The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 14, 1906, Image 4

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The Plattsmouth Journal
11 ' W KKKI.Y AT
I'lati'smoutu. Nebraska.
U. A. l'.ATl'.S, rrisi.iMiKK.
iitir.M at tlif iMwftt nl I'LiUMnoiitli. Nf- c.ll!!;.li!l I V.lld
lrL. Wuhil.'Uv. limllvr.
Tin: stink crcito.l l.y the Wcf
eoiu'iine i:uliMti'S without
, .my other ivMcuce tint there is a
; in!tt.-n t.ite of aiT.iir-v
' Of course it woul.l mill the tar
: tv t iuvesti.ite how much the r.iil
ri.ulscontiil'itteil to the rci-uMican
Tin: n;isty men have tlefcatcil
woman's sulTrane in Oickoii ly an
unsallant majority.
M ny of the lailics of San I ran
Cisco think they have solved the
servant problem. In the wreck
and ruin of the great earthquake
and fire their husbands have learned
to cook.
1ai:ky move the democrats make,
cither north or south, east or west,
indicates the nomination of William
. l'.ryan foi1 president in liS, by
the national democracy, in conven
tion assembled.
A coni'.ki :sm N committed suicide
and was not ivi-n an otliciel uiiut
al. There are a number of coness
meii whomiht commit suicide ami
the juiblic would K'udly bear the e-
jieuse of the a funeral.
Tlir.Ki: would K-ksi'i-vil'l'iunt-uuiit
in lite if people would not
1'ioinise more than tin. y can deliver.
There are a Kreat many amateurs
in all departments of life'who lis
sunietowork upbusiness on a prom
ising basis. The people soon spot
that sort of people.
Tin; magazine muck rakers failed
to discover the rich bed which In
terstate' Commerce commission has
just uncovered in its investigation
of the Pennsylvania and the Haiti-
more ami Ohio companies. No
iloubt, they will kick themselves,
lint they will have the consolation
that the supreme court of the Tint
ed States can't even see a muck bed
when it is pointed out to them, if
those particular railroad companies
are mixed up in it.
t)Ni: democrat whom, it seems, the
Oregon republicans canot down is
(iovenor Chrmberlain, whose elec
tion to the third term is indicated
1y incomplete returns from Mon
day's election. In 1902 and 1904
lie won by pluralities of less than
,100, while pretty much everything
.'lse in Oregon went republican.
These figures and the fact that Ore-
tan irave Koosevelt a plurality of
13,000 in 1904 will help while'read
ing the latest returns from the Lewis
and Clark state.
Tin: democrats can "point with
pride" to the fact that the republi
cans have U-en forced by public
opinion to vote for railroad rate
legislation ami other issues adopted
exclusively in the democratic na
tional platsorms.
li the rr publican of Ncbnw J Bfjail and 1903.
fail to nominate hdward Kosewater .o Mm convention tor many
fore 1'. S. Senator, the next reprc-! years has aroused greater interest
How Mfcit hush money has the
!eef trust offered to put up for the
use of the republican congressional
committee next fall, m considera
tion of Teddy's change of front?
Is this a government by blackmail,
or a government of law?
seiitative from the state in the
upper house of the national en
gress will be a democrat. Am!
don't you forget it.
Tin: New York Sun, which is au
thority upon such subjects, says
that it is vulgar and dubious to re
fer to a leg or limb. Certainly the
successor of Father Dana is correct.
leg is a leg, and to refer to it as
anything else is false modesty.
P R K S 1 1 K NT J . W . C R A HT K K K of 1 1 ie
Peru normal school has lcen offered
if.dOO to accept the presidency of
the state normal school of Wiscon
sin. This is an advance of $l,oo0
over his nresent salary. It is said
that Mr. Crabtree has declined the
offer and will remain in Nebraska.
Lincoln Star.
With the roasting-ear season
cotuin' mi, plenty of fruit in sight,
watermelons nearly ripe and the
yellow-legged chickens getting to
be about the right sie, Nebraska
is not panic-stricken by the pack
iug-luiiise revelations.
What is the matter with these
machine republican politicians?
They are wilting like gathered wild
llowers and dropping out of the
game like the fellow with the small
stack of chips. Walt, lirownlow of
Tennessee is the latest to be sacri
ficed on the altar.
Tin; president is now after the
beef trust as vigorously as he start
after the railroads. And he
will quite likely back down as eas
ily as he did on the rate question.
Teddy is certainly a four-flusher.
lie advances like a O.rant ami re
treats like a liurnsides.
On May 23, Mr. Aldrich reported
from the senate committee on tin
anceajoint resolution providing,
"That purchasers of material am
equipment for use in the construc
tion of the Panama Canal shall be
restricted to articlesof domestic pro
i t
unction ana tiianutacture, unless
the president shall, in any case,
deem the bids or tenders therefor
to be extortionate or unreasonable."
The practice of giving the president
power to suspend the operation of a
general law for a particular puropse
is contrary to our theory of gowr-1 ,
incut ; and if this resolution passes
David R. Francis for Bryan.
Another indication that the deiu
ocrats are going to be united in 1908
is the return of Hon. David K. Fran
cis to the fold. The former gover
nor of Missouri attended the demo
cratic state convention at Jefferson
City yesterday, addressed the at
tendants, and the course of his
speech said:
I wish to ask this convention to
send its congratulations to the na
tional democracy on the disappear
ance of our differences. There are
no differences lictween us now. In
1904 what is known as the conser
vative element of our party ask that
it would beallowed to make the plat
form and name the candidates
Right liberally did the radical fac
tion concede the honor to the con
scrvative element. You know the
result. Now another campaign is
approaching. Those of us who be
long to what has been the conscrva
tive faction would not be magnani
mous, we would not be worthy tie
mcratsif we did not say to von that
we will support your candidate aiu
vour platform this time. The differ
dices that have divided the demo
: ...:n :... i '
u win n.i.suuue .i Mil u.uifcvUHisjai!j cu.a,u
prcccueni. It uoincstic manuiact
ureis change extortionate juices,
the Kcueral tariff law which allows
them t do so should K- repealed."
cracy exists no longer."
Oovettor Francis described P.rvan
is ' 'a sincere lover of humanity am
a patiiotic citien of the Unite
States. Ileeulogied both llrvan
amid plot use cueer
Tin; leading republican candi
date in ( )regou seems to have won
by a plurality of about one-eighth
that given to Roosevelt in 1904, and
the democratic governor, Chamber
lain, is re-elected' by a plurality
about four times as great as that
which he received in 1902 or 19ol.
f the republicans are happy, every-
iodv is.
IT noes an old Missouri demo
crat's soul good to read the proceed
ings of the democratic state conven
tion at Jefferson City Tuesday.
There is manifestly great harmony
in the party, and the different fac
tions have let all past differences
fly to the four winds audall are uni
nited in one object only redeem
the state from republican rule, and
give the state to Uryan for presi
dent in 190S.
or taken action of larger import for
the whole country than the meet
ing ot the Missouri democracy at
Jefferson City Tuesday. Andnoth-
ing was more emphatically indicated
in the unanimous and spirited ac
tion oi tneconvention tnan tne con
viction of Missouri democracy that
William Jennings Hrvan will lie
the nominee of the reunited demo
cratic hosts and the next president
of the United States.
Missouri has declared itself.
The rest of the country will likely
follow. Nothing except the re
fusal of Mr. Bryan himself to Lecoihe
the standard bearer of democracy in
1908 seems to stand in the way of
his nomination. Bryan stands for
ward more prominently than any
one else as the representative of
resolute opposition to government
of, by and for the trusts intrenched
behind an ultra high tariff of their
own dictation. Which is to say
that it is upon constitutional prin
ciples and for a constitutional gov
ernment that he stands. As such
Bryan is a conservative. As con
trasted with other political ten
dencies the principle of which he
is unquestionably the leading ex
ponent is eminently conservative.
Indeed, without exaggeration of
language it can be truthfully said
that Bryan is the most conservative
force in American public life. I lis
conservatism is the very opposite
of 'stand natism," which is essen-
tially inimical to the principals of masses, which makes a third nomi-
Tins office is in receipt of the
Insurance Press in which is listed
the losses paid and the amount dis
tributed among the policy holders
y the big companies during the
year 1905. lherc is one item that
is entirely missing in the report,
and that is the amount the different
conpanies paid to the republican
campaign corruption fund in 1896
The report is without value with
this item omitted.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, nml which lias been
in use for over 30 years, lias borno tho signature of
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Allow no one to deceive you in this.
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Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tree govermcnt. Against tne nation possible without opposition,
standpatism' of privilege on the gjvcs flattering assurance of a vic-
handandthe rabid radicalism of torious campaign soon to begin.-
of half-baked reformers on the other $t. i.ovis Republic.
hand, Mr. Bryan represents consti
tutionalism and strict Jeffersonian With all this republican talk of
democracy. trust-busting can you point to one
Time has never wrought more trust that has lowered the price of
potently in the assimilation of op- its products?
possing views than the change of
the public mind in respect to Bryan.
Rosi-watkk's nomination would
i.nut" m: -c
,M ,1 i f . uuni mt 1 pill IV Ul
There has been a change of aspect ... , . ' . 1
. ., ..... .Nebraska wide open and insure the
in the man to some extent, but still
mnrr nf n rlmnrrp nf nttitlirli ntiintirr
democrats formerly at variance. His el)U'c
change has brought a broader view,
extending to the people generally,
irrespective of faction or party
election of a democrat. Pender
I 'or telling the truth about em-
mimed lccf fed to our soldier boys,
General Miles was hounded and
reprimanded by a republican admin
istration; now we know that the
whole country has been supplied
by the beef trust with similar foul
and diseased provisions and the
present administration has known
it for a long time without publish
ing the facts.
Tin-: tobacco trust does not seem
to fear our republican trust busters,
for it has enlarged its field of activ
ity by absorbing its rival in the
West Indies, l-'or years the At
torney Cicucrals of the United
States have had on'fde in the de
partmcnt of justice the evidence of
the law-breaking of this combine,
but have refused to act upon the
evidence presented.
'I'm: moral standard of the repub
lican of Connecticut must be at very
low ebb, or they would protest
against the admitted corruption of
T 'nited States Senator ISurkeley, who
paid out of the trust funds ol the
Life Insurance company, of which
he is president, $5,ooo to the repub
lican national committee. He not
only justified this contribution
f other people's money but added
that, "the party having the most
money would win." It will be
A si i:ci.i.fioin Jefferson City Mo.
says: " 1 Livid U. l'rancis, with one
speech which sent the demcratic
state convention wild with delight
ami enthusiasm, nominated Wil
liam .1. P.rvan for the presidency
and for once and for all close up the
chasm which hasyawnd in Missouri
democracy since ly(. The dis
tinguished former governor of Mis
souri, cabinet minister of ('.rover
Cleveland, and prime figure in the
councils of the conservatives of the
party, made an address which goe;
into political annals asthe most im
portaut political delivereuces in :
decade. Not lesscuthusistic than
1 in-: Wall street imancieis are
determined to promote prosperity
at any cost, so they issued during
the month of May new stocks and
bonds to the value of $127,i'oo,OOi!
and .it wjs a poor mouth for such
business at that. How much of the
amount was water and how much
itiinate was not stated in the
official report, but it is, of course,
expected to unload these millions
on the public at the rate of l,5Jl-
OOO.oihi a year. No wonder the
Wall street combines can afford to
finance the republican campaign
well for those holding policies in
the Aetna Life Insurance company the demonstration which swept over
to keep their eves pealed, for w ith' the convention when C.ovcnor Fran
such ideas held by the principal
officers he might at some future
political election, when he is in a
tight place, make a similar disposi
tion of all the surplus cash and the
policy holders would find them
selves with nothing but experience
to draw upon.
cisdeclarcd that the nation demand
ed that Pryanlbc the next president,
was the reception accorded to C.ov
cnor l'rancis himself. His appear
ance in the convention hall was the
signal for an ovation which exceed
ed all other outbursts of cheering
and applause."
A mom; the things which will in
terest the people of this state at the
coming Novcmler election is the
one of the adoption of a constitu
tional amendment, creating a lail
road commission. While it is
doubtful if such an addition to the
list of state officers would afford the
relief that the people ask, it is evi
dent that the legislature and the
courts have adopted the sublet ftigc
for the purpose of evading the res
ponsibility of acting. However,
the)4icstioii up to the peo
ple next NovcuiUr, and should lie
given some thought at this time.
It .should be noted by demo
crats that in all the exposure of cor
runt nrartires .md fliclirmncr nnlitiVc
Leading the life of a private citizen, wWch hM SQ discredited the h,
Bryan has nevertheless been con- and Ma thatthe
cfinf if it ! t-tiiKiir minil tlin rnef
" v. , '""' democratic party conies through
leu years, ami uueu uuusiy ... . .... . , , .
1 17111 Wl 11V.UH11I
in the public eye. judged by lus
course and his utterances he has Si-ckptary Shaw in his sneech
1 - - - 1 X' . T 4 (
grown greauy m iuciii.ii ami ai ewton, iowa, said Jie was
moral statue, in power and breadth authorized to speak for the national
of apprehension. Toward his ma
tured statesmanship the united de
mocracy, its differencces completely
outgrown, now turns for a represen
tative of convictions fundamental
in the party, which by reason of
of their special application to pres
cnt-dav affairs are recognized and
approved by millions of people who
have not heretofore considered
themselves democrats. Experience
has taught the Ameriran people
in the last few years the value of
many Jeffersonian truths. Expe
rience has demonstrated, too, the
necessity of constitutional govern
mcnt, government which shall be-
in the interest of all the people as
opposed to the rule of privilege. In
this emergency Bryan answers at
once the sane demands . and the
thoughtful purpose of democracy,
just as in thisila'y of revelations, of
exposed inequalities, if injustices
and corruption in the administra
tion of national affairs, he offers the
living hope of wise, sound, honest,
constitutional government.
Proposed by a democrat of na
tional prominence, a leading repre
sentative of iic faction once op
posed to Bryan, his endorsement
bv the Missouri convention ex-
view of the united, national democ
racy. Missouri's endorsement has
been the signal for harmonious en
dorsement elsewhere, so that Mis
souri heads the movement to ten
der for the third time America's
highest honor to the man of brave
patience and courageous statesman
ship, wIiom: ability for leadership
has been most strikingly demon
strated in the progress of time and
in whose personality and eiitljiibi
astic 'following see the uninista'k
able' promise' of victory. All the
conditions arc auspicious, and the
united sentiment of the democratic
administration" and as he attacked
Governor Cummins on the tariff
issue, it is evident that President
Roosevelt has taken a backward
step from where he stood on tariff
Thk enormous republican major
ities in Pennsylvania in the past
are not so wonderful since the light
has been thrown on the corrupt
bargain between the railroads,
trusts and combines and the repub
lican politicians, and similar con
ditions prevail in New Jersey and
other states, but light is breaking
on the cesspools of corruption.
Taking the first"lemonade day"
as a pointer, Washington weather
prophets are saying that congress
w ill adjourn by the 1st of July. But
congress still has statehood and the
rates bill on its hands, and all signs
are liable to fail in a hot session like
this. Observer Cannon's prognos
tication that the session will end
somewhere between the 1st of June
and the 1st of August still holds
good, however.
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