The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1906, Image 2

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"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block.
Will IlolHM-tson Is suffering fnmi an
attack of the grippe.
Mrs. J. C 1'etersoii niUlnnl the A.
D. C. club this afternoon.
Frank Kendall of Union was a
county seat visitor today.
Ktl Fletcher, of l'liion, was a caller
at the court house today.
John Mockenhaupt was a passenger
for Omaha this afternoon.
Win. llullish, of Klmwood, was in
the city on business today.
Sheriff (vHilnton went to Louisville
today to srve some papers.
Mrs. (1. F. S. l'.urton Is visiting In
the metropolis this afternoon.
Remember the basket hall contest
at Coates' hall tomorrow night.
Mrs. Bertha Palmer was a passenger
for the metropolis this afternoon.
W. 1. Miner, of Corning, Iowa, was
registered at tho Perkins hotel today.
lMnttxmoiith vs Nebraska City at
Coates' hall tomorrow night. AdmlS'
slon 2.1 and 1') cents.
R W. ( i recti and mother, of Kim
uxid. were transacting business at
tho county seat today.
Mr9. Peter and Mrs. Kd Welsh re
turned to Omaha last evening, after a
short visit with Mrs. August Bach.
Chas. C. lirant, representing the
Reese Printing Co., of Omaha, was
transacting business In Plattsmouth
J. F. Lautenschlager returned to his
home at Orchard, Neb., this afternoon
after a week's visit with friends In
Miss Delia Newman returned to her
home, near Weeping Water, yesterday
afternoon, on account of sickness, ex
peeling to return when feeling better
Have you Backache? Get a box of
Kidney-Kites the most wonderful
remedy for all kidney troubles, and
thev will make you right. 2."c at Ger
lng k Cu's.
The old reliable yulek Meal range Is
for sale by Asenilssen & Loucks. Over
200 of these ranges were sold by tho Kb
lnger Hardware Co. In the past few
years. Call and see them.
D. 0. DWYER, Attorncy-at-Law
Offce in building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Methusila was all right, you bet
For a good old soul was he,
They say he would be living yet,
Had he taken Bocky Mountain Tea.
tiering & Co.
Injustice Archer's court the case
of Jas. C. Cochran vs. Green's Drug
store, a suit for the sum of one hun
dred and lifty dollars, was tried, sub
mitted and taken under advisement
this morning.
The youngsters are arranging to
give a 'Minster Brown'' show at the
homo of Will Richardson on Saturday
afternoon. Look out for something
grand, as "Muster" will be on hand
with his dog "Tlgc."
Fred Will was in the city today and
Informed us that he would remove to
Nuckolls county next week, where he
expects to make his future home. Mr.
Will ow ns a ranch near Nelson. We
regret to lose such citizens.
Hon. William Ielleslernlercamehi
from Klmwood last evening on legal
business. He Is still mourning the loss
of his dog, "Bastus." The man who
enticed that dog away from Ills bed
and board, should, If apprehended, be
severely dealt with.
Walt Vallcry writes to his folks at
home that he and Chas. Cook are get
ting along tine at the hospital In Kan
sas City. The operation has been per
formed, and they will uc home before
many days, they hope, entirely relieved
from their pile trouble.
Mrs. Hiatt received a letter yester
day from her son Demmle, who Is now
the comedian In "Yon Yonson," which
Is playing at Los Angeles this week.
He reports having a tine time, and
meeting many former Plattsmouth
people, who are now located In Cali
fornia. Fred Kblnger departed on the fast
mall for Plalnvlew, Neb., where hei
recently purchased a hardware stock.
He will return to Plattsmouth about
one month hence, at which time he
expects to remove his family to Plain
view, where they will be located per
manently. Look out for what's coming. If tho
groundhog sees his shadow he will
rush back Into his hole and remain six
weeks, which means that we are to
have six weeks more (if winter. This
reminds us of the
Same old groundlu g
Sulking round!
Same old shadow
On the ground!
Same old blizzard
Fierce and cold!
Same old fake that's
Mighty old!
Mrs. J. II. Sltzmanand son, Luther,
were passengers for imaha this afternoon.
Mrs. John Lutz and mother, Mrs.
'rettrz are spending the day In
C. K. Wescolt departed this morn
ing on business In regard to his farm
near Watson, Mo.
Mrs. P.. A. Green ami son, Kalph,
and Wm. llullish, of Kim wood, are In
Plattsmouth today.
Miss Hazel lovey came in from Lin
coln last night to spend the rest of the
week with her parents.
A. L 11. Nellgh, who lives live miles
southeast of 1'nlon, is In theclty today
shaking hands with old friends.
(ieorge Puller of Omaha, an old
friend of T. 11. and It. A, l!ates,was In
the city today visiting the boys.
Jack Sherwood departed this after
noon for imaha where be has secured
a position with the Union Paclllc,
W. T. Bussell and wife and the lat-
ter's mother, Mrs. (ioblemau, were
passengers to Omaha this afternoon.
There Is another good thing about
this line spring weather it has low
ered the price of eggs a few cents on
the dozen.
In tho county court Mrs. Kva Pi.
Hadley was appointed guardian of her
three minor children, Iva, Ira and
Banner Hadley.
A marriage llcenso was Issued this
morning to Joseph Chldester, age 21,
and Abble Young, ago 20, both resl
dents of Union.
Will Thornton, who has been work
log In the IS. & M. shops, has resigned
and departed for his home at Tabor,
Iowa, this morning.
Miss Nellie Sherwood returned this
morning from Louisville, where she
has been enjoying a visit with her
sister, Mrs. Daisy Hoover.
How are your kidneys? It Is dan
gerous to delay when tho Kidneys arc
sift;. One box of Kldney-Kttcs will
recommend the next. 2.1 cents.
Remember that we carry a full line
of all kinds of builders' material. Call
and see us when you want figures on
such material. Aseinlssen & Loucks.
Good looks bring happiness. Friends
care more for us when we meet them
with a clean, smiling face, bright eyes
sparkling with health, which comes
by taking Holllstcr's Rocy Mountain
Tea. ;;") cents. Gering&Co.
Why suffer with your kidneys? The
disc.ivery of Kidney-Kits has proved
a blessing to thousands of kidney
sufferers who have been restored to
perfect health. These Tablets drive
the diseased germs out of the system,
and we urge all sufferers to give this
seicntllio and successful kidney rem
edy at ilal. 2." cents.
Personal Points
( r .ui I rbUy' l.u.y.
Lig Brown of Pock P.luffs was a
C unity scat visitor todav.
II. K and 11. M. Taylor, of Union,
were county seat vistors today,
i Jack Shrader, of Nehawka, was in
i the city today.
i Geo. Wood and wife, of Louisville,
were In the city today.
I F. A. Baker, of Klmwood, was a
'caller at the court house.
I John Mockenhaupt and (. A. Mo-
!l) maid, of Murdnck, are In the city
I today.
Frank Hay, from the vicinity or
Klmwood, was transacting business at
the court house today.
Charles Cook and Walt Yallery de
parted for Kansas City this morning
to undergo operations.
In the case of Kupkc i t al. vs. Polk
et al., a certllled copy of the opinion
with mandate attached, was received
by J. M. Robertson, clerk of the dis
trict court, In which the judgment of
the lower court was reversed and a
new trial ordered.
Fred Gorder tiled his tlnal report In
the county court as guardian of Will
and Nora Wehebein and made tlnal
senttlement with his wards who are
now of legal age.
Geo. Wood and Wm. Ossenkon, of
Louisville, were In the city today,
having business with the county court
In connection with the Met, estate
that Is now being probated.
Col. Seabolt and wife, and Mrs. 15. F.
Brcndel came In from Murray this af
ternoon and took the train for Omaha.
The Dr. went to Lincoln this morning
and will meet them In Omaha this
F. A. Baker, of Klmwood, came In
last evening for a short visit with
County Clerk Ilosencrans, returning
home this afternoon. Mr Raker was
a partner of Mr. Ilosencrans In Klm
Is there an ordinance prohibiting
people from leaving their teams un
hitched upon the streets? If there Is,
It should be enforced. Last night as
we were golng home a team left stand
ing on Sixth stroet came very near
getting away. A runaway not only
I Money
1 "on
with the most vigorous
N Price Productions
at a
Dress Goods
Short lengths and remnants of the sea
son's best offerings of Dress Goods may
lie procured at one-half value. We will
place all these on a large table, and you
will wonder when you see the high-grade
stuffs how we can afford to sell them at
such low prices.
One large basket Embroidery Remnants
one to live yards at prices moving them
quick. Fifteen pieces dark Outing
Flannel, 5c per yard. Thirty pieces good
print, all colors, 5c per yard.
Misses' & Children's Tans, $1.25 Kind at 98c. All Colors
Blankets, Notions, Etc.
Cotton Blankets in gray, tan and white
good size, fancy borders, January sale
75c a pair. Women's Flannelette gowns
50c each. Ladies' fancy Collars, sold up
to 35c each. One lot women's felt house
Slippers, special 87c a pair. Women's
and childrens' shoes at money saving
Underwear and Hosiery
One lot women's union suits, special, 50c
Women's pants and vests extra heavy
fleeced, 25c each. Good bleached table
linen 60 inches w ide, special at 35c a yd.
Opera Shawls and Fascinators at great
ly reduced prices. One lot children's
Wool Hose and Boys' Wool Socks to
close out. 5c a pair.
Your Patronage Appreciated
Y &
of the route is not sufficient to warrant
Injures the team but it is also liable to liy delivery, the mail will bo deliv-
run over and kill some child upon the ered every other (ia.
In the Journal s issue oi me ioui, in
speaking of the case of Wm. Ilobson
vs. the Hadley estate said: "The case
of Wm. Ilobson vs. the Hadley es
tate is on again this afternoon In
county court, being a continuation
from Monday. This Is the case where
Mr. Ilobson brings suit against the es
tate for funeral expenses. The exc
cutor It. B. Davis was present, also
Ben Watkinsand Kdward Hadley, as
witnesses. At the time of going to
press the case Is being argued." There
was no suit at all. A claim was simply
tiled in .lodge Travis' court for allow
atice or rejection as the case might
street or Injure some man or woman.
Under the new state law It costs the
tax payers of the county twenty-live
cents each time a child is born and
the same price when any one dies,
within the confines of the county.
This is the amount paid to those who
are empowered to report the same.
few more laws and It will cost) the
tax payers twenty-live cents a report
of other things which happen. This
law simply created a few more ofllccs
and will be the means of distributing
a little more public pap.
The Pe-ru-na Almanac.
The Perunii Lucky Day Almanac
has become a lixture In over eight
million homes. It can be obtained
from all druggists free. Be sure to
Inoulre early. The l'.MW Almanac Is
already published, and the supply will
soon be exhausted. Do not put it off
del one today.
Men Past Sixty in Danger.
More than half mankind over sixty
years of age suffer from kidney and
bladder disorders, usually enlargement
of prostate gland. This Is both pain
ful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney
Cure should be taken at the first sign
of danger, as it corrects Irregularities
and has cured many old men of this
disease. Mr. Rodney Burnett, Bock
Port, Mo , writes: "I suffered with
enlarged prostate gland and kidney
trouble for years and after taking two
bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure I feel
better than 1 have for twenty years
although 1 inn now m years old." F
(J. Frlcke & Co.
Doctors first prescribed
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over
60 years aeo. They use it
today more than ever. They
rely upon it for colds, coujjhs,
bronchitis, consumption.
They will tell you how it
heals inflamed lungs.
I hurt vort Iwil coirh (or Oittw ir.
Ttin I trlml Ar'i hrrrt I'n'lnrnl. Mtkih
lunita mtt (uou htti id tuj couli lnv'll
"TMrii. TtkM llTPl. OttlhrU Ccntr. H.
?v M..t no.
j. r. atk en..
1 ,,.!! Mi..
Old Coughs
One Ayer'a PHI nt bcdtimo Insure
a nrmirnt action next morning,
l'rom Saturday's Pully.
George LaKuc, of Union, was In the
city today.
Len McVey, of Murray was in the
fit v todav.
Wm. Stottle came in from I'nlon
this morning.
James Loughridge, of Murray, was
in Plattsmouth today.
J. F. Hadley, of Nehawka, was a
otinty seat visitor today.
John Met i ui re, of Paclllc Junction,
was a Plattsmouth visitor today.
Prof. Karhart. and Km Carroll, of
Murray, were in Plattsmuulh today.
Jas. M. Hoover, of Louisville, was
transacting business at the court
house this morning.
Oscar .aar was down from South
Bend on business today, and gave the
Journal a pleasant call.
J. W. West, of Near Nehawka, was
in town today, coming up to attend
the Woodman entertainment last
Lincoln Creamer, an old resident of
Cass county, who moved to Missouri a
few years ago, has returned to Ne
braska, and will make his home near
II. C. Long and B. M. Shrader, of
near Murray, were In this city today,
coming in to see about a car for Mr
he will farm. Mrs. Sprieck came in
this morning from Louisville to pay a
farewell visit to her foster parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John McNurlin, and will
depart for her new home tomorrow
morning. Feeling that she could not
keep house without the Old Reliable,
Mrs. Sprieck called and subscribed for
the Journal.
I'mm Monday's Hully
Guy McMaken and wife were visit
ing in Cnion Sunday.
Gen. Peters of Avoca was transact
ing business at the court house today.
Jack Kleridge and wife, from across
the river, were passengers fori imaha
this morning.
Phil. Bachlor from the vicinity of
Bock Bluffs was a visitor at ihe coun
ty seat today.
Miss Carrie Becker and sister, Mrs.
Dora Pacoek, departed for a visit w ith
relatives at Filley, Neb.
Miss Kdna Marshall went to La-
I'latte yesterday for a few days visit
with friends In that place.
Dr. T. P. Livingston was called to
day to to sec Mr. Wm. Lewis, near
Murray, who is critically ill resulting
from a selge of the grip.
Dr. Gil more was up today from Mur
ray on some business ami gave me
Journal a social call. We are always
glad to have the doctor call.
Mrs. Charles IIIpps and son, Karl,
returned to their home in Burt county
this morning, after a week's visit with
the former's father, Mr. A. Dill.
Bruce Bosencrans went out to Klm
wood Friday afternoon and enjoyed a
Shrader to ship his household goods to couple of days with his former school
Itonriipv. rh . In tho near future, mate!, and fr ends, returning Home
- ' i
David Tlilmghan, Herman Ghast this morning
and Al Woods of Murdock. were down S. A. Smith and daughter, Alta, who
today to be examined for the rural have been spending a few days with
route out of that town, which is soon Mr. and Mrs. John McMaken in this
to be made vacant by the resignation city, departed this morning for their
of Ora Bush. home In Havelock
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bhoden and little Louie llhelnackle, who spent a few
daughter, Kulah, came In this morning days at home last week, returned to
from Greenwood, where they bad been Lake C'ty, Iowa, yesterday, where he
visiting a few days with Mrs. Rhoden's Is holding down a good position In the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Laughlin. boiler department of the Illinois Cen
They report a pleasant visit.
In the district court a petition was
filed by W. W. Coates, Kblnger Hard
ware Co. and Gertrude Morgan vs.
John D. Bobbins, Emma Renner and
tral railroad shops
Lee Boyer, traveling representative
for the Western Newspaper Union of
Omaha, visited the prffrkSIlPP ,lcre
today, to su
ted the njhops here
with proNic
From Tuesday's Dully,
John Albertof Cedar Creek Isspend
log the day In Omaha.
A. A. Wetenkamp of Mynard was a
county seat visitor today.
Chris Spangler from near Murray
was a passenger for Nelson this morn
ing. In the county court today the will
of the late J. T A. Hoover was proved
and allowed.
O. II. Chandler, of Mt. Pleasant
precinct, was transacting business at
the court house.
Adam Kailenbcrger and wife drove
in from Cedar Creek today to take the
morning train fur Omaha.
C. S. Stone and W. C. Brown, of
Murray, were in Piattsmoutli today,
and both were callers at Journal head
quarters. The will of the late Thomas Lan-
ning, who resided near Eagle, has been
tiled in the county court, together
with the petition of the widow, Mrs.
Celesta Lanning, asking that the will
be probated.
D. K. Barr, of Greenwood, arrived
in the county seat last evening on bus
iness at the court house, returning
home today on the 1:20 train. Mr.
Barr was a pleasant caller at Journal
headquarters, where he Is always wel
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Guthman, who
went to Texas and other southern
points, are expected home this week
They expected to remain all winter in
the south, but they have evidently
come to the conclusion that there is
no place like home.
There Is one blessed good thing about
the pleasant winter weather we are
at present enjoying house plants are
yet safe, and the housewife who dotes
on such has kept in good humor so far.
But how will it be If they should
happen to be "nipped" yet this win
ter? The husbands would all have to
take to the woods or Omaha.
The familiar face of Uuele Ned
Baker will not be seen upon the streets
and at the llurlington depot today.
He took his departure at an early
hour this morning for the home of
John Ossenkop, live miles southeast of
Louisville, and will return tonight
with a horse that Mr Osenkop agreed
to give him If he would came after the
animal. It was a lucky gift for Uncle
Will Rentier to set aside a deed to lots per and stationery je n old 1'P0
one and two, block thirty-one, In and makes hlm'lCf nt home around a
Young and Hays addition to the city print shop, wftcre be Is always wcl-
of Plattsmouth. corned by ifii hands. He is a clever
The postmaster general has recently gentlemf,', and we are always glad to
decided that where the patrons on
x. J
rural route do not show their appre
elation of the convenience by patron
Izlng the route, the same will be di
continued, aiso, wnere me ousiniiss
- k u .
a I ".i.iiim
Edward Sprieck departed last Thurs
day with a car load of household goods
and farming Implements from Louis
ville for Stanton, Neb., near which
Jfmn Wi-dnt'Mlity'i dully.
FulU'"), of Nehawka,
was a
county seat visitor today.
David Stewart, or l nlon, was a
riattsniouth visitor today.
Dr. A. P. Barnes went out to A. S.
Wills' farm this morning, where he
has a couple of days work looking after at home In tna
some of Mr. Wills' horses. This is at
least a semi-annual visit for Dr.
Levi Rusterholtz of near Murray,
was a county seat visitor today.
R. D. O'Brien, of Center precinct, is
transacting business in the city today.
Tom Moore, of Liberty precinct was
at the county seat today on business.
J. A. Walker and his most estimable
lady, of Murray, were in the city to-
Mrs. Joseph .Shera, of Bock Bluffs,
was transacting business in the city
Raymond Kenncr, of Louisville, was
visiting with the family of W. II.
Parker yesterday.
Will Fight returned to his ranch
near Akron, Colo., this afternoon after
a short visit with his parents.
Mrs. II. C. Knapp and Miss Hazel
Kline, of Murray, departed for Omaha
this morning to visit relatives.
A marriage license was issued to
Otto G. Dettman, 24, of Murdock, and
Klka Kicck, 22, of Primrose, Neb.,
this morning.
Harry Kruger and wife are moving
to Klmwood today. Harry has rented
the Dovey farm near that place, and
they will make their home therefor
one year at least.
Dr. W. B. Kl.ster received a tele
phone message this morning from his
wife at Nebraska City to the effect
that Mrs. Blanche Snyder, who had a
severe attack of the rheumatism Is
Improving slowly.
While gathering up the silverware
after the chicken pie supper at the
Presbyterian church last night, Mrs.
w. A. Swcarlngen had the misfortune
to collide with one of the iron pillars
which caused a very painful contusion
upon her face.
The saloon keepers of Nebraska City
are now In the same I Hint, with Mm
Plattsmouth dealers. They have been
compelled to remove all blinds from
their front doors nod windows, and
have aiso been ordered to tighten tho
lid on Sunday.
The Webb case is In progress today
atGlenwood, Matt Gerlng appearing
for the plaintiff, and Byron Clark for
the defendant. Al Kdyerton, John
McDanlels.Jas. Aultand Henry Guth
man went over as wltnesis on this
case. The readers of the Journal are
already familiar with the nuuter.
C. A. Webster and w ife, or Weeping
Water, passed through Plattsmouth
this mornliy going to Malvern, Iowa,
for a visit with friends. They took
breakfast at tho Perkins hotel, and he
was heard to make the remark that
the last time they took breakfast In
that hotel was In 187(1.
Our old friend, John Lolmes, for
merly of Cedar Creek, Is In the city
on business today, and gave the
Journal a call. Mr. LmIuh n Miys ho
has moved to Louisville, liKsools now
behind the counters of the hardware
store, In which he recently purchased
a half Interest, and Is now living right