The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 26, 1906, Image 2

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Personal Points
tm KrltUy'i Daily.
"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar
Machine oil at Asemlssen & Louck's.
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block.
Garden tools of every description at
John Bauer's.
1 M. Melsli)Kr of Eight Mile Grove
precinct was a business visitor at the
county seat today.
Full llneof yulck Meal and Hound
Oak Steel Ranges, at competing prices.
Asemlssen & Louck.
lien Schlalher. who has heen visit
ing relatives here, returned this after
noun to Brady, Nelt.
lr. Jake I'.rendcl brought a patient
up from Murray this afternoon to con
sult with Dr. T. 1'. Livingston.
The funeral of Mrs. Fredrick Stohl
man will he held Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock from the late home near
1). M. Lloyd, one of Cass county's
prosperous farmers of near Murray
was transacting business at the county
seat today.
Senator Thomas and wife departed
this afternoon for Akron, Colo., where
they have a homestead twenty-live
miles south of t lie above place.
William Stadleman, wife and child,
who have been enjoying a short visit
with friends here, departed this morn
ing for their home at Kearney.
In a letter received by Mrs. Briggs
from Mrs. Robert Troop she states
that the fields of wheat near Gregory,
S. I)., arc of a beautiful green.
Hans Tains, a former Burlington
employe at the local shops, departed
this morning for Lincoln, where he
will visit prior to his return to Sterl
ing, Colorado.
A deed conveying lots 10, 17 of
Long's first addition to Mynard from
J. A. Klscr to F. M. Richey, for a con
sideration of, was tiled with
the county recorder today.
L. Ouln and wife, who have heen
visiting with Andy Taylor and wife,
departed this morning for le'ltt,
where they will visit a short time be
fore returning to their home at Leb
anon, Kas.
This is the, season of llstlessness,
headaches and spring disorders, llol
llster's Rocky Mountain Tea Is a sure
preventative. Make you strong and
vigorous. I!.") cents, Tea or Tablets.
Sold by Gcrlng & Co.
R. Shrader, a farmer of near Nehaw-
ka was in the city today on business,
and coming to the conclusion that he
had done without "tbo only" county
paper about long enough, called and
enrolled his name for one year.
Senator s. L. Thomas and son,
Walter, closed a deal this morning,
whereby .loslah Andrews becomes the
owner of the east one-half of block
three of Thomas' addition to the city
of Flat tsmoiith. Consideration jsno,
You feel the life giving current
the minute you take it. A gentle
soothing warmth, tills the nerves and
blood w ith life, it's a real pleasure to
take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea
3T cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Ger
Ing & Co.
The little son of Matt Joy came near
losing the sight of ono eye, Wcdnes'
day while playing with a pair of
scissors, and swinging In a hammock
Fortunately the child received on y a
slight scratch above the eye, from the
sharp points, as lie fell from the ham
mock. Parents should be very care
ful in allowing children to play with
such articles. i
for many years tells of the fact of Its
absolute usefulness. Sold by F. G.
Fricke Co., Goring & Co.
John Albert, one of the clever Ger
man farmer of Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct, was a county seat visitor today.
W. II. Hell of tbo Pleasant View
Stock Farm was In the city today, ac
companied by tils daughter, Miss Ma
mie. -gulck Meal Gasoline Stoves, al
sizes and styles, for sale at Asemlssen
& Louck's.
Money on hand to loan on city
property. No delay.
Persons living In the neighborhood
of a rural route who neglect or refuse
to provide boxes, or who, having pro
vided them refuse to erect them In the
manner prescribed by the department.
ire to be regarded as not desiring the
rural service.
P.eglnnlng with April 1, rural car
riers were again required to make a re
port of the number pieces of mail car
ried each day. Previous to January
this was done, and then the depart
ment dispensed with these reports, but
It has been decided they should be
kept and April 1 the old order was in
etTect again.
I'r.mi Monday's lUilly .
Conrad Ransch. of Lagle, was a
departed this afternoon for their home
at Pekin. Illinois.
Tim schlater of Louisville was in
town on business today, departing
; for Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. L. 11. Underwood, Mrs. J. V.
Holmes and son Ralph of Murray were
in attendance at the p. ay last night.
Will Wehrbeln and Miss Nellie
Creamer drove In from Murray to see
Human Hearts" at the Parmele last
Hon. William Pelles Dernier, the
Elm wood attorney, came in last eve
nlng and Is transacting some business
with the district court.
A marriage license was issued this
morning to Chas. L. Conlcy, aged 27,
and Lovicla O. Taylor, aged IS, bctli
residents of Greenwood.
Frank P.usche departed this morn
ing with a wagon load of household
goods for Omaha where, he expects to
make his future home and where he
hasa good jobof teaming. Mrs. Ilusclie
and the children will go up tomorrow.
Mayor Gering and Henry F. Goos
went to Omaha this morning, the lat
ter as representative of Cass Council
No. lt)2l to the Grand Royal Arcanum
in session in that city. Mayor Gcrlng
Is a charter member of this Council,
and went along to interview some of
the brethren for th? ' go d of the or
der." Living indoors so much during the
winter months creates a sort of a
stuffy, want-of-ozonc condition in the
blood and system generally. Clean up
and get ready for spring. Take a few
Early Risers. These famous little
pills cleanse the liver, stomach and
bowels and give the blood a chance to
purify Itself. They relieve headache,
sallow complexion, etc. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co., Gcrlng & Co.
From Puluriluy'i Iiiilly.
F. W. Young, sr., of Murray, was
county seat visitor today.
Charles Sans, of Pock Bluffs, was a
county seat visitor today.
New supply of garden seed In bulk
also all kinds of field seeds, at AsemiS'
sen & Louck's.
Anderson lavlsof Eight Mile Grove
precinct was transacting business at
the county seat today.
Mr. and Mrs. James Allison were up
from Murray today. They report the
roads In fair condition.
J. S. Lindsay, of Murray, was a vis
itor in Plattsmouth today, the guest
of his son, Pete and family.
Our genial old German friend, Squire
Kell. of Eight Mile Grove precinct
was doing the county seat to-day.
Let the citizens who own property
set out trees and plant vines and (lower
seeds. Nothing adds more greatly to
tho beauty of the town than trees,
vines and (lowers and It cost com par
atlvcly nothing.
Don't drug the stomach to cure
cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts
the mucus, draws the Intlammatlon
out of the throat, lungs and bronlchlal
tubes, heals, soothes and cures.
quick cure for croup and vlmoplng
cough. Its constantly Increasing use
county seat visitor today.
John Roetbotham, of Eagle, was a
county seat visitor today.
Charles Bird, of Louisville, was a
business visitor at the court house to
day. Reinhart L. l'anska, of Elmwood,
was transacting business at the court
house today.
R. A. Talbott of South Lend, was
looking after some business matters in
Plattsmouth today.
Mrs. C. A. Pawls was a passenger
for Nebraska City this morning to
visit with her son Joe and wife.
C. S. Stone and W. C. Brown of Mur
ray passed through Plattsmouth yes
terday enroute to Omaha to attend
the ball game.
C. A. Rawls, Lawyer.
bate and general practice.
f ice of Caunty Attorrjey.
1. Shrader. of Omaha, an old Cass
county boy, and a son of Geo. Shrader,
south of town, was shaking hands with
his Plattsmouth friends yesterday
D.O. DWYER, Attorney-at-Law
Offce In building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Chamberlain's Salve Is good for any
disease of the skin. It allays the Itch
Ing and burning sensation instantly.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A,
T. Fried.
John McNurlin, who has ben look-
ing after the Duff Grain Co. s interests
at Culloin for tho past week, came in
Saturday evening to spend Sunday
with his family, returning to Cullom
this morning.
Mont Ilobbof Murray was in Platts
mouth yesterday afternoon, coming
up to meet hisson Fleming, who was
visiting In Omaha. Fleming missed
the train in Omaha, and Mont was
somewhat disappointed.
Don't tie a cough or a cold up In
your system by taking a remedy that
binds the bowels. Take Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar. It Is differ
ent from all other cough syrups. It Is
better. It opens the bowelsexpels
all colds, croup, whooping cough, etc.
An Ideal remedy for young and old.
Children lltce it. Sold by F. G. Fricke
& Co., Gering & Co.
W. W. ('Tud") McMahon, day yard
master In the Burlington yards at Pa
cific Junction, was over today to see
Ir. Livingston and have a cinder re
moved from one of his eyes. To gaze
upon "Pud's"' countenance Is to re
mind the Journal outfit of the many
happy days spent at Grant City, Mo.,
when we all lived there. Mr. McMa
hon has been In the employ of the
Purllngton for several years In the
capacity of conductor and yardmaster.
was a
arpefs and lore Carpets
from Wicliiesiluy's dally.
Jim Stander of Louisville
county seat visitor today.
George Rowland of Avoca was a
county scat visitor today.
T. II. Meislnger, wife and daughter
were visiting In the metropolis today.
II. II. Carroll of Elmwood was traiv
sactlng business at Plattsmouth to
11. J.Erwinof Douglas, Wyo., was
transacting business at Plattsmouth
Mrs. Mary C. Murphy and son Tom
departed last night for Imogene, la.,
to attend the funeral of a relative.
Perry Uttcrback went out to Louis
vllle this afternoon to put in one of
his new lighting systems In the bank
A crowd of young folks from here
drove down to Murray last night to
attend the dance given by Prof. Phil
The only fellows that are kept busy
these days are the blacksmiths, and
tlie farmers are keeping them out of
T. W. Carr of Custer county depart
ed this morning for Centerville, la.,
after a short visit with her sister, Mrs.
A. J. McKinney.
M. S. llrlggs returned last night
from a business trip through the coun
ty, and says that F. I. Pay & Co. will
open up a commission oillce at Avoca
about May 1st.
Col. Fred Kroehler came down from
Haveloek last night to visit in the old
town a short time. The colonel is
looking well and his countenance looks
familiar on our streets.
1). W. Foster came up from I'nlon
last night on business. lie reports
that his daughters. Mrs. Nettie
Turner and Miss Mary Foster, who
were the victims of the attempted
shooting Sunday night, have not
entirely recovered from their terrible
Uncle Sam Parker of near Mynard
was in the city today for the first time
In several months. It will be remem
bered that Uncle Sam several months
ago had his hands very badly burned
In an effort to tear the clothing from
his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Edgar
Parker, while she was enveloped in
tlames, and who died from the Injuries.
Mr. Parker ha9 just regained use of
his hands.
E have been busy cutting off carpets for the past
two weeks, which convinces us that our prices
are right and we KNOW that our assortment is
good and complete.
We always strive to get the Best and Choicest
Patterns and then give the Lowest Prices to our
Customers for Reliable Goods.
Tapeslry Brussels
Two-Ply Ingrains, , ,
Lower Grades of Carpeting
50c, 65c
, 75c. 921c
, $1,00 $1,10 $1,15
. , 59c, 70c, 75c
, 19c. 25c. 30c. 45c
A Fine Line of Straw Mattings
From Tursd.iy's Iiiilly
T. L. Campbell of Rock PlufTs was a
Plattsmouth visitor today.
Dr. Gilmore of Murray was a busi
ness visitor at the county seat today.
Attorney Clarence Teft of Weeping
Water was a county scat visitor today.
Roy Frans was up from I'nlon last
night and took in "Human Hearts"
at the Parmele.
Wm. Ossenkop from the vicinity of
Louisville was transacting business at
Plattsmouth today.
Adam Saal and w ife, while enroute
home from San Francisco, which place
they left two days before the earth
(iiakc, stopped on for a visit with ihe
latter's brother, J. H. Meislnger. They
In Case of Accident.
Whenever an accident uappenssome
one should preserve the presence of
mind and quickly think of some way
to remedy or lessen it. The same Is
true In cases of a sudden Illness w hich
may at any time befall some mbembcr
of our family. "He feels sick." they
say, but oftentimes no one remembers
that In such cases Trlner's American
Elixir of P.itter Wine Is the best reme
dy, because it brings the heart to Its
regular activity, the blood to a better
circulation, all organs to their natural
working power. In all cases of a sud
den indisposition, eructations, flatu
lence, nausea and vomiting, migraln,
pains In the stomach and in the bow
els, nervousness, bodily weakness and
despondency, there is no better reme
dy. Triner's Americm Elixir of Bit
ter Wine Is today the only medicine
purifying the blood In a natural way,
strengthening the digestive organs,
making the acceptance of food possible
and the digestion thorough. This will
renew all bl(Kid;in the body, will re
store vitality, ill rejuvenate the
patient. At drug stores. Jos. Triner,
T'.u South Ashland Ave.. Chk-ago, His.
1. W. Foster returned to Union
after a few days visit at the county
L. C. W. Murray, wife and son were
among the passengers for the metrop
olis on the fast mail.
County Clerk llosencrans accom
panied his friend, Mr. Miller, to the
metropolis thlsafternoon.
John McNurlin returned this morn
ing from a few days visit with friends
In the vicinity of Louisville.
In county court this morning a final
hearing and settlement was had In the
estate of Willis H. Ladd, deceased.
William Lindsey, of near Nehawka,
was in the city today on business and
called to renew his faith in the Jour
nal another year.
A specific fur pain Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric oil, strongest, cheapest lini
ment ever devised. A household
remedy in America for '2" years.
A suit to quiet title to wj of nel,
range."), township lo, range 11, was
filed with the district clerk today by
Wm. Hendricks vs Edwin P. P.rown,
et. al.
Any skin itching is a temper-tester.
The more you scratch the worse it
Itches. Doan's Ointment cures piles,
eczema any skin itching. At all
How are your kidneys? It is dan
gerous to delay when the kidneys arc
sick. One box of Kldney-Ettes will
recommend the next. 2o cents. Sold
by Gering & Co.
While in the city yesterday attend
ing to some business matters at the
court house, J. M. Barkhurst.of near
Union, called and renewed his sub
scription to the Old Reliable.
Our old friend and former fellow
citizen of Cass county, C. E. Poty,
now of Alva, Oklahoma, will accept
the Journal's thanks for several Okla
home papers, including the Alva Dally
Our old friend and fellow-citizen, A.
Dill, called today and renewed for a
copy of the Journal sent to Ms son, R.
C. Dill, at Tekamah, Neb., and also
for a copy sent to Charles Hipp, at
Lyons, Neb.
Wanted State representative who
Is capable of organizing and handling
crew of salesmen; one in each county;
some knowledge of farming necessary:
splendid and permanent position. Give
reference in first letter. Pox W, Pa
ducah, Ky.
"I have been somewhat costive, but
Doan's Regulets gave just the results
desired. They act mildly and regulate
the bowels perfectly" George B.
Krause, :i(XS Walnut ave., Altoona, Pa.
George W. Shrader and son, D.
Shrader, manager of the Millard hotel
barber slum, In Omaha, who has been
visiting the old folks, near Reck PlulTs
were In the city today, tho son on his
return trip to the metropolis.
John Lohnes, or Louisville and son,
W. II. Lohnes, of Cedar Creek, were
transacting business In Plattsmouth,
today. The Lohnes' are among the best
people in Cass county,and we are always
pleased to have them pay the Journal
otlice a call.
Dyspepsia is our national ailment
Burdock Blood Bitters is the national
cure for it. It strengthens stomach
membranes, protes flow of digestive
juices, purities the blood, builds you
If you want a real estate loan at
reasonable rates; or a reliable abstract
of title, Insurance policy, security
bond of and kind, or a contract, deed
or mortgage drawn, see John M. Leyda,
Gund building. Work promptly and
neatly done and charges reasonable.
Harry Gochenour departed this
morning for Burwell, Neb., where he
was called by the serious sickness of
his father, Isaac N., who Is suffering
from a severe attack of lumbago. The
patient's wife and son, Sam, were
summoned and departed last Tuesday
night fur the above place.
Special Sale on Table Linens and
White Bed Spreads at Herold's.
Ball League Organized.
The proposed base ball meeting
which was held at Union last Friday,
mention of which was made in this
paper, was attended by Mr. Irwin
Fassler, of this city. A league was
formed with Ora Copes, of Avoca, as
president and C. L. Graves, of Union,
as secretary and treasurer, and ar
rangements are to be made at once for
some good games. It is now up to
each one of the different towns in the
league to organize a good team and go
after the pennant. We can have some
good games here and In the county
this summer if the boys will only
hustle. Weeping Water Republican.
District Court Notes.
On motiion of the defendants, judg
ment is ordered on the mandate re
versing the former judgment in the
case of Kupke vs Polk and costs of ap
peal taxed to plaintiff. Cause is set
for trial on the iith day of May.
In the matter of the guardianship
of Charolette J. Wallace et al. minors,
the sale was examined, approved and
deed ordered to purchaser by guardian.
In the case of Mayfield vs. Robert
son et al., the report of the referees
was examined, approved and deed
ordered to purchaser.
On motion of the plaintiff in the
case of Mary Wcckbach vs. William
Weckbach, J. M. Robertson was ap
pointed as special referee to report the
incumbency existing against the prop
erty involved.
In the case entitled the State vs.
O. H. Tower, the information was
read in open court, and defendan
placed under $2oo bonds In default of
which, he was remanded to the county
Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable.
A happy home is the most valuable
possession that is within the reach of
mankind, but you cannot enjoy its
comforts if you are suffering from
rheumatism. You throw aside busi
ness cares when you enter your home
and you can be relieved from those
rheumatic pains also by applying some
Chamberlain's Pain Palm. One ap
plication will give you relief and its
continued use for a short time will
bring about a permanent cure. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., and A. T.
Tan Curtains
goods at Herold's.
and Curtain
Special Sale on Table Linens and
White Bed Spreads at Herold's.
Kroehler & Kroehler
1 mardware
In selecting your spring needs, please bear in mind that
we carry a complete line of Builders' Material
in the Hardware Line. Also,
and the old
Buck's Stoves
and Ranges
We dj all kl nds of Roofing. Repairing and Spouting. Call and sec us.
r-j "mm
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