The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1906, Image 1

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    Mattsmoutb Journal.
xvmwvai l's.
Short Paragraphs Prepared and Purloined
For the Readers of the Journal.
I lovp in cuss
Ttit- pinto-mis oomlcmn; St 1 Imud,
A I'luiro, firnil.
1 would lit) oiif uf them!
Many a firm has failed because it
wasn't firm.
Better a crying woman than a
scratchy one.
Six feet of earth or a bathtub makes
all men equal.
Law rules the world, but love is a
law unto itself.
Never judge a man by the opinion
he has of himself.
A dressmaker knows a lot about the
seamy side of life.
A bank Isn't necessarily solid because
it has a stone front.
Happiness has a peculiar way of ap
pearing unexpectedly.
Eut omnibus driver draws the line
at taking stage money.
Talk isn't necessarily cheap when
money does the talking.
Every man who knows himself know s
how seltish other men are.
A woman doesn't thoroughly enjoy
anything she can't cry over.
Fear of being reformed keeps many
a man in the bachelor class.
Seaside hotels cause more men to go
broke than do the breakers.
A irood neiehbor is one who has
C "
confidence in your judgment.
Nothing irritates a woman so much
as a man who keeps his temper.
Afterthoughts are sometimes best.
Woman was an afterthought.
Th( fewer friends a man has the
more popular he is with himself
Many a man puts both feet in it by
trying to put his best foot forward.
Anyway, the pessimist doesn't bore
us half to death with his alleged jokes.
When a man borrows trouble he
puts up his peace of mind as collateral
Why women cry when they aro glad
is still on the unanswered question
But the pessismist is pleased only
when he encounters something dis
Jle who knocks and runs away may
live to become an expert hammer
It's an easy matter to sympathize
with the poor when your pockets are
If half the average man's prayers
were answered it would but add to bis
Food for thought is often supplied
by one's Inability to obtain enough of
the other kind.
A social call isn't synonymous with
what women call each other when
they are angry.
It is painful for the young man to
discover that his best girl's father is
on a war footing.
There Is a tide in the alTairs of men
that leads on to fortune or to the
free lunch counter.
Whpn a lazv man comes home to
cnnner lift likes to tell his Wife how
hard he worked all day.
When the average man makes a mis
take he tries to justify himself by re
ferringto his good intentions.
Sometimes it seems as if the less a
woman knows about anything the
more she likes to talk about it.
A man who can make an after-dinner
speech, but won't is less tiresome
than a man who can't but will.
Some men are kept so busy critcis
Ing others that they have no time to
accomplish anything themselves.
Time works wonders. Even life
rlnesn't look the same to a woman of
:tfl as it did when she was sweet 1.
No doubt men are just as foolish as
women, but you seldom hear of a man
suing a woman for breach of promise
It is almost self-evident that the
man who boasts of loving his neighbor
as himself may have a grudge against
What a man and his wife say to
their guests and what they say about
them after their departure are quite
Only an Intellectual woman can
spread a stepladdcr so that It won't
collapse and leave her hanging to the
top shelf of a closet.
Men think they can fool some wo
men all of the time, but as a matter
of fact, they can't fool any of the
women any of the time.
There are crowds and crowds. One
kind Is to be found at church on Sun
day morning and the other goes to see
a baseball game Sunday afternoon.
Brilliant Display of Electric Lights, and
All Shows Opened to the Public.
hose Who Attended the Different Shows
More Than Pleased.
Monday evening when Prof. F. Nei-
kirk's military band sounded the first
note, at the hour of 8 o'clock, or there
abouts, Main street presented a lively
scene. In fact It appeared as though
the entire surrounding country had
turned loose, and the dazzling beauty
created by the hundreds of electric
lights in front of the various attrac
tions made darkness almost as light as
day. Indeed It was a grand spectacle,
and the children and even many of the
grown people went wild with delight,
and one could hear on all sides the
highest of praises for the Tarker
Amusement company.
The band gave a note of warning in
front of the moving picture show that
the attractions were open for business,
and it was not long until the tent was
jammed with sightseers. All who en
tered were agreeably surprised. For
Instead of viewing a lot of worn out
films, as Is usually carried by the great
majority of such companies, they were
treated to the very latest In the mov
lnc picture art. including Edison's
masterpiece, "The Train Wreckers,"
entirely new here and it Is certainly
the best so far turned out by the Edi
son people. "The Lost Child," and
"The Whole Damned Family and the
Damned Dog," which Is exceedingly
funny. Everyone should "take in" the
moving pictures sometime during the
Then the band moved up Main street
to witness the trapeze performance,
where the large crowd witnessed a
grand performance, and one that did
great credit to the performers.
After which the crowd surged In the
the direction of the Wild Animal Cir
cus and the Dog and Pony show com
bined, where a performance is given
that Is never excelled and seldom
equalled by any traveling organization.
The educated pony, "Dandy," is sim
ply a wonder and the manner in which
he goes through his act Is simply per
fect. The dogs are all well trained
and the funny clown and his mule,
Maud, will be prime favorites. The
performance of the gentlemen in the
lion'sjdens in their fight for life is as
hair-standing an act as one would care
to experience. Messrs Barnes and
James, who have charge of this show
are both clever gentlemen and take
great pains with their auditors. Mr.
James, the announcer at this show Is
the husband of the lady who came very
near losing her life while In the lion's
den a few weeks ago. Mrs. James Is
now at the Perkins House, and is yet
unable to leave her room in conse
quence of the great Injuries received,
and had it not been for the brav
ery of Mrs. Barnes, the lady who sells
tickets for this show, the lion tamer
would not be here. When they clawed
her and was holding Mrs. James to the
floor of the den, the brave lady went
right into the cage and pried open the
lion's jaws, which had closed on the
scalp of Mrs. James. How many wo
men are'there in Plattsmouth who
would risk their lives in such a man
ner? This show Is one of the best at
tractions with the Parker company,
and Is a rare treat for not only the wo
men and children, but for everyone.
Mother Katzcnjammer and her fam
ous "kids" became so popular and at
tractive they were compelled to give
3 shows last night, and the way they
made fun for the little folks Is a cau
tionand many old people laughed
just a9 heartily as the smaller ones.
The Foolish House, they claim was
built for laughing purposes, and they
have a sign that reads, "If you can't
laugh here you need a doctor," and the
visitor soon realizes that the origina
tor of that phrase made no mistake.
All eyes were then turned to the
handsomest wagon front of the com
pany, that of the Beautiful Tyrolean
Alps, which Is of white enamel and
gold leaf, with lettering In green, all
of which together with the one hun
dred and fifty electric lights, presents
a sight most beautiful to behold. Here
an array of scenic and electrical splen
dor Is presented which beggars descrip
tion and one must see It to realize Its
grandeur and beauty. From the time
the curtain raises on "The Sunrise in
Alps," and when you see the beautiful
little city of St. Geneva nestled at the
foot of that Alpine Monarch, Mt. Mat
terhorn, where the "Alpine (Slow" Is
seen in all Its splendor, until It falls
upon one of the grandest moonlight
scenes Imaginable, that of "Sleeping
Geneva." you are held spellbound at
the wonderful change of scenery pre
sented and each one colored true to
nature. This may Indeed be called the
"Beauty Show," for never has it been
our pleasure to have witnessed a more
beautiful production.
The Nellie Show, contrary to the
expectations of those who visited It
and expected to see a "girl show" they
find one of the most beautiful perform
ances Imaginable, consisting of beauti
ful and excellently executed electrical,
mirror and tire dances; Illustrated
songs and the statue turning to life,
and again returning to stone. This is
one of the shows that captures the en
tire audience.
The Ferris Wheel and the Penny
Vaudeville were well patronized as was
the Electric Striking Machine and the
Mechanical Shooting Gallery; but It
remains for the Carry-Us-AU, with Its
grand 10,00Oorchestron toattractand
hold the crowds. Col. Parker Is sure
ly to be congratulated on perfecting
such a machine.
The free attractions are all that
could possibly be desired. In juggling
and balancing on the slack wire, Trof.
Clark Is justly entitled to the term,
"King of the Slack Wire." Valere
and Clark as seen in the double trapeze
are dandies. These young men are
very clever and were a feature with
the Forepaugh-Sells shows for three
The last free act last night was La
Petite Faustina in her death defying
looping the big steel look in a hallow
wooden ball, thereby defying all laws
of nature and gravitation. This dar
Ing and dangerous feat occurred about
11 o'clock, but the crowd remained to
witness It. This little lady Is what
many term the quintescense of nerve
and daring and never has such a fea
ture been seen In Plattsmouth.
The managers are all well pleased
with their first night In Plattsmouth,
and It Is a cheerful remark with them
that this was the most successful open
ing night they have enjoyed this sea
son. There was an Immense crowd on
the street from 8 until 11:00 o'clock,
and the electrical effects In front of
different shows was the admiration of
Celebrate Sixty-Ninth Birthday.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Clement a delightful surprise party
occurred Saturday afternoon, the oc
caslon being in honor of Mrs. J. E,
Clement, who was celebrating her
sixty-ninth birthday. The surprise
was most complete, and the ladies en'
joyed the afternoon at social conver
sation, until delicious refreshments
were served by the hostess.
At a late hour in the afternoon the
ladies wished Grandma Clement many
more such happy birthdays in the
future, and departed to their homes
Those present to participate In the
happy event were Mesdames LehnholT,
Martins, Vallery, Hempcl, Chapman,
Morris, Britt, Clement, Livingston,
and her sister, Mrs. Cole, and Miss
Mollle Bergcr of Louisville.
Death of an Old Settler.
Mr. (S. L. Berger, of Elmwood who
is here attending the golden wedding
of his old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Con
rad Schlater, gave the Journal a call
today, and we were very much pleased
to take our friend by the hand.
While here Mr. Berger told us of
the death of one of his old friends,
Mr. John Buskirk, who died at his
home, two miles north of Murdock, on
Saturday, July 7, km. The deceased
was about "0 years of age and a pio
neer of Cass county coming here some
time in the fifties. He was one ol
the best citizens In his section, and
leaves a w Ife and several grown child
ren live boys and two girls. Inter
ment was made this afternoon In the
Murdock cemetery.
Extend Thanks.
My wife and myself wish to express
our most hearty thanks to our chll
dren, relatives and old friends and
neighbors who assisted us In celebrat
ing our golden wedding yesterday
Words cannot express our gratitude
and appreciation to all, and especially
do we feel grateful to the Misses Ger
Ing, Mrs. Henry Herold, MIssNovat
ney, Mrs. Donnelly, Rev. Fathers
Bradley, Hennessey and Hanclk, Mrs
E. II. Wcscott, Mrs. Swcarlngen, Miss
Mauzy, the serenades, St. John's
choir, Parmele Theatre orchestra, and
the ladles who assisted In serving, to
whom the enjoyment of the occasion
Is In a great measure due.
Mr. and Mns. ConradSchlatkr,
ngineer Elmer Cole Killed Near Fremont
' About 7 O'Clock Friday Morning.
i - -
Was Pulling Eitra Passenger on Ashland
Cut OffSad News a Shock to Parents.
In a message received Friday the
sad Intelligence of the death of
Engineer Elmer Cole, two miles south
of Fremont, was conveyed to his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cole, In
this city.
From the meaifre Information re
ceived of the accident, It seems that
Engineer Cole was pulling extra pas
senger No. 11(14 on the line recently
completed between Ashland and Sioux
City, which Is generally known as the
Ashiand cut olf.
The train was due at Nickerson, a
stall station two miles south of Fre
mont, about 7 o'clock and when a
sb'Tt distance from the station, the sig
nal to stop was displayed, but on ac
count of the proximity of the train
which was going at a high rate of
speed, Engineer Cole was unable to re
duce the momentum sufllciently to ap
ply the breaks before the train struck
the derailing swltch.whlch threw the
engine In the ditch, and as It is pre-
sumed.crushedhlm to death Instantly.
The remains were conveyed to Fre
mont as soon as possible, and an in
quest will be held t here at 4 o'clock
this afternoon.
Thenewsof ElmerCole's untimely
death Is a great shock to his parents,
sisters and numerous friends in this
vicinity, where he was reared to man
hood and entered the train service of
the Burlington about sixteen years
ago. home twelve years ago, wnen ne
was getting broke Into the service he
was fireman for EnglneerT. J.Rhoden,
who was doing the extra freight work
In the local yards, but who shortly af
terwards quit the road and went to
The unfortunate man's sister, Miss
Lillian, spent the 4th with the sister,
Miss Verna, and him at Lincoln, at
which time he was running west from
that place, but was anticipat ing a re
turn to the home run next week be
tween Lincoln and Pacific Junction,
when he would he able to visit with
his folks.
The victim of the wreck was about
thirty-one years of age, and leaves
three sisters, Mrs. Will II. Adams.
M iss Verna, who is attending the sum
mer school at Lincoln and Miss
Lillian who Is home from a year's
work in the university, besides his par
ents the entire community to
mourn his demise. In this hour of
bereavement the Journal tenders
heartfelt sympathy to the parents who
have so suddenly lost their son, and to
the sisters who have so unexpectedly
been deprived of a brother.
The remains of the unfortunate
engineer, accompanied by W. II
Adams, a brother-in-law of the de
ceased man, were brought home from
Fremont Saturday morning, for burial.
Masons, of which order he was a mem
ber, met the bier at the depot, from
which place they escorted the body to
the home of the parents.
On Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock
the people of this community were
called upon to tender their last sad
tributes to the memory of the brave
engineer, who. faithful even unto
death, protected and preserved the
property and lives that have been
placed under his care during the ten
years dischargo of duty in the engine
service of the Burlington railroad.
A special train was placed at the
disposal of the Lancaster lodge No. 54
A. F. and A. M. and of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers by the
railroad company, who thus evidenced
the high esteem In which the deceased
employee was held. The special train
bearing nearly one hundred Masons,
engineers and their wives from Lin
coin arrived In this city at 2 o'clock
The fraternal orders from the capital
city, together with the Plattsmouth
louVe No. . A. F. and A. M. escorted
the remains of the departed brothe
from the residence of the parents, to
the Presbyterian church, where Im
prcsslve services under the auspices of
the Masons were conducted by Rev,
J . II. Salsbury, who In a beautiful and
m pathetic address, eulogized the (le
aned engineer, and condoled with
Is family and the many friends dur-
ng the hours of trial and need.
The music, by a quartette composed
f Messrs, 11. W. White, It. A. Me
:iwaln, Misses Florence White and
Istellu lialrd was very sympathetic.
l'rof use Moral offerings adorned the
asket and altar. After the sad ser-
ices in the church the bier escorted
the pallbearers, Messrs. Kobert
Sherwood, Jr., W. A. Kobertson, R.
Mauzy, F. L. Cummins, John
lauer, Hubert Hayes, and by four of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi
neers, was conveyed to the ak Hill
enietcry for Interment.
A long cortege consist ing of the two
Masonic lodges, the B. of L. E. and
uiny friends accompanied the remains
i the cemetery, where t lie tlnal rituals
were conducted by the Masons.
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Gaebel of Near Louis
ville Surprised by Their Children.
It being twenty-tlvc years last
Saturday that Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Gaebel had entered the bonds of holy
matrimony, their children did not
wish to let this event, pass by un
noticed. A surprise, was planned by
them for Sunday, which was a grand
success. In the morning they ushered
Mr. and Mrs. Gaebel to church some
what earlier by pushing the clock
ahead, and while gone with the aid of
a few relatives they prepared a sump
tuous dinner, for which the children
received many praises. It was really
surprising, and shows the tact of the
children, to prepare such a dinner in
so short a time, without the slightest
notice of either parent.
When Mrs. Gaebel returned home,
she asked why they had set the table
for so many. The answer being "their
aunt had 'phoned out they were com
ing ror dinner. ' Hut wnen sue saw
team after team drive onto the place,
the thought of her wedding flashed
through her mind, and the surprise
was complete. Even Mr. Gaebel's face
showed the prints of surprise plainly.
Now, Mr. Gaebel was worrying about
the drinks and was planning how to
get some from Louisville, but as he
passed through the cellar he found
that the all-refreshing ale had made
Its appearance with the party. There
was no need of smoking clay pipes,
either, for enough of the Havana style
were found In Dlers Bros. & Co., car
riage. The surprise however was at
its highest pitch, when their beloved
pastor, Rev. G.Jung, preached a short
discourse, In which he Illustrated that
Christian couples were justified In
celebrating their 'J.".th wedding anni
versary witli praise and thanks to the
Lord. God has blessed them with
prosperity and health, and has given
them the greatest gift he can given
on tills pilgrimage through life, a row
of healthy and bright children, and
the more children, the more Lord's
prayers. He wished them luck, health
and further prosperity for the future,
closing with a prayer of praise and
thanks to the good God.
After this, ample justice was done
to the Inviting dainties of the table.
The afternoon was spent playing whist
and other games on the exceedingly
pretty lawn beneath majestic cedar
trees. Some looked at the farm and
especially scrutinized Mr. Gaebel's
Duroc-Jerseys and Poland Chinas,
which he has for sale In the fall.
Much credit Is due Wm. Lau for the
entertainment of the crowd, who
were entertained with his mammoth
urapahonc. Later In the evening Mr.
Wendt added his pieces, making In all
loo selections played.
The young folks enjoyed themselves
In the evening with what they called
a "lawn party" until n oclock at
night, when all departed for home
with the thought predominating; "We
had a gala time." Among those who
will remember this event were: Rev.
G.Jung and family, Geo. Jung and
family, I lcrs and wife, Tangleman and
family, Chas. Lau and family, Ernest
Pautsch and family, Helm, Pankonin
and family, John Rohrdanz and family,
Wm. Wendt and family, Mrs. L. Jung
from Illinois, Wm. Lau and mother,
Roman Myer and Ernest Bremkow.
A long and happy life to the couple
and may they live to enjoy their 5oth
weddlngjubllee, Is the wish a friend
A Fkienp.
Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner?
Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Com'
pleilon sallow? Liver needs waking
up. Dean's Regulcts cure bilious at
tacks. 23 cents at any drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schlater Renew Their
Vows of Fifty Years Ago.
Beautiful Address Delivered by Rev. W. F.
Bradley -Reception Held at the
Home Monday Afternoon.
hie. of the oldest pioneer couples uf
Cass county Monday celebrated with
the assistance of their children and
grandchildren, the golden anniversary
of the fifty years, that have proved to
lie one of the happiest unions tliatcver
existed between man and woman.
The principals In this festal day are
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schlater, and
their children, Frank Schlater, Mrs.
Joe Tlghc and Mrs. Ed. Fitzgerald and
their respective families.
At lo o'clock a. m. Monday solemn
high mass was held at t he St. John's
church, and the vows made fifty years
ago by Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schlater
were renewed. The services were
conducted by Kev. Father W. F. Brad
ley assisted by Rev. Father Hennesey of
Manley and Father Hanclk of the St.
Mary Rosary, of this city. A beauti
ful address was delivered by Father
Bradley, who spoke of the venerable
husband and wife, who were among
the few surviving pioneer settlers of
tills count y, and that this day It was
littlng that the people of liattsmotit li
should join In honoring the aged cou
ple, who were celebrating the anni
versary of lifty years, spent in faithful
devotion to each ol her since they took
the vows as husband and wife before
Father Marion In Richmond, Indiana.
Iteaut If ul and sweet was the song ser
vice, especially the solos by Misses
Rose Vondran, Helen Klein and Mrs.
E. H; Wescott, who interspersed the
ceremonies with sweet tones.
After these Impressive services, the
randfather and grandmother, son,
daughters, grandsons and granddaugh
ters, drove to their home on North
Fifth street, where they entertained
at the wedding dinner. The house,
botli upon the outside and inside was
profusely decorated with garlands,
wreaths and bouquets of beautiful
Mowers and leaves. In the three dou
ble rooms, large tables artistically dec
orated In yellow and white, occupied
the center of the rooms. In the inner
most of the three rooms the bride and
groom, of the past, lifty years, were
eated, while just forty-eight relatives
and near friends were seated at the
ame time, and partook of the wedding
feast with their host and hostess. On
the middle tattle a golden wedding
cake, the production of Miss Amelia
Stolilman, was the center of Interest.
The festal board was the scene of one
of the best social times that could he
imagined, and it was with many re
grets that the participants adjourned
to the beautiful lawn, Ahere an arbor
handsomely bedecked with white and
yellow llowers was waiting to receive
the aged cojple, who, seated on a
divan, held a reception this afternoon
to their many friends In Plattsmouth
and vicinity.
The out of town guests present to
assist In the celebration were Joseph
Schlater of Palisade, Neb.: John
Schlater, Louisville, Neb., both broth
ers of Conrad; Mr. and Mrs. John
Klausner, Garden Plains, Kan.; Mr.
George and Miss Johanna Hiatt. New
York; Joseph Tight; and family, Wa
bash, Neb., J. D. Ferguson, w ife and
two daughters, Louisville; G. L. Ber
gor and wife of Elmwood.
The Journal extends congratulations
to Us old friends, and while it was im
possible for us to attend In person, our
hearts are with them, and may a kind '
Providence continue to shower his
choicest blessings upon them to the
end of life Is our fervent prayer.
Clot Big Land Deal.
A syndicate of Plattsmouth and Ne-
hawka citizens has Just been formed,
and purchased a valuable tract consist
ing of 3280 acres of irrigated land In
the Arkansas river valley, near Lamar,
Colorado, at the value of .200,000. The
interested parties are C. C. and T. E.
Parmele, J. G. Rlchey, C. A. Rawls of
Plattsmouth and Frank Sheldon, A. F.
Sturm, Fred NeuUrnan, C. M. Palmer
and II. F. Kropp of Nehawka. Attor
ney C. A. Rawls departed thlsevenlng
for Lamar, to draft the necessary papers.
i ;