The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 26, 1906, Image 7

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hats and caps WILLIAM H L L Y i! A11 ,L; -,cs
ww y a u u u v m u TT......".. i in Ready - to - Wear
Gents' Plain and ci'oftfng, Boots and Shoes Clothing for Men
Fancy Dress Shirts. and Men's Furnishing Goods and Boys.
waterman Block Men's 1? Boys' New and Up-to-Date Spring Clothing piattsmouth. Neb.
Legal Notice.
Not let ii hrrrliy (tlven that ut tlie hour of
10 o'clock a. m. on the Utli duy of Miiy. A. I.
1W6. In the office of the comity JikIk In the
courthouse In tht Ctly ( PlattMiiouth. In
Cass county. Nebraska, a hearing will In- hail
on the application of llarhura (uchlstorlT to
have admitted to probate, an Instrument pur
porting to lw the last will ami testametit of
John tiuelilstortT. ilweased. That at said
time and place evidence will lie heard on said
application and If nut contested said Instru
ment will lie proband and allowed as the last
will and testament of said deceased and let
ters testamentary thereon Issued to llarbaru
(iuelilstorlT. Haiivcy l. Thavis,
Hated April l'.'lh. l'.Ki. County Juilc.
ska 1.1
Legal Notice.
In the county court of Cass County. Nebraska :
In the matter of the estate of J. Mc
N urltii. deceased :
A'.l persons Interested In said estate are
hereby notified that a petition lias been died
In sulci court alleirlii.' that said deceased died
leaving no last will and prayinc forailminis
tration upon his estate, and that a liearinu'
will be had on said petit Ion before said court
tin tin STtli iluv of April. buW, at Id o'clock a.
in., and that If they fall to appear at said
court on the said 37lli day of April, llmii. ut in
o'clock a. in., to contest said petition, the
court may irritnt the same and Krant adinluls
tratlon of said estate to John McNiirlln. or
some other suitable person, and proceed to a
settlement t hereof. H. 1. Thavis.
IsEAl.l County Judv'c.
Application for Liquor License.
Matters of ap)llcatlon of 1'. V. Ktihue for
liquor license:
the 10th (lay of April. IHwl. K. V. lluhk'e
tiled his application with the board of trustees
of the village of Avoca. Cass county. Nebras
ka, for license to sell malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors at his place of business. W.
lot 5. block 13. in Avoca, Cass county. Ne
braska, from the 1st day of May. lWn',. to the
1st day of .May. All objections to cranl-
Ine of tills license shall be made In writlnu
and tiled with said board us provided by law.
W. Krm.E. Applicant.
Lands, Ranches and City Real Estate
in Nebraska and elsewhere bought
sold and exchanged.
KenUls. Insurance anil Abstracting "f
Titles. Money to loan at a low rate of
interest on Improved farms, lltisiness
correspondents in all Important cities
and towns in the United Mates.
Telephones No. 20 and 88.
R. B. WINDHAM, President
W. W. WINDHAM, Secretary
Stray Collie.
While away from home my Scotch
Collie dog has either strayed away or
been stolen. I will pay a liberal re
ward for his return alive.
Pit. E. W. Cook.
X. 1 V. III
Victor and Edison Talking Machines
Lark'e and Up-to-Pate
to select from.
mcaaanitii T7,itj..T.
KELLthg couch
and CURE the LUNGS
Dr. King's
Now Discovery
Consumption Price
FOR I OUGHSand 60c 4. $1.00
VOLDS Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
Congressman Pollard Secures Spraying and
Seed Grain Tests.
Congressman E. M. l'ollard writes to
the editor of the Nebraska City Tri
bune of the fruit spraying tests and
seed grain tests which tie lias secured
from the Department of the Agricul
ture for the current year as follows:
"Thinking that you might be Inter
ested In securing a list of the farmers
with whom the demonstrations In
spaying are to be made In our district
and the fanners who will co-operate
with the Agricultural Department In
an endeavor to Improve the quality of
our seed grains, 1 am sending youalUt
of the same. 1 have tinally succeeded
In prevailing on the Department to
make extensive demonstrations in
spraying Iruit throughout the Mis
souri valley. Mr. V. M. Scott of the
l nlted Mates Department of Agricul
ture will have general supervision or
this work throughout the valley and
Mr. James llorer iwill have charge of
the work in Nebraska. In view of the
fact that so little spring wheat is
grown In the district, the department
will do nothing with this crop, but
will take up the experiments in win
ter wheat this fall. This is the tirst
work of this character that has ever
been carried on in the west and think
ing that perhaps you might like to
have this list 1 am sending it to you.
Very truly yours,
KltNKST M l'OLI.Altl).
Lancaster county .Spraying, Allen
Ilarber, Ilavelock; Alfalfa, (ieo. Stab
ler, llavclock; Corn, A. V. Jansen,
Otoe Spraying. C. E. Dwyer, Arbor
Lodge farm, Nebraska City: alfalfa,
Wm. Dunn, Syracuse; corn, M. T. Har
rison, Dunbar.
Nemaha Spraying, Messrs. Swnn
and Titus, (Uenrock: alfalfa, V. V.
lilount, Auburn; corn. Chas. Urush,
Johnson -Spraying. A. L. Russell,
Tecumseh:altalfii, U. F. Reynolds, Tc
cuiiisch: corn, Mike Hums, Tecumseh.
Richardson -Spraying, deo. urin
stead, Cillikian farm, Falls City; alfal
fa, C. E. Nims and son, Humboldt:
corn, Fred Friedley, Verdun.
Pawnee- Spraying, J. E. Atkinson,
Pawness City; alfalfa, N. A. Leonard,
Pawnee City; corn, Evan Davis, Paw
nee City.
Cass Spraying. J. A.Walker, Mur
ray: alfalfa, Clark Newlon, Weeping
Water: corn, Fred Schoemaker, jr.,
I have also just completed arrange
ments with the Secretary of Agiicul
ture for conducting investigations
along the line of Introducing new rust
resistant varieties of winter wheat in
Many a Fiattsmouth Household Will Find
Thsm So.
To have the pains and aches of a
Dad back removed: to be entirely free
from annoying, dangerous urinary dis
orders is enough to make any kidney
yjlTerer grateful. To tell how this
great change can he brought about
will prove comforting words to hund
reds of Piattsmouth readers.
J. M. lleibcl. of HO'.i South 2:itli st,.
Omaha, Neb., says: "I used Plan's
Kidney Pills and consider them a
grand medicine for the kidneys. For
four days I sulTered more than I can
tell and used medicine from doctors
and other treatment, but nothing
cave me relief. I saw Doan's Kidney
Pills advertised and procured a box.
I took only one box. It did the work.
I can truthfully say that I feel better
after finishing the treatment than I
had for four years. You are at liberty
to use my name and I hope it may be
the means of benefiting others who
suffer from kidney complaint."
Plenty more proof like this from
Piattsmouth people. Call at Gering
& Co.'s drug store and ask what their
customers report.
For sale by all dcalejs. Price 50c.
Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Putlalo, '. Y
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's-and
take no other.
Whi iit .
No. 41.
I No.
.Ml, .1.
No. :
No. !.
No. :;s,
"Boost" Your Home Papers.
The local newspaper is one of your
best friends. Your Interests are Iden
tical. When you have a fund set aside
for advertising or publicity, see that
your local newspaper gets the most of
It, even If not all of It. It is true that
there are hundreds of methods to be
pursued In bringing your wares before
the trade, but you will find the local
paper the best avenue. A sign on the
fence may catch the eye of a casual
passerby, but the fence hoards do not
circulate into the hundreds of homes
as is the case with the newspapers.
The ne wspa iters go to the customers1
with your ad, while the customers, in
order to see yourad on the fence board
must go to the fence. Resides, to ap
prise the public that your ad is on the
fence you must of necessity tell them
.ihniit It In the uev.siiimer or visit each i ' '
No. ., man
nome in pcisoo in spu-ini uii: usu-i.
A newspaper Is seldom a "knocker."
It Is continually heralding to the
world the good traits of your town.
Every little ''boost" finds mention in
the paper. If the town has a draw
back, the paper will not advertise this
to the world. Every improvement In
your town Is noted in the columns of
your local paper, and the editor mere
ly gets a '-thank you'' for Ills praise of
yourcommunity. Therefore, when so
many good things are said of your
town, free of charge, they help your
town. It stands to reason that when
your town is given a lift your business
profits by t his. Then, to reciprocate,
it Is no more than right that you
should spend your advertising money
with your newspaper, especially when
you are getting value received. Oma
ha Trade Exhibit.
illyli. A. U'K)
Corrected weekly by Martin & Tool,
who pay the highest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
. IV
N... I, ;Nh
iiun m ai;m:ts.
Nik ik"
:c anil :I'h-
i ! Pi. TlMK T Mil. I
Murdock Station.
U lT ll'ilAli,
l: Vst ;oi i
1 1 a. in.
i"i a. m.
in p. m.
17 p. Ml.
. l:'::'.o a. in.
. lti: -"-" a. in.
. 1:11 p. in.
p. in.
Lovable Young Lady Expires at 2 O'clock
This Morning, After Illness of Five Days.
Among the many duties that fall to
our lot comes the sad commission of
chronicling the death of one of Piatts
mouth 's most amiable and energetic
young ladies, in the early spring of
life, and at that season of the year
when the buds are shooting fortli into
new life, she departed into the king-1
dom of eternal spring and blessedness. I
After an illness, with which she was ;
attacked Friday noon, and which bat
tled all the attending physicians. Miss
Stella, daughterof Mr. aiul Mrs. Frank)
lloyd, died Wednesday at two a. m. j
The deceased was taken with a severe j
pain in the back of her head Friday i
morning, and at noon of that day be- j
Strength to Weak Men
Rntwi Ntrv Ptru an tflt'lr.
Thj wrr'.it mures mro iiu r firi'im in fiBTtirti,
M.-i.ul nml iht f.mci mm of mMtl..ii, wmi a
1 .T,.. .nil ni; ii'IImii i Ihr trur e ( jsTli-ot ni.iih-!.
To attain llil Ih lint r"ul"lw la hraitlif
r-e olilrli iflrfPH' lly 1'T III II ilHmrnt.
FirlM HCHVIOOH llkM ilrnj. Calm MtfWi.
Cm Narvaut DiiHr. Paillnl alamw. Vital Waal.
n.,a ra.trall.n. llaaalaaanaaa ami ,.tl..r tr.n.UraUii
l.,i.,rr .rk. ..rr.niii.klnf."T l.-lou halrtt.
Vakrr rli'ti. hrnllhr l.:.lanrt is-i alr. all nrr
V.rlallr i-,mnI f.T wi'Mii'ii. Ilntililrl frr.
amr'.. misil. If n.'ion"-.i..rl.oiniiii'.i. ....
nrrt 'tBict iociation, chicaoo. 0. 1. A.
For Sale by Gcrinp; & Co.
Fred I .an was in ( Mualia Wednesday.
W. . ;illt'spit In Omaiia l'i i
day. A. V.. I'rascher was in Omaha Tues
day. Mrs. L. E. Tliimgan went to Lincoln
I. (. Hoinbeck visited in Kansas
last week.
J. G. (ioeliry was a county seat vis
itor Friday.
P. S. C'rink and family spent Aibor
day abmad.
II. A. Tool was in Omaha on Wed
nesday of last week.
A. M. Cole, of near Weeping Water,
was In t iiwn Tuesday.
Dan I'entiman was in these, parts
buying stock last week.
The tirst fresh lish of the season was
on our markets Tuesday.
(J. C. Meierjurgen was a business
visitor at imaha Monday.
Miss Amy Westlakc is visiting rela
tives In Murdock this week.
Mrs. J. (iuehlsdorIT was. a business
visitor at Piattsmouth last week.
Jacob (Ioeliry, jr., and Miss Martha
Cochry were at Louisville Sunday.
Mrs. George Towle and Miss Anna
Mi Towle were In Omaha Tuesday.
The Murdock Juniors will cross bats
with the Alvo aggregation on the Alvo
grounds Saturday.
Jilm Currant and wife, of Eugene,
Oregon, are visiting relatives In this
burg for a short time.
Mrs. 11. R. Neitel entertained the
Kensington Wednesday. Dainty re
fiesliments were served.
Miss Roberta Stack fell from the
top of a cob house Monday and broke
Eobotham, has been with her since
last Friday.
Mrs. Latrom returned Wednesday
night from Ilavelock where she was
called Saturday by the sickness nf her
sister, Mrs. King. Mrs. King Is much
better now.
Mrs. E. A. Wrinht enjuyed the pleas
ure of having all her children, grand
children and great-grandchildren 'X1
In all at-hor place last Sund.iv. A
very pleasant t line was had.
Ed Wachter lias sold his steam shel
ter and threshing out lit tn Pert llud
si'i). Pert understands running ma
chinery nf this kind, has a ir-: I out lit,
and solicits the work of thov having
auvthing in that line.
1 'ncle .loliiinv" Michael 'ell Mon
day evening for A llu.ijci''ue, New
Mexico, to lsit Ills sun Cliarli". lie
informed us t hat Charlie expect ed to
eonie home for a visit some time this
summer as his healt h Is impro ing ami
he is growing st ronger.
A very pleasant time was had at the
home of Mr. anil Mrs. Ed Pelts on
Thursday evening of last week by a
number of their friends who had heen
invited in to play llinch. Clinton
Prown received the royal prle a box
of bon bons and Dr. 1 ihel, by doing
ids best, won a small phonograph made
of pasteboard, offered as the booby
prize. Light refreshments were served.
came unconscious, remaining in that! ,er ;eft arm near the elbow.
condition until relieved by death, and
suffering excruciating pain which the
physicianscalled in consultation linally
decided was cerebral. spinal meningitis.
Early Sunday morning the patient
was roused up enough to receive some
nourishment, but was unable to speak
to or recognize her brother Roy, who
had heen summoned home from Grin
nell, Iowa, where lie is employed.
Yesterday she liegan to decline rap
idly and Jr. Coulter, of Omaha, ai
specialist in nervous diseases, was
called in consultation, but could give
no more hopes than the local medical
authorities. During the evening hours
the angel of death's approach was per
ceptible, and at two o'clock this morn
ing received her among the innumer
able hosts of the silent. The numer
ous friends of the deceased sympathize
with the heartbroken father, mother
and brother in the loss of a beloved
daughter, sister and friend.
The funeral services will be held
from the Presbyterian church at two
o'clock Friday afternoon. Those de
siring to view the remains are re
quested to do so between the hours of
nine and ten o'clock, as the casket
will be closed at the church.
MissLyda SoricK took a tumble to
herself last week and fell down stairs,
I severely bruising herself about the
! head and shoulders and nearly break
! ing her arm.
I At the regular meeting of M. W. A.
'camp No. PP, Murdock, Nebraska,
'. Dr. A. E. Merkel was elected camp
j physician, and three applications were
laded upon. Hy. Kohlrusli resigned
! Ids position as banker, and E. T. Tool
was elected to take his place.
Weeping Water
1'retn Hie lli-mM.
I r. Richards reports the bin h on
Sunday. April--, Pun;, of a It1 pound
boy to Mr. and Mrs. Chailcs McDon
ald. 31
Mrs. John lleebner, who went to
Lincoln recently to undergo an opera
tion. Is reported to he netting
very nicely.
Mrs. Eli.a K'eekler, who was in one
of the Lincoln hospitals several weis
for an operation, returned home last
week, much bet ter.
Mrs. L. Laeey receive :1 a telegram
from tier daughter, Mrs. Lowe, dated
at Oakland, Cal., which stated that
she had escaped Injury and was safe.
Norton Klepser Is on the sick list
with a mild case of scarlet fever. Dr.
Fate is In attendance and reports him
getting along nicely. The ijuarantine
is on.
Mr. and Mrs. .ink received a letter
Tuesday from their daughter in Rich
mond, Cal., and they report that they
are all right, and were badly scared by
the eart lniiake.
Mrs. Ell Parker, a former resident i
here, for a year living P miles east ami j
of late residing with the family in le'i-i
liu. died last Thursday, of dropsy. She
had been a sufferer for years. Th"
funeral was held last Saturday, and in-j
torment made in the Avoca cemetery, j
Mrs. Herman K lit tsc'n ret iirned from j
Lincoln Monday morning. Sin; under- j
went a surgical operation at one ot t ;;e l
hospitals some weeks ago and has been
there since taking treatment. She is
feeling much better and it is hoped
that she will soon regain perfect
From th l.t'tlicf r.
Mrs. W. A. Cleghom came from
Louisville Tuesday to make a visit of
several days with Mr. and Mrs. L. G.
Todd, jr.
Mrs. Dave LaRue returned last Sat
urday from Omaha, where she spent
several days having her eyes treated
a specialist.
Mrs. W. II. Crawford departed Mon
day morning for Nora, Neb., having
received a message notifying her of
t he serious illness of her mother, Mrs.
Pva'uie Huffman.
A letter from John P. Todd, who Is
in Lincoln with his wife, liilorms us
that Mi's. Todd is reeoveiing nicely
fro i n t lie sure leal ope rat ion performed
las! week and hopes t o he up w it bin u
short lime. Their many Iriends here
w ill in pieasetl In hear nils la oraiiie
I-Mwin .shoemaker and wife came
from ( imaha last Sunday for a visit at,
the Matt II. Shoemaker home south
west of tow n. ( n account, of pressing
business El had to return home that,
evening, hut, his wife remained for a
longer visit.
Rev. A. L Folden arrived Wednes
day from California, where lie spent
several mouths visiting ami looking
over the Pacific coast country. He
spent a very pleasant winter, but or
course In; is glad to be with I'nlon
people again.
Lis Austin departeil Wednesday
morning for Sloan, Iowa, to paek his
household goods for shipment lothis
place, and he and bis family will mako
their home east of town.
Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Pitch drove hi
from I hick Plull's preciiut Wednesday
morning for two days visit, wit Ii their
daughters, Mrs. I!. II. Pratisand Mrs
('. W. I'rans. Mr. Filch was a very
welcome caller at this office while in
A case of scarlet fever was found
Monday at the home ot Edgar A.
Fletcher and wife residing seveial
miles nort beast of town, and by order
of I he attending Illivsi(.im ,.as(.
was ;i'iaran1lnod);it pv(,ni lV ,..
stable Saxon ,,,, ,i(.nl ,,. .,,
little daughter, Lptai'ai)( ,I(I.P(
" filing a,,ru, very well.
f (i
Aa ikMlate ipaclfl tad intl-Mptk
ration for all kinda
A tura ( lor Hoara., Taillltl, Onlaar,
lariaaad, L'lcarat! aaa Catarrhal ra Threat
A anvaotlva l Crava, Bplo( Uagk aal
IMphthorla. healinq iootriw
adoraaa kr u Woai KrntnaM Tkraal Ipaalal
lata la ha aoutrr.
koala Mtapl ta tarr kom. I'rteatlCoata.
Barg MatUaUa Cas, Do Mota lava
GERING & CO., druggists
Why not stop this fallinn cf your hn!r?
be without any heir' Ji:t rcnt-Cibcr
stops Fa 1 1 1 n r? r
At this rats you will soon
that Hall's Hair Rencwcr
from the Itcacon.
Ren Stretch has got tired of the real
estate business and departed for Al
berta, Canada.
Corn has been creeping close to 40
cents the past few days. Thursday's
market was39jc.
Mrs. Taul Frohlichof Alvo, who has
been In very poor health for some time
was taken to the sanitarium In Lin
coln, for treatment on Thursday of
last week. Her daughter, Mrs. John
Human Blood Marks.
A tale of horror was told by marks
of human blood in the home of J. W.
Williams, a well known merchant of, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years
ago I had severe hemorrhages of the
lungs, and was near death when I be
gan taking Ir. King's New Discovery.
It completely cured me and I have re
mained well ever since." It cures
Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Settled
Colds and Hronchltis, and is the only
known cure for weak lungs. Every
bottle guaranteed by F. a. Fricke &
Co., druggist, .'oc and Trial
bottle free.
y i
Our claims to superiority
in Women's Oxfords and Ribbon Ties
arc not based alone on the
fa,t that they are correct
in shape, style and leather
but they are built to fit,
and will not slip and slide
at heels, or rub the ankles.
No tacks or nails in our
Children's Slippers White Footwear
Buggy Demolished.
While driving his team of colts
home Monnay John Anderson had
another runaway out south of town,
and In course of their (tight collided
with the buggy of Robert Fatton,
completely demolishing the vehicle
and throwing Mr. l'atton and Nelson
Jones, who was with him, out on the
ground. Fortunately when they picked
themselves up they found that they
were uninjured and proceeded to look
for John whom they heard moaning
underneath his wagon, which had
bee overturned by the sudden collision.
They managed to extract him from
the wagon and found that he was
badly bruised and scratched as a re
sult of the mlxup, but fortunately no
tiones were broken. The colts had
disengaged themselves from the wagon
soon after the collision, but were soon
captured and again hooked up for
another round.
Do You Meed Furniture
ELL, why not buy it while you have the opportun
ity to get wnat you want at Greatly Reduced
Prices! Come in now and sec what I have left in
House Furnishings, Stoves, etc. I will please you
both in the price and quality of goods. I must give
possession of the room and the goods MUST UK SOLD!
Prices will not be in the way if you want the goods.
Come and See the Old Furniture Man!
Will Sell or Exchange Entire Stock at a Bargain
.'r.. '