LL u f f HATS AND CAPS I Y ' All the I .ate Styles in Ready -to - Wear .1 Clothing tor Men Gents' Plain and Fancy Dress Shirts. Waterman Block Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Men's Furnishing Goods !; and Boys. Men s :i Boys' New and Up-to-Date Spring Clothing Plattsmuuth. Neb. w I A M TLcoal Ettvcrttecmcnts. Notice of Final Settlement. James A.I(5r.tnorr, Kiichi 1 Hcillctilieok.Miiry E. Cox. Joseph liiliimrr. Jutin 1(. (liinmrv. Nuiii'y Ann liilmore. trunk K. Muscle. Myrtle A. Tritwii Htid Harry T. Muso!.-. h minor, you Hiid eiirh of yoj are tiereliy notn.eil thai upon the Uiirtl day of May. Wllvui (.ilinore. as executor of tlie estate of Klnui (illinore. Ue-oeii-eil. tilnl In tliecounty court of Cuss coun ty. Nc tirusku. Iiin petition for tin:ii w ulenient of salil estate, prayintf tliat lie w it ) the niiove uaim-il heileiTeetl the sole lieirs at law of aiil (ieceat'(l. and that tin- residiu- of ;iil etate after payment of ln oueis and 'M of ad tiiinUi ration be as!r"m-d t i hiin-lf and Nancy Ann (lilniore. If you fail t'i appear at tin' co-inty court room in ( ass county. Nebraska, on tl.e Ulli (lay of June. I."", at two o'clock p. 1,1.. mid fullest said petition, the court i:.ay. upon I In" lie'irinn Tint t he s.ne and s. nl,. ami allow bis adiiiinisiralioii a '.'cunt and assign the residue of said estate as prayed, and close said estate, and discharge tl.e executor. Witness my h'ind and the seal of said court tills i,rd day of May. A R 1 -'.-.. 1 1 i : iv I. Thavi. (sf.ai.1 County Judtrc. Notice to Creditors. In Coun.y Court. In tbe mutter of the estate of Levi Churchill, deceased. Notice Is hen by plvvn that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of Mild estate, before me. county Judite of Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room In FlattsiiKKltb. in said county, on the Kith day of July. A. I. lWkl. and on the lilst day of November, llwO. at 10 o'clock a. m., each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of faid deceased to present teeir claims, and one year for the ad minist ralor to settle said estate, from the 2nd day of May. liXKi. Witness my hand and seal of said county court at I'lattsmijutb. Nebraska, this !nri day of May, lUtii. Hahvey l. Tiiavis. IsealI County .ludjre. Notice to Creditors. Ktate or Nkiiiiaska. i CassCoi'.nty. ( In County Court. In t)ie matter of tho estate of August Ileitis, deceased. Notice Is hereby plven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me. county .lutiirc of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court room In I'htttsrmmth. in said comity, on the u"nd day of Noveint er, A. I. l: in. at in o'clock a. in., for the purpose of presenting their claims or examination, adjustment and allowance. fix months are allowed for the creditors of sai(l deceased to present, their claims, and seven months tosetne said estate from the SJnd day of May. IWV.. Witness my hand and seal of said county court, at I'lattsmo-.ith. Nebraska, this :11st day of May, 1. Haiivuy 1. Tiiavis. IsealI County .ludce. Probate Notice. In the county cjurt of Cass County. Nebraska; In the matter of the estate of Cyrus Creamer, deceased: All persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed Iri said court alleirini: that said deceased died Intestate, and prayinc for administration upon said estate; and that a hearing will he had on said petition on the 14th day of June. A. P. lKW. at 11 o'clock a. m.. and that If they fail to appear In said court on said day to contest said pet ition, tbe court may grant lettersof administration to Henry Creamer or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my band and the seal of this court this arrt day of May. llti. I'.Aiivrv I). Tiiavis. seal County Judge. Legcl Notice. IN THECOITNTY COl'KT Or' CAS COUN TY. NEHUASKA. In ti e Muttf r of the Estate I of Jacob S. Strickland, deceased. I George C. Strickland. Mary E. Williams. Hel H. Munifer and all persons interested In the estate of Jacob S. Strickland, deceased, will take notice that on the 10t li day of .May. A. !.. HKHi. Joseph A. O. Strickland as adminis trator of the estate of Jacobs. Strickland, de ceased, filed his final account of his adminis tration and petition. asKlng for the adjust ment and allowance of said account, the final settlement of said estate, and the assignment of the residue of said estate to such persons as are by law entitled thereto. You. and each of vou. are further notllied tbat by order of this conn duly entered, a bearing will be had on said petition and final account on theMh day f June. A. !.. I'.W. at tbe hour of in o'clock a. in.. In the county court room of the court house In I'lattsmoutli. Cass county. Nebraska, and at said time and place said account will be adjusted and allow ed, and the prayer of said petition granted, and the residue of said est ate assigned to such persons as are by law entitled thereto. If no objection to the same be made before said date. iiAiivi-T i. inis. seai.1 County Judge. Notice to Creditors. TTc5i?A'h I" Count, Court. In the matter of the estate of James J. Mc Nurlln. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet John McNurlln, tbe administrator of said estate, liefore me. county Judge of Cass county. Ne braska, at the county court room In I'IkIIh mouth, in said county, on tbe 31st day of May. 1(106. and on the 1st day of December. IKK. at 10 o'clock a. m. each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination adiustmentand allowanee. Hlx moDlhft art allowed for the creditor of said deceased to present thelrclalins, and one year for the administrator to settle said es tate, from theiTth day of April. llKKi. Witness my and the sial of said county court, at Hattsmouth, Nebraska, this 27th day of April, ll idi. Hahvey H. Travis, heal County Judge. Attachment Notice. I'rrd Matlimd will take notice that on the Huh day of April. 111.. M. Archer, a justi if the peace of I'latlsmout licit y Cuss county. Ne braska. Issued an order of attachment for the sum ofi.Sft. In an action pending liefore lilm. wherein Clans Speck is plaintiff and I red Midland. Is defendant, that property of the defendant, consist lng of money In t lie garnish ees' hands has been attached under said or- ''Vuld cause was c ni.ltH'.ri! to May Hist, !. HIV o'clock il. , , Ci.Al'S Si'ECK. Plaintiff. Notice of Administration. In County Court of Cass County. Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Levi 0. Todd, deceased. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified that a petition has la-en f ed In said court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for admlnls tratlon upon his estate, and that a hearing will lie had upon said petition on the I'th day of June A. I. at the county courtroom, at IMattsmouth. Nebraska, at llio clock a. in., and that if they fall to ap.icar at sa Id cour on said Mil day of June. A 1 . I at lu o'clock a m.. to contest said petition, the court muv grant the same and grant adminis tration of -.Id estate to II. (i. Todd. ..r some other suitable person, and proceed to a settle ment thereof. lUnvrv It. I hams, "A1 1 County Judge. "Gut Hell," the favorite cigar (From the Keglster.) j A few of John MurdcK'k's friends "just happened around" Sunday and took dinner with him, It beiiitf his ::ist birthday. Hope you will see '! more John. Mrs. West was hostess to all lier re latives Sunday at dinner. The tables were set In the shade of the trees, and loaded with all of the noud things the market affords. A happy day wr.s spent. Mrs. 1.. V.. St die and son. Miltvii, ' arrived last ueelv Ironi Michigan, where they haw been si nee last sum mer. She will pack their noods an l ship them to Oklahoma where they will make their future home. We are told that the leriVc of stone uncovered at Nick Opp's farm is over St) feet in thickness. This will Insure the opeDintf of another quarry here w hich will add to the business of the town quite materially. P. ('. West and Morris l'ullard started Tuesday, to view the Alberta, Canada, country. A good many of our people are becoming Interested In that country and many of them will prob ably go and see It this summer. We are sorry to be forced to state that Xehawka w ill have no ball team this year. This decision was arrived at after careful consideration by those who are interested, and it was found that nearly all of the players were far mers or were working on a farm and could not spare the time. This forces Nehawka to withdraw from the Cass County League, and it is too bad, too, as we believe the buys stood as jrood a show as any of the teams for carrying oh" the pennant. Elm wood or I'latts moutli will probably take Nehavvka's place in the leauue. A Mountain of Gold. Could not brini; as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke of Caroline, Wis., as did one 2ic box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tortur ed her twenty-three lonir years. Great est antiseptic healer of Tiles, wounds and sores. 2oc at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store. Weeping Water From the Herald. A large proportion of the farmers have finished planting corn, and some report it coming up nicely. Dr. Stein of Lincoln, preaches the Baccalaureate for the High school class at the Congregational church. Sunday evening. G. W. Woodruff has sold his south side residence property to O. K. Cromwell, and the latter gets posses sion sometime this fall. Pr. Butler reports the birth of a son on May is, to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Allen; also a son to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coon on May 22. Colonel Wro. llayward delivers the address to the old soldiers at the Congregational church on next Wed nesday, May :;o. C. W. I'ercival of Omaha, arrived here Monday morning and has opened a dental olllce in the front rooms at tbe armory. Mr. I'ercival comes to us highly recommended and we extend to blm a warm welcome. Miss Addie Rockwell Is the proud owner of a new piano. She took part in a word contest conducted by Hospe and secured the second prize of ISO, and this made a good start toward the new instrument. Jesse Domingo was taken to Pr. Shoemaker's hospital at Lincoln, Mon day evening, where he will be given electrical treatment. It is to be hoped that this treatment will prove bene ficial to him and that he may return entirely recovered. Postmaster Robbed. G. W. Fonts', postmaster at Illver ton, la., nearly lest his' life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of Jaundice that even my finger nails turned yellow: when my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure for biliousness, neurralgla, weak ness and all stomach, liver, kidney and bladder derangements. A wonderful tonic. At F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. oO cents. Attachment Notice. I!. 11. (irabiim will lake notice that on the 1Mb day of April. M. Archer, a. lust Ice of the peace of Plattsmont h city, Cass county. Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for tin- sum of f .'. T.", In an action pending la-fore him wherein Clans Speck Is plaintiff and K. II. (.raham Is defendant, that property of the defendant consisting of money In the hands the tiarnlsliee has la-en attached under mild order. .Kald cause us continued to May 11-t, IW, at V o'clock a. tn. Cl.At S M-kck. laluti!T. Murdock (llyti. A.UIs.) I'lKim t K AUK K I S Corrected weekly by Martin & Too!, who pay tl.e highest prices for pruduoe and guarantee satisfaction: llntter 12 I Kggs 11 Ileus IJC sprint's ( ream No. I, 17c: No. 2. 14c Hoc, .;: Cat: le t2.;.'i and :l..'si .I!AIN MAIlki:is. Corn :;S'and ('.- Wheat '- Oat, 2''C Buck 1-1. ash Timi: Taiu.i:. Murdock Station. W1T r-'il'NI). No. 41, mail K:l-" a. m, No. 7."), local :" a. ni. No. .. mail 2:4ii p. in. No. :7, mail ii:4" P- m- KAST llOl'Nlt No. !t0, freight 12::'.oa. m. No. mail 10:.V a. m. No. lit, Local 1:H p. ni. No. ft, mall -:! p. m. Miss Florence Mcl'onald left for her hoEe at Murray Monday. Mrs. Burkholder left for Lincoln Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wolf returned from Omaha Tuesday evening. Mr. Harry Hawkins of South Au burn visited relatives in Murdock the fare part of last week. Mrs. Albert Hunt Is reported on the sick list. A. B Lake's are entertaining rela tives from Lyons, Neb. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W.o. Sclicwe Wednesday, May in, a boy. I. (i. Hombeck was a court visstor at IMattsmouth on Thursday of last week. Mr. F. Wolf was on the sick list last week, but Pr. Merkel has the old gen tleman out again. II. II. Neitzel was a county court visitor last Thursday. Mr. Lutz, of I'apillion Is visiting his son-in-law, Mr. Geo. Gramlich this week. J. P.. Funk was in Omaha last Thurs day. Mrs. L. Neitzel is entertaining her father and mother from Chicago this week. Leslie Bush was In town Tuesday shaking hands with old friends. Mrs. E. T. Todd returned Tuesday from a week's visit In Iowa. Misses Lyda and Etta Sorick pulled in Tuesday from their Iowa visit. The Omaha trade excursion was an attraction Wednesday morning. A large crowd was here to greet them and souvenirs were scattered freely. All enjoyed themselves the few min utes they were here. Geo. Leis received a tine photo of the engine crew of the IT. S. S. Charles ton this week. The picture was sent to him by his twin brother, Henry, who is one of the crew, and it is prized very highly. H. A. Tool was a business visitor at Omaha Monday. Henry Gakemcier, Henry Borneman Herman Gakemeier, Carl Rohrdany. GusThlmgan took a trip to Soutli Da kota Monday to view the country. Rev. John Baamgartner arrived from Chicago Tuesday morning to take part in the dedication services to be held next Sunday. We were unable to learn tbe date but a boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luetchens about a week ago- Mlss Maud Corsage came up from South Auburn Friday evening and will fill the position of night central In the future, entering upon her du ties Monday evening. Vivian Westlake severely cut her finger last week. Pr. Merkel dressed the wound and the young lady is none the worse for her mishap. Another excursion will be run on the Bock Island from Falrbury to Omaha, Sunday, May 27th, and will be due to leave Murdock at !:4"; will be in Omaha at 11. Leaves Omaha at " in the evening. They claim to ac commodate all passengers on the special which will be better than they did before. Bev. John Eaumgartncr, Jr., of Chi cago, arrived Tuesday morning and will take part in tbe services at the German Lutheran church two miles north of town, which will occur next Sunday morning. Henry and Herman Gokcmeler, Carl Uohrdonz and Henry Borncmeier left for South Pakota Monday with a view of buying some land If everything was suitable. The Alvo second base ball team came over Saturday and crossed bats with our second team and our hots took another fall out of them to the tune of 17 to s. Ehnwuod is sohedult d for a game with our hoys on the home ground for the coming Saturday and we hope they won't fool us this time. The Former Wilton Bound Over. A special from Beatrice under date of yesterday says: "V. B. Kills, alias W. B. Wilsnn, alias W. I'.. Kll.cit, wanted in Omaha, Ivnvcr, St. Louis and other points, at Ills preliminary hearing today in the county court mi the chaive of foivery, was held to i he district court in bonds of fl,otio. He failed to furnish hail and was remand ed to the county jail. Ellis claims to be a resident of Garnett, Kan. He ap pears to have operated successfully for the last year In the principal cltiis throughout the west." We take the following from the Beatrice PailySun: "Chief Burke, who recently sent a photograph of AV. B. Ellis, the alleged forger, to Omaha, yesterday received a telephone message from a detective at that place stating that Ellis Is wanted there for passing a number of forged checks on Omaha merchants amounting In all to about fl'J.'i. The otllcer said that If the authorities here failed to make a case against him he would come to Beatrice after Ellis. If signs do not fail the alleged forger will not visit Omaha until after he serves a term in the penitentiary." More Orange Blossoms. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Lulu Catherine Laughlin, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. B. F. Laughlin, to Mr. Joseph E. Gavin, which will occur at the home of the bride's parents in Greenwood, at high noon on Wednesday, June: ti, llHiti. The bride-elect Is one of the most charming and accomplished young ladies in Cass county, and the Journal can congrat ulate the groom, who is a stranger to us, upon securing the consent to lead such a lovely little lady to the hymenlal altar. The Jour nal has been acquainted with Miss Laughlin for some time and we know what we are talking about when we say that In the capture of her for a wife, Mr. Gavin secures a most valu able prize. In advance the Journal wishes the young couple much happi ness and prosperity and hopes their pathway through life may be constant ly be strewn with the choicest of Mow ers. READY F0F BATTLE is the man who owns a BANK book. No matter about life'sstrug gles so long as he pickets his camp with dollars saved No midnight at tack nor morning assault has terror for him. He just marches to vic tory under the banner "dollars saved" and the enemy retreats. It's noble to die for one's country. But it Is more comfortable to live if you own a bank book. Get one today from The First National Bank Do You "J TlTVTkk' why not liuy it while you have the opportun- VV 'ty to k'ct wat .)0U want at Greatly Reduced Y Prices! Come in now ami see what I have left in House Furnishings, Stoves, etc. I will please you- "ty both in the price and quality of goods. I must give .52 possession of the room and the goods MUST IMC SOLD! i ..;...-.,. ...in i.,. i. u. ....... :r i t,.. i . J X 1 lit UML Ot 111 L I IV ll) 11 JUU Willll llll. yiHHt. f Come and See the Old Furniture Man! CNI Will Sell or Exchange Entire Stock at u Bargain FURNITURE PE AKLJ AM STOVES, &C VELOX The ;ijKT ir Imsy o;V. l'rint :n .inv I'l't front cmillr t divtrv ;itv. MitaiiKiMc in r;id s su'.uMc- for any :v.'ativ. V arc i parnl ! ivc you informa tion on manipulating l'oth film and print ing paper, and have for free ditr:.lution: "Film Development up to Date" Velox Manuals Eastman Catalogues for 1906 and would dim it a favor if you will a-!c u- for tliem anil in-'-juvt ur ,-t c!c. G erin Sole Agents for Ka-tman's IMiotorapIiit (iooiK. RAIN SHUTS OUT VISITORS! Game Called at End of Sixth Inning and Locals Get Decision From Soldiers. Score, Red Sox4; Ft. Crook 0. The basi ball team of c mipany M's sluggers arrived from Ft. Crook yester day morning, and despite the threat ening rain crossed bats with the lied Soxs at the ball park at :J::iO yesterday afternoon. As wasantlcipated, it was the best that enthusiasts of the game have had the opportunity to witness on the home grounds. The only two errors of the game were made by the visitors, who succeeded In getting three hits oil of Graves. P.oth ot the twirlers, Graves for the lied Sox an I Monday for the soldiers, did excellent work, seven men being struck out by each of them. The home team proved to be more effective at the stock work Micin, Fitzgerald, llutlerand Heath erlngton bringing in the four runs out of the six hits made during the game. Jn the field work Ilcalherlngton did some fast work as shortstop. When the visitors took t heir bats at the be ginning of tbe seventh Inning a heavy down pour of rain commenced, and it was found necessary to call the game off. Tne soldiers who had succeeded in getting a man across the plate were desirous of continuing the game, but torrents of rain prevented any further playing and the lied Soxs were given the decision for the six Innings played. Score: lied Sox 0 0 1 0 0 .1 1 Ft. Crook (10 0 0 0 00 As the boys demonstrated yesterday what they can do with the proper en Meed Furniture 1 Co couragement, tin- .iiiinial liclii'ves that all thOM- who ui to witness a good game of kin should now aid tint lied Soxs lu procuring suits. ' Would It not he the proper caper for sonic of our mi'rcl:ari!s to give a suit each to the hoys. Then let a subscription paper be st.aited to si cure means wit h which to tlx up th" park in proper shape. (Jive the l.oys some help and rinttsmoiilh will s ion ImhisI. of one of the hist amateur in;i chilis in tho state. We have tl.e material and all that Is lacking.' Is t he ppopei encourage ment . PHIL SAUTEfi PLATTSMOCTIt. MHlMShA (li.MHl Pcaler In Edison Phonographs the most wonderful musical instrument of the times. Write for catalog and price. We carry a large and com plete stock of KdNonand Vic tor records. Hear them free. fiBftXWMSM