The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 01, 1906, Image 2

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"Out Hell," the favorite cluar
Pr. Marshall, Iu-ntlst, Chats' Rlock.
Machine oil at Aseinls.sen& Louck's.
f.eo. Heritor of Murray was a Platts
mouth visitor today.
A. L. Cox the Mynard merchant was
In town on business today.
Alfred Gansemer of Murray was a
county seat visitor today.
A. A. Wctenkamp and wife of My
nard were PlutUiiiouth vlslttr9 today.
Miss draco and May Vallery return
ed tills afternoon from Marysvllle.Mo.
Kd liarker expects to leave with his
household noods tills evening for Plain
view. Mrs. Tlios. Walllnk' and two sons
were rassotifrs for the inctronolls
this morning
Mrs. Frank Johnson and MKs Clara
Walker were passengers for Omaha
this moriilni:.
I)ave Peterson returned to Waverly
this afternoon after a pleasant visit
with friends here.
Lec Oldham of Murray was in the
city last evening and came in for a
pleasant chat with the Journal.
Walt Vallery, the llhtninK rod
klntf, from near Murray, was transact
ing business In Plattsmouth today.
Will Soybert and wife, who have
been visiting with the family of John
McNurlin, left this niornlnp for Cedar
The funeral services of Mrs. Francis
Swohoda will be held nt 10 o'clock Sat
urday morning at the liohemlan
Mrs. Oeorgo Poiallaiul son, Charles,
were passengers tills afternoon for
Havclock, where tticy will visit with
Have vou backache? del a box of
KidneyEttes the most wonderful
remedy for all kidney troubles, and
they will make you right. .c. tier
ing & Co.
In the county court a final hearing
Is being had today on the estate of
John F. Stull, deceased, and evidence
on objections to report of Lawrence
Stull, administrator of the estate.
laiger Is near at hand when the
kidneys are sick. Kldncy Kttes will
purify and strengthen the kidneys and
rcstoro them to their normal and
healthy condition. 23 cents. (Jerlng
II. D. Parr, who lias been publisher
of the Nehawka Register for the past
two.years, arrived in Plattsmouth yes'
tcrday evening, where he says he will
take a well earned rest for a few weeks
or until something turns up that
"looks good" to him.
Keep the llttlo ones healthy and
happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies
require gentle, healing remedies, llol
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep
them strong and well. ;Vi cents, Tea
or Tablets. (Jerlng & Co.
We are pleased to know that the in
jured brakeman, F.ugone Sawyer, who
lias been confined at the Perkins hotel
has improved so rapidly that he was
able to be down stairs for the first
time today, lie expects to leave for
his home at Creston. la., next Satur
C. C. Spangler, one of our prominent
young farmers, was In the city this
afternoon aud called at the Journal
ofllce to have his paper sent to le
weese, Neb., where he will move to
the coming week. We regret to see
such men as Mr, Spangler leave Cass
county, but at the same time our best
wishes go witn them in their new
Why suffer with your kidneys? The
discovery of Kidney-Etta has proved
a blessing to thousands of kidney
sufferers who have been restored to
perfect health. These Tablets drive
the diseased germs out of the system
and we urge all sufferers to give this
scientific and successful kidney rem
cdyatrlal. 23 cents, tiering & Co.
Mayor Gerlng at Temperance Lecture
In answer to the communication re
K&rdlng the slot machines, the mayor
responded in person, and his dignified
courtesy won respectful attention
The mayor says: "The slot machines
in opeiatlon in this city arc not
Rambling devices." Col. Holt differed
with him, and then the mayor said
"it me machines in use here, are
proven gambling devices, my own and
every other one in town will go out.
The mayor made a few minutes talk
to the mothers that brought a blush
of shame, as they were pointed out
their own negligence of their girls and
The evening lecture was given to
crowded House, many truths were
driven home, In Col. Holt's forceful
manner. He Is no disemblcr.but calls
things by their right names. Tonight
lecture will be given at Coatcs Hall
Subject, "Lights and Shadows of City
Life." Admission 13 cents.
A Little Boy Stolen.
Richmond, t he 5-year old son of Ir.
L. Ryers of Seeleyvllle, Ind., was
stolen In May, l'.HU, and Die doctor
has spent all his money hunting for
his child. He calls on the press to
help In the search.
There Is a reward of $300 awaiting
any information that will lead to the
boy's recovery. No questions will be
asked and If the abductor himself
would deliver the boy to his parents
he would not be molested. The be
reaved parents are heart-broken with
ricf and want only their child.
Richmond Ryers, if alive, was fl
ears old last July, is of light com
plexion, has gray eyes, left eye notlea
bly crossed, has a small V shaped nick
n the edge of the left ear, has a sharp
hln and a narrow projecting forehead
He is rattier small for his age and is
nusually bright ami Intelligent,
taking after the manner of a boy much
It is believed he Is In the hands of
some roving band of (iynsles or betr-
They Visit the Saloons.
A party of women, headed by Mes
limes Sig Polk, E. P. RuITner and C.
I. Wescott, visited several of the sa
loons last evening on a tour of Inspec
tion. They were cordially welcomed
by the proprietors, who showed them
all the courtesies possible. In taking
their departure they Invited those pre
sent to attend the temperance lecture
last evening. Tlieso ladies were ac
companied by about twenty others,
and we suppose they constituted a
committee of the W. C. T. IT., and
this was one of the duties required of
Goes With Duff Grain Co.
In conversation with Jack Murray
today he tells us that he has secured a
position with the IulT Grain Co., to
build and remodel elevators at the
various towns where this tirm docs
business. Wm. Rrissy will also no
with him. They will tlrst go to Louis
ville, where the above named company
liavo purchased the old mill site and
will erect a new elevator. When this
Is completed they will go to Cedar
Creek to remove the old structure at
that point. In all these gentlemen
have seven or eight structures to build
and remodel, and will have employ
ment with this company forabout two
years, a number of which will be
located in Kansas.
Burlington Tax Case Appeal.
The Omaha World-Herald says:
From the United States circuit court
the voluminous record In the Hurling
ton road tax case, comprising some 1,
.roo pages of transcript, was Wednes
day morning forwarded to the United
States supremo court at Washington.
Tills Is the suit brought by the rail
road to enjoin county treasurers
throughout Nebraska from collecting
delinquent taxes for the years l'.KM and
l'.n," under the new revenue law. The
Injunction was dissolved some two
months atio by Judge Mungcr, and the
case Is now to be taken directly to the
supreme court."
A Farewell Party.
A few friends and relatives were en
tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
'.. W. Shrader. A farewell surprise
was given in honor of their son, Roy
The young man will depart In a few
days for his new home at Beaver City,
Neb. The evening was spent In play'
ing numerous games, and at the proper
hour Mrs. Shrader prepared an elegant
Those who were present were: Mr
and Mrs. Freddie Shorr.aker, Mr. and
Mrs. Earn Young, Dora Will, Mr. Kct
tlchover, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ford;
Tom, Will and Gertrude Long, Edith
Shoemaker, Mr. Tecle, Robert Shrader
and wife, Charley Dill and Fannie
Rhllpot, Fred Llnville, wife and
daughter (Sracc; Mr. and Mrs. Galen
Rhoden, Frank Graham, of Sprlntield;
John Noel, Glen Rhoden, Rena and
Leslie Gregory, Frank Peters, of
Roone, Iowa; Ethel Gordon, of Weep
ing Water; Fannie and Forest Phil
pot, Mark Todd, Troy and Lester
Shrader, all wishing their friend Roy
many more such good times and good
luck on his way.
Onk Who Was Tiikuk.
In the spring time you renovate
your house. Why not your body? llol
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea drives
out Impurities, cleanses and enriches
blood and purities the entire system
35cents. Gerlng & Co.
1 ml Igost Ion is much of a habit. Don't
get the habit. Take a little Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure after eating and you
will quit belching, pulling, palpitating
and frowning. Kodol Digests what
you eat and makes the stomach sweet
Sold by F.G. Frlcke St Co., and Ger
Ing & Co.
Personal Points
("rum I rl-lay ' Dally.
A. A. Wctenkamp, of Mynard, was
a county scat visitor today.
Charles Price and Oeorge Oberle, of
Ragle, were business visitors at the
county seat today.
E. R. Craig, of Greenwood, was a
Plattsmouth visitor today, called here
as a witness In the I'ope Oberle dam
age case. While here our old friend
was a pleasant caller at the Journal
headquarters, and we were pleased to
see him looking well.
Chas. E. Heedncr of Nehawka was
a county seat visitor today.
C. A. l'ope, of Greenwood, was
transacting business in the city today.
Emery Hathaway, of Union, was a
business visitor at the county seat to
day. O. A. Iavls and wife from near
Murray were among the passengers
this morning for Omaha.
Jacob Melsinger while In the city to
day called and renewed the subscrip
tion to the Journal of his son, C. J.
Melsinger of Cedar Creek lor another
A Raltimore man is suelng tor a
divorce on the grounds that ills wife
"threw a cat in his face." We trust
that Plattsmouth ladles will not
handle tabby so carelessly.
David Foltz and Charles Philpot of
near Weeping Water came In last ev
ening and are transacting business here
today. Roth gentlemen called on the
Journal last night, and while here Mr.
Foltz renewed his faith In the Old Re
liable. Some people believe that spring has
nearly arrived, but the Journal pre
fers to remain neutral on the subject
until we sec whether "March comes
In like a lion and goes out like h 11!"
There's no telling what that blustery
old month has In store for us.
At the meeting of the commissioners
yesterday, the following county physi
cians were appointed: J.R.Martin,
Plattsmouth; Dr. Rrentlell, Murray;
M. M. Rutler, Weeping Water; Dr. J.
M. Green, Manley. Michael Ilild re
ceived the contract for burying the
county paupers.
V. I. Foltz, of South Omaha, was
In the city today on business and gave
the Journal a pleasant call, and while
here renewed for the Old Reliable
another year. Mr. Foltz Is a son of
Louis Foltz, deceased, who was one of
the prominent citizens of Cass county
and most highly respected.
I'rom Saturday's Dally.
Frank Graupof Murray was a Platts
mouth visitor today.
Joe Adams of Mynard was visiting
friends In the city today.
Charley Rclhart was In from Cullom
today taking in the sights.
Mayor Gillespie, of Mynard, was in
the city on business today.
cnas. ams or kock lmitis was a
Plattsmouth visitor today.
Mrs. Dr. Dungan is visiting with
Mrs. J. W. Gamble this week.
James Allison ana wife, or near
Murrav, were Plattsmouth visitors
E. S. Rarker and wife of Eight Mile
Grove were county seat visitors this
Joe Ranis and wife came in from
Alliance this morning for a visit with
relatives and friends.
,1. G. Lohnesof Cedar Creek was in
the city today and a pleasant caller at
Journal headquarters.
Ed Miller and Joy Kear, who have
been visiting with County Clerk Rosen
crans, returned to their home at Elm
wood this afternoon.
W. II. Hell, wife and daughter, Miss
Mamie, of Eight Mile Grove, were In
the city today, and while here Mr
Hell gave the Journal a buslncs call.
Among those attending "The Home-
seekers" last night from Murray were
Messrs. Chas. Stone and James Man
ners and Misses Carrie Allison and
Marie Berger.
In county court objections were filed
yesterday by Frank and Joseph Hay
against probating the will of Mrs. Sa
rah E. Rhllpot. The trial was bad
and submitted to the court, and judg'
ment has not yet been entered.
A settlement was made this morn
Ing through the county court of t
claim for damages against the Bur
llngton of Leroy W. Renland for In
Juries received to one of has hands
while working in the planing mill some
time ago. He received JtMo.oo, and
this settlement was an amlclable one
The Journal regrets to learn that
the future home of John Fassbcnder
will be made In Hastings, Neb., to
which point they will soon remove
Tho family is numbered among the
best In Flattsmouth. Mr. Fassbcnder
possesses those qualities which go In
the make-up of a most excellent gen
tlcman, and the Journal's best wishes
attend him. What Is Plattsmouth's
loss is Hastings' gain.
R. II. Chrlswisser, W. R. Shrader
and F. C. Llnville finished loading
their cars yesterday and departed this
morning for Reaver City, where tbey
will be Joined by their families as soon
as their goods arrive there.
fl a 4Klij r"a cr-!!.LV.r-i n t r.r -i CT!m? a Q
1 1 E. Q. DOVEY & SIM f
The February Sale Still
New goods are coming in and we are showing New Dress
Goods, Silks, Linens, Waistings, White Goods-, Shoes, Hos
iery and Underwear. New Laces, Embroideries, Collars,
Belts, Hand Bags and a beautiful line of Muslin Underwear.
Remnants in Remnants in
Fine Laces and Embroideries Dress Goods, Waistings, Linens
Good things in good lengths and all kinds of Cotton Goods
at money-saving prices. at money-saving prices.
Women's and Children's Golf Gloves Women's Fleece Lined Underwear
Good gloves that are an extra good one and
worth up to 35c QQp worth lots more OOln
this sale to go at- at this sale only- LLyu
We are agents for the World Famous G. D. Justrite Cor
sets. We have them in all styles and shapes. See them.
New Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Rugs
o -n
onr-- si JOtir rog
From .Monday's Iully
C. M. Chriswlser, of Murray, was a
county seat visitor today.
Will Jean and sister came in from
Omaha Saturday evening.
J. M. Hoover of Loulsvill was a
county seat visitor today.
Father Hennessy spent Sunday with
Father Rradley, returning to Manley
this morning.
Ivan Longworth and wife of Omaha
spent Sunday with thelatter's parents
W. R. Murray at Mynard.
Mr. Cook and wife, of Glenwood,
spent Sunday with the former's uncle,
Henry Long, near Murray, returning
home this morning.
Mrs. Maud Fernery and daughter,
Louise, returned to maha today after
a pleasant visit with the former's
parents, W. R. Murray at Mynard.
Judge Archer made application for
a raise of pension for Jess Hiner, and
today received notice that hereafter
Jess would receive $12 instead of $S per
County Clerk Rosencrans departed
yesterday afternoon for Denver, Colo.,
on a business trip of a few days. lie
was accompanied by his son, C. A., of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crisman are
making preparations to move to Lin
coln, where they will make their
future home. They expect to move
about the 15th of March.
Dr. Roy Pwke came down from Om
aha Saturday evening for a short visit
with home folks, returning Sunday
evening with his wife, who has been
here for the past few days.
From Tuesday's Dally
Mrs. E. S. Dungan of Union is visit
Ing In the city, the guest of Mrs. J. W.
R. R. Nickels, one of the enterprls
ing farmers of Rock Rluffs precinct,
was in the city today and was a busi
ness caller at Journal headquarters.
R. W. Shrader, Tom and Walter
Perdue have also Joined the emigrants
from Cass county, accompanying their
goods to Hcndley, Neb., this morning
In Justice Archers court a complaint
was filed of assault and battery of
Sames Kennedy by Miles Curry. Curry
was fined $1.00 and costs, amounting
In all to $tl.00.
Acomblaintof Insanity was made
against Mrs. Abe Rusklrk of South
Rend this morning and Sheriff Quinton
departed for that place to bring her
here and her case will be tried before
the board of Insanity tomorrow.
In the district clerk's ottlce a suit
for money Judgment was tiled today by
Westlnghouse company vs. Lafayette
W. Nelson and George E. Rcrgcr. The
suit is brought to recover f."-0 due on
an engine bought by defendants.
There may be some people who take
exceptions to some of the mayor's acts,
but take his administration as a whole,
he has proven a little nearer being
"the right man In the right place"
than any mayor Plattsmouth ever had?
A marriage license was Issued jester
day evening to Jake Kraegcr, age 2.1,
of Mynard, and Miss Anna Engle.
kemler, age 22, of Nehawka.
From Wednesday's dully.
Wm. Noxen returned to Cedar Creek
this afternoon.
Mayor Gillespie, of Mynard, was a
Tlattsmouth visitor today.
P. M. Melsinger and J. McFarland,
of Cedar Creek, were county seat visit
ors today.
In the county court a final hearing
on the estate ofAlmlra Dwlnell, de
ceased, was had this morning.
Robert Rallance and wife who have
been enjoying a pleasant visit with
friends and relatives here departed
this afternoon for their home at
In the county court last evening
Julian C. Pollard was appointed guard
ian of Hope and Victor Pollard, the
two minor children of Levi C. Pollard,
Some excitement was occasioned last
night by a midnight prowler at the
residence of Wm. Ilassler. The family
were aroused and the fellow was fright
ened away.
The district court adjourned last
evening until March loth, and Judge
Jessen and Court Reporter John
Taggart returned to Nebraska City on
the late train last night.
Mrs. G. II. Gilmore and son Walker
returned this morning from a pleasant
visit with friends at Lincoln and
South Rend. They were met here by
the doctor who drove In from Murray
for them.
The board of Insanity examined and
adjudged Mrs. Abe Rusklrk of South
Rend Insane this morning and Sheriff
Quinton accompanied h;r to the asy
lum at Lincoln this afternoon. Mrs.
Rusklrk was formerly confined at the
state asylum of Oregon.
Adam and Fred Schafer of Mt.
Pleasant precinct were transacting
business at Plattsmouth yesterday
evening, and while here enjoyed a
visit with John McNurlin. The latch
string is always on the outside at
John's place, and he Is always glad to
see his friends.
Mat Wolfe was up from Cnlon today
attending to some business matters,
Mr. Wolfe was called here from the
west several weeks ago on account of
the Illness of his mother, who has since
died, and be will perhaps remain In
Cass county for several weeks to look
after Important business matters.
Fred Muster, who has been ailing
for some time, was taken to St. Joseph
hospital at Omaha this afternoon for
an examination and treatment. Mr
Muster has been having trouble with
his stomach, and fears that It is can
cer of the stomach. He was accom
panied to Omaha by his wife.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tha
Funeral of Martin Prospt.
The funeral of the late Martin
Propst will occur tomorrow. The
cortege will leave the house five miles
southwest of Plattsmouth at 12 o'clock
for the Liberty church, where the
funeral services will occur at 2 o'clock,
conducted by Rev. McVey. After
which Interment will be made In the
Horning cemetery.
Dangers of Pneumonia.
A cold at this time If neglected is li
able to cause pneumonia which is n
often fatal, and even when the patient
nas recovored the lungs are weakened,
making the peculiarly susceptible to
the development of consumption. Fo
ley's Honey and Tar will stoD the
cough, heal and strengthen the lunes
and prevent nnpnmnnia in niinnn
coughs yield quiokly to the wonderful
curative qualities of Foley's Honey
ana iar. mere is nothing else "just
as good." F. G. Fricke & Co.
BaLnk of Cass County,
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Charter No. 642.
Incorporated in the Mute of Nebraska, at the
dose of business February 17th. I'.HHi.
l.diins iiikI Discounts jr.8
Overdrafts, secured anil unsecured l 7j) 75
Stocks. securities. Judgments.
claims, etc (ijj 93
Hanking house furniture, and tlx-
..,.t"rtH 8 500 00
Other real estate 17 ),(,-, 35
Current expenses and taxes paid.. 4W 17
Hue from national, state and url-
vate hanks and bunkers 36 (IS3 77
Total Cash on Hand jj ;ki 73
Cheeks and Item of exchange twi H3
To'1'1 t 3t7l5 17
Capital stock paid In 50 000 00
i,,irr.lTi,,in,,"J IS 001) 00
Undivided prollts o IStI 81
Individual deposits subject to
check 104 SOI 22
Demand ccrtlHcatea of deposit..!! 18 01!! IN
1 line certlllcutes of deposit 1"1 438 57
Due to state and private hanks and
hunkers 34 j
Mil payable ' aj Joo OO
Cass County. ("
I. T. .M. Patterson. Cashier of tho aliove
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
aliove statement Is correct and a true copy of
the report nude t" the State Hanking Itoard.
iTTTJ r ., Cashier
I HAM. C. I'AltMKI.E, I ,
Jacob Thitsch ( Directors.
Suhscrllied ami sworn to liefore mo this 1st
day of March, WW. I.. K. Hahk.
Isr-A,'l ,, , Notary I'ubllc.
ly commission expires Oct. i. mh.
A (kioLtt trsKlfl iBtl.Mptu rm
fUon for all kladi ,
nmiAQARQLE. nusatuuwm.
. " T.Miiiti. Outa,r.
Ian... Wcar.te4 ..a Catarrhal Thrllt
riHirnxo rkamko ooTarra
ladorM4 r tfe. Uot K.tM.t Throat Ipaeial.
Barf U.dl.uia Co, tHt Kola Urn J
GERING & CO . druggists