THE TALK OF THE CONTINENT. PE-RU-NA DR. HARTMAN'S FAMOUS PRESCRIPTION ' - N 5 READ AND BE CONVINCED. rf. , J.. . Yi Just A Fiko Oft fie Sincere Letters Written To Dr. Hart man y Honest People. if A 7 BtreH,I5cyrB,Ohlo,wrlt,B: .TOjVO: :.J)SS J "I was milTcrlnK from otinato ron-. VI M CN' - "tvl ij I ) Nashville, Te v V Oucs Good llcaltli to Pc ru -ni. ------- -- Minn Ij. Willi, lUt . liulc xlri'ct, St. 1'iiul, Minn., writes! 'I.HMt Hirln ii I Intel a very fevero ense of eiiturrh if the stomach ImiwcIh. 1 wan very inueli run down In Htrcnuth and lost my appetite. look three bottles ot Peruna and found myself gaining very quickly in every way. " also had catarrh In my head, which has been entirely cured. "I thank I'erunn for the health I am enjoying." Keeps Pe-ru-na in the tfouse. The World's Greatest Medicine Factory. The rapid growth of the PernnaMedl elno Company l. as phenomenal in the ImnlncHH world ax the, universal popu larity of their fuinoiiH remedy, Peruna. The plant cover a number of ncrcw, nd employs several hundred jieoplo. ,No ther medicine firm in the world reaches anything liko the, volume of business done by Vr. Hartmnn'ri firm. Although 1'eruna t a proprietary medicine, the details of its compound ing are in strict necordnnee with phar maceutical discoveries uiul nothing pives lr. Hart mini greater pleasure than to show his intimate professional friends through tho laboratory where l'rruna is made. A Doctor's Prescription. For years Itr. II art man used Peruna In his private practice as a regular pro- Rcriplton. Ho had no thought of manii laeuiring u or advertising it as a pro prietary medicine until there was a de mand niHdo upon him by his many friends, who clamored for the original procriptlou. Forty Thousand Patients. Pr. llartman estimates that he must have prescribed Peruna for over forty thousand patients before it was adver tised as a proprietary medicine. Relieved In Four Weeks of Severe Cold on Lungs. Miss Joslo Hchaetzel, (ien. lel., Ap pleton, Wis., writes: "I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs In very short order and it was not long until it developed Into a serious cuso of catarrh. Kvery morning I would raise a lot of phlegm, which was very disagreeable. My digestion was poor nnd my lungs sore. After a few doses ot Peruna I be gan to mend, and felt that if I kept on taking It, ft would not be long until I would be well. I was right, tor fa four weeks I was welt again. I think Pertinu is a grand medicine, nnd wish to add my testimony to the many others you have." Catarrh is almost universal. Catarrh Is dilllcult to cure. Many doctors do uot care to treat, catarrh at all. followed Doctor Mart man's Advice A Grateful Letter. Mrs. Anthony Itauch, 438 Johnston street, Ilucyrus, Ohio, writes: ' I wna nil ffcrinir ffrnm nhstinntn pnn-l stipation and torpid liver when I took your advice and purchased six bottles of Peruna and Manalin. When I had taken only one bottle I felt much better and since I have taken two more bottles I feel entirely well, but I will continue taking the medicine for a short time to make sure of my cure. "I think Manalin is one of the finest remedies for constipation that I ever tried. I will never he without it. It has made me so strong. I can do a day's work and never tiro. "1 nm so glad I do not get those dizzy spells any more. 1 havn'thad one since I took your medicine. 'I cannot thank you enough for what your medicine has done for me. All sick people should give it a fair trial." Pc-ru-tu's Popularity. Tcruna is not like so many other rem edies that pass away ar. soon as the first few bottles nre used. Tho longer Peruna is u-ed in any community, tho more popular it becomes. Mrs. Jessie Smith, 40S Buttles Ave., Columbus, Ohio, writes: 'I have used your Peruna for catarrh ot the head and stomach, and have been greatly re lieved front It. "Therefore. I cannot praise Peruna too muchi and can recommend It to any one having the above disease, as there is nothing better. " always keep It la the bouse. " finds Relief in Pc-ni-na Attcr 5urferin Twenty Years. Mrs. M. 8. Davis, 1005 Buena Vista street, Nashville, Tenn., (writes: After having been a constant sufferer from catarrh tor more than twenty years and after trying almost every remedy advertised, and hav ing lost all hope, I very reluctantly began the use of Peruna about two years ago. Everybody says I look younger now than I did twenty years ago, and I actually feel younger and better, and weigh more. I am recommending It to my neighbors and all with whom I come In contact." Pr-ru-na Removes the Cause ot Catarrh. Peruna has no bad effects upon tho system and gradually eliminates ca tarrh by removing the cause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has been used off and on for twenty years. Pc ru-n.i Actually Relieves. T!- p.... .i. v.-i.v IV! una mi become a standard catarrh remedy the world over is simply because it eliminates catarrh. This explains why Teruna has be come so popular. It relieves catarrh. This is an amply sulllcicnt reason why it should become popular. It therefore follows that when a rem edy is devised that can bo used In tho home at a moderate cos?, sue!) a remedy sli'iukl in vitaoly byjome i-oimlar. There are a great many catarrh cures in the world. The most of them aro local applications. Few of them are to be used internally. Unfortunately, a large number of these catarrh remedies, especially the ones prescribed by the doctor?, contain narcotics of some sort. Cocaine, opium, and other narcotics are used. These remedies give temporary relief. Tho patient thinks ho is better right away. In a few weeks, however, he discovers his mistake. Not only is his catarrh no better, but he has acquired the habit'of using some narcotic. One reason why Peruna has found permanent use In so many homes la that It contains no nar cotic of any kind. Peruna is perfectly harmless. If taken according to directions on the bottle. So used, it can be taken any length of time without acquiring a drug habit. The County Exchanges Ifamo fit nonnrl Intftrnpf Calnntori (mm tha Oattimna al AAnlnmnnrirIan a iiciii ui uciici ai unci coi OviGiiiEu iiuiii iti c uuiuiima ui uuuiciiifiui ouca q Nehaovkoc Prom the Kck'Utcr. j Maurice Meln ,e left Monday to try ; his fortune at Alliance. j J. V. Maguey U nianiiik' extensive alteration of his residence, in the north ' part of town. Mrs. D. 1). Adams returned last ee-' ning from a week's visit with her daughter at Johnson. There is a .strong demand for more telephones, and it Is hoped the com pany will Install them soon. II. K. Warden sold and delivered to A. L. Keeker, of I'nion, 'M fat hogs that averaged pounds, at M 'J.i per hundred. Harve Manners, the lineman for the I'lattsmoutti Telephone Co., is here In Btallintrnew phones on a line to the lleebner quarries. J. M. Palmer, our genial postmaster, Is having the office painted and other wise freshened up. Jim believes In having everything as neat as a pin. At the annual meeting of the I'ank of Murray last week the usual dividend often per cent was declared, and as much more passed to the surplus fund. Three candidates investigated some of the mysteries of the Modern Wood-1 craft last Friday night. It is said j that they were very much surprised at getting "IT so easy. I Why sulTer with your kidneys? Tho discovery of Kklney-Ktts has proved a blessing to thousands of kid ney sufferers who have been restored to perfect health. These tabletsdrive the diseased germs out of the system and we urge all suffers to give this sclentilic add successful kidney remedy a trial. cents. Sold by (Jering & Co. Louisville from the Courier. Dr. II. J. Lehnhoff, of Lincoln, spent Sunday with his parents at College Hill. Local Odd Fellows are making pre parations for observance of the anni versary of that order April 20. Korn, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Lohnes, April I'th, a Rlrl. Also to Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cartway, April 14th, a girl. The riattsmoutU Journal is urging Its citizens to prepare for the celebra tion of the Fourth of July. There is nothing like starting early. C. A. Kichey returned from Chicago Sunday where he has been for several weeks taking treatment for stomach disorder, lie says he is feeling line. Mrs. Jacob Meier, who has been making her home with her son at Weeping Water since the accidental death of her husband last fall, Is here visiting her old time friends and neighbors. Peter K. l!er and two other imaha business men Investigating ated near Louisville. Mr. Her has organized a stock company in imaha for the purpose of making paint and pressed brick and says mo place in Ne braska can clay be found that is bet ter suited for the purpose. The Cour ier understands that work is to com mence in the near future. The school board met Monday eve ning and elected teachers for the next year as follows: Principal. W. T. Davis: assistant principal. Miss (5 race llylfon: grammar, Miss Ella Kryan, Ashland: second primary, Miss Cath erine Willis. No intermediate teacher was elected, and none of the emit racts ! for the teachers elected have been signed. I The comfortable farm home of Jos. Mullln was the scene of a happy gath ering of friendsTuesday evening. Five ! gallons of icecream and much cake I was disposed of between games, and mi were In Thursday I fU!mt 1,10 X r,!1voa,0 ngthe red clay hanks situ-! L m 1 froe" l,1,0l!; ' anfI Does your baking powdei contain alum ? Look upon the label. Use only a powder whose label shows it to be made with cream of tartar. NOTE Safety lies in buying only the Royal Baking Powder, which is the best cream of tartar baking powder that can be had. Caught Cold While Hunting a Burglar. Mr. Wm Thos. Lanorgan, provincial Constable at Chapleau, Ontario, says: "I caught a severe cold while hunting aburglar In the forest swamp last fall. Hearing of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, I tried It, and after using two small bottles, 1 wasconipletely cured." Tbls remedy is Indended especially for coughs and colds. It will loosen and relieve a severe cold In less time than by any other treatment and Is a favor ite wherever Its superior excellence has become known. For sale by F. F. Frleke & Co., and A. T. Fried. Elmwood From the LcHilcr-Koho. E. II. Stapeley's were released from juarantlne Saturday. Miss Kessle Deles was taken quite sick again yesterday afternoon, and bad to le taken home from school. Mrs. Win. Langhorst, who Is visiting" at the home of L. F. Langhorst, was taken quite sick Wednesday night, but Is much better again. Walter Cromwell, residing several miles southwest of Klmwood, lias the smallpox. The family were placed In quarantine Saturday. Mr. J. Kebcr, father of Mrs. II. O. Miller, who has been visiting relatives and friends here, left Wednesday for South Dakota for a visit w ith relatives. Clay Conner has purchased from L. F. Langhorst the house and lot west of D. Smith's residence. Mr. Conner expects to move therein about the first of May. through. Those present were: Messrs. and M.sdanics L. F. Langhorst. L. C. Stark, Harry Williams, J. ;. Stark. I?. I. Clements, C. (i. Kailey, Frank (lus iin. Frank Koscr.o, C. L. Iiohannan. J. A. Clements, Mrs. Win. Langhorst, Miss Merle Oustin. Suffered for Five Years with Kidney and Liver Trouble. "I suffered for five years with kidney and liver trouble, which caused severe pains across the back and a blinding headache. I bad dyspepsia and was so constipated that I could not move my bowels without a cathartic. I was cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for six months," says Mr. Arthurs. Strickland, of Chattanooga, Tcnn. For sale by F. 0. Frleke & Co., and A. T. Fried. Hacvelock. (TlmeO Miss George Matousof Plattsmouth Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. V. F. 11 of man. R. W. Hyers of Plattsmouth is visit ing with his son, A. A. Hyers and fam ily this week. F. Johnson and w ife are spending a few days this week with Plattsmouth friends and relatives. Miss Edith Grey left Thursday fur a visit with relatives and friends at Ar lington and Omaha. The saloon licenses of our town ex plrc today and marks the beginning of the "dry season" for one year at least Albert Staniforth, who has been em ployed In the boiler shops for some time, was severely scalded some time ago, Is reported as Improving Mrs. Curtlsof Cnlon Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. Garrison, who had an operation performed In a Lincoln hospital about two weeks ago. Geo. F. N'lles, who was formerly em ployed In the Kurlington shops at this place, died Sunday, April h, at Fay, Nevada. The body will be brought to Lincoln for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Michael (juinn, who were united in marriage some time ago have returned from their wedding trip, and will make their home on the Groom's farm east of Ilavekck. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and my self contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms."' says Mr. J. S. Egleston,of Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stop ped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a double dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by Its liberal use soon completely knocked out the grip." Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., and A. T. Fried. JJH. MAWUALL. DENTIST. All klndi of tVnul work. I'lutes made tht Bt. 2(i years experience. Prices rranunable. Work guaranteed. OFFICE KlTZOERALD BLOCK. TtLIPIION N0.3OR47 Farm House Burned. Shortly after the noon hour last Monday the house on Mart Zinkon's place, about a mile and a half south east of town, was burned down. The place was occupied by Mr. E. H. Wil son and son. It is not known how the tire started, but it is supposed to have been caused by a defective Hue and started shortly after Mr. Wilson had gone to the field. Mrs. Lewis Root, a neighbor, was the first to reach the place after the lire was discovered, but the Hames had gained such headway by that time she could not enter the building but was aide to drag out a few bales of hay from a small granary which stood near the house and was also burned. Mr. Zinkon's loss on the building will amount to between $lf() and .f2no. He had no Insurance. Mr. Wilson lost everything in the house. A paper was circulated to raise a little money for Mr. Wilson. He will move Into Sam Westlake's house just east of where he did live Eagle Keacon. What good does It do you to eat If your stomach fails to digest the food? None. It does you barm causes belch ing, sour stomach, flatulence, etc. When the stomach fails a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure after each meal will digest what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. F. G. Frleke & Co., Gering & Co. CREAM" Baking Powder Dr. Price's Baking Powder supplies a pure, wholesome leavening agent, which makes the biscuit and cake of highest healthfulness at medium cost, and protects the food from alum, which is the greatest dietary danger of the day. ir rr tw:o r.vrM cc. tKXAGO. Norit. f.'.:"A n':!nir fowdpn Me lold nl tttt to tutM, nuts a Kmml 01 a crnt nil (iiiti.r, t"it liny irmlrr Ihr luoJ lttltlly iml;;i;tit unj uuliralllilul.