The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 28, 1906, Image 6

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    nu.i'AUKi) in Tin: iNTr.ur.sT.s of Tin: ri:i li: or mpkuay
ll't irnt nil id !ii. n" infi lls.- Klt!"i- Juunvtl.
Win. Wee was a l'Uttsir.outh visitor
Dr. A. E. V alii or wai In Murray
Mrs. A. L. liaker was an Onialia
visitor Tuesday.
Father l.railloy of riattsmoutli was
a Murray visitor Tuesday.
Tom Lindsay and wife vvereT In
riattsmouth Wednesday evening.
Ilennctt Clirlswelsser, of I'latts
mouth, was In Murray Wednesday.
Mrs. J. A. Walker and Mrs. Mont
Kobb were In riattsmoutli Tuesday.
Leslie Hall was looking after some
business matters In Omaha Wednes
day. I. L. A'uiok was In South Omaha
Tuesday evening with a ear load of
Ik vs.
James Un wii went to Omaha Tuw
day evenii.g to attend the S. S. mo
vent ion.
Eev. Illtehie midwife were attend
ing the S. S. c invention In South
Mnaha this week.
Win. Troop and 15. (.'. lialley were
transacting hiisluess In riattsmoutli
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. J. W, Edmunds is attending
the S. S. convention In South Omaha
this week, as a delegate.
Park Clirlswelsser, of near Nchawka,
was In Murray Wednesday, making a
short visit with his friends of this
James Hatchet t and wife attended
the l'ropst wedding at Mynard Tues
day evening, returning home Wednes
day morning.
Ir. J. T. Uremic! Is in Avoca this
week looking after the practice of his
brother, Ii J. W., who Is taking a
short vacation.
Fleming W. Hobb,' cashier of the
Farmers and Merchants' Hank of Yer
don, will spend Sunday with his par
ents in Murray.
Mrs. W. C. liruwu went to
Monday evening to at tend the wed
ding of a friend, and to visit home
folks for a couple of weeks.
Chas. Clirlswelsser shipped his hogs
to South Omaha Wednesday evening,
l'.ennett Clirlswelsser of riattsmoutli
went to the- market with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Ash and the little
Miss Hansen are in Omaha this week
visiting friends, and while there will
give a number of private nmslcales.
Chas. Ihmhan, assistant cashier of
the I'acker's National Hank of South
Omaha, was in Murray the latter part
of the week, the guest cf Clias. S.
J. W. Holmes has moved his family
to Mynard, where lie will look alter
the Interest j of the Mynard store. The
new store at Mynard Is gaining dally
In patronage.
If you are needing anything in the
line of hardware call and let us tiirure
with you. Wo carry the goods at our
Mynard storo and are ready to give
you prices. Holmes & Smith.
I. M. Lloyd, who lias been on the
sick list for tho past few weeks, is ie-
ported some Letter at this writing.
While he has not been confined to his
bed, he has nut been able to do much
of his farm work this spring.
Mr. Mallery, representing the In
ternational Harvester Co., is in Mur
ray this week, and In company with
the homo dealer, Mr. L. 11. Under-
wood, are talking machinery of the
various kinds to our farmer frleuds.
Binder Twine
M'Cormlck Standard
Farm Machinery,
Wagons, Buggies
L B. Underwood
Binders, Mowers,
Rakes, Threshers
Deerlng Standard
Binder Twine
Murray Department
Edmund lirown are placing a
l.vw roof on their lumber sheds this
week. Hut few lumber yards in towns
the si.e (.f Murray are as weii equipped
as Edmunds Hrown, and they be
lieve In keeping everything In good
Cl an. Graves, of Union, was in Mur
ray the latter part of last week, talk
ing newspaper to the people of this
community. We understand he wants
to place a little plant In Murray, to be
run by his son, Harry. As to what en-
Icouragement he met with we are un
able to tell.
Ir. W. K. Loughrldge, if Milford,
Neb , was in Murray Tuesday, for a
short visit with his parentsand broth
er. He returned to his homo Wednes
day morning, accompanied by his lit
tle mice, May, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Lniighridge, who will
spend most of the summer at the home
of her uncle.
Sunday afternoon t wo games of ball
were played at J. II. Klser's by the J.
U.'sand the ('.P. C s, and the J. U.'s
and the M. W. A.'s. The tlrst game
was won by the J. II. 's by a score of El
to s, and the second game was won by
the M. W. A.'s by a score of to 4 in
the innings each.
oolite a hotly contested ball game
was played west of town last Sunday
between Murray and Mynard, In which
Murray proved the victor by a score of
10 to l'J. It was a good game, and the
only thing to mar the pleasure of the
entlro day was the tierce "In shoot"
passed from the pitcher to the batter,
who fanned the air, and the Rpeedy
leather passed on and struck the
catcher, Claude Landers, in the nose.
The unfortunate lad received quite a
serious Injury, and has been laid up
most of the week.
MissCitisslo Iiobb Is preparing a re
cital to be given by her musical class
In Union, t lie coming Saturday even-
lug, at the home of Myron Lyons.
Miss Kobb has a large class In that lit
tle city, receiving an invi
tation are looking furward to quite a
musical treat. Miss Hancock, of Chi
cago, and Mrs. ,l. W. Holmes of Mur
ray will assist Miss Hobb and her
class, with a number of choice musical
selections. No admission will be
charged, the entertainment Is simply
given to demonstrate the advance
ment the class has made under the di
rection of Miss Hobb the past years.
In conversation with M. (J. Church
Ill we arc Informed that a few of the
Murray people have already given his
new place a bad name, that Is they
have insinuated that he contemplates
en carrying a line or goods that the
sale of is prohibited In Murray. Mr.
Churchill has Instructed us to extend
a general Invitation to all classes to
call and sec him when theychoose and
on whatever mission they may seek,
but not to stand upon the outside en
deavoring to ascertain whether or not
some unlawful act is being commit ted
on the Inside. Mr. Churchill Intends
to run a tlrst-class place, w ill handle
choice cigars, tobaccos and temper
ance drinks, with a pool table in the
rear room for the accommodation of
those who desire to Indulge In this
line of sport.
MissXctlie formally went to Omaha
Wednesday evening.
For Sale!
A Hit) acre farm close to Murray; fair
Improvements. For particulars call
On or address C. S. Stone,
Murray, Neb.
Binder Twine
Plymouth Standard
Sisal Binder Twins
Binder Twine
ani vicinity especially
Albert F. Test of Mitchell, S. D., and
Miss Maude E. Propst Married
Near Mynard.
At the beautiful rural home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hubert l'ropst, near Mynard.
another pretty June wedding was sol
emnized Tuesday when their accom
plished daughter, Miss Maude, was
united in marriage at 7 o'clock to Mr.
Albert Fawtett Test of Mitchcll.S.D.,
in the presence of a large gathering of
friends and relatives of the young
couple. .
Preceding the ceremony, Miss Ivlna
l'ropst, a sister of the bride, sang a
beautiful solo. Then the strains of
tho wedding march, played by Miss
Stella Lung, could he heard, and while
the bride, dressed in beautiful cream
silk, accompanied by her bridesmaids,
Misses lilanclie Ilagg and Kvclyn Tay
lor, the groom, accompanied by his
best men, Thayer l'ropst and Frank
Jean, could he observed advancing to
the front room, where tho blessings
and the words that would make them
husband and wife were pronounced by
licv. McVey of the l H. church.
The guests were received at the
door by Misses Altla Warnerand Edith
and Nellie Jean, who with their cour
teous manners made all feel perfectly
at home. After the congratulations
had been received by the newly
wedded couple, the guests made their
way to the dining room, where a very
elegant dinner was served by Misses
Porter and Stokes.
The couple departed Wednesday
morning over the Missouri Pacific for
their future home In Mitchell, S. 1.
We join the many friends in congratu
lating Mr. and Mrs. Test and especial
ly the former in securing one of Cass
county's most popular young ladles.
Farmers, Look!
If you are In need of new hay fork
rope, please bear in mind that we carry
a high grade rope and have some on
hand. Call and ste us. Holmes &
Smith, Mynard.
In Honor of Her Father.
Mrs. William Morrow entertained a
few of her friends at her pleasant
home, near Murray, a few days since
in honor of her father, Mr. J.Shaw,
who lives at Tabor, Iowa, and who has
been visiting Mrs. Morrow for a few
weeks. Those who were present were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and (laugh
ters. Misses Vera and Frances: Mr
and, Mrs. F. M. Young, sr.,and daugh
ters, Misses Viola and Isabclle: Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Young, jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Lilly, and Mrs. Mchonald and
daughter, Florence.
At noon the guests were invited
into the dining room, where they
were seated around a table that fairly
groaned under Its weight of good
things, such as only excellent cooks
can prepare, and with a countenance
beaming with cheerfulness Mrs. Mor
row seemed delighted to wait upon
her guests.
The afternoon was spent in social
conversation and in relating stories of
long ago. Mr. Shaw located in Mills
county, four miles southeast of Pacific
Junction, In lrJ, and there, after
rearing a large family, his wife died
tifteen years ago, when Mr. Shaw went
to make his home with his son, at
Tabor, Iowa.
At a late hour in the evening the
guests departed for their homes, de
clarlng they had spent a most delight
ful day, and with the wish that Mr.
Shaw would visit his daughter fre
quently under such circumstances.
Onk Who WasThkuk.
Mrs. Gllmore Entertains.
Mrs. G. II. Gllmorc most rovally en'
tertalned a number of her Murray
friends Wednesday afternoon In honor
of her musical class. The entertain
ment consisted of a number of musical
selections by the entire class, assisted
by Miss Pauline Oldham in a number
of cholco readings. An excellent pro'
gram was prepared, the rendition of
which was all that the many visitors
How is This?
Twenty-seven thousand (,too) acres
of the Fort Auply Reservation lands In
Woodard county, Oklahoma, now on
the market. Come, hurry up, or you
will be too late to get a chance of se
curing a farm In this tine country. The
price Is In reach of all. Parties wish
ing to look at this land can join our
excursion party. For further particu
lars call on or write to
F.DW Alllt ClI.MiN,
riattsmoutli, Neb.
Residence at the end of 4th street
attd Lincoln Avenue.
lesirable home property for salo in
the city of Plattsmouth: centrally lo
cated; Id good repair, in J would make
& Tery desirable home. For particu
lars apply to or write 14, y street,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
hi: tiif. joi.t.xal keaheus.
James Allison Died at His Home Two Miles
Southeast of Murray Last Night.
Atanearly hour this mornlmr the
Journal received a telephone message
from Murray conveying the sad Intelli
gence that James Allison passed away
at his home, two and a half miles
southeast of that place last evening at
o clock.
The deceased had been ailini: for
several months, but no serious results
were apprehended until within the
past three weeks, since which time he
lias been confined strictly to his room.
The principal cause of his death was
kidney and bladder trouble, from
which he complained, although a
tape worm was taken from him a few
days ago measuring in length twenty
live feet. I'd to ten davs aim bis
friends had great hopes for his recov
James Allison has been a resident of
Cass county for many years, coming
sometime in the r0's, where he has
since resided, and most of that time
upon the farm where he died.
A wife and four daughters survive
him, namely-Mrs. J. If. Hascnyager,
Mrs. Clint (Jlincburg and the Misses
Kva 15. and Carrie M. Allison.
The funeral will occur tomorrow
(Friday) at 2 o'clock, n. m.. from the
late home of the deceased, and Inter
ment made at the Lewlston cemeterv.
Canon Burgess of St. Luke's church of
this city will conduct the services.
The Journal in a future issue will
have a more extended obituary of our
old rriend. lie was one of the pion
eers of Cass county, an excellent citi
zen and to know him was but to re
spect him. Peace to his ashes.
Macple Grove
(Special Correspondence.)
Chas. Iioedeker is visiting with rela
tives in Wisconsin this week.
Mrs. W. II. Puis and Mrs. Lewis
visited at the home of Adam Ilild
(,uito a number of relatives and
friends gathered at the home of Louis
Puis Sunday.
liuite a ball game was witnessed
Sunday afternoon at Louis Puis'
pasture between Murray and Manley,
the former winning bv a score of 12 to
Our annual school meeting was held
Monday evening. John Young was
elected treasurer.
Don't forget the platform dance
Saturday, JuneiW. Come, everybody,
and have a good time.
A number from this locality attend
ed the children's day exercises at the
Eight Mile CrovechurchSunday even
ing. Those who attended the Engelke-
melcr-Albert wedding near Cedar
Creek last Wednesday from this local
ity were: Mr. and Mrs. William Puis,
Fred Engclkemeler and family, Au
gust Engclkemelcr and family, Will
Kloepplng and family, Chas. Engclke
meler and family, W. If. Puis and
family, P. A. II i Id and family, Louie
Puis, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kraeger,
John Kraeger and family, Henry
Engclkemelcr and family, Henry and
Mary Kraeger, Otto, Mata and Annie
Puis, Alfred Oansemcr, Julius and
Johnnie Engclkemeler.
New Hope.
Special Corrt'ipondoiiU
W. A. Lewis shelled com Monday.
Aleck Rhoden called at the home of
Will Lewis Friday.
Here we are Willi
Th ese goods are carried at both our Murray and Mynard Stores and
the same prices will be made ut both stores.
Beoik Drafts
have many advantages
they have :r.a::y ailvantavs over I'. (). r.-.c::.-y orders.
l'o.tolTicc niniity onk-rs are j;ooj o::'.y at t'.'.c office
named iu the o:!er, must be cashed at that j'ace.
l'ostoffice orders can lie transferred hut or.ce ly en
dorsement. P.ank drafts are cheaper tha:: P. 0. or
express money orders. A hank draft is a bar.k no::ey
order. A batik draft may be transferred as many
times as desired. I'.a:ik drafts are returned the bank
iasuing them and may le examined by the purchaser.
The endorsements on back of a bank draft serve as a
receipt. There is no red tape or delay in case a batik
draft is lost a duplicate is issued to the purchaser
of the original draft without addition expense. Buy
your bank money orders at the
Chas. S, Stone, Cashier.
Kelly Hhoden made a business trip
to Nehawka Monday.
Park Chriswlsser and wife of Weep
ing Water visited with Hay Chris
wlsser and wife recently.
Mrs. Chas. Dill and Mrs. Hay Chris
wisser spent Monday with the lattcr's
parents, Chas. Philpot.
Mrs. Ault of Plattsmouth returned
to her homo Friday, after a few days'
visit with A. Mast and family.
Miss Ciertrude Hoback, Mrs. Wade
Porter, Mrs. D. C. Hhodon. Messrs.
Oscar Hoback and Wade Porter spent
Sunday with Miss Leola Yallery.
Glen Yallery was a Nehawka visitor
Tuesday evening.
Will Troon and Jesse Lowthers
shipped their hogs Wednesday.
Miss Mltta Tilson spent a few davs
at the home of Will Klce recently.
Mrs. (i. W. Rhoden and Mrs. Glen
Rhoden were Tlattsmouth visitors
Miss Mary Lawrenson of WeeDlncr
Water is visiting her sister, Mrs. Da
vid rattcrson.
(Special Correspondent.)
A. S. Will and daughter. Minnie.
left Sunday for their ranch In Colorado.
Mrs. A. L. Cox and Mrs. J. A.
were shopping in )maha Tuesday.
F. M. Richey lias been getting in
lumber, rock, sand and in fact every
thing in the line of buildimg material.
W. P. Porter and son, Hoyd, were in
Omaha Monday.
Mrs. W. E. Rcnner of Omaha has
been visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Will Richardson.
George Snyder recently shipped six
car loads of fat steers, which certainly
showed the ell'ect of skillful feeding.
That million dollar rain has caused
a change of expression on every one's
face. The spring grain is malting all
kinds of promises to be a fair crop,
while the winter wheat is considered
better than the average.-
The cherry has gone Into winter
quarters, the raspberries are "getting
there," while the blackberry crop Is
bringing up tht rear.
Tuesday witnessed the happy event
of the marriage of Maude Propst and
Mr. Test of South Dakota.
Notice to Farmers!
I have purchased a new Westing
house traction engine and separator,
and prepared to thrash your small
grain in tlrst-class shape. liefore con
tracting your work let us figure with
you. J. T. Lloyd.
Kastle Home From Omaha.
Joseph Kastle, who was seriously In
jured in the Burlington yards In
Omaha about a month ago, returned
home yesterday. For some time It
was thought that the Injuries might
prove fatal, but we are pleased to
learn that the unfortunate nun has
recovered so much that he Is able to
return to Plattsmouth. He Is still
very week, and it will be several
months before he will regain his for
mer vigor and health.
Fruit Jar talk that will interest you
Ball-Mason Jars
One-half Gallon Jars, per dozen
Quart Jars, - " 44
Pint Jars, - - " "
Jar Rubbers, 15ckinudbl thicknes,
Extra Caps, per dozen
Murray State Bank.
Murray, Neb.
Pretty Good For Amateurs.
While fishing in the Platte river
yesterday Wade Miner and his uncle,
A. P. Churchill, of I'nariilla, who is
visiting with relatives here, were sur
prised to discover-that one (if their
lines was undergoing a severe straiu,
and upon taking hold of the line t
pull in, they found that tliey had their
hands full. !:ut after a plucky fight a
dandy blue channel cattish, which
weighed twenty-six pound.-,, was land
ed. They consider thi, together with
the other small frys, to be a pretty
good catch for amateurs at the angl
ing business.
Fire-works and fire crackers at our
Mynard store. Holmes &, Smith.
Lands, Ranches and City Real Estate
In Nebraska and elsewhere bought
sold and exchanged.
Mentals, Insurance and Abstracting of
1 itles. Money to loan ut u low rata of
Interest on Improved farm. Husini'sN
correspondents In all Important cltlas
und towns In the Cnlted States.
Telophones No. 20 and 98.
R. B. WINDHAM, President
W. W. WINDHAM , Secretary
All klnrls of Dental work. Plates madethut
tit. fti years experience. Prices reasocibie.
Work guaranteed.
Telephone No. 3ok47
F re s h
in any style
Short Orders
Regular Meals j
Our Spt
olaltus. If you are hungry we can supply
you with the pick of the market
Sth door Cast of Css Co. Bank
w Dr. King's
Now Discovery
9 Allfllltinoinii .
OUGHSand 50c k $1.00
OLDS Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
Teeth $5
Cold Crowns and Bridge Trthfi.o up Psr;
Uln Crown up. HUinns soo no. f seiu
Extracted Painlett. Newtetiama daz.
BAILEY The Dentist,
EaUbllahed 1888. Paitoi Blk. 0.1AHA.
doz.. . IOc