THE CITY. Personal Points I'mm Krlljf' Pally. A. A, Wctenkampand wife of My nard were comity seat visitors today. Mrs. A. L. Raker of Murray was a business visitor In ttie city yesterday evening. -(Juick Meal Gasoline Stoves, all slies and styles, for sale at Asemlssen V Louek's. Joe Carrlgan came In from Have lock tills morning for a visit with friends here. New supply of garden wed In bulk, also nil kinds of Held seeds, at Asemls sen X- Louck's. Mrs. T. J. Todd came In from Wahoo this morning for a visit with relatives and friends. J. S. Lindsay came up from Mi'rray last night to see hU new grandson -1 1 io hoy of his sun, IVte. Mrs. Newland.soii Finery and daugh ter Rlalnc, came In from Shenandoah this afternoon to visit with friends here. Win. Kemp and George oherle of Eagle were transacting business In the city last night, returning home this morning. Rudolph liamsel and his force of ten men, returned this morning from Alli ance, where they have been assisting the car repairing department of the Alliance division. Miss Lulu Koehnke, departed this morning for a visit with relatives at l'lalnvlew and Orchard, Neb. She was accompanied as far as Omaha by her sister, Miss Mamie. From Sniunluy'i luilly. A. S. Wills returned last night from a trip to Colorado. Miss Anna Kanka was visiting this morning in Omaha. Lee ( tldhani of Murray was a county seat visitor yesterday afternoon. Kdllarstow came In from Lincoln this morning on railroad business. Mrs. John light and daughter, Miss llattle, were Omaha visitors today. Prof. A. II. Karhart canio up from Murray last night and visited friends here. Mrs. II. Allison and Miss Jessie Drost, of Murray, were visit Ing In town today. Peter Keil and wife of Cedar Creek were visiting friends at Plattsmouth today. Pull line of Quick Meal and Pound Oak Steel Ranges, at competing prices. Asemlssen & Louck. Mrs. Addle White came In from her school In the Hell district last evening on business, returning via Cedar Creek this afternoon. A transcript of the case entitled, State vs. Jack Chamberlain and J. X. Heaver was tiled today with County Clerk Robertson. In the county c mrt Asa P. McCul lough has brought suit against Win. Dunn to recover the sum of $hi2.."0 paid for a horse that was found to be Imperfect. Mrs. J. E. P.mery and daughter de parted this morning for their home at Lincoln, after a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray, at Mynard. Miss Lizzie Kroehler suffered a stroke of paralysis this morning, but we are pleased to learn as we go to press, that she is recovering from the effects of the same. A suit was tiled with the district clerk today by Devoe & Reynolds Co. vs. Jos. E. Trultt, wherein the plain tiffs seek to secure a Judgment In the sum of $U9.47 against ttie defendant. Will Murray departed this morning for Grafton, Neb., where he will visit a few days. From there he will go to Merino. Colo., where he w ill enter In to business as a carpenter. JohnT. Porter and John Durman were here from near Murray were In Plattsmouth today on business and were pleasant callers at Journal head quarters. They arc both energetic young farmers and "hale fellows well met." Mrs. M. A. l.ates returned last night accompanied by her daughter, Miss Lucille. After arriving at Lincoln the attending physician gave his con sent to have her removed home, al though very weak. We are in hopes she will get along nicely now under the care other mother. The body of John Royce who jump ed Into the Missouri at llenton Station on April 3, was recovered yesterday. The deceased was fifty-one years of ago, and has been confined at the asy lum at Clarlnda several times, lie was a resident of Glenwood, Iowa, and the body was taken there for burial Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hild came in from their home place yesterday and will visit over Sunday with their son, Jllkcand family. Mr. lllld Is one of PLATTSMOUTH AMD VICINITY. the well-to-do German farmers of Cass county, and no one has a tetter right to take a day off occasionally than our old friend. Mr. lllld was In last even lug and renewed the subscriptions of bis brother and nephew, Philip Hild and Philip Huffman, at Green Valley, Illinois, to whom he has been scodlng the Journal for several years. J. R. LaChapclle has again assumed control of the Ashland Journal. P. R. Wllniarth, who leased the outfit from him for two years, steps down and out, after an experience of a few months. Why, we have not learned, but it will be many a day Iteforethc Journal can boast of man at Its head who will con duct Its columns with the ability of Mr. Wllniarth. I'ruin .Mninliiy's iMilly. "Gut Hell," the favorite cigar Machine oil at Asemlssen t Louck's. Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Llock. Garden tools of every description at John rauer's. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block Jacob Melslnger, of Cedar Creek, was a county seat visitor today. Sheriff Quinton went to Weeping Water this afternoon to serve some papers. Oliver Edmunds returned this morn ing from a visit with friends at Schul- yer, .Neb. Mrs. Tcegarden of Hickman Is visit ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith. Mrs. Claude Everett came up from I'nlon Saturday evening to see her brother, Charles Grimes, returning this morning. Mrs. Charles Ric hey and children re-1 turned to Louisville this afternoon, af ter a pleasant visit with F. M. Rlchey and family. Mrs. Ed. Johnson and children, who have been enjoying a visit with rela tives here, departed yesterday for their home at Lincoln. Chamberlain's Salve Is good for any disease of the skin. It allays the Itch ing ami burning sensation Instantly. For sale by F. G. Frleke & Co. and A. T. Fried. Dr. A. P. Parties departed yesterday afternoon for Lincoln to transact some business matters previous to the as sembling of the stale veterinary asso ciation, which meets In that city Wednesday. Chief of Police Fitzgerald is in re ceipt of a card from Will McNeill, of Rancroft, Neb., offering a reward of $100 for the recovery of the body of an Omaha Indian, who Is supposed to have Iven drowned in the Missouri near Decatur. The members of the (!. A. R. held memorial services of the surrender of General Lee at their hall last Satur day night. Many of the citizens were In attendance and enjoyed the inter est Ing services. John McNurlin returned home yes terday evening. He has been out at the old home place ever since his father died last Monday, looking after mat ters and condoling with his dear old mother. You feel the life giving current the minute you take It. A gentle soothing warmth, fills the nerves and blood with life. It's a real pleasure to take Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. 3.1 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Ger- Ing & Co. I'roin Tut'ftiliiy'K Dally Henry Long and wife, of Murray, were visiting in riattsmouth today. Dr. J. M. Green, of Manley, was transacting business at Plattsmouth today. Mrs. J. II. Teegarden returned to her home at Hickman this morning, after a few days visit with her parents. Ed Pitman, formerly of Nchawka, but who has been barberlng at Ran croft, Neb., came in Sunday and Is now employed in the Riley house bar bershop. Some of the merchants here in town are paying ten cents per dozen for eggs in trade and then sell them out to thelrcustomers at two dozen for cents. Is this fair? In a letter received from Will Rob ertson he stated that he arrived In San Francisco on the 4th and has been through the government mint the battleship ( regon and tho navy yard . Misses Ida Roedeker and Gertrude Long, of Murray, were visiting at the county seat today. The latter de parted this afternoon for Johnson, Neb., where she will enjoy a visit with friends. A suit In equity to set aside decree of court and deed, and for Issuing of an Injunction was tiled In the district clerk's ofllee today, by Chas. H. Mc I nt Ire and wife vs. James Hartshorn and Mary J. Mclntlrc. A force of seven men In charge of George Kennedy, the electrician of the Independent Telephone Co., went to Ehnwod this afternoon t build twenty mliesof telephone line between Elmwood and Nchawka. Money on hand to loon on city property. No delay. H. D. TRAVIS. This Is the season of listlessness, headaches and spring disorders. Hol llster's Rocky Mountain Tea Is a sure preventative. Make you strong and vigorous. X, cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Gering & Co. Adolph Glese of Omaha has pur chased the saloon of IlansGoos, on the southeast corner of Main and Fifth, and Is in the city today perfecting ar rangements to soon take possession. He seems to be an exceedingly clever gentleman. Miss Marshall, of Plattsmouth, sang at St. Mary's Catholic church Sunday morning and at the Presbyterian church In the evening. She has a sweet voice and the audiences were delighted with the songs rendered on each occasion. Nebraska City News. Mrs. M. J. Gihlersleeve of New York City at Mrs. o. C. Povey's tonight a l us win lie worth while andevcry one Is Invited to come. Mrs. Gildcr.slecvc Is secretary of band work for the Pres byterian Hoard of Home Missons at New York City. Mrs. J. W. Gambl and Miss Florence White will sing. Don't tie a cough or a cold up in your system by taking a remedy that binds the bowels. Take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It Is differ ent from all other cough syrups. It ! letter. It opens the bowels -expels all colds, croup, whooping cough, etc An ideal remedy for young and old. Children line It. Sold by F. G. Frleke & Co., Gering & Co. Rev. J. II. Salsbury's catechism class met, with him socially last night, the evening being spent in contests and conversation. Miss Vesta Doug' lass and Miss Catherine Windham whv ning the prizes. Marvin Root and Jack Patterson the consolation favors, Every one seemed In the spirit of the occasion and enjoyed a pleasant even Ing. Don't drug the stomach to cure a cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the mucus, draws the inllammation out of the throat, lungs and bronichlal tubes, heals, soothes and cures. A quick cure for croup and whooping cough. Its constantly Increasing use for many years tells of the fact of Its absolute usefulness. Sold by F. G. Frleke & Co., Gering & Co. Judge II. D. Travis returned from his trip to the Indian Territory this morning and says that Is a line coun try, and no mistake. While at Claire more he enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wortman, and states that the ex-county superintendent of schools Is doing well, .which his many friends in old Cass will be pleased to learn. The Judge enjoyed his trip amazingly well. Living Indoors so much during the winter months creates a sort of a stuffy, want-of-ozone condition in the blood and system generally. Clean up and get ready for spring. Take a few Early Risers. These famous little pills cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels and give the blood a chance to purify Itself. They relieve headache, sallow complexion, etc. Sold by F. G. Frleke .S: Co., Gering & Co. If you ever bought a box of Witch Hazel Salve that failed to give satis faction the chances are It did not have the name"E.C.DeWitt Co." printed on the wrapper and pressed in the box, The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve never fails to give satisfaction for hums, sores, bolls, tetter, cracked hands, etc. For blind, bleeding, itch ing and protruding Piles It affords almost immediate relief. It stops the pain. Sold by F. G. Frleke & Co., Gering & Co. From V-dm'sday' dally. Will Jean made a business trip to Omaha this morning. II. A. Schneider went to Cedar Creek to visit for a few days. George Peters of Avoca, was trans acting business at the county scat today. P. II. Melslnger and daughter, Miss Lena, were passengers for Omaha this morning. Mrs. Andrew Seybert returned to Cedar Creek after a short visit with friends here. Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans was a passcu ger for Elmwood th's afternoon to visit a few days with relatives and friends. James Sage went to South Omaha this morning to look at some western horses that were shipped to that place recently. John II. Spangler, of near Murray, while in the city today on business, called and renewed for the Journal another year. Mrs. Geo. II. Horn came down from Cecar Creek this morning and w ill re main the guest of Mrs. Chas, Ilcrgcr until tomorrow afternoon. A letter lias been received by the authorities here from A. M. Drew, an attorney at Fresno, Cal.. offering a re ward of $".0 for Information leading to the identification and locating of one oac DC 0 A urtaimi Lecture u DIDN'T we tell you the weather man would fix things properly when he got to going right? The thunder shower and heavy rains weren't for nothing. It sure means an introduction to spring beautiiful spring, with its mud and other While we have beautiful spring goods in all lines we call your especial attention to our new line of Lace Curtains which we think far excels any line heretofore shown. RuflledXet and Swiss curtains at 98c. $1. 40 and up. Yo may not care to put much money into new lace curtaits. You can have your choice of some pretty patterns at 75c, f 1.00, SI. 25 anil $1.50 a pair. If yon care to pay more we have excellent values and pretty patterns at $2, $2.50, S3, S3.50", $4, S5, S6 and $7.50. Look over our new line of Door Panels at 40c, 50c, 75c and Si. 00. 0 OCDC ZD C Wm. Ilardie, who left his home at Oleander, Calif., on September 4, 1"!7, and has not been heard from since. Don't think that piles can't be cured Thousands of obstinate cases have been cured by Doan's Ointment, ode at any drugstore. C. A. Hawls, Lawyer. Pro bate and general practice. Of fice of Caunty Attorney. C. C. Parmele and little son returned from their California trip this morn ing. They enjoyed quite an extended trip and visited mcst of the principal cities on the coast. Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, laborers rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil. Takes the sting out uf cuts, burns or bruises at once. Pain cannot stay where it is used. The sheriff is In receipt of a letter from P. D. Nelson of Lincoln, offering a reward of ."jo for the capture and conviction of a thief who stole a horse and buggy from him on Monday night. Mrs. Arabia Fitt. who has been en joying a visit with Herman Ikrold and family, departed this morning for her home at Sheridan, Wyo. She was accompanied by Miss Freda Ilerold who will visit w ith her. The base ball subscription list Is mounting right up to the $2oomark. One hundred and eighty-live dollars have been subscribed, and the pros pects of Plattsmouth having a first class team are encouraging. D.0. DWYER, Attorney-at-Law Offce in building east of court house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. The members of the Elks lodge sent to the sick room of Miss Lucille Bates yesterday afternoon a large, handsome bouquet of cut flowers, which was highly appreciated by the patient. After suffering a slight relapse night before last she Is now in a fair way to an early recovery, which her friends w ill be pleased to learn. Frank Sehlatcr returned this morn ing from the vicinity of Louisville where he went to look after his father who had been taken quite sick while he and Mrs. Schlater were visiting old friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Schlater also returned with him. Our old iriend, aside from weakness caused from the attack, is feeling pretty well considering his serious Illness. Injured While Playing Ball. While playing catch with some of her girl friends on Tuesday evening Ruth Johnson had the misfortune to step into a rut and seriously sprain her left ankle. A physician was summon ed to examine the Injured member, which Is exceedingly painful, and It will be several days before Miss John son will be able to bear her weight up on the injured ankle. Mrs. A. M. Young, who lias been en Joying a visit with R. H. Frans at Un ion, passed through this place this morning enroute tr her home at Ot tumwa. la. Ray Frans accompanied her as far as this city, returning on the morning train to Union. DC DVEY m BM things. But while we're Net Curtains with Battenberg In sertion and edge, $2.50 a pair. White and Arabian Net Cur tains with real Cluny insertion at $5 and $6. Bonne Fern me Curtains at from $3.50 to $8.00 -:--;--r A beautiful line of Madras Cur tains in wide silk stripes at S5. Can be used for portieres or curtains. Madras Curtain in cream with blue, red and green cross stripes, Si, up. Curtain Swisses in stripes, dots and figures, 10c, I2lc, 15c and up. In cross stripes 42 in. in all colors. Regular $1.00 Wrappers for 85 cents. Jacob Wolf came In from Wahoo last night on business. S. II. Atwood came In from Lincoln this morning on business. D. M.Jones was a business passen ger to Omaha on the morning train. J. D. McRride was transacting busi ness this morning at the metropolis. John Games of Union was transact ing business at the court house today. The Burlington's pay car was a welcome visitor to the employes today. Mrs. F. T. Darrow came in from Lincoln this morning to visit with fjiends. Miss Pearl Staats came in from Lin coln last evening to spend a few days with her parents. Miss Lucille Stoneroad was a passen ger this morning for Omaha, where she will visit with friends. Sheriff (juinton went out in the vi cinity of Union and Elmwood last night to serve some papers. John Spangler of Louisville was in Plattsmouth on business today, and made the Journal a pleasant call. Mrs. D. A. Yout.y and Mrs. D. Campion went to Omaha this after noon to spend a few days with friends. Our old friend. Theo. Helm, of Louisville, was in the city today, and of course paid his respects to the Jour nal, The sheriff Is in receipt of a letter from Chief of Police Collins of Chicago offering a reward of $."0 for informa tion leading to the identification and location of one Sam. J. Frank who has been missing from his homeatChioago since March 31st, and is supposed to have committed suicide. Kroehler & Kroehler MARDWflR& In selecting your spring needs, please bear in mind that we carry a complete line of Builders' Material in the Hardware Line. Also, JO CM! We do all kinds of Roofing. Repairing and Spouting. Call and see us. KROEHLER & KROEHLER N1IUIWHRI DC 0 talking, see here n 0 3 Cn A. S. Will made a business trip to Omaha this morning. Mrs. A. F. Fried was a passenger for Omaha this afternoon. Mrs. P. F. Goos was visiting in the metropolis this morning. Miss Ethel Robinson was visiting in the metropolis this afternoon. Robert Mauzy made a business trip the metropolis this afternoon. Mrs. James Newell and Mrs. T. II. Pollock were visiting in Omaha today. R. J. Tate of Plainview visited in the city today, returning home this af ternoon. ' George Falter came in from Lincoln last night to visit with his folks for a few days. Roy Pepperberg came in from Lin coln last night to spend a few days with his folks. Miss Hazel Dovey, who is attending the university this year, is visiting with her parents. Will Wehrbein and Miss Nellie Creamer of Murray were passengers for the metropolis this morning. Mathew Gering was a passengers this afternoon for Omaha, and expect to depart this evening on a business trip to Chicago. Mrs. J. R. Wells and daughter, Mrs. Warren Demlng, came in from South Rend this morning to visit with friends and relatives here. The ordinary routine of work at Wren's laundry was slightly inter rupted this morning when a hand plug blew out of the boiler and filled the room with steam, necessitating the removal of the laundred articles to D. C. York's barber shop In order to pro tect them from Injury. Gasoline Stoves, Lawn Mowers, and the old Reliable Buck's Stoves and Ranges SON