The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1906, Image 8

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    The County
Hems of General Interest Selected
Pertha Adams lias Wen suffering
with rheumatism tlie past week.
Grant JIursh broke one of tlie bones
in his right hand lat Friday, ly strlk
ing It auainst a wagon wheel.
"Grandpa" Mick received a telegram
Sunday morning stating that his only
brother, llvliur at Wayne, had died.
Mr. and Mrs. Mick left Monday to at
tend the f uneral.
Fred Lledig has been suffering with
appendicitis for some time and went
to Lincoln Sunday evening with the
Idea of havlr.n an operation performed
hut hacked out and came home.
I!oy r.loomiiitnn, a hoy working for
Will Horn, met with an accident last
Thursday. As he was netting a
stalk cutter the horses started up and
one of the knives caught his foot spiin
ink' his ankle ami cracking tlie til. la.
Ceo. Reltter, Jr. and I'.d. Uetts, the
now inemhers of the town hoard, took
the oath of office Monday evening w hen
a special meeting' was held. A, L. Me
lonald was re-elected chairman of the
Iward. A saloon license was granted
(ico. Obcrle for the ensuing year.
On Thursday of last, week, Mr. T.
lloham of (Ireenwood, am) Miss Laura
Cooper were united In marriage at
Omaha. P.oth of these young people
are well known here, especially the
bride who has grown to womanhood In
this community. A reception was
given the young couple at the home of
the bride Saturday cvening.about tlfty
of their friends being which
time they were the recipients of a
large list of valuable and useful pres
ents. Their friends here extend con
gratulations. "When 1 was a Livonia,
Mo.," writes T. J. Iwyer, now of
Graysvllle, Mo., "three of my custo
mers were permanently cured of con
sumption by Dr. Kind's New IMseov
ery, and are well and strong today.
One was trying to sell his property and
move to Arizona, but after using New
Discovery a short time he found It un
necessary to do so. I regard Dr. King's
New Discovery as the most wonderful
medicine In existence." Surest cough
and cold cure and throat and lung
healer. Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke
SCO., druggists, ,10c and II. Trial
bottle free.
Mrs. Addle Kesler, who has been
spending the winter with her cousin,
Mrs. Agnes Reynolds, and uncle.Grand
pa McBrlde, left Thursday for her
homo at New Albany, Indiana.
Isaac Pollard tells us that the Indi
cations are good for an excellent fruit
crop this year. Teaches may not be a
very heavy crop bulMr.Pollard thinks
there will be plenty of them.
At a meeting of the Masonic lodge
held Wednesday night the following
officers were elected for the ensuing
year: A. F. Sturm. W. M.; J. K. Ban
ning, S. W.; II. C. l'ollard, J. W.; D.
D.Adams, treasurer; E. A. Klrkpat
rick, secretary.
This Is Just the right si:-.e town to
settle down in and enjoy life. Every
thing for the comfort of life can be
bought here and $10 will go as far as
25 will In larger cities. When you
want to leave the farm, come to our
town and build a nice comfortable
home and be among the best people In
the world.
Not if at Rich Rockefeller.
If you had all the wealth of Rocke
feller, the Standard Oil magnate, you
could nut buy a better medicine for
bowel complaints than Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
The most eminent physician can not
prescribe a better preparation for sollc
and diarrhoea, both for children and
adults. The uniform success of this
remedy has shown It to be superior to
all others. It never falls, and when
reduced with water and sweetened, isj
pleasant to take, hvery family should i
be supplied with it. Sold by F. G
Frlcke S Co. and A. ('..Fried.
From tlie l.rnilrr-Kcho.
Juc Mullin and Floyd Woolcott left
Tuesday for a month or two In Cali
fornia and coast states.
L. F. I'll ley Is busy at work building
a one story cottage, 22 by 2, for A.M.
Ferguson, Just south of WlllWray's
residence. Mr. Ferguson Is havlngthe
house built for rental purposes.
A report was In circulation yester
day that M. W. Waltz, one of our most
prosperous farmers, had purchased the
A. W. Nclhart residence for a consid
eration of t2,m.
J. A. Wright has sold his rcsiieueo
property in iMinwoou io. . n. m-icuei.
the consideration being $2,000. Mr.
Wclchel surely got tills splendid pio -
Exchanges i
from the Columns of Contemporaries
perty at a bargain, as lll.noo will not
replace the Improvenientson the place.
That Janitor llultlsh Is very careful
of the school property In ills care, Miss
Slas will testify, being securely locked
in the building after school Monday
evening. The last seen of Parson he
was on his knees writing an apology.
The little two-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Owen Wall had a narrow es
cape from death yesterday afternoon
in a runaway. Mrs. Wall had driven
to the mill when the team commenced
backing. She jumped out of the bug
gy and attempted to hold the horses.
They jerked away from her and ran up
town, colliding with tlie big telephone
pole In front of J. H. A rends & Son's
store, throwlnt! the little boy out of
the seat, hut not out of the buggy, and
not hurting him in the leait. Several
men caught the team. Practically no
damage was done the buggy, harness
or horses.
Deaths from Appendicitis.
Decrease In the same ratio that the
use of Dr. King's new Life Fills In
creases. They save you from danger
and bring quick and painless release
from constipation and the ills growing
out of It. Strength and vigor always
follow their use. Guaranteed by F.
G. Frlcke &Co., druggist 2,'c. Try
Mrs. F. Trillty Is spending a few
days visiting friends In I'lattsmouth.
T. 1'. Egan and wife are the proud
parents of a baby boy, born last Sun
day morning.
Geo. M. Kennedy was In town Wed
nesday In the interest of tha I'latts
mouth Telephone Company.
Mrs. Fred Kcllarand li. O. Ray spent
a few days the first of the week with
friends and relatives at I'lattsmouth.
A. A. llyers was taken suddenly ill
Wednesday night with a second at
tack of hemmorhage of the nose and
was nulto seriously 111 for some time,
but at present Is doing nicely and Is
able to be about again.
Miss Slgrld Johnson has resigned her
position as stenographer in the supply
department at this place and lias gone
to Alliance, where she has accepted a
similar position.
The new electric crane was given Its
first trial, at the shops, last Wednes
day, with Robert Riper in charge. Its
work is highly satisfactory and adds
much to the facility of handling the
lighter loads, as It Is far more speedy
than the older and larger cranes.
Sixty thousand dollars worth of new
machinery has been ordered for the
shops. This means Increased capacity
and additional places for more men.
We must have more houses in Have-
lock, as homes for the men, as the com
pany brings them here. The R. & M.
Js doing much for our town, but we
must keep pace with the shops and
provide the homes as they provide the
work, and we will soon have a nice lit
tle city. The Investment of surplus
money In good cottages will prove safe
and profitable.
War Against Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring to check
the ravages of consumption, the
"white plague" that claims so many
victims each year. Foley's Honey and
Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly
and you are in no danger of consump
tion. Do not risk you health by tak
ing some unknown preparation when
Foley's Honey and Tar Is safe and cer
tain In results. Ask for Foley's Honey
and Tar and Insist upon having it.
Sold by F. G. Frlcke S Co.
From tlie Courier.
Mrs. Claud Rand Is reported quite
sick this week.
Mrs. W. A. Johnson Is reported uulte
sick this week.
Jim McNealy's little daughter Is on
the sick list this week.
Nate 1 laen's mother died at the
home of her son Wednesday of this
Ami Hoover of Rig Springs, Nebras
ka, Is visiting his father R. G. Hoover.
Mrs. Anna Royles left for Okene,
Oklahoma, Sunday over the Rock Is
land. Mrs. J. D. Ferguson has been 111 with
the grip but Is Improving at present
Arrangements are being made by
the different orders of Louisville to at
tend decoration exercises.
The school entertainment was well
attended Thursday night, the door
receipts being about The editor
was nut extended the usual cuurtcsles
'and cannot speak of the program, but
1 suppose It was good.
Just is Scores o! Plattsmcutn Pecpie
Waiting doesn't pay If you neglect
the aching hack urinary troubles,
diabetes, surely follow. Doan's Kid
ney Fills relieve backache, cure every
kidney 111. I'lattsmouth cltlens en
dorse them.
I'hil. Sauter, harness maker, corner
Sixth and I'earl street, residence (110
Marble street says: "Mrs. Sauter and
I appreciate the value of Doan's Kid
ney Fills. We noticed them spoken
about by people who had used them
and to whom this remedy had been
most beneficial. This induced us to
go to Gering & Co'b drug store for a
box. Mrs. Sauter complained every
now and then of a dull aching In her
back and was more than pleased when
It yielded to Doan's Kidney Tills. My
son alsoobtalned beneficial results from
the use of the remedy. We have form
ed a very high opinion of this prepara
tion and without hesitation endorse
the claims made for It."
F ir sale by all dealers. Prlee ,10c.
Foster-Milburn Co., Ruffalo, N. Y.,
sole agents for the I'nited States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
A Pleasant Meeting.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Pres
byterian church met with Mrs. Wm.
McCauley yesterday afternoon. Mrs.
S. M. Chapman and Mrs. W. II. New
ell assisting the hostess. As is the
custom of the society the hour from .1
to 4 o'clock was devoted to fancy work
and other. sewing, by which the society
raise their expense funds. After this
the regular business was transacted
and Inviting refreshments served.
Thirty-nine ladles were in attendance
to enjoy the social afternoon.
Has an Exciting Drive.
While Louis Kcll was driving his
and Will's imported stallion to a sulky
last Saturday evening, he had quite
an exciting experience.
The steed became frightened and
ran away throwing Louis from the
cart, bruising him severely and giving
him a bad scare. In the course of Its
lllght, the animal became entangled
In a barb wire fence, cutting several
bad gashes and breaking the cart to
It Was Ever Thus.
It is more fun to see a man read a
put! on himself In a newspaper than
to see a fat man slip on a banana peel.
The narrow minded man reads It over
seven or eight times and thin goes
around and appropriates what copies
he can. The kind-hearted man goes
home and reads it to his wife and then
goes around to his office and pays what
he owes. The successful business man
who advertises regularly and makes
money by It, Immediately starts out
to find the editor, and then the two
walk silently down the street and
the business man takes sugar In his
and they both eat a clove or two and
life Is sweeter.
Was Wasting Away.
"I had been troubled with kidney
disease for the last live years," writes
Robert R. Watts, of alern, Mo. "I
ost llesh and never felt well and doc
tored with the leading physicians and
tried all remedies suggested without
relief. Finally 1 tried Foley's Kidney
Cure and less than two bottles com
pletely cured me and I am now sound
and well." During the summer kid
ney Irregularities are often caused by
excessive drinking or being overheat
ed. Attend to tha kidneys at once by
using Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by
F. G. Fricke S Co., and A. T. Fried.
Grant Cotner May Recover.
The information was received today
that the condition of Grant Cotner Is
improving, and that the patient bas
good chances of recovering. An old
family doctor from Missouri Is respon
sible for the change for the better,
and thinks that his charge will pull
Your doctor will tell you that
thin, pale, weak, nervous chil
dren become strong and well
by takine Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Small doses, for a few days.
The change is very prompt
and very marked. Ask your
doctor why it is. He has our
formula and will explain.
When II ri old. for man? mMii no
nnethpuirM I count liv brratisnt thin bin!.
Hut. tn ft frw wtrki. Atrr'l Hrnj.rillft cutn
filtltiv rrt"trrt in t hfftlth."
Mim. fc. lu km i M rut, VintUiut, N.J.
ft w bottif.
4l H"..,'.t
J r
The Children
Biliousness, constipation prevent re
covery. Cure those with Ayer's Pills.
I ruiu the Lriiurr.
Mrs. Waiter stotler, who ma le a few
weeks visit with relatives an 1 friends
in this vicinity, departed veiterdav
for her home at F.verett, S. D.
Mrs. Mabel Reynolds, telephone
operator at Cniversity Place, took a
few days off from "hello" duties and
came In last Friday to visit her Unloo
relatives and friends.
Ell Eaton sr., went to Omaha on the
early train Thursday morning, accom-
panying his daughter, Mrs. Walter
Motler, that far on the way to her
home in South Dakota.
Miss Kate Morse, who visited at
various times at the Rarnum home
near this village, died at H-.IO Wednes
day morning at Lincoln, where she
has been taking medical treatment. .
Mis Martha, Gamble, who snent
several months with II. W. Lloyd and
ramlly, departed Monday evening for
her home In Meadville, Pa. Miss
Gamble made many friends during her
stay here, all of whom sincerely regret
her departure.
Syl Hathaway went t Lincoln
Wednesday morning, where lie had a
position offered him by Warden I lee
mcr at the penitentiary. Mr. Hath
away was not Informed as to the kind
of employment, but supposed he would
be assigned duty as a guard at first,
lie had experience In that line some
years ago, and we have no doubt as to
his ability to "make good'' In any
A Swell May Dance.
Harry Phillips and wife returned
last Saturday evening from Nebraska
City, where they gave one of the
swellest May dances that has been held
for some time. Mayor Stelnhaur and
many other prominent citizens includ
ing the elite of the city were in attend
ance, and enjoyed the banquet, which
followed the second dance given at the
Armory. During the two nights it is
estimated that over lloo people were
present at the dances given by Mr.
Phillips In that city. Two May dances
and a banquet, at which over two hun
dred were present, were given by him
during the first part of last week at
A Mountain of Gold.
Could not bring as much happiness
to Mrs. Lucia Wilke of Caroline, Wis.,
as did one 2'c box of Rucklen's Arnica
Salve, when It completely cured a run
ning sore on her leg, which had tortur
ed her twenty-three lonir years. Great
est antiseptic healer of Piles, wounds
and sores. 2oc at F. G. Fricke & Co's
drug store.
Can You Do It?
Here is an amusing little puzzle,
which takes some study to work out:
1 2 3 4 5 (I 7 8 9
Place one of the above figures in each
square and do not use the same figure
twice and arrange the numbers in the
square so they will count 15 each way
across, up and down, diagonally, 8 dif
ferent ways In the diagram.
Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years of
For more than twenty years Mr. J.
R.Massey, of 3:122 Clinton St., Minne
apolis, Minn., was tortured by sciatica.
The pain and suffering which he en
dured during this time Is beyond com
prehension. Nothing gave him any
permanent relief until he used Cham
berlain's Pain Ralm. One application
of that liniment relieved the pain and
made sleep and rest possible, and less
than one bottle has effected a perma
nent cure. If troutled with sciatica
or rheumatism why not try a 25-cent
bottle of Tain Balm and see for your
self how quickly It relieves the pain.
For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and
A. T. Fried.
Funeral of Mrs. Frank Burjan.
Tbe remains of the late Mrs. Rurjan,
accompanied by a large funeral cor
tege, were escorted to the Holy Rosary
church where the sad rites were ob
served by the many friends. Rev. W.
F. Bradley delivered a very pathetic
sermon, at close of which the bier, fol
lowed by a long procession of friends
and relatives, was conveyed to the
Catholic cemetery for interment.
It is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold.
How often do we hear it remarked:
"It's only a cold," and a fewdayslater
learn that the man Is on his back with
pneumonia. This Is of such common
occurrence that a cold, however slight,
should not. be disregarded. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy counteracts any
tendency of a cold to result in pneu
monia, and has gained Its great popu
larity and extensive sale by its prompt
cures of tills most common aliment.
It always cures and Is pleasant to take.
For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co., and A.
T. Fried.
J... Teeth $5
GpM Crown and Prills TVeth I no tip. Tire
bin t":t'n li.o up. Filling ioe u p. Teeth
titracirtl I'linlesi. New ct me day.
MAI LEY, Tli o DontUt,
tnUMUhrd iftftft. Putoa Blk. - OflAHA,
Congressman Meekison Gives Praise to
Pe-ru-na For His Recovery.
Hon. David Meekison, Napoleon, Ohio, ex-member .Vith and With Congresses,
"I have used several bottles ot
thereby from my catarrh ot the head.
I use It a short time longer I will be
tmrty years' standing. "David Meekison.
ANOTHER SENSATIONAL CURE: Mr. Jacob L. Davis, Galena, Stone county,
Mo., writes : "I have been in bad health for thirty-seven years, and after taking
twelve bottles of your Peruna I am cured." Jacob L. Davis.
If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman. jr i v i n a full statement of your case, and ho wlil
be pleased to (:ivc you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Notice to Tax Payers.
The county board of equalization
will sit for the purpose of equalizing
the assessments of Cass county, for the
year lilOG, In the commissioners'
chamber at the court house, I'latts
mouth. being June 12, litoti, at 10
o'clock a. m. and continue from day to
day up to and including June 22, 1!0G.
All persons owning real or personal
property, subject to taxation, should
call and examine their assessment,
that any errors as to valuation may be
adjusted by said board, as the law
provides. V. E. Rosencrans,
County Clerk.
Best for Women and Children.
On account of Its mild action and
pleasant taste Orino Laxative Fruit
Syrup is especially recommended for
women and children. It docs not
nauseate or gripe like pills and ordi
nary cathartics. Orino Laxative Fruit
Syrup aids digestion and stimulates
the liver rnd bowels wlthour irritating
them. Remember the name Orino
For a painful burn there is noth
ing like DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
There are a host of imitations of Pe-
AVitt's Witch Hazel Salve on the mar
ketsee that you get the genuine.
Ask for DeWitt's. Good, too. for sun
burn, cuts, bruises, and especially re
commended for piles. The name E.
C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, is on every
box. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., and
Gerlng & Co.
In Va.
II for
trouble, and trying dinerent doc
tors and medicines without obtaining relief, 1 at last
found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my
iiis, and can recommend it above all others for female
Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache,
periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata
menial flow, and all ailments Jrom which sick women
suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure
vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject
to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited
over a million who used to suffer as you do.
At every drug store, in 51.00 bottles.
dwriMnc fuMv nil your vmpionn
anjwrftill !unJ Yu I 'w AJUr
in pl.iin &fjirj rnvrlrfe. taJn'
AJvltTy I't'pl.. The (Lh.itt;itittiig.t
MrJkineCo.t Chattanura, 1inn,
Peruna and I feel zreatly benefited )
I feel encouraged to believe that it I
fully able to eradicate the disease of
V Abstracts of Title V
OKFICE-Anheuser-Busti Bloclc
Be Right, Then Go Ahead.
The time has passed when patrons
expect a newspaper to agree with them
in everything before giving it support.
The paper that no one knows where it
stands gets the reputation of being dis
honest, of trying to straddle, of not be
ing sincere, and honesty and loyalty
are the cardinal principles that make
a paper worth while either to read, or
effective advertising. Indefinlteness
indicates that you have no clearly de
fined views, cannot reach a conclusion
either through obtuseness or ignor
ance; cannot express or are afraid to
express your honest convictions. Cow
ardice is even worse than dishonesty
in a newspaper. National Printers
Have you pains in the back, inflam
mation of any kind, rheumatism, faint
ing spells, indigestion or constipation,
Ilolhster's Rocky Mountain Tea makes
you well, keeps you well. 35 cents.
Gerlng & Co.
do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs.
Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W.
"Because, after suffering
several years with female
i V.K.