The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 08, 1906, Image 8

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The County
Hems of General Interest Selected
From the l-eiliirr.
Guy McMaken and wire came down
from l'lattsmoulh last Sunday to visit
a few hours with their friend, Ahe
Have LaKue and Leo Applegate de
parted yesterday for Kansas Cltv,
where they will take treatment In one
of the hospitals under well known
Charles Am arrived yesterday from
Wlntersct, la., having learned of the
illness of his father, John Arn. Of
course he was much pleased to llud his
father recovering, and will remain for
a few days' lslt.
Mrs. Edward Young Is recovering
nicely from a dangerous surgical oper
ation that was performed last week,
and it is now thought that her health
will he permanently restored in due
Kintnet Case of Hlalr has heen visit
ing his Cass county relatives and
friends, and was a welcome caller at
this olllce. Mr. Case was one of the
early settlers of this county, residing
at Hock llluffs a number of years.
Miss May Larson, the teacher In dis
trict 12, closed school temporarily last
week by order of the board to guard
against scarlet fever. She went to
riuttsmouth Monday evening to visit
at home until ordered to reopen her
John Chalfant went to Omaha last
Friday and got himself locked up In
the county Jail. Ihit he was not a
prisoner, he went voluntarily to see
the notorious Tat Crowe, a guest of
the, shcrllT. He found Tat at 'home,"
of course, and had quite an Interview
with him.
Don't Deceive Yourself.
Don't decclvo yourself. 1 f you have
Indigestion take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It will relieve you. l!ev. W. K. Iloeutt,
South Mills, N.C.,says: "1 wastroub
lcd with chronic Indigestion for sev
eral years; whatever 1 ate, seemed to
causo heartburn, sour stomach, flutter
lng of my heart, and general depres
slonofmind and body. My druggist
recommend Kodol, and It has relieved
me. 1 can now eat anything and
sleep soundly at night. "Kodol digests
what you eat, makes the stomach
sweet, l'alatable, strengthening and
affords quick relief. Sold by F. (5
Frlckc & Co., (Jerlng & Co.
From tliellriiron.
Rom, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trunk
cnbolt on Thursday, February 1, a
While playing ball last Monday af
ternoon Charlie Carper got his right
hand quite badly Injured.
Eagle Is going to have a hum dinger
Of a band. Let all these who can,
climb Into the band wagon.
Word has been received hero that
II. 11. Lessel, formerly station agent
at this place, but now at Nehawka,
lias given up his position there.
We are Informed that (i. C. Trimble
of Syracuse lias traded lor the livery
stock In Kagle, and will dispose of his
meat market in Syracuse and take
charge of the barn the 1.1th Inst.
A 1 1 1 1 le s t ra nge r w 1 10 w 1 1 1 w ea r ha n gs
r v ft
Good health depends mostly upon
the food wc cat.
Wc can't be healthy if wc take alum
or other poison daily in our food.
Dr. Price's Baking Powder is abso
lutely free from alum. It is made from
pure cream of tartar and adds to the
hcalthfulncss of the food.
Price Baking Powder Co.
from the Columns of Contemporaries
and take part In woman suffrage ar
rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ada. n Wlnklepleck on Sunday, Janu
ary J. As this Is their first horn Adam
Is as happy us a man could be.
Mr. John Michael returned last Fri
day from Albuiuerpje, X. M., where
he went a few weeks ago to visit his
son, Charlie. Mr. Michael says Char
lie Is slowly regaining hlshealth, which
his many friends here will be pleased
to learn.
liertha Ollermann received a letter
from her brother, Alex, a few days
ago, stat ing that his regiment had ar
rived from the Philippine Islands on
Sunday, January I I, and Is now sta
tioned at San Francisco. Alex Is In
company I'., 2-d V. S. infantry.
Never Gripe or Sicken.
They never gripe or sicken, hut
cleanse and strengthen the stomach,
liver and bowels. Tills is the univer
sal verdict of the many thousands who
use DcWitt's Little Karly Risers.
These famous little pills relieve head
ache, constipation, biliousness, Jaun
dice, torpid liver, sallow complexion,
etc Try Little Karly Uisers. Sold
by F. (J. Frlckc & Co., Gerlng & Co.
Weeping Water
From the llrruld.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. John Swindle,
on Sunday, January 28, liiotl, a boy.
Johnny has raked In another prize.
The new Manlcy elevator took In
their first corn Monday, Justone month
and three days since work was begun.
Ed Hay marketed at the Marshall
elevator last week 4,000 bushels of
corn, J. H. llenegcr 1,000 and Mr.
Snally hint) bushels.
L. C. Todd was In town Friday, and
said we placed his loss from hog chol
era altogether too low, that ;!00 head
would about catch It.
We have heard reports that the
warm weather had started the fruit
trees to budding. If they Insist on
comlngout this early, there willsurely
be shortage of fruit this summer, and
an abundance of empty fruit Jars In
On last Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 24, a most delightful home wed
ding occurred at the residence of Mr.
Elmer llutchins, about three miles
southeast of Weeping Water, when
his (laughter, Clara, was married to
Mr. George l!ller of .Clarence, la.
The mild winter has encouraged
some of our farmers to prepare fur
building. Charles Odwarker has re
eently sold lumber to Will Newliam
for an addition to his house, also W
A. Ronton for an addition. John Heir
ling bought a huge bill for a hay and
cattle shed combined, that will cover
a large section of ground, lioth our
lumber men are looking forward to a
good year of building, judging from
those who are making imjuii ies.
Rough Hands Made Smooth.
A man who once bad rouch horny
hands made them soft and smooth
with Witch Hazel Salve, but he used
the genuine that hearing the name
"R. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago." For
sores, boils, cuts, hums, bruises, etc.,
it lias no equal, and alTords almost im
mediate relief from blind, bleeding,
itching and protruding piles. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co., Gerlng & Co.
Note. Raking powders thnt nre sold at
ten to thirty cents n pound, or n cent
an ounce arc made from alum. Avoid
All fun Down
is a
common cxprcs
sion wc hear on every
side. Unless there is
some organic trouble, the con
dition can doubtless be remedied.
Your doctor is the best adviser.
Do not dose yourself with all
Kinds of advertised remedies--get
his opinion. More than likely
you need a concentrated fat food
to enrich your blood and tone
up the system.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil
is just such a food in its best form,
it will build up the wcakcncc!
and wasted body when !i
other foods fail to nourish. II
you arc run down or emaciated
give it a trial i it cannot hurt
you. It is essentially the bet
possible nourishment for delicate
children and pale, anaemic girls.
Wc will send you a sample free
Be sure (hat this picture
in the form of a label is on
the wrapper of every bottle
of Emulsion you buy.
409 Pearl Street, New York
50c nnd $1. All Druists
rrora tlio Kealster.
Win Spcrry of company F, 18th reg
iment, C. S. regular army, stationed
at Leavenworth, Kansas, came in yes
terday visiting friends.
15. W. Hates and John Hough are the
only lucky people so far they have got
up their ice. other people are waiting
till it gets 10 or 12 Inches in thickness
before cutting.
RenJ. F. Lee, the carpenter, is about
ready to break ground preparatory to
building a new carpenter shop 40x100
feet. When completed he will put in
modern machinery and do all kinds of
cabinet and fancy carpenter work.
Last Tuesday a deal was closed be
tween As.i Culmanand Hay 1'lllard,
whereby the latter becomes the owner
of the Coltnan residence in the west
part of town. The consideration be
ing SI,"."), l'ossession will be irivenon
March 1st.
Charles Henken has been suffering
from an absess back of his left eye for
some time. He came to town and one
of our local physicians made an inci
sion, releasing the pus. lie is now re
lieved of pain and the member is get
ting well rapidly.
A little conlidence game was played
at the hotel Saturday night. A young
man took supper there and requested
a bed as he intended staying all night.
lie tendered a bill In payment, which
the landlord, In the twilight, took for
five dollars. The prospective guest
left and has not been seen since the
bill only proved to be a two dollar V.
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Just a little Kodol aften meals will
relieve that fullness, belching, gas on
stomach, and all other symptoms of
indigestion. Kodol digests what you
cat, and enables the stomach and di
gestive organs to perform their func
tions naturally. Kodol is a thorough
digestant and will afford relief from
any disorder due to Imperfect diges
Honor mal-asslmllatlon. Sold by F,
G. Fricke & Co., Gerlng & Co.
Prom tin) Courier.
Mrs. Julius Hagoss Is visiting rela
tives In Hreckenrldge, Oklahoma.
Mrs. Silas Hull has been dangerously
111 this week but Is reported convales
cent. MlssHlrdlc Woodrum.of Independ
ence, Okl.t., Is visiting with her cous
ins, Dulcleand Tlielma Frater.
Many a man who kicks because his
wife's feet are cold, uKo kicks if site
burns enough coal to keep tnein warm
V. F. Krcuklow, who was Injured
wlille shoeing a how two cekH uuo,
says he will tie abiu to resume work
again next week.
Howard I.IHM bus tereived bin "id
posit ion back at I e semaphore.
moved h't i imilv and household e II els
here from II velock 1 his week.
Georie Wiildroo .'is 1 1 hlsfann
east of t 1 - it and ui move ,,
II M of
,..IM' I
il hy
(Iron nii("iii
ed the
th'orge Han 1 of Minder Hp s. Cm
sideratioii Lnhm'S move! to town Mon
day, lie was fortunate in getting
moved during the tine weather. Mr.
Lohnes has lived on his farm on the
read between Louisville and l'latts-l
mouth fur a great many years, where
lie has raised his family and succeeded
Inlaying by enough to keep him In
comfort for the remainder of his life.
He now proposes to. take life a little
easier and Is nicely housed In his neat
residence on south Main street.
Frightfully Burned.
Chas. W. Moore, a machinist, of
Ford City, Ta., had his hand fright
fully burned In an electrical furnace.
He applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve
with the usual result: ''a quick and
perfect cure." Greatest healer on
earth for Hums, Wounds, Sores, Ec
zema and Files. 2,")C at F. G. Fricke
& Co., druggist.
From the Leader-Echo.
Henry Chtpp, sr., severely cut one of
his feet with an ax one day this week
while chopping wood. He is able to
walk with the use of a cane.
Cards have been Issued for the forth
coming marriage of Mr. Otto Dett
man and Miss Klka Rleck, which will
occur at the bride's home, Murdock,
on Thursday, February 8.
On last Friday evening the members
of the Eastern Star gave a farewell re
ception to Mrs. Dr. Townsend, who
left Saturday morning for Craig, Neb.,
to visit her parents. The doctor will
join her In a few weeks, when they
will go west, hoping that the climate
will Improve her heart.
Elmer Smith, whose eye was badly
Injured several days ago by a piece of
steel flying in It, was at Omaha last
week consulting Hr. Gilford, the eye
specialist. Mr. Smith underwent
treatment while there, returning to
his home Saturday evening with his
eye much improved.
The stockholders of the Elmwood
Mill & Elevator Co., held their annual
meeting at the First National bank
yesterday. J. E. Olson, a former mil
ler under Mr. Hrekenfeld, was in
stalled as manager, and the rest of the
help at the mill remains as before.
Mr. Olson is a splendid miller and will
continue to make the Elmwood flour
ing mill one of the best in the state.
Rev. .1. II. Hicknell has accepted a
call to the pastorate of the Central
Christian church at St. Paul, Minn.,
and will preach the farewell sermon
to bis congregation here on next Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Hicknell expect to
leave for their new field of labor next
week. Genuine regret is expressed on
all sides at their leaving Elmwood,
but all unite in wishing them success
in their new and larger work.
The Lid Tightened in Louisville.
A special to the Lincoln Journal,
under date of February 2, says: "The
village board met last evening and the
lid has been put on in regard to young
boys freiucnting pool hallsandsaloons
and the back doors of saloons Were or
(L'red closed tik'ht on Sundays. For
some months a gang or young u-ys
from 1") to 20 years of age, have played
pool, shaken dice and spent their
leasuie hours and spare money and the
village board proposes to enforce the
city ordinance which makes it a line
for a keeper of a pool hall to permit
minors to play such games. The good
people of Louisville are backing the
board and a general cleaning tip is ex
pected. The ordinance provides that
no minor be permitted to enter the
building or play any game, that there
be no card tables, dice boxes or other
gambling devices allowed In such
building, that the place be closed at
10 o'clock a. m. (standard time), and
remain closed until 7 o'clock a. m.,
that it be kept closed on Sundays,that
it be conducted In a building of but a
single room, that said room have no
connection with any cellar or upstairs
room, etc. For the violation of any of
the provisions of this ordinance the
proprietor shall be fined not less than
$10 or more than tlOO for each offense,
and shall stand committed until such
tine and all the costs arc paid. The
marshal was instructed to see that the
ordinance Is enforced."
Men Past Sixty in Danger.
More than half mankind over sixty
years of age sulTer from kidney and
bladder disorders, usually enlargement
of prostate gland. This Is both pain
ful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney
Cure should be taken at the first sign
of danger, as It corrects Irregularities
and has cured many old men of this
disease. Mr. Rodney liurnett, Rock
Tort, Mo , writes: "I suffered with
enlarged prostate gland and kidney
trouble for years and after taking two
bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure 1 feel
iieller than l nave for twenty years
nit bough 1 am now HI years old." F
G Frlcko&Co. v
One Minute Cough Cure contains
nut aiKvToin of any harmful drug, antl
,tf iTas been curing coughs, colds, croup
and whooping cough so long that It
has proven Itself to be a tried and true
Mend to the many who use It. No
1 d to fear of your child choking
froin croup with One Minute Cough
Cure hondy. Sold by F. G. Fricke &
Co , Gerlng & Co.
Uses Pe ru in to Ills Our.
family as a Catarrh
GHO. W. IIONEY, Ex-Treagnrer of
the Slate of Wisconsin, U a man of
wide acquaintance and extensive ex
perience. ,
He haued Peruna In his own family
vith tho,mont gratifying results.
Ho glvea it unquulilled endorsement
ii an efficacious catarrh remedy.
It is just such testimony as this which
has given l'eruna such a high standard
iu tho estimation of the American
There is no possible way to gainsay
such frank and genuine testimony.
Tho only way to account fur 6iich tes
timony Is tho fact that l'eruna really
does what Is claimed for it.
Because it relieves catarrh, it clears
A the way for Nature
PE-RU-lVA I to re-assert her
The Rclhiblc I sway over the ihy-
Catarrh Remedy.! sib.gioal forces of
-1 tho 1 n . ly and thus
rU tho system of a Croat niauy di Heron t
.hronic diseases.
Catarrh is the stronghold of lingering
diseases. Ouce nil t lie system of catarrh
ami it is very ditileult indeed for disease
to linger very long.
Followed Dr. ilartman's Advice.
Mr. John C. Nelson, Dnyton, Tenn.,
geologist and mining engineer, whilo a
Captain in tho Federal Army during
tho Civil War, contracted a case of rheu
matism. This malady was constant and per
sistent, Inducing the development of
other ailments, which also beeamo
chronic. After taking a course of
Peruna, Capt. Nelson writes:
"Having been painfully afflicted with
chronic rheumatism and the adjunctive
complications for many years, and after
having received many general and
special treatments with only temporary
relief, I read your scientille treatise on
catarrhal diseases.
"At my request, you prescribed for
mo a special course of the l'eruna reme
dies, which 1 closely followed, and am
happy to report that my rheumatism
and complicated ailments arc subdued,
and" I feel voung again at tho ago of
sixty-nine years.
"Reason will accept your classifies
Hon of catarrhal diseases as scientific
and true, and the Peruna remedies as
a standard treatment for them.
I thank you heartily for your skilled
and logical advice."
The Denver Theatre.
With one of the most elaborate min
strel bills ever presented, It is not to
be wondered at the tremendous busi
ness done yesterday by the Gus Sun
big company. This Is the second trip
of the organization here, and those
who witnessed the performance yester
day went away feeling more than sat
isfied. The program is complete with
new ballads, witticisms and acts.
Denver News.
The Pe-ru-na Almanac.
The l'eruna Lucky Day Almanac
has become a fixture In over eight
million homes. It can be obtained
from all druggists free. He sure to
inquire early. The I'.mK! Almanac is
already published, and the supply will
soon be exhausted. Do not put It oil'.
Get one today.
A young giil going up the street the
other night, and one of the finest
young ladles in the city, was followed
by two smart Alecks until she turned
down Sixth street, and when they
spied the sleuth of the Journal close
behind them, they stopped. The
young men are known, and their cat
calls had but little effect upon the
young lady. If such maneuvering oc
curs In our sight again the names of
the young men will be mentioned In
this column In bold-face type.
Make Kidney and Bladder Riant
lome Made
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis
cuit home-made. They will be fresher,
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco
nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer
cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and
nuiffins, with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not compare.
Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.
1 1 " 1
. w- .
r 1 -' I
"Other Remedies Failed
- Pe-ru-na Efficacious,"
Hon. Geo. W. Honey, National Chap
lain U. V. U., Ex-Chaplain 4th Wiscon
sin Cavalry, Ex-Treasurer State of Wis
consin and Ex-Quartermaster (leneral
State of Texas G. A. R., writes from
1700 First St., N. W., Washington, D.C.,
as follows:
"I cannot too highly recommend
your preparation for the relief of
catarrhal troubles in their various
"Some members of my own fam
ily have used It with most gratify
ing results.
"When other remedies failed.
Peruna proved most efficacious and
I cheerfully certify to Its curative
excellence. "
A. L. ncwltt, J. P., West Eerlin, Vt.,
"1 am happy to be able to write you
this letter iu relation to what your
Peruna has dono for my family.
"When I brought tho first bottle
home, I found my wife and daughter
both sick my wife with indigestion
and my daughter with a severe cold.
They were both cured.
"1 am willing to state that Percna,
taken in the beginning, will euro the
worst cold in 21 to 80 hours."
in any style
Short Orders
Regular Meals )
Our Spe
cialties. If you are hungry we can supply
von Willi I lie nieU- of the iti:n-L-er
5th door East of Cass Co. Bank fij
j Chcnge of Venue Granted.
i In the case of tne Slate of Iowa vs.
George Shreve, H. M. Lang and
Elmer K. Monroe, charged with per
jury in testimony In the case of Rrant
ncr vs. the C, 11. & y. railroad com
pany, the plaintilTs were granted a
change of venue by Judge Green of
the Mills county district court last
week. The case goes to Red Oak, la.
To Trade! Will trade a good light
driving team for a good gentle family
horse. Call on John I). Mcllrlde,
' I 1