The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 19, 1906, Image 6

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    iT. Teeth $5
Coiil Cwr.s B:Uj9 Tlh li y up. Pirc
U:n Crownt mj up. Filling 50c up. Teeth
hllricicd fiinle. New set uic day.
BAILEY.Tho De-ntlat.
EiUbllthed iSSS. Paiton Blk. O.TAHA.
Murray Department
V Abstracts of Title
d' inf in fi'." vi'-initi iin i'i'i Mm K'H" (' 'i.' "'''1 l'i't'ir umh.r tliis n.'in'ii;. I
OKI'ICE AeIii-iimt-IIu'.Ii K ivk
for ehlldreni af:, ivrti Jlo opiate
1 Nimi oft' ruh i$ ofthf Ju,-wi kwr f u ..,: I .( "C '"'
lit moil in' i'fcm.i vf ink E1 Join-iin.
Irv Saving Money
The Start is sv Very
Important Pa.rt. V
WHKN the habit of saving is once firmly rooted,
results of saving will manifest themselves.
Many persons say it is no use to start a saving account
at the bank localise they can save so little. If you
can save but little you otitfht to be more anxious to
save. Hv persevering you wiil presently be surprised
at the amount of your savings.
A bank account is a great help to the saver. It
puts system into his savings. Come in and let us
open up an account with you.
Murray State Bank.
Chas. S. Stone, Cashier. Murray, Neb.
was In l'latts-
Mrs. A. L. Raker
mouth Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Dill has been on
sick list for the past few days.
Win. Troop was transacting busi
ness in Netnaska City, Monday.
Dr. 1!. F. Rrendel went to Avuea
Tuesday on professional business.
Henry Shoemaker and wife liom
near Ncbawka were in Murray, Mon
day. Herman llelke's smiling face was
seen on the streets of Murray Wednes
day. Mrs. J.- A. Walker and Mrs. (i. 11.
(illmoie were rlattsinoiitli visitors
Mrs. J. W. Holmes and Mrs. L. 15.
Underwool were In Union Wednesday
As usual, Murray was pretty well
represented at the l'armele theatre
Tuesday evening
MeCilnnls Churchill was attending
to some business matters In Platts
moutli yesterday evening
Less F. Hall, assistant cashier of
the Murray State bank, was transact
Inn business In Nehawka Monday.
Win, Joiner and wife, of Nebraska
City, were called to Murray last week
owing to the serious illness of Mark
Lou Marquardt and Mr. Cutter, of
Avoca, was visiting In our village
Wednesday morning. Come again,
gentlemen, we arc glad to have you.
Hon. William Puis, of Maple drove,
was on our streets Tuesday. Mr. Puis
is a Jolly good fellow and we are
always glad to see lilm come to town.
Nick Klaureus drove to Mynard
Wednesday to deliver a line piano at
the home of Olive Cole, being shipped
from (J. A. Kranster&Co.,of Lincoln.
James Manners, Marie Merger, War
ren Wiley and Ernest Carroll went to
Plattsmouth Tuesday evening to wit
ness the"tilrl from Sweden" at the
Theo. Amlck is shelling and deliver
ing Ills P.kCi crop of corn this week.
He will have fully three days work
and they expect to shell out about
10,000 bushels.
Dr. J. W. llrendel, of Avoca, was
visiting home folks Tuesday evening,
on bis return trip to Avoca from Om
aha, where he went to place a patient
in ttie hospital.
Cius Olson, the Plattsmouth pho
tographer, is delivering pictures in
Murray this week. Mr. Olson'a work
is first class and the people are well
pleased with their pictures In every
P,c nnctt Chrlswclsser, of Platts
mouth, was visiting at the old home
one day last week.
Miss Ida Miller was visiting at the
iiime of Miss Marie Heritor Wednes
day and Thursday of this week, de
parting Thursday for a visit with
friends and relatives In Kansas.
Mrs. James Loughrldgc, who has
icon taking treatment in the hospital
atMllford most of the past winter,
has almost recovered from her Illness
and will in a short time return home
entirely recovered.
Chas. Ilerren, while out driving a
young colt last Sunday evening, was
thrown from his buggy, and while no
hones were broken, lie received such
Injuries as will confine him to V
home fur several days.
parents for the past few days.
returned home on the late train.
Misses Laura and Hertha Pitman,
who have been attending the St.
Francis academy In Council HlulTs,
were spending their vacation with
friends and relatives In Nehawkaand
and Murray, visiting one day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Gilmore.
. Mr. A. M. Holmes, of Wakarusa,
Kansas, conveys the information to
Murray friends and relatives that Mrs.
Holmes Is again improving. She has
for the past few weeks been gradually
loosing strength, but within the past
few days has experienced a decided
change for the better. The many
friends In Cass county will certainly
be pleased to learn this fact.
Our genial friend, I. L. Amlck, lias
been working pretty hard since be
came to town, making repairs and
various Improvements around his
place. Wednesday be was engaged In
'removing post holes" preparatory to
stretching a new wire fence. Have
believes in having everything just so,
and he will labor to that end.
Mark Hurton, who has been sutler-
Ing from a serious attack of pneu
monia, is still confined to his bed, and
although be Is now on the road to
mund, he Is still a very sick lad. Upon
several occasions bis condition has
been very dangerous. Miss Mystrom,
a trained nurse from Omaha, is con
stantly at his bedside, and hopes are
now entertained for bis recovery.
Holmes & Smith, Murray, Neb,
Special for Saturday, April 21
We sold a lot last Saturday but still have a large supply of first class
Canned Corn VJ.!: 5 Cans for 25c
Special cut in The tall red cans
Ladies' muslin Underwear the 15c Salmon, for 10c
Saturday only Saturday only
These prices are for Saturday only, and for Cash
Holmes & Smith, Muiray9 Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Maker, of Mur
ray, and Johnnie Halt and Miss Delia
Newman, of l'lattsmouth, enjoyed
one of those old fashioned farm din
ners at the pleasant home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Heck, last Sunday.
Horses Still High.
Oood every day work ana driving
horses are still climbing higher, and if
you do not think so just come Into this
locality and make an effort to purchase
a desirable horse for cither purpose,
Tills week Nick Klaureus bought a line
work horse of Wm. Lewis, for which
be paid h'0. and later Mr. Lewis
bouirht a line brood mare from Steve
Copenhaver for which lie paid 91'
This seems as though the hoys were
paying plenty, but what else can they
do, they must have them?
An Old Pioneer Furnishes the Journal a
Reminiscense of Boom Days.
As the city is making desperate ef
forts to regain Its foothold among the
enterprising cities of Nebraska, the
public-spirited residents begid once
again to look around for enterprises
that will promote the development of
the town.
An old resident and former business
man remarked to the Journal man last
night, as we were discussing the fu
ture of l'lattsmouth, that In the early
days they had a hoard of trade here
and at one of Its meetings, a promoter
who carried a full line of enterprises
for the development of towns was pre
sent. He was engaged in furnishing
any kind of an enterprise the people
wanted If they bad the money to pay
for It. lie told of a watch factory that
we could secure for $."ji),XH) bonus. Tills
was discussed, and the amount being
too high, be suggested a shoe factory
Plays Ball In Omaha.
Geo. (Iraves of Murray, the crack
baseball player of Cass county, who
plays wltli Topeka, Kansas, this sea'
son, will play ball in Omaha Saturday
ncarici, icver is ragiiiK uuwn near ana fcunaay 01 mis weeK, me lopewa f, t w ft ,d ...... ... ;00oo AnA
Liuuii. iiiero arc u Kreat muiiyuiwcN team Coming up 10 piay iwu Klines t, , t . Kflmpfl tn hp i.pvon.l the
uvui iiwrinL-asi ... Ui .ituu c.ty, must wan umana. i.eo. uvea in nans- reach of some, he dug down Into his
of wtnch are quarantined, and me at- mouth for many years prior to his par- nni,.r nnri fmmrt .a parri fn.-torv
11...- ..1 . .. I..t I. I . i a. . m i I . 11 I ' mv-.w n j
icuuniK yiijsinmis natu iiui-i-sui Luu- enis moving io xuurray, aim is wen th t h .inl(1 ..-j tMM Fln.
lining the disease tolls present loca- known to all the lovers of base ball in , tl oudience asked
l I . . . a t 1 W t .! '
uon. llilSCIiy. A large crowu oi murray h. Iiat ha hA ..,, A
Countrymen liros., living southwest people will attend the Sunday game, ,n for $1(Hl0or iess aml the promo.
of Murray, lost a very valuable high ana mere is no aouoi out w nan idiu- tefi bc)nK, e(iual t0 tlie emergenCy
grade mare this week. The animal mourn win oc wen represented. went down In his memorandum book
Old Timers Here.
A couple of former residents of
Plattsmouth were here today looking
over the old town and renewing old
acquaintances. Mr. Frank J.Carruth,
of Denver, arrived In Lincoln a few
days ago to visit his old friend, George
W. Chapman, and they took a run
down here. Mr. Chapman was In the
drug business here, and removed from
here to Lincoln to engage in the same
business which he hascontinued since.
Mr. Carruth went from here to Denver,
where he has since resided. The latter
gentleman erected the building now
owned by the Wescott's on the corner
of Main and Fifth streets. An old
settler tells a good story on Mr.
Carruth which happened while the
building was in the course of construc
tion. As usual in the construc
tion of such buildings, a great many
questions are generally asked. Jn or
der to save the trouble of answering
them he constructed a bulletin board,
telling who was putting up the build
ing, who was going to occupy It, and
various other questions. About this
time Mr. Carruth was a candidate for
Mayor, and was defeated. "One of
the boys" underneath all these answer
ed question early next morning after
the election wrote: "And run for
Mayor and got beat like h 11."
in any style
Short Orders
Regular Meals )
Our Specialties.
was an exceptionally line one, weigh
ing about 1700 pounds, and was valued
at over MX), and died while foaling a
Newt Kaiinard lost a very valuable
farm mare at the Khoden livery barn
in Murray last Saturday. Mr. Kaii
nard was delivering corn in town, and
the trusty animal was suddenly taken
with a severe attack of colic and died
In thirty minutes.
It. H. Chrlswclsser, of Furnas coun
ty, has been visiting friends and rela
tives In and near Murray for the past
few days. Mr. Chrlswclsser recently
moved to the western part of the state
and we understand that he Is well
pleased with the new home.
Mrs. Wm. Hendricks met with an
accident last week In which she fell
and received a severe fracture of one
othcrrlKs. She has been confined to
her homo In the north part of town
since the accident, and It lias caused
her considerable annoyance.
Y. C. llrown and Less Hall drove to
Plattsmouth yesterday evening, Mr.
ltrown going up to meet his wife who
was returning borne from Vllllsca,
where she had lcn visiting with her
If you are hungry we can supply
you wiih the pick of the market
5th door East of C ss Co. Bank
and dug up a bologna sausage factory
that would employ two men and a boy
and create a demand for dogs. The
men who were always w illing to accept
enterprises of the bologna sausage fac
tory dimensions are still on earth and
doing business at the same old stands,
and no doubt will give about as much
for substantial enterprises today as
they did then nothing.
"Some of the enterprises that are
being olTered Plattsmouth now," con
tinued the old resident, really reminds
us of the good old Ijooiii days, "when
everybody was made rich by the voting
of bonds and Increasing taxes." The
old fellow added in conclusion, "I will
give as much as any other man of my
means for manufacturing establish
ments, much as I detest the skinflint
actions of these men who will get more
benefit from such enterprises than I
would, and without giving a cent. A
few first-class funerals Is the only way
Plattsmouth will ever get rid of these
drawbacks to the welfare of Platts
Special Sale of Axle Greece
Superior, Sunlight, I. X. I., 3 lb
pail for 2()c. Other sizes in pro
portion. This price commencing
Saturday, for One Week Only.
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Get our Price hefotv lluvini:
Inheritance Tax Valid.
The supreme court has denied a re
hearing In the Inheritance tax law
which It recently held valid. This
law provides a certain per cent of
estates shall be paid into the county
treasurer where the estate is located
to be used in the road funds. In
Douglas county the county Judge
refused to appoint appraisers to pass
upon the estates and action was begun
by the connty attorney to compel him
to act. lie was successful In the
supreme court and a rehearing was
asked for by some of the Interested
parties. The appointment was lirst
resisted by the attorneys for the estate
of Frauk Murphy, deceased, who left
an estate valued at several millions, of
which tho county's share would be
many thousands.
Is the Moon Inhabited.
Science has proven that the moon
has an atmosphere, which makes life
In some form possible on that satellite;
but not for human beings, who have a
hard enough time on this earth of
ours; especially thoso who don't know
that Electric Hitters cure Headache,
Illllonsness, Malara, Chills and Fever,
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Tor
pid Liver, Kidneycomplalnts, General
Debility and Female weaknesses. Un
equalled as a general Tonic and Appe
tl.erfor weak persons and especially
for the aged, It Induces sound sleep
Fully guaranteed by F. (J. Frlcke &
Co., druggist. Price only .0e.
Why Not Include Plattsmouth?
We arc In receipt of a conimunlca
Hon from C. L. Graves, ol I nlon, pro
posing that the towns of Weeping
Water, Avoca, Nehawka and Union
arrange for a sort of base ball league
and have a series of games during the
summer. A meeting Is proposed to 1
held at Union next Friday to further
complete the plans and wc are asked
tosend representatives to the meeting
We think the Plan a very good one and contident that this year the people
can see no reason why the towns
mentioned cannot have good ball
games all summer by this arrange
mcnt. Weeping Water Republican.
Decoration Day.
Memorial Day will soon be here
again, and as each succeeding year ap
proaches more attention should be
given to the Important duty of decor
ating the graves of the dear ones that
rest In silent citys. The Journal
would like to sea every citizen take an
active part in the ceremonies on Wed
nesday, May :0th. Lay aside your farm
work for this day and come to town
and assist In decorating the graves of
the fallen braves, many of whom sleep
In Oak Hill cemetery. More old veter
ans are buried there perhaps, than at
any cemetery In Cass county. Then
why not suspend business generally in
the city on that day also, at least from
lOo'clock in the morning until l o'clock
in the afternoon, and all attend the
exercises at the cemetery and the ex
ercises at the opera house in the after
noon. It will not lie many years un
til all those who fought to save this
republic from total destruction, will
have passed away, and of which only a
few of them remain.
Look. Good to Him.
A special from Washington says:
'Congressman Pollard has returned to
Washington after a close examination
of the political conditions In the First
district of Nebraska. Mr. Pollard
was on the floor of the house today
and had the satisfaction of seeing the
bill bo introduced granting a pension
of r.U to L. D. liennctt, of Platts
mouth passed.
"1 am perfectly satisfied with the
political situation In the First dis
trict,' Mr. Pollard said In reply to an
inquiry. "The only opposition to me
comes from the railroad politicians of
Lincoln and a man here and there
over the district who Is w illing to do
their bidding. Reports that come to
me from all parts of the district Indi
catc clearly that the people are In
favor of my ret urn to congress. 1 feel
will dictate the nominations of all
their candidates, in their hands 1
feel that my Interests are safe."
Stomach and Liver Trouble.
unno Laxative truit syrup cures
stomach and liver trouble as Itaidsdl
gestlon, and stimulates the liver and
bowels without Irritating these or
gans like pills and ordinary cathartics.
It cures indigestion and sick headache
and chronic constipation. Orlno Lax
atlve Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or
gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take.
Itefuse substitutes. Sold by F. (J.
Frlcke & Co.
Lands, Ranches and City Real Estate
in Nebraska and elsewhere bought
sold and exchanged.
Rentals. Insurnnce iind Alwtnictlnn of
Titles. Money to lon at u low rute of
Interest on Improved Tarms. Huslnes
corresnondenl In nil Important cltlei
and towns in tliu United Slates.
Talcphonat No. 20 and 98.
R. B. WINDHAM, President
W. W. WINDHAM, Secretary
"Human Hearts."
Strong, stirring dramatic situations,
thrilling climaxes, a love story of ab
sorbing heart Interest, amusing, nat
ural and unforced comedy scenes, allied
with a plot that can be followed by
everybody, are the really component
parts of a successful melodrama. Add
to the above a wealth of scenic splend
or, new and Intricate mechanical de
vices and a company of superior excel
lence, and the reason for the universal
success of "Human Hearts" is found.
"Human Hearts" is possibly the
most successful and meritorious melo
drama on the stage today, and It will
be shown to our play goers on April 2.'!
Electric Theatre.
Frank Hewctt, the jeweler, received
over the M. P. railroad this morning
an Electrical Theatre outfit, to amuse
the people this summer. Mr. Hewett
and bis company expect to visit all
points in Cass and adjoining counties
where celebrations or other large gath
erings are held, and w ill give an en
tertainment well worth the admission
price. Mr. Hewett's headquarters
will still be at Plattsmouth, and will
he out and In the city as occasions
may offer.
23 To5
In the base bill gams yesterday
afternoon, between the Stag's and the
High school, the former was defeated
by a score of 23 to .". A game between
the Glenwooi high school team and
the Stag's Is scheduled for tomorrow
will make the season of 1006 as follows:
The St. Mary's guild will have
charge of Robert Mauzy's soda foun
Just received a car of the American
fencing. If in need of any please give
us a call before buying.
Kvery day of the week at Porter's Barn,
rxoept Monday, when he will he at the
home of John Porter, 2 miles west and 1
mile south of Murray.
$10.00 to insure a colt to stand and suck.
For further particulars see
n J i ui man rui ici e uwncrs
( o )ocz:
tain on Saturday, April 21st.
-1 .'