The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 12, 1906, Image 7

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    Xcoal Hfrvcrtiscmcnts.
In the county om:rt i f Cav.C'i:uty.Ni lrua:
!:i tlivmuttiT of tl.e --,t;i'-ef J;iu.i J M.--N
uriln. tltvi'UM'd :
All persons lmt rrit j In hk1 cute art'
lirrrhy nlitirl tlmt a tltlon lilts iN-cn h,t-U
In salu court aili-Kimr tlntl mHI cliv, hn, Uu-,
IraviiiK no lut iil hud pruylnit for ilininS
t rut ion upon hi "ut mij Unit it ln-arlii
will lie liatl on saiil pvtltlon Uforf uiUl oourt
tin the 'Jt h day of April. ISM, at lOuYLvka.
ci.. and that If tln-y fail to Rpp-ur hi Mtiil
court on the nlU VTTlh tlav of April. at 10
o'clock a. in., to contest aid petition, the
court may irrant the same and grant adminis
tration of kuid estate to John MeNurlln. or
Mine other (ultnhle perviu, and proceed to a
fcettlemeot thereof. II. li. Tkavih.
bKALl County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
fcTATB or Nebraska, 1 cc . ,
Cass Cue sty. fgg- In Count j Court.
In the matter of the estate of Thomas Lan
cing, deceased.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the creditor of
Mild deceased will meet the administratrix
with will annexed of said estate, la-fore nie.
county judge of Cass Comity. Nchrusku. at
the county court room In I'latlsniouth. In shI1
county, on the 3Uth day of April. lit'., and on
the LDth day of Sepo-iulicr. IsHW. at in o'clock
H. m.t each day, for the purpose of presenting
their claims fur examination, adjustment unci
Six months are allowed fur the creditors of
said deceased to present tluir claims, and
onu year for the administratrix with will uii
nrxt'd to settle s:ii estate, from tlieUthd.iy
.of March, A. I. H;.
Witness my hand soul seal of said county
court, at riattsmcutli. Netiruska. this Ulii
day of .March. I"' IIauvky i. Tiiwis.
Isi:ai.1 County .luu.-e.
Notice to Creditors.
STATU 111' N'Klill.tSKA.
Cass County.
Ill the mutter of the i
-s In County Court.
Late of Andrew C. I'ry
Notice Is herehy given that the creditors of
the deceased will meet the administrator of
said estate, hefore me. county .iui.L'e of Cass
county. Nebraska, at the county court room
!n I'lattsmoutli. in said county, on the lliitli
day of April, rmii. and on the day of Sep.
tcinlicr.A.IUl' lu o'clock, a.m. each day fur
the purpose of presenting their claims for ex
amination, ad luslmeut and allowance.
Six nionihs are alloived for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
year for the administrator to settle said es
tate, from the lsth day of March. l!ni.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, tills itltli day
of March. I'M. Uahvkv l. Thavis
is' LA I. County .hiile.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the county court of Cass county, Ne
braska: In the matter of the estate of John West, de
ceased. All persons Interested In said estate are
hereby notltled that a petition has been tiled
in said court, praying for the probate of a
certain Instrument now on tile In said court,
purporting to tie the last will and testament
of said deceased, anil that a hearing will be
had on said petition la-fore said court on the
14th day of April. I!M. anil that if they fail to
appear at said court on the said Htlidayof
April, I'.ll'ii. at HI o'clock a. In., to contest the
probate of said will, the court may allow anil
probate said will and grant administration of
said estate to Josephine West or s.uiie other
suitable person and proceed to a settlement
thereof. lUitvKY l. 'I'll. vis.
I SKA 1.1 County Judge.
Application for Liquor License.
Matters of application of I". W. Iluhge for
liquor license:
the HHh (lay of April. l.Hni. F. W. Kulige
filed his application with the hoard of trustees
of the village of Avoctt. Cass county. Nebras
ka, for license to sell malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors at his place of business, W. "n
lot 5. block 13. In Avoca, Cass county, Ne
braska, from the 1st day of May. inn.;, to the
1st day of May. IWT. All objections to grant
ing of this license shall tie made in writing
mid Hied with said board as provided by law.
K. W. lit'llnK. Applicant.
License Notice.
undersigned has lilt d his petition as re
quired by the statutes of the State of Nebras
ka with the city clerk of the city of I'latts
mouth. Nebraska requesting a license tn sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors fur the
I.. ,.., I rlntlu. l.ii'M'i.-r sit n-
ated on lots eleven and twelve ill and 1-)
in block twenty-seven C-'T) In the city of
riniisiuouwi. voi .iiv,i.
March 27th. l','"'i. App:1. -ant
License Notice.
i-' undersigned lias liled a petition as re
quired by the statutes of the state of Nebras
ka, with the clt V del K of the city of 1'iatts-
inolltli. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors fur the
coming municipal year In the miiidlngsiKi
ated on the west lut'f '.) of lot six (Mill
block thirty-four Ot) lu the ctiyi.f I'latts
mouth. Nebraska. Anoi.eil Cilst:.
April IWi. A ppil'-mit .
License Notice.
Vhtice is iir:i:i:iiv ivi:n that Tin:
' undersigned lias Hied Ids petition ns re
quired bv the statutes of the State of Nebras
ka with "the city clerk of the city of I'latts
rnoull:. Nebraska, request lug a license to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors fur the
coming municipal year in the building situat
ed on the east naif cc'- of lot three 1-0 ill
block thirty-three Cl) in the city of I'latts-
Uioiltll. .X'lirasKll. .I.Al m ,-rr.i u.
March x'lst. lint:. Applicant.
License Notice.
undersigned lias tiled a petition as re
quired by the Statu ten of the Slate of Nclims
ka with the city clerk of the city of I'latts
munt.h. Nebraska, reuuestlng II license to Hell
malt, spirituous and vinous Honors for the
coming niunlciai year in me iuiikiiiix muiuv
tdon the east half (e',4) of lot three 3 In
block tlilrtv-tliree (33) In the city of i'latts
mouth. Nebraska. I. nh'i.
March :;lst. iwti. A pplkant.
Liceens Notice.
nnderslfned has Hied his petition hm re
quired by the utatutes of the State of Nebras
ka with the city clerk ot tun city oi rians
miiiiih. Nebraska, reunest Inn n license to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the
coming municipal year In the building sit uat
ed on lot six (til in block thirty-three (33) in
the city of I'lattsmouth. Nebraska.
I'mi.i.iH Tumtnt.r.
March intli. POfi. Applicant,
The Sons of Herman had a very suc
cessful and enjoyable meeting last
night. Mayor Gcrlng and Fred Kgen
bcrgcr were Introduced into the
mysteries of the order. John Mattes,
Jr., of Nebraska City, was a distln
gulshcd guest present, and witnessed
the "taking In" of the candidates.
Strength to Weak Men
Tlic wnria nnir" mrn iiur nr.-im in r-iTiisi,
HM-sunnl in.; irll.m ; Hip Irill-1 " i-l -rl.- ( ""
1 .. . '.. .- ..... .1... r......l.ltA Irf tflllHl. llfAjLLy
N'rw. which iflvreni-v-IIT f'T f n II "Ies el.-i-mi'lil.
' t Ntvicon i"ii" ' "VJ-
ri Hcrui Demur. v.; ,7,. ..r,..
r,.,i-.ii. si..,i...n...'"i "'''r'.'i
I r.,rs ,.iT.nM"iui'i!."rl'-l"'!.l'i'lt,.
!-.-... r-.ii h.-.lthW.sln,wtrir" MlU nrrvri.
- ..... I "is i.... H vl--r'"0. ,....ii-o.. !!h a g"r-
Ptrrm k tjic 1 A5ioi.itioN, chicaoo. U. 8.
For Sale by Gcrinjs' Lo.
Fred Wagner Seeks to Secure Judgment of
Seventy-Five Dollars Against
Margaret Ossenkop.
Many Attend Trial From Louisville to Act
as Witnesses for the Parties to the Case.
In Justice Archer's court the case of
Fred Warner vs Margaret Ossenkop,
was the center of Interest this morn
ing: the plaintiff bringing suit against
the defendant to recover damages sus
tained by Ills stuck in the sum of $".
It appears that the plaintiff allowed
his stock to run at large, and It was
taken up and placed in a corral by the
defendant, Mrs. Ossenkop. While en
lined there the st'ick died, and fur its
untimely death the plaintiff holds the
defendant responsible, and therefore
instituted the above proceedings.
The part ies to the case were accom
panied to this city by a large number
of friends. Those appearing in behalf
of the plaintiff as witnesses were Lcs-
terTennent, Simon Myers, John Span
gler, John Thomas and Tom Tennant.
Those for the defendant were Henry
Dartlctt, W. W. Hall, C. E. Helm, A.
D. Carter, Mike Convoy, John, August
and George Ossenkop.
These witnesses were examined by
Jesse L. Hoot who appeared for the
plaintiff and by C. A. Rawls in behalf
of the defendant. After hearing the
evidence Judge Archer granted a short
recess about half past two, after
which the arguments were submitted
to the court by the attorneys for their
respective clients. No decision has
yet been rendered by the court.
County Seat Fight Causes Death.
George Carter, a well-known old sol
dier of Glenwood, was found dead In
his bed early Wednesday morning.
It Is thought that excitement over
the court house fight was largely re
sponsible for his death. He had be
come considerably worked up over the
matter the last few days before his
Dr. Plimpton was called about six
o'clock. He gave it as his opinion that
death had ensued several hours before.
Mr. Carter had been down town Use
day before and appeared to be in his
usual health, but complained before
retiring of a slight pressure on his
Mr. Carter was o years of age and
was born in Ohio. He belonged to
company I) of the 7"ith Ohio infantry.
lie leaves a wife and an adopted
daughter at Glenwood where the fami
ly have lived some years. He also
eaves six children by his former wife,
all residing in Ohio e.vcept a daughter,
Mrs. Tlios. Lincoln, who lives west of
Glenwood. Glenwood Tribune.
Planning a Novel Entertainment.
A "Merchant's Carnival'' will be
given by the Euterpean Glee club at
C'oates' hall Friday night, April in.
The various business houses of the
city are to be represented inanuniiic
and attractive manner. This may be
done by displaying goods, costuming
or any other appropriate means. A
prize will be otlered for the best rep
resentation. Thirty of the meicliants
have already agreed to participate,
and this carnival of "Trades Display,"
together with some musical features
of special Interest, will afford one of
the best entertainments of the season.
Watch for future announcements.
Ed Blgncll came in from Lincoln last
night on his Inspection car, and was
looking over the riprap work across
the river.
KILLthe couch
TH Dr. King's
flew Discovery
60c & $1.00
Frc Trial.
burcit end Quickest Curs for all
A abiolut fpaclflf tad tntlptl ftf
ration for all kladi
A iur car for Hornn, Tcnillltla, Qulai?,
Inllimtd, l'lcrted ia4 Catarrhal lor Threat
A prevtntlva at Croup, Wkaoplnf Cauik a4
rutirriMn rramxo ooTirrwa
Bb4(m4 r S Vntt Cmlnanl Throat Ipaolai
lata la Ua aotuurv.
tVnld M lap la (Tar born. I'rlra 1 8 Coata,
llorg Hodlolao Co., Da alolna Iowa.
GERIXG & CO. druggists
Frauvereln Entertained.
The members of the German Frau
verein and their friends were must de
lightfully entertained yesterday after
noon at the home of Mrs. C. I., llerger,
whom they assisted In celebrating her
fiftieth birthday anniversary. The af
ternoon was very pleasantly spent In
social conversation ami various games
and at a late hour the participants
were Invited to partake of a dainty
luncheon at a table beautifully decor
ated with carnations and ferns. The
hostess was assisted In serving by
Misses Francis Hlber, Anna Kgenber
per and Frances Svoboda. Those en
Joying the royal good time were Mes
damcs J. Horn, C. Koehnke, W. Ilas
Rler, Fred Goos, Jos. Feter, 1'cter
Goos, W. Schmldtman, E. Heltz
housen, Itroege, J. V. Falter, W. C.
Tlppens, W. Weber, Hremelster, J.
Rutherford, (J. YVeldman, F. Kblnger,
H. Wurl. sr., J. V. Egenberger, Fred
Lchtihofl, Hurgreen, O'ltourke, T.
Howard, ('.. Horn and Miss Katie
Will Not Accept.
The Journal regrets that ex-SherilT
John D. Mcllride lias refused to accept
the position of chief of police tendered
him by Mayor (lei ing, and approved
by a unanimous vote of the council.
Not only does the Journal regret this,
but the businessmen of all parties also
regret the fact, but no Inducement
could '. brought to bear to have Mack
change his mind. While he appreci
ates the favor extended him by Mayor
tiering and also the many expressions
of confidence extended him by the
entire business class, be says that he
regrets that circumstances are such
that he cannot accept the place so
unanimously tendered him. Mr. Mc
llride desires to return his sincere
thanks to Mayor Gering and the
council for their good Intentions and
hopes a man equally as competent
will be appointed to the place.
Death of Mr. Andrew.
In a telegram received this morning
by William Itarelay of this city the sad
news of his step-father, Joel Andrews'
sudden death, which occurred at
Friend. Neb., early this morning, was
conveyed to him,
Mr. Andrews was about sixty-one
years of ago, and Immigrated to Ne
braska, locating at Dorchester, where
he took a homestead In isi;s. He has
been an active member of Independent
Order of Odd Fellows for thirty years.
He visited in this city about a year
ago, making many friends, who regret
to hear of his sudden death.
The funeral will be very likely held
tomorrow, under the auspices of the
lodge of which he was a member. Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Ilarclay departed this
afternoon for friend to be present at
the last .sad rites.
A Birthday Party.
A very merry crowd of little folks
gathered at the home of John Schiap
pacasse yesterday afternoon, and from
four until seven o'clock assisted Miss
Cecil In celebrating her twelfth birth
day anniversary. Afterenjoying them
selves at various games, delicious re
freshments were served, and the par
ticipants having had a delightful time,
departed for their homes. Those en
joying the occasion were Misses Lillian
r.ajeek, Amanda SattU-r, Clara K'roeh
ler, Florence Hewitt, l'auline Kalacek,
Helen Hunter, Agnes I'tak. Helen
Iladraba, Milly Fein, Helen l'tak,
Kuth Keppel, Violet Freese, Margaret
Wolfarthand ''Hub" Martin.
High School II-Stags 6.
The tirst base ball game of this sea
son to be played here, occurred yester
day afternoon on the ball grounds,
when the High school team lined up
against that of the Stag club, and de
feated them by a score of 11 to 1.
Attorney Dwyer was a passenger for
Omaha this afternoon, from which
place he will po to Chicago on Import
ant business.
C. E. Helm of Louisville was tran
sacting business at the county scat,
but while here he found time to call
and renew for the Journal another
In some sections of the city chicken
raisers are paying but very little atten
tion to the order of the chief of police
restraining fowls from running at
The river Is gradually receding and
the riprap force arc able to carry on
their work to a better advantage,
although the river still continues to
cut large blocks of land of! of the east
The Methodist Aid society will give
an Apron P.azaar and Corn Supper at
the room first door east of Kunzman &
P.aingc'smeat market Saturday after
noon and evening, April 14. All kinds
of aprons for sale.
In last night's Issue of the Journal
wo were In error In stating that Coun
cilman Podge opposed the appoint
ment of Joe Fitzgerald as night police
and wish tocorrect same out of justice
to Mr. I odgc.
Pcv. Mary;. Andrews, president of
the Woman's club, of Omaha, will
visit Mrs. L. A. Moore next week, and
speak at the club meeting, and als: at
the mother's department of the Y. C.
T. I. Pates given later.
I'ricn tlir I.i-iltcr.
Mis. ll-.nrna Wallace of Lincoln, ac
companied by her son Lmlan and
daughter Harriet, came in last Satur
day to t'nlon lelatlves ami .friends a
few days.
Eaiph Faster, one of our popular
young men, sun of James Faster, de
parted Wednesday for Canada to take
advantage of some of the business
opportunities that he believes exist
Mrs. H. E. Kuhman departed on the
10:22 train yesterday for her home In
Pallas, Texas, after making several
months visit with lier mother and
other relatives and friends In this
Mrs. Agnes Peterson departed on
Wednesday for her home at Gleneove,
Wash. She spent several months here
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Peter G ruber, and a number of oilier
relatives and friends In this neighbor
hood all of whom regret that she could
not prolong i,cr visit.
Mi's. Kinina Wallace of Lincoln
Isaac Pollard of Nehawka and T. G. I
I'.arinnn, were hi Nebraska City mi
Monday attending the guardian's sale j
of tic- Wallace farm southwest nf :
here. The farm of hii) acres was pur
chased by William Kmpp for i-TO per!
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Claivnc". who
reside a few miles northeast of here,
were called upon to mourn the death
of their little daughrer Mabel, which
occurred hist Saturday morning. The
child was sick only a few days, sulTer
Ing from an attack of meningitis so
severe that medical skill could not
overcome the disease. The funeral
services were held in Mount Hope
church Monday at 1 o'clock p. in. con
ducted by Kcv. McVay, and the re
mains were laid to rest, lu the ceme
tery north east of this village.
(Special Ciirrcspoiiili-nt.)
A. J. Cox made a business trip to
Lincoln Monday.
Three of Martin Kuby's children are
reported sick w ith pneumonia.
Ilcn Horning, our assessor, has been
calling on the Mynardites the last few
Our lumber yard changed hands re
cently, F. M. Kichey buying out A. J.
Addison Kiser, who has been sick
with pneumonia is reported much Im
proved. The advance in the price of corn lias
started considerable of that staple
article to market.
Noah Young, our genial rural mail
carrier, has removed his household ef
fects to I'lattsmouth.
Miss Hazel Cox and Miss Eva Porter
are home for a short vacation from
their st udies at, Peru.
The fanners arc busy between show
ers putting in small grain. Winter
wheat Is reported looking line.
Mrs. Drew, of 'Jniaha, and Mrs. J.
U. Vallery were visiting with the
family of W. T. Kichardson, Friday.
Clem Whlthead delivered about o,oun
bushels of corn last week. Clem ex
pects to move to Missouri one year
hence, having purchased a farm there.
Nebraska's loss is Missouri's gain.
Peter Perry returned from Kansas
City Saturday. Stephen Parker, wh
is at the b'spital there undergoinj
treatment lor a cancer on the face, Is
reported as to be getting along nicely
W. T. Kichardson lias opened up
with a complete stock of groceries, he
in company with Zuckwellcr k Lutz
having bought out A. L. Cox. He also
expects to carry dry goods, notions,
light hardware and paints.
Tlje Petition Signers.
The temperance people of this city
have Issued another pamphlet this
year containing all the saloon-petition
signers. This must be a great deal of
consolation to these people. It was
done for the purpose of coercion, but
If they did but know It the party who
signs a saloon petition would far rather
have his own name on a saloon peti
tion than tosee It on the booksof a
"bad debts collecting agency." as some
otlicioiis temperance people we know
of. People who sign petitions for
saloons are open In what they do, and
never do things sncaklngly.
Spring Millinery.
I just received my Spring Millinery,
a new line of Spring Skirts, a full line
of Summer Underwear; also a fine line
ofladle9'and men's Hosiery, or any
thing In the ladles' and men's furnish
ing line. We also want to announce
that we are selling all our China and
Classwarc at reduced price; a 12-plcce
Chamber Set, good decorated work, at
f.l.U-.. II. WAINTItAl'll.
Any one thinking of buying a stove
this spring will learn something to
their advantage by seeing the kero
sene air burner being .shown In the
building next door to Kunsman &
Kamgc's meat market. Cost less than
one-half what c tal or wood docs to run.
No danger of explosions. You bave
I only to sec It to be convinced.
South Dakota
The Land of Plenty
Rich soil, a mild climato, and abundance of
water have made South Dakota one of the Lest
agricultural states in the Union.
The soil of Lyman County is unusually rich.
It is a black loam with a yellow clay subsoil.
The extension through Lvman County recent
ly built by the
Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway
has opened up a part of that state hitherto
sparsely settled. Land is now selling at the
rate ol from $S to 15 an acre, and it is alto
gether probable that valuations will increase
ItKI to JOt) kt lVnt within a year. South Da
kota oilers oivat opportunities for the small in
vestor. A book on South Dakota for two
cents po-stac.
For Free Books and Folders about South Dakota, kindly fill out this Coupon
and mall today to
F. A. NASH, (i. W. A.. 1521 Farnain St., Omaha, Ncl.
St ret Addri-ss
Probable liestinatlon.
Is it true you want to look old ?
then use Hall's Hair Kcnewer.
g of early life restored to your
l!y ;. A. I.i-ls.)
n;ciin i i-: m.i:ki;t.
Corrected weekly by Mart in & T-ml,
who pay the highest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
llnll.r M--
Vtfs U'i
Siirlnfs 7r
crinia n,i, i, ::; .v.. :.
. i:in mauki:ts.
W lii-iit
nmi :
KncK Im.m Timk 'f Ar.i.i:.
Murdock Station.
No. 41, mail :!" a. in.
No. local a. in,
No. mail 2: Hi p. m.
No. ;!T, mail ':47 p. in.
i:sT li(il'NI.
No. mail 10:.".:, a. m.
No. ,, Local 1:14 p. in.
No. ii, mail :!:4l p. m.
Miss llernice Meierjurgen is very 111.
Ir. Merkel is in attendance.
Mrs. Frank Sunders and son visited
relatives in this vicinity fur a few days
returning to bnaba Sunday.
Mrs. Eggleston and Mrs. J. II. Funk
drove over to Wabash Friday.
Mrs. Nicholas, of ( huaha. visited at
the home of F. T. To il several days of
last week.
The Kensiiigt'in was entertained at
the home of Mrs. L. Neit.el, Wednes
day. Pert Austin was in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. (). (iillespie were
east bound passengers Tuesday.
Mrs. II. Westlake Is visiting at
Avoca tills week.
Mr. Abbott, of the J. A. Crancber
Piano company of Lincoln, was a busi
ness visitor In town Tuesday.
A. J. Neit.el, of Salida, Colo., Sun
dayed with his parents In Murdock.
Mrs. J. R. funk, Is visiting In the
country this week.
Charles linger has been on the sick
list the past week.
Will Obernalte is laying the founda
tion for Mrs. 1. Thorngan's residence.
Miss Carrie W'urts returned to her
school work Sunday evening after a
week's visit in Murdock.
A. S. Dcpner and Jim Place were at
Omaha Sunday.
Jack Funk and Jake Goehry were in
Omaha Sunday and Monday.
Weeping Water
l'rom the llcnilil.
Word was received from Kd. Hay at J
Wellington, Col., that they had buried
their baby last week. i
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robbing living
one mile west of town, are the proud
parents of a daughter,- born Wcdnes-'
day, April 4. !
Charlie McNurlin left for Norfolk i
last Wednesday. He expects to enter
the employ of the Northwestern rail
way as brakeman.
The new First National bank build
ing to be erected this spring, Is going
to be a beauty. Pluc prints shewing
the Interior are now at the bank, and
the furnishings are going to be In
keeping with the best banks found In ,
country towns. A tile floor will be
Then keep your gray hair. If not,
and have all the dark, rich color
hair. ''V7",Tm "T..r',!''''''"
laid, ami all cuiiveiiienees provided In
side for the dispatch of business. This
old reliable Institiit Ion w ill be nicely
boused before many moons roll around.
A. r, Marshall and family expect, to
leave this week for Fust Ice, Neb.,
where, it Is hoped, they will meet
with prosperity. Mr. Marshall has a
good farm near there.
Frank Parker who was severely
crushed while helping to move a build
ing a week ago, Is on the mend and
unless complications set in, will soon
be able to be out.
Mr. A. A. Lash reports (hat the
prospects for a large crop of apples this
year were exceedingly line, others
report fruit of different kinds assbow
ing prospects of a good crop.
Mrs. Herman Klletscli was operated
on at, the sanitarium hi Lincoln, Mon
day, April Und. Mr. Klietsch wasalso
there, and since returning home ba
states that sin; is getting along nicely.
Cilbert (b.rdon and Miss llattin
McClain were married at Lincoln,
Saturday, April piui. Cilbert U
working for the li. M. surveying'
corps. Mrs, Cordon will remain hern
with her mother for a time, until they
commence housekeeping for them
selves. Miss Cert rud;' Fox. veil came in from
Lincoln last evening to spend her va
cation with her aunt, Mrs. li. S. Ram
sey. Miss Fox well will graduate from
the university next June.
Any enterprise that the merchants
take bold of is of Interest to every
body. If you miss the Merchant's
Carnival you'll miss the best tiling of
the season. Conies' hall April 'Joth.
Arc Your Feet Ready
For Easter?
Your appearance will not
tic complete until you give
attention to your SHOPS :
SHOPS make or mar any
man's or woman's appear
tho time to shake off your
old winter shoes. New
styles, button or lace, In
We haven't forgotten the children!
White canvas footwear this week!