The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 08, 1906, Image 2

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John (lorder came In from Louisville
tills morning on tuslness.
T. J. Phoden was a passenger for
Council Muffs this morning.
W. E. lull, living near Murray.was
a business visitor to l'lattsmouth to
day. Will Hrown and wife drove up from
Murray to take In the minstrels last
II. K. Weldman and W. S. Soper
were passengers on the fast mall for
Ed llufTncr and Allen Land wore
passengers fur Council lilulTs this af
ternoon. Will Homier and wire returned from
Omaha this afternoon after a short
visit In the city.
Tom Laughlin, Lloyd (iapen mid
Charles Stone or Murray were Plutts
inoutli visitors today.
Mrs. Fred Will and children were
passengers tills morning for Nelson,
Neb., where they will reside.
The M W. A. dance given In their
hall at My nard, was a decided success,
last night. Iletwcen forty-tlvc and
lifty couples were present, seven or
eight of whom drove out from here.
The lodge cleared close to twenty dol
lars, and are very much pleased with
the result.
The advertisement of Ir. W. 1.
Jones appears In this Issue of the Jour
nal. Mr. Jones Is an old practitioner
In doctoring horses In Cass county, and
having regained his health ho Is now
ready to servo his old patrons. Those
needing his medicines can now he sup
plied on exceedingly short notice.
Sheriff Morgan, of (llcnwnod, while
in Hamburg, la., last evening, tele
phoned the police here to he on the
lockout for a team or horses that wus
stolen at that place last evening. The
team Is described as sorrels and both
with blazed faces and were hitched to
a top buggy. The team Is a remark
ably good one, and will attract consid
erable attention.
The moiiy friends of Hon. S. L.
Thomas were pleased to note his ap
pearance upon the streets last Satur
day afternoon. Tho senator returned
home from Akron, Col., about six
weeks ao In very poor health, and this
Is the first time since that he lias been
able to come to town. The Journal
hopes he may continue to Improve un
til fully restored to his former health.
For Billlousness and Sick Headache.
Take Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup,
It sweetens the stomach, aids diges
tion and acts as a gentle stimulant on
the liver and bowelswlthotitlrritatlng
these organs. Orlno Laxative Fiult
Syrup cures biliousness and habitual
constipation. Does not nauseate or
gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take.
Pemember the name Oitixn and re
fuse to accept any substitute. 1'. !.
Frlckc & Co. .
Application for Pardon.
Notice Is hereby given that I have
petitioned the (iovcrnor of Nebraska
for a pardon, and that the hearing of
said matter Is set for 1:110 p. in. on the
24th day of February, l'.KW, at the
olllce of the said governor In the city
of Lincoln, Neb., at which time all
persons having any reason to offer
against granting such pardon may be
heaid. Hahuy Hkkson.
Personal Points
t'nmi KrUlny't Ihtlly.
Mrs. A. F. Scybert i.f Cedar Creek
was a riattsmoulh visitor today.
Julius liagoss of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct was a county seat visitor today.
Mrs. F. K. Guthmannand niece, Miss
Margaret Fctzer drove to Louisville
this afternoon for a visit with the
family of Chas. Fetzer.
The man who uscshisrcllglouscloak
to work grafts of all kinds may be able
to deceive the Lord, but he can't fool
the people with whom ho associates
and whoare acquainted with his meth
ods. Marion Armstrong and Wm, Sage
came In last night from Lincoln,
where they have been sojourning for
nearly three months. They are both
looking well and their l'lattsmouth
friends gave them the glad hand of
welcome. May they continue to look
a swell.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCarthy are re
joicing over the arrival of a new baby
girl at their home on Wednesday even-
lug of this week. Iioth mother and
little one are doing nicely, und Joe Is
stepping around as proud as a prince.
A calf with three eyes, two noses,
two mouths, two sets of teeth and but
two ears has made Its appearance on
a farm near Norfolk. The new ar
rival seems to be healthy. The third
eye Is In the middle ot the calf's fore
head. Mrs. C. A. Kawls and Mrs. W. S.
Smith of Murray, will depart tonight
for a visit with Mrs. Pawls' son, Joe,
In Alliance, Neb. They will also
make a tdmrt visit with friends In
Dead wood and other points In the
lllack Hills country.
The following are the number of
mortgages tiled and released during
the month of January. Farm mort-
gages men, i ; amount .i,m.i.ihi. lie
leased, Z amount, $2il,(iii(1.00. Town
mortgages tiled, 11; amount, $7,970.00.
Uelcased. 13; amount, $(i,8,Yi.
C. S. Wortman came In last night
from Clalrmore, I. T., for the purpose
of removing his household effects to
his new home. He expects to remain
a few days. He thinks tho people of
Oklahoma and Indian territory will
bo glad even to be admitted as one
state, so eager are they for statehood
At a meeting of the members of the
0. A. K. In l'lattsmouth recently re
solutions were passed asking the Com
mlssloner of Tensions In Washington,
D. C., to remove Dr. E. D. Cummins
from the board of medical examiners
for pensions. According to Instruc
tions from Congressman l'ollard, Har
vey D. Morrow, special examiner
bureau of pensions, from Omaha, Is In
the city today to Investigate the
charges preferred against Dr. Cum
mins. His report will be sent to the
Commissioner of Tensions in Washing
ton, D. C.
the latter lnMng on 't way to Kliv'
Usher, Okla., alter enjoying a visit
with his relatives here.
ur oil friend Herman T.-stor, the
Cass county weather prognostlcator,
was in Tlattsmoulh today giving our
Ice men encouragement In regard to
their winter's crop, lie says we will
have plenty of cold weather by the 1.1th
of the present month.
Mr. Geo. Melslnger, of Cedar Creek,
Neb., was In town Saturday trying to
make a deal with one of our nier
chants. Mr. M. seems to be a nice
gentleman and we will give him a cor
dial welcome If he comes among us.
Elm wood Leader-Echo.
T. T. Melslnger, another of our pros
perous farmers from near Mynard, was
In l'lattsmouth today, and while here
called and enrolled his name for the
Dally Journal. The Dally Journal Is
rapidly gaining friends among the
farmers, and In consequence thereof Is
dally gaining in number.
W. li. McDermut, idltor of the
Hellenic Gazette, was a business vis
itor In l'lattsmouth today, and drop
ped In to pay the Journal force a pleas
ant call. Mr. McDermut has been hi
llcllcvue for the past twenty years, a
greater portion of which time he has
worked at the printing business In
Omaha. We found him to be a very
pleasant gentleman.
at a
Invoicing is over and1 new goods are coming in, so we
must have room: and to make a long story short, we
must close out all Winter Merchandise. We need room !
A Choice Wyoming Irrigated
Land Proposition.
No better Irrigation project can he
found anywhere than the LA l'KKLE,
located Just across tho river from
Douglas, a thriving town of some 2,000
people, and In the midst of a great
sheep and cattle country. Coal, oil,
natural gas, gold and copper are found
In the Immediate vicinity.
We have an option on water for set
eral sections; the choice of this tine
tract of land containing 2S.000 acres,
and can oiler It whereby the land, to
gether with this perpetual water right
can be had for fjo per acre.
After this block of stock Is sold, w a
ter Including the land will cast 130.50.
These lands are equal to anv In the
state, and their location is CHOICE.
They are sure to bo worth fc"0 to I00
per aero Just as soon as title to them Is
had, and they can oc taken in 40. M,
120 and 100 acre tracts.
Wheat 40 to fo bushels per acre
Oats M to 130
Parley w to w) " "
Speltz f0 to 70 " "
Potatoes.. 300 to 800 " "
Onions. ..400 to V " "
Alfalfa.sccd 5 to 12 "
Alfalfa 5 to 8 tons "
It Is not "hot air" when we say this
Is the best land proposition offered to
day. Penresentatlvcsof the company will
Iks at the Terklns hotel Thursday,
February 1", to furnish further Infor
matlon concerning the project to those
who are Interested. Investigate-mis.
We will leave Omaha In special car
with Dartv for Douglas, Tuesday, I eh
ruarv 20. Kallroad fare for round
trip, $11.70.
l S. Hank Ilullding, Omaha.
I'rum S it imlay'a Iially.
John V. Keil of Cullom wasacounty
seat visitor today.
Geo. Horn came in from Cedar
Creek this morning.
Charles Kelhart of Cullom was In
l'lattsmouth today. '
A. F. Seybert of Cedar Creek was
In riattsmouth today.
Miss Myrtle Saunders returned from
Louisville this morning.
James Hesscntlow of Cedar Creek
was In riattsmouth today.
S. L. Furlong of Rock lilutr was
transacting business in the city today.
'Mrs. Georgia Creamer, from near
Murray, was a l'lattsmouth lsltor today.
Will Murray of Mynard was a pas
senger for the metropolis this after
J. T. Torter, of Murray, was In
l'lattsmouth today shaking hands
with his many friends.
Mrs. Prandt of Ashland came In
yesterday to visit with her brother,
Miles Standish, near Murray.
Fred l"atterson and wife of near
Uock PlutTs wero riattsmouth visitors
today, and made this olllce a short call.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was in town this morning on
business, leaving on the fast mall for
Mrs. Fred White of Cedar Creek, C.
C. Spangler of Mynard, and C. II.
Rcld of Clinton, la., were registered
at the Terklns last night.
T. H Nix of near Murray, and A. A.
Holmes, of Union, were l'lattsmouth
visitors today, and while here paid tho
Journal olllce a short call.
Mrs. W. 11. F.lster returned home
last night from Nebraska City where
she has been taking care of her sister,
Mrs. T.lanche Snyder, who Is able to
be up now.
G. M. Hildand Arthur Pappo were
passengers thl morning for Omaha, n
I'rum Monthly' Dully
J. H. Davis, of Weeping Water, was
a county seat visitor today.
W. II. Hay, of Elm wood, was a
l'lattsmouth visitor today.
J. A. Fisher of Greenwood was In
town on business today, returning
this afternoon.
If you are a Judge of a good smoke
try tho "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
S. M. 1'arker of Talmyra, Neb., who
has been visiting with II. T,. Wind
ham, was a passenger for Lincoln this
Mrs. J. W. Gamble and mother-in-law
were passengers this afternoon for
Gretna, where the former will make a
short visit.
In Justice Archer's court a decision
was rendered in the case of Jas. C.
Cochran vs. Green's Drug Store In
favor of the defendant.
C. E. Mockenhaupt came down from
Louisville this morning, accompanied
by M iss Clara, daughter of Chris Mock
enhaupt, of this city, who lias been
visiting at his home for some time.
Judge Sullivan went up to Lincoln
this afternoon to argue a matter
wherein the Missouri Pacific Is defend
ant, and Cass county Is plaintiff. The
motion is for a rehearing of the case.
C. S. Wortman took his llnal leave
of his l'lattsmouth friends last Satur
day, and also shipped his household
goods to his future home Clalrmore,
Indian Territory. He extends an
Invitation to all to visit him.
Clerk of the District Court Robert
son is In receipt of the mandate from
the supreme court in the case of Thos
Lucas vs. County Recorder and C. J
Allison, in which the decision of the
lower court Is atllrmed in favor of the
Joseph Malcolm, representing the
Nehawka Milling Company, was in
l'lattsmouth Saturday evening, inter
viewing our business men in regard to
Hour and feed. In conversation with
Mr. Malcolm he told us that he had
been In Omaha, where he had met with
excellent success, and had placed sev
eral cars of their Hour, lie returned
home on the late Missouri Pacltlc train
.Saturday evening.
Suitings, Gloakings and Skirtings
20 pieces Wool Suitings, Cloak
ings and Skirtings. All nice pat
terns in plain and mixtures worth
tip to 51.25 per yard, special 7Cp
pryard - - Iwu
Remnants of Dress Goods, Etc.
Linens and Cotton Goosds at al
most your own price. See them.
Percale and Flannelette Wrappers
15 doz. Women's Wrappers in
percale and flannelette, worth
more but we have priced them Q
low to make them go. - wli
Ladies' Nice Outing Flannel Gowns
10 doz Ladies nice outing flannel
gowns, ntcely trimmed, good qual
ity flannel, full size, worth
up to 85c, special at
All our fency figured Flannelettes sold up to 20c. a yard, special,
yard; one lot Flannelette that sold up to 15c, special
9c yd.
Luckiest Man In Arkansas.
"I'm the luckiest man In Arkansas,"
writes II. L. Stanley, of Rruno, "since
the restoration of my wife's health
after rive yearsof continuous coughing
log and bleeding from the lungs; and
1 owe my good fortune to the world's
greatest medicine, Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, which I
know from experience will cure con
sumption if taken In time. My wife
Improved with first bottle and twelve
bottles completed the cure." Cures
the worst coughs and colds or money
refunded. At F. G. Frlcke & Co.
druggist. 50c and 11.00. Trial bottle
Doctors first prescribed
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over
60 years ago. They use it
today more than ever. They
rely upon it for colds, coughs,
bronchitis, consumption.
They will tell you how it
heals inflamed lungs.
" t hA m hut couu'h for Hire tmm.
TSrn I Itlnl Avr't t'hrrnr l-loti,l. Mri
hum were uou hiilKl autl my cough ilroifil
Mr. Trail Htd. UtittirU Ontro. Tit
?V Si.. 1 1 l. J r ATKH CO.,
Old Coughs
One Aver s Pill nt bocltimo insures
nauirrl action next morning
From Turxliiy's Dully
II. (J.Todd of Murray was a county
seat visitor today.
John M. Melsinger from near My
nard, was a l'lattsmouth visitor today.
Mrs. (J. L. 1 1 i 1(1 and sun, George,
were passengers for Omaha this morning.
Ex-Commissioner Manning of Union
was calling on old friends this after
Claud Everett, of Union, was In
l'lattsmouth today, and paid the Jour
nal olllce a short call.
Hen Dill, of near Murray, was In
l'lattsmouth today and while here
paid the Journal oillce a short call.
E. P. Todd returned last night from
Denver, where he has been visiting
with his brother, Ami, who is in very
poor health.
Herman Smith, who is attending
school in riattsmouth, went down
near Nehawka Sunday to spend the
lay with home folks.
D. .1. Pitman of Murray wasin town
last (light attending the annual meet
ing of the stockholders of the Platts
mouth telephone company.
C. E. Mockenhaupt of Louisville,
one of Cass county's wealthy farmers,
attended the annual meeting of the
stockholders of the l'lattsmouth tele
phone company.
Fred Horn, an old time l'lattsmouth
boy, who Is now located at Cheyenne,
Wyo., came in last night on business,
returning to Omaha on the fast mail.
Edwin Jeary and Dr. J. M. Neeley
came in from uraatia last nigni io
attend the annual meeting of the
stockholders of the riattsmouth tele
phone company.
M. II. Pollard and wife of Nehawka,
were in town last night visiting friends
and attending the annual meeting of
the stockholders of the riattsmouth
telephone company.
District Cleric Robertson has re
ceived a mandate affirming the decision
of the lower court In favorof the plain
tiff in the case of Mary Jane Mclntlre
vs. Chas. II. and Mary II. Mclntlre.
Frank II. Stander, one of Cass
county's most substantial farmers was
In town last night attending the
annual meeting of the stockholders of
the l'lattsmouth telephone company
J. II. Davis of Weeping Water came
in on the Missouri Pacitlc last evening
to attend tho annual meeting tf the
stockholders of the l'lattsmouth tele
phone company and returned home on
the late train.
Fred Slagel, from near Murray, was
In riattsmouth today and orders his
copy of the Journal sent from that
postoillce to Hartlngton in the future,
near which he and his family will
move this week to make .NnTuturXV
George II lid ar.d son loaded a car of
cattle he?aturday evening that
'e re shipped to South Omaha. The
tfx Will and A mil l.umgart accom
panied them to tho city, and from
there tho boys will go out to Furnas
county to look nt the country with a
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
view of locating in that section of the
world In the near future.
II. F. Swanback of Greenwood who
was In town yesterday, and attended
the annual meetlngof thestockholders
of the l'lattsmouth telephone company
returned home this morning. .
F. S. Will loaded his household
goods here last evening and sometime
during the night took his departure
for Nelson, Nuckols county, Neb.,
where he has a farm and will make his
future home. Mr. Wills and family
nave uecn residents of Cass county
most all their lives and have hosts of
friends here who have none but the
best wishes for them in future years.
Mr. Will has a large farm out in
Nuckols county, and will engage pretty
extensively In the cattle business.
Kniin Wednesday's il:ii!y.
L. IJ. Underwood drove In from Mur
ray to take the fast mail for Omaha.
Geo. llallancc received a line Scotch
collie from Henry Tartsch of McCook
this morning.
Glen Uocdeker, of Murray, and John
Schul, of Murdock, are registered at
the Perkins hotel today.
W. II. McDanlel of Murray was in
riattsmouth yesterday evening, on his
return trip from Omaha.
Jacob Miller, residing northeast of
town, got the third linger of his left
hand caught In acorn shelter last week
and so badly Injured that Dr. Rlckard
says it may have to be amputated.
Weeping Water Herald.
Good looks bring happiness. Friends
care more for us when we meet them
with a clean, smiling face, bright eyes
sparkling with health, which comes
by taking Ilolllster's Rocy Mountain
Tea. 35 cents. Gerlng&Co.
Kunzman & Ramge received a large
new engine and boiler for their use
yesterday, which has been set up In
their market for tho purpose of run
ning their meat grinder. This lirm
is always up to date on such Improve
ments. About every three months a Wabash
correspondent to the Elm wood Leader
Echo, has Inside Information regard
ing the building of the Great North
ern railroad through the village of
Wabash. If Steve continues to fool
the people they w ill soon cease to heed
the cry of "Wolf."-Weeping Water
Public Sale!
The undersigned will sell at Public
Auction, 2J miles west and 1J miles
south of Mynard and 1 miles west and
21 miles north of Murray, Neb., on
Thursday, February I5tft, 1906,
the following described property, to
wit: l) head of horses-1 black horse,
! years old; 1 black mare, 9 years old,
I bay horse, 10 years old; 1 bay horse;
II years old; 1 bay mare, 4 years old;
1 bay mare. 9 vears old-1 hi.n.t maro
11 years old; 1 black colt, 2 years old;
1 biack colt, ti months old; lo head of
milch cows, all to be fresh soon; 2year
ing steers: 4 heifer calves: all house
hold furniture; 1 bed room stit. 1 cup
board, three stoves, sewing machine,
1 Incubator, 2S0 egg size; 1 brooder, 100
chicken size; 1 Milwaukee binder, run
three years; 1 John Deer stalk cutter;
1 Chase riding lister; 1 St. Joe walking
lister; 1 Partner cultivator, riding; 1
Prown hay rake: 1 Osborn Mower, cuts
1.) acres: 1 John Deer seeder; 1 King
men sulky plow;l walking plow ; 1 Fly
ing Swede, two row corn plow all of
these implements as good as new; 2
lumber wagons: 1 top buggy; 3 sets of
work harness; l set single harness: 1
Empire cream separator; 38 rods hog
wire;l 30 gallon kettle: 12 dozenchick
ens.and man.vother articles too numer
ous too mention.
Terms of Sale!
All sums of $10
and under cash:
all sums over
$10, one year's time will be given on
good bankable notes, bearings percent
interest. No goods removed until set
tled for.
6E0. BEN6EN, Owner.
Q. Pakmelk, Auctioneer.
Dr. W.D.Jones,
W. P. Jones has made a study of
horses and their diseases for forty-five
years, and his medicines are unequaled.
There Is no safer and surer remedy
for an animal In pain than his Water
,!.,,.?..c.,.,.?..c.y.r It Is used and re
commended by' more stockmen than
any medicine known. He also has eye
medicine, worm powder, heave pow
ders, cleansing powders and liniments
that are considered the very best.
These are not patent medicines, but
have been prepared by Mr. Jones after
years of experience, and were recom-
mended thirty-six years ago by best
known stockmen in Iowa, with the
county seals of Jefferson county, Iowa,
and Cass county, Nebraska, attached.
Five years ago the Cass county seal
was again attached with the recom
mendations of the best stockmen in
the county.
Mrs. C. W. Sherman, who has been
enjoying a visit with Mrs. Robert
Troop, returned to her home at Lin
coln this afternoon.
Avers Pills
Ayer's Fills. Ayer's Fills.
Ayer's Pills. Keep saying
this over and over again.
The best laxative. fcS.V.lSf;:
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
ft. r. Hlt n . I'.till't, XI