their ground. The police were determined and began to use their clubs. To this the strikers responded by throwing stones. The police, liow pver. succeeded In clearing the docks. THEY STOLE VALUABLE GEMS Arrest of Man Charged With Com plicity in a $50,000 Haul of Diamond. New York, July 12. A man who de Bcribed himself as .lames Stellman, an engineer, 2i years old, of Itrooklyn, has been arrested on n charge of com plicity hi a !?."0,!(Mi diamond robbery. Samuel Locket t Is serving a five-year prison term in England in connection with the crime. The victim of the rob bery was a salesman. He carried sample gems valued at ..'iii,lK!0 in a hand satchel. Tho police allege that Stt lhnan ami Locket t followed the salesuiaii and that vlien the salesman laid (satchel down they changed it for looking Identically the same. the one H ATT & SON CANM.D Ml "AT IXtjl'ISITlON Bay "Stale Hoard of Ilcnllli Hits tlie Western Product. Huston. .Inly 12. The state hoard of heclth has made pulilie the result ot Its Investigation of eciiucil meat. The board examined nearly 1..0 dillcrent kinds of canned meat, from every pos sible source, as well as the canned limit establishments In a general way th eresults of the investigation are fa vorable to the manufacturers both In the east and In the west, but It was found that many of the prcpa ration contained a large iiinount of foreign matter. Of one brand of potted ham prepared by a western tlrm, the report utaets: Thin was found to consist of n small amount of normal muscle, con iiderable epidermis iu large pieces, nu merous blood vessels anil nerves and the Nillvnry bland, ground to a paste. Quality poor, the material being large ly Fcrap." Of another western potted hnni the reirt says: "Abundant muscle Plire. considerable eplderinl. much granular debris, some fat and corn meal. Quality fair, but Inasmuch nw there appears to lie no excuse for thi presence of corn meal It must he regarded as adulterated. An eastern potted ham Is described a sfollows: "Appcarniice good; mus cu! nrtihre abundant: contains neither epidermis imr salivary gland. Quality exis'llent." A number of the other nrodncts the Iwmrd of health state contains corn menl. The board says: "lievilled ham Is. or should I, ham to which seasoning has been added Tlie maturity of devilled hums In the market, however, contain added mate rial which In no way can eoiitrlbule to a sharp taste, or. indeed, to any taste. Corn meal, or example, adds nothing tit the tlavor, but It Is cheap and enables a meat product to carry considerable additional water." Several brands of prepared meat found to contain i it her boric mid or borax as n preservative. One wcMcrn "chicken loaf" is thus liescribcil: "V Cry little muscular libre; much connective tissue and corn. It is preserved with either boric m ill or borax. The label states that tlie material N of superior quality, 'having been carefully selected and Inspected according to the law en acted by congress March tl, 1M1. relat ing to the Inspection of incuts." " Denth Canceled His Call. Tana, III.. July 12. ltcv. John Hal hut, aged Si 5 years. Is dead here after a short illness. lie was extended a call to the pastorate of the ionium Evangelical church here, and was to have been Installed Sunday. The con- rogation was at the church, awaiting him. when word was received Hint he was ill. The body will be taken to Waterloo for burial, lie was a graduate of Eden college, St. Louis, ami his llrst charge was at .lerseyville, 111. Pines Under tiie Pure Food Ijaw. llarrisburg. I'a.. July 12. Pure Food Commissioner Warren has turned over to the state treasury J1'!!K) tines, collected in Allegheny county from dealers who were convicted of selling adulterated oleomargarine, codrlsh, olive oil and mlk. Commissioner War ren says that since the recent cntsado against doctored meats in this state twenty-four western Pcnnsyvanla counties have paid $72,iKii in tines for Rollins adulterated and doctored prod ucts of the big meat packers. F.x-HmpreHi Kugene in Austria. Isehl, Austria, July 12. Eugenie, ex empress of France, has arrived here and was met by Emperor Francis Jo seph and the Crand Inichess Marine Valerie. Itefore coining to Isehl the ex-empress asked the emperor's per mission in writing, saying: "Itelng near death 1 recuest that your majesty grant me the opportunity to see you once more, in order that I may thank you for all the kindness you have shown me. Cosrndnl Family In llnd I.uck. Saginaw, Mich., July 12. A horse driven by John Coscndal, Jr., on the way In from the cemetery, "where tv went to arrange for the funeral of his two brothers. ruu away and threw Con nondal out, Injuring his urm quite bad Her Pull Was Too Strong. Portland. 1 ml.. July 12. While wash lng clothes, Mrs. Arthur Collins was severely scalded. She was lifting clothes from the holler on the stove. Taking hold of a pillow slip, she pulled at It with unnecessary force, full of boiling water It twined arnuiiil her neck, and she was very seriously In jured. Miners Ordered on Strike. St. Clairsvllle. o.. July 12. l-uited Mine Workers' olllclals ordered the Ltitl miners at the Provident mines in ltd moid county to quit work because the olticials do not approve of the scale at which the men went to work. All tho miners oiilt work without a murmur Nt'lirusknn'8 to Meet llrynn. Lincoln, Neb., July 12. Leading HeiiUHTuts ot Nebraska aru rtiakln arrangements for a special train to New- York for tho r ptlon In honor of William Jennings Hryan. The trip wll bo Arranged po that the Nehrns fcatjs uiny fenrli New York August hi. The lenders of Uie movement expect, td take nlKint 600 "hon-e folks" "who will greet Mr. Brr.ut whini he steps on the pier. Lo., druggists.