The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 03, 1906, Image 3

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    Kroehler & Kroehler
In so!
o!oc:in your sprir.' needs please hoar in miml that
we oarrv a complete line of Builders' Material
i:i the Hardware Lino. Also,
1 IJ
I i V - "If
J Or'3!L
and the old
Buck's Stoves
and Ranges
We do all kinds of Roofing, Repairing and Spouting. Call and see us.
1 1! !U
Don't allow money to lie around.
is easier to spend It and easier
to lose it
by keeping it iu a safe place such aB
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock $.10,000, Surplus $15,000
Clias. C. Piirniele. I'rrs.. .lai'i'l) Tritscli, V-V
T. SI. r:itt(TM)ii. Cusli.
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so liave a receipt
for navment without asking for one.
When vou have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to it rather than
KDend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
Stein: :h
No p.:iti - ; . '
ri63S, n;aJic:io. toi i :'..: ! rM
geasral tie i: .: ( r,.-.' .
of liw stomach r Si- .:::
Kidol cures indig4Jt:-jn. T'- a..-i
sry repr;snts the i-aiu- . -i ' -in--
Hon as thsy exist In a r. MO't
combined with ths gis-vj..i r. : t.
and rajonstructiva proprrtcs t.vM '
ps?sia Cure doss not on, "! u :
and dyspspsta, but this tar...)in r.
cures all stomach troublj, by c'."
purifying, S'veetsning an! v-i ,
the mucous membranes lining t: - t
Mr. S. S. Ball, o( Rv-r.5WMi. W, V t
" I was troubled wifr, sour fm.:- f jr i-ri')
KodM cured ma and vs are tnw .ir,r it " r.,.
lor baby."
Kodol Digests What You E.i.
Bott'.es only. $1.00 Size h.).lr? 2'i rwj in-
size, whuh 5 ? -niv
Prsparsd by E. C. OcWITT & Co.. CrtiyAUO
(ierinjr & Co.
Osteocathic Physician
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Coliti s Murk, nx'iiis .'.' and U. Orllee lmun
9 tu 1:; a. in.,
i., I to 3 p. in. unit T to St n. in. by
....I... ........ , .w i.nii'M XJ7 i.ufilt
ut i'erklns Hotel
ii y
J5he Reliable Store
22 complete
Stores in
One. We
Can Supply
For a machine when you can get
them at right prices here
The Vlndex special
Ths Annua! Celebration Announced for Fri
day, n'ay II. at Lincoln.
The date of tin.1 1'wa'ks l.c'.d every
spring at th? university by tlu high
schools of this state. Ikis been (Irciilml
upon by tl'.o ootnmi'.tiT in cliari' of
rror:l.l,.. Tbe ilav Is Ki:on a Ne
braska hiirh school day. ami will occur
this year on May 11. A lar-r attend
ance at the exercises is already assur
ed, several schools in the state having
already written to the authorities ak
int; for particulars in regard to the
meet and statement that they expect
to be represented at It. The purpose
of the day is to oiler to otllcials and
students of Nebraska high schools an
opportunity to visit the university and
inspect its equipment. In connection
with the day the Nebraska Inter
scholastic association will hold its an
nual Qeld meet in the afternoon Wl
o'clock. The Nebraska Interscliolas
tic debate will also be held at this time,
and the Schoolmaster's club will meet
in the evening. Ueducetl rates have
been granted on all railroads for all
points within loo miles of Lincoln.
The athletic contest is open to all
high school .students who como w ithln
the restrictions laid down by tho N
braska Ituerscholastic Athletic asso
ciation. Information regarding these
restrictions can be obtained from Prln
cipal F. M. Hunter of Fairmont. The
events will be the same as in previous
years, namely: The 10t, 220 and 410
yard dashes; one-half mile and one mile
runs; 12o and 220 yard hurdle races
(hurdles three feet six incites and two
feet six inches) respectively; running
broad jump: pole vault: 12-pound shot
put; 12-pound hammer throw, and one
half mile relay race, each team com
posed of four men, each man to run
220 yards.
At the business meeting of the exe
cutive committee, held last June, it
was voted to give silver and bronze
medals for the iirst and second places
respectively in each event. Informa
tion regarding the events, rules, etc.
can be obtained from lr. It. (!. Clapp
1'nlversity of Lincoln.
The Time to Act.
Thus early the authorities in many
cities have commenced the agitation
for the abolishment of tbe noisy and
dangerous lircwords on the Fourth of
July. With the growth of inventive
genius comes the growth of the lire
I cracker and the dynamite cartridge.
Not satisfied with the noise that the
olel-fashioned crackers made, modem
people must have the cannon cracker
that blows people's limbs oil, smashes
windows and wrecks brick buildings.
The cra.e has reached such a stage
that the people have been compelled
in the Interest of self preservation, to
rule them out. The authorities in
Plattsmouth should do the same thing.
The time to move is now. Do not
wait until the dealers are stocked up
with these Instruments of torture, and
then issue an order that will cause
them a loss. Act at once.
His Crops Threatened.
Ti.r Llt.coln Journal, speaking of the
duty t f Hon. Cieorwe L. sheldott in the
soutl.sys: 'M'leorge L. Sheldon of!
Oism- i; ut v wl.o some time ;ts'" an- j A Decision That is Creating Considerable
now. iv. I that tir would be a candidate .. . . . .
for ,o;,.rr the republican' CjMCtM AHICCJ Duorced People.
statr i- n vent ion is still In Mississippi, i
Ills Iririuls who haw been epeetiiii'
10 YEARS goes
Here illustrated is a
machine of true merit.
fLow in Price but high in
quality, has handsome
I embossed wood case, drop
head wih automatic lift
ing device, roller bearing
stand, automatic belt re
placer, and is a thoroughly
reliable article All at
tachments are warranted
steel throughout and a
We buy these machines direct from the factory and
in large quantities for cash) sell for cash; pay oo agents
high commissions and are thus enabled to sare you
about 50 per cent on the purchase price. SEND US
Wc carry a complete line from the very best man
ufacturers and can save you from 20 to 30 per cent on
your order, It v:ill pay you to figure with us before
you buy.
and samples of summer goods, they're ready and are
free for the asking.
him l return home have received
word ihat he has breni'.e!aed in letin-
itelv. Mr. Sheldon has a plantation
near tbe Mississippi river and the
water lias threatened to overilow the
dykes and ruin bis crop. This threat
ened danger has kept Mr. Sheldon in
the suth longer than he expected."
Escapes Safely From Ruins.
In a letter received Friday the glad
tidings of the fortunate escape of
Frank Thrall and family from the
ruins of the stricken city of San Fran
cisco, were conveyed to his uncle, Ed
Thrall, of this city. For a number of
years Frank Thrall has been the head
salesman of Thomas, Day & Co., whole
sale linn, which was located on Mis
sion street, and Is now a mass of ruins.
Mr. Thrall's three'-story nsideni'e
was condemned by the authorities the
day after the terrible earthquake, and
ho and his family were forced to go to
the bills where they remained several
days waiting for the lire to cease Its
work of dest met Ion. n last Sunday
they returned to the city and Mr.
Thrall enlisted as a guard of the Mis
sion Home and Kellef Corps.
The Inhabitants are not allowed to
build any tires In the residences, and
all conking Is being done on the street.
Mr. Thrall says that the wholesale
firm will rebuild as soon as sufllelent
debris can be removed for a site, al
though they still continue to have
earthquake shocks there every days
Another Young Couple Elope.
Among the list of marriage licenses
issued at Council ISltitTsSatunlay after
noon, t lie following names appear
Victor H. Sherwood age 21, Alliance,
Neb., and Anna Stullage1 21, 1'latts
mouth, Neb. No doubt this explains
the haste with which Vic was moving
about the streets here Saturday morn
ing, prior to his departure for Alliance
where he has secured a position of
ttrcni.'in on the llurllngton railroad
The ni-oom is the son of Mr. and Mrs,
Kobrit Sherwood of this city, and has
a host of friends who will congratu
late him and wish the young couple
the best there is of life. The bride,
who has resided in this vicinity home
time, and lias been employed at the
Perkins hotel, Is a bright and intelli
gent young lady.
Tht! young couple will be at home
In Alliance In about two weeks. The
Journal wishes them a happy and
prosperous wedded life.
Miss Johnson Entertains.
The membersof the "Five Hundred"
club were most delightfully enter
tained Thursday night at the home of
Miss Ruth Johnson. The evening was
most pleasantly enjoyed in a spirited
contest for first honors at progressive cation), was obtained on the defend-
five hundred Miss lone Dovey sccur- ant wno 3 a non-resident.
A Story with a Moral.
. i i . n i . i .. . i
A mull w no nuu ore ii inaiMUK nuuu
wages in a machine shop resigned his
position and set up a little shop of his
own. (jn being asked it lie was ntak
Ing as much money as did when work
Ing on a salary he replied that he was
not, "but" he said "yon. may notice
that there ain't no blamed whistle
round here tell In' me when I must go
to work and when I must iuit."
Moral There Is a good deal of satis
faction in running your own business.
Ing the coveted prize. A delicious
two course luncheon was served by
the hostess and after having spent an
enjoyable evening the participants
meandered homeward. Those present
were Misses Ellen Windham, Gladys
Marshall, Emma Falter, Ida Pcarlman,
Gladys Sullivan, .ctta Hrown, lone
As Good as the Average Husband.
Not long since a young fellow of this
city undertook to jolly an old maid
when the following conversation took
place, "Hello, aunty, why don't you
get married? 'I'm Just as good as
married now'. -How Is that':" 'Well
you see, I've a parrlot and he does the
swearing; I've a hog and he does the
grunting; I've got a torn cat and he
stays out all night. If that isn't as
good as the average husband I'll quit. "
Ball Playing Prohibited.
Hall playing on decoration day is un
lawful In Nebraska according to the
Hughs law enacted by the last leglsla
ture. The law provides that any per
sons who shall engage in horse racing
ball playing, or In any game of sport
which may tend to disturb the public
peace on May IK), shall be deemed gull
ty of a misdemeanor and shall be pun
Ished by a tine not more than lno or
be Imprisoned not more than W days,
or both.
Like Old Times.
It seems like old times to see Tom
rarmele at work In the bank and re
.minds one of ' the days when I luck
Adams, Art Fribble and other base
ball fans used to make their head
quarters there. Tom hasalways tiee
loyal to Louisville and would doubtless
been living here today but for a gang
of pikers who threw cold water on
everything he undertook to do. Louis
ville lost much when she lost Tom
rarmele. Louisville Courier.
Hive you Backache? Get a box of
Kldney-Kttes the most wonderful
remedy for all kidney troubles, and
I ther will make you right. 2-lc.
The only copy of the famous decision
(if the I'mted Mates supreme curt
bearini; upon the 'Hit'stion of tbe
i recruit itti of divorces in states other
than tbe domicile of mattinionv, and
leclai ing the same illegal has been re
eived iu Omaha by 1'tiited States
Ihstiict Attorney Charles A. Goss.
Attorneys are keenly Interested in It.
Mr. Goss has been at some pains to
formulate an abstract of tho decision,
which is:
"Case of Haddock against Haddock.
The decision Involved the clause of
the federal constitution which says
that 'full faith and credit shall be
given In each state to the public acts,
records and judicial proceedings of
every other state.' The question arose
In a divorce suit brought In 1s'.m by
the wife, a resident of the state of
New York and In the courts of New
York, where personal service was had
on the husband, who was a resident of
Connecticut. The husband pleaded
that he bad In l"s obtained In a court
In Connect lent a divorce which was
conclusive ami was a bar against the
suit of bis wife. The object and result
of tbe suit of the wife were to secure
a separation and alimony. On the trial
the New York court refused to receive
In evidence the husband's divorce
proceedings bad In Coiinecltcut and
granted the wife's petition
It appears that the parties were
married In New York in lsiw, that the
w ife was then and remained a resident
of New York; that after the marriage
the parties never lived together, and
that shortly thereafter the husband,
without justifiable cause, abandoned
the wife.
'The supreme court allirmedthc de
cislon of the New York courts In these
words In part:
"Without questioning the power of
the state of Connecticut to enforce
within Its own borders the decree of
divorce which Is here iu issue and
without intimat ing a doubt as to the
nower of the state of New York to
give a decree, of that character render
I'd hi Connect icut , within tbe borders
of the state of New York and as to Its
own citi.ens, such efficacy as It may be
ent itled to in view of the public policy
of that state, we hold that the decree
of the court of Connecticut rendered
under the circumstances stated was
not entitled to obligatory enforcement
In the state of New York by virtue of
the full faith and credit clause.'
"The following propositions are fair
ly deduclble from the arguments, the
principles discussed and the cases re
ferred to by the court:
'1. That no state Is bound by the
full faith and credit of the constitu
tion of the I'nited States to recognize
a divorce granted In antither state
where constructive service (bypubll
When you go to a drug store
and ask for Scott's Emulsion
you Know what you want; the
man knows you ought to have
it. Don't be surprised, though,
if you are offered something
else. Wines, cordials, extracts,
etc., of cod liver oil are plenti
ful but don't Imagine you are
getting cod liver oil when you
take them. Every year for thirty
years we've been increasing
the sales of Scott's Emulsion.
Why? Because It has always
been better than any substitute
for It.
Sand for free sample
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists
09-413 Pearl Street, Now YorH
50o. and $1.00. A'J drutjglkts
That the divorce, however, se
cured by such constructive service is
enforceable and valid in the state
where secured.
:i. That, where the parties are
domlcled Id different states and the
defendant Is personally served within
the jurisdiction of the suit or enters
Dovey, Gretchen Donnelly, Helen ,s appearance, the decree may be en
Dovey,! ranees v eldman and Margaret forced In any state
Docoinlion D.iy M.iy 30.
Decoration day Is but a few weeks
oil', and as yet no arrangements have
been made for exercises on that mem
orable date. Let the membersof the
A. K. at the next regular meeting
arrange their committees and among
the committees let there be one for
the purpose of soliciting aid in making
this year's decoration one that will be
of Interest to the living and one that
will go down In history as one of the
greatest tributes ever paid to those
noble heroes who sleep in Oak Hill
cemetery. In other towns and cities
tlte farmers for miles tributary are In
duced by Interesting proceedings to
lay aside their work for I bis day and
bring their families with them to as
sist In the decoration day services.
Let us try this plan this year. Solicit
the merchants to give what they feel
like donating, hold the exercises at
the park and having I wo or three line;
orations, plenty of vocal music; have a.
gnod bawl that will furnish music all
day long; Invite the fanners to bring
their dinners to the park and let the
afternoon be spent socially after the
exercises have been completed. This
Is the manner in which the memory of
the fallen heroes are revered In
other towns, and why not In Flatts-
Stomach Troubles.
Mrs. Sue Martin, an old awl highly
respected resident of Faisonla, Miss.,
was sick with stomach trouble for
more than six months. Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets cured her.
She says: "I can now cat anything I
want and am the proudest woman in
the world to find such a good medi
cine." For sale by F. G. Frlcke &
Co , and A. T. Fried.
Dr. Ehter, Dentist,
Waterman Block
The Ferry Road.
Thursday a Journal reporter con
versed with several farmers from over
tbe river who were here with produce,
and among which were two loads of
'4. That where both husband and
wife are domiciled In the same state
there exists jurisdiction in such state,
for good cause, t o ent er a decree of di
vorce which will beentitled to enforce
ment in another state.
That where the domicile of the
corn, 'iiieytoiiiusinaiineypreiereo iiusbaru s na catt cular state and
to come to riattsmouth to sell their that state Is also the domicile of mat
farm products and buy their goods rimony, the courts of such state hav
here, but that ere they came again ng Jurisdiction over the husband may.
the road leading from the ferry to the n virtucof the duty of the wife to be
city must be placed in a better condl- at the matrimonial domicile, disregard
tion than It Is at the present time. aiJ unjustifiable absence therefrom
Our merchants seem to want the trade and treat the wife as having her
from over the river pretty bad, and domicile in the state of the matrl
they no doubt want It bad enough to monlal domicile for the purpose of the
expend a few dollars in repairing the discussion of the marriage, and as a
same. Let us see how much we can rcSult have power to render a Judg-
raise by subscription in the city and mtDi dissolving the marriage which
then let a committee go before the vv 111 be binding upon both parties and
county commissioners and ask them to he entltlee to recognltiein In all other
appropriate an equal amount to that states by virtue of the full faith and
subscribed by tho business men. With credit clause.
a good road from the ferry to town t. phat ajS0) wlcrc domicile
will more than pay for all the expense 0f matrimony was In a particular state
Incurred In making the same In good and the husband abandons his wife and
condition by the trade of the farmers Uocs into another state In order to
that come from the east side or tlic avoid his marital obligations, such
W,H Dr. King's
New Discovery
0UGH8 and
50c i $1.00
Free Trial.
Surest and ttuickest Cure for all
Summer time
river. Now Is the time to take some
action in regard to the matter.
Peru Graduates In Demand.
other state to which the husband has
wrongfully lied does not, In the nature
of things, become a new domicile of
the wife; hence, the place where the
w ife was domiciled when so abandoned
A mipcIh! from Peru has tho follow
ing to say In regard to the demand for constitutes her legal domicile until a
lienor, fmm the Normal school: new actual domicile by her elsew here
"IVeiililetit. frnlitrpf announced that acquired
t ,. not nf tbn class of rk-bt v- " That an analysis of the case s In
seven seniors have been elected l0 all the states of the union conclusively
n,itimi.nt. thk timo. Hf said t hat demonstrates by an overwhelming pre-
never before had so large a percentage ponderancc that, where decrees of dl
of the class been elected so early in vorcc are obtained with Jurisdiction of
ii.n vr-ar. and that the demand for plaintiff alone, they are not entitled
l'eru teachers had never beensogreat." or allowed to be enforced In another
state by virtue of tho full faith and
-it nntir tbn oil of life Into vour credit clauso clause of the federal
system. It warms you up and starts ceinstltutlon, but that such exparte
the life blood circulating. That's decrees of divorce are given such limit-
what Holllster's Uocky Mountain does, cd recognition as they recdlve by state
3-U'ents, Tea or Tab'ets. Oerlng & Co. I comity Instead."
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Coal
All Kinds of Feed
Proprietor riattsmouth
Coal Yards
Corner Third and Main Streets
Bell rhone 23 IMatts Phone 22