The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1906, Image 5

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A Smooth Grafter Visits Glenwood With i
Bogus Application for Restoring
The following story is told by the
G leu wood Tribune, which milit prove
of some benefit to l'lattsniouth bald
heads, especially when all such grafters
never give this city the "go-by" in
looking fur suckers:
"Bald-headed men, like old bachelors
are subject to many jibes and jokes.
Naturally, they both seek to escape
from their sorry predicament.
"A few days ago a traveling man
struck Glenwood.. Ostensibly be was
selling "Mule-Team" borax, but in
reality he was trying to work a smooth
graft on the bald-headed men of the
"Of course, his pretended business
only took him Into the drug stores,
but he managed on some pretext to
visit all of the stores.
"wnennesaw a Daia-neaaea man
he would engage him in conversation
and Incidently mention (just before
leaving) that he himself was mice in
that sad condition.
"Then the traveling man would re
move his hat and show a tine glossy
head of hair, and would give the ad
dress of the concern that made the
hair restorer that had so wonderfully
helped him.
"He would also 'just happen to
think' that he had left in his valise a
bottle which he did not need and
which he would sell at bare cost 12.50
Of course the contents of the bottle
was worthless.
"We have learned of only one man
falling into the snare. Possibly there
were other victims In Glenwood. The
same fellow (or one of the same graft)
was in Council Bluffs lately and caught
several prominent men there."
Mrs. W. J. Laughlin Dead.
The Journal received word last Frl
day of the death of Mrs. V. J. Laugh
lin, who died at her home in Ashland
of pneumonia, Wednesday afternoon
about four o'clock. She was affection
ately called "Aunt Polly" by all the
young people who knew her, and most
highly respected by all. Her husband
was for many. years a resident of Cass
county, where he is yet interested
large possessions, but the old peopl
moved to Ashland several years ago to
rest in peace and happiness the bal
ance of their days. The Journal deeply
sympathises with it's old friend, W.
J. Laughlin, in this the hour of his
deep atllictlon, because of the death
of one who has been his companion for
so many years. She was a noble lady,
and besides a husband, one son and
one daughter survive her. Her death
is also deeply felt by the community
in which she so long resided.
Have you been betrayed by promises
of quacks, swallowed pills and bottled
medicine without results except a
damaged stomach. To those we offer
Hollister's llocky Mountain Tea. 35
cents. Gerlng&Co.
CJ There is no specific for
consumption. Fresh air, ex
ercise, nourishing food and
Scott's Emulsion will come
pretty near curing it, if there
is anything to build on. Mil
lions of people throughout the
world are living and in good
health on one lung.
From time immemorial the
doctors prescribed cod liver
oil for consumption. Of
course the patient could not
take it in its old form, hence
it did very little good. They
cm take
and tolerate it for a long
time. There is no oil, not
excepting butter, so easily
digested and absorbed by the
system as cod liver oil in the
lorm of Scott's Emulsion,
r nd that ii the reason it is so
helpful h consumption where
its use mu:t be continuous.
tCJ We wi'.l send you a
sarr.p'.e free.
C H t -i 'Nit
I . -nr- m t't ( m '
a I iM it i .1 tins nt
.-f it rvtry h Itlf nl
I ii ul.ion t-i'i I- .
Ovt i tt
AQO Pe.ulSir.-i!
New Yoik
Commissioner Switzer.
The Journal believes in giving credit
to whom credit Is due, In their otllelal
capacity, let it be either democrat or
republican. And in this Instance we
feel in duty bound to say a good word
for L. C. Switzer, who was elected a
member of the county board last fall.
Mr. Switzer has been here this week
checking up with county officials, and
returned to his home this morning.
The duty of checking up devolves upon
some member of the board, and It
seems that duty has fallen upon the
shoulders of a most competent man.
Some people may have an idea that an
official thus engaged is doing so for
the pay there is In It, but this is not
the case with Mr. Switzer. From the
first meeting of the board Mr. Switzer
has demonstrated his qualities as a
business man as being first-class, and
fully understanding those abilities, it
was Insisted by the other two mem
bers of the board that he was the
proper man for the work, and he has
proved himself equal to the emergency.
It is by no choice of Mr. Swltzer's that
he is here on this business, but being
a most competent man for the purpose
Is the reason that It fell to his lot to
do the work. Not only this, but lie
possesses those genial qualities also,
which makes It a pleasure to do busl
ness with him.
A Grand Success.
When the "Rummage Sale" propo
sition was first advanced, It was a ser
ious question with some of the ladies
of the church as to its success. Never
theless, when it was concluded to
make the effort, those who had the
matter In charge, went to work with
a will that Is bound to win. The sale
is not only a success but a big one at
that. It is really surprising to learn
of the many "old dudi ' the ladies col
lected from donors In town, and an
other surprise is the manner In which
the ladies disposed of the stock. Old
articles that were cast aside were
taken to the Rummage Sale and dis
posed of. Nearly one hundred dollars
up to the present time has been realiz
ed from this sale. While all the la
dies deserve great credit fur their ef
forts, no one deserves more of the
nenulne credit than Mrs. C. C. Par
mele, who was an Incessant worker to
bring the allalr to a success in every
Must Be Personally Addressed.
A special from Washington says: "At
the postoffice department It was stated
that an erroneous Impression seems to
exist in some parts of the country, par
ticularly in Kansas, regarding the
scope of the rural free delivery service.
Although the fourth assistant post
master general has recommended that
the mall matter be permitted to be
addressed to rural boxes according to
their numbers and not to any particu
lar Individual, the same as in postof
fices, the postmaster general has not
yet given his approval of the same. In
not a few instances the postponement
gave rise to complaint, it being alleg
ed that the rural free delivery service
would be utilized by large business
houses throughout the country as an
advertising medium to the disadvan
tage of the local merchants. As the
matter stands unless mall Is speiiclaliy
addressed to parties residing on rural
routes It will not be delivered."
Wife Drops Dead.
The following is a special to the
Omaha World-Herald from Ashland,
under date of February 15th: "Mrs.
George Keller, the wife of a prominent
farmer, living about three miles south
of town, dropped dead this morning
from heart failure. She had started
to get breakfast and fell over without
warning of any kind. The funeral
will occur at her late home tomorrow.
Interment In Ashland cemetery. She
was 47 years of age and leaves a hus
band and a number of children."
Liable to Result In a Lawsuit.
The action of the city council Wed
nesdav nluht regarding the water
company bids fair to result In a law
suit. In conversation with a re pre
sentatlve of the company today he
claimed that the twenty-year fran
cbise docs not really expire for a year
yet, and that If an ordinance repealing
the franchise passes at the next meet
ing of the council, It will mast as
suredly result in a question at law as
to who Is right and who Is w rong.
Never Gripe or SlcHen.
They never gripe or sicken, but
cleanse and strengthen the stomach,
liver and bowels. This Is the univcr
sal verdict of the many thousands who
use DcWitt's Little Karly Risers
These famous little pills relieve head
ache, constipation, biliousness, Jaun
dice, torpid liver, sallow complexion,
etc. Try Little Early Risers. Sold
by F. O. Frlcke & Co., Gerlng it Co.
Ran Away from Home.
James Ii. Franklin, of Chattanooga
Term., was In town today trying to se
cure Information In regard to his
nephew, lllackwcll Carr, who ran away
from his home, and came west several
months ago. Mr. Franklin departed
this afternoon for Ft. Crook, thinking
that the boy might be with his uncle
near that place.
It Looks Like Plattsmouth Was Yet Des
tined to Secure One.
The following appears In a special
from Washington tothe Omaha World
Herald, which Indicates that Platts
mouth is liable to he among the lucky
cities in Nebraska to receive an ap
propriation for a government building:
The house committee on public
buildings and grounds has turned over
to Congressman Norrls, as a sub-com-mlttee,
the various bills that have
been Introduced by Nebraskans for
public building appropriations. He
has gone into them In detail and will
report to the committee In favor of
appropriations for buildings at Grand
Island and York and public building
sites at Kearney, Columbusand Platts
mouth. The amounts that will be
granted In each case cannot yet be
named, but these are the towns that
will be recommended for approprla
tions. In all cases the amounts first
asked will bo reduced, and even at this
Nebraska will be getting more than
Its proportionate share. It is expected
Mr. Norrls' recommendations will be
accepted by the committee and passed
by the house. The bills Introduced
ask, In addition, for appropriations for
a site at Beatrice, another at Fair-
bury, and sites and buildings at Col
umbus and Wayne. These latter will
have to await another season."
A Spiritual Faker.
The Lincoln Journal says: "A pro
fesslonal spirit medium who goes
about the country earning an honest
living by Imparting to the denizens of
the ilesh Information direct from the
land of spirits, Is wise as to means of
obtaining information that often
comes In very handy in producing the
right Impression at the psychological
moment. The other day somebody
picked up a small memorandum cvl
dently the property of a medium not
unknown to the police court of Lincoln
It contains the names of a number of
Lincoln people, together with those of
some of their near and dear friend
who have crossed the divide. How
convenient, when any of these creden
tlals have been looked up call fur
reading, tostartle them by saying that
'Sister Hattle or Uncle Hal brings a
message of love from the lana
shadows." Many a mercenary medium
has communed for hours with the in
scjiptions on silent tombstones for In
formation that would convince the
credulous of the "truth of spirit com
munion." This is one of the tricks of
the tiade."
Teachers' Examination.
In County Superintendent Gamble
office, the county teachers are taking
their first examination since the ex
planation of the new law. After pass
ing these examinations in the various
blanches the teachers w ill not be re
quired to takean examination for two
years under the new law. Those at
tending the examination were:
Edith Johnson Charlotte Wurts
Frank Crabtree Gertrude Sterner
Josephine Yelenek Alice Oliver
Nina Lynde Myrtle Sanders
Ella Bryan Evelyn Taylor
Mary Tutt Rebecca Haines
Elizabeth Mason Minnie Haler
Rose O'Donnel
May Larson
Nellie Weldon
Millie Stubbs
Elsie Klmbcrly
May me Hohan
Julia Kerr
Jennie Craig
IJelle Dyer
Edna Reese
Ethel Montgomery Evelyn Cone
A Choice 80 Acre Farm, for Sale
Located about one-half way between
Murray and Union, all under cultlv
Hon, a four room house, two good wells
small barn, fine orchard and small
tame grass pasture, no rocks or timber
on this land, every foot can be cult
vated. Trice I0 per acre cash
taken before March 1st, can give pos
session at that time. Free from en
cumberance. See Falter & Tate,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Carriers Must Report.
Please explain the meaning of
new order for R. F. D. carrier to
continue statistical dally report?
Answer. It means Just what It says
that Is, discontinue the dally statis
tical report to the Department.
course, he must continue to keep
count of deliveries and collections
the postmaster. Postmaster Adv
Frightfully Burned.
Chas. W. Moore, a machinist,
Ford City, Pa., had his hand fright
fully burned in an electrical furnace
He applied Hucklen's Arnica Sal
with the usual result: "a quick and
perfect cure." Greatest healer
earth for Hums, Wounds, Sores, Ec
zema and Piles. 25c it F. 0. Frlcke
& Co., druggist.
Fractured Her Lift Arm.
Mrs. Sarah McKay, receiver of the
local lodge Degree of Honor, fell at her
home In the north part of the city
this morlng, and fractured her left arm
Just above the wrist. The fracture Is
quite serious from the fact that the
arm Is broken In two places. She will
oe con tinea to ner nome ror some time
In consequence.
The trouble Is, your liver's
sick. One of its products,
"bile," is overflowing; into
your blood.
You can't digest your food,
your appetite is poor, you
suffer dreadfully from head
ache, stomach ache, dizzi
ness, malaria, constipation,
etc. What you need is not a
dose of salts, cathartic water
or pills but a liver tonic
Tills great medicine no's Rcntly on
the sick liver. It purities the MooJ,
renews thenppetlte, toeJs the nerves,
clears the brain an J cures consti
pation. It Is a true medicine for sick liver
and kidneys, and regulates all the
digestive (unctions. I ry It.
At all dealers In medicines In
25c packages.
Consider It an Outrage.
The people from the vicinity of
Louisville and Cedar Creek who have
business In Plattsmouth and come
down on the Schuyler train are unan
imous in expressing themselves regard
ing the state of allal rs that exist at
Orcapolis. Here they are dumped otT
to await the train from Omaha In
order to get to the county scat. Some
times tlicy have to wait there for an
hour or more with no place to shelter
themselves from the weather. If this
arrangement is to continue much
longer the railroad should provide
some place for their comfort while
waltiiiL'. It Is an outrage the way It
Is at present, and the passengers de
clarc it such in no uncertain tones.
Tho old arrangement was Just what
the western part of tliccounty desired,
but now they regret their trips to the
county seat on account of the wait at
Those Who Will Attend.
Supcrlntcndcntsfrom Nebraska who
attend the national educational asso
ciation that will convene In Louisville,
Ky.( February 27, expect to visit the
public schools in Kansas City, St.
Louis and Indianapolis. The follow
ing arc a list of superintendents who
have announced their Intention to
take the trip: W. L. Stephens, Lin
coln; E. E. Melee, Ashland; C. Full-
mer, Beatrice; George Hurgert, Kear
ney; State Superintendent J. L. Mc-
Hrien; E. L. Uouse, Plattsmouth, and
CM. Harr, Wahoo. A numberof oth
ers are thinking of going, but have not
definitely made up their minds. Lin
coln Journal.
A Hcalln9 Cospel.
The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor of
Sharon llaptist Church, Isclalr, a.,
says of Electric bitters: "It's a God-
send to mankind. It cured me of lame
back, stilT joints, and complete physi
cal collapse. I was so weak it took
mc half an hour to walk a mile. Two
bottles of Electric Hitters have made
me so strong I have just walked three
miles In f0 minutes and feci like walk
ing three more. It's made a new man
of me." Greatest remedy for weak
ness and all Stomach, Liver and Kid-
neycomplalnts. Sold undcrguarantee
at F. 0. Frlcke & Co.'s drug store.
Price 50c.
Every man has a grievance, while
every woman has a dozen or more.
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will crow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor Is the only
Hair Vigor
hair food you can buy. For 60
years it has been doing just
what we claim it will do. It
will not disappoint you.
" Mf tiilr nit In h very ilmrl. flr
luln Aycr'a Hair Vior ilmrl lima II htn
to ro,an4 imw II It funrtMn hirliM Imiff.
TliU m t tplMuM rull lam afur being
mn.t wlihmit anr blr."
MM. J. II. kirn, color ido .flin. Colo.
i m Won.
A'l rt.ttrf'.f. for
i.e. ATnro..
Short Hair
What Is 1 Republican?
"In 18t)i," writes Mr. (Icotgc
Skinner to the Chicago Inter ( Kt.iii ,
'though only a school ly, I was
an intilligi-nt republican, ami knew
why I was a rquiMican. lint now,
after twenty live ve.ns of active po
litical life, I am compelled to ask:
What constitutes a republican' M
course, we ilo not cxneet all remib-
icans to agree on all questions, luit
there must le some principle which
to hold and to work for makes a re
publican, to oppose which debars
one from tucnilK.rship in the repub
lican party. Will you please in
form mc through your editorial col
umns what you consider that prin
ciple to lie?"
The Inter Ocean responds by
pointing with pride to the past, but
is unable to determine just what is
the republican principle of today.
"No wonder," it acknowledges,
"that intelligent republicans of the
past should wonder where their
party is, wnat principle n sunns
for, why they are republicans and
what is a republican."
nut the answer is ly no means so
difficult. A republican is a mem
ber of the k- . p., and its princi
ples are the principles of its repre
sentatives and leaders. I low easily
we read those principles when we
reflect that the republican party is
the partv of Aldrich, Addicks and
rniour, of lliuton and lleveridge,
of Clark, Cortelyou, Culloni and
Cannon, of Dcpcw, Klkins, l'or
aker, (Irosvenor, Judge Hamilton,
Knox, Looinis, Mitchell, Morgan,
McCurdy and Paul Morton, Piatt,
Perkins ami Payne, Rockefeller and
Rogers, Shaw and Scott; these are
characteristic and representative ex
ponents ot republicanism, the par
ty's prominent men and leaders.
Where do they stand? They stain
for spoils and privileged property
Shot His Partner.
A sensational personal encounter
occurred at Perclval early Monday
evening between Henry Parklson and
Jack Cabanaugh, business associates,
in which the latter was probably
fatally shot by the former. Parklson,
on returning home early this evening,
t is claimed, found Cabanaugh with
his wife. What transpired in the
home of Parklson Is not clearly known,
but the two men were soon upon the
street in front of the house with Park
lson in hot pursuit of Cabanaugh.
Parklson tired live shots at Cabanaugh
from a revolver, only one of which
took effect. The bullet struck Caban
augh In the side Just above the thigh
and entered the abdomen, inflicting a
dangerous wound. Parklson was ar
rested shortly after the shooting.
Cabanaugh was rescued from the
street and It was reported, had been
taken to a hospital at Council ltlulTs.
He was thought to be fatally injured.
Parklson and Cabanaugh arc associ
ated In business In Perclval, operating
a general merchandise store. They
began business about the first of the
year. Parklson was formerly engaged
In the same line of business there, sold
out about a year ago, but later re
turned. Cabanaugh is an unmarried
man and has been boarding at the
home f Mr. and Mrs. Parklson. The
latter have no children. The alTalr
has created the greatest excitcmcnt.
Glenwood Opinion.
Summer time
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Goal
All Kinds of Feed
Troprletor Tlittsmouth
Coal Yards
Corner Third and Main Streets
ItclirhoneM rutt Phono 22
iHin't allow money to lie around. II
Is easier to spend It and easier
to lose It
bj keeping tt In a safe place such as
The Bank; of Cass County
Capital Stock $.0,000, Surplus 115,000
Clint. C. I'urmi'le, l'ri'., JueobTrlltrli, V-P.
T. M. I'utleriuiii, Cuith.
You can give a check for any part of
It at any time and so have a reoelpt
for payment without asking for one.
hen you have a bank account you
will lie anxious to add to It rather than
spend from it. Pon't you want to
know more about It.
Edison and Victor
50,000 RECORDS
Send for catalogue of Machines
and Records or send us your name
and we will have our Mr. icorge
Miller call on you.
W Propay All Chargti.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
l.'ith and Harnov. OMAHA.
For quick relief (rom Blllousno.
Sick Headacha, Torpid Liver, Jaun
dice, Dliilneis, and all trouble! aris
ing (rom an Inactive or alueglih liver,
DeWltt'a Little Early Rlaen are un
equalled. They act promptly and never fripa.
They are io dainty that it Is a pleasure
to take them. One to two act aa a
mild laxative; two or (our act at a
pleasant and effective cathartic. They
are purely vegetable and absolutely
harmless. They tonic the liver.
riirttin ohlt iv
E. C. DWit & Co., Cbloaat
Osteooathic Physician
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Coiitt-N Klix-k. moiimSS anlA. Ofllcrhoura
i U) 1- ii. in., I l i u. m. Hint to V p. in. hj ay
ixilnltiu'iit. Ti'li'iiliones, uttk'e IH. ; residence
at IVrklns Ilutul.
All kinds of rnul work. I'lRtct made tha
St. sw jrenrs experience. Prices reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
TlLtPHONi No. tori 17
V Abstracts o Title V
omCE-Anheuser-nush Block.
Preparing alMtrartsof title, eonreyanrlti
and examining tlllea to renl pttt a MMtrlal
tv. Work properly done and rharire revoc
able, orflt-: Koom t and ?. John Uund
Court Houae. I'latumoutb.
J. M. Greene, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Can le reached by 'phone night or da
Manley, Nebraska.
List your (arm and city
property with J. II Thrasher
Coates Block.