The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 21, 1906, Image 1
' r l&lattemoutb 3ourn PLATTSMOUTH, NE Ml ASK A, THUllSDAV, .1 l'N K JI, liKXI. MTMllKIt ''.". VOLUME XXVI JOTTINGS FOR THE JOLLY Short Paragraphs Prepared and Purloined For the Readers of the Journal. A vouth wriit forth to-mi,l" i'h Imly In fcwed tustt. Anil lv lii r hou-v t vrnlnir. When lht mm liail ironv lo r"t. He WHilili tl until ilai litr'lt And would lm rlil'd more. Hut mornlnir IMit iltselostti tlif sgn "lor win" ution llif iloor. Every woman owes it to herself to be good-looking. The middle aisle is the most satisfac tory bridal path. 1)0 your best for your boss or lie may do without you. It is never too late to mend, marry or get a divorce. Some people save a lot of time by telling the truth. No wise person toes to a confidence man for confidence. Circumstances induced by a railroad wreck alter egg cases. What others say of you is the effect. You supply the cause. Some writers have a fine ilow of other writers' thoughts. Nothing seems to please a gossip so much as a telling situation. Every man pays for what he gets either In coin or self-respect. And the more justice some men get the more they are dissatisfied. It is far easier to return a compli ment than a borrowed umbrella. Even bargains sometimes come to those who wait at bargain counters. Crawl out of your shell occasionally and look on the bright side of things. .Some people take offense because there Is nothing else lying around loose. Too many men seem more anxious to give his Satanic majesty more than bis due. Most elopements are due to the fact that there arc no wedding presents in sight. There is nothing more unattractive than a silk hat that has outlived its usefulness. Even a lazy man makes at least one strenuous effort to see how little he can accomplish. Vou can always make a satisfactory deal with an honest man unless you are in the dishonest class. It is perfectly proper for the thin girl to expect her dressmaker to make the most of her. Wise Is the married woman who is capable of drawing the line between coaxing and nagging. If all tombstone inscriptions were literally true his satanic majesty would have a lonesome time of It. How weak and helpless a man is when a bold and aggressive widow makes up her mind to marry him. No woman ever misses an oppor tunity to laugh at any old joke for a few weeks after getting her new store teeth. I'mm I'mri't Sound In Texas I nun Flnrlda to Miime, From ocviin up to mountain, Vou hmrtlie old iff ruin Tlint, old ivfriiln of MiinmiT, Wlien Willi n wenry "Uliew!" Some intltinir lolpsOTiiueiles. "Is ll hot I'tiouuli for jou:" It keeps the average man so busy trying to cover up his past that he hasn't much time to boast of his future. You may have noticed that between paying taxes and his wife's bills a mar ried man Is constantly confronted by a financial stringency. The street fair will be a big success. The Parker Aumscment company al ways furnish the best attractions. Make your arrangements to attend. Don't despise small things. Even theyellowjacket sometimes commands respjet. And he does not make any fuss about it either, but presents his point with stinging rorce. A Tlattsmouth man sent a shirt to the laundry and by mistake a woman's nightie was returned to him. He look ed her up, mingled his blushes with hers while exchanging the goods, and lntpr married her. How's that for a romantic shirt tale In society circles? An exchange which devotes some space to suggestions to housewives says that "silk skirts will retain their freshness by being hung upsme aown Wonder If the writer of that ever timncrdt of the inconvenience that a woman would be In, hung In that posi Hon? The sworn statement of the manu facturers protects you from opiates In Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar the cough syrup that drives the cold out of your system, sold by i ricne k Co. and Gerlng & Co. Boy Ha Bad Fall. A special from Elmwood Informs the Journal that on Thursday the eleven-year-old son of Adam Hilde- brand, residing three miles west ana one north of Elmwood, was seriously Injured by falling out of the hay mow. He struck on the horses which were harnessed, striking the hames and then fell beneath their feet. Fortu nately no bones were broken, but his head, face and neck were badly cut and several teeth were knocked out. If nothing more serious sets In he will recover. THE METROPOLITANS LOSE ANOTHER GAME WORKS A SMOOTH DODGE A Light Fingered "Culled Gent" Visits A. T. Fried's Drug Store. ATTEMPTS TO GET AWAY WITH 6000$ Lose Is Discovered and Police Land Him in Jail to Face Charge of Petty Larceny. Errors Taken Advantage of by Locals in the Second and Third Innings. TWO HUNDRED PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE Home Team Has Not Been Defeated This Season A Splendid Record. In the game played with the llan scom Tark team of Omaha Saturday afternoon on the home grounds, the Plattsmouth lied Socks, by bunching hits in the second and third Inning, walked away with the honors of an other game to place upon the record which as yet does not show a single defeat. About two hundred people were in attendance, and we were pleas ed to note that nearly every man paid his admission fee, for which they had the pleasure of itnesslnga good game. In the first inning the Hanscom boys came to bat first, and struck out in one, two, three order, and then ex chanted nlaces with the Hod Socks, who were unable to find the sphere When the visitors came to liat in the second inning, the first man upsingled and through errors by the locals, and sacrifice hits lie made the rounds and brought in the only score accredited to the Hanscom Park team. The home team came to bat. and by a scries of errors on the Dart of the visitors and some effective batting by leathering ton, Fitzgerald and Ilutler, live runs were made in the second, the visitors being shut out again in the third, and four more men put across the plate by the Red Socks in the last of the third After the decisive runs of the game had been made by the home team, the Hanscom Park boys took a big brace and held the locals down during the rest of the game, only one well earned run being made by the lied Socks in the fifth. The features of the game were the base stealing by Fitzgerald and Wilkins: a three base hit by Fltz gerald and two base hits by McCauley and Micln. lotteries. Wilkins and Carmack: Hacks and Coe; t'mpire Louie Peiuhackel. Score by innings: Hanscom l'ark...O 1 0 0 o 0 0 0 0- Ped Socks 0 .: 4 0 1 0 0 0 x-1 A Week of Entertainment. A number of Elmwood friends of County Clerk and Mrs. Kosencrans ar rived in the city Sunday and are be ing entertained by these excellent peo ple this week. Yesterday, In honor of the visiting nuests, several of the townspeople, including 1 eputy County Clerk Morgan and wife, G. L. Farley and wife and Superintendent and Mrs. Gamble were added to the guests. Notwithstanding the extreme heat the afternoon was most enjoyaoiy spent in a social manner. Of course an excellent dinner was prepared for the guests, which consist ed of all the delicacies of the season, and which were delightfully relished by the participants. Those present from out of town were Pr.Trcnholm and wife, F. A. Raker and wife and Mr. Enos Hughes, of Elmwood, and Miss Cora Raker, of Gretna. All these people will remain as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roscncrans during the week, and in the meantime will be joined by several other guests from Elmwood and vicinity. When freight train No. 2! pulled in from Pacific Junction early Saturday two colored gentlemen alighted from their palace (stock) car and proceeded to take a view of the city. After satis fying their curiosity, one of them was io n observed carrying a Use ball and L'love around, trying to sell them to any one whom lie could induce to listen to him. Later In the morning lie ap peared at A. T. Fried's drug store minus the ball and glove, but In search f a hypodermic syringe, luit upon being shown one of those by the clerk, he said it was a needle for the instru ment that lie desired. He was supplied with this and then asked for some cocaine, and upon being refused this by the clerk, he be came very Indignant, and Insisted up on going behind the counter and show ing them how he used the stuff. He finally left the store, but had not been gone long until the syringe was missed and the police notified. After a short chase down the track Chief of Police Fitzgerald landed his man and brought him back to face a charge of petty larceny. When arraigned before Judge Arch er the fellow gave his name as William Johnson, and upon being guest loned, put up a good talk to the Judge, who assessed him a line of $."uo and costs. This he was unable to remit, and was remanded to the jail, to keep company w ith his pardner, who had been run in for being intoxicated. Dago Need Not Apply. It is a matter of comment the num ber of men who have applied for work In l'armcle's new stone quarry and at the same time the National quarry below town Is short of hands. One of the chief reasons, however, Is the fact that the new quarry Is a local Institu tion and a Iugo had as well apply In hell for a dish of Ice cream as to Tom Patmele for a job, while at the quarry below town swarms of them are on the pay mil and white men will not work wltJi them If they can secure other employment. Louisville Courier. i DIES FROM TYPHOID FEVER THE CARNIVAL NOW ASSURED Off Again, On Again, Off Again And Now 0,1 Again for Sure Again - Hurrah for Hooligan! THE TOWN'S BARGAIN DAY A Similar Proposition to That lor Which the Journal Has Been Advocating for Three Years. A correspondent of tin- st. Louis Globe-1 euiocrat gives a glowing de scription of a custom adopted by the people or business men of Alius, ( ikla- I I.I. .1. i.n:. . It l. M JULY 9, 10, II, 12, 13 AND 14 ( a'h month; on winch 1 ; i t he town of ! All us, ll Is said, resembles a provincial A Visit to Pennsylvania.' Mr. and Mrs. George Hodge and daughter, Miss Violet, left Sunday evening for a six weeks visit among relatives and friends In Pennsylvania, their old home. Mr. Hodge Is an em ploy of the Hurllngton machine shops, and being one of the trusty employes of that department has justly earned this outing. While the family will be missed In society circles and Mr. Dodge on the board of education and city council, of which he Is an Influential members of both, the Journal wishes them a pleasant trip and a safe return. What's the good of keeping from him Any good things you may see, That will lift his load of labor Like Rocky Mountain Tea. Gerlng & Cc. His Name Was Drexel. A special from NebraskaCity, under date of Friday says: "Early Friday morning the body of an unknown man was found on the Missouri Pacific track near North Tenth street. The man had evidently been struck by a south bound train near North Eleventh street and his body dragged about 100" yards. The body Is mangled and the head Is missing, so that it may never be Identified. "It is not known what time or by what train the man was killed. The body was discovered by the engineer on the early morning passenger train bound for Omaha. Coronor Karsons was notified and had the body remov ed to the morgue. "The man found on the Missouri Pa cific tracks this morning has been identified as John hrexel of Omaha. Hrexel had been working about a mile west of where the accident happened. When last seen alive he was under the Influence of liquor and had sarted for his home. Coroner Karstens will hold an Inquest tomorrow." Some Here Just Like Him. It Is Interesting to sec how some men over reach themselves In trying to get ahead of their neighbors. An old skin flint who formerly lived in Glenwood sold some property here re cently and Instead of deeding all of the property he managed to hold out five feet of It. It Is the general supposi tion that he expects to hold somebody up and that they w 111 have to buy that five feet sometime at an exorbitant sum. The city will put In a new ce ment walk and tax It on that strip and there will be other taxes to pay, and we hope that he will get so badly pinched that he will not try any such came In the future. Iiut it seems as though some people never get too old to practice on every one with whom they deal. Glenwood Opinion. The Appeal Overruled. In the matter of the First National Hank of Plattsmouth vs. Glbson.whlch has been hanging lire In the courts for lo, these many years, Is about to an end. The recent appeal of the defend ants to the supreme court has been overruled, and it all depends upon Judge Jessen as to the sum total the bank is to get out of this long litiga tion. Judge Sullivan is the attorney for the bank. Clarence D. Strelght Passes Away at So. ,. Bend Saturday Afternoon at Five O'clock. Tie sad Intelligence was received In till city Saturday evening of the death of Clarence I. Strelght, which occurred at his home in Sarpy county, near South liend, Neb., at live o'clock that afternoon. The 'deceased has been suffering from the terrible mal ady', typhoid fever, and at last suc cumbed to Its ravages. He Is about forty-eight years of age, and leaves a wife, four daughters, and an Infant son to mourn his demise. He was the youngest brother of H.J. and o. M. Strelght of this city, and during this hour of bereavement they, together with his famlly.rocelved the sympathy of this entire community, many of whom knew the deceased, through his j frequent visits to this city. I The Funeral of Clarence E. Strelaht. The remains of Clarence- E. Strelght, who passed away at his home in South IJeud on Saturday evening last, arriv ing here at 10 a. in. Tuesday and were taken from the liurlingtou depot direct to Oak Hill cemetery for Inter ment. The remains were accompanied by the family of the deveased and one sister, besides a number of friends and neighbors of the family. Funeral ser vices were last evening at South P.cnd on account of the early hour at which the funeral cortege were compelled to to take the train for Plattsmouth. Of arriving here they were met at. tho depot by a large number of rela tives and sympathetic friends of the family, iwho accompanied all that, Is in i'l of Clarence E. Strelght to Ms last resting place in the City of the Head. At the grave short services were conducted by Ir. lialrd, former pastor of the First Presbyterian church and who knew the deceased for many years. One Big Week fcr Plattsmouth and Fun Galore for Everybody. PARKER AMUSEMENT CO. WILL AMUSE The Carnival Will Be Under the Auspices of Plattsmouth Aerie No. 365.F.0.E. Clarence E. StreitJit. in reference to the death of Clarence E. Strelght, which occurred Saturday evening, the Lincoln Journal says: "Clarence E. Strelght, foreman at the state fisheries at South liend, died Monday morning at his farm home half a mile from the fisheries. The ther day he reported that, he had sprained his shoulder and he went to lis home. Later he was 111 wit h fever and Ids death followed. Next to Su perintendent W.J.O'ltricn he knew more about the state fisheries than any other person and his services to the state were considered valuable. He will be burled today at Platts mouth, his former home. He had been at the state fisheries for ten years." Deadly Serpent Bites are as common In India as are stomach and liver disorders with us. For the lat tcr however there Is a sure remedy: Electric Hitters: the great restorative medicine, of which S. A. Itrown, of Pennettsville, S. C, says: "They re stored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chronically torpid liver." Electric liittcrs cure chills and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, kidney trou bles and bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee by F. G. Frlckc & Co., drug gist. Price f.0c. The Heartless Gossip. I)ld you ever notice that "talk" doesn't hurt a man much? Perfection Isn't looked for In man, and when some one tries to Injure a man by ranting about a few faults he has, the absent one, who Is probably attending to his own affairs, is elevated In the hearers estimation, while the Informant Is lowered accordingly. If a man knocks along, doing fairly well, people realize that while he has some faults, he has more virtues, and they arc charitable enough to these faults. Put It is different with a girl or wo man. No matter how good and pure a woman may be, let someone start an Infamous He about her and everyone Is willing to pass It along and there Is always some one to believe It. That lie can never lie lived down. It may burn low, but lovers are ready with new gossip fuel. Hid you ever think how damnably mean some goody-good people are In this respect? Organiie Ball Team. Louisville has been somewhat be hind the times this summer in not having a ball team, but recently, the Courier Is Informed, the boys got to gether, cleaned off the ball diamond and organized with Floyd Ter.nant as captain. The boys are undergoing a season of practice and will soon be in shape to do business at the old stand -Louisville Courier. There are no doubt some few In our city who are unfavorable to a street carnival, but a large majority of our business men have given liberally for the purpose of securing the Parker Amusement Company here for the week of July ll 11, Inclusive. The Eagles of the city, after mature deliberation, have finally determined to push the carnival, an 1 furnish the amusement-loving people of ( 'ass and adjoining counties with a whole week of solid fun, such as has never 'before been witnessed in Plattsmouth, and such as no other carnival can give but the Parker Amusement Company. Fur the past two seasons we li;ie had st reet fairs, but. neither one are to be compared with 1 his company In any way. C. W. Parker, the owner, Is a gentleman, who Is known all over the land as being honorable and up right hi all his dealings and the Jour nal Is ready to reiterate what the pa pers have said III the towns thai fin Parker company have visited this sea son --that it Is the finest company of Its character tiaveling. The Park Amusement Company car ry ten shows, four free at t tactions and one of the, finest bands that travels. It takes a train of fifteen cars locarry the paraphernalia and the company, and they own the cars they have in use. The Journal views tin! street fair in a different light, perhaps, than many, and bHieve in getting the. best while we are at it, and Is well satisfied that the Parker Company Is enabled to give the people their money's worth In every particular. Their shows are all free from that class of vaudeville which usually travel with carnival companies, and no one need be afraid to take his family to see any of them. The Parker Amusement Company were in Great liend, Kansas, last week, and here Is what the Tribune has to say in reference to the company : "TheC. W. Parker Amusement Co. arrived on Sunday, having been en gaged to furnish the attractions for the Fire Fighters Spring Jubilee, and by tliis time the people of Great Pernd are realizing what the 'Parker Stand ard' of carnivals Is. It has been for cibly demonstrated to us this week why we often hear the remark that Col. C. W. Parker Is to the carnival business what the Illngllng Pros, arc to the circus business. In with these lines of amusement it has taken west ern men to set the pace rorincir re spective lines. It affords us much pleasure to add our small mite to the already long list of recommendations to the Parker aggregations and It has never been our pleasure to have met a cleaner, brighter, nor bettor carol val company than the C. W. Parker Amusement Co. and much credit for this condition of excellence Is due to the untiring efforts of the lesces and managers, Messrs. Hoy Cramer and II. S. Tyler. This company presents four Free Attractions that arc seldom equalled and never surpassed by a car nival company. They consist of Lc- Pctite Faustina, a charming young lady, who Loops the Loop in a large wooden ball; Monsieur liorrlnc I oe- clssl, who Leaps the Gap on a bicycle; Valers Clark, acrialists supreme, on the double trapeze; and Sig Claricus Kinir of the Hounding Wire. Each of the free acts are given twice dally be ginning at 2 p. m. and one every hour thereafter except at fl p. m. "Of the pay shows It can be truth fully said that there are none that are not well worth the price charged, hut those deserving particular mention are The Hcautiful Tyrolean Alps, where one Is taken for a day and night through Switzerland and treated to a mechanical and electrical spectacular production that beggars description and when the curtain falls on 'Sleep Ing Geneva' you feel much like the old maid who, being kissed for the first time and was crying more! more more'." I'.uroplan town, where the natives as semble to market their different wares. The custom originated in sev eral of the prosperous towns in Texas several years ago, ami has proved so successful us a business proposition ti the merchants, that many of the coun ty scats in the Lone Star state are carrying on thesame successfully anil to the general satisfaction of the busi ness Interests. The Journal's only Idea In publishing this article Is hi the hope that u similar proposition might he adopted by the people of Platts mouth. Towns In Texas have boomed In a business way lneonseiuenceof the "First Monday" business, ami we can not see why, If other towns have been revived in a business way, that I'latts inoutli wit li the adoption of a day like this, could not he brought out of tho "kinks" and business revived lo Its former days: "Two years ago two newspaper men of the town got together to see If they could not Increase the t rade area of the town and set apart certain days; for certain purposes. The citizens, more especially the business men, took" up t he Idea, and several meet ings with hcM, with the result that, the first, Monday in each month as trader's dav. livery one living with in Altos' trade territory was asked to bring In town anything I. c wished lo dispose of, either by I lading, selling, ' swapping," or any old wa.. The newspapers devoted a certain amount of space to booming 1 traders' day" in the editorial, local and advertising columns, the merchants Increased t heir advertising space to call atten tion tohargalns which I hey had to of fer for that day only. As a general rule, each merchant, took some .special article he could make a leader of, cut the price on It and advertise It extensively. "From the beginning "traders' day'1 has been an iiinualilied success, and the big crowds which assembled hero on that day have more than justified the extra time, trouble and expense, the effort has cost the merchant s, and it. is an instlt ut Ion firmly cslahlishcil in the minds of the people. Now "first Monday" crowds come without sending for them, though the mer- cnanis coniiniie looiierauracuve oar gains throuiih t he newspapers, and any event of any importance lo the people of southern Greer county, or any pub lic meeting which it is desired the farmers shall attend and take Interest in, Is always set for "first Monday." The minstrel shows, repertoire com panies and all the rest of the dinky "Tom" and "Ten night" shows make it a point to get Into Alius on that day, and they are never disappointed In tho crowds that are here to welcome them. The church societies also take advan tage of the day to serve the crowds with "chicken pie dinners." The great interest shown In the irrigation movement was worked up on a "first Monday" when the crowds of farmers were here and had to listen to the irri gation men brought here by the busi ness men for the purpose of speaking. Farmers come from fifty mllesaround, and within a radius of ten miles in every direction from Altusand it would be an unusual thing to find a farmer at home on "first Monday." They all come to Altus, bringing their families, who crowd the stores all day long, where they dispose of their farm pro ducts and do thclr.'tradlng. "One great feature of the day which has done Altus an Incalculable amount of good Is the working up of the live stock Interest. For Instance, horse traders surrounding Altus for thirty miles come to town on "first Monday," bringing all their animals for sale or exchange. There are as many as a dozen horses being auctioned off at the same time on the southeast corner of the square, which Is the chosen place for the horse market. "It would seem that nothing can detract from the popularity of "first Monday" In Altus, and each time the crowd shows an Increase In numbers. Although In March there was the worst and most disagreeable dust storm of the season, the crowds were there just the same, and about as much stuff changed hands as usual." No meal Is complete bread. Insist on ours. without good New Ilakery. A.