The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 28, 1906, Image 8

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to tlie
Is the Motlii-r Who Chiefly
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Ito Kent In M r. F. llwckmin, m Mf ade street, Appleton, u., writes : j 1
ll-SS -Jl
Pe-rii-iia ShonM
Kvery Household
Where There Are Little
Mr. F. llrockman, 813 Meaclo street, Appleton, Wis., write :
" have never had a return of the catarrh, which had made me bo mis
erable and unhappy before I began taking Peruna.
"I would not be without It In the houte, now.
"I have a baby boy, two yean old, to whom I give Peruna for a cold.
and my husband also takea Hcruna.
"I thank you and with you well."'
rerun alirrold be kept tn the liouo all
the time. lWt wait until the rhtlit U
iok. then send to a drug Ure. Hut,
laTe I'ernna cn hand accept no sub
stitute. Children are especially liable to acute
catarrh. Indeed, moit of the affection
of childhood are catarrh,
All form of noro throat, qulny,
croup, honrneiieiiH, laryngitis, etc., are
lint different plianea of catarrh.
Pe-ru-na Contain! No Narcotic.
One rettHon why I'eruna ha found per
manent ue In o many home U that It
contain no narcotic of any kind,
rerun, If taken according to printed
'direction, is perfectly harmlen. It can
; be used any length of time without
I acoulrlnir a drus hahlt. it doc not
! produce temporary result, but it 1 per
! nancnt In It effect.
It ha no had effect upon the ytem,
1 and gradually eliminate catarrh by re-
Btorlng the cam of catarrh.
(From the KvglMer.)
Pev. S. Kelscr has practically re
covered from his recent Illness.
Horn, Saturday, June 1, to Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. McConneil, a daughter.
A ball team came down from Weep
ing Water Sunday and defeated the
Nehawka team to the score of 10 to 20.
Victor Conlcy came in Monday from
Pawnee, Oklahoma, to spent bis vaca
tion with his (grandmother, Mrs.
Helena A. Pollard.
Jimmlc and 'Johnnie Peterson are
developing Into great bee-hunters.
They have several swarms that they
secured In tho woods.
Maurice A. Melrose came In from
Alliance Sunday. lie says Nehawka
Is good enough for him, and he pro
poses to remain here.
II. F. Kropp returned Sunday from
his trip to Alberta, lie went about
four hundred miles north of Calgary.
lie was much pleased with the coun
try, but has not yet Invested In any of
the Canada land.
At the residence of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nutman,
near Avoca, on Wednesday evening,
evening, June 20th, occurred tho mar
riage of Miss Ida C NuUman and Mr.
Elmer William Kuge. The ceremony
was witnessed by a large number of
relatives and friends. The young cou
ple w ill bek'ln housekeeping on a farm
near Avoca, where they will be at
home to their many friends. The Peg'
ister jfilns In extending congratula
The Very Beat Remedy For Bowel
Mr. M. F. liorroughs, an old and
well known resident of Plutlton, I ml ,
says: "1 regard Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and l'iarrhoea Pemedyasthe
very best remedy for bowel trouble.
1 make this statement after having
used the remedy in my family for sev
eral years. I am never without It."
This remedy Is almost sure to be
needed before the summer Is over.
Why not buy It now and be prepared
for such an emergency? For sale by
F. G. Frlcke & Co. and A. I. Fried.
Fora the Lexler-Echo,
James Hall Is still quite sick. We
are sorry to learn that there Is no no
ticeable Improvement In his condition
L. F. Langhorst received a car of
sucar this week. Xo eicuse for our
people not kecplDg sweet this summer
Mrs. Silas and two daughters, Mary
No Doctor Required.
Mr. Edward Otto,t27 De Soto street,
Rt. Paul, Minn., write:
"I cannot ay enough for Peruna. It
ha done great work In my family,
peclally for my oldest boy. We had
doctored with three or four different
doctor and they did not eem to do him
any good.
"We gave tip hope of cure, and so
did they, but we pulled him through on
"We had several doctors and they
tald they could do no more tor Mm, so
ire frfcf Peruna at a last resort, and
that did the work. Since then we
keep It In the house all the time, and
no doctor la required." -Edward Otto.
There are a multitude of home where
Peruna ha been ued off and on for
twenty year.
I fluch a thing could not be possible If
Peruna contained any narcotic.
Oregon, where they will make their
future home.
William II. Rhoden and Miss liessie
C. Clevenger were married at high
noon Wednesday of this week at the
home of the bride's parents northwest
of Alvo.
Mrs. J. II. Hall suffered severely this
week from blood poisoning, caused by
stepping on a rusty nail. She Is get
ting along nicely now and no serious
results are anticipated.
While at Lincoln Saturday evening
Dennis Sharpies and the editor had
the pleasure of meeting F. II. McLain,
a former Elmwood citizen, who went
through the California earthquake
and has since moved back to Ne
braska. 'Twas a great pleasure to see
his smiling face again. The family
are living at University Place.
Our base ball team was recently re
organized, and were successful in the
tirst game played under the organiza
tion. The Alvo team came over Sat
urday afternoon, and were defeated
by a scqre of 12 to 11. The game was
fast and Interesting from beginning
to end. The features of the game
were a couple of double plays by Elm
wood. Alvo has a nice set of boys and
they play good clean ball.
Following the Flag.
When our soldiers went to Cuba and
the Philippines, health was the most
Important consideration. Willis T.
Mown, retired Commissary Sergeant
U. S. A., of Rural Route 1, Concord,
X. 11., says: "1 was two years in Cuba
and two vears In the Philippines, and
being subject to colds, 1 took Ir.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, which kept me In perfect health.
And now. In New Hampshire, we find
It the bet medicine In the world for
coughs, colds, bronchial troubles ami
all lung diseases. Guaranteed at F.
G. Frlcke & Co., druggist. Price .:c
and 11.00. Trial bottle free.
The Benefit Which the Children of
the United 8tatea Have Received
From Pe-ru-na Can Never Be
Put Into Word.
The chronic ailment It ha prevented,
the suffering It has mitigated, will never
be fully recorded.
lint at least this much can be said that
the coming generation owe a great
debt to Peruna, for It i in the tender
year of youth that slight ailment are
liable to develop Into lasting disease,
thus blasting the whole career of the
The mother who are bringing up
their children to-day to believe In I'eru
na are speaking from their experience.
These children brought up to believe
in Peruna from the start, will, when
they become heads of families them
selves, use I'eruna with unquestioning
Jacob Hursh and son are tearing
down the house occupied by Wm.Osen
kop, southwest of town, and rebuild
ing It. The new house will be an L
shape, one part 10x20 and the other
Lewis Root Is feeling very jubilant
over the fact that bis little running
horse took first money at the Old Set
tler's picnic by two straight heats
again last week the same as he did
last year. Mr. Root says he will enter
him In the races at the state fair next
While In attendance at the old set
tlers' picnic at Palmyra Mr. Ash worth
became mixed up In a runaway. His
spring wagon was overturned and the
entire family spilled out. None were
dangerously hurt although Mr. A. re
celved a bruised knee and an injury to
the muscles of the neck.
Postmaster Robbed.
(i. W. Eonts, postmaster at River
ton, la., nearly lost his life and was
robled of all comfort, according to his
letter, w hich says: "For 20 years I had
chronic liver complaint, which led to
such a severe case of Jaundice that
even my finger nails turned yellow:
when my doctor prescribed Electric
Bitters; which cured me and have
kent me well for eleven years." Sure
cure for biliousness, neurralula, weak
ness and all stomach, liver, kidney and
bladder derangements. A wonderful
A Child's life Saved.
Mr.O. It. Farmer, New Martinsville,
W. Va., writes :
"Our little aon, Harry, is well and
healthy now and we think if we do as
yon directed us, he will keep his health
and grow strong.
We know that our little aon'a fife
was saved by your wonderful medicine,
Peruna, and we shall alwaya praise
Peruna and use It In our family when
'Should we have any more catarrhal
trouble in our family, we shall always
write to you for treatment."
G. H. Farmer.
Medical Advice.
For free medical advice, addresa Dr.
S, IS. Hart man, President of tho Hart-
man Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
All correspondence held strictly con'
Mrs. J. C. Sterling, 133 Ilrown
Avenue, Norfolk, Va., writes:
"My llttlo noy, Meredith, Buf
fered with Indigestion so badly ho
could not eat anything without it
making him very sick, so I
thought (as many others have)
that i would try Peruna, and It
worked like a charm.
Sow he eats anything he
wishes, and I would not be with'
out It for anything.
My other little boy, Alfred,
two and a half year old, has
taken it and received as much from Peruna as hi
"I hope my testimonial may
ha nt tome benefit to others, as I feel
as though I cannot praise it enough,
'Mea. j. b. sterling.
Mr. Howard Andrew Sterner, Muddy
Creek, Pa., writes
"I havo Peruna in my house all the
time and won't be without it. It is good
for children when they take a cold or
croup. Jtcurea my uany ooyoi croup,
"I have introduced reruna into elz
families since I received your last letter,
and four have seen relief already."
Howard Andrew Sterner.
Pe-ru-na Protects the Entire
Ai soon as the value of Peruna is
appreciated by every household, both as
a preventive and care, tens of thousands
of lives will be caved, and hundred of
thousand of chronic, lingering case of
catarrh will be prevented.
She suffer:! even more than the child
who Happens to !. k! k.
Het sympathy i.s (keper than tha? of
any other im inU r of tho family.
'Ihe mother looks forw ard with dread
to tho torrid heat of summer, thinking
of her children and tho many liabili
ties to disease that ure Ix-forc them.
Spring and summer arc sure to tiring
ailments, especially .among the littlo
It docs not take a mother very Ion;; to
discover that I'eruna is tho best friend
she has in tiir.u of illness among the
A Multitude of Mothers
Have discovered that Peruna i; their
stand-by, and that in many of the ail
mcuU of spring and summer 1m which,
tho children nre Hiibjeeteil, IViuna U
the remedy that will generally ...:ek!y
I relieve.
11-,..,, Hi. ... e .... ,
iieuier u spring lever cr suinj( n
derangement, whether it ia indigi.-i'.iui
or bowel disease, a catarrhal conges tii.
of tho mucous surfaces is tho cause.
Peruna quickly relieves this condition
of tho mucous membranes, lis opera
tion is prompt, the children do not Un
like to take the medicine, it has no dele
terious effects in any part of tho body.
It simply removes the cause ct tho
disagreeable symptoms and restores tht
Every mother who has not tried
Peruna in her family should familiarize
herself with. Dr. Hurtman's. booklet.
The Ills of Life. This booklet should
be in every family. It gives most val
uable advice as to the use of Peruna for
the various catarrhal diseases so general
Peruna 1 a household remedy for all
catarrhal ailments of winter and sum
mer, acute or chronic.
The mother all over the United State
are the best friends that Peruna has.
The Mothers Hold Pe-ru-na in High
Not only because it has cured them of
their various ailments, but because it
promptly rescues the children from the
throes and grasp of catarrhal dis
eases. We have in our file many testimo
nials from mothers whose children have
been cured by Peruna. However, the
large majority of mothers who us
Peruna, we never hear from.
But we do hear from a great number
of mothers who are so overjoyed at soma
special good they have received from
Peruna that they cannot restrain their
enthusiasm. They are anxious to share
these benefit wltn other mother.
Friends of Miss Bessie Bradbury, Unknown Friend
who was accidentally shot In the back There are many people who have
last week and was taken to the Spring- used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
field hospital, will be pleased to learn Diarrhoea Pvemedy with splendid re
that she has so far recovered as to be suits, but who are unknown because
able to return home Thursday even- they have hesitated about giving a
Ing. No further attempt to remove testimonial of their experience for
the ball was made after she was re- publication. These people, however,
moved to the hospital, the physicians arc none the less friends of this rem
In charge having decided to wait until edy. They have done much toward
the patient gains strength and then making It a household word by their
have her taken to Omaha and placed personal recommendations to friends
under an X-ray to ascertain the exact and neighbors. It is a good medicine
ocatlon of the ball. Until that time to have In the home and Is widely
It cannot be determined whether or known for its cures of diarrhoe and all
not an operation will be necessary.
At V. C.
"0 cents.
Frlcke & Co.'s drug
From ththeacon.
Agnes L. Mcl'onald has sold her
farm In Otoe county to Harrison Scat-
tergood. Consideration r,ooo.
Over 10,000 bushels of corn were sold
here Monday for delivery within the
next ten days because ot the good rain
Sunday evening.
G. W. Peterson has received his
commission as postmaster at this
place and will take the office July 1st,
at which time Mr. Gardner's resigns
From the Courier.
Mrs W. W. Valentine and children
are here from Norwaik, Ohio, visiting
The establishment of the whipping'
post In Cass county would perhaps put
a check on the practice of wife beat
ing which has become so common In
the south part of the county.
On Wednesday June 1M, at 2 o'clock
occurred the marriage of Miss Lizzie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert at
their home near Cedar Creek to Mr.
August Engelkelmer. Kev. Sprlegcl
Plattsmouth Is to have a street car
nival during the week beginning July
9. Louisville's carnival will be held
In August so that the date will not
conflict with the rialtsmouth show.
The Parker Carnival company, one ot
the best on the road, will furnish the
county seat people with amusement
and they say there will be fun enough
to go around and lnlte Louisville to
go down and occupy front stats it the
You cannot Induce a lower animal
to eat heartily when not feeling well.
A sick dog starves himself, and gets
well. The stomach, once over-worked,
must have rest the same as your feet
or eves. You don't have to starve to
rest your stomach. KOHOL FOIl
HYSPEPSIA takes up the work for
your stomach, digests wnai you eai
and gives It a rest. Puts It back In
cendltlon again. You can't feel good
with a disordered stomach. Try Kodol.
Sold by Frlcke&Co. and Gerlngfc Co.
M. F. Lobdell, chief clerk of the
supply department, will be transferred
to Plattsmouth soon.
O. A. Anderson, of ttje carpenter de
partment at the shops, left forHenver
yesterday, where he will spend a brief
After almost a week's delay In the
shipping of his goods. J. V. Hlchard
left yesterday for Sheridan, Wyoming,
where he will be foreman of the paint
shops for the 11. & M.
Ct. C. Harris of Omaha was shaking
hands w ith friends in our city the fore
rart of the week. Mr. Harris Is a
former chief clerk In the supply de
pattment at this place.
In the many changes and transfers
which are now taking place In the var
ious P. & M. supply departments L.
L. Atwood will be succeeded by J. II
Ellis, of Alliance. We have not learn
ed where Mr. Atwood goes.
W. C. Vangllder committed suicide,
by hanging, at his home In Glenwood,
Iowa, a few days ago. He was a former
resident of Havelock and has many
friends here who deeply regret the un
fortunate ending of bis life. It was
the result of an Impaired mind.
forms of bowel trouble. l or sale by
F. C Frlcke & Co. and A. T. Fried.
If you knew the value of Cham
berlain's Salve you would never wish
to be without It. Here are some of
the diseases for which it Is especially
valuable: sore nipples, chapped hands,
burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic
sore eyes, Itching piles, tetter, salt
rheum and eczema. Trice 25 cents per
box. For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co.,
and A.T. Fried.
Special Sale of Trunks. Suit
Cases.Telescopes and Valises
atHerold's. New Stock. Low
est prices.
Masons inatal Officers.
At the session of the A. F. and A.
M. No. t! the Installation of the newly
elected officers was held last night.
The officers are:
Worthy Master-W. L. Pickett.
Senior Warden o. C. Iiovey.
Junior Warden F. L. Cummins.
Treasurer-A. W. White.
Secretary M. Archer.
Senior Deacon-J. M. Roberts.
Junior Deacon A. E. Gass.
Teller Fred Stadleman.
Deadly Serpent Bites
are as common In India asare stomach
and liver disorders with us. For the
latter however there Is a sure remedy:
Electric Hitters: the great restorative
medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of
Bennettsville, S. C, says: "They re
stored my wife to perfect health, after
years of suffering with dyspepsia and a
chronically torpid liver." Electric
Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria,
biliousness, lame back, kidney trou
bles and bladder disorders. Sold on
guarantee by F. G. Frlcke & Co., drug
gist. Price fiOc.
Dr. Ehter, Dentls,
" was a total wreck," writes Mrs. Beulah
Rowley, of Champoeg, Oregon, "from pains 1 had
suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes
would be unconscious for 12 hours at a stretch. 1
did not know that anything could stop the pain
entirely, but Wine of Cardui did. 1 advise all
women suffering with painful periods to use Car
dui and be relieved."
It does this by regulating the functions and
toning up all the Internal female organs to health.
It is a pure, specific, reliable, female remedy, with
a record of 70 years of
success. 'It has bene
fited a million others.
Why not you? Try it.
Sold by Every Druggist In $1.00 Bottles
Writ a kit dualtini ill
your (vmniomi, and t mil uni you
frt Advirt. In lUln nlo.
AJJr: LiJIm AdvlKwy Itrtmnt,
TlChJ"nuui Mdklnt-o.,Ui"-nouf.
Wattrman Blook
and Gertrude, left last Thursday fc
tlon takes effect.
shows on the grounds.