The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 03, 1906, Image 8

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1 TIia rniinfv EvnKandfis
MKS. T. 1KEtK.
assss j Many Cass Cojniy Farmers Ars Preparing i
Items of General Interest Selected iron me cow 01 conTemporanes to Erect Beaj!:?ul Kew Haxss.
S f--.-v '''V. 'A 1 II
J'rmn tln KrsKtrr.
Porn, Sunday, April 2 J, P1''.. to Mr.
and Mrs. Klme, a son.
Mrs. Wallace arrived from Lincoln
Thursday morning for a visit with licr
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Pollard.
Will Ketch lias purchased William
Falkenthal's house and other Improve
ments and will remove them to his
farm south of town.
Miss Stella Panning has secured a
driving horse of her own, and now, as
soon ns she gets the buggy and harness
she can do her own "buggy riding."
Win. Palk-nihal and Mr. Tangwall
will leave with their laiiillles hi a day
or two for Wisconsin where they pur
chased l.ind three years ail". They
have lived In Nehawka for ahout six
teen years, and : are sorry to sec
them i;o, for they have heen gondcitl
ens. Miss M unlock and Miss Moon went
to riattsmoiith Saturday to take their
second examination for certificates.
These rxainlnat ions have heen netting
verv much harder the past two
years, and that without raising the
grades of county schools. The state
superintendent seems to ho trying to
create an aristocracy among teachers;
In fact trying to crowd out all who
have not graduated at some university.
Tho Idea apparently, helngthat if the
examinations are made dllllcult for all
but college graduates, they, the col
lego graduates may compel a raise of
HO to .r0 per cent by all school hoards;
this on the surface seems to be the
superintendent's Idea, lie ought to
know that our best educators In Ne
braska never graduated at any college,
lie Is certainly working an Injusl Ice to
our common school teachers.
Louisville tli Courier.
to Mr. and Mis.
Jochlm, April .'', a girl.
Mrs, J no. Ferguson, who has been
sick the past week, Is reported better.
Kd McMullen received word from his
brother Pess, who recently went to
San Francisco, that he arrived In that
city Just before tho earthquake, but
was uninjured.
Mrs. II. W, Tcodarskl moved to Oma
ha last week, where slio expects to re
main during the summer months, her
son having secured employment there
at the carpenter trade.
K. Palmer received ;v letter from his
son, Arthur, who is stationed opposite
San Francisco on a I'nlted States
training ship. Arthur was uninjured
In the recent earthquake, but says the
scene was beyond description.
T. P.. Parinele Is negotiating with
the Missouri Paclllc to have a side
track run to the Hoover stone quarry,
south of town. Mr. Parinele will
erect a large stone residence in Platts
mouth and has contracted for 2M
perch of stone from this quarry.
T. P.. Parinele and wife of Platts
mouth were Louisville visitors last
Friday. Mr. Parmelc will remain here
this week and look after the interests
of the Hank of Commerce In the ab
sence of Cashier Wood, 'who is taking
a lay olT and visiting in Illinois.
From Hie Leader-Kclio.
W. A. Phoden, jr., Is suffering from
an attack of materia.
JocMullinand Floyd Woolcott ex
pect to leave next Tuesday for Cali
lomla. E. II. Stapcly had the misfortune to
to lose a valuable mare Wednesday
A w indquake struck the smoke stack
at the mill Sunday night, blowing it
Mat Williams is very tenderly nurs
ing one of his feet, that a horse had
stepped on and nearly crushed ond day
last week.
Kubcand Charley Irons dug out a
den of wolves last week on the P.a'.ley
place, a mile south of town, capturing
eight "kittens." Ed Koseno also dug
out a nest of live on the Pucll eighty,
north of Elmwood, last week. The
old ones were not captured.
On last Thursday evening at six
o'clock, at the handsome residence of
Mr. and Mrs C. I. Kun. in this city;
occurred the marriage of their daugh
ter, Miss Hose II. Kun., to Peinhardt
L. Panska, son of Mr. August Panska,
of near Louisville, Pev. A. Wlchmann,
pastor of the bride, officiating.
A letter received Sunday from Pud
ley Leavitt, who Is working In a pho
tograph studio at Los Angeles, states
that all the Elmwood boys at Los
Angeles are getting along nicely. Pert
Poster has developed Into a full Hedged
street car conductor, Jo? Nichols has
a good Job with an employment agency
i ami Charlie Ferguson Is talking f
starting a poultry ranch near Los
I Times.)
P. C. Alhertson and John Kublcka,
w ho have Wen employed to the supply
department of the Purlington, have
John Poetel, who resigned at the
shops last week, has accepted a place
w ith a bridge gang and went to work
C. T.Cahill, who has heen stationary
engineer at the shops for .some years,
has resigned and leaves for the west
soon. He expects to locate at Seattle,
W. II. Klliot hail the misfortune to
get some small particles of steel in his
right eu-tlds week. It has proven
very painful and compelled him to lose
a few days work.
W. Ackennaii, superintendent of
the Ilavelock shops returned last Fri
day from i hnaha, where he attended
tlie annual convention of the operat
ing oillcers of the Purlington system.
F. C. Kverett, wholives in the north
west part of town, had tho misfortune
to lose a valuable horse this week, as
the result of a wire cut. lie was of
fered $1."p0 for the horse a short time
Miss Mary P. Curtess of I'nion,
Net)., one of the out-of-town candi
dates in the Times-Statesman contest,
has come to spend the summer with
her sister, Mrs. Elmer Garrison, who
has been 111 for several months.
Seldom, If ever, in the history of the
shop has It been so crowded wit h work
as now, and they were compelled to
work the entire force 12 hours per day
for some timepast. They hope to catch
up this week and get back to the regu
lar eight hour time.
Kidney Diseases Are too Dazzling for
Plattsmouth Pec pi a to Neglect.
The great danger of kidney troubles
Is that they get a llrm hold before the
sulTerer recognizes them. Health is
gradually undermined. Paekaehe,
headache, nervousness, lameness, sore
ness, lumbago, urlnaiy troubles, drop
sy, diabetes and Prlght's disease fol
low In merciless succession. Pon't
neglect your kidneys. Cure the kid
neys w ith thecerlaln and safe remedy,
1 loan's Kidney Pills, which has cured
people right here in Plattsmouth.
John II. Pecker, a retired farmer,
living seven miles northwest of Platts
mouth, says: "Some twelve years ago
1 noticed a dull aching In the small of
my hack. Thinking it would leave
jiiitas mysteriously as it came I let
It run on until It grew very severe and
I looked about for some means to
check it. In this way in my search 1
happened to read some statement
ahout I loan's Kidney Pills which in
duced me to go to tiering - Cos drug
store f oi a box. The t tcatmeiit stop
ped the trouble, sine.) then on noticing
symptoms of a return I have appealed
to 1 loan's Kidney Pills and I have yet
to appeal to them in vain."
For sale by all dealers. Price .".oc.
Poster-Mllburn Co., PutTalo, N. Y.,
sole agents for the I'nited States.
Remember the name Doan's-and
take no other.
Farmers Complain.
Several farmers were In the city yes
terday from different sections of the
county, and two of them called at this
ofllce. After transacting their busi
ness, their whole conversation drifted
on the subject of bridges. One of the
party lives In the neghborhood of Man
ley, and stated that one of the princi
pal bridges In that vicinity was com
pletely wrecked, and had been Impass
able for over two months, and farmers
were compelled to go two miles out of
their way In consequence. The other
farmer resided near Cedar Creek and
said the same condition existed In his
neighborhood. Why these bridges
have not been looked after by the com
missioners we are unable to tell. Such
negligence on the part of the guar
dians of Cass countv Is upree'dented.
The farmers ray their taxes promptly
and should have some attention paid
to their demands the same as other
people. That these, bridges should
have been repaired weeks ago thecom
mlssloners themselves won't have the
audacity even to deny, and why should
they tarry In doing their duty?
Sore Nipplet.
A cure may be effected by applying
Chamberlains Salve as soon as tho
child Is done nursing. Ipe It off with
a soft cloth before allowing the child
10 nurse. .Many trained nurses use
this salve with the best results. Price
2" cents per hoq. Sold by F. F. Frlcke
& Co., and A. T. Fried.
Several New Residences Going Up and Man)
Blocks ofConcre'o Walk Laid.
From present indications there will
be more general improvements made
In Plattsmouth and In the county at
large than has been accomplished in
several years. Here in the city the
contractors have work enough already
before them to keep tlipm bus; during
the entire sum hum.
Here in the city excavations are al
ready being made for P;ie Patterson's
new residence on north Sixth street,
.VI by lil, two stories and will le
one of the most modern homes
in the city, and while m -t large
it, will cost in the neigliborhoo I of !.
ooo or ".00o. While T. E. Parmelc Is
preparing to erect a new home in the
Fitgerald forty, south of P. A. Holy
oke's residence, on the beautiful knoll,
just the sort of a location I'oraVauti
ful home. The walls will he built
of rock In the rough, just as it is taken
from the quarry, and will present the
appearance more of a castle. It will
contain about ten rooms with all
modern Improvements and right up-to-date
In all conveniences. The cost
will be between ,00n and M,000.
The excavations are now being made.
Pmll Walters has just received the
contract for the laying of 4,000 feet of
concrete walk In front of the following
residences on Fifth and Sixth streets:
H. P. Gerlng, V. V. Leonard, Mrs.
McVlckcrs, Henry Mauzy, Prank
Schlater, Pae Patterson and Mrs.
Ptak:and also one for J. M. Leyda.
This work, Mr. Walters says, will be
commenced this week. Thislookslike
buslnesson the walk question, and w ill
perhaps terminate in many other such
Improvements during the season.
John P. Tretsch will erect a frame
residence on his farm, two miles west
of Plattsmouth, for the building of
which foundation Mr. Walters has the
contract. It Is to be two stories, '.VI
by III, and as planned, will be one of
the best and most comfortable farm
residences In the county. Mr. Walters
also has the contract for laying the
foundation for a new residence on the
old Gorder farm, west of town, which
Is to be two stories and 2s by "0. This
residence Is intended for John Gorder.
who Is now occupying the old home
stead. A, A. Wettcnkamp, west of Mynard,
Is erecting a new house. The main
building will be l'.'.' by 111, two stories,
with an additional kitchen 12 by 14.
The entire building will be completed
In short order, and when finished will
he a cozy home for the Wetlenkamp
John Kall'enberger, one of our pros
perous German farmers, Is building a
neat six room addition to his home on
Four Mile Creek, and when finished
his home will be large and comfortable.
These are but. a few of the new im
provements that are being made
among the thrifty farmers of Cass
county. There are many others, but
the names have slipped our memory.
The Journal would like to give a com
plete list of the improvements going
on in the various sections of the coun
ty, and will do so if we can be furnish
ed with the kin 1 of buildings, whether
residences or barns, size, etc. So if
you are putting up a new residence or
barn, or contemplating the erection of
either, let us know all the particulars
and a notice of the same will find a
place in the Journal's columns.
Why take a dozen things to cure
that cough? Kennedy's Laxative
Honey and Tar allays the congestion,
stops that tickling, drives the coldoit
through the bowels. Sold by F. G.
Frlcke & Co., and Gerlng & Co.
If your blood is thin and im
pure, you are miserable all the
time. It is pure, rich blood
that invigorates, strengthens,
refreshes. You certainly know
the medicine that brings good
health to the home, the only
medicine tested and tried for
60 years. A doctor's medicine.
"I owo my Mi., without itnul.t. to Ayffi
Sr..riH. It Hi, IMt ,i,rfiil innll.
em in tit, wnr',1 i,,r iirvoiitm.,. Mr ciirr It
I'lTlunn-nt mi. I rftliiu't Omiilt m.i, iMinuilli."
MK. l'KUA U Wkl !., Si'ttark, N. J.
f M ft l,ltl. .I.e. AYFRCO.
"' t t ,.'l ...
Poor Health
Laxntivo closos of Avrr's Pills ench
night greatly nld tho Sarsaparilla.
' f
Thousands of Women Write Dr. Hartman to Complain That
They Never Feel Wholly Rested, That They Are Always Tired.
la Aiioo
oil lMuee,
N. licit Uiisul, l':tler
Mill, N. .1 .. writes :
"1 uttTered live
je:trn with my spliw
n i ul pains ill my
"I eotirtitlleil you,
fortunately, and In
fourteen weeks watt
cured by the use of
1'rninu and follow
ing your advice.
"1 can now do my
own work. I cannot
thank you enough.
I cannot tell you
how happy I am. No family should be I
without l'eruna."
Suffered Years H' .'i Pain.
Mrs. Ida ticrmtiin, .".", I Manhattan
Ave., New York City, writes:
"For many years I suffered with pains
In the pelvic organ. 1 waa unable to
find relief, as no doctor could help
"I read of your wonderful l'eruna
and decided to j;ive It a trial. 1 took it
for soino time and obtained much
Strong Again.
"Now 1 am strong again and have a
pood appetite, l'eruna has relieved me
of a chronic ailment, and I therefore
recommend it to all women."
Always Tired and Weak.
Mrs. E. A. Connolly, !5-".7 Garner St.,
Kansas City, Mo., writes:
"I have suffered for years with stom
ach trouble, so that I could eat hardly
anything. I was tired and weak all the
I'mm tlie I.eiUer.
Prof. C. II. Taylor, principal of
schools at Sprintfiield, came last Fri
day evening to visit over Sunday with
his mother and ctlicr relatives and
friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Lenora Harris returned on
Tuesday from Atlantic, la., where
she was visiting relatives and looking
after the sale of some property she
owned at that place.
Mrs. W. P. Peyser of Fremont
county, Iowa, came over last Sunday
for a short vjMt with some of her
friends in this village, and she re
ceived a cordial greeting from all
whom she was able V meet.
Pev. Georne Surface and family
have moved from near Thurman.
Iowa, and now reside on the Ervin
place northeast of here. He will
have regular appointments at the
Otterbein church and perhaps at some
other points.
Elmer Eaker of Lincoln took a few
days off from his work as street car
conductor and came Monday to make
a visit with his relatives, the F.aker
and Mark ramllies, near this village,
lie also made many new acquain
tances in town, all of whom would be
(,'lad to meet him again.
P. M. Paker of Oak, Neb., came
in Monday for a few days visit with
his brother, Thomas Paker, and a
number of other relatives in this
vicinity. This Is the tirst time the
Do You
WELL, why not buy it while you have the opportun
ity to et what you want at Greatly Reduced
Prices! Come in now and see what I have left in
tffljjffi House Furnishings, Stoves, etc. I will please you
K both in the price and quality of goods. I must give
possession of the room and the goods MUST lilC SOLD!
Prices will not be in the way if you want the goods.
Come and See the Old Furniture Man!
Will Sell or Exchange Entire Stock at a Bargain
4 i
There are so many women who aro tired alt the time. They get up in the
inormii tired and drag themselves arrtund wearily all day.
They have puin in the buck and dragging sensations which seem to weigh
them down as though carrying a burden.
Many women are undoubtedly suffering with systemic catarrh. The
proper remedy for them to take is l'eruna.
The catarrh has invaded the whole alidominx.'. and pelvic organs. Through
mucous discharges they are losing vitality every moment.
Tho food they eat and the sleep they get Is hardly sufficient to keep up
with the incessant drain on their vitality.
The only hope for betterment In their cases is the complete removal of the
For litis l'eruna Is recommended by Dt. Hartman. It relieves catarrh
wherever located in the human body in tho thorax, abdomen or pelvis.
"This was caused by indigestion and
female trouble. I suffered agonies and
was afraid to be left alone.
Completely Exhausted.
"At times 1 was afraid to stand on my
feet and to attempt to do any house
work was out of the question.
"One day 1 read an advertisement of
l'eruna and its wonderful cures and 1
decided to try it.
A'et Life and Vigor.
"My husband brought homo one bot
tle and before that bottle was half gone
I felt new life and new vigor.
"That tired, hopeless feeling left me,
I began to eat and my food nourished
me. I could walk and do my work
without faiating.
Per una's Wonderful Work.
"1 took several bottles during the
summer and fall and cannot praise it
enough for tho wonderful work it did
for me.
"When I feel tired or nervous from any
cause, u few do:-e of l'eruna cure mo.
two brothers have met in several
years, and of course it was a
pleasure for both gentlemen.
A report from Lincoln is to the
effect that Mrs John P. Todd, who
was operated upon two weeks ajfo
by Drs. McLeod at St. Elizabeth's
hospital for a complicated appendi
citis, continues to improve and is now
able to be out of bed a part of the
time. Such favorable report is grati
fying to her numerous anxious friends
in I'nion and vicinity.
Have you weakness of any kirn!
stomach, back or any organs of the
body? Don't clop.' yourself with or
dinary medicine. Ilollcster's Pocky
Mountain Tea is the supreme curative
power. :;") cents Tea or Tablets. Ger-ing-&
Fortunate Mistourians.
"When I was a druggist, at Livonia,
Mo.," writes T. J. Dwyer, now of
Graysvllle, Mo., "three of my custo
mers were permanently cured of con
sumption by Dr. King's New Discov
ery, and are well and strong today.
One was trying to sell his property and
move to Arizona, but after using New
Discovery a short time he found It un
necessary todo so. I regard Driving's
New Discovery as the most wonderful
medicine In existence." Surest cough
and cold cure and throat and lung
healer. Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke
&Co., druggists, ode and II. Trial
bottle free.
Weed Fuirnituire
: a..
''1 hope every man
and woman who
suffers will givo
l'eruna a trial and
bo as grateful as
my husband and
Doctored a Year.
"Miss Anna Mc
Ginn, Kil l'lain St.,
Providence, P.. I.,
"I wish to let you
know of the good
your medicine has
done for me. I had
what tho doctors
called hearttrouble.
1 1 hud been doctoring for a year before I
tried your l'eruna. 1 suffered the most
with pain in my head.
A Friend Advised Peruna.
"One duy a friend of mine told mo of
your l'eruna, so I got a bottle. After a
week's use of it I began to feci better.
"At first I could not eat, Bleep or
work, but I have at last found that the
medicine that would cure mo was your
A Sew Woman.
"My face has a good color now. I am
a new woman. 1 thank you very much."
Followed Dr. Hartman' s Advice.
Mrs. Viola Marshall, i'JU West Mason
street, Springfield, 111., writes:
"Two months ago when I sought your
advice, I had gotten so weak tiiat 1 had,
to lio down most of the time.
Praising Peruna.
"1 began taking your l'eruna and now
I feel like a new woman.
"I shall never cease praising l'eruna,
nor thanking lr. Hartman for ins kind
Let Us Don Our Hustling Clothes.
Vi'c note in several of our exchanges
that several large manufacturing Arms
in the large1 cit ies have representatives
visiting different sections of the west
looking out locations with a view of
establishing branch factories. Among
the number is a large shoe factory
which desires to establish a branch
house in some western town, which
will give employment to twelve hun
dred people. It is altogether prob
able that some people In this city
would make sport of the attempt to
get such an establishment here in
Plattsinouth, but there is nothing
like trying. Wc don't know what we
can accomplish until we make the
proper effort. The people of this city
could afford to give half they are worth
to get such a prize as a shoe manufac
turing establishment that would give
employment to twelve hundred people.
Why not don our hustling clothes, get
together and send one, two or three
representative business men direct to
headquarters and see what the shoe
company demands for a location, and
if the amount is within reason, try
our level best to raise the amount.
Twelve hundred additional people in
Plattsmouth would be just the turn
Idk point In a great boom for the old
Danger is near at hand when the
kidneys are sick. Kidney-Ettes wll
purify and strengthen the kidneys and
restore them to their normal and
healthy condition. 2.) cents.