moutb VOLUME XXVI PLATTSMOUTII, NK1U5ASKA, Til l' USD AY, AIMII L 5, 11KM5. NILM Mll l I. tte journal. JOTTINGS FOR THE JOLLY Short Paragraphs Prepared and Purloined For the Readers of the Journal. I had frlrnd. I had, as well. A little rath to lend. And now I've Lmt. Oh! md to tell! My nionry aod my friend. make It takes more than money to tbo nightmare go. Only the survivors believe In the survival of the fittest. Too many men's charity Is limited to the giving of advice. A savage dog lias caused many a man to lead a chased life. Most men love their neighbor's mon ey as they love their own. Enthusiasm sets the pace, but com mon sense wins In a walk. Love seldom travel! In the same vehicle with common sense. Xlght has its uses and abuses like wise the morning after. When you want to bet, put up some thing stronger than a bluff. Live up to your good Intentions and put the devil out of business. The election Is over and we are glad of it. It was a hot number. A man Is never too old to learn, but he may be too young to realize It. It Is easy for a man to behave after he breaks Into the has-been class. Too many men who run Into debt don't even attempt to crawl out. Many an otherwise clean record is soiled by contact with filthy lucure. Almost any woman will believe a story that has a scandal attached to It. Some folks seem to have been born or the purpose of circulating rumors. Terscrvance works wonders, but It can't convert bad eggs into chickens. Some people seem to take fiendish delight In always being on the wrong side. A brave man never lifts up a foe for the purpose of knocking him down again. A sensible girl draws the line at the poetic youth who deals In unkissed kisses. Nothing Is so disgusting to a politi cian as the talk of his opponent's money. This world could easily get along without the man who never makes a mistake. Many a golden opportunity has been wrecked for want of a genius to throw the switch. Trying to get Into heaven on the strength of a tombstone testimonial is risky business. A woman's Idea of a model husband Is one who takes house cleaning philosophically. A man who is unable to hear money talk is always watching tosee If It will not make signs. A girl hasn't much faith in a fortune teller who doesn't predict that she will marry rich. Even the wisest of men would rather have their friends hand them l'attery than honest criticism. As a general thing the other f ellow has no use fur your opinion unless It coincides with his own. Just as fast as It grows easier for a man to do without friends, be finds that their numbers Increase. A girl thinks she Isn't being treated as she should be If the man she Is en gaged to refuses to get jealous. Tossibly all men may be born free and equal, but It is Impossible to keep some of them In that condition. Some women are never so happy as when they get a chance to tell of the trouble they have with hired girls. It Is a sad commentary on our age that the more money a man has the more lies he tells to the tax assessor. It isn't always safe to Judge the value of an article by the figures marked on the ticket attached thereto. Tossibly there may be men who love their neighbors as themselves, but so far we have failed to form their ac quaintance. When a girl deliberately lets a young man see her with her hair in curl papers It Is time for him to trans fer his affections. A man Is usually Judged by the com pany he keeps, but It Isn't fair to Judge .a woman that way. Her company is frequently forced upon her. There Is a period In every woman s life when she feels the superiority of her sex, and that is when she sees a man trying to thread a needle. Why didn't County Attorney Rawls authorize the sheriff to notify those who had slot machines to take them out all over the county? Ain't Mr. Bawls going beyond his power, or even his duty? Congressman Pollard. Congressman Ernest M. Pollard ar rived In the city Thursday from V.'ash Ington, says the Lincoln News, and was the guest at luncheon of Vice Chairman Strode. Mr. I'ollard Is uniting public business with private on this visit. He has been successful In Inducing the agricultural depart ment to order some Interesting experi ments In Nebraska during the coming summer' and Mr. I'ollard expects to arrange. Mr. Pollard met quite a number of Lincoln business men at the Commer cial club, and other citizens elsewhere The many assurances of Interest In his candidacy for a second term and the offers of support lead him to feel quite confident that the effort being Incu bated by certain politicians In the dis trict to defeat him for renoinlnation will fall. The congressman did not care to discuss the situation in detail until he had talked with more of the people of his district. He has been in receipt of many letters In recent week proffering support, and he bellves that if the people have a fair chance to express themselves, the opposition to him will be short lived. He has been a member of congress but a few months and lias been busy all the timegctting In touch with the various departments and In learnlhg the ropes. He feels that he is in a position now to do good work for the people of the district, and being a practical agriculturist himself, he can do the farming Inter ests great good. A number of those who talked with him yesterday assurred him of their belief that if the issue was clearly placed before the people of this county he would carry It because of the prev alence of the belief that he Is entitled to a second term and because his plat form commends Itself to them. A WORD WITH ASSESSORS Do Your Duty and Make Those Former "Tax Dodgers" Pay for All Their Wealth. THE CHICKEN PIE SUPPER A Rousing Success and the Ladies Enjoyed the Fun of Looking On. THEMEN GOOD COOKS AND DISHWASHERS Demonstrate to Their Wines and Daughters Wiat They Could Do In Case of Necessity. Monday last you began your duties of listening to people tell lies, and they will swear to them, too. The fellows that prate long and loud about "America for Americans" and oppose foreign Immigration and the fellows that are most zealous in having the strong arm of the law always extended to their wards In the protection of their large properties, w ill be the fel lows that will lie to you the hardest and stick to it the most cheerfully. They are the same fellows who so be grudge the paying of their few taxes to the county treasurer that a distress warrant must be dangled under their eyes before they dig. Assessors and the treasurers tell us that the little fellows who have little to pay and little to pay with are not the tax dodgers. The people who want to avoid paying their fair share of the running expenses of the county and state are the men who are gener ally supposed to be the "representa tive citizens" of the community and are asked to sit on the platform with the guest of honor while the band plays and the procession of school children passes by. Mr. Assessor, please get 'em this time. Make them tell a whopper If they must fib at all. They say the re cording angel does not keep two liar's dockets, one for white and another for big black lies. It all goes In one book You can moralize them about "the more you have the more you ought to appreciate It," etc., Mr. Assessor, but it will do no good. They are veterans In the game and you cannot make them bat an eye. If they do not want to give you a list of all the property you are reasonably assured they have, Just let them alone and standing on the statute add to their schedule the additional amount together with the penalty provided for. Make those "rich fellows" who be come suddenly "very poor" when he sees you approach him, "whack up according to his worth the same as the man who has hut a little home and household effects. Do your duty to all alike and a united people will raise up and call you blessed. The chicken pie supper given by the men at the PresbytcrlanchurchThurs- day night was a rousing success. At the door the guests were cordially receiv ed by a reception committee attired in black suits. From the door they were escorted by one of the committee to the cashier's desk, where J. II. Becker presided with a dignified air. On meeting the requlrments here, they were turned over to head waiter, lie v. Salshury, who escorted them to a table, where they were most sumptuously served by waiters, attired In spotless white Jackets. Considerable merriment was pro duced by the fact that the majority of the republicans were seated at Dr. Elster's table, but, nevertheless, they were compelled to admit at the conclu sion of the bountiful repast, that Doc was a most efficient and attentive waiter, and an exceedingly Jolly good fellow. After enjoying the delicious supper to the fullest extent, the re porter peeped Into the kitchen, where we observed Chef Marshall attired In a long white apron, heaping the delec table viands upon the plates, and his assistants pouring coffee, washing dishes, cutting cakes, and performing other duties, just as though they were old hands at the business. Now, after the event Is all over, It Is hinted that the ladies concocked this scheme to see what their hus bands couhl do In the way of cooking and dishwashing, in the event that they were ever called upon to do the stunt at home. It is safe to bet that "I don't know how." won't work in many homes hereafter. Funeral of Mrs.Swcttwood. The last sad services were held over the regains of Mrs. Army Ann Sweet wood Friday morning at t o'clock at the Methodist church. A beautiful sermon was delivered, containing the following short obituary: Mrs. Amy Ann Sweetwood was born In Shelby county, Indiana, on the 8th day of No vember lstis, and was married to J. C. Sweet wood In Osborn county, Kansas, on the i:th day of April is8ii. From there the young couple moved to Okla homa and thence to Plattsinouth last October, .she was a very busy anil a very earnest and true chi 1st ian. She died on the morning of March 'J'.ith, HKMi, leaving four sons and one daugh ter, who is niurrled, and resides in Ok lahoma, a mother and father, ami hus band to mourn her loss. After the sermon Mrs. Hall, Mis. Swonruigen and Mollie Selves i led the choir In singing "Nearer My God too Thee." The remains were conveyed to (ilenwood Friday morning and were Intend beside those of her sister. RAILROADING SOME TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Stomach and Liver Trouble. Orino Laxative iruit Jsyrup cures stomach and liver trouble as Italdsdl gcstlon, and stimulates the liver and bowels without Irritating these or gans like pills and ordinary cathartics It cures Indigestion and sick headache and chronic constipation. Orlno Lax atlve Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or srlpo and is mild and pleasant totakc Refuse substitutes. Sold by F. ( f'rlcke 'o. Trip From Omaha to Hastings Then Took Twice as Long as It Now Requires. Parents' Rally Day. The Christian Bible school are plan nlngtomake a campaign during the month of April to Increase their num bers and usefulness. This campaign opens with a Parents Bally day next Sunday. Every father and mother whose children attend this school are urged to come with their children next .Sunday. Arrange your plans so that you may come with the children. He there sharp at 10 o'clock, see what we are doing for the children, give us any suggestions that may come to you as the program is carried out. Special elTort will be made to make your visit interesting and entertain ing. Special sermon to parents at 11 o'clock by the pastor. Acres of Good Land Yet. The World-Herald says that advices at the land ofllceof the Burlington are that entries made by cattlemen and their agents and held to be fraudulent arc being canceled daily at Washing ton. These lands are In Thomas, Hooker, Cherry, Sheridan, Sioux, Blaine and Deuel counties, Nebraska, and aggregate about 800,000 acres. Special agents are constantly travel ing over the counties and when an entry that seems suspicious Is found, an Investigat ion is made. If evidence of fraud is found, the person who made the entry is served with notice to ap pear at the land office and make proof of good faith. If this Is not done within thl rty days the entry is canceled and the land Is again subject to entry. Much of the land In these counties is as fine as there is In the west. It was taken by the cattle barons or their agents years ago when they had the pick of the entire country. Democratic Editorial Association. This ofllce has received announce ment of the fact that the Nebraska Democratic Editorial Association will meet at the Windsor Hotel In Lincoln on Tuesday, May 22. The afternoon will be taken up as a business meeting. Jntheevenlngabanquct will be given, at which twelve responses to toasts will be given, from five to ten minutes being assigned to each speaker. The committee on arrangements have the assurance that every democratic paper in the state will bo represented, and that many of the leading democrats will also be present. The editor of the Journal Is down on the program to re spond to "Missouri In Imos." As that was long before our time In that grand old state, we arc somewhat fearful wc cannot do the subject justice, but will do our hpst . Speaking of the running of trains twenty-five years ago, the Lincoln Journal says: "John M. Butler, chief clerk of the railroad mail service, was In the ser vice as a postal clerk when the Bur lington system west of the river was much less Important than it Is now. He ran on the Denver line long before it readied Denver, running to the west end during the period when It was be ing built. He remembers that for a long time he ran west as far as Cul bertson, with the mail car, and then all at once the mall route was opened through to Denver, and he carried the mail on to that destination. "Jn those days and before that time the Burl. ngton line from Omaha to Hastings was not nearly so much of a railroad as it has since grown to be. Mr. Butler remembers that the west bound train left Omaha In the morn Ing, about 8 o'clock, that It ran to Lin coin by way of Oreapolis, and arrived here for dinner. After dinner the train went westward and reached Hastings In time for supper. East bound It left Hastings In the morning, reached Lincoln for dinnerand Omaha forearly supper. Now. No. 1 runs from Pacific Junction to Hastings In thrc hours and fifty-two minutes, leaving Omaha out of the run altogether, and No. ti, eastbound, makes the run from Hastings to Omaha In three hours and fifty-seven minutes. "The main line trains, in those days before the Denver road was completed consisted of three cars. Mr. But lei knew a man who worked on a main line passenger train on the Burlington for a time. He was discharged for some reason or other and took a job with the A. & N.. running out of Lin coln on a passenger train. He told Mr. Butler after a few runs that lie would throw up the A. & N. job, because af ter a taste of real railroading on the main line of the B. & M. work on the A. & N. was too slow and tedious. In those days the A. & N. road was own ed and operated separately from the B. & M. "At that time there was but one way to the Pacific coast from this part of the world; that was via the Union Pa cific. The Billings line, with Its thou sand miles of track, and the Northern Pacific with Its Pacific coast connec tions, had not been constructed. "After reaching Denver the Burling ton system began to grow with won derful rapidity In Nebraska. In fact It was grow ing while the company was building the Denver line. A few years afterward In 1W7, the company sent a special train to Denver from Chica go at a rate of speed for the entire dis tance of more than fifty-eight miles an hour a performance for a longdis tance, hill climbing run that has never been equalled. Today the englnemen of the road say that with the new steel and the new passenger engines, the run of the Mayhem special could be discounted." COAL TRUST PLAYS TRICK ON PUBLIC Hires Press Bureau for Dissemination News Female to Anthracite Barons. The favorite motto of the trusts Is, "The public be damned," but at least one giant corporation has seen the handwrlt ing, while others are opening their eyes. It remained for the coal trust to discover the weakness of the old slogan and to change It so that It now reads, "The public be eonned." The cmil trust lias retained, at a high salary, as theclilef "cornier," Ivy l Lee, one of the brightest of New York newspaper men. Four years ago the t rust struggled through a strike, disregarding public opinion, i, ut nerore the strike was over the operators learned that the public amounted to something. It, ma terially aided t he miners In securing many demands and cost the trust millions. On the seventeenth Moor of the Com mercial Cable building In New York City elegantly furnished rooms, with a corps of the most skilled news writers In the city, are presided over by Lee for the trust. Itlsacknowledged that the object is to present the coal trust's side of the controversy and to win pub lic support, which was spurned four years ago. Lee, the trust's mouth piece, Is present at every conference and knows all the details of the Inner workings of the operators. Direct In terviews with the coal barons, regard ing conferences or plans, are almost out of quest Ion, but almost daily letters arc sent out containing news, Inter views on the coal situation, stories designed to show that conditions In the coal fields are not as had as paint ed by the miners, denials of charges made by the miners and pro-coal trust editorials. Mr. Lee Is sending In format Ion to practically every dally newspaper In the country. Accompanying each let ter is a printed slip, which he desig nates as an "Authorized statement by the coal operators'coininlttceof seven, consisting of Messrs (Scorge. F. Baer, W. II. Trusdale, J. B. Kerr, David Wlllcox, Morris Williams, E. B. Thomas and J. L. Cake," as follows: "The anthracite coal operators, real izing the general public Interest In conditions In the mining regions, have arranged to supply the press with all possible Information. Statements from the operators will be given to the newspapers through Mr. Jvy L. Lee of 3) Broad street, New York. He will also answer Inquiries on this subject and supply the press with all matter that it is possible to give out." Prowlers Around. Between eleven and twelve o'clock last night some party or parties were discovered prowling around the home of M. Fangeron North Fourth street. Mrs. Fanger's two sisters were setting at a table engaged In reading, when someone appeared at the window and peeked In and at the same time several reports were distinctly heard, resem bling that of a firecracker. The young ladies ran to Mr, Fanger's room and awoke him and by the time he had ar rived at tlic hall door, at which they had made considerable noise, he open ed the same and went out on the ver anda and sidewalk, but failed to dis cover any one. IhnryHeroid also re ports prowlers around his house about the same hour. It would be well for prowler's to keep clear of Mr. Fanger's home un less they desire to get a dose of lead, for they will most assuredly get one or two If seen around there again. One of the young ladles was so badly frigh tened that It was some time ere she recovered. PUT INTO THE TRUNK ALIVE Inquest on the Victim of Trunk Tragedy at Stockton, California. A few days ago the Journal printed an account of the discovery at Stock ton, Calif., of the discovery of the dead Uidy of A. N. McYicar in a trunk, and also tho fact that his uncle, Judge A. N. Sullivan, of this city had gone to that city to look after the remains of of his nephew. A special from Stock ton, under date of yesterday says that the coroner's Inquest held today to in quire Into t he death of the murdered young man developed the fact, (hat the deceased had been put Into the trunk alive and that, death was due partly to poisons administered and partly to asphyxia! Ion. Dr. .1. P. Hull, one of the autopsy surgeons, .staled that the presence of a large ipiantlty of blood in the trunk shows conclu sively that the man must have been alive though probably In a stupor when he was placed In the trunk, as the breaking of a blond vessel after death would have caused little or no hemor rhage. There was no blood found In II. e room. The condition of tin- lungs' ami ot her organs gave evidence of as phyxiation and the report of the chem ist showed the presence of chloral and morphine. The special from there says that Coroner South worth has received a telegram from Dr. lloy II. Rogers, of the Cooper medical college of Sun Francisco, to whom portions of the In ternal organs of A. N. McYicar, whose body was found In a trunk here last Saturday night, had been sent for ana lysis, st at Ing t hat a quantity of chloral and marked quantities of morphine were found. Then! was noevldenceof the presence of cyanide of polassuin of hydro cyano acid. Mrs. Emma LcDnux, who Is under arrest for the murder of McYicar, is known to have recently purchased morphine and cynauide of potassium. At 5:2i p. in. yesterday t he coroner's jury brought the following verdict: We believe that the deceased came to his death from the combined effects of having been drugged with morphine and chloral and In a dazed condition having been forced Intoaclosed trunk, where there was not sulllclent oxygen to sustain what life that was present. Wc also believe that one Mrs. LcDoux was responsible for the death of Albert N. McYicar, and as far as we havo been able to determine from the evi dence submitted that she was unaid ed.'' "It Is Said." 'It Is said." So It Is, and you only have to watch t he evolution of a story derogatory to the character of an In dividual to note how rapidly damag ing details multiply under the conven ient method the busybody has of fan ning the fires of scandal responsibility. "It is said thala certain financial In stil ut ion is not In as good condition as it ought to be." Many a run on a bank has been prcclpated by a state ment of that kind to a depositor who passed it along with the usual addi tions thai an idle rumor accumulates In travel. "It is said" I responsible for more malaclous mischief than any other combination of words in the lan guage. There Is a good deal of evil In the world, and none have license to bo boast ful of their own virtues, nor are any justice in surmising that others arc so much worse thou themselves that they arc justified In giving them the long black mark. The one really interested In making the world better will do some hard work trying to strengthen his own moral and spirit ual superstructure, and one way of do ing it Is to be careful what he says de rogatory to the characters of others. Wc who make most frequent use of ' It Is said" may be safely set down as fellows who "said It." Lincoln Journal. Wants Cut on Marriage Licenses. The catalogue houses are getting In their harmful work In the most un expected places and their competition In being felt In quarters here-to-fore supposed to be Immune. An old bach elor over at Elm wood the other day nctlllcd County Judge Travis that un less he soon came dow n on the price of marriage license he would havetosend to Sears, Boebuck & Co.. where he could buy two for clghty-llve cents anytime. The Judge has taken the matter under advisement. Pollard Confident. Tho Lincoln Journal says: "Con gressman E. M. Pollard left for Oma ha Thursday, where he will visit to day, going to his home in Nchawka to spend Sunday. Mr. Pollard while In the city was engaged In looking after the political situation quite Industri ously. 'I have been told by twenty-five or thirty men prominent In business and political circles In Lincoln that I shall be able to have the support of Lancaster country.' Mr. Pollard fur ther expressed confidence In being able to secure renoinlnation." A Lucky Postmistress Is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who has found Dr. King's New Life Pills to be the best remedy she ever tried for keeping the Stomach, Liver and Bowels in perfect order. You'll agree with her If you try these painless pur ifiers that Infuse new life, Guaranteed by F. !. Frlckc & Co., druggist. Price cents. County Assessors Assemble. The assistants of the county assessor are holding a conference and receiving their InstructlonsiFrlday preparatory to beginning work In earnest on next Monday morning. Those present who will assess the various precincts arc: Tipton Fred Muenchau. ("Teen wood - A. J. Stotler. Salt Creek H. E. Coleman. Stove Creek William Mlnfonl. Elm wood George Pickwell. South Bcnd-L. F. Johnson. Center A. Jenkins. Weeping Water II. II. Jameson. Louisville August Panska. Avoca B. o. Hutchcns. Mt. Pleasant Wilson Gllmoro. Eight Mile Grove-John Albert. Nehawka-H. F. Kropp. Liberty Georgo X. La Hue. Bock Bluffs Lloyd Garen. Plattsmouth Ben F. Horning. Weeping Water City I. W. Tee-garden. Plattsmouth Clty-T. L. Murphy.