The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 05, 1906, Image 2

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Personal Points
. From l'riiij' lntly.
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Oats' Wick.
Garden tools of every description at
John Uauer's.
John Clarence, of Union was a coun
ty seat visitor today.
J. A. Stotlerand II. K. Coleman, re
turned totireenwood this afternoon.
From Monday' I'Hlljf
1'ost master A. L. 1 taker of Murray
was a county ceat visitor today.
1'erry 1'ttert.ack went to Murray
this afternoon to sell the people there
some good lights.
r. II. Melslnger, wife and daughter
were among the passengers fo.i the me
tropolis this morning.
W. J. Schneider of Cedar Creek spent
pain. Sold by I. Ci. I'rk-ke O,
I tiering & Co.
New supply of garden seed In bulk,
also all kinds of Held seeds, at A semis
sen Ac Ixwck's.
Let us be your baker. We have the
experience. Satisfaction or the money
back. New liakery.
Money on hand to loon on city
property. Ho delay.
No meal Is complete without ood Sunday in the city, the guest of his
bread. Insist on ours. New Ilakery
Will Fltgerald returned this morn
ing from a visit with relatives at
J. II. Iluttery and wife who came In
' to attend the funeral of Mrs. White,
returned to Lincoln l ist night.
Geo. M. Spurlock and father, who
came to attend the funeral of Mrs.
While, returned this morning to York,
Mrs. Virginia McVlcker went to
Malvern. la., this afternoon to spend
Sunday with relatives and friends
Mrs. Sam l'atterson came In from
Arapohoe last evening to visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Me
Caule.v. H. M. Snennlehsen returned from
'Schneider, Neh., last evening, where
ho went to attend the funeral of his
Will Robertson expects to leave to
morrow afternoon on a business and
pleasure trip to Los Angeles and other
points In California.
The friends of Mrs. Joe Fitzgerald
unci!, II. A. Schneider.
Mrs. George Hates, of Louisville,
spent Sunday In the city, the guestsof
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snivey.
Will I'.rown and wife drove up from
Murray tills morning; the latter tak
ing the afternoon train for Omaha,
where she will visit with friends.
L'irenz Urns, sold their Ua.'k team
today for This is an excellent
team, and very cheap at this price.
The lucky purchaser was a fanner near
I, N. Woodward and wife, who have
been enjoying a visit with County
Clerk Koseucrans and wife, departed
this afternoon for their home In Kim-
Mrs. Win. MeCauley s ill ;re 1 ij'iito
severe attack of illness Saturday In
the form of acute dizziness or vertigo.
She was under the doctor's care Sat
urday and Sunday, but Is somewhat
better today.
A marriage license was issued this
afternoon to John N. I label and Ilessle
Meslna, both residents of Mynard.
will be pleased to learn that she Is They were united In marriage by
somewhat better today, and great Judge Travis. May their wedded life
hopes are now entertained for her be a long, happy nnd prosperous one
early recovery. irs j, yse s spending the day
Rudolph Ilamsel and a forcioften In Omaha, bring entertained at a
men were passengers v eiines.iay ior luncheon at the home or Mrs. Mimuei
Alliance, where they were called by Pees, attending later a meeting of the
the rush of work In the car repairing Daughters of thy American Pevolu
department there. tlon. at the home of Mrs. K. I'. Peck
I'mm Siilurduy'a liiilly.
Machine oil at Asemlssen & Louck's
J. A. Walker.of Murray, wasa l'latts-
mouth visitor today
Mayor W. F. Gillespie, of Mynard,
was a county seat visitor today
Sheriff Oulnton went down In the
vicinity of Avoca this afternoon.
Col. Seybolt, of Murray, was trans
acting business at the county seat to
Will Robertson departed this after
noon on a cunulncd business and
pleasure trip to Los Angeles, Calif.
(lias. Helhart and Adam Fornolf
of near Cedar Creek, were among the
l'lattsinouth visitors this afternoon.
J. N. Woodward and wife, of Kim
wood, are visiting in the city, the
guests of County Clerk and Mrs. Rosen
Miss Feme Greenslate expects to
leave tommrrow for Omaha, where she
lias seemed a position with Thompson
Relden Co.
Mike SwartztWher was In from Mt
pleasant precinct today, and reports
the loss of a valuable marc which re
cently died.
C liengcn, one oi l ass county s
most reliable German farmers, was In
the city today
pleasant call.
Wash Young, from near Murray,
was transacting business In town to
Will Noxen, jr., of Cedar Creek,
was visiting friends at the county seat
A marriage license was Issued this
morning to Richard E. Sclmeltc, age
22. of Greenwood, and Mary Andra
Dlmick, age lit, of Waverly.
Mr. and Mrs. Ren Klson departed
on the fast mail this afternoon for Los
wiiere she has been invited to appear
on the program.
Living Indoors so much during the
winter months creates a sort of a
stuffy, want-of-ozone condition In the
blood and system generally. Clean up
and get ready for spring. 'I ake a few
Karly Risers. These famous little
pills cleanse the liver, stomach and
bowels and give the blood a chance to
purify Itself. They relieve headache,
sallow complexion, etc. Sold by . G.
Frlcke & Co., tiering & Co.
From Tui'xliiy's Pally
Dan Lynn, of I'nlon, was a county
seat visitor today
Nick Oops, of Avoca, was a Piatt
mouth visitor this afternoon.
J. 'I. Ridiey departed this morning
on a business tilp to Colorado
I. D. l'.iaiublet. of Union, was trans.
acting business In the city today
John Renfer returned this morning
from a business trip to Louisville
A. S. Will departed on a business
t rln to Hrush and Akron, Colo., tins
The county commissioners are in
session today, and are grinding out
considerable business.
W. Gamble will attend the east
and paid the Journal a Central Nebraska Teachers' assocla
lion meeting at Fremont tomorrow.
Karl Kiihncy departed this after
noon for rocateiio, maim, wiiere ne
has secured a position with the rail
road company
Lee May Held camo down from Om
aha last evening and was conveyed to
his home In Louisville overland. Mr,
May Held was returning from a western
business trio, and arrived In Omaha
too late for tils train home
You feel the life giving current
the minute you take It. A gentle
i .......
Angeles, Calif. They will stop off at soothing warmth, mis the nerves ana
Denver for a short visit with friends, blood with life. It s a real pleasure to
Many friends were down to the train take Holllstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea
to see them away, and wish them a 3,1 cents, Tea or Tablets. SoldbyGer
pleasant trip. W & Co,
W. II. Seynert, of Cullom, was In The many friends of Mrs. Kundl
the city today and said that the old munda Stohlman, who lives near
Platte In that section done a great Louisville, will regret to learn thai it
deal of threatening the fore part of Ulmpssslble for her to survive but a
the week, but no serious damage was short time. She Is an old resident of
done. While, here Mr. Sevbert re- Cass county and one of the finest old
ncwed for the Journal another year. ladles In the county.
t . i i .i . ... i i .... I lrt 1 1 rt n oMtiiil, nr n prktil im In
A temporary immnuoii, restraining ' '"H" v
the sale by the sheriff of Cass county your system by taking a remedy that
to collect a judgment rendered by binds the bowels. Take Kennedy
the county court of Lancaster, against Laxative Honey and Tar. It Is differ
northeast quarter and northwest quar- cnt from all other cough syrups. It is
ter of section l'.. township J, range 11, better. It opens the bowels -expels
was Issued by Judge Jessen yesterday all colds, croup, whooping cough, etc
afternoon. The case will come up for An meal remedy tor young ana oia
bearing on April 2i, hW. Children like It. Sold by F.G. Frlcke
William Neville came In last night & Co ('-,tln Co.
from Topeka. near which place lie Is I If you ever bought a box of w itch
engaged In railroad bridge building. Hazel Salve that failed to give satis
Ullly Is noted for his excellent work in faction the chances arc It did not nave
this line, as his work always gives the name "E.C.DeWItt Co." printed
general satisfaction. He Is now en- on the wrapper and pressed In the box
raged at this work with the I . 1
railroad. After a visit to Omaha
Monday he will return to Kansas.
Dr. Elster, Dentist,
Waterman Block
From Wi'diHutluy't dully.
"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar
Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves, all
sizes and styles, for sale at Asemlssen
Si Louck's.
Judge II. D. Travis departed last
night on a business trip toClalremorc,
Indian Territory.
Full line of Quick Meal and Round
Oak Steel Ranges, at competing prices,
Asemlssen & Louck.
The ever popular "Exquisito 'cigar,
made by Herman Spies, Is one of the
est bon the market. Ask for them
John Roetel and family returned to
IlavcliK'k this afternoon after a few
days visit with friends and relatives
The Irrepressible Rilly O'Rrien of
near Murray, was here today, and
called and renewed his faith in the
Journal another year.
Mrs. M. Archer went to South Om
aha t his morning to be with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Mary Swallenberg, who is
gradually losing strength.
D.O. DWYER, Attorney-ot-Law
Offce in building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
In the district clerk's oMlee a suit
was tiled by Isaac N. Speer vs Albert
N. Speer, asking for a judgment in
the sum of r-V8U',0, for value received.
Superintendent J. W. Gamble de
parted this afternoon for Lremont,
wiiere he will attend the convention
of the Interstate Teachers' Associa
Chamberlain's Salve is good for any
disease of tho skin. It-allays the Itch
ing and burning sensation Instantly.
or sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and A.
Mesdames J. H. Salsbury, J.
Wise, Misses Kstelle Ralrd and Alma
arson departed last evening for Ne
braska City, where thev will attend
the Woman's Presbyterian Missionary
convention today.
Abe Rupley came up from Union
last evening to visit home folks and
Incldently cast his vote for his favor
ite candidates in the city election.
Mr. Rupley says the Journal dollar is
I'ulon and circulating among Its
friends In that burg quite freely. He
will return to Union tonight.
Pete Llndsey was all smiles today
when he entered the Journal ofllce
with a box of cigars in his hand. When
he began handing them around to the
boys, we"asked "why this was thus?"
Then he told us that a great big boy
had arrived at his house about 10
o'clock this morning, and that he felt
so proud that he could not resist the
temptation of "setting tlicin up."
May the little fellow live long and
C. A. Rawls, Lawyer.
bete and general practice
ice of County Attorney.
The original DeWltt's Witch Hazel
Salve never fails to give satisfaction
for burns, s;ires, boils, tetter, cracke
bands, etc. For blind, bleeding, Itch
lug and protruding Files It alTord
almost Immediate relief. It stops the
A yrtain Lectwre
DIDN'T we tell you the weather man would fix things properly when
he got to going right? The thunder shower and heavy rains weren't
for nothing. It sure means an introduction to spring beautiiful spring,
with its mud and other things. But while we're talking, see here
While we have beautiful spring
goods in all lines we call your
especial attention to our new line of
Lace Curtains which. we think
far excels any line heretofore shown.
Kul'lled Net and Swiss curtains at
90c, $1.40 and up.
Vo may not care to put much
money into new lace curtaits. You
can have your choice of some pretty
patterns at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and
$1.50 a pair. If yon care to pay
more we have excellent values and
pretty patterns at $2, $2.50, $3,
$3.50, $4, $5, $f and $7.50.
Look over our new line of Door
Panels at 40c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.
Net Curtains with Battcnberg In
sertion and edge, $2.50 a pair.
lute and Arabian
tains with real Clunv
$5 and $6.
Bonne Fern me Curtains at from
$3.50 to $8.00
Net Cur-
insertion at
A beautiful line of Madras Cur
tains in wide silk stripes at $5. Can
be used for portieres or curtains.
Madras Curtains in cream with blue,
red and green cross stripes, $1, up.
Curtain Swisses in stripes, dots
and figures, 10c, I2l2c, 15c and up.
In cross stripes 42 in. in all colors.
Regular $1.00 Wrappers for
85 cents.
E. . PEY m SM
street. Fortunately neither one of
them sustained serious injury.
This is the season of listlessness,
headaches and spring disorders. Hoi
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea Is a sure
preventative. Make you strong and
vigorous. .'!.") cents, Tea or Tablets.
Sold by Gering & Co.
The many friends oi Wade Wind
ham will be pleased to know that he
has secured a position as traveling
salesman for the Oliver Typewriter
Co., of Denver.
Joe Thompson Is sporting a new
horse on the hack. He purchased it last
Monday from Chas. Carroll of Murray.
E. A. Rrodieand wife departed this
afternoon for Salt Lake City, where
they will make their home In the
Mrs. J. Smith who has been enjoy
ing a visit with relatives here departed
this morning for her home at Spokane,
If yon want a real estate loan at
reasonable rates; or a reliable abstract
of title, insurance policy, security
bond of and kind, or a contract, deed
or mortgage drawn, sec John M. Leyda,
Gund building. Work promptly and
neatly done and charges reasonable.
Rev. W. F. P.radley was visiting
friends in Murray today.
Ozro Virgin of Murray wasa business
visitor at Plattsmouth today.
Two cases of scarlctlna at Union
have been reported to the county
Sheriff Qulnton went to Louisville
this morning to look after some legal
J. A. Whltmore of Nehawka was
transacting business at the county
seat today.
A. D. Eigcnbroadt and wife came In
this morning from Lincoln to visit
with friends here.
All smart up-to-date women of today,
Know know to bake, wash, sing and to
Without these talents a wife Is N G.
Unless she takes Rocky MountalnTea.
Sold by Gering & Co.
Mrs. Mat Dougherty returned to
Havelock this morning, after a pleas
ant visit with her son, Will.
Miss Nellie Jean and Gertrude Cole
returned last night from a visit with
the former's brother and sister at
York, Neb.
Soothes Itching skin. Heals cuts or
bums without a scar. Cures piles,
eczema, salt rheum any Itching. I loan's
Ointment. Your druggist sells It.
A. R. Taylor who has been contined
during the past week at his home on
Rock street, suffering with stomach
trouble, Is reported to be Improving
It Is reported that one of the lead
Ing stores at Nebraska City was rob
bed last night, and the authorities
here are on the lookout for the guilty
While the expressman. Will Hart-
wick, was discharging his duties yes
terday evening, he together with
France Rallance, who was riding with
him, were thrown from thewagenby
striking a high crossing on Granite
pring Millinerv
and N
prinq armen
Fanger's Department Store is showing
the Latest Things in
Wooltex Skirts and Jackets
RULES Iflill inn ru I lf A 111
Invite Uour Attendance
It will be the most noteworthy exhibition we
have ever held more comprehensive than any pre
vious one, because the gathering is larger, of a higher
nature and more varied; more interesting because
the tendency this season is decidedly toward novel
ties in women's dress, and in this authoritlve collec
tion is to be seen the exquslte novelties that have
been favored by Fashion's approval for the coming
Stylish Spring Jackets for Ladles, Misses and Children
and New Walking Skirts In the newest of checks and
plaids. Beautiful styles In the new White Waists
Lingerie effects from a collection from which you
can gather more Ideas In an hour than could other
wise be obtained in a week's hard work. So even if
you are planning the making of your own garments,
we cordially welcome you as a looker as a buyer.
L (lb It) I SPRING
and is here in abundance
We c irdlally invite all the women who love beau
tiful millinery to come and view these charming cre
ations, modeled after the Spring fashions set by
Paris. A complete innovation of styles for 1!K)0 ar
tistic effects in so great a contrast to the season just
passed. Multitudes of new Ideas shown In the most
bewitching styles, overshadowing all previous dis
plays In variety, gorgeous coloring and novel shapes.
Although It will be an exposition of Spring mil
linery styles that we can be proud of and that we're
sure you will enjoy seeing. And the prices will prove
a revelation to patrons of the specialty shops. Our
own productions a especially fetching, designed un
der the personal Instruction of our head trimmer,
who has Just returned from several months residence
la St. Louis.
Arrange the 3!) letters printed
in the center group of this
puzzlo into the names of six
cities of the United States.
The letter In each group
can only be used as many
times as they appear, and no
letter may be used that does
not appear.
Every correct
be accepted
solution will
10 per cent In Payment
of each and every custom
ers purchase.
This Is the Puzzle
Can You Solve It?
Visit our
The Solution of this Puzzle will be taken as 10 per cent in payment
for all purchases at this store up to Saturday, April 14.
Fanger's Department Store
1 tr .."-a G3ttzS GZTZZZZZ) GZTSa CSJ