The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1906, Image 3

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    It's the
who makes a suc
cess these stren
uous days.
Every energy
roust le applied.
Every good meth
od adopted.
The First Na
tional Bank
offers the method
of keeping and
paying money
which the smart
est business men
employ. An ac
count with It will
relieve you of a lot
of worry and put
your business on a
higher plane.
While Detaching Car From Freight No. 29
In the Ashland Yards.
Sustains Broken Ribs, Shoulder and Other
Serious Injures Brakeman Crisman
Narrowly Escaped.
The details of a serious accident,
that came near resulting In the death
of two Burlington brakemen, who are
well known In this city, were received
by the Journal Tuesday evening.
The Incident to which we make re
ference, occurred last Monday about
fifteen minutes past one o'clock, while
No. 21), a local freight between Pacific
Junction and Lincoln, was switching
In the yards at Ashland. The two
brakemen, Robert Wade and Arthur
Crisman, who spend their time, be
tween their regular runs, in this city,
where they have many friends, were
engaged in the work of detaching from
the train a car, from which the bum
pers and coupling apparatus was miss
ing, and which was fastened to the
preceding car by chains. While Wade
was standing partly upright and Cris
man was kneeling down, the engineer
took slack upon the train, pinioning
Wade between the' bumpers of the for
ward car and edge of the other car.
When the injured man was extracted
from the perilous posit ion, by Crisman,
whose hat was caught between the two
cars, and who narrowly escaped death
by a few Inches, Wade was found in a
very critical condition, as a result of
the numerous Injuries received about
his body and head. He was Immedi
ately conveyed to his home city, where
he was placed in a hospital, and it was
ascertained that he was suffering from
five broken ribs, a fractured shoulder
and several severe scalp wounds. The
unfortunate man Is about forty-two
years of age, and is In a very critical
condition although the medical auth
orities think that he will pull through
safely, if he has not received serious
Internal injuries. Art Crisman was
In the city last evening, and we were
glad to hear that Mr. Wade was rest
ing fairly well yesterday morning, also
to learn of Art's fortunate escape.
PlatUmouth v. Glenwood.
In the ball game Tuesday afternoon
between the I'lattsmouth High school
and the Glenwood High school the
pitching of Carl Graves proved too
much for the visitors, and when the
dust had settled on the gridiron, the
locals had 14 scores while the Glen
wood boys had 8 to their credit. After
the ball game the Glenwoods took In
the carnival and enjoyed themselves
until a late hour.
Is Your
Hair Sick?
That's too bad ! Wc had no
ticed it was looking pretty thin
and rough, of late, but naturally
did not like to speak of it. By
the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is
a regular hair prowcr, a per
fect hair tonic. The hair stops
coming out, grows faster,
keeps soft and smooth. Ayer's
Hair Virjor cures sick hair,
makes it strong and healthy.
The best kind of a f ttlmoninl
"8old for over eixtv year."
Alio mnuraolurara or
Buy Red Poll.
! Monday of this week Luke L. Wiles
shipped a tine yearling lied Toll bull
jover to Silver City, Iowa, consigned
i to K. C. Frohardt, one of the new Ked
jl'ull breeders of that section. Mr.
I Frohardt was here the latter part of
'last week to look over the excellent
herd of Wiles & Sims, and of course
I was not long in choosing the animal
he wanted as the head of his herd.
Some years ago Mr. Frohardt pur
chased his foundation cow from Mr.
Wiles, and now heads his herd with
the several animals purchased from
Mr. Wiles. The Wiles' Ked Toll herd
is becoming quite famous over tle en
tire state, also adjoining states, and
those making purchases from them
will never have cause to regret the
Statement of Methods Employed by the
Treasury Department in Securing
Sites for Federal Building.
Another Indication that the postof
lieu building is a ''sure go" fur I'latts
mouth, the following circular letter
has been received by Postmaster Smith
in regard to the location of the build
ing, the purchase of the site, and pro
cce dure in the matter in general:
"Whenever an act of congress aut h
orizes the acquisition of a site for a
proposed public building whether by
purchase or gift" the treasury depart
ment Invites, through an advertise
ment inserted in a local newspaper,
bids for the sale, or propositions of do
nation, and directs that the same be
submitted to the secretary of the
treasury at Washington. This adver
tisement gives such Information as to
the approximate dimensions of the site
required and the general conditions
and requirements as wilt enable intel
ligent preparation and submission of
bids or olTers.
"The bids and olTers obtained In this
way. are opened at the treasury depart
ment In Washington at the time stat
ed in the advertisement, and as soon
thereafter as practicable an agent of
the department is sent to make a per
sonal examination of the properties
offered, and upon this report, together
with representations In writing from
other sources, the department makes
selection, conditioned, nevertheless,
that the title to the property be ap
proved by the Attorney-General.
When the land is thus acquired on
which buildings arc situated which
are reserved by the party selling, no
tice to remove the same is given after
the land has been actually acquired
and title approved.
"Whenever the department is un
able to obtain an acceptable site at a
reasonable price in the manner above
outlined, it frequently makes selection
and authorizes the department of jus
tice to begin and prosecute condemna
tion proceedings in which the price to
be paid is judicially determined.
"As soon as practicable after the
acquisition of the site, plans for the
proposed building are prepared and a
contract let for the construction
thereof. L. M. Siuw."
A sweet breath adds to the joys of
a kiss. You wouldn't want to kiss
your wife, mother or sweetheart with
a bad breath. You can't have a sweet
breath without a healthy stomach.
You can't have a healthy stomach
without perfect digestion. There Is
only one remedy that digests what you
cat and makes the breath as sweet as
a rose and that remedy Is KODOL
FOR DYSPEPSIA. It Is a relief for
sour stomach, palpitation of the heart
and other ailments arising from dis
order of the stomach and digestion.
Take a little Kodol after your meals
and see what it will do for you. Sold
by F. G. Fricke & Co. andGerlng& Co.
If you want a real estate loan at
reasonable rates; or a reliable abstract
of title, Insurance policy, security
bond of and kind, or a contract, deed
or mortgage drawn, see John M. Leyda,
Gund building. Work promptly and
neatly done and charges reasonable.
How Is This? .
Twenty-seven thousand (2",00o) acres
of the Fort Auply Reservation lands in
Woodard county, Oklahoma, now on
the market. Come, hurry up, or you
w ill be too late to get a chance of se
curing a farm in this line country. The
price Is In reach of all. Parties wish
ing to look at this land can join our
excursion party. For further particu
lars call on or w rite to
Y.UW .Mill GlI.MiN.
I'lattsmouth, Neb.
Residence at the end of "th street
awlLlncoln Avenue.
You can sec the poison l'lnc-ules
clears out of the kidneys and bladder.
A single dose at bedtime will show
you more poison upon rising the next
morning than can be expelled from
the system in any oilier way. l'inc
ulcs dissolve the Impurities and lubri
cate the kidneys. Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded. .'10
days treatment 8I.O0. Sold by Gerlug
& Co. 's drug store.
Railroads Never Found it so Hard as Now
ti Hire Common labor.
A gentleman connected with the la
bor department of the Burlington said
yesterday that it was very hard to se
cure sufficient men to carry on the
work now being pushed by the differ
ent railroads. On the Lincoln line of
the North-Western, which Is being bal
Isted from that city to Fremont, dim
culty Is being experienced In getting
men enough to carry on the work as
expeditiously as desired. And the
Omaha papers tell the same story
about the railroads In general. The
Union Pacific, North-Western and
liurllngton are not only Improving
their lines In Eastern Nebraska but
are pushing extensions in the west,
but each company Is handicapped by
being unable to secure men to work on
construction. Throughout Wyoming,
where a large portion of the work on
the railroads Is being done, the com
mon laborers are paid $2.2.", per day.
Hoard In the camps Is approximately
$1 per week, but even at these wages
men cannot be found. The labor
agencies of Omaha and other cities
have been appealed to, but they are
unable to supply the necessary number
of men.
On the Nebraska lines where con
struction is going on, the work has
been delayed to a considerable extent
on account of a shortage of help. In
this state the wages run from $1 "." to
$"2 per day, with the board about :i."0
per week in the camps, but help can
not be secured.
The Milwaukee and Northwestern
are having the same dllllculty on their
South Dakota extensions as the other
roads are having elsewhere.
"Red Sox" Defeat "Has Been."
In a hotly contested game between
the "Has Heens" and the "Red Sox,"
the latter won by a score of 12 to 5.
The features of the game were the
home runs made by Heatherlngton
and Hale, who showed the "Has
Heens" how to play ball. The pitch
ing on both sides was excellent White
doing the stunt for the "Has Heens"
and Graves twirling for the "Red
Sox." Catcher Fitzgerald received a
foul tip on the fingers, which com
pelled him to retire in favor of Car
mack. Teachers at Peru Enjoy Picnic.
The county superintendent, J. V.
Gamble, returned this morning from
Peru, where he reports that he had
the pleasure to enjoy a picnic with
the Cass county teachers who arc at
tending the state normal.
Mr. Gamble delivered an address on
"The life of the teacher outside of the
school room," discussing the social
life: relation of the teacher to the
community: what the community ex
pects of a teacher, and the advantages
of knowing the community.
The visit in Peru proved to be a
very enjoyable one, and the superin
tendent expressed high compliments
of the teachers who arc devoting their
summer vacation toward obtaining a
higher education. The Cass county
teachers present to enjoy the picnic
dinner on the campus were Misses
Rebecca Haines, Margaret Weber,
Phoebe Davis, Leila Dugay, Julia
Nntzman, Lena Harnes, Cora Crab
tree.Minnie Harnhart, Grace Solhurst,
Mildred Hutler, Lcda Ross, Lulu
Sutton, Emily Livingston, Hell Dyer,
Louis Mlckle, Maud Tubus, Messrs.
W. H. DeBolt, Frank Crabtree, F.
R. Willis, John Fate, W. F. Davis,
Henry Clapp.
The San Francisco Disaster.
The Journal has a few copies of the
"San Francisco Disaster" left out of
the two hundred and fifty copies we
ordered, which we wish to dispose of
at 50 cents to all subscribers of the
Journal, or to new ones who want the
Journal and book for There are
but few cf them left, so If you want
them "come a running" while we have
Saved His Comrade's Life.
"While returning from the Grand
Army Encampment at Washington
Clty.acomrado from Elgin, III., was
taken with cholera morbus and was In
a critical condition," says Mr. J. E.
Hoagland, of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave
him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and believe saved
his life. 1 have been engaged for ten
years In Immigration work and con
ducted many parties to the southwest.
I always carry tills remedy and have
used It successfully on many occasion "
Sold by V. G. Fricke ,t Co. and A. T.
Only 02 Yearo Old.
"I am only ttz years old and un't c
iVTt even when 1 get to be real old to
.'el that way as long as I can get Elec
" ic Litters," says Mrs. E. 11. RrunsoD,
of Dublin, Ga. Surely thero'b nothing
else keeps the old as young and makes
the weak as strong as this grand tonlo
medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, In
Ihmed kidneys it chronic constipation
arc unknown a'tt t taking Electric Hit
t'Ts a reasonaoi" ihie. Cwauin'ecd
hyF (. Frlckn . ':,,., druguMj. ivCo
jO ccds pei I oi lie.
Levee Completed.
A special from Rulo, under date of
the I'th. yiyv -The P.. M. lallnad
company has just completed the
UW.o.Mivee-that they have beeiuvri
structing on the Missouri side i f the
river, about one and one-half miles
above the east end of the l.ooi.coo
bridge that crosses the river at this
olace. Thev liav. li.-i.l n l r ..t I
... v,
men working there for the past eight I
or ten months. The levee Is about
one mile long and varies In height
from eight to t wenty-tive feet. It Is
very wide and substantially built, be
sides being lined with ruck on the side
next to the river, to prevent washing.
The purpose of this levee is to keep
the Missouri from flowing across the
big lake during high water."
The Nebraska City Tribune Advises Cass
County Republicans to Settle
Their Own Troubles.
Our neighbors and friends in Cass
county of the republican persuasion
owe it to themselves and to their
friends in adjoining count ies in sten
out into the open am! settle their
"situation" at home and not drift Us
responsibilities over to the decision of
other counties and other party mem
bers. Cass county has at this time a
candidate for nomination on the re
publican ticket for each of two highly
Important oHiccs governor of Nebras
ka and congressman from the First
Nebraska district. As a mere peculi
arity of human nature it may be said
that "statesmen" are sutliclcntly plen
ty in Nebraska that t hese two Import
ant nominations can not, In the or
dinary course of events, be both plac
ed In the charming little vlllageof Ne
hawka, Cass county. Human experi
ence Indicates that at least one aspir
ant must lose. That there Is no con
stitutional provision or statutory dic
tum on this point everybody is well
aware and so far as law is concerned
all the state officers, one congressman
and two senators might come from N'e
hawka without protest, but custom
and usage, really stronger than law,
frowns upon this sort of "centraliza
tion" of honors and emoluments and
there is not a well posted cit len in
Cass county today who expects tw in
"streaks" of political lightning sim
ultaneously connect with the rods that
are "up" In Cass county. This being
the case, and the Tribune does not be
lieve its conclusions will be seriously
questioned: why is it not Incumbent on
Cass county to clear the entire situa
tion by a straight-out declaration of
what she wants? Isn't It a reasonable
demand on the part of the friends of
Cass county outside her own borders
and who are joined with her in associ
ation In various political divisions of
government and administral ion, to ask
that she designate what she really
does want- whether her people want a
fellow citizen in the governor's chair
or in the congress of the I'nited
States. Does Cass expect her neigh
oors in me r irst district to render a
decision which she ought to but she
shrinks from rendering herself? The
maniy, straigni-out ann courageous
position for Cass will be to clear her
own "situation" by declaring unequiv
ocally what she wants and whom she
desires to honor within her own bor
ders. Cass county ought to "settle It"
at home. There Is plenty of both In
telligence and courage In Cass county
and it ought to be available for a clean
cut announcement of the party wishes
and desires. Nebraska City Tribune.
Mid-Summer Clearance Sale now
on at Herold's.
what a vast difference there Is
In the brewing of the various
brands of beer you would lie
more particular as to what kind
you drink. It is safe to drink
Budweiser beer. It Is brewed
by the modern met hods from the
best malt and hops obtainable,
and everything in its prepara
tion ts of the vcrv best that
money can buy. This insures
a beer that's wholesome and sat
isfactory and when you drink
Budweiser beer you will feel
not only refreshed by this bever
age but your physical needs will
be met. Just try It the next
time you feel fatigued.
Budweiser Is for Sale Everywhere
Phil Thierolf
Talaphont No. 118
The People Swarmed Main Street Like
Bess Until a Late Hour.
The Management Feels Very Much Grati
fied at the Increase In Numbers
Each Night.
The third night of the street carni
val has passed and has proved the
most successful of all since the open
ing here. It appeared that the entire
population of I'lattsmouth had turned
out last night, and many farmers and
their families were also here. There
were also many in attendance from
Glenwood and l'ucitlc Junction. The
Intense heat rendered several tents,
which were tightly closed, very un
comfortable, hut this must be attri
buted to the weather man and not the
management, lint notwithstanding
the heal all the shows did a good busi
ness from the hour of beginning tint II
IL' o'clock, several of them giving as
many as lour entertainments. So far
the crowds have been orderly, ;"itl, ;'
was remarked last night by one ol the
managers, "We have visited many
cities, and among them unite a num
ber of Kansas prohibition towns and
have not come across a better or more
orderly class of people than you have
right here In I'lattsmouth." That's
good for our city, and if things run
along as smoothly In the. following
three nights as they have, the element
that at lirst dono so much kicking
against the Parker company coming
here, will be the tlrst ones to advocate
a carnival next year.
The l'arker Amusement company
came here w ith one of the best reputa
tions of any carnival company on the
road and from the managers down the
line to canvasmen and hostlers, they
have so far "held good." Kverybody
has a good word for them, and this
good feeling we trust will continue to
exist throughout their engaueinent In
I hose from adjoining towns last
night were profuse In I heir admiration
of the manner in which the show
fronts were lighted up and the dazl
Ing beauty thus rendered by the lights
relleetions upon the carved and gilded 1 hey were surprised
when told that the l'arker company
carried their own electric light plant,
and that these lights were produced
by a .'in-horse power engine and one of
theswellest dynamos In the country,
which Is capable of pulling ju'i
ampheres, audits capacity is all that
Is necessary to produce t he excellent
system which one beholds in the
brilliantly lit streetsevcry night. This
plant, is under the management of
young men, neither one of whom Is
over '21 years of age. The chief elec
trician Is Morlcy Robeson and the
chief engineer Is Charley Michaels.
The engine is brought In action also
for loading and unloading the wagons
from the cars.
The l'arker Amusement company Is
one of the most ions
of its character in the carnival line and
It Is truly wonderful the harmony and
good feeling that exists with the l.V)
people of whom the company Is com
posed. No grumbling orgrowling, and
everything runs as smooth as glass.
Carnival Note.
Tonight will be a good one, and a
larger crowd than ever expected.
Many were here from Murray, My
nard and I'nion last night, and all
were delighted with the carnival.
The "ticklers" made their appear
ranco last night, now look out for the
detestlble confetti. It generally fol
lows. The Wild Animal Circus was again
one of the principal attractions last
night, and four excellent perform
ances were given to satisfy the Im
mense throngs that eagerly sought ad
mittance. Mrs. Mcrkel, wife of Dr. Merkle,
manager of the Tyrolean Alps, Is a
genuine Hohemlan, and her home was
formerly at Wilbur, Neb., where her
parents at present reside. Her maiden
name was Miss Kmma Ilajek, and she
Is a most excellent lady.
J Dr. Murkel, prcssagent and manager
i of the Tyrolean Alps, Is a line gentle
j man and possesses that facult y of keep
ing his audiences in a laughing mood
during his entertainments. This Is
another reason why the Alps show Is
becoming more popular each day.
Sight seers do not want to give the
moving picture show the go-by. Here
will bo found one of the greatest and
most, popular shows on the grounds.
The San Francisco Disaster Is fully
Illustrated, and many others of like
character, but this alone Is worth the
admission price. Thlsshow Is situated
opposite the Carry-Cs-All, the great
est merry-go-round In modern history.
Thousands witness this great piece of
mechanism with wonder, and all who
ride on It once Is sure to want to do so
The Tyrolean Alps seemed to gather
Collars and
Especially Adapted
For Hot Summer
These will save you
from that wilted,
wnsheil-otit appear
ance so common
when the mercury
runs hitfh.
Soft ncjjlice shirts, col
lars separate or attached.
Straw hats, helts. liht
C. E.
j "Whara Quality Count.."
nger audiences than the two ore-
ceding nights, ami the large crowds
that Dr. Mcrkel entertained In pro
ducing the line scenery and his expla
nations of same was highly entertain
ing. Those who appreciate beautiful
scenery should not fall to visit the Ty-
roleon Alps. Here one Is taken for a
day and night through Switzerland,
and the most gorgeous parts of the
Alps, and when the twenty minutes
of splendor Is over one feels as t hough
he could stay on forever viewing
scenes presented, the coloring of
which Is as well nigh perfect as human
hands can make It.
The Nellie show, as usual, captured
Its share of sight-seers, and it was the
general remark of all who were there
that you feel more than repaid for the
time and money spent. The beautiful
electrical mirror and tire dances and
the. gorgeous costumes worn by Miss
Nellie (ilenn, the premier danseuse.are
exceeding grand. C. K. McDonald. the
lyric tenor, rendered several beautiful
illustrated songs S a most apprecia
tive manner, which, witli the statue
turning to life ami again returning to
stone and the lady passing through a
panel of Mowers and a huge wooden
cross, all go to make up an entertain
ment of real merit and l'i every way
worthy of the most liberal patronage
It Is receiving.
Never In the history of si reel carni
vals have we noted so many handsome
and accomplls'ied ladies accompanying
one as is with the l'arker Amusement
company. The number is somewhat
greater, also. Yesterday we gave the
names of several, but these were not
all, by any means. The others ;i'e as
follows: Mrs. Roy Creamer, wife of
ManagcrCreamer: Mrs Mcrkel, wife of
Dr. Mcrkel of the Tyrolean Alps. Mrs.
Oatey drclr, Mrs. Alice Murphy, Mrs.
(ieorge Hoy, Mrs. Kd. Ashley, Mrs.
Mike Magce, wife of the popular ad
vance man of the Nellie show; Miss
Mellville and Mrs. 'Gene McDonald,
of the Nellie f!iow: Mrs. Wade and
Mrs. Cuy Helger.
The old time method ot purging the
system with Carthartlcs that tear,
gripe, grind and break down the walls
of the stomach and Intestines Is super
seded by Dade's Little Liver Tills.
They cleanse the liver, and instead ot
weakening, build up, and strengthen
the whole system. Itelicve headache,
biliousness, constipation, etc. They
never gripe. Sold by Oerlng Jt Co.'s
drug store.
Fir at Weeping Water.
A special from Weeping Water, un
der date of yesterday says: "Yesterday
evening about six o'clock a house la
Kiverslde addition, better known as
"Swede town," belonging to II. D.
Heed, was entirely destroyed by tire.
The origin of the tire Is unknown, but
when It was discovered It had trained
such headway that there was no
chance of saving it. The house was
worth 700 and was Insured fortloo.
It was occupied by Mrs Jones, who
lost everything except what was on
the tlrst tloor."
Entei tains the W. R. C.
The ladles of the Woman's Relief
Corps were very pleasantly entertained
at the home of Mrs. Williams on
Tuesday afternoon. A large number
of ladles were present to enjoy the so
cial time that prevailed throughout
the afternoon and the dainty lunch
served by the hostess. Impressing
their appreciation of the hospitable
entertainment received, the ladies
took their departure.
Tor bloating, belching, sour stom
ach, bad breath, malassltnllatlin of
food and all symptons of Indigestion.
King's Dyspepsia Tabletsare a prompt
and cfliclent corrective. Two days
treatment free. Sold by Oerlng &
Co.'.s drug store.
Mid-Summer Clearance Sale now
on at Herold's.