- i MMM-, , v-f-T -.il i in. iinii m iai.lMa . ' I Murray Department I I f i r m r k a r . i r-v 1 1 jT.Kr.vKKi ix 'iin: ISTKUKSTS OF TIIK VWVUK OF MUKKAY AND VICINITY KSl'KCl ALLY 1 Oil TUB JOl'P.NAL lEAIKi5S. ( Yum of' 1'ic ivfi r ""'mi' Ahoic of' ii HY inniJ it'll " intnt.-KH'- Journal m-Ml erent or an Hon of intent in this virinU;, .nil iwul Mine tn t!m oLnr it will .; r umkr thi htnJhuj. To have a Checking Account in the Bank is Not a Hobby There is reason in it; It is wise and it pays. YOU can pay your hills with checks which we return to you. Kach cheek is a receipt in full for every dollar you pay out. Your check book shows just where the money went. This is a nood system of bookkeeping. You can have your hank hook balanced at any time: it should be balanced at least once a month. .Sometimes your memory fails you you forget whether or not you paid a certain bill at the store. If you kept a check ing account and paid your bills by cheek, you could turn to them they will show the bills you paid, the date and the amount. Murray State Bank. Chas. S. Stone, Cashier. Murray. Neb. Big Night for Workmen. Last Saturday evening was another ItiK nlht for the Murray Indue, A. O. U. W., at which time nineteen new members were Initiated, and became full Hedged members of one of the greatest and best Insurance orders Id the land. The old members bad a itcnulno good old fashioned time, while the new candidates had their hands full dodging the ferocious attacks of the well trained "wat." Following were the new candidates taken In: Thos. Nix, Peter Smith, Kelly lihoden, S: Strauss, John Law, Frank Uhoden, J. iiecn, Tfios. LaiiKhlln, Wade Por ter, James Mantlets, James Lough ridge, (iuy Patterson, Tom Smith, Frank Vullery, Nick Wlaurens, Ld. F.lllott. Cilenn Yallery and James Campbell. Loosing Fine Calves. J. A. Walker has hcen experiencing a serious time with his cattle. An un known disease has fatally attacked three of bis llncst calves, and he has another that will die, unless some re lief can he found. Thcdiseaee issome- MURRAY IN THE LEAD They Have Adopted the Journal's Suggest tions of I Few Weeks Ago. WILL FORM LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION The Enterprising Citizens Hate Already Quite a Sum Subscribed for this Mrs. Will (i rllllth Is dangerously 111 at this writing. F. M. Young, sr , was In Platls niouth last Saturday. Ceo. Shradcr was a passenger for Omaha Wednesday evening. Iir. It. F. brendel made a profes sional trip toAvoca Wednesday. L. 11. I'nderwood was In Omaha Wednesday going vlal'lattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. John Chalfant were visiting friends in Murray Monday. Mrs. (tcorge Conrad, from near Ne hawka, was a Murray visitor Tuesday. Allen Land was attending to busi ness matters In and near Murray this week. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sporer lias heon unite sick for the past few days. II. (. Todd was In Plattsinouth last Tuesday i huslness, returning on Wednesday. Head the advertisement of the Aturray State Hank In this Issue of the Journal. Chas. S. Stone and lr. (I. II. till more made a trip to Council P.lulTs Sunday evening. The Ladles' Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. (i. II. Cillmore Wednesday afternoon. MeUinnls Churchill and wife at tended the minstrel at the Parmele In Plattsinouth last evening. Supper will be served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Maker on the night of the masked ball, February It. Mr. and Mrs. O.ra Virgin and Mis, William Holmes spent the day at the home of Ir. Ilrendel Wednesday. A Murray ft lend orders a copy of the Journal sent to lUn Chalfant, of Kaw Hide Ihilte, Wyoming, for one year. Miss Helen, the daughter of Kev. Richie and wife, has been confined to her home with the grippe for the past few days. Mrs. Fred Hensen was in Murray Wednesday, looking after the wants of the people wanting tine perfumery and toilet soaps. C. S. Stone, James llatchett, Mont Ilobb, Chas. lull, A. (5. Long and Lee Nieliles attended the nlav at the Par mele last evening. ' Chas. S. Stone went to Nebawka Monday to care for the duties at the. tank (luring the absence of his brother-in-law, Cashier West. Mis. Win. Johnson, nee Miss Nellie Chalfant and daughter, of I'.elle Foutehe, S. !., spent Monday with lr. and Mrs. Uilmore. It Is either take fraternal Insurance or have an arm talked otT, and some possess sunieieut stoicism tosutTerthls linguistic amputation.. Ora havisand wife, Pay Davis and wile, llohert Shradcr and wife and MIssTruda Long attended the play In Plattsinouth last evening. We understand that Leo Nickles has sold his tine driving team to J. 1. Tlgner. We never thought Lcc would part with these line animals. Mrs. J. A. Walker went to Peru last Friday to spend a few days with her daughter, Miss Margie, who Is attend ing the State Normal there. Ed Parrlott, State Deputy for the A. o. U. W., departed last Sunday morning for his home in Peru. Kd put In some good work In around Murray Mrs. Frank Moore departed Monday for Peru, where she will visit a few days with her daughter, Mary, who Is attending school at the state normal Ir. H. F. Iliendel was In Avoca last Wednesday, going over to release his son who In Lincoln with a patient who was entering the hospital In that city. Hugh M. P.obb was up from Wyom ing Tuesday afternoon tospendafew horns witli his parents. His mother accompanied him home to spend a few days. Mrs. W. S. Smith and Mrs. C. A. Kiwis returned from their northern trip Wednesday. Mis. Smith reports a very pleasant trip and numerous en joyable visits among relatives and friends. J. M. Stone, President of the Mur ray State ltank, was in Murray Satur day. Mr. Stone has Just returned from the south, where he has been spending part of the winter, lie re ports a very enjoyable time. Mrs. William Holmes came In Tues day from Carbondale, Osage county, Kansas, to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. O.ra Virgin, and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes formerly lived east of Murray before going to Kansas. She seems very much delighted to get hack to Murray for a visit w ith her friends. The business men of Murray and farmers of that vicinity arc certainly pursuing the proper course in now en deavoring to locate an enterprise to be knon as the Murray Live Stock and Sales association, organized by home people and to be controlled by home members of the association. Their plans at present are far from being perfected as they lirst want to see how much stock in the association can be sold, and how much money in such a t iiiiur new to Mr. Walker In a 1 his ex- manner can he raised. A paper is nerience in cattle feeding and raising; now being circulated, and several bun also, to other cattlemen of that sec- d red dollars has already been sub- tion. It seems to attack the younger scribed, and a very few of the parties animals and Is sure and quick in Its that ought to be Interested have been work. Interviewed In regard to the matter Their nlnn la tn hold sales of various pAni., nr,).n Mnvrnu Gi'hAn a mr Inn r it 15 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY YEARS OF SENS(ITION(IL SUCCESS Dcnman Thompson's Greatest of Pla.ys T'?,".m3w kinds at regular dates to be named .nth ending 1-cbruary 2, WO.,: hande ,ye Qf B v nn he i-Kni! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! '. ! ! '. ! ". 47 kinds, sell and buy of the farmers both Total attendance In nays 7i amome ana aoroau. uy uus means Average dally attendance 43.2" they hope to cut oil the prollts usually Number neither tarriv or auscni... dcrved by the middleman. They will Number 5 '. '. '. also build lots and sheds for the accom- mouatlon or me volume 01 business th$jK 1 P 0 ID 0 VKRA K X APP 0 ii I DENMAN THOMPSON'S OWN COMPANY The following were neither tardy or absent in High school for the month: Vance Pitman Villa Oapcn llessle' Ilrendel Kay Spangler Chas. Ferguson Alice (Jobelman Howard Martin Kdgar Martin Peter Gobeinian A. II. K.vttiiAUT, Principal. Those neither tardy or absent: Jessie Jarman Lorelta Walker Kalph Kennedy Kuth Lindsay Martin Sporer Francis Martin Johnny lirisbln Arthur Jarman Johnny Lindsay George Murphcy Oliver C.anen Louise Lindsay Pertle Martin CAUICIK M. Al.MSON, Primary Teacher. transacted, and increase as the busi ness grows. If the present plans can be carried out they will then organize and appoint competent oftlcers to carry on the affairs of the association in a business like maimer. This Is a move ment that should receive the hearty support of every business man and farmer In and near Murray, according to their means, and no doubt will. The Journal several weeks ago ad vised the business men of Plattsinouth to organize such an association, but it seems our enterprising little neighbor taken time by the forelock and beat our fellows to it. The Murray people are to be congratulated for their energy, and we hope the enter prise will prove a great success. Complete Production Ideal Cast 1NCLU DING Famous Old Homestead Double Quartet Under Management of FRANKLIN THOHPSON. PRICES NO HIGH EH 25c - 50c - 75c - $1.00 N0 Church Chimes. The attendance on divine service was very small at each of our churches on last Lord's day. When Gov. Folk closed the saloons For Sale. on Sunday In St. Louis, the crime for An eighty acre well improved farm, those days promptly decreased fifty- seven miles from Murray and Union; live per cent. The merchants also re- (l)Ur rtom house, good water and out ported business much better on the buildings. For particulars call on or write, Wm. Hkxdiik ks, Murray, Neb. following Mondays. Mrs. W. S.iSmlth returned from her visit on Wednesday and reports a' very pleasant time. -rirttrr. llko Heeler. In tlie field to die. Then. UUo b M-rfmiif(l 1'iirls, turn uml lly The Sabbath school class of Mrs. W. Tlie unuvrsigned will sell at public S. Smith was taught by Miss Agnes auction, at bis home, one mile cast and Kennedy on last Sabbath morning. Public Sale. A Pleasant Evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. llaker entertain ed six couples at cards at their home Tuesday i veiling. The evening was a most enjoyable one to all present, and at the usual hour dainty refreshments were served. Mr. Kaker's father, who is an excellent violin player, was pic sent and after the visitors had grown tired of playing cards, the old violin was taken down, and to the sweet strains of music the merry visitors en joyed an hour or so of delightful danc ing. Following were those present: Mr. and Mrs. Mediums Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. ISrown, C. S. .stone and Miss Carrie Allison, lr. Jake P.rcndel and MissGussie IbO'b, L. L. Hall and Miss Clara Karstens. The missionary offering at the Pres byterian church was Increased to$U.OO at the morning service on last sao- bath. Those In position to know say that f mm 2.00 to $2..r0 will give the ono mile south of Murray, Neb., on MONDAY, February 19, 1906, The following described property, to. wit: Nine head of horses 1 bay mare !) years old, weight 1400; 1 bay horse, single driver, years old, weight 12(H); poor savage an opportunity to accept i ray mare 10 years old, weight 1200; m..i.. i.ic v.vinr t iree vearnng cons; i gray inn.su o years old, weight 1100; 1 bay mare 8 Is It right for the father to quietly V(.nr. m weight 121H); 1 gray mare 0 Cmni.ehis nine and cigar, while the vears old. weight 1200 with foal to n.ninB-i,niilte.n-lnr and the lack. 32 head ofcattle-8 mliiieows Sabbath school teacher are seeking to save the boy from the tobacco habit? President Lincoln compose:!, signed and advocated the following pledge "Whcseas, the use of alcoholic liquors as a beverage Is productive of pauper Ism. degradation and crime; and he llevlng It Is our duty to discourage that which produces more evil then good, we, therefore pledge ourselves I chine milk: i :-yr-old heifers fresh In the spring; o -Syr-old hellers; "J s-yr old steers: 4 vearling steers; 1 steer calves: 1 high grade Short Horn bull eomlnir two vears old; 1 hlgli grade Short Horn bull calf; l pedigreed mioh Horn bu . Sixty bead or sboats am one full-blooded Poland China boar Wagons, machinery, etc. One force feed seeder, one 4-section harrow, one fanning mill, one feed grinder, one horse holler and (I horse engine, one bav rack, one hay rake, one lumber ,.in rMn, nsnnf lnt.nxica-t.ini; wiiL'on. one low-wheeled wagon, ten Ul UU.-M.I.I. Iiv - - " ..... .1 ... l.,.k.nl 1.1.1 UHl! muni iimoinj nr, "' """i"-"1 liquors as a beverage 0 DOC 3C 0 Ef THIS SPACE BELONGS TO whim oats: one cook stove, one neat Ing stove: one dozen thoroughbred Ked l.eirborns. Oilier tilings too numer oui to mention. Sale Will Begin at 10 O'clock, A. M Terms of Sale! (mS'td K) one, year s time Scats on Sale at Riley Hotel, Monday, February 12 JACKS and STALLIONS l liiivr tlie winners of nil tli Spmilsli medals ami t lie Or nil Sweepstakes Championship In Spain In tin' past two seasons, I'leadoSonilirlo. ttiiresnr. Kestlvo. Uallarilo. liraninlor. I.li'enelnso. Ilanilolero. Villain). ChImv.uiIo. Sulfnroso. liomilo. Slleneloso. I.tii'lilu. l.lstailo. .Mhiiiuio. I'uliilo. Astuto. I'lendor. Auda.. Moreno, liuaelo, Salule- iido. Monlador. , ... These (frealest of all show-rlliK-wlii tiers were Imported hy me In the three Importations In January. Marrh and April, and are now neellniated and ready for sale. My ureal arnty or American aim iioinu-Kniw 11 ji.itks. in-nuni ity inr ivmuoiiioii .iiii-kh anil tirl.t! winners. Tlicer'u K.ve. tlrown. Oinnoiseur. KlnK llrillitint. tjulck retiirns. dold Sire. 1. . . . 1... I ...I .'. i !... ! f.... t I... ,,'..11. .... .. ....It lioaiieaux. rerriiiiu-. 1.1'iiy ijhu, i im i i-m. umrwur, w n-,u-ni, .. nm. i.iiiik rust man. Anchor. Hoy-Ill Him. Iowa Hoy. l'razas. KlnK l.ear. ArlstiH-rat. Hlaek Knlht, Atnerleaii I'rlde. (iold Stamp. I'anulox. (Jimllty. Kondiis. Jolly Hover, Kamnrii. None Hetter. Ilest-of-All. lllaniotid Cutter. I'ra.ant, KiH'keft'ller. Aeeompllshinent. Itar None, all tlrst prize and hamplonshlp winner, and a liosi or yoniiifer ones, are wiiiiont exception the itirtfest anil llnest collection of lacks In the worm, anil me lie iianii itiri-u-year-olil -olerlio. whleli 1 Im ported from llit) Iwland of Malta in thu McUite rrani'ttn Sea lat April Is the largest siecltnen of tlie Maltress hreed ever raised on Uml Island. My collection of Jacks Is worth polntf hun dreds of ml leu to see. 1 am the most extensive importer ami ureeneroi .hicks in tlie i nited Elates, linn I am irepared to furnish you more itiallty ateonservntlve values limn you can Hud In America or Ourope. Klmt-elass mules four months old are selling nearly every where at Hiu each. I am oiii.nii'tliiir to litiv all mules sired liv my lacks from ordinary mari s at ii.icach at 4 months old. and I furnish printed contracts to each purchaser, which enahles him to stand the Jack "I ... ...., , , , . , I have preserve!! t tie im'si ohmhi nnrs oi in,- m-si ii.iiiwh's hiiil inivr wit iM'en nru, ami have in my Imrn the la-sl lired Jacks now llvlnu. und they are the liest mule producers that can Ih' had. liememlH T that It reiiilrcs IiIim iI to show results. I have foreign pureliascrH from Kussla. Arnentlne. .lamalca. Hawaii, ittexico ami Lamina. Who eome to Cellar Kaplds. the izreatcst Jack center In llie world, to liny lucks. ii,r,.iiis..rs (nun Kansas. Oklalioma. and the southwest take evenlnii tn.ln In Kansas Cltv on Milwaukee Koad. urrlvlnir In Cedar Uaplils for breakfast next mornliiu, no chanu'c of ears. All customers from east or i ihchim anil west oi i-mitua siioum nine .orunvcstern main line fnnn those cities; from north of M liinenpolls. take Kock Island lioute from MliineatHilis. Ho not let the hoys leave the farm, liaise more horses and mules. It pays lictier than any tlilim you can do. A lack will pay for himself In a seaso, and tlie stallions I am oirerlnu will do the same. It will take .n.nue mules per year for l.i years to luilld the I'anama canal. M Cl.li;nnc nave lourieeii unit won lirst premiums in nei- AmOng my aiaillUIIS plum, six sweepstakes ami four told medal win ners. 'J hcsc stallions arc as i;t)oii as nave ih-cii uiioricii. ami i win sen ineiu ai sr;mi ,o Allien each. My I'en herons and lierman Coaches were all lnioricil at t iVo-year-oliK are now t hrey-year-olds ami "as line as silk." and no one can show a lietter string. I'erelieroiis. IUUU to -IIIM; (ierinan I oaclies. in to si.ii. 1 also have a full line of American bred, registered. IN rchemn stallions wi'lflilnu from lsim pounds to '.'.ten ihiuihIs. you can have your choice for The lime for pay inn fiilnilour prh'es for stiillioiis Ims i;tssed. 1 am positive that I am oll'erlnir greater bargains than eves tM'tori' Oltereit III pan les willlllllK Sliliuoiis. .uj oi-mu.n .--iitinuns nn. no- inuii-)Mril en. si.v- llsli. active. hli2h-uolnu tviie. with short, strallit. powerful hacks, wide and ticcu in chest ami slltle. an iibuiidalice of clean. Hat Nine, and tlie lies! fool of any horse. W rite for cntiilonue ami iicscriptions ami come aim see ociorc you ouv. Jack owners! Uenhter your Jacks In the American Jack Hi ;:lsU r. W rite fur blanks. W.L. DeCLOW. Cedar R.sxpids. Iowa.. 0 0 Holmes & Smith Murray : Nebraska : Mynard 0 0 0 DC DOC DC will be given, purchaser to give bank able note bearing 8 rer cent interest. No nronertv to be removed until terms arc compiled with. n, o. stunt, uwner. t. K. Paiimki.k, Auctioneer. Cii At. S. Si on k, Clerk. teW ARE THE BEST WE GUARANTEE -:v. fl,st Pt; r for tU Hast Money. MjtiiM:.1l V, tie at ..no- for cntalofrue and 1 (V' V'i ;'H UPM :. - V, . ' I NCtN; WORKS. fe?1Sg :.! mi -t Omaha, JJkb. "'i'i'J..u""1' ' "' WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY PLATTSMOUTH, HIBK Lands, P.anches and City Pt(?al Estate In Nebraska and fiLscwhcre bought sold ajiS 'exchanged. Itentiils, 1Nnratiee mid Abstracting of '1'IUtV' Money U loan il low rate of Sittereston Improved fiirm. MuslneM correspondents In H lniortKnt rilles and lowiin In mo i n" .-"" STOCK FOOD! International Pratt's and Mess's The three best brands vof -STOCK FOOD on the market today FRICKE & CO. l'recrlptloii tiruirnlsts mid I'uliil liemers FaniiGrsana investors (iet ready totakeadvautage of the Cheat EunrsUn U tasleri WasblittM this iprinir tod lnvitigte the ad vtnt i Rft offered you in the Famt'JS Bit Bead Caaitry. Wtli land at low prlcea, eiir lerma; a Rood clim ate, never a fallurt of cropa, no Ctt Iructlve atorma. Write to ua at once for llhiatratcd pamphlet. W Btfu4 HallrMa Far U PartbaMra. THE BIO BEND LAND CO.. Dt M. WILBUR. WSM 0 ooc R. B. WINDHAM, W. W. WINDHAM, Praaldanl Saoralary DC DOC DC