The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 12, 1906, Image 1

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    lattemoutb Journal.
M!M MVAl ir.
Short Paragraphs Prepared and Purloined
For the Readers of the Journal.
TlK're's ninny an eiisy-Fning man
Who ill- not fret nud Met,
Nor Hi' awitke to srlnme ami IK an.
Hut sleeps tlit) whole nltilit through
Who has no troubles, hopes and fears,
No thirst (or riches and renown :
Content li line rs through the years
And dled-lmlebted to t!ie town.
A full moon is more attractive than
a full man.
Oct rear,y for Hardening. Spring has
surely arrived.
F.ut few nirls are as homely as they
sometimes act.
Yeast raises the bread, but the trust
raises the price.
Flattsmouth Is to have a rirst-c!
iss '
ball team this season.
When riches come in at t!.'j! winJow
friends llock to the door.
Marriage is never a failure, but often
the contracting parties are.
No, Alono, a man isn't always a
plug because he wears a plug hat.
When love wanders down the avenue
common sense sneaks up the alley.
He who has no faith in himself Is
destined to become a successful failure.
A man Is not justified in taking an
eye-opener because he is blindly in love
Talk up the Fourth of July celebra
tion. Let's have a whopper this year.
The "seventeen year locust" are due
this season, so says a scientific bugol
igist. A wise man doesn't attempt to pull
himself out of trouble with a cork
screw. If a man is unable tostand prosperity
he should sit down and pive his wife a
It's easier for the average woman to
preserve fruit than it is for her to pre
serve her good looks.
The suspicious man keeps one eye on
his neighbor, but the wise man keeps
both eyes on himself.
When half a dozen women get to
gether they proceed to lay out their
neighbors and cackle.
The average man displays a lot of
enthusiasm when he gets a chance to
talk about his troubles.
Next Sunday is Easter. If it rains
on that day remember it will rain for
seven successive Sundays.
Unless a man is willing to take
chances he never takes anything else
that happens to be lying around loose.
Those young men who made the
night hideous Sunday evening by their
yelling should have some feeling for
sick people if they have no respect for
The new Faster bonnet will be in
evidence next Sunday. If it doesn't
rain the ladies will lie out in full force
to note which one has the most lovely
bonnet or hat.
The people are getting awful tired
of being robbed by the present light
ing company, and there is considerable
talk about granting a franchise to
another company a company of home
If some of our present oRlciaN would
keep within the hounds of their author
ity they might appear as having com
mon ordinary sense. Hut when they
assume the tyrannical role they should
be fired bodily. They are no pood.
No man has a right to take the law
into his own hands, no matter how
aggravating the circumstances may
be. The man who goes outside the
limits of the law to avenge a wrong at
once placeshimself at the mercy of the
law. Sympathy cannot supersede law.
If It could there would be no need of
The manager of the present lighting
company done what little he could
against Mayor Gering. While he
showed this disposition, he Is sj con
founded unpopular that he only con
trolled two votes his own and a
fellow that works for him. He should
be removed from his present position
or a new light company should be
The people have endorsed Mayor
Gering, now let him put a quietus on
those hypocrites who have been as
suming toe much authority in muni
cipal affairs. The mayor has full
authority to guide the affairs of the
city, and he Is fully competent to do
so without the Interference of any
"Meddlesome Matties."
The News' stated a day or two after
the recent city election that the First
ward Is usually democratic by about
forty majority. That's a lie and no
one knows It better than the News
editor. He also stated that the
heaviest taxpayers In the city lived In
that ward. That may be so too. F.ut
that "truthful" sheet failed to state
that two of the heaviest taxpayers in
the ward voted for Mayor Gering
United la Marriage.
Mr. Richard E. Schuelke of Green
wood andMIss Mary Audra Dlmmlckof
Waverly were united in marriage at
the home of the groom's mother, Mrs.
Caroline Schuelke, three miles south
of Greenwood, on Wednesday, April 4,
1!HX, at 8 p. m., IJev. Wlchmann of
Elmwood, ortlclatlng. Misses Tena
Wenzel and Alma Martin acted as
bridesmaids and Alfred Anderson and
Robert Dimmick were best men.
The bride was attired in a dress of
cream silk, covered with white netting.
At the conclusion of the ceremony
an elegant supper was served, about
seventy-live guests partaking of the
good things prepared.
The evening was spent in music, the
; graphaphone adding much t
the en-
iovment of the occasion.
Tiny were the recipients of a num
ber of handsome and useful presents,
of which a list was furnished us, but
we are unable to print the list on ac
count of lack of space. Elmwood
An Estimable Lady Passes Away Thurs
day Night at II O'clock at Her Home
We regret to have to record the
death of Mrs. Charles Iilack, which oc
curred at her home on Eleventh and
Elm streets, at 11:10 Thursday
night. The deceased sustained a
stroke of paralysis on Wednesday, and
a cerebral hemorrhage, from which
death resulted. Her maiden name
was Marcella Cornelia Moore, being
married to Charles Black on March 14,
1S4, from which union four children
were born to them, namely Capitolla,
Hanna, George and Stacy, of whom the
first two are living.
In spite of the rainy afternoon many
loving friends assembled at the resi
dence of Mr. Chas. Black Saturday
at 2 o'clock to pay the last sad
tributes to the sister, wife, mother
and friend who has departed to the
land of eternal peaccfulness and rest.
The high esteem in which she was
held was evidenced by the beautiful
floral offerings from sympathizing
friends. The services were conducted
by Rev. J. II. Salsbury, who after a
short prayer delivered a sermon pay
ing many beautiful and touching trib
utes to the deceased. After the sing
ing of several appropriate hymns by
the Presbyterian choir, the remains
escorted hy a large funeral cortege,
were conveyed to the Oak Hill ceme
tery for interment.
In the city of Mansfield, ., Marcel
la Cornelia Moore was born on the 12th
of Mav, i-. and when six years of
age she together w ith her parents re
moved to Flattsmuuth, where she has
since resided and won the love and re
spect of all who knew her. On the
Hth day of March, 171, she was united
In marriage to Charles Black, from
which union four children were born
only two oi whom are living Misses
Capitolla and Hanna of this city, who
with the husband mourn the loss of a
devoted wife and loving mother. Con
stant ill health has been her lot; af
flictions have visited her, troubles
bard to bear, but she has borne all
things patiently for His sake whose
follower she has ever been. The Im
mediate cause of her death was a
stroke of apoplexy which came to her
suddenly Thursday morning, and from
which she never rallied, ner many
friends extend sympathy to the family
so sadly bereft.
Ashland's New Mayor.
Citizens of Ashland are now asking
relative to T)r. G. W. Meredith's elec
tion as mayor, "Did the Burlington
pass the word down the line?" Signi
ficant in the local campaign was the
fact that the Burlington men, many
of whom were formerly ardent repub
licans, gathered solidly to the new
democratic mayor's support and were
chief In making his campaign. A citi
zen of Ashland notes: "Dr. Meredith,
as a democratic member of the state
senate three years ago, repudiated his-
party pledges and was one of the fore
most railroad legislators. On this ac
count his party, and Its organ, the
World-Herald, In turn repudiated him.
The general conviction of political
leaders of both parties In that city Is
that Dr. Meredith's elevation to the
position of mayor Is but the first step
in the railroad's grooming process to
have Saunders and Sarpy counties rep
resented in the next legislature by a
safe senator. Lincoln Journal.
"("ienerally debllltatet for years.
Had sick headaches, lacked ambition,
was worn-out and all run-down. Bur
dock Blood Bitters made me a well
woman." Mrs. Chas. Freltoy, Moosup
A Large and Interesting Meeting Closed it
Weeping Water Yesterday.
Tho Vicitnrc Worn Unci Pollol
lilt, flijliuitf ivwb mwtll wwiqi
tertained by the Local Members
cf tiis Federation.
The Federated Woman's Club of the
First congressional district of Nebras
ka met in convention at Weeping Wa
ter last Wednesday and continued In
session for two days Wednesday and
Thursday. About tifty-tive delegates
were present, opening at '2 o'clock,
Mrs. I. N. Woodford of Weeping Wa
ter delivered the address of welcome
in a very able manner, which was
warmly responded to by Mrs. C. B.
Lett on of Lincoln.
The program had to do for the great
er part with the reports of commit
tees, intermixed with the musical
numbers, which were enjoyed. Mrs.
II. M. Busline!!, state president of Lin
coln, conducted a round table, which
was Interesting. Frof. Rosa Bough-'
ton of the State university was pres
ent and delivered anaddresson "Do
mestic Science," which proved especi
ally interesting.
The evening session, presided over
by Mrs. Bushnell, drew a large audi
ence, and the Congregational church,
where the meetings were held, was
well filled. The principal subject was
"Pure Food," and entertaining papers
were read by Mrs. Coddington of Syra
cuse and Mrs. II. D. Travis of Platts
mouth. Frof. Rosa Houghton also
gave an Interesting talk on "Food
Adulterations," illustrating her ad
dress witli practical tests and demon
strations. Frof. Rouse of Flattsmouth
delivered an address, using for his sul
ject "Is the Young One Safe':1" A vio
lin solo by Miss LLagenow of Li icoln
was much enjoyed by those present, as
also were local solos by Mrs. Charles
Hoffman of Falls City and Miss Tyler
of Lincoln and a piano solo by Miss
Ilerrick of Lincoln.
Thursday morning at 8 o'clock a re
ception was tendered the delegation
at the home of Mrs. I. W. Teegarden.
At lo o'clock the convention was call
ed to order and a lesson in parlinien
tary law occupied the first part of the
session. Miss Marion Klngsley of the
Lincoln high school delivered a short
address on "Ethical Education." She
proved to be an interesting speaker
and handled her subject admirably.
Mrs. Wilson of falls City spoke brielly
on the "District Federation."
At 2 o'clock in the afternoon the
convent ion assembled for the closing
session, l he Hist paper was "hduca-
tional Advantages Gained From the
Club." by Mrs. Wesley Davis of Weep
ing Water and showed much of the
work and object of the clubs. "Coun
try Clubs," by Mrs. Wortman of t lie
Fairland Woman's club, showed liowa
prosperous club might, be maintained
in the country. A general discussion
was had upon the "Good of the Feder
ation." Vocal solos were rendered by
Mrs. Charles Hodman of Falls City.
Taken all In all the convention was
one of the most interesting and profit
able ever held by the federation. The
delegates all spoke in terms of highest
praise of the hospitable manner in
which they were entertained by the
Zltetlcand Curysalisclubs.
Return of Judge Sullivan.
Judge A. N. Sullivan, who went to
Stockton. Cal., one week ago Thursday
to view the surroundings connected
with the mysterious murder of ids
nephew, A. N. McVlcar, returned
home last night. Mr. Sullivan says it
was one of the most sensational mur
ders that ever occurred on the Pacific
coast, and was for some time the theme
of discussion on the streets, in the
shops and the pulpits. Our readers
will remember that the body' was dis
covered in a trunk, and while the wo
wan connected with the case does not
contessher guilt, enough was drawn
from her conversation to know that
she Is guilty of the crime, and is held
to answer to that charge.
Emma Lcdcux, tho woman held for
the crime, Judge Sullivan says, Is most
prepossessing, han!somc,and from tier
general appearance she would be the
last person one would take to bo guilty
of such a heinous crime. A brother
of the murdered man accompanied
the remains to Wichita, Kansas, his
home: the Judge parting with the
brother at Cheyenne to return homo.
Miss Newell Entertains.
The hospitable home of Mr and Mrs.
W. H. Newell was the scene of a mer
ry gathering Friday night, when Miss
liernice entertained In honor of Miss
Josephine Howen of Bellevue. The
evening hours were very delightfully
spent at various games, at which Miss
Caroline Hal rd secured the first and
Wade Miner the second prizes. At a
kite hour delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess, and a social
good time was enjoyed, until the
guests, wishing their entertainers
g 'od-nlght, departed for their limnes.
Those participating in the occasion
were Misses Estella Band, Anna 1 1 us
sier. IJuth llouseworth, Lillian Mur
p' iv. Helen Chapman, Caroline Baird:
Messrs. Wade Miner, Barger, Case,
Morris, T. I.. Murphy, Bawls and
Plattsmoulh is Now Assured ol a Public
-No Doubt About it.
A Fw More Preliminaries and Up Goes
the Long Sought Structure.
There seems to be but little doubt
that Flattsmouth will soon realize its
long cherished hope a postolllce build
ing. A special from Washington, un
der date of Friday, says:
"Senator Burkett's bill appropriat
ing if 10,000 for the purchase of a site
and the erection of a federal building
at Flattsmouth, Neb., passed the sen
ate today."
This looks like it, don't it V Every
thing tends that way, and our readers
need not be surprised at seeing dirt
Hying ere snows of another w inter be
gins to fall upon us. For years the
Flattsmouth people have been assured
and reassured at the sitting of each
congress that the matter would go
through, and that we would soon have
the building. But they have always
been doomed to disappointment, until
within the past few months.
'."That the advent of Lion.. E. M. Pol
lard on the floor of the national house
of representatives has had much to do
in the way of securing the prize, no
one lias any reason to doubt. For
several years an effort has been made,
or a pretension to that effect, but
never have former members of con
gress been able to get the least sort of
a focus in that direction. As soon as
Congressman Pollard went to Wash
ington he went to work with a vim
that meant success and lie has been
untiring In his efforts to secure the
building. He deserves great credit,
and more than that, In Ids campaign
for a rcnomination and election he de
serves the support of the taxpayers of
Piatt smouth, irrcsp'Tt ive of past party
Displayed Between the Veterans of the
Civil War and Cuban Soldiers.
This lias been a subject of much
complaint In later years on the part of
the veterans of the civil war and very
justly, too. A writer in the Fremont
Herald makes the point that many
young men who served briefly in the
American army durlngthelate trouble
with Spain and drawing larger pen
sions than many of the old boys who
wore the blue forty years ao. We
are not contending that the pensions
received by the young men who served
In Cuba and the Philippines should be
reduced, but we do insist that the
awards made to the veterans of the
civil war are shamefully small. Our
position on the pension question is
that every man who fought for the
union during the days of rebellion and
who docs not have enough of this
world's goods to keep him In good cir
cumstances, should receive a pension
of not less than fifty dollars per month.
The four, six, eight or ten dollars per
month which the government pays to
many of the old soldiers is not far
from offering insult to the men who
offered themselves to the nation In Its
day of trouble. Of course it must be
admitted that the pension rolls bear
the names of some men unworthy the
bounty of the government, but there
are not many of that kind on the rolls
not many in comparison with the
vast number of worthy men who draw
pensions shamefully small. As to the
apparent favoritism of the govern
ment toward the young soldiers In the
war with Spain, we have no figures at
hand to establish that favoritism, but
from the evidence furnished by many
of the survivors of the civil war, we
must conclude that there Is much
merit In their complaints.
Terrible Wreck of the Burlington Flyer
at Plerson's Ranch.
Eight Heavily Loaded Coaches a Perfect
Mass of Debris.
No. II, the fast Burlington tlyer.
was wrecked tie miles ciist of Ua
venna, Neb., Thursday morning about
T o'clock. F.Il'U cais went into the
ditch, and manelous as il mav seem,
no one was Killed, and still 1 1 1 it- re
markable, no one was si'i ioiisiy injured.
I 'mm an ovt ra ol the Baveuna News.
IHiMMie.l soon alter the occui miuv ol
the wreck, was hioiiLiht to tin- .buir-
nal today by Uiidolph Uamsel, who
was In Bavenna Thursday on his re
turn home from Alliance:
"The wreck occurred almost in front
of the home of F. I ' . Burseh, on I he
I'leison ranch. The wreck occurred
on a streight piece of truck where the
grade was not over three feet high,
ami was caused by spreading rails.
The train consisted of nine heavily
loaded passenger coaches, two baggage
cars and a mall car, and was pulled hy
two heavy engines. The train was
more than I wo hours late and was at
a very high rate of speed, possibly liTly
miles an hour. The t wo engines passed
over safely and did not leave t he track,
and the mail car, Immediately follow
ing, while oil' the rails, did not leave
the embankment. Tin; two baggage
cars t ipped over and lay on their sides,
the outward ends being possibly forty
feet from the t rack. A day coach and
three chair cars behind the baggage
car were torn from their trucks and
lodged In the form of a huge letter
"W" to the south of the track. The
wrecked cars "buckled up" with such
tremendous force that the heavy iron
frames were twisted like bits of paper,
and the trucks are in some cases al
most entirely buried in the loose soil.
"The Jolt must have been some
thing tremendous, for the car seats
were wrenched loose from their fast
enings and the heavy cast iron frames
supporting them were broken Into
bits. Nearly every window In the
wrecked cars was broken. The end of
one chair car swung around and
smashed in the .side of a car following
it, but witli sufficient force only to
splinter up the walls of the car, and
the people who were silting there
were able to get out without any seri
ous injury.
"As soon as the wreck occurred lire
started (mm the gas stotage tai ks
but fortunately there was plenty of
water in the Pitches near the hack
i and the flames were ouicklv exting
uished, one gas tank exploded, but
no one was injured thereby.
"L' in the train wascrowded,
the day coach immediately behind the
baggage car, being tilled with laborers
on their way to Wyoming to work mi
railroad construction. It was in this
car that t he greatest number were in
jured, but none were of a serious na
ture, being mostly cuts and bruises.
"As soon as the wreck occurred the
engine came to Bavenna and gave the
alarm. It was assumed from the na
ture of the wreck that there would be
many fatalities and a great many peo
ple Injured. Drs. Hentley, Fenn and
Hale were quickly summoned, ail the
dry goods stores in town were raided
for blankets, and a relief train was
quickly equipped and pulled out for
the scene of the wreck, but when they
reached there the doctors found but.
little need for their services.
"The escape of the passengers from
serious injury was almost miraculous.
How the inmates of the crowded cars
could have passed through the wreck
which twisted, warped and tumbled
the cars about in such a terrible man
ner, without getting seriously hurt,
passes understanding.
"The passengers were transferred
and brought to Bavenna, and a wreck
ing outfit was sent out from Lincoln
to clear up the wrek. Trafllc was
necessarily delayed for several hours,
and all eastbound trains were held
here until the track was cleared."
Missouri Cutting Iowa Shore.
The Missouri river Is on another
tear, a two-foot rise being reported
during twenty-four hours, and is cut
ting Into the shore on the Iowa side,
opposlto the depot. A force of men,
under the supervision of D. C. Wood
ring, superintendent of bridges and
buildings, was hastily summoned and
riprap work commenced this after
noon. The river Is cutting the banks
for about a half of a mile, and it w ill
necessitate about a mile of rlpraplng
to check It In its mad course and pro
tcct the Burlington bridge from
Old "Jim" is No More.
Mark White was here from Hock
Bluffs Saturday, and Informed tho
Journal that his old dog Jim was
no more, lie died very suddenly lastj
Thursday, but previously seemed to
lie enjoying good health. Jim was a
good dog, and was with Mr. White on
Ins trip to Alaska, where he used him
in hauling goods, and when Mark re
turned home he brought his faithful
companion with him, refusing $oo.uo
for him previous tohis departure from
that country. Jim was faithful to his
master to the last, and It Is no wonder
that Mark regrets Ins death, lie was
about t wehe years old.
They Visil Goldberg's Store and
Considerable Clothing.
I.a-it. week Mie News contained an
account of an attempt to liurglarle
Sam Goldberg's large clothing store,
but I he men were frightened away be
fore accomplishing their purpose.
Wednesday they were much more for
I unate, and Goldberg correspondingly
In the rear of the store in the alley
are two area ways to admit light Into
the cellar and these are covered with
an Iron gratlmr. The burglars raised
these gratings and with a crow bar
pried open the w indow which had been
strongly nailed and thus gained en
trance to the cellar. They I lien pried
open the door leading to the stairs,
they being compelled to break a pad
lock in so doing. They then Went up
on the first Moor ami helped themselves
to whatever they wanted. In the
front part of the store the best, suits
are kept and they paid their atten
tion to these. That they were well
acquainted with the premises there
can he no doubt. They selected the
best goods and tool, just, such goods
as would lit, them. They also took
three overcoats and then went to the
hat department, and made an inspec
tion there. Mr. (ioldberg had left his
overcoat hanging In I lie front part of
the store but this morning It was
found in the centre, of the store, and
beside It was a hatchet that had been
carried up from the cellar. When the
burglars went away they left the crow
bar In the cellar ami also a small piece
of candle. I u their haste they drop
ped two pairs of pants in the cellar.
from tin; manner In which the
work was done it is believed that it'
was done by local talent.
An investigation of the stock shows
that eight suits of clothes, three over
Coats and live neckties are missing.
That the parties doing the robbing
were well acquainted with the store is
evidenced by the fact they .selected
coats and vests from one pile of cloth
ing and then went to aunt her pile to
get tin! trousers. There was no hap
hazard stalling, as they only took
what they wanted. Nebraska City
The Journal was apprised Friday
night of tin! capture of t wo negroes at
Pacific Junction, as the burglars who
entered Sam (ioldberg's clothing store,
at Nebraska City, Wednesday night,
and escaped with several suits of
clothes and other articles of wearing;
apparal. The articles taken were
found In their possession.
From Nebraska City the thieves
came north to a point on t he river
east of Union, and by some means
crossed the river and went direct to
Bartlett where they boarded a train
for tho north and landed In Pacific
Junction where they were Immedi
ately taken in charge by some of the
local officials who were on the lookout
for them. They were taken to Glen
wood and placed In jail to await tho
arrival of the officers from Nebraska
Everyone of the articles found In
their possession bore the trade mark
of Sam Goldberg, and not any of tho
articles had been disposed of. Tho
thieves are full blooded "colored gen
tlemen" but their looks deceive them
in the fact that they have the appear
ance of being in prison before.
Burglars In Hock.
The Nebraska City News says that
Uobcrt Fleming and George Crocket,
the twocolored men who were arrested
last Friday night charged with rob
bing the clothing store of Sam Gold
berg, and placed In jail hart their pre
liminary hearing before Judge Wilson
late this afternoon. The News also
adds that (ioldberg recovered all of
the clothing stolen from Ids store- by
the negro burglars on last Wednesday
night save one suit of clothes, which
he cannot locate and the negroes do
not know to whom they sold it, tho
party being a stranger to them. Tho
value of goods taken Is $:Mo.ih.
- -