The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 28, 1906, Image 7

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Gents' Plain and
Fancy Dress Shirts.
Waterman Block
"n77h Cloth inu for Men
and Boys.
and Men's Furnishing Goods
Sen's t Boys New and Up-to-Date Spring Clothing
Plattsmouth. INcb.
legal Htocrtiecmcnte.
In tlie County Court of Cuv County, N.-tnasUn
Intlienintterof tlnMstmrof Wlllluin Wvlt-u-Unm,
All iHTitniw liUen-ili-il In the ttiito of Wil
liam Weti-iikunili, tli-cenw-d. will take nolle
thai K. 1. Cuimnln. administrator wltli will
anm-xetl of mi Id stun-. Iiu tiled lib llnul
iriHirt In suld Mat anil u iH-lltlon for
tinul MtlU'i-rifiit anil for his dl-a-hutue as miu-Ii
administrator with will annexed of said estate,
nnd the court havlnir tlxi'd the 21st day of July.
A. I. ltH, at llio'i'loi'k a. in., us the time of
lieurlntr am) tlieoffi'Vof tlx- county indue In
said county as the iilii'V of lieutim:. ton are
therefore nsinlred to show i-uiise. If any you
have, by said date, why said amount should
not lie aiiroved unil said administrator with
will annexed dlselinnred and his I huh I iv
leaM'd. IUiivkv l. Thavis,
- Ihkai.I County .Inilce.
In the County Court. In und for Cass County,
Netiniska. In the multer of the estate of llar
bara Jones, deceased. All lTsons liili-lvstcd
In suid estate arehcrehy notltled that a l'tl
tlon has iH'en tiled In said court alleiiinif that
suid deceased died leavlnir no last will and
lirnylnif for adnilnlstrnllon uimiii her estate,
and that a hearinir will lie had on said iietlllon
i-.f.,M. .uiil ,siiii-i mi the Hntli day of .luiie A. I.
IWW. at 10 o'clock a. m., and that If they fail to
ailH'ar at said court on said ;uh day of June
a ii uni ni. 111 ii'clock a.m.. to contest the
said iietitlon, the court may irrant letters of
administration to r'red (i. KireiilierKer or some
other suitable liersoii and proceed to a seme
ment thereof. H AKvrf D. Tkavih,
kkai,. tounty Judf.
Good Position for J. D. McBrUe.
Tlie many friends of ex-Sheriff J. 1.
McHrlde will be pleased to learn that
that gentleman bas accepted a verj
luceratlve position with Kllpatrick
Bros. & Collins, the big railroad con
tractors of Omaha. While they will
rejoice over Mack's good fortune at all
times, they will no doubt regret also
that his duties will take him away
from home quite a distance In the
start. Kllpatrick Bros. & Collins are
at present engaged In constructing a
new branch road In Wyoming for the
tl. P. and Mr. MclSride's headquarters
for the present will be at Thayer,
Wyoming, where he will have charge
of a large number of men and teams
engaged in railroad construction. Mr.
McBrlde will depart tomorrow morn
ing for Omaha, and thence to Thayer
tomorrow night. The Journal wishes
Mack prosperity and good health In
his new tield of labor.
Stringer Attempted to Board i Through
Tnin md Landed Under Wheels.
'America Good, No Work Now," Says
Victim of Last Night's Accident.
Htat of NkbhahkA, I w j county Court
Cakh County.
In the mutter of the estate of Amos Teffl, dc
v.,, i .-u...n t,, nil nersons Interested III
said estate that a iietltlon liar Wen tiled In this
..ii...,i.... tl..., lt..efled neiiurted this Hie
Intestate, iiossessed of real estate and lierxonul
nroiierty to lie administered mam and thai a
hearinir will lie had mam said .petition In the
County Court room at l'lnttsmouth, Nebraska,
on the id day of July. A. K. lliwi. at the hour of
11 o'clock a. m. Vou are required to show
cause atrulnst said petition on or In-fore It)
o'clock a. m. on July 2, HKti.
Witness my hand and the seal of the ( ouiitj
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, this l.tli day
Veal' County , I udtrc j
Notice Is herehv (riven to all ix-rsons Inter
ested, that mi theHhduy of . I line, A. I. IJ'.
Avetas Keynolds and wife. Ilnttle Ueynohls,
tiled their is-tltloii in this Court proiawliiir to
adopt Edith Keynolds, a minor child under the
mre of fourteen .vears.iind totrlve losiild minor
child all the rlclits. inlvll.-ces and inmuiillles
of a child Imii-ii In lawful wedlock, und the
Home of the l- riendless of I-lncolii. Nebraska,
havinif cont i-ol of suld Infant child has tiled a
statement duly signed and ucknovvlci hrcd that
It desires to relinquish to said is-tllloner all
care, custody andcouirol of said minor child.
v- fn'riim. i., tluit hv virtue of an
order of this court duly entered, a lieuriiitr will
lie had In the County Court Itoom In I '
mouth. Casseounty. on the IMh day of July,
A. K. 1HW. at which time Judgment will lie en
tcred on the matter la-fore the court.
Dated June Mh. IWH. , ,
IhealI II. I. Tkavih. County Judtre.
Ktate of Nebraska, I ; Jn County Court.
Cass County, t . . .,.,,,
In the matter of the estate of Levi . Todd,
Kr.. deceased. , ... ,
Notice Is hereby Riven that the credltorof
Kftid deceased will meet the Administrator of
said estate, liefore me. County Judire of I ass
County. Nebraska, at the Cimnty Court room
In I'lattsmoulh. In said County, on thi loth
day of July, 1MW. nl on the 17th day of Junu
nry. IW7, at 10 o'clock, a. m., each day. for the
jiuriKise of pivseiuinir ineirciiiiuis ioi riiuii
nat Ion. adjustment and allow aiK-e.
M.x months are allowed for the creditors or
wild deceased to present their claim, from
July K Hnl. and one year for the Administra
tor to settle suld estate, from the lull day or
June, llnul. , ,,,,,
Wilnesr mv baud and seal of said County
Court, at Plnttsmouth. Nebraska .this Mil day
June, IMKI. Hahvky l. TUAVis.
CEAI..1 County J mitre.
In County Court.
Ktatkof Nk.iikaska i.sJ
In the matter of the estate of John Wist, de
ceased. Notice Is heivhv t-'lven that the creditors of
said deceased will I t the executrix of said
estate, before me, county Judt'e of Cass coun
ty Nebraska, at the county court room In
riuttsinoulh. in said county, on the .'nil day of
July A. I.. I'K'. Minion the day of January
A. I '.. ItmT. al in o'clock H. III., each day, for the
pun lose of presciillii,.' their claims for exami
nation, adjustment and allowance. Six month
are allowed for the creditors of said dis-etised
to present their claims from the -Jml day of
July, l!'i'. and one y. -in- lot- the executrix to
senle said estate from the 1st tiny of May. Ilni.
WltiH-ss mv hand and seal of said county
court, at IMiittsmoutli, Nebraska, this illh day
of June. l!ul. Hauvkt It. Thavis,
I skai.I County .Indue.
Prom the Ledner.
M.(J. Kime, one of the prosperous
farmers southwest of town, was here
Wednesday with a car load of cattle
for the South Omaha market.
Miss Harriet Sweezy and Miss Mar
garet Anderson of Omaha came In
Wednesday for a few days' visit with
Mrs. John Chalfant. northeast of
Harry (i. Todd of near Murray was
In town Tuesday to attend to some
business pertaining to his father's es
tate, of which he Is administrator.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. True have
raiiKf for reloleiiiL' on account of a
new addition to their family circle, a
fine little daughter, born on last Fri
day, June 1").
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Biinton are
the parentis of a line baby boy, born
June , but our reporter of "infant In
dustries" failed to inform us in time
for mention last week.
Mrs. J. W. I'ittman and Mrs. Hob
son arrived home Tuesday from St.
Joseph, where they went last week to
attend the funeral of their brother,
the late Samuel Goodwin.
While assisting in the carpenter
work on Rob't James new residence
southwest of here last week C. W.
McKean suffered Revere Injuries by a
fall ot several feet. He was brought
home, and while his Injuries are not
of a dangerous nature he Is badly
bruised and will suffer from the effects
of the fall for a long time.
John P. Todd decided some time
ago to engage In business in Lincoln,
and has formed a partnership with a
Mr. DeLong. They will handle a
large line of automobiles, and In ad
dition will operate repair shops on a
larire scale. Mr. Todd has a "good
eye for business" and we are contident
he will make it win In the Capital
City. He snys when Lnlon people
visit Lincoln they will rind a yard of
latch-strlng hangink' out of the ollice
State or Nkbiiakka. . l County Court.
C'ASKCor.vrv. t
In the mutter of the estate of Itoba White,
rVccnsisl. , ,
Notice Is hereby tflven that me creniiors oi
ttn'.d deceased will meet the Admlnlstratratrlx
with will annexed of suld estate, liefore me.
County J utltfe of Cass Con nt y. Nebrask a. at t he
county court room In Huttsmouth, In Mild
county, on the Tth day of July. A. I. imal, and
out lie Wli day of January. A. It. 1!'7. at III
o'clock a. m. each day. for the purise of pre
Hentlni! their claim for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. ...
Six monllir are allowed for the creditor of
said deceased to present their claims, from
July ?th. Im. and one year for the adminis
tratrix with the will annexed tosi tile said es
tate from tlie ITth day of May. ltm.
Witness my hand and the seal of snldt utility
Court, nl riattsinoutb. Nebraska, tblsiiih day
of June. I ml. IIahvkv H. Thavis. ,
s;ai, County .Indue.
The night force at tlie llurlington
depot were startled last night about
10 o'clock by a stranger walking up
from the south part of the yards,
carrying a mangled right hand and
the stump of the left arm and bearing
several scalp wounds, all of which
were bleeding profusely.
After recovering from the shock the
men at the depot Immediately
"pressed" Into service the cab that was
waiting for the 10:18 train, and had
the injured man conveyed to the com
pany's offices, where Drs. J. S. Liv
ingston and J. B. Martin took charge
of him, dressed his wounds and then
had him conveyed to the Perkins ho
tel, where he spent a very restless
night, suffering considerable agony.
It was found necessary to amputate
the left arm above the elbow, and the
operation was performed this morning
by l)r. J. B. Martin.
The man, John Bukonen, who is
about thirty-two years old and a
stranger In this city, came from Tin
land, a province of Russia, to this
country about three years ago, and is
a member of the Amalgamated Wood
Workers' Union No. 7 of Chicago, for
which place he was headed for from
San Francisco, where he lost all his
money and personal effects in the dis
astrous earthquake that recently vis
ited that city. It is with difficulty
that he can converse In English, but
while talking to him he managed to
say "America good country, but no
work now" as he glanced upon the
stump of the missing arm.
ne was observed by the crew of the
switch engine a short time before the
accident accurred, and he had by the
aid of signs and the few words of Eng
lish he possessed, told them that he
wished to get across the river. He
then went on up the track toward the
big cut, where it Is presumed that he
attempted to itet aboard the through
meat train to Chicago, that passed
through this city last night about half
past nine o'clock, and on account of
the slippery condition of the road bed,
he slipped and fell under the wheels,
throwing the left arm and two fingers
of the right hand under, and striking
the wheels with his head, thus receiv
ing his injuries.
(11 j U. A. I-els.)
Corrected weekly by Martin & Tool,
who pay the highest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Hutu-r I
Km.' v
lleim Kl"
(iprlnKs lis'
Cremn No. I. It's'; No. 2. i:ic
Hoc f.vsii
Cuttle I.Mnil ..'i0
(iltAIN MA II Kins.
Corn 40 und 41c
Wheat :
Out '-"'i'
Rock Ini.asuTimkTaisi.k.
M unlock Station.
w KsT in UND.
No. 41, mail 7:47 a. m.
No. 7.r, local K:15a. in.
No. f. mail :t:oti p. in.
No. 37, mail 5:47 p. m.
No. IK), freight 12:.k)a. in.
No. 3, mall 10:.Va. m.
No. "Ii, Local 1:14 p. m.
No. 6, mall 3:00 p. m.
In tlie ba'l game yesterday between
the Painters and Carpenteis of the
Burlington simps the former proved
to be the fastest team, securing 10
runs while the carpenters got 12. The
store house team have challenged the
winners to meet them on any conveni
ent date.
State or Nkiiimska. ' In County Court.
In the malterof the estate of John liuehls
tot 1T. deceased.
Notice Is hereby ifl ven l lint tin' creditor of
said di isctl vv III meet the executrix of said
estate, before me. County Judt'i- of ass( oun
tv, Nebriirka, at the entity con it room In
l'lnttsmouth. In said county, on the ilili day of
Julv, A. I. I"" and on the 7th day of January.
A h Hi7. at H'o'clock a. in., each diiy, for I he
piirie of present Int.' t heir claims for examin
ation, adjustment and allovvance.
hlx months an- allowed for tl .-editors of
said deceased to prevent their claim from t he
tit It dav of July, A. I. iml, and one year for the
executrix to m-hIu said estate, from the .d
dayofMay.il1. , , , , .
Witness my hand and eal of said utility
Court, t I'lattsmoulh. Nebraska, this liili day
of June. iml. IIahvey U. Thavis.
(siai.I County Judire.
Dealer in Kdison Phonographs
and Victor Talking Machines
Large stock' of Records
Fine Peache.
J. W. Thomas, living south of town,
brought to this ollice tills morning a
twig, containing peaches which had
not vet fully matured. Mr. Thomas
says the tree from which these were
gathered was planted four years ago
and he says not only this tree but
others set out at the same time are
loaded down with this fruit, which Is
of excellent quality. Mr. Thomas says
also, there will be plenty of peaches
In sections, and that be will be able to
sell late peaches for ,o or (10 cents per
Ayers Pills
Aycr's, Ayer's Fills.
Aver' Rills. Keep saying
this over end over again.
The best laxative. fc&.f.
...4ai a n II f.
Want your moustache or beard RIIBK NUHAr.V5 UTt
a beautiful brown cr ricb black? Use m. v. i u, t a. . uu i.... sBi . . .
Taylor-Warren Nuptials.
A pretty home wedding occurred last
night at the. home of Mrs. Mary War
ren, west of town, when her daughter,
Miss Edna May, was united in mar
rlane with Elmer A. Taylor at eight
o'clock', In the presence of a large
gathering of friends and relatives of
the contracting parties.
The ceremony w;is preceded by a
sweet solo, "I Love you truly," sang
by Mrs. E. II. Wescott, then the strains
of the weddidg march played by Mas
ter Elmer Vout.y began, and the bride
accompanied by her sister, Miss Mar
garet, and the groom by his brother,
Ivan Taylor, advanced to the appoint
ed place, where the two were united
by Rev. I. A. Youtzy the ring ser
vice being used.
After the congratulations the gath
ering adjourned to the dining room,
where the wedding dinner was served.
A pprocrlate selections by Prof. Beck,
were rendered later in the evening.
The young man, who Is capable and
Industrious, has been reared to man
hood In this community, and has a
host of friends who will Join In wishing
him the best returns in life and con
gratulate him In securing such an ac
complished young lady for his wife.
Mrs. Warren Richard Is In Pont lac,
Michigan, this week attending the
wedding of her sister, Miss Ida.
II. P. Long was a business visitor at
Omaha Thursday.
Ml is Edith Moon Is visiting friends
In town this week.
Mrs. W. ). Schewe was in Omaha
F. M. Cox of Omaha spent Sunday
with relatives In this burg.
Roy 15. Cox and family spent Sunday
with relatives at University Place.
Al. 1-ettman visited In Lincoln fur
the p;ist week.
Sam Kilts Is down from Silver City,
South Iakota, to visit a short time
with relatives and friends.
Miss Louisa Krampicn died at an
Omaha hospital while being operated
on for appendicitis. She was burled
at the German Lutheran cemetery two
miles north of town Thursday, June
Call and see the tine Excelsior Steel
range on exhibition atMartin&Tool's
which will be given away In the near
II-A. Tool and Dr. A. E. Merkel
were business visitors at Omaha Tues
day. George Gillespie was thrown out,
dragged and seriously hurt while In a
runaway Monday night. He had taken
a commercial man to Louisville and
was returning about 1 o'clock when
the team became frightened and ran
away with the above result.
Mrs. Henry Schlenter was danger
ously kicked by a horse last week. One
rib was kicked loose from the backbone.
About sixty people from M unlock
went over to Richard's -park at Wa
bash last Sunday and enjoyed a day's
outing. Lack of time won't allow us
to tell of the good time we had.
A line exhibition of base ball was
given on our local diamond last Satur
day, when Greenwood R. V. 1. 21
came over and went down to defeat to
the tune of 2 to 4. Harmony was
prevalent and R. E. I). 21 lias a nice
bunch of boys.
Mrs. A. Zabel of Lincoln came down
Tuesday for a visit with relatives and
Rain Interfered some with theGer
man picnic plans at Richard's park
Wednesday, but a grand time was had
just the same.
Among the homeseekers who went
to South Dakota, last week were: II.
P.ornemcler, jr., Wm. Knaup, Jacob
Gochry, sr. and wife and daughter,
Miss Katheryn.
Sarpy County' Kick.
The Papllllon Times registers the
following kick Id behalf of the com
missioners of Sarpy county: "TheC'ass
county commissioners passed a od$
winded resolution at one of their ses
sions last week, In which they decided
to repair the Louisville bridge across
the Platte river and not wait longer
for Sarpy county to assist In the work.
In fact, Sarpy county has refused to
have any share In the work and Cass
will have the pleasure of doing the
work and of later on suing Sarpy coun
ty for Its proportionate share of the
expense thus Incurred. The head lines
of the Louisville Courier read In part
as follows: "Casseounty commission
ers have resolved to go It alone and
will put bridge In repair for public
travel at once-Measly little Sarpy
must pay later." If measly little
.Sarpy must pay later, It will Ik com
pelled to do something unjust. Sarpy
county does not derive one cent of ben
efit from this bridge, which was built
In the first Instance at the behest of
the merchants of Louisville In order
to secure the trade of a few Sarpy
county farmers and w hich, contrary to
the promises of the Instigators of the
structure, was not kept up by Louis
ville as was promised, but which was
J. C. WaUon'a Disbarment.
This morning Judge Jessen asked
Judge Good of Wahoo to sit w Ith him
on the bench to hear the arguments
of the demurrer to part of the charges
tiled against Attorney John C. Wal
ton, to disbar him from the practice
of law before this court. Mr. Watson
was represented by Matthew Goring
of I'lattsmoulh anil E. F. Warren of
this city, while t he complainant, at
torneys, I. W. Livingston. William
Haywurd and W. H. Pltcr were pres
ent looking after their side of the
case. The statement of Mr. Warren
was heard before noon and the court
took a recess until this afternoon
when the other side of the case will
be heard and argued.
This afternoon Judges .lessen and
Good announced that the demurrer
was overruled, ami tlie case was set.
forbearing on July Kith. It will be
heard before Judges (Jood.Kclllgar and
Jessen. Nebraska City News.
Unlawful Also to Destroy Nests and Eggs,
or Carry Them Away.
Last evening a Journal reporter no-
pawned off onto Sarpy county after tlced Borne boys In the west part of the
being built by the fellows who were
benefited by It because the law left a
loop hole which was large enough for
some very small fellows to crawl
through. Sarpy county may be com
pelled to pay for Its share of the bridge,
hut It will not do so without a strong
Learns That His Old Friend Lives.
F. I!. Klersey of Elmwoml was in
town today on business, and while
here he was happily surprised to learn
that his old friend. J. C. Gllmour,
whom he thought was dead, Is still
living and in South Omaha. Mr.
Klersey crossed the plains In lii7 with
his old friend and has not, seen him
since 15 when he stopped olT here
for a visit, wliile passing through and
now he longs to clasp the hand ot his
old friend, who moved to South Oina-
hr some lime ago, and thus was lost
track of during the past twenty years.
Nebraska City has a citizen who Is
said to be so contrary that If he were
to fall into the. river and drown his
friends would drag up stream for his
body. This Item, of course, has no
reference to t he Nebraska City editors.
My Hair
Ran Away
i Don't have a falling out with
your hair. It michtleaveyoul
Then what? That would mean
thin, scracely, uneven, rouch
hair. Keep your hair ot home!
Fasten it tightly to your scalp!
You can easily do it with Ayer's
Hair Vigor. It is something
more than t simple hair dress
ing. It is a hair medicine, i
hair tonic, a hair food.
The bett klod ot a ttimonil
"cld for ovtr tixty years."
Kid. y J.C. Ayrr O., Lowj'l.
f f.HPvKIU..
yers CHtl'itV I'FCTt IWL.
K mi's.
;3rrK!rnr'St-in'i C..
Blue Serge
This is a blue sere rea
son. You will be proper
ly "suited" if you buy
a blue sere. Ours are
the rifjht blue, rightly
made and guaranteed.
Wi Iiii Itiiti Ii wmtt, Cm
tons, Sunt In m, Porto Rl
cim, Java m finmii.
C. E.
I "WSr Qunltty Cun."
city killing birds with nlgger-sliooters,
and a few evenings previous we saw
some other parties about the size of
young men who were engaged in do
ing the same unlawful act wllh a tar
get, irun. The larger boys are old
enough to know better. In the casti
of the smaller boys It might be well
for parents who have children whoaro
Inclined to go forth seeking what
birds they may destroy, to note anil
keep in mind the following sections
of the law governing the wanton de
struction of birds, which reads: It,
shall le unlawful for any person In tho
state of Nebraska to kill, injure or
harm any robin, lark, thrush, blue
bird, kingbird, wren, Jay, swallow,
oriole, woodpecker, yellowhainmcr,
cuckoo, ycllowblrd, bobolink, or other
bird or birds of like nature that pro
mote agriculture or horticulture by
feeding on noxious worms and Insects,
or that are attractive In appearance
or cheerful In song. Provided, that
hawks and owls may he killed on one's
own premises. It shall be unlawful
for any person to destroy nests or
carry away the eggs or young of any
of the birds described In this section.
Provided, that schools, colleges and
universities may, when authorized so
to do by the game commissioner, take
or kill for educational or scientific
purposes, not to exceed twenty-llve('J.'i)
in number of any one rpecles or kind
of birds protected by this section.
Any person violating any of the pro
visions of this sect Ion shall he lined
live dollars (l-l) for each bird killed,
injured or harmed, and a like sum for
each nest taken or destroyed.
Mrs. LeDoux Found Guilty of Kilting Mc
Vicar Who Was a Nephew ot A. N.
Sullivan of This City.
Judge A. N. Sullivan returned last
Saturday night from Stockton, Calif.,
where he has leeii for several weeks,
attending the trial of Mrs. Emma
LeDoux, for killing on tho VXh of
March, her husband, A.N. Mc Vicar,
whowasa nephew of Judge Sullivan.
In speaking of the case the Judge says:
"The prosecuting attorney was an
exceedingly able man, and had
thoroughly Investigated the circum
stances surrounding the murder, in
this way becoming famllar with all
details, and thus aoiuirlnga complete
chain of evidence, every link of which,
was without a Haw. Many witnesses
were presented by the prosecuting at
torney, and after the arguments ot
both of the counsel had been submitted
I left for home, firmly convinced that
the woman was guilty." The follow-
lng special from Stockton, under date
of yesterday says: "Mrs. Emma Lc-
Ioux, who has been on trial for kill
ing her hiisUind, A. N. Mc Vicar, on
March 1.1 last by giving him poison and
then placing his body In a trunk to
take the remains out of tho city, was
last night found guilty of murder In
the first degree, the penalty for which
Is death."
Tor Infant i nd Children.
Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears th
Blg&atur of