The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 05, 1906, Image 6

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    r. : "
We carry the only stock of
Murray Department
I Edison Phonographs and Ed
V Abstracts c Title Uon Hecords In Cass county.
Hear them free at
Plattsmouth. INeb.
Ur I- ICfc A l. iv r -1. iv.
for chUdrvnt cafc, tur: Mo opluft
I nil,. "''"'' '""'' ' "-""' ' "' " ""'' ""' '"' ""
i Men Who Know
Say it is the First One Hun
dred Dollars that Counts
When a man has saved his first Hundred Dollars, he
has more than just the mere dollars. He has learned
valuable principles which will aid him to secure other
hundreds of dollars. Then, too, he has Capital. That
first hundred will he put to work and will earn lutn
more dollars. The possibilities of the use to which
capital can be put are numerous and varied.
Opporlunitics come to the man with capital
that do not come to him without it. New fields for
safe investment open up continually. Jt is a pood plan
to deposit your extra dollars in the bank regularly.
Vou will be surprised how oitr savings j;rov.
Murray Stale Bank.
Chas. S. Stons, Cashier. Murray. Neb.
Mrs. Win. Lewis Is on the sick list
tbls week.
ben Dill drove to riattsinoutli last.
Herman Ileikc, from near I'liion,
was In Murray Tuesday.
John Conk, our harness man, was an
Omaha visitor Tuesday.
Dr. d Unions made a professional call
to Nebraska City, Monday.
Oliver Nlrtay, from west of Mynard.
was In Murray, Wednesday.
W. C. brown was transacting busi
ness In lialtsinouth Monday.
Cllf Countryman shipped bis stock
of hojrs to his ( Hue enmity farm Mon
day. Charley Stone went to Nehawka
Siind.iv to siTud the day with bis
parents. j
The Ladies' Missionary society met!
with Mrs. Wm. McDanlel, Wednesday
Mrs. .Junes, of Lincoln, Is spending
the week with her daughter, Mrs. bay
I'. Davis.
Mm. W. C. lirown went to Villisea,
Iona, Monday to spend a few days with parents.
John McNurlln camo In on the pas
sonis'er train from riattsiiiouth, Wed
nesday morning.
Rev. Riisch,' from Lincoln, preached
at tho Christian church Sunday morn
ing and evening.
Cab Suavely, from near Weeping
Water, was attending to business In
our burg Monday.
Miss Anna Davis, teacher In the
McNurlln district, was visiting In
Murray, Saturday.
tioorge Graves left Sunday for To
peka, Kansas, where he will play with
a league team this year.
Charles l'hllpot left for Custer coun
ty Tuesday, to be gone fur some weeks
At his ranch in that county.
Cecil Murphey went to l'lattsmoutli
Tuesday evening to see that the city
election was coming otT all right.
M. i. Churchill took the morning
train for riattsmoutb Monday to
attend to some business matters.
Crandma Graves, from Rock HI nil's,
was visiting In Murray Tuesday. This
is the first time that she has been able
to be about for the w inter.
Miss Virginia Heed, of Hasting.
Nebraska, a niece of Mr. J. A. Walker,
Is visiting with friends and relatives
In Murray.
Dr. R. D. Hoot, of Dig Springs, Neb.
was here the forepart of the week visit
ing his brother, It. A. Hoot. Ho left
Wednesday for Klmwood, where be
will spend a few days visiting old time
friends before returning to bis home.
Mr. Hoot speaks very highly of the
western pait of the state where be
lives. He says they are raising large
(paanitlesof sugar beets, also good place
tor small grain.
The Original.
l'oley it Co., Chicago.- originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lurg
remedy, and on account of the gicat
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many Imitations arc olfercd
for thegciiuine. These worthless Imi
tations have similar sounding names.
Eswareof them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar is In a yellow packa'-'c.
Ask for It and refuse any substitute.
It Is the Lest remedy for coughs and
colds. Sold by F. (1. Fiicke & Co.
lb A. Root received a visit from his
brotlier, Dr. Dade Hoot, who lives In
western Nebraska. The doctor re
turned home Wednesday morning.
Herman Hcike was Id town Tuesday
afternoon, to attend to some business
matters. Herman recently moved Into
his new bouse, which he built this
Oliver Niilay, a former resident east
of town, but now farming west of
liattsmoutn, was in Murray Wednes
day morning shaking bands w ith his
Misses Melanin and Hilda Sharp, two
charming young ladles from Nebraska
City, camo In Tuesday evening to
make n visit with their aunt, Mrs.
Nick Klaurcns.
Win. Hamilton, our carpenter, is
putting up a building on John Amlck's
place, three miles northwest of town.
There Is prospects of considerable
building this minmer.
Nicholas Kliurens Is employed in
Lnmihridge's blacksmith shop tbls
week, running his i!Uo sharpener.
! Vou cut have your discs sharpened
'while you wall now, instead of wait
I Imr for weeks to be hammered out the
; old way.
I l'rorei-sor Kii.r.U has been elected to
the prlnelpalshlp of the Greenwood
scnools or the coining year, me
professor has given good satisfaction
hercand we congratulate Greenwood
In selecting such an able man to take
charge of their schools.
The Ladles Aid society of the Chris
tian church will give a Sweet Sixteen
social at the church Thursday evening
April 12, l'.HMi. Each lady and gentle
man will be presented with a souvenir
at the door. Admission Ki cents for
adults, children 10 cents. Everyone
come. Don't forget the date-Thursday,
April l'.HVi.
There will be communion services at
tho United I'resbytcrian ciiurcb on
next Sabbath. Rev. J. A. Rcnwick,
of South Omaha, will preach tl.e pre
paratory sermon on Friday evening at
S o'clock and Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock. The sacrament of baptism
will be administered In connection
with the preaching service on Satur
day. John McNurlln came In from riatts
iiiouth Wednesday morning to at tend
the funeral of his father J. J. Mc
Nurlln, who died Monday at his borne
west of town. The funeral services
were held today at 11 o'clock at the
OtterUin church, after which the re
mains were taken to Mt. Pleasant
cemetery for Interment. A large num
ber of sympathetic friends attended
the last sad rites.
Peter Solzman, of Clarlnda, Iowa,
was In Murray and vicinity last w eek
buying mules and horses from the
farmers. He bought about forty-one
In all, and they were delivered here
Saturday. He bought of the best
around here, but the farmers realized
a good price for their stock. He took
them to Plattsmouth and shipped
them over the Burlington. Mr. Solz
man Is a good buyer and wants notli-
log but the best.
mit h's
Special Bargains
in Staple Goods
Watch for our Saturday Specials, Sorting New Every Weak, Sold Gtaj),
olmes & Smith, Murray, Neb,
School Report.
Monthly report of tho Murray school
for month ending March :J0, l!or.:
Knrollincnt 4!'
Number belonging 4"
Average dally attendance i:
Number of days taught -
Percent of attendance !2
Number of pupils tardy L"
Number neither tardy or absent. . . 20
The following were neither absent
or tardy for month ending March 30,
Vance Pitman, Villa Capen, Ressic
P.rendel, Isabella Young, Elizabeth
Oliver, Charles Ferguson, Ogla M in
fold, Alice (iabelman, Charles Ken
nedy, Harvey Johnson and Harry
('abcliiKiu. A. II. Kakiiakt, Prln.
Those neither tardy nur absent for
month ending March .'!, l'.n).":
Jessie Jarman, Virgil McDaniel, Mae
Loughridge, Opha baker, Ruth Ham
iltou, Virginia Copenbavor, Walter
Hamilton, Wesley Copenhaver and
Oliver (Japcn. CakimkM. Allison,
Primary Teacher.
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs.
"Several years since my lungs were
so badly aneciea mat i naa many
hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of
Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with
several physicians without any bene
fit. I then started to take Foley's
Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now
as sound as a bullet. I recommend it
in advanced stages of lung trouble.'
Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough
and heals tlie lungs, and prevents scrfl
lous results from a cold. Refuse sub
stitutes. Sold by F. G. Fiicke & Co.
Meeting of Teachers.
A special from Fremont under date
of yesterday, says: ''The meeting of
the east central Nchraska teachers
association will open In Fremont to
morrow evening for a three days' ses
sion. It is expected there will be an
attendance of 0O. The local commit
tee has finished all arrangements.
President McOec, of Ashland, will
come on a morning tralu and will as
sist In receiving the visitors. Tomor
row evening there will be an Informal
reception at college auditorium where
addresses of greeting will be ex
changed. Tho association Is the new
one formed at the state association
meeting at Lincoln. It Is to be com
posed of the counties In cast central
Nebraska, and from tills derives Its
name. Tho session in trcmont win
be the Initial one. Owing to the large
number of visitors expected, many
citizens have been asked to give rooms
of their residence for tho teachers."
Against Crime.
In some of our large cities the law
abiding citizens arc forming clubs for
the protection of the people against
crime, but the results of this crusade
seem to be insignificant Crime can
not be oppressed by force alone. Good
and steady employment for all people,
to enable everybody to honestly sup
port lils family, may have a better ef
fect. Fur people shunning work there
should be no place in the human soci
ety; for people unable to work on ac
count of sickness and weakness, there
is Triner's American Elixir of Hitter
Wine, the specific medicine for all dc
rangenients of the digest ion.
to the root of the wcaknss to
bilitated digestive tract -and soon y"il,f's
makes it, strong enough not only to j ,; I'- 111
-' accept but to long for food, 'the
Learn Elocution.
Prof. G. M. Ritchie, director of
School of Elocution of Omaha, is ar
ranging to spend Tuesday ff each
week In Plattsmouth for the purpose
of giving instruction In Elocution and
Physical Culture. There will be pri
vate and class work.
Class of ten for ten weeks V M
Private lessons per lesson I 00
Children's classes, ten weeks 2 .V)
Here is an opportunity to learn the
ait of reading and speaking at a very
moderate cost. Those who desire to! Tate
enter classes, and parents whod"sire
to give tlieir children the advaiita;:c
It goes "lis v;iluatile work. should call upon
1 1 ir rip. i Professor Kitehie next Tuesday at
For Sale!
A bV acre farm two and on(-half
east of LaPlattc, in Sarpy county, on
the Missouri bottom. 120 acres in
cultivation, 15 acres in timber and
tame grass pasture. The Improve
ments are a three-room bouse, a splen
did cement cave, corn-crib and gran
ary, fine well of water, fenced and
cross fenced. Land lays perfectly level
and there is no better corn land in the
state. L'asli price 3i,00o. Forfurther
particulars write or call on Falter &
Piatlsmouth, Neb.
A Full Line Farm Implements
including tho David Bradley make
and Peter Shuttler farm wagon
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Get our Prices Before Buying.
L B. UNDERWOOD Murray, Neb
The Richest Man la thi World.
The richest man In the world can
not have his kidneys rclaced or live
without them, so It Is Important not
to neglect these organs. If lolcy's
Kidney Cure Is taken at the first sign
ofdangor, the symptoms will disap
pear and your healtli will be restored
as It strengthens and builds up these
organs as nothing else will. Oscar
How-man, Lebanon, Ky., writes: "1
have used Foley' Kidney Cure and
take great pleasure In stating it cured
me permanently or Kinney disease
which certainly would nave cost me
my li'e." Sold ly F. G. Frickc & Co
For Sale.
Pio acres, 5 miles from Lawrence.
Neb.; good Improvements.; al-out, fifty
acres under cultivation, It) alfalfa, isil
anco pasture; running water; plenty
shade; a Ivugaiu at $.",ono. For further
Information write us. Lawrence Heal
Est at o and Hrokcrage company, Law
rence, Neb.
J ust received a car of the American
fencing. If In need of any please give
us a call before buying.
ligesf Ion heing made perfect the body
receives new, pure blood and with it
new strength and vitality. It brings
appetite, restful sleep, perfect health.
At drug stores. .Jos. Trlner, "'.Mt So.
Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
Missionary Meeting at Nebr. City.
The delegates, Mesdames J. II. Sals
bury, J. N. Wise, W. H. Newell,
Misses Estelle Halrd and Alma Larson,
who attended the meeting of the Pres
byterian Missionary society at Ne
braska City, returned homo this after
noon and report that despite the In
clemency of the weather a large num
ber were present at the twenty-sixth
annual meeting. About fifty delegates
were In attendance at the society,
which was In session all day, and
listened to an excellent program of
hich the principal address was deliv
ered by Dr. Alexander Wilson, of
MeraJ, India. In the evening the
society gave an Interesting program
of music and address, which was
largely attended by Nebraska City
Devil's Island Torture
is no worse than the terriole case ot
Piles that afflicted me 10 years. Then
was advised to apply Hucklcn's
Arnica Salve, and less than a box per
manently cured me, writes L. S. Na
pier, of Huglcs, Ky. Heals all wounds,
Hums and Sores like magic. Joe at
F. G. Fricke & Co.'s, druggist.
80 acre well improved farm, 21 miles
from station, 71 miles from Lawrence,
Neb.; 45 acres under plow, .10 acres pas
ture, 5 acres In alfalfa; house lix24,
with porch 0x24 feet; granary 12x14;
stables, sheds, etc.; now windmill,
tanks; good community; price 12,800.
Terms to suit purchaser. Lawrence
Real Estate and Hrokerage company,
awrence Neb.
1 hall any t ime f mm P a. in
'Phone L's"( tiil Tuesday.
Is the Moon Inhabited.
Science has proven that the moon j
has an atnicsphere, which makes life!
in some form possible on thatsatelite;
but not for human beings, who have a
bard enough time on this earth of
ours; especially who don't know
that Electric Hitters cure Headache,
Hlllonsness, Malara, Chills and Fever,
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Tor
pid Liver, Kidney complaints, General
Debility and Female weaknesses. Un
equalled as a general Tonic and Appe
tizer for weak persons and especially
for the aged, It induces sound sleep.
Fully guaranteed by F. G. Fricke &
Co., druggist. Trice only f0c.
Frank Parker Badly Hurt.
Frank Parker was badly hurt last
Monday while helping move a build
ing and Is in a very serious condition
at present. It seems the building bad
been started with a block and tackle,
when the tackle broke and allowed the
building to slip back and it caught
Mr. Parker in such a manner as to
crush blm and Injure him Internally.
Grave fears for his life were enter
tained for a time, but Dr. Rickard
now bopes that the worst is past and
that he will recover If no unlooked for
complications set In.--Weeping Water
How are your kidneys? It is dan
gerous to delay when the kidneys are
sick. One box of kldney-Lttes will
recommend the next. 23cents. Sold
by Gering & Co.
Why Buffer with your kidneys?
The discovery of Kldney-Etts has
proved a blessing to thousands of kid
ney sufferers wbo have been restored
to perfect health. These tabletsdrlve
the diseased germs out of the system
and we urge all suffers to give this
scientific add successful kidney remedy
a trial. 25 cents. Sold by Gering & Co.
Rheuinctism Hcl;es Life Miserable.
A happy home is the most valuable
ptsse.vsi'.ii that is within tiie reach of
mankind, but you cannot enjoy its
comforts if you are suffering frcm
rheumatism. Vou throw aside busi
ness cues when you enter your home
and jou can be relieved from thcSJ
rheumatic pains also by applying some
Chamberlain's Pain Halm. One ap
plication will give you relief and Its
continued use for a short tlxe will
bring about a permanent cure. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., and A. T.
in any style
Short Orders)
Regular Meals j
Our Spi
el tit it i.
If you are hungry we can supply
you with the pick of the market
5th door East ot Cass Co. Bank
Lands, Ranches and City Real Estate
In Nebraska and elsewhere bought
sold and exchanged.
U.'Mttil-i. Insuniiicp and Abstrm'tliiK of
Tltln. Money to lonn lit h low rtue of
tutprvst on Improved furms. Hu.tliirs
(orrt'sx)ii(lcnls In nil Important cities
and towns In Uio United suites.
R. B. WINDHAM, PrttlcUnt
W. W. WINDHAM, Seoretary
Makaa Kldnoy and Bladdar Blflht
Cooking Stoves
lias disposed of bis huilriinti and
will to close out his entire stock
Heating Stoves
on all purchases. Come
a snap for the money.
ami see the stock and be convinced that every article
Now is the time and here is the place to buy furniture
The oldest furniture denier In
the City of liattsmouth, Neb.
Parlor Furniture