The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 19, 1906, Image 8

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    The County Lxciangcs j
Items ot General Interest Selected Iron the Columns ol Contemporaries
From Hie Courlrr.
liorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kanut
son, April 3, a nine pound girl.
Matt Schocman Is here from Wlscon
sin vlsitint! his sister, Mrs. Fredrick
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Kd Pankonln,
Tuesday, April 10, a ton pound loy.
George Shoeman, of Plattsniouth,
spent several days liere this week with
his sister, Mrs. F. A. .stohlman.
JakcRclchartlsthedaddyof another
bouncing baby buy. The youngster
arrived on Sunday last and is getting
along nicely.
I unlit'!' l.lndouM Is here t'rmii lies
Moines, la., visltlmr with Gust I. hi'
the house porch Thursday of last week,
breaking her left fore arm. She is
netting along nicely since.
Mr. YanCourt has about finished the
stripping In the quarries here, and
Thursday shipped a lot of his dirt wag
ons to Omaha. They have enough
stone stripped to keep them working
for a year at least.
K. II. lngwersen Is having the foun
dation for a new snug 22 by :in feet
barn laid, and when It Is done every
thing will Ik? kept in the dry.
Human Blood MarHs.
A tale of horror was told by marks
of h'iman lilotnl in the home of J. V.
Williams, a well known merchant of
'iliac. Kv. lie writes: "lwenty years
prgreen and other friends. Mr. I.ind
Uist left, Louisville about eight, years
ago. This is ins lirst visit in that
length of t line. j
That decoration day is t be lit
tingly observed in Louisville this year
Is now a deelded fact. The question
was brought up at a meet ing of the
Commercial club Tuesday evening and
it was decided that the club will assist
the old soldiers in perfecting arrange
ments for a proper observance of the
Will Sheeban, of Mauley, was trying
to tie an unruly cow the other day and
smoke a corn cob pipe at the same
time. The cow objected to smoking
in her presence and took a bunt, at the
pipe, with the result that Will swal
lowed about four Inches of the pipe
stem. The roof of his mouth was cut
in the operation.
Caught Cold While Hunting a Burglar.
Mr. Wm Thos. Lanorgan, provincial
Constable at Chapleau, Ontario, says:
'I caught a severe cold while hunting
aburglar In the forest swamp last fall.
Hearing of Chamberlaln'sCougli Rem
cdy, 1 tried It, and after using two
small bottles, 1 wascompletely cured."
This remedy Is Indended especially for
coughs and colds. It will loosen and
relieve a severe cold In less time than
by any other treatment and Is a favor
ite wherever its superior excellence
lias become known. For sale by V. F.
Fricke & Co., and A. T. Fried.
ago 1 had severe, hemorrhages of the
lungs, and was near death when 1 be
gan taking Or. Kinn'sNcw liicoery.
It completely cured me and I have re
mained well ever since." i cures
Hemorrhages, Chronic toughs, Settled
Colds and I'.ronchitls, and is the only
known cure lor weak lungs. Kvery
bottle guaranteed by F. !. Fricke &
Co., druggist. ".Oi! and !.). Trial
bottle free.
From tlio KcfNttT.
If vou are the possessor
Of a tilt of wordly stuir.
Look out for the assessor;
lie will tax it high enough.
Just answer all he axes,
And don't trv to hide your stutT,
For as sure as death and taxes
He will see through your bluff.
Lightning killed three head of cat
tle for Vilas Sheldon Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carroll have re
turned from their winter's sojourn In
A deal was completed yesterday
whereby J. T. Hale becomes owner of
the harness shop which he has been
conducting for J. M. Buckley.
Alvin McRevnolds is reported as do
ing well in the hospital at Omaha
since his eye was removed, lie expects
to remain a week or two longer till
healing is complete.
Merle, the little twenty-two month
old daughter of Simon Hansen, fell oil
From tlio l-t'iiilt r-Ki'lio.
Wc hear the farmershavc purchased
Joe Tlghc's elevator at Wabash.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. l!oy Ilhodcn Sunday, April 8th.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. James McCartney Monday, April
Rev. J. M. Iloulgate of Flattsmouth
preached at the M. M. church Sunday
The open season for shooting geese
and ducks expires Sunday. The open
season for tishlng commenced April 1.
County Clerk Uosenerans and wife
came out from l'lattsmouth Wednes
day evening to attend the entertain
ment ami visit relatives a few days.
The Langhoist boys received a tele
gram from Wanakonctta, thio, Wed
nesday, stating that their oldest
brother, Cluls, had sustained a stroke
of paralysis, hut how bad it was the
telegram did not, state.
A force of s"veu men In charge of
Ceo. Kennedy, electritlan of the
l'lattsmouth Telephone Co., came out
from l'lattsmouth Tuesday evening
and are busily engaged in building
twenty miles of telephone line between
F.limvood and Nehawka.
(ieo. W. Wolf died at ::n Wednes
day morning at the home of his broth
er, I. X. Wolf, of Alvo. He leaves a
son, four brothers and two sisters.
Funeral services were held from the
M. L church In Alvoat 2 o'clock yes
terday afternoon, conducted by llev.
J. G. Stanard, of Kim wood. Inter
ment was made in the Ilehnont ceme
tery, three miles north of Alvo.
Fnm tlit'Hi H-on.
lry Stall's plea-ant smile wa-i en
larged a ard or two lately over the
arrival of a boy at his home on Mon
day, April nth.
(i. W. Vcnner has bought a t'.ne
large house In Lincoln on 2th street
lietween X and o, and moved into It
Jake Frohllch is building an addi
tion to the house where he now lives,
1MC2", two stories high. Jacob Hursh
and son have the contract.
Xell McKay had his face badly dis
figured on Wednesday of last week
while trying to get a cow Into astanch-
on. In turnlnir arouna the cows
horn struck Nell's nose, breaking it In
three places.
H. Roelofsz and his daughter. Mrs.
Minnie Craft, of Lincoln, expect to
leave on the L'oth for a few months'
visit in Holland. It has been forty
years since Mr. Roelofsz left Holland
where he has two sisters living whom
lie will visit.
Julius Sack and Miss Porothy Ilag-
erty, of West Lincoln, were married
in Lincoln, on Wednesday of last week.
Thurday evening a reception wasgien
them at the homo of t he groom's pat
ents, two miles north of town. The
marriage was quite a surprise to some
of Julius' friends hut all unite in wish
ing the pair a happy journey through
L. M. Mielenz, cashier of the Hank
of Kagle, received a letter last, week
from ex-County Superintendent C. S.
Wortman, who Is now at Clarimore, 1.
T., stating that he, with a few others
were organizing a bank at that place
and tendered Mr. Mielenz the position
as cashier. After considering the
matter Mr. Mielenz has come to the
conclusion that he has good thing here
and will stay by It.
Was Alarmingly Afflicted With La Grippe.,
Relieved by Pe-ru-na.
The Grip Is Properly Termed
Epidemic Catarrh.
As Pe-ru-na Relieves Every
Form of Catarrh, It Has
Probably Relieved More
Cases of Grip Than
Any Other
f'tf I
Ai.41JJ ) )(.f f N - .vV.'.ssv A V.
. mm mm - 4 Mh
im mmlmkM 77 i -
imllmnlmmm, - !
Imm! IA'vl q,Cr;) I
a v,vyi
'925 H.5t
,NW, 4s)l
Should Convince the Greatest Skeptic In
Because it's the evidence of a l'latts
mouth citizen. Testimony easily
Investigated. The strongest endorse
ment of merit The best Of proof.
Head It:
John S. Hall, residing on Hock street
says: l'lor three or four years I have
had attacks of kidney complaint some
of them so bad that 1 could scarcely
attend to the most trival matter 1 1
business. If I contracted a cold It al
ways settled just across my kidneys
and untcld suffering ensued. When
the spells were at their worst I was
compelled to use standard remedies
but If 1 had obtained any permanent
relief I would never have gone to Cer
ing & Co.'s drug store for Doan's Kid
ney l'llls. It only required one box to
absolutely cure the trouble. I think
this remedy should be known when
ever kidney complaint in any of its
various forms causes annoyance and
For sale by all dealers. Trice oOc
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y.,
sole agents for the I'nited States.
Hemember the name I loan's and
take no other.
The Fear of Grip Makes People
There is no remedy In tho world that
meets tlio roiulttiunn iroitueed by tlio
grip better than l'erunu.
I'eruna dtrencUiens a it renovates,
Boot hea while. It gtimulates, heal as it
It reaches the source of all diseases of
the mucous membranes by Its action on
the vaso-motor system of nerves.
Aiter-Effects of the Grip.
Every person who lias had la grippe
during the. Inst year should take a
course of I'eruna.
The grip has produced catarrhal in
flammation of the whole mucous mem
brane, and good health is impossible,
until these are restored to a normal con
dition. This I'eruna will do.
A great many remedies have been
fttiggcsted for this condition from time
to time, but I'eruna is the only remedy
that has Rained ureat popularity in
these cases.
It has seldom failed to give satisfac
tion during forty years' experience and
still occupies the. unique position of
being the leading and most generally
nr.ctl remedy for tlio after-effects of
ta grippe.
W. 11. Parsons is Ex-State Senator and Ex-Special Judo of tlio Supreme
Court of Texas, and was also ISrlgadier-Uencral In Confederate Army. In a
recent lot ter from Di'5 II street, N. W., Washington, D. C, this prominent
gentleman says:
"Upon the recommendation ot personal friends and many strong testi
monials as to the efficacy of Peruna In the treatment of the numerous
symptoms of the grippe with w hich I have been afflcted for four months
past, I have been Induced to undergo a treatment with this Justly cele
brated formula. I feel a decided change for the better after using it only
one week.
"It Is especially good in toning up the stomach and has a decided effect
upon my appetite. I therefore feel much encouraged that I am on the
road to complete restoration.
"My numerous friends in Texas, where I have had the honor to command
a brigade of her Veteran Cavalry in a four years' war, may accept this vol
untary testimonial to tlio merits of Peruna as a sense of obligation on my
part for its wonderful ellicacy." W. H. Parsons.
No Time Like the Present.
If you are suffering from tho after
effects of la grippe if you have become
discouraged in your attempts to cure
yourself with other treatments, take a
bottlo of I'eruna now.
A bottle of Peruna taken during tho
beginning of tho disease Is worth more
than a dozen bottles after tho trouble
has become deep-seated.
Pe-ru-na, a Good Medicine for La
Mrs. Louisa Eastman, Lancaster,
Wis., writes:
"I am all right. I do not think I need
any more treatment. I am able to do
my own work which 1 could not do at
the time I wrote you. My cough is
I, gone, my appetite is pood, I sleep good,
and my bowels are all rijrht. 1 think
Peruna is a good medicine for the crip."
A Most Effective Medicine For
La Grippe.
ltobt. L. Madison, A. M., Principal of
Cullowheo lliph School, Painter, X. C,
is chairman of tlio Jackson County
Hoard of Education. lie is a writer of
occasional verse and has contributed to
number offloading papers and maga
zines. In speaking of Peruna, Mr. Madison
"I am hardly ever without Peruna in
my home. It is tho most effective md
icino that I have ever tried for la grippe.
It cured my wife of nasal catarrh."
For a clear complexion take
fZTi rzzs. o e O
Why suffer with your
The discovery of Kldney-Ktts has
proved a blessing to thousands of kid
ney sufferers who have been restored
ti perfect health. These tablets drive'
the diseased genus out of the system
and we urge all suffers to give this
sclent itlc add successful kidney remedy
a trial. Scents. Sold by tiering & Co.
s cream
Keep Up Your Stock-
This means you, if. you are one
among those who allow your cows and
kidneys? I horses to run over your neighbor's
sidewalk and tramp up their lawns.
There is a law from which tlio parties
thus Injured can seek redress, and
they propose to do it if bothered any
more thereby. Jlesides, the chief of
police has given you warning to keep
them up or lie would be compelled to
arrest and tine you. If you are the
right kind of a cill.en yuii will do
your duty In the matter without com
pelling the authorities to resort to
measures they regret. Be a man and
do like many others keep your stock
up and save any unnecessary ill-feeling.
Good health depends mostly upon
the food wc cat.
Wc can't be healthy if wc take alum
or other poison daily in our food.
Dr. Price's Baking Powder is abso
lutely free from alum. It is made from
pure cream of tartar and adds to the
healthfulness of the food.
Price Baking Powder Co.'
Note. Baking powders that are soli! at
tea to thirty cents a pound, or a cent
nn ounce are made Irom alum. Avoid
Laxative Fruit Syrup
Pleasant to take
ORINO cleanses tlio system, and
makes Eallow blotched complex
ions smooth and clear. Cures
chronic constipation ly gently
stimulating the Btomach, liver
and bowels. Refuse substitutes.
Suffered for Five Years with Kidney
and Liver Trouble.
"1 suffered for five years with kidney
and liver trouble, which caused severe
pains across the back and a blinding
headache. I had dyspepsia and was so
constipated that I could not move my
bowels without a cathartic. I was
cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets and have been well now
for six months," says Mr. Arthurs.
Strickland, of Chattanooga, Tenn.
For sale by P. G. Fricke & Co., and A.
T. Fried.
-What iioud does It do you to cat If
your stomach fails to digest the food?
None. 1 1 does you harm causes belch-
hit:, sour stomach, llatulence, etc.
When the stomach falls a little Kodol
dyspepsia Cure after each meal will
dlRcst what you eat and makes the
stomach sweet. F. CJ. Fricke & Co.,
Gerirnr & Co.
QA i:r acre farm two and one-half
cast of Lal'latte, In Sarpy county, on
the Missouri bottom, mo acres In
cultivation, 15 acres In timber and
tame grass pasture. The Improve
ments arc a three-room house, a splen
did cement cave, corn-crib and gran
ary, tine well of water, fenced and
cross fenced. Land lays perfectly level
and there Is no better com land in the
state. Cash price tl,oo. For further
particulars write or call on Falter &
Tate, l'lattsmouth, Neb.
Burlington Bulletin.
April l'.Mii. Special Ilumescekers'
Rates: 1st and i'.rd Tuesdays, low ex
cursion rates to the North I'latte Val
ley, the Wf. Horn liasin and other
frontier territory. Personally con
ducted excursions on 1st and 3rd Tues
days of each month for those seeking
free homesteads of C40 acres of mixed
farming and dairying. Write D. Clem
Deaver, Agent Homeseekers' Infor
mation Bureau, 1004 Farnam St., Oma
ha, Nebraska.
Irrigated Lands: If you have any
surplus maney, you can do nothing
better with It than to get hold of an
Irrigated farm now. If this appeals to
you, send for Irrigation literature.
Low Vacation Tours to Colorado,
California and I'uget Sound: The
Summer of l'.KXi w ill bring a great va
riety of attractive low rate excursion
tours The greatest railroad journey
In the world to California and Tuget
Sound is within your reach at about
half rates dally from April 2olh to
May 5th, also after June 1st. Ask
about excursion rates to San Francisco
for the teachers' big meeting: also
about the cheap rates to Colorado for
the F.Iks' great gathering In July.
To Western Resorts: Low rate ex
cursion tickets to the I'.lack Hills, Hot
Springs, South Iakota: Sheridan, Wy
oming; (Eaton's Ranch, Dig Horn
Mountains) and Yellowstone Park; ask
about special camping tour of 21 days
from Cody through the Yellowstone
Go Somewhere: Life Is short; see
America. Think over the kind of a
trin von would like to make, and ask
tho undersigned to ncip you
most Interesting trip at
possible cost.
W. L. PirKirrr,
Auent C. 11. & U. Hv.
W. Wakkxky.G. P. A., Omaha.
Fifteen cr Twenty Workmen to be Em
ployed Right Away on Improvements.
The Nebraska Lighting company
are arranging to greatly improve their
plant during the next two months,
and will employ from fifteen to twenty
men until the work is entirely com
pleted. Among the various improve
ments will be to put in large mains
and lower the same considerably. Also
to extend the same further out in
various sect ions of the city.
The plant, although comparatively
new.hasnotglven general satisfaction,
and it is the intention of the company
to overhaul the whole business and
thus remedy the defects. There are
many people in the city who would
use gas if the same was tirst class and
up-to-date, and it is the intention of
the company to expend quite a sum in
an effort to make the plant second to
none In the state.
Work, we understand, will be com
menced Immediately and pushed to
completion as rapidly as possible. It
is the general opinion of all gas men
that large mains adds considerably to
ward making a more brilliant light.
Many other improvements will also be
made, and all in all several thousand
dollars will be spent in l'lattsmouth
this season.
Grip Quickly Knocked Out.
"Some weeks ago during the severe
winter weather both my wife and my
self contracted severe colds which
speedily developed into the worst kind
of la grippe with all its miserable
symptoms." says Mr. J. S. Egleston.of
Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and
joints aching, muscles sore, head stop
ped up, eyes and nose running, with
alternate spells of chills and fever.
We began using Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, aiding the same with a double
dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use
soon completely knocked out the grip."
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., and A. T.
Dr. Eister, Dentist,
Waterman Block
plan the
the lowest
For Sale.
Good timothy and clover hay,
(balled) at per ton at my farm.
R. R. N'k kfxh.
made with Royal
Baking P&wdex
Arc delicious and wholesome a perfect
cold weather breakfast food.
Made in the morning ; no yeast, no " set
ting' over night; never sour, never came in
digestion. To make a perfect buckwheat cake, ar.d
a thousand other d.tinty diches, lec the
"Royal Baker and Cook." M tiled
free to any address.