The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 07, 1906, Image 2

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(run t'rllH y ' Hul'.y.
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' K'.ick.
American Held fertcinn arid poultry
netting at Asemlssen & LouckV
F. W. Hell from Kenosha was a busi
ness visiter at llattsmouth today.
M. W. KancfT.'of Siuth lVhtl, waVa
business visitor at' 'the county' s-at
today. " ' 1 , . .' ';
yuick Mval Gasullriti Moves, al
sizes and styles, for sale at Asemlssen
& Louck's. i
A. II. I'ratt, who has been enjoying
a visit with his old comrade, J. W.
Johnson, departed this morning for
Tec u ii; si' h. where lie will visit with a
Offcc in building cast of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Pair Porter, the liveryman, and
Fred Young, of Cnlon, were In the
city today. They had to niaku the
trip by team on account of the train
this morning having to go around over
the l'.urllngton from Nebraska City
thrown this city to maha.
Fred Eblngeratid faraliy.who Intend
ed to catch the early Missouri Pad tic
train to Omaha and thence to Plain
view, found out this morning that the
train as usual wan about three hours
late. Therefore they found It neces'
nary to take the lUirllntiton this morn
j.y;j, qvnos ,whoM attached to
the 'office force of tiio 1. & M.' depot
here about three years ago arrived
this mornmt! to assume the cashier's
position left vacant by M. K. Nelson.
The many friends of his family will he
pleased to hear that they arc to return
to this city.
Andv Tnvlor departed for Heaver
City, Neb., on the afternoon train
Mr. Tavlor has several hundred acres
of land in Furnas county and Is Inter
estcd In about ik) ncres of fall wheat
which he Is very anxious about al
though encouraging crop reports come
from every quarter of the state.
I'miu Hitturiluy' iully,
Machine oil at Asemlssen .S; Louck's
Mrs. A. L. Raker of Murray was a
county seat visitor today.
Miss Palsy Ruck of Murry was visit
ing at the county seat today.
Crcdc Harris of Hock Rlull was a
business visitor at the court house to
day. Henry Saunders of Louisville was
transacting business at the county
seat today. , . ,
C. F. Harris from near Murray was
among the passengers for Omaha this
afternoon. ,
Mrs. W. C. Rrown of Murray went
to Omaha this afternoon for a visit
with friends. 1
Nick Opp from the vicinity of Nc
hawka was a business visitor at Platts
mouth today.
Win. F. Gillespie, the grain dealer
of Mynard, was transacting business
at Plattsmouth today.
(J rover and Miss Minnie Will from
near Mynard, were visiting with
friends at Plattsmouth May.
Most complete line of screen wire to
be found In town, also screen doors
and w indow screen frames. Asemlssen
& Louck.
; W. J. Ranard and wife who reside
on tbe Walker section near Weeping
Water were welcome visitor at the
county Beat today. 11 ' : ;'
J John Albert amV J. P. Kelt; two of
the prosperous farmers tear Cedar
Creek, were among tbe' visitors at the
county seat today.' ;' -"" 1 ' '"
C A. Howls, Lawyer. Pro
bate and general practice. Of
fice of Caunty Attorney.'-; -
Miss Ada Winkler, accompanied her
sister, Miss Ethel, from Glonwood to
Plattsmouth this morning, where the
latter took the Missouri Pacific for
Auburn, to visit wiib relatives. Miss
Ada returned to (ilenwoud on No. 4.
Mrs. Latky, grand chief of the 1. of
II., and Mrs. Lou II. Spencer, a mem
ber of tho finance commltteo of the 1.
of II., who attended a business session
of that committee, departed this
morning for their homes at Lexington,
Nebraska. ;' '.'
Ashland, Weeping Water, Louisville
and Elm wood will celebrate the Fourth
of July with several other near-by
towns to hear from. Plattsmouth peo
ple and those In this vicinity who de
sire to honor the "Father of our Coun
try," will have to go away from home
to do so. Shame!
Judge A. N. Sullivan aud II. N.
Dovey departed this afternoon for
Stockton, Cal., where the Judge will
attend the trial of Mrs. F.mll LaDcux,
who Is charged with the murder of his
nephew, Albert N. McYlcar. The
case comes up for a hearing on Tucs-
day, June Sth.
Kruiu Mniiclny'i I'ully.
f.len RTwIs came up from Murray
yesterday to speW futility. JJjijP j
Sawyer wanted In small saw mill.
Address J. F. 'PVrSoiiJv Malvern, Iowa.
Claude Everett came up from his
farm near I'nlon last night, returning
home this morning, accompanied by
his wife who has been enjoying a visit
with relatives here.
P,ev, II. M. Johnson, who tilled the
pulpit at the Christian church Sun
day, returned to his home In Ilethany
this morning. lie v. Johnson made
quite an Impression among the mem
bers of his congregation, and Is quite
an able siieaker.
J. T. Porter aud wife from near
Murray, were In Plattsmouth today.
John says he Is pretty busy with farm
work, but Is almost compelled to find
time to como to town once a month
anyway. Mr. Porter paid the Journal
office a brief call.
Vallcry&Ralley, the hustling light
ning rod mun, put up fifteen hundred
feet In three (lays last week, which
shows they are still In the ring on put
ting up rods for tho farmers of Cass
county, and everybody else who want
the best light nlng rod manufactured.
Charley Lovell Is making consider
able Improvement on his farm resi
dence, six miles southwest of Platts
mouth, and when completed, he will
have a most comfortable home. Many
farmers In eastern Cass are either
building new residences or overhaul
ing the old ones.
J. II. Schmidt, of Avoca, and F.
Harrow, of Omaha, passed through
Plattsmouth about noon Sunday with
a fine driving team enroul c to Omaha,
where they expected to sell them at a
good figure. They crossed the Missouri
river here and went up the Iowa side
to Council P.lulTs.
from Tui'vliiy'H I'ully
P. M. Melslnger of lienson, Neb.,
was visiting In the city yesterday.
C. A. ulchey of Louisville was a
business visitor at Plattsmouth today.
otho Wortman or south iscna was
In Plattsmouth on business last even
Chas. Schlldmeler of South Rend
was a business visitor at the county
seat today.
Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Rutler of Weep
ing Water wnre visitors at the county
seat today
James J. Day of I'ulverslty Place
was transacting business at Platts
mouth today.
John Fight, Jacob Trltsch and John
McNurlln were business visitors at
Weeping Water yesterday. '
Fred Martins departed this after
noon for Denver, Colo., where he has
accepted a position with the Hurling
ton. Ir. Jesse M. Carr registered his
certificate with the county clerk today,
and will engage In practice at Louis
ville. Mrs. W. H. Seybert aud daughter
came in from Cullom this morning for
a visit with the family of John Mc
Nurlln. Spcclol Salt on TrunKs. Suit Cases,
Telescopes and Valises at rerolo"t.
New Stock. Lowest price.
Mrs. J. C. Scott and little daughter,
Charlene, of Central City, Neb., are
visiting in the city tho guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wash. Smith.
John Fight and wife departed this
afternoon on a pleasure trip to Nor
folk and Columbus, Neb., where they
will visit with friends and relatives.
The county commissioners are ' In
session today arid this afternoon have
under consideration fourteen applica
tions for the position of Janitor at the
courthouse. ' ' ''' 1
A hacking cough Is most annoying.
One Minute Cough Curd draws the in
flammation out of the throat, chest
and lungs. Sold Frlcko & Co. and
Gerlng & Co. ' '; 1 ' '
Wanted Girts' tit. run sewing
machines making cotton llannel gloves
and mittens. Apply In person or by
mall to Nebraska Cotton Glove Co.,
VM Jackson st., Omuha. Neb.
Glen Phcbus departed this morning
for Hurwell, near which place ho has a
homestead of hit) acres. He will also
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Long
who reside about thirty miles ncrth of
Mrs. T. J, Rhodcn and daughter de
parted this morning for Greenwood to
attend the wedding of her sister, Miss
Katie Laughlln, to Joseph Gavin.
Mr. Rboden accompanied his folks as
far as Omaha, going from there to
Council HlurTs on business.
C. A. Clark of Glovcrsvllle, N. Y
who sells the iH-cmster & Place gloves,
Is at Wescott's Sons today, and after
examining the products of the Platts
mouth Clove Co., he said, "the gloves
prepared by them is as good as any
made In the United States."
I'r 'in W, iliifvUy ti.tily. Q
lavld Miller came In from Dead-
wood. S. I., this morning t-it a vfslt t l
wll h ri'I:tMvii. . "
Mrs. Joseph Tighe arrived !at nik'lit
from Wabawh for a visit with the fam
ily of (' mrad Schlater.
Harry. White departed this after
noon f'r Alamosa, Col., where lie
expects tn spend several months. !
visiting In Ujls city, departed this
morning for their home at Arapahoe.
G. W. Snyder and C. II. Yallery,
from near Mynard, were business visi
tors at the South Omaha markets to
day. .
Mrs. II. ll.Turtsch, who has. been
enjoying a visit with relatives here,
departed this morning for her home at
NCIAJOH, ft CO, ,, , . ,.. .' ,,
Special Sale of Trunks, Valises
Suit Cases and Telescopes at Her-
I Doiie -House Cluing?
old's. Stocky Lowest price, t
i. ii. newcri nno son iiienn who
have been enjoying a visit with rela
tives here, returned this afternoon to
their home at Havelock.
telephone message to Col. J. 11.
Thrasher, conveyed the glad tidings
this morning that Miss Agnes Is rapid
ly gaining in health and spirits.
Mrs, Morris O'Uourkeaod daughter,
Miss Margaret, departed this after
noon for McCook, In response to a mes
sage Informing them that Morris was
John Hock and wife departed this
afternoon for Newcastle, Wyo., where
they expect to make an extended visit
with their son who Is on a ranch near
that place. . , I i ;, .,
M Iss Mary Schaffer, who has been en
Joying a visit with her sister, Mrs. J).
Hawksworth and other relatives de
parted this morning for her home at
Hurllngton, la. .'.;".
It. II. Moilit, who has been weighing
mail for the government fur the past
three mouths, got through with his
work and returned to Plattsmouth to
remain permanently.
M iss Hose Hatton returned last night
from a few weeks visit with her sister,
Mrs.C. W. Grassman ami family at Al
liance. Her sister accompanied her
home to visit with her parents.
J. C. Cooper, who has been visiting
with his son, departed last night for
Creston, from which place he expects
to visit his old home in Illinois before
returning to his home at Hcloit, Kan
Gottlieb Metger, who resided In
this county near Louisville about six
teen years ago, and who has been en
joying a visit with old friends here,
departed last night for his home near
Broken Arrow, L T.; .
Mfs. V. E. McFarland who has been
enjoying a visit with her parents In
this city departed this afternoon for
Hastings, Neb., where she expects to
attend the druggist's convention in
company with her husband before they
return to their hbme at York. ' '
Special Sale of Mus
lin Undcrwea.r a.t Her
The permits to wed were Issued to
the following persons today by the
county judge: William E. Plerson,
age .1, ana .miss ousan M. rayne, age
ll, both of Omaha; Oscar W. Johnson,
aged 27, of Omaha, and MissOdga
Kathcrina Herggren, age Hi, of Platts
Through faithful and conscientious
performance of his duties, while act
Ing as Janitor at the court house, the
county commissioners awarded Frank
Svodoba that position, which was
sought for by tw elve other candidates,
The commissioners made no mistake
in their selection. .
Mrs. Eliza Lindsay of Hamilton, O.,
who has been enjoying a visit with her
sister, Mrs. Margaret Schulhof, and
other Telativetf, departed this morn
ing, In company with' Mrs. Molllt Glf
tin of Richmond, I nd , who has been
visiting with old friends here, for their
respective homes In the east.' ' "
The beautiful horriebf II. N. Povey
Is the scene of a merry house party
this week. blisses Florence, lone and
Helen are entertaining Misses Stella
lirandels of Omaha, Margery Walker
of Murray, Grace Green and Bobette
Well of Lincoln. ' Two more, Misses
Teresa ncltisheraclr of Glcnwood and
Frances Westervelt Of Lincoln are ex
pected tomorrow to join the jolly
The cards have been received in this
city, announcing the forthcoming mar
riage of Miss Feme Vllette. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Hager of
Lincoln to Judge Ora Earl Farnham of
Belle Fouche, S. I. The happy event
will occur on the lfth of June, at the
home of the bride to be. The Hager
family formerly resided in this city,
and Miss Feme has made frequent
visits bere and her numerous friends
In the city will be pleased to hear the
news of the coming wedding.
Mrs. C. .W. Ellis', sister-in-law of
Mrs. Perry Ut,terback, who underwent
an operation at the Swedish hospital
In Omaha, some time ago, is In a very
critical condition and her life Is dls
paired of. Mrs. Ellis has visited here and Is one of those
quiet unassuming ladles, and of the
style to make friends wherever she
'ylf.OI 1 1'. : ill HI . . f J I -i , -mm
If not, you may need that new, Carpet or Matting. ve
have a fine line of Straw Mattings we will be glad to show
Short ' Lengths of BRUSSELSr CARPETING1 tdrJ Bugs5
; 9x12 can be made for $8.80"and. up. !-.?;? J? r:M$,1
Short Lengths of .Brussels,' suitable' for stairs, can be
had much cheaper than the .Regular Stair Caroet
.1 i
Carpets 50c a yd
Fringed Rugs $1.25
Floor Oil Cloths
one and two yards wide
Ingrain All Wool
Rugs 9x102 feet
Several Splendid Patterns
of the 12-ft wide Linoleums
. The Queen Quality Shoe tits as a shoe should at- not to big in one place and not too
small In another, not too wide In the toe and not to narrow .In the heel but Just right.
Not only comfortable when old, but pomfortable when new , ; i -
.' It is no longer necessary to use your foot as a stretcher nor to buy one sli for style
and another for comfort. ; Que? n Quality, has done away with all that. You can get style
and comfort together In the Queen Quality Shoe. : . ..- o ?. i, : ;. .-, .
Other rnakes of shoes at 51.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. These shoes were'
j . . bought before the heavy advance in leather.
Personal Points
Mrs. J. S. Hall was an Omaha pa?
sengcr on the early train.
Plattsmouth gloves for sale by
the local merchants.
Mrs. T, M. Patterson was a passen
ger for the metropolis this morning.
A, II. Earhart made an unusual
weekly trip to Glcnwood this morning.
Misses Addic White and Anna Hel
sel were visiting In Omaha this after
noon. : . 2 . .2 " '
The choral union will meet tonight
at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. L. K.
Masse. :
Miss Antonia Kessler came In from
Lincoln last evening for a visit with
Carl Kunsman was a business pas
senger' for the' metropolis on the fast
mail today." '' ' 1 '. ; '
! Miss Bertha Webey returned this
morning from a visit with her brother
at Louisville.. , . ,
Dr. E..AV. Cook went to Omaha tbls
afternoon to attend the M. W. A. ban
quet this evening.
J. F.' Polk was a passenger this
morning for Lincoln, where he will
visit several days.
Harry I5arthold returned this morn
ing from Havelock where he has been
employed for some time.
Nelson Jones and Joe Black were
among the business passengers for the
metropolis this morning.
Mrs.' F. R. Guthman, ' Mrs. Droege
and the lattcr's sister, Mrs. Casper
Pveutter of Pcadwood, S. D., were vis
iting Id the metropolis today.,. . ....
Miss Stella Brandies, who has been
participating In the house party at II.
N. Ikivey'g, this. week, returned this
morning to her home ai Omaha.'
. ; "Suffered day and night the torment
of Itching piles. .Nothing, helped me
until I used Doan's Ointment. 1
cured me permanently." Hon.. John
R. Garrett, mayor, Gjrafd, Ala-' ,'.;"
The delegates from Plattsmouth
who attended the Cass county Sunday
school convention at Nehawka, return
ed home last night. In all there were
one hundred and fifteen delegates
present. .
Among thoso who went to Omaha to
attend the Lincoln-Omaha game were
T. L. Murphy, R. L. Maur.y, F. L.
Cummins, J. P. Kuhney, II. A. Schnei
der, J. I. McBrldeand son Dorr. .
Many Ills come from Impure blood.
Can't have pure brood with -faulty
digestion, lazy liver and sluggish
bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters streng
thens stomach, bowels and liver, and
purities the blood.
Lost Sunday morning, a black sack
coat, near the Taylor school house. I n
the pocket was a Catholic prayer book
with the name of the owner on tlylcaf.
and a pair of gloves. Will give tifty
cents to have same left at Journal of-tlco.
,The Red Socks baseball team has
made arrangements for a game with
the Diamond "(V team of Cudahy
packing house, to be played on next
Saturday afternoon. The Omaha team
will arrive on the stub which Is due
here at 4:10 p. m.
Special Sole on Muslin Underwear
at Hcrold's.
J. M. Melslnger of Mynard was In
town today on business.
Oscar Eledge departed this after
noon for Denver, Colo.
Special Sale of Muslin Un
derwear at Hcrold's.
E. V. Black was looking after busi
ness matters at Omaha today. .
Mrs. J. W. Tiitchard was visiting in
the metropolis this afternoon. .
. Mrs. Oscar Eledge departed this af
ternoon for Missouri Valley, la.
A.W.White made a business trip
to the metropolis this afternoon.
Sheriff Qulnton went to Omaha this
afternoon to attend the ball game.
V. E. Gallagher was among those at
tending the ball game at Omaha to
Col. J. H. Thrasher and II. E. Weld
man went to Omaha to visit with Miss
Agnes, who Is on the way to complete
recovery of her health.
A healthy man is a king in his own
right; an unhealthy man Is an unhappy
slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds
up sound health keeps you well.
Leonard Kluftlnger, the resident
consul In Italy for Germany, arrived
in this city yesterday for a visit with
his nephews and nieces, the Gerlngs.
' Accidents will happen, but the best-
regulated families keep- Dr. Thomas'
Eclcctrlc Oil for such emergencies. It
subdues the pain and heals the hurts.
The proper perm.itTto wed was Is
sued last evening to Wm. F. Bar
nard, age 2 iol HUlidaJe, and Grace
Kdna McMeyian.ageX), of Hastings,
la.:.:;? j .'A .J '.
'Special SaleofTrunks.'Sult
Cases'.Telescopes and Valises
at Herold'si New Stock, Low-
est prices. -
-Vhen the baby talks, it 1s lime to
give Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea.
It's the greatest babytnedlclne known
to' loving mothers. It makes them
eat, sleep and grow. 3.1 cents, Tea or
Tablets. Gerlng&Co.
Mrs. JlozeUa Jeffrey of. Wyuiyre and
Miss Teresa Hempel, departed this
morning on a trip to Montreal, Cana
da, where they go as representatives
of the Degree of Honor of this state,
to tbe superior lodge convention which
convenes on the 11th of June.
If you want a res1 estate loan at
reasonable rates; or a reliable abstract
of title, Insurance policy, security
bond of and kind, or a contract, deed
or mortgage drawn, see John M. Leyda,
Gund building. Work promptly and
neatly done aud charges reasonable.
Henry FornhofT of Louisville was
visiting In the city today, the guest of
t rank Svoboda.
What's the good of keeping from him
Any good things you may see,
That will lift his load of labor
Like Rocky Mountain Tea.
Gerlng & Cc.
Henry F. Dutton, who has been en
joying a visit with the family of Geo.
Dovey, departed this afternoon for
Munscy, Ind., from Which place he
will return to his home in . New York,
Misses Ethel and Alice Dovey accom
panied him as far as Omaha.
There Is no need worrying along in
discomfort because of a disordered
digestion. Get a bottle of KODOL
FOR DYSPEPSIA, and see what It
will do for you.' Ivodol not only digests
what you eat and gives that tired
stomach a needed rest, but is a cor
rective of the greatest efficiency.
Kodol relieves Indigestion, dyspepsia,
palpitation of the heart, flatulence,
and sour stomach. Kodol will make
yourstomach young and healthy agaln
You will worry just in the proportion
that your stomach worries you. Worry
means the loss of . ability to do your
best. Worry is to be avoided at all
times Kodol will take the worry out
of your stomach. Sold by Frlcke &
Co. and Gerlng & Co. ,
Decoration Service.
Memorial services will be held at
Eight Mile Grove church at 11 o'clock
a. m. on Sunday, J une 1", 190fi, After
services the congregation will .repair
to the cemetery and decorate the
graves or departed ; friends.). At 8
o'clock in tbe evening services will be
held especially for youn g people.'
' 16OKIN0 fOX
Dealer In
Edison Phonographs
the most wonderful musical
Instrument of the times.'
Write for catalog and price.
We carry a large aud com
plete stock of Edison and Vic
tor records. Hearthemfree.
MALES Hair Renewer
Always restores color to gray hair, ell the dark, rich color it used
to have. The hair stops falling, grows Ions and heavy, and til
dandruff disappears. An elegant dresrin?. " STl.TXtzrszx'? -