The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 05, 1906, Image 8

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    1 '.
The County Exchanges
Items of General Interest Selected Iron the Columns of Contemporaries
From the Kmrter-Ei'lio.
Louis Langhorst has purchased from
Clay Conner and others a part of lot 1,
Mock 21, Elmwood. Consideration
Two nf our citizens agreed to dis
agree Sunday evening, and had It not
bf-cn for Interference a ttyht to the
finish would no doubt have resulted.
As It was, one of the participants had
to have a doctor patch up his head.
Cut it out, boys.
Mrs. C. K. Trenholm and Mrs. V. A.
llakcr returned Tuesday from a visit
of several days with friends at l'latts
mouth. Dr. J, II. Hall came out from l'latts
mouth Tuesday evening, to see his
father whose condition remains about
the same.
L. II. Vaklner, of F.Ik, Washington,
who Is traveling for a wholcsalo lum
ber tirm, was calling on his many Kim
wood friends Saturday.
M. B. Williams last week sold his
remaining eighty, the former J. Y.
Heckler farm, to William Ilottlc, for
a consideration of ti,720, or per
acre, l'ossesslon Is to be given Febru
ary 1Mb, next.
Will Anderson, of Pennsylvania, was
In Elmwood over Sunday, the, guest of
his cousin, F. A. Kaker. Mr. Kaker
and Mr. Anderson drove to Ashland
Sunday, going from there to Gretna to
visit relatives.
Henry Miller was taken very sick at
the store Monday morning, and was
removed to his home and a physician
summoned. At time of going to press
he was considerable better and able to
sit up some. Henry "worked pretty
hard for two weeks out at Beaver City
putting on a tin roof and his sick spell
Is attributed to overwork.
From the lindm.
Boss CraUrec and little son were
down from Lincoln Tuesday and Wed
nesday. The new cable and Junction box is
being Installed at the centaal olllce
this week.
Ollicand Katie Beltter In company
with a lady friend from Lincoln, came
down Friday morning and visited un
til Sunday evening.
Mrs. John Lewis came down from
Lincoln last week to attend the Iiho-
den-Klrkpatrlck wedding and Is visit
ing Mrs. U. l'rlcc and other friends
here this week.
little soldier enlisted at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. (1. Sack on Mon
day, June 25. J oslo feels more proud
now than when he was marching with
Uncle Sam's regulars.
J. M. Gardner has finished taking
the census of the children of school
age In this district and reports a total
of 131, a gain of h over last year, .77
males and 14 femals. The dally aver
age at tendance for the past year was'.C.
Dr. Dlhel reports that Johnnie
Weaver who was kicked In the head
by a horse about six weeks ago to be
well enough now not to need Ills ser
vices any longer. There Is no sign of
pressure on the brain and the doctor
thinks there will be no serious results.
With the record of having served
the longest of any one in the state as
school officer, "Uncle Johnny"
Michael was re-elected as treasurer of
the Avondale dist rict at their annual
school meeting held last Monday. This
makes his fourteenthconsecutlve term
as treasurer of that district.
HaveiocK track, will be preJ
into the I'.urlington paverger service
In Nebraska.
Hoy Lobdell, employed by the B. x
L. Ins been transferred to l'latts-
mouth. While moving his household
effects to tin? car yesterday a large
cookliu' ranue dropped off the wajon
and was almost completely ruined.
Work In the shops Is somewhat slack
at present, only six engines stand In
the yards awaiting cleaning and re
pairs. There is some talk of a reduc-
(From tlif Kt Klcier.)
C. Kcllberg Is home visiting parents
and friends a few days this week.
M. D. Pollard has Installed a nice
new cash register in his place of business.
Julian J. Pollard, Josh Sutphln and
Julian A. Pollard, Jr. returned Sunday
from their trip west.
Mrs. W. L. Stuck returned to her
home at Johnson, Monday evening
Charles Adams accompanied her for a
visit with her friends there.
Mrs. E. M. Pollard has arrived home
from ' Washington, where she spent
the winter with her husband, Con
gressman Pollard.
The report has somehow got started
that we have sold the Register. We
desire to state that this is not the
case, and that we are not on the mar
kct for sale. We are very well satis
fied with Nchawka and shall continue
to do the best we can get out a good
newsy paper.
Dr. Elster, Dentis,
Waterman Block
Should Convince the Greatest Skeptls
In Plaltsmoiith.
because It's the evidence of a l'latts-
mouth citizen.
Testimony easily lnvetlgat?d.
The strongest endowment or merit.
The best of proof. Head it:
JohnS. Hall, residing on Hock street,
iys: "For three or four years I have
had attacks of kidney complaint, some
Hon to an eight-hour schedule, with a jf them so bad that I could scarcely
full day lay-off on Saturdays. If this attend to the most trivial matter of
regulation Is instigated it will merely business. If I contracted a cold It al
oe temporary and of, short duration, ways settled Just across my kidneys.
The II. & M. shops are requiring all &nd untold suffering ensued. When
minors In the company's employ to he spells were at their worst I was
sign and to have their parents or rompeuea to use standard remedies,
guardians sign an agreement to the but If I had obtained any peruibiieut
effect that should any severe accident rUef I would never have gone to
or death come to them while In the B. Oerlng&Co's drugstore for Doan's
& M. employ, they will not bring suit Sidney puis. It only required one
izainst the company for damages. h0 10 absolutely cure theltrouble. I
Every summer as soon as the univer- think this remedy should be known
slties and schools are out large num- wnerever Kianey complaint fn any of
hers of boys come to the shops for ,ls various forms causes annoyance
work and, being Inexperienced In this nd suffering."
kind of labor, their chances for accl- For sale bv all dealers. Price 50c.
tNni.. 1(111 V . M 1 ,
dents are Lrrenter than those of a usr-Muuurn 1,0., uunaio. JN. X
Try a little KODOL FOr. DYS
PEPSIA after you; meals. See the
ffect It will proJcon your geperaj
feeling by disest.hg yoTir food and
helping y5uJ.stoQMjtp git Itself Into
shape. Many stouiaclis are overwork
ed to the point where they refiiscTo
go farther. Kodol digests your food
and gives your stomach toe rest It
needs, while Its reconstructing proper
ties get the stomach back to working
order. Kodol relieves flatulence, sour
stomach, palpitation of the heart,
belching, etc Sold by F. U. Frlcks
& Co. and Gerlng k Co.
C. L. Hempel, in the U. P. employ
in Omaha, visited his brother, Henry,
a few hours between trains Thursday
Postmaster Hyers has returned from
Boca and was seen riding about the
streets of Havelock in an automobile
yesterday afternoon.
Three new engines have arrived In
the 15. & M. yards direct from Phila
delphla. They are large 4Dcompound
engines of the most modern make
designed particularly for passenger
service. They will be put In shape at
once and after a thorough test on the
regular workman. Generally minors
are also very careless and reckless In
their use of farm machinery and tools.
Thus many accidents happen among
this class of workmen, and the railroad
company cannot stand good for them.
Therefore, If minors wish to work
they must go In under this agreement.
A TVagle Finish.
A watchman's neglect permitted a
leak In the great North Sea dyke,
which a child's finger could have stop
ped, to become a ruinous break, de
vastating an entire province of Hol
land. In like manner Kenneth Mc-
Iver, of Vancoboro, Me., permitted a
little cold to go unnoticed until a trag
ic finish was only averted by Dr.
King's New Discovery. He writes:
"Three doctors gave me up to die of
lung Inflammation, caused by a neg
lected cold; but Dr. King's New Dis
covery saved by lire." Guaranteed
best cough and cold cure, at F. G.
Fricke & Co.'s drug store. 50c and
11.00 Trial bottle free.
From the Courier.
There hasbcen a wonderful Improve
ment in small grain since the rain of a
week ago.
Mr. and Mrs. II. II Ighnote of Kansas
'ole agents for the United States.
llcmember the name Doan's and
t".ke no other.
Lincoln Flooded by Water.
PiattsrHOUth seems to be lucky on
floods so far this seaon, although it
has been by a tight squeese on one or
' two occasions. Last night the storm
was quite severe, but we escaped dam
age, while Lincoln enjoyed its turn in
receiving a down pour that did con
siderable damage. The Journal of
this morning says-
'I'.etween the hours of six and seven
o'clock last evening Lincoln was visit
ed by one of the worst and most de
structive wind and rain storms in its
history. A terrific downpour of rain
started at (i:30 and lasting about thirty
minutes, completely flooded down town
streets, pouring Into the basements of
large retail houses and entailing losses
running all the way from a hundred
dollars to several thousand. In the
residence districts the damage was
even worse, Antelope and Salt creeks
rising w ithin the space of a few mln
utes to a height never before register
led. Holmesand buildingsln thesouth
and east parts of town were complete
ly surrounded by a surging Hood of wa
ter, aud In places the city seemed to
have been t ransformed into a veritable
Venice, with the beauty and pictures-
queness eliminated, and misery and
discomfort substituted in theirstcad."
Mrs. MlttSe MufTaker.
v j
' ' s f j
1 . I
The i Anti-Pas Law.
Hie anti-pass law In Nebraska goes
into effect tomorrow, July 1. Railroads
have sent out to persons who have
previously ridden on passes requests
that they return their passes, which
the roads promise to renew if they are
not excluded by the law. The law
prohibits giving passes to any public
official, delegats to party conventions,
members of political committees, state
or federal jurors.
Only 82 Year 014.
"I am only 82 years old and 4on't e
pect even when I get to be real old t
feel that way as long as I can get Elec
trie Bitters," says Mrs. E. II. Krunson,
f Dublin, Ga. Surely there's nothing
rise keeps the old as young and makes
i he weak as strong as this grand tonic
medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, in
tl imed kidneys or chronic constipation
are unknown a'tei I iiking Electric Bit
ters a reasonable line. Guaranteed
w F. G. Fri:'..c 'J. ., druggists. P'ice
.'.0 cc.ts per bo! tie.
Mortgage Record,
The following is the mortgage re&
ord for the month of June as shown by
City, are here this week visiting with county records:
Mrs. Highnote's father, P. Petersen. faiim fhoi'ekty
Mrs. Standcr and daughter, Alice,, Amount.
are visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. E.
Spangler, cast of Manley this week.
James Standcr will give his popular
lecture on Jerusalem, at the fitter-
bine church, near Murray, Sunday
evening, July 8th.
John E. Wood and family are here
tills week from Mt. Ayr, Iowa, visit
ing with Mr. Wood's parents, Mr. land
Mrs. J.P.Wood.
During the rain storm last Tuesday
night lightning struck a large cotton
wood tree near Wolf's store in Cedar
Creek and leveled it to t he ground.
. S HJfwO
Released, 17 " 22,015
Filed, !, Amount 8 4,115
Released, !i " 2,813
Twenty Year Battle.
"I was a loser in a twenty year bat
tle with chronic piles and malignant
sores, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica
Salve; which turned the tide, by cur
ing both, till not a trace remains,"
writes A. M. Bruce, of Farmville. Va.
Best for old Ulcers, Cuts, Burns and
Wounds. 25c at F. G. Frlcke & Co.,
Cedar Creek Camp Prospering.
The local Woodman foresters and a
number of the members drove down to
CedarCreek Tuesday night and assisted
the lodge of that place in initiation of
a candidate. On account of the rain
the attendance was not very large, but
what they lacked in numbers they
made up in well, in other things to
numerous too mention. After the
work was completed the guests were
invited to the dining room where a
neat lunch was served. On account of
the heavy rain the Louisville boys
were compelled to remain all night but
arrived home safe and sound early
Wednesday morning. Cedar Creek
camp is taking on new life, after two
or three years of inactivity and now
have work in the initiatory degree al
most every meeting night. Louisville
Modest Claims Often Carry the Most
When Maxim, the famous gun in
ventor placed his gun before acoramit
tee of judges, he stated its carrying
power much below what he thought
sure the gun would accomplish.
The result of the trial was therefore! h
great surprise instead of disappoint
ment. It is the same with the manu
facturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea remedy. They do
not publicly boast of all this great
remedy will accomplish, but prefer to
let the users make the statements.
What they do chum, is that It will
positively cure riurrhoea, dysentery,
pains in the stomach and bowels and
has never been known to fail. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T.
"I Owe My Life to Pe-ru-na,"
Says Mrs. Huffaker.
Mrs. Mittie Huffaker, R. R. No. V
Columbia, Term., writes:
7 was afflicted with dytpcpula tor
aevenl yean and mt last was confined
to my bed, unable to alt up.
"We tried several different doctors
Without relief.
"I had given up all hope of cny re
lief and wa almost dead when my
buaband bought me a bottle of fe
ruua. "At first I coald not notice any- ben
efit, but after taking several bottles J
was cured sound and well.
"It la to Perunm I owe my lite to
day. "I cheerfully recommend it to ail
Summer time
Kennedy's Laxntlve Honey and Tar
Is the original 'axitlvc cough syrup
and combines the iu;iii'.-i necessary
to relieve the cough ami "'irge the sys
tem of cold. Contain no opiates. Sold
tiy F. (t. Fricke & Co. ami Germg&Co.
(Sal a
JULY 9 XQ 14
C. W. Parker Amusement Company's
Paid and Free Attractions
Highest Class Amusement Company on Earth
Loop the Loop! EIGHT FREE Nellie! Alps! nip
ThcVolcanicGap! ATTRACTION5 Electric Theatre! D,U
zzzn iz zz :z J L S H 0 WS
Happy Land! Katzenjammer Castle! Frisco Disaster! Carry-Us-AII I
2 Bands of Music -19
Cars -- 250 People
Monster Electric Engine and Dynamo Turning Night Into Day
A113&w and Novel Not a Dull Moment
Monday, July 9,
Mr. Bryan's Wsalth.
The assessors of Lancaster county
have made their returns, and accord
Ing to the Lincoln News, the material
wealth of William Jennings Bryan of
Lancaster preciuct Is over ."0,(H)0
while down town he has a 22,000
property, according to the assessor.
I'pon this he will pay about 800 taxes
Into the county treasury duriiin the
coming year.
The home property at Fairvlew and
the adjoining tracts of land, six In
number, are assessed at $4,02"i.
Mr. Bryan's personality is fixed at
$l0,!i.")0, on the return by his a;ent.
Mr. Bryan had ;i,ooi) In cash or in
bank, one of the few persons In the
county who seems to have any consld
able sum in the vaults, according to
the sworn returns. Other Items on
his personal list are: Sixteen head of
cattle, fsOO: hogs, $('...; bees, flxorn, $.1;
hay $10; jewelry, diamonds and silver
ware, $.V0; household goods, $:i,000;
firearms, 1."0; docs, h; watches and
clocks, $:'00; carriages and wagons,
Aside from this property In Lancas
ter precinct Mr. Bryan owns the Com
moner in Lincoln. This Is on the as
sessment rolls at f22.2.V On this Mr.
Bryan will have to pay, for all pur
poses, city, county, state and school,
In the nelk'hlorlMi(lof as taxes.
Home for a Few Months.
Otto A. Wurl, who has been attend
ing the National school for Turner at
Milwaukee, returned home las-t Thurs
day night to spend a few months be
fore departing for Indianapolis, Ind.
Otto was one of the fourteen to gradu
ate from the school this spring, and
has recently accepted a position as in
structor of gymnastics In the two high
schools in Indianapolis, Ind. The
two schools are the Normal Training
and Shortrldge high schools, but these
do not open until the first of Septem
bcr, and Otto will remain In I'lattS'
mouth for a visit with his many
friends here, before assuming charge
of his work In the east, Mr. Wurl was
reared In l'lattsmouth, and where he
Is a favorite with everybody who takes
any pleasure In athletics. He Isa very
close student to the profession, and
his friends all rejoice over bis success.
Motion Filed With Clerk.
Motion was filed today with the dis
trict clerk to require the plaintiff In
tbe case of Mapes vs. Fitzgerald, chief
police, et al., to state names of parties
to whom nroDerty Involved In the
m 1
case was aecciea ana names ui suose-
quent grantors and grantees.
In the case of .Sylvia F. Wrenn vs,
Edgar L. Wrenn, defendant filed mo
tion that Injunction be dissolved on
ground that he Is one bTthe owners of
the riattsmouth Steam laundry.
It is always well to have a box of
salve in the house. Sunburn, cuts,
bruises, piles and boils, yield to De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Should
keep a box on hand all times' to pro
vide for emergencies. For years the
standard, but followed by many
Imitators. Be sure you get the genu
ine DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold
by F. G. Krlcke & Co. and Gering &
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Goal
All Kinds of Feed
J. V. Egenberger
Proprietor l'lattsmouth
Coal Yards
Corner Third and Main Streets
Bell Thone 25 Tlatts Thone 22
, It has caused more laughs and dried
raore tears, wiped away diseases and
driven away more fears than any other
mdiclne in the world. IIollister'
RocJty Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Te
tr Tablets. Gering & Co., druggists.
do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs.
Dlemma Mullins of Odessa, W.
Va. - "Because, after suffering
for several years with female
trouble, and trying different doc
tors and medicines without obtaining relief, I at last
found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my
iiis, and can recommend it above, all others for female
Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache,
periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata
menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women
suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure
vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject
to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited
over a million who used to suffer as you do.
At every drug store, in $1.00 bottles. . . .
'ir(tMrt full ll your vMfw
hn4f trn4 yon Frt Advka
flit plain rtlr4 nvflrj. liillf'
Vdvlttnr !?.. Th CtuHiK
tlrdkintCo Chtunjf, lenn.