The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1906, Image 2

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Personal Points
Vn iii I'tliliiy Iitl,y.
J. W. Pitman, of near Cnloii, was in
the city today on business.
Miss Alma Wortman of Ashland,
was visiting at riattsmout ti today.
II. C. Long of Murray was transact
ing business at the county scat today.
Mrs. W. Smith urul son, of Kim wood,
were business visitors at riattsmouth
Rev. McVcy, from the vicinity or
Mynard, was a caller at the court
house today.
Win. Tarns, who has been employed
by the l'.urllngtou at Alliance, Is In
th"? city I't a visit with his rurents.
Hon. William lulles Dei.Uer was
over from Klm''d today mi husiiuss.
Hill has hosts of friends In l'latts
moutli who are always glad to meet
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoemaker, of
near Nehawka, were county seat visi
tors today. Mr. Shoemaker Is one of
the prominent Cerman farmers of
Cass county.
Fred Eblnger came In last night
from l'lalnvlew to assist In preparing
Ms household goods for shipment to
that place. They expect to move to
l'lalnvlew In the course of two weeks.
Herman Heck of Murray was a coun
ty scat visitor today, and while here
called and renewed his allegiance to
the Journal. Mr. Heck Is one of the
Industrious young farmers of Cass
John droop and Charley Helm were
In the city today and were pleasant
callers at the Journal headquarters
The boys drove down on business, and
report the roads In a very fair condi
tion. D.O. DWYER, Attorncy-at-Law
Offce in building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
I'rinn tMitunhiy'n 1 u 1 1 y .
(). V. Zaar of South Rend was a
business visitor today at the court
The case of Taylor vs. St ull Is up for
hearing In district court this after
noon. James Marnier of Louisville was
transacting business at the county
seat today.
The will of the late John Guehl
storff, deceased, was admitted to pro
bate today.
John (iorder and wife arrived In
this city last night, after a short
pleasure trip.
Misses Mae Cameron and Kdith
Johnson of Louisville were visiting In
riattsmouth today.
Joe Lloyd and little grandson were
among the passengers for the state
capital this afternoon.
Mrs. Joe Sans and Mrs. Will Smith
were among the passengers for the
metropolis on the fast mull.
The sheriff Is In receiptor a card
from the authorities at Omaha, offer
ing a reward of $."0.00 for the recovery
of a team stolen from that place on the
night of May Kth.
From Mu(!y's Uully .
C. K. Tefft, of Weeping Water, was
looking after some legal business here
C. C. Eawlston, of Weeping Water,
was a business visitor nt the county
seat today.
Thomas Murtie, of Weeping Water,
was a business visitor at the court
house today.
Chas. Ilclhart ofCullom, spent Sun
day here the guest of John McNurlln
and family.
Wm. Deles Dernier, of Klmwood,
was transacting legal business at the
county seat today.
A hearing was had today on the
petition for administration In the
estate of Levi Churchill, deceased.
C A. rawls, Lawyer. Pro
bate and general practice. Of
fice of Caunty Attorrjey.
F. W. Euhge, l Rrlcknian, II.
Masemann and K. Kroeger, all of
Avoca, came In last evening on busi
ness and returned home this morning
on the southbound Missouri Tactile
A marriage license was Issued today
o Chester C. Ralston, aged 29, of He
bron, Kan., and Eleda Rarnes, aged
28, cf. Weeping Water. The above
couple will be united In marriage by
Rev. S. I. Hanford on the 2.1nd of this
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
' Bears the
-Quick Meal Case, line Stoes, al
si.tsand styles, for sale at Asemlssen
t Louck's.
John McNurlln and Will Seybert
went tu Omaha Saturday evening to
"take In" the moving pictures of the
lirltt-Nelson tight, and did some fast
sprinting in order to get to the depot,
only to find the train was thirty min
utes late.
Mrs. M. F. Richardson, who has
been here visiting with Mrs. Kennedy
for a few weeks, departed for her
home In David City, Neb., this after
noon. Mrs. Illchanlson formerly resid
ed In Plattsmouth, and ere departing
for iter home she called and subscribed
for the Journal.
Mrs. deorga Koelmke came In
last evening from her home near l'laln
vlew, Neb., fora visit with home folks.
Mrs. Koelmke says sin; Is well pleased
with her new home and sols dcorge.
There Is a line stream running through
their farm and splendid tlshing only
about two hundred yards from the
Machine oil at Asemlssen & Louck's
From Tui silay's I hilly
L II. Mlckle, of Avoca, was a county
seat visitor today.
Jno. Frlzel was a business visitor at
the metropolis this morning.
Kay Smith, from near Nehawka
was a riattsmouth visitor today.
August dorder was visiting with
Weeping Water people yesterday.
Kad Rhoden, one of the best farm
ers In Cass county, was In town today.
J. A. Stotlcr of dreenwood made
his complete assessment returns to
day. II. C. Long, of near Murray, was
transacting business In riattsmouth
Ken Horning, assessor for I'latts
motith precinct was in town today on
Mrs. II. A. Schneider went to Cedar
Creek this afternoon to visit with
Lloyd (iapen of Hock Kluff precinct
was a business visitor at the court
house today.
A. P. Churchill, or Cnadilla, and M.
0. Churchill, of Murray, were busi
ness visitors ;it riattsmouth yesterday.
W. T. Smith, Joe Floyd, and the
former's brother, J. L. Smith, of Ne
hawka, were passengers this afternoon
for Council Bluffs.
Hilly Harclay returned from Cedar
Creek last evening, where he had been
engaged In renovating and putting
new tlxtures In his saloon.
H.C.Long of Murray purchased a
brand new buggy from August flordcr
today, and while In town he was a
welcome caller at the Journal ofllce.
Parties from Eight Mile drove pre
cinct and Nehawka report line rains
In those sections this morning. It
scarcely laid the dust here In Platts
mouth. Dr. H. Jensen, the noted veterinary
surgeon of Weeping Water, was here
today as a w itness In the case of Mc
culloch vs. Dunn, and gave the Jour
nal a call.
Mrs. deorglc Creamer and cousin,
Miss Hutchinson, from near Murray,
were In Plattsmouth today. Miss
Hutchinson lives In northern Missouri,
and will make a month's visit with
Mrs. Creamer.
Ed Ruffner, who recently had the
misfortune to get his left knee bruised
by getting struck by the end of a
wagon tongue, returned to Cedar
Creek this afternoon, where he Is em
ployed at the quarry of At wood k
Charley Gaelel, the celebrated fine
hog breeder, of near Louisville, ac
companied by William Wendt and J.
0. Shoeman of the latter place, were
In the city today on business, and all
gave the Journal a call.
J. P. Kell of Cedar Creek was In town
today and made a pleasant call on the
Journal force. He informs us that
through the negligence of the Hurling
ton In repairing the fences on their
right of way adjoining his place, four
of his valuable cows were killed by
freight No. 7ii yesterday morning.
While In Nehawka Monday of this
week we understand that our excellent
farmer friend, J . L. Smith, experienced
quite a serious runaway. The team
was attached to a new buggy, and
while the horses took quite a lively
spin, Mr. Smith was not Injured, and
very little damage done to the vehicle.
From WHm'sility'ii dully.
T. E. Williams of Mt. Pleasant pre
clnt was In town today on business.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Bailey of Murray
were county seat visitors yesterday.
Sam Long of South Bend was trans
acting business at Plattsmouth today.
C. Bengen, one of Cass county's best
derman farmers, was In the city today.
I're.l Muenchau, assessor for Tiptcn
precinct. mai' J. is complete retun.s
K I. Pitxan an 1 fa i:i!y are living . n
Kock street, tw iM ckswestof Chlca.'o
(!. W. WoodrulT, of Weeping Water,
was transacting business the county
seat today.
S. L. Barker of Eight Mile drove
precinct, was a caller at the court
house today.
Will Seagrave came down from
Omaha this morning fi-ravlslt with
his relatives here.
Levi Kusterholt. of near Murray
war a Plattsmouth visitor today. Mr.
Kusterholt. continues to Improve.
Mrs. O. V. Bailey of Murray was
visiting with her mother, Mrs. M.
Seagrave, In this city yesterday.
Dave Amlck came down from South
Omaha last evening, where he had
been with stock enruute home In
Mrs. M. Seagrave and daughter,
Miss Margaret, returned home last
evening, after an extended visit at
Murray, the guest of Mrs. B.C. Bailey.
Through the courtesy of Mr. Ed war 1
Seagrave, o. V. Bailey and brother,
Kolley, of Murray, enjoyed a drive to
Plattsmouth behind Mr. Seagrave's
line horse.
Park Chriswiser and wife, from the
vicinity of Nehawka, were In tow n on
business last evening, and for a visit
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. BennettChrlswIser.
American Held fencing and poultry
netting at Asemlssen k Louck's.
Most complete line of screen wire to
be found In town, also screen doors
and wlndowscreen frames. Asemlssen
& Louck.
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block.
Mrs. T. L. Murphy was visiting in
Omaha today.
Miss Helen Chapman Is visiting In
Omaha this afternoon.
L. W. Lore, made a business trip to
Omaha on the fast mail.
J. W. Edmunds of Murray was a
county seat visitor today.
Miss Clara Brown was a passenger
Kir the metropolis this afternoon
A. W. White was a business visitor
at the metropolis this afternoon.
John Faught, a real estate dealer of
Lincoln, was In the city on business
C A. Bawls was looking after some
legal business at the state capital to
day. M. Waybrlght returned last night
from a trip to the western part of the
Mrs. James Burr of Ilavelock Is vis
iting in the city, the guest of Miss
Bessie Ballance.
Mrs. J. W. Johnson, who attended
the W. B. C. convention at Lincoln,
turned home last night.
Antone Llebershal went to Omaha
this rfternoon to secure some supplies
for the new cigar manufactory.
Misses Nellie aud Carrie Sherwood
departed for Louisville this afternoon
to visit with their sister.Mrs. Hoover.
Mrs. L. Trllcty and daughter, Miss
Louise, were passengers for Ilavelock
this morning to visit with Mrs. Matous.
Mrs. Sarah E. MeElwain, who was a
delegate to the W. B. C. convention
at Lincoln, returned home last night.
With rhetorical exercises that are
being held at the high school this af
ternoon, the city schools close for the
summer vacation.
Mrs. J. J. Svoboda and baby, who
have been enjoying a visit with Anton
Trilcty and family, returned to Omaha
this afternoon.
John Henry, Phillip and John Mel-
singer and S. H. Shumaker were
among the passengers for the metrop
olis this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. May are the
proud parents of an eleven pound girl
which arrived a short time before
midnight Monday.
Dr. E. D. Cummins went to Omaha
this afternoon to attend the commcne
ment exercises this evening of the Ne
braska medical college.
Itching, bleeding, protruding or
blind piles yield to Doan's Ointment.
Chronic cases soon relieved, finally
cured. Druggist all sell It.
Have you Backache? Get a box of
Kldney-Ettcs the most wonderful
remedy for all kidney troubles, and
they will make you right. 2'c. Ger
ing & Co., druggists.
W. C. Terhune was In town today in
the Interest of the Mineral Springs
Sanatarium, which Is located near
Burlington Junction. While here he
made a pleasant call on the Journal.
August Krccklow, of near Manley,
was a Plattsmouth visitor today, and
while here paid the Journal a short
call. Mr. Krccklow Is one of the pros
perous central Cass county farmers,
and we arc always pleased to meet
him. He came In on the train, return
ing home this afternoon.
Mr. F. C. Clark, of Scotland. S. D.,
arrived iast night for a brief visit with
his brother, E. M., and family. From
here Mr. Clark will go to Oklahoma to
view the country and may perhaps
Done House Cleaning?
If not, you may need that new Carpet or Matting. We
have a fine line of Straw Mattings we will be glad to show
Short Lengths of BRUSSELS CARPETING for Rugs
9x12 can be made for $8.80 and up. v
Short Lengths of Brussels, suitable for stairs, can be
had much cheaper than the Regular Stair Carpet
Carpets 50c a yd
Fringed Rugs 31,25
Floor Oil Cloths
one and two yards wide
The Queen Quality Shoe tits as a shoe should tit not to big in one place and not too
small In another, not too wide In the toe and not to narrow in the heel but just right.
Not only comfortable when old, but comfortable when new.
It Is no longer necessary to use your foot as a stretcher nor to buy one size for style
and another for comfort. Queen Quality has done away with all that. You can get style
and comfort together in the Queen Quality Shoe.
Other makes of shoes at $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. These shoes were
bought before the heavy advance in leather.
E.-DVEYS2Sli 0
Qi 0
ooi , 3i -oc3c 'crmoo
conclude to locate there. E. M. and
his brother gave the Journal a pleas
ant call this morning and we were
pleased to meet him.
M. Fangcr was transacting business
at the metropolis today.
Mrs. M Archer was visiting in the
metropolis this afternoon.
l'hilip Theirolf made a business trip
to Omaha on the early train.
Sheriff Quinton went out In the
vicinity of Avoca this morning.
V. V. Leonard made a business trip
to the metropolis on the fast mail.
Terry Utterback was transacting
business at Omaha this afternoon.
J. L. Hortshorn of Ilavelock was a
business visitor at riattsmouth today.
John I. Kuhney made a business
visit attho metropolis this afternoon.
Mrs. L. W. Earger, of Lincoln, is
visiting with her parents In this city.
Harry Todd of Murray was trans
acting business in riattsmouth today.
County Judge Travis departed this
morning on abusincss trip to I mperial,
Harry Phillips and wife were pas
sengers for Nebraska City this morn
ing. M. L. Fredilch and wife of Cedar
Creek were visitors at the county seat
Mrs. A. N. Sullivan and daughter,
Miss Alice, were visiting in Omaha
James Root from the vicinity of
Murray was at the county scat on busi
ness yesterday afternoon.
Miss Kittle Cummins went to Tabor,
la., this morning to be present at the
May festivities of the college.
Mrs. C. C. Hansen and daughter who
have been visiting in this vicinity, re
turned to Omaha this afternoon.
A marriage license was issued In
Lincoln yesterday to William B. Hursh
aged "js, and Nora Reltter, aged 10,
both of Eagle, Cass county.
Otto Spriek, from the vicinity of
Louisville, was a business visitor at
riattsmouth today, and while here re
newed his allegiance to the Journal.
John KafTenberger, one of Cass
county's enterprising German farm
ers, while In the city today called and
paid for the Ially Journal one year.
Cures baby's croup, Willie's dally
cuts and bruises, mama's sore throat,
grandma's lameness Ir. Thomas'
Eclectrlc Oil the great household
Our young friend, John M. Mel
singer of near Mynard, returned from
Omaha this morning. While John
was spending the day in Omaha the
wife and baby spent the day with her
mother in riattsmouth.
Kcnews tne nair, manes it new ncain, restores the freshness. Just
what you need if your hair Is faded cr turning rrav, for itclwavs
t i r. . ... .
restores ine coior. stops tamne
Every Claim Is Backed by Local Testi
mony. If the reader wants stronger proof
than the following statement and ex
perience of a resident of riattsmouth
what can it he'f
II. M. Young, city bill poster of
Sixth street, says: "Mrs. Young was
constantly complaining of a dull pain
across the small of her back which
Increased If she over exerted herself or
contracted cold. Later it was contin
uous, or one attack seemed to succeed
another so rapidly, that just as one
was leaving she dreaded the return of
another. She used more than one
remedy, but It was like throwing
money away as far as benefits from the
treatment was concerned. I had read
in newspapers about people suffering
like her where Doan's Kidney Tills had
been used wlbh very good results and
this Influenced me to go to Gerlng &
Co's. drug store for a box. Mrs. Young
commenced the treatment and she
was more than pleased with the bene
fits received. This remedy differs
from all others for the kidneys; It acts
directly upon these organs and does
not affect any other part of the body."
For sale by all dealers. Trice 50c.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Ed Kunzmann and wife arrived this
morning for a visit with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kunzmann.
Ed has been employed at Osage, Okla.,
as a machlnest on the Santa Fe.
After On Duty.
"In life," says von numboldt, "it is
worthy of special remark, that w hen
we are not too anxious about happi
ness and unhappiness, but devote our
selves to the strict and unsparing per
formance of duty, then happiness
comes of itself nay, even springs from
the midst or life of troubles and pri
vations." Many people live in con
stant worry either about their own, or
their family's health, but seem to for
get the fact, that It is their duty to
provide for such a remedy which would
be effective in all cases of Indisposi
tion. Trlncr's America Elixir of Bit
ter Wine will always bring appetite
and strength, will make all organs of
the body work and will purify the
blood thoroughly. In all cases of loss
of appetite, coated tongue, nervous
ness, headache and weakness you
should Immediately use this great
natural remedy, made of grape wine
and herbs. At drug stores. Jos. Tri
ner, "wt South Ashland Avenue, Chi
cago, Illinois.
vcgetable Sicilian
Hair Renewer
nair, s.n. . ' .7,. v.. r," f
Ingrain All Wool
Rugs 9x10J feet
Several Splendid Patterns
of the 12-ft wide Linoleums
Magpie Grove
(Special Currtspomlfnct-.)
Kev. Fred Spriegel is on the sick
list this week.
Quite a number attended the plat
form dance Saturday night.
Henry Eogelkemeier is building a
Corn shelling is now the order of the
day and quite a little will be shelled
this week in this section.
Quite a number of friends and rela
tives were the guests of Louie Puis
and wife Sunday.
John liable made a business trip to
Omaha Friday.
John Young shipped fat hogs to
Omaha Tuesday.
There will be a basket picnic at the
Rose Henning's grove Sunday, May
27. Come one and all.
Otto Puis made a business trip tr
riattsmouth Friday.
Quite a number attended the baH
game at Mrs. Schafer's last Sunday,
which was quite a game.
Mrs. R. A. Davis visited with rela
tives in Lincoln last week.
Wm. Tuls and daughter, Annie,
were among the riattsmouth visitors
last Saturday.
A lazy liver leads to chronic dys
pepsia and constipation-weakens the
whole system. Doan's Regulets (25c
per box) correct the liver, tone the
stomach, cure constipation.
Children's Slippers
Don't pinch up your little tot's
feet in poorly shaped shoes when
there is nt your command the
Neatest and Dalntidst Line of STRAP
Black, Tan and Patents,
50c to 80c
on lasts that,, havcsV, look
i t II mill ;r :;-.
This Way For Children's Slippers