The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 26, 1906, Image 5
' 1 ' Throat Coughs A t!ckl:r-!r ::i the throat; hcurse::t'- ar times: adcep breath i inures it; these are features of a throat cough. They're verv de ceptive and a cough mix ture won't cure them. You want something that will heal the inrlamed membranes, enrich the blood ard tone up the system , .. , , Scott's Emulsion is just such a remedy. It has wonderful healing and nourishing power. Removes the cause of the cough and the whole system is given new strength and vigor , StnJ fir fie ump.'l SCOTT &? BOIl'NE, cbmuu 409-415 Purl Strut, New Yuri Jjc. and fr.oo. A'.l Jruggii:i Spring's Here. Gentle spring! It is called gentle because it is nut You might as well call a broncho Gentle! Or an auto. When a man says "spring Is come!" Make htm "show you!" You go out in the morning smiling And your shoes shined. But when you reach home You look as though you had been Digging the Panama canal! You are lured on! You notice The soft, sweet smile of Gentle spring And take oil Your winter ilanneis! And, then, you meet The blizzard, and the Pneumonia irerm, and they "Show you!" Devil's Island Torture is no worse than the terrible case of Piles that atllictcd me 10 years. Then 1 was advised to apply Uucklen's Arnica Salve, and less than a box per manently cured me, writes L. S. Na pier, of Jtugles, Ky. Heals all wounds. JJurns and Sores like magic, :13c at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s, druggist. IUI ils to T5fe Reliable Store on the purchase of a standard piano than any other house in this part of the country. We carry the most complete line of all Kinds of Musical Instruments in Omaha. We are offering New Upright Pianos in Double Veenercd Cases in Fancy Mahogany, Burl, Walnut, Golden Oak, Guaranteed for Ten years at: $127.00 $135-00 $148.00 $167.00 $205.00 Our stock consists of such Well Known makes as Chick ering Bros., Estey, Fischer, Sohmer, Wegman, Franklin, Melville Clark, Schaeffer, Jocob Doll, Price & Tceple, Stod dard and twenty-one other makes to select from. A complete line of ESTEY ORGANS Everything in Sheet Music. Write for Prices and Catalogues. Tolie HaydenBros;0' Great Earthquakes of the World. Lives Lot. LWon. Portugal., Xove:nlcr 1, 1755 5,ooo Lima, Peru, December IS-.' 70,ixo Lisbon, Portugal, February , 1S51 30,000 Mino Owari, Japan, October JS, IS')1 S.oi.o Lima. Peru, March is." !7,m..o Castellamare, Italy, April 19, l"s5n Lin, Austria, March "), 1(m4 Colombo, Island of Ceylon. March lS'H Samaraug;, Java, July 1S79 100,000 Casanacciola, Italy, July S," lSS.'i . . . . J.Oot) The Riviera. Italy. February 23 and 24, 1SS7- 1 ,K0 Naples, December 16, 1S57 10,000 Chundernagore, India, June 12, 1897 35.000 Charleston, S. C, August 31, 1886 183 Calabria, Italy, November 1905; 40 villages destroyed . . 16,000 Querentanaro, Honduras, September 1905 1,500 Guatemala, April 18, 1902; 6 towns destroyed 900 Misucatlan, Oaxaca, Mexico, April 12; 1901 50 Guayaquil, Kcuador, January 18,1901 150 Hakone, Japan, January 12, 1901 300 Foggia, Italy, June 16, 1900 124 Isle of Chios, Aegean sea, 1195 Kntire population obliterated Formosa, April 3. 1906 Mary and Her Mule. Mary, a nice little girl, lived so far from the sehoolhouse that she rode a little blue-eyed, confiding mule to the! hall of 'earning. The teacher thought it unwise to allow the animal to ara.e about unhitched, so lie attempted to club it away. The rest of the story is told in these expressive lines: Mary had a little mule. It followed her to school: That was against the rule. The teacher, like a fool, Got behind the mule, And hit him with a rule. After that there was no school. The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations arc offered for thegenuine. These worthless imi tations have similar sounding names. Hewareof them. Thegenuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Dr. EJster, Dentist, Waterman Block Pianos Sold on Easy Payment Plan if Desired. We Merely Repeat the I General opinion of those Who Know, when we say we can save you more money $172.00 $185.00 $187.00 $192.00 ' Four towns destroyed OVER HALF ACENTURY AGO A Former Citizen of Cass County Tells of Scenes of Over Fifty Years Since. Xauka, Kan, April ID, Iimni. Eiutou J 01 'UN a 1.: 1 see tliitt Jmle I!. S. Ilanisey has contributed an In terostintr article for the Journal ing an incident that happened forty years atfo In old Cass. I will no hack fifty years and then some. My rather left Magnolia, Iowa, on the "th day of July, 1S.'3, with covered wagons, landing in Council lilulTs, the latter part of the month. After re maining there a month we went over to Omaha. The walls of the old cap ital were about five feet hlh. Here we were offered a brick house and two lots for ."i0, but not beintf favorably Impressed with the surroundings we emigrated further south. We crossed the Missouri liver at Kenosha on the Mil of August, and rented a house from John Mel'. Hay good, the big man of the town; then bought the Hock Kind's town site from Spiers - France. In the following month of September there was an In dian scare 011 Salt Creek. Citizens of Nebraska City sent a runner up to our part, while others went from that place. A company was formed and father was the first captain. The government guns were on a boat that landed at Hock Uluffs the evening be fore, so they sent me to Omaha after more guns. I had to cross the river at Plattsmouth and re-cross at St. Marys on account of the Platte river. I made the ferryman agree to take me back at daylight the next morning. I gave the letter I carried with me to General Thayer. I did not go to bed at all and the general sat up with me until 2 o'clock in the morning, then I started back to the ferry. As soon as I arrived at home I Immedi ately started to join the company and got out to Cedar Creek about sundown the same day, making the trip to Omaha and return and then out to Cedar Creek in twenty-four hours, without a wink of sleep. Here I met J. Ashley and Mr. Haygood and re turned with them, Mr. Ashley In the lead, but got us lost. I took the lead then from Drown 's place to the old Joe Martin place and arrived at home In safety. The next occurrence of Importance was the territorial convention on Icock Creek, where the old telegrapli line crossed the creek. The Omaha resi dents came down and the Nebraska City folks came up. The politics of the state was divided by two sections North Platte and South Tlatte or Omaha against Nebraska City. We also held our county convention at the same time. That was the first time 1 met J. Sterling Morton. He made an excellent speech that day. At the election which followed, Rev. Mr. Gage, of Mt. Pleasant, and Mr. Layard were elected representatives. Mr. Gage had the honor of naming Gage county Layard got nothing. Mr. Haygood tried hard to get the penitentiary located at Kenosha, but failed. Mr. Lucas, of Winterstcen Hill, and Wm. Ellington tried twice for sheriff, and the third time Elling ton received a majority and was de clared elected. L. W. Pattkksox. P. S. If the above fails to find the waste basket I w ill tell you something about our survey. L. W. P. Will Occupy the Whole Building iwing to different arrangements be Ing made with Adolph Clese, the new proprietor that takes charge of the Schlitz saloon the lirst of May, l M. McKlroy will he compelled to make a change in Ills tailoring establishment. Mr. (iiesc has a family and the second story of the building will be remodeled and placed into living appartmcnts for his accommodation. Mr. McElroy has rented the LehnhotT building ad joining the Schlitz room on the east, ami will remove his tailoring parlors thereto about the first of May, occu pying the ground floor. He will cer tainly have a much better room. THE MERCHANTS' CARNIVAL Many Wu Displays, and As a Whole. Was Declared a B j Success. A VERY URGE CROWD IN ATTENDANCE E. G. D:ieylSoa Awarded First and Mrs. Holland and John Crabill Second Prizes. The Merchants' Carnival given un der the auspices of the Euterpean Glee Club Friday night was a great success, the balcony and Moor being crowded to the full capacity. Many beautiful and artistic displays were made by various merchants of the city and the prize for the must tastely arranged booth was a aided with difficulty, as all the booths were very handsome. A committee of three men were se lected from the transients at the Klley Hotel, in order that an impartial deci sion might he rendered. After an ex tended inspection of the different dis plays, the committee awarded E. !. Hovcy Son first prize and Mrs, How land ami John Crahill second prize. The program was carried out as pub lished in the papers, and was highly appreciated by the large audience, who vigorously encored the Platt.sonlan iiiartet, which favored them with three well rendered selections. At the close of the musical program II. 11. Windham by few well timed re marks informed the irathering that, for' those who could not read, a sign was placedover the dining room doors, and that they would be amply repaid with delicious refreshments, should they venture within the feast hall. All of the displays were very unique and much Interest was manifested in ranger's exhibit, which contained his first slock and present stock of goods. The demonstrations of the gas stoves by Perry t'tterback and Mr. K nicely, of the Nebraska Lighting Company, were witnessed with pleasure by many of the men as well as women. The carnhal biike up at a late hour, ami every one seemed to have had the best time, and enjoyed the evening. Organizing Clubs. Some of the large department stores in the large cities sent cut oilers to form clubs and promise to sell goods cheaper than they can he purchased of the home merchant. Clubs were or ganized in some towns and after they had purchased several bills of goods the members found they were not get ting goods as cheap as they could pur chase them at home, so the organiza tion went to pieces and the members went back again to purchasing from home merchants. If people would form a club at home, bunch their casli and purchase as large hills from the home merchants as they send away for they would be leaving their money with home merchants, aiding them in paying their share of the tax burden and building up the town. However, people cannot expect to purchase goods as cheap from the home merchant on credit and have him wait for a year or perhaps longer for his money, as they Jean for cash. Pay cash and you can always buy here as cheap, if not cheaper than you can by sending away from home. Try it and be con vinced. Ir) the Supreme Court. In the matter of Cole vs, Manners, In the supreme court, the decision of the lower court was affirmed. Follow ing is a syllabus of the case: 1. An Injury which can not be measured by any pecuniary standard, or which, because of Its nature of the financial condition of the wrongdoer, can not be adequately compensated In damages, Is irreparable within the meaning of the law, and one for which, ordinarily, there Is no adequate rem edy at law. 2. The general rule, that a valid de fense as'to one of two joint obligors innuresto the benefit of both Is sub ject to the exception, that when such defense Is infancy, the Infant may be discharged and a recovery had as to his co-obligor; and this exception, ap plies although the obligee knew of the Infancy when he took the obligation. :i. Ordinarily, a lease may be avoid ed by a tenant on the ground of the Infancy, but while In possession there under, the plea of infancy Is not avail able In a suit brought to restrain him from making use of his possession to Inlllct Irreparable Injuries upon his landlord. 4. Plcadingsand evidence examined and held sufficient to sustain the de cree Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs. "Several years since my lungs were so badly alfectcd that I had many hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with several physicians without any bene fit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs arc now as sound as a bullet. I recommend It In advanced stages of lung trouble Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, and prevents scr lous results from a cold. Refuse sub stltutes. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Ayefs Impure M00J always slums somewhere. If the skin, then boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, ihen dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for t0 years. ' ltihirnlntf from the l'.al., war, I wet a rrf't wri-k. Mr lt., rh l,a,l. en, I iltll gnu, lint a tow lmltlit of Afar HrprllU 4Mi,,plHl, ruie.l tup " II. C. iHmiil.aii, St'rtiiton, I'. $ 0 Iwitile, .1 r. atiii i .. mmmmIImm for ' Impure Blood Aid the SaraapnrlllA bv kotuilnu that bawols regular with Ayor'a Pills. Second Naturalization Papers There isa hill now pending In the congress of the I'nited States, which among other tilings, provides that any person w Ishing to take out his second papers, must deposit with the clerk a sufficient sum of money to cover the expenses of suhpoening w itness, pay a fee of " to the clerk when he tiles the same, and when lie receives said pa pers must pay another fee of ." to lie sent 1))' the clerk to the liureau of I Mi ni irat ion and Naturalization, making a total cost of from fin to $1.1 in all. This hill, If it becomes a law, will take effect '.todays after Its passage. The district court of this county will lie In session Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, and any one wishing to take out second papers at that time may do so and by so dolngsave expense and time. A Lucky Postmistress Is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who has found lr. King's New Life Pills to lie the best remedy she ever tried for keeping the Stomach, Liver and liowcls in perfect order. You'll agree with her if you try these painless pur lliers that Infuse new life. Guaranteed by V. G. Fricke Co., (linguist. Price L'" cents. Weeping Water Lady Injured. A special from Weeping Water, un der date of April 20, says: "Mrs. Josiah Timbliu met with a bad accident to day about 11 o'clock. She went Into the stable to iulet a pony that had he conic somewhat fractious and the pony crowded against her, knocking her down and stepping on her breast. She was unconscious for some time, but is resting easily and no serious internal Injuries seem to have resulted." All smart up-to-date women of today, Know know to bake, wash, sing and to play: Without these talents a wife Is N. G. Unless she takes Rocky Mountain Tea. Sold by tiering ct Co. The Estray Law. In order to collect legally for the estray animals, t lie follow ing law must lie observed. It has heretofore been custemary to simply publish a notice advertising the property. The law re lating to the manner In which pro- ceehings shall be instituted in such cases Is found In chapter 27, section 2, of the complied statues, which says: It shall be the duty of any person taking an estray animal or animals to send a description of the same to a justice of the peace In a precinct where the said estray was taken up, within forty-eight hours thercaafter, and said Justice of the peace shall record the same In a book kept by him for that purpose, for which he shall receive the sum of twenty-five cents. If said est ray shall not be claimed by the owner thereof within ten days thereafter, a description of the same shall be sent to the county clerk by the party taking up said estray who shall Immediately record the same in a book kept by hi in for that purpose, for which he shall receive the sum of twenty-five cents. The person taking up the estray shall within twenty dayf thereafter procure the publication of the description of such animals In any newspaper published within the county. If you ever bought a box of Witch Hazel Salve that failed to give satis faction the chances arc it did not have the name 'E.C.HeWItt & Co." printed on the w rapper and pressed in the box, The original He Witt's Witch Hazel Salve never falls to give satisfaction for bums, sores, bolls, tetter, cracked hands, etc. For blind, bleeding, Itch ing and protruding Piles it affords almost Immediate relief. It stops the pain. Sold by F. G. Fricke Co., Gerlng & Co. CASTOR I A For Infant, and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of iMn't allow .money to lie around. It is easier to spend It and easier to lose It, -f.Vs- 1 lUsri'-M SAUE MONEY by keeping It In a safe place such u The Banl of Cass County Capital Stock :0,XH), Surplus 115,000 orru 111: Clms. C. I'linni'lis i'r.-., ,lm TrlU'tl, V-P. T. M. I'ull.Twin. Ciwh. You can give a check for any part of It at )ny lime and so have a receipt for pr-yinent without asking for one. V. lien you have a lank account you w ill be anxious to add to It rather than spend from It. Don't you want to know more about It. The Richest Man In the World. The richest man In the world can not have his kidneys relaced or live without them, so it Is Important not to neglect these organs. If Foley's Kidney Cure Is taken at tlie Hist sign of dangor, the symptoms will disap pear and your health will he restored, as It strengthens and builds up these organs as nothing else will. Oscar llowinan, Lebanon, Ky., writes: "I have used Foley's Kidney Cure and take great pleasure In stating It cured me permanently of kidney disease, which certainly would have cost me my li'e." Sold by P. G. Fricke Co. j Train Has Accident at Ashland. A special train consisting of ten or twelve cars of provisions for the relief of the San Francisco people, passed through this city about 2:."!0 Saturday morning ami while running at a high rate of speed through the Ashland yards, three cars jumped from the track causing considerable damage, which delayed the train due here at ;t:l'.t a. in. over an hour. 1 1 is reported that the special covered the eighteen miles between here and Louisville, in lift ecu minutes, and It Is to be regret- ed that an accident should delay It, In its worthy cause. iO .n ' j. nsauoiM, coi .ttipcl on. cm I britli. -.n-.til Jeoillly, sour ruirgv ai ) nUrrh of thi Momaoh aro all due U Indigestion, f'.jjil curu indigestion. This tww discov ery represents the natural Juices of dlget t! on ai they exist In a healthy stomach, (.ambun i with the greatest known tonic and re;3n3lru:tive properties. Ku iol Dy Curs does not only cure Ingestion and dysp-ptia, but this famous remedjr cures a'l strnash trouble by cleansing, purKyinj, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S S Ball. rf Rjveniw-vvl. W. V . tin '' I was troubled with tour st mach hr twenty yura. K 1 ! cured ina and we are njw uilnf It In ml lor Diiy." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Battles only. J I 00 Sl:e h i: line 2S times thi trial lie. which slls fir 50 cents. Prepared by E. 0. OeWITT ft 00., 0HI0A0O. Gerinr & Co. DR. J. 0. BRUCE Osteooathic Physician Chronic Diseases Specialty Cniitt's lllix'k. roonis'iS, undiM. Ofllen hour 8 to I J n. in., 1 to & p. In. mill ? to V I), in. h? ap pointment. Telephone, uttli.'t) 31 ; resldeoc ttt I'erklns Hotel. IN THE GOOD OLO Summer time You want to save your money to buy your GOAL FOR TH& WINTER AT OUR CITY Coal Yards. Full Welht Guaranteed Best Threshing Goal Ml Kinds of Feed J.V.Egenberger Proprietor Plattsmouth Coal Yards Comer Third and Main Streets Hell Phone 23 Platts Phono 22 1 :jir ' " T ,tt "t'