The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 28, 1905, Image 7

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    Hcgal advertisements.
l.ri.iuMi H. iii:m. . im :'.i.t itr.
A I u ' iiiiv l :!.. I f -ii'l .1 !il
I r ink K. Ilp.slus. A. I ' -ri.nli. .I.l.ii"ii .
nrullui. it tirm f rn.' riy l.n-in - :.l
'l;Ulsti...iitli. . l.r;isk:t himI 1 I-- u h
I.Hrs of Km l.i.rniHii. l- ' '. '
,,.-.- Unit tin- i.liiliilllT l..vr:ml II. I.n.wn.
OisM.-oiiiity. Mifaliisl sai.l.l. f- -l'l.l
..I with All- .-Cry. K.IUI. . e isl.Hl ui.l .1' l.n
. Mann, tin-ol.j.-. t mil .r:ty. r ..f wli-j. Is t
.iul. tiii.l.-..rr.-. t tit !'"- "
II rontalnliiK tU- H. r.-s of Un.l : l' f"'1 ' .
.oiitiilnlnif al-Mit 4. H.r.s of Un.l: I.IH 1. uii.l
H. .oi.tiili.liik' v- a. r. H of l"'l. ' 1
.ntulnliiK t u r. H of Lui.l all of :ilI t r.i. Is
of Un.l Im-Iiik hltu:it l I" -.-lions mil 3. In
U.iihli II. nortli ruiik'- N. I. lii-iiss-Mjnty
Nrl.raski. mi'l l-lmt .l.-slk'nal.-.l on ti plal
ImmjIc of Irn-xulHrtrarls of r.-sil sUitf '-"
miml-r.-.l a afort-nal'l. Plaintiff also asks In
lilssal.l iM-tlllon. to liav.- a i-.-rtaln ii.ortk'Hij'e
onvryan. eon sal.l .slat.: irlvt-ii ft A. U
Sn.lllt il-f.-n.liiiit l.- r. i-.l to fully yal'l off
aii.l raiHflltil of r.-.-orl anl that tli Int.rt-st
of Kvatiormaii. li- -;is. l. In ami to ha 1 r-ai
stU may I"- l-.-r. . l to Iw-loiijf to ami ! tin-i.roiM-rty
of plaintiff. Ith l.y l-'lft -'' l'r-.-hasf.
SnlJ .l. f. ii.lanls will laki- noil.-.- Hint
td-y an-r.siuir.-.l to aiisw.-r t In- .-tHIii of
plainlllT on or I- for.- ll.- n'l 'lay of January
A. I rut. ..r M.I.I iMliti.Mi will iMiak.-ii aii.l r. .1 as-..if.-ss.-lanl pl'ilnl HT illl:ik.-juilVin.-iil
as .rav.-.l for m Ills sai.l p" tlil'.n.
I. M. I1A.NI 15. IIH'IWN I'lllllillt..
Fhe Reformist
Legal Notice.
f. .r li n:i! . : 1 ' in' :i in-' i 1 " ' 1 "
In tin- -.'nit .li' ' ' .li.''.. N' -
I r :i -!. :
I n . -i .i i . .1 : r . i : i - -.
I .. I n ni I i !! . .1 ' . II ! '
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i ...... i . -. . ,
i 1 1! . . .i ii. I .. . I f i : ! r-
I : . I ' . .11 I r.- I :
I ,, ,1 , I
1 1 :: . i. I . ! .1 i '! .
I'. I !.!.'. ii i:
. : ; . I . ! ii - i 1.1
I:. I -
. , I ,! i ! .1 r.l I. ..- Ii.. I - " ' ' '
n I 1 1 . .ii f . .r li i i.i I . It!, n.i i.l :i ml '1 : : . i .. i.
ili.ii a li. :.riii-' Hi t -' i. " ' ' 1,1
lli. l llyof riali-i.i.. Hi .I'l.niiy 11 Ii A
I I. I.Ki . al '. ...l...k a. la I'V Im-ir a.!
.,l..-i li.ii-! in- lil. .1. At sa.. inn. -M. li
..rl-r will nl.r.-.l a - ! In- I ! nai.t f I li
..Mill - ami I it ri l ut ii of t 1 1 it.- a- will
l- r i). r ii i i.l.-r I In - ii -i.--i.ili-.l
iliis'Ut. .lay of I . -. iiilor A. I . I.' ...
1 - km I II Mill v l. It: i
I'.yn.nit'lark. Attorney. -..iiniy .linl----.
Sheriff's Sale.
I: v v in lie of an i.-.-u! i.n I y I : i ' i i -
t rii-l roil r l. ii liin ami ( .rl i-s .-. mil' . ami to
mi; ilir.-rl.-il. I will on t In-
22d Day of January, A. D. 1906,
at Si.Vlork P. '". of sai.l .lay. at tlir south
l.ioroftl oiirt lioiisr in tin- "II V of I lalls-
iiioutii. in sai.l rounly. s. ll at. pnliln-aurt Ion.
to tin-liili. st l.i.lil. r for rasli. tl.- follow in-ri-al
i-statr. Uiwil :
I hrsoulli half of l.tsOnr ( I I ami I wo (.).
in Hl.x k Kifty-six (l. in tin- ''Hy lal.lV
inouili. CTass count v. N.-liraska. to-.-th.-r w ith
lli prlvili-Ci-s ami appurtrnaiir. s lln rt iiiilo
iM-loni;iinror in anywisr apTt:iiiiin-'. ""
. i .1 .....I ... .a.; I In
-aim it-inir ii'vini u n ." "'".
.ropi-ny of .lam.-s II. Il.-rol.l. i. r.-iilaiit. to
;itisfy a juilnnirlit of sai.l rourt rrrovi-r.-.l ly
'In. t lrst National' isann. in i i... v-. .... ...
Vi-liraska. piaintiii acaiusi s.n.. ... .v.
l'lattsinoiilii. N. l.raska. I Hri-iiilM-r Jlst. A.
I put.,. JOHN l. M. i:l lK. s-li. riir. Ci.irk. Ca-sCouniy. N'.-I.raska.
I'laintiil s Atuirm y. --'
Notice to Creditors.
Statkiif N'kbkask a County Court.
III tln matti-rof tin-estatr of Aujtust lla-.'. r-
stmni. ilerrasl. .
Notlre is li.Ti-l.y ulvon tliat Ik creditors of
said l. hmiI will iiin-t ti' administrator or
sai.l fstate. l-for-tin-. O.iinty Jul-'r of Cass
County. Ni-braska' at tlir County Court room
in I'lattsmouth. in said County, on thi' Isth
day of January. l'.X. and on tin Istli day or
July. iWK at IDoVI.M-k. A. M.. day. f.-r
the purpose of pri-si-nt ins t In-ir claims fur i'.
amination. adjustm.-nt and allowanrr.
t-ix months art! allowed for tin- creditors or
said di-crusrd to present theirclaims. ami one
year for tin administrator to settle said es
tate, from the lsth day of January. l'Hu..
Witness tnv hand ami seal of s-iid County
Court, at I'latt-moiitli. Neliraka tlii lllh
lay of I ei-emler. I'm...
II KV 1. TllA !.
t'..un! v .1 in lire.
Legal Notice.
To l"red White: - V.."i w!.:l take n-:: 'hat
on tin- ;th .lav "f Nov.'!n'r. ! '.. A.hiie
White. p:a.::iilT." tiled her p.-iii io:i in the 'i--tri.-t
.-iirt ..f ('a i-in:!. N -iTa-La. :..-ain-t
you: tin-ol.i.-rt and pr-iv.-r ..:'lii. li i-. I'-i mi
are to ol.taMi a .iiv.'i-'- - i: li- !-.". !:.i- of
adtlllerv. ami to h:ie !! a -;i '-I : .11 !
ot 4 i:i -e.-t'...n I-. t mi-1.: ' I.". 1 ft' '' ;
H. in I .-- .-.i-i'v. N-'-tai-.. .-r ' o-
1 m- pi ,.-! v :';. -i I 'ii- : 1 "
ei i. i -.1 ; : "
You :: t.'-r:1: ' ' ;' ' '
.... 1...' . -... - .1 . .. : . '
-, i I
1 Vjpyr U-M, l'.". hy Ilorn'-r FprriKue.
Just when .Mr. Nlt kellty I.ei linH' a ri
foruiist Ik- -ouliJ not lix by vxnvt date.
JIo 1i:i1 always had u fellow feeling
for his fellow men and had always
wished them to walk in straight paths,
but lie had arrived at middle age be
fore thU feeling begun to lie heavily
on his mind. When he started, out In
the reforming buslnews there were feo
jile who called It a fad and referred to
him as daffy, but no matter bow good
the cause there are iteojile who will al
ways Fjteak HI of It.
Nickell.y's family went to the coun
try, and he occupied the house o'
nights. One night at midnight he was
awi.kentsl from his sound sleep by a
haiid being laid on his shoulder. lie
opened his eyes to see a stranger hov
ering ov. r him.
"Mr. Nii-k.-ll.y," s:ii'l the man. I am
a bui-gl.-ir. I have tailed to talk with
oii. I li:.vo taken the liberty "f pre
paring a lilt!.- lunch lv. n.-laii--:. :i!.il I
t-h'i'il-l liko tt lnvo von join ::e ."
"'I'll!- -.-.-Ii.-i to In- a tiiira nl i- pieeo of
!. !.." 1 -;.! ; .1 l!io r.'1' as 1:- -it
.- l i. I; o:.i i.f bed. "11' I'd l.i 'l :, l::in-l:!.-'
; li-ni. i' I'd have 1 t ell ! ! !y t't
semi a li'ill.-t iiito 1
''l!i;.l's lui'!::in i a. - ii 1 i -! !: . l"r
years y.r.i l .-' li iv;-:;!iii'4 to l: ilo
a f r ". Iran!, eiiat willi a l !:; u!::r and
o:ii hire him of i!io error of hi- ways
i!inl bring about a reformation. I
come at last, and you are sorry that
yoti tii.l not meet 1110 with a bullet."
" I tut you havo broken into my
"Hut that is a part of my business.
Having broken int. your house as I
have you cannot doubt that I am what
I claim to be. Let us now go uown to
the lunch."
Mr. Ni. kell.y didn't like it at all. lie
wanted all burglars to reform, but he
Wanted it tlone by programme. The
lunch didn't amount to much. Aside
from four ham sandwiches brought iu
by the burglar himself there were a
bottle of wine taken from the cellar
and a supply of cigars. The burglar
motioned his host to a seat at the head
of the table, passed him a sandwich
and a glass of wine and then courte
ously said:
"Now go ahead and ask me any
questions j-ou will. It will be the first
time I have ever submitted to an in
terview." "This house Is defended by a burglar
alarm, and I don't see how you en
tered It," replied the reformist, who
couldn't get over his feelings in the
' "Easy as pie, my dear sir. I had
only to cut the wire outside the house.
Do you wish to know why I became .1
"You can state the case if you wish,
but tomorrow I'll raise hob with the
police for not spotting you off before
you got in here."
"Iion't tlo it. Statistics will show
that there are just as many burglaries
now as before a policeman was invent
ed. You would only be throwing your
time away. At thirty years old I was
a niinisjer of a congregation in a coun
try tow::. My salary was a year
a:: l v.-;: ii. i:i'..d h:i:L' the ti:;: I i:iad-
tlse ";:: i!ge 'iii order t make a living.
I J.::v :a:::";. an a vera t." ef .'"." a
y. ; :. j : -:: v.-.':. 'I:iv. you ::::y
i i 1 1. '::!.: II. iv- yu :::;y-
:. i !) :':''. !.:' it' I will re-
Of the entire personal property of C. A. Woche, located at the well-known farm of
Jacob Kunzman, one mile south of Cedar Creek, four and one-half miles south
east of Louisville, six miles southwest of Cullum and eleven miles west of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, beginning promptly at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, on
the following described property, to-wit:
ESevera Head of Horses
)ne .-j)itn sorrel and black. 10 years old. weight l?s."0
( )ne span marc mules. 7 anil years old. weight L'o.'JO
One sorrel mare. .i years old. weight 1100. single driver
One sorrel horse, i years old. weight 1:J0
)ne sorrel mare. 10 years old. weight 1 175
)n irray mare. 12 years old. weight l.'i."i0
( )ne sorrel horse colt, coming .' years old. weight lO'lO
One roan mare colt, coming .'i years old. weight 100(J
One black mare, coming years old, weight 10. drivinstock
64 Head High-Grade Short-Horn Cattle
Consisting of 2 milch-eows, 8 with calves at side, 10 will be
fresh not later than March.
Six Heifers, 2-year-olds, fresh this spring; 3 yearlings.
Fifteen Steers, (J coming years old; U yearlings.
Seventeen head of Calves, all aires.
Two Hulls. 1 lb months and 1 months old.
17 head of Hogs
All high-grade Duroc Jersey Shoats, in fine shape.
Farm Rflachinery, etc
'2 ond lumber wagons: 1
1 new extra wagon box with
2 sets single buggy harness:
miek binder, good as new: 1
new: 2 riiling listers and dril
er and rake almost new: 1 )
inch, tilmost new; 1 .'5-rov I
most new; 1 famous Ohio ric
walking cultivators: 1 broadi
lO-ineh Moline riding plow:
1 almost new DeLaval cream
in diameter and 2 feet dcej):
too numerous to mention.
id truck wagon with hay nick;
ext ra sideboards; I good buggy:
I sets farm harness; 1 .Mct'nr
Deering corn binder good as
Is combined ; 1 Champion mow
inesville disc, I'utlong jiatent. lo
rway cultivator or go-devil, ai
ling cultivators almost new: 2
ast seeder, nearly new: 1 new
1 good J 2-foot .'i-section harrow:
separator; 1 water tank 8 feet
1 tank heater and other articles
As I have concluded to leave the farm my entire personal
property will be offered to the public on the above date, and
I will say that every article put up for sulo will be sold to
the highest bidder, and that no by-bidding will be done by
me or by anyone in my employ.
Teirms of
All Sums of $20 and under, Cash. On Sums over $20 one year's time will be
given on bankable note drawing 8 per cent, interest. No property to be remov
ed until terms of sale have been complied with.
5 Auctioneer,
3 8 m yx Baa
S3 Hi VI
Mi (,
m f
C. . . . : : i -.. .'
j I. I I i I I.-. '
Lcnal Notice.
V.'.o:.-. .:. ii.l-i!.. o-.i
' :i !,c !,': - t . i : i t . - .'1 ! ii. 'J' - : ; .
l'A..".. c . I.. l;r ; :ti..: : :. f
lilt- i .r r;--t o'.irt of C.i
: sr:i i Ti I y. -u :i no 11 i; ' ::nn V. .t :
:-i-t :i!il !r:i v. r f lii'-li I" i ' '
i-lo-c :i .-. rtuiM in rl:i'.' .! . -I
i:rj. iri i n Mvuri' a in X
int. r.-t at tif r:ii- of 7 i r .-
in l.Ux-k . in tin- ilia--' of V. i-
v -.. !. r.
.i j ;::. r:
.:-v. X. r:i:.:i.
:'.'rl- - f.-M-.
!' .!:;' 1!::v
-.1:1 i a ' ui'h
1: !': !! 7
:.- ,ii -aM t"a
1 j.r. ip. r: y to
J-,..: . ;
;::i i '
ounty ami fT tin- al- of
!atify sai.l nioria.-.
You ami t-:e-li of yon are n-o.'.im .! to :ui--.v.-r
sai.l jH-tition on or In-fore tl' Nt iay of .lan
uarv. 1'. '. or jmtcnieiit of forerh:ir.- will le
entered in favor of plaintilV as prayt-.l for in
sai.l petition.
Kate.l ttiis'tst tlay of NoveniU-r. r.n.i.
C. L. ItKUW.N. IMaiiititr.
!.(. Invvrn. Attorney U-i'l-t4
Legal Notice.
In re estate of Henry II. N()TICE
Harknimin. dereased. t
To Anna l.iniier. nee llarkmann: Krnest
Harkmann; Louise lu-itz. nee Harkmann;
Katharine Barkmann: Herman Harkmann:
Kda Harkmann: Clara Harkmann: tieorze
Harkmann: Florence Harkmann: and all oth
er tpvrsons interested in the alove entitled
estate. ...
You areherehy notihed that tliea.lminlstra
tri of the estate of Henry It. Harkmann has
tiled her Hnal account and p-tition for final
settlement, asking that the said account !e
appnved and her petition for final settlement
and distribution of the estate lie irrant.-d. and
that slie and her liondsnit n he released from
fart he lial-i'.ity.
You art further notified that there :.! be
a hearing ti fx i 1 said hnal accoun: aid i-' :; ion
for final sett lenient up-'ii t he :ioth iay of I e-.-
mber. A. 1. I'M., at 1 o'ci.x-k A. M.. at i.;y
ortic in t In- fitv of I'iattsri.or ii. I'o-.-.n'y of
Cass. Nebraska, at or befor.- '' hid: ii-iir.'uuv.
if anv. mn-t l-e li ' n why said :iccou:i' i i
not apnroved and tin- prav. r -f -a;l I t -i- -; 1
L-rant.d. Hakviy I i. I i:vk.
m il' County .lud-v.
F.i'nm. P'iin-'an rr. and ail painful itch
in ir skin diseases treated by th most cer
Uun inetLinLs. Mules. Birthmarks and facial
blemishes remov. d by electricity. BUkhI
poison to all slaves:. All private and (renito
nrinurT di"inws. 'all or add. I 11. A N ii L. iC,
Spciali!t Skin. BI.hkI anil Oenito-l'rinary
DLajes O S-reet. Lincoln. Nebraska.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
la.- ;
C. t' r of :. !.'-t I '::;::"r !n'
!. If I ic-..:.:: : :::.;: 1 uiy
.:i y.c: c i :.:' ;i j i f 1 riving
.:' .: at :-H v.'i't '.c ':"
o;:-r::t t rcfor::i ! ii i
m :-.:.' 1 :-i!:iina!."'
'(Hi. IV I o'l'ht to walk the
streets for :i j' 1
want t- In an liancst i;ian. IIoiv aliout
every al.lernian in town? I low about
every merchant? How about the tens
of thousands of men who are cheating
and swindling and robbing every day?
Go to a man who sells coffee. It is 80
per cent adulteration. Will he stop be
cause you say it is wrong?"
"But you are a burglar!"
"It is a distinction without a differ
ence. Instead of robbing the city I rob
one residence. Instead of mixing half
cotton with my wool I use false keys
to enter a dwelling. You are lu the
cloth business. There are more tricks
in your trade than in mine. Are you
willing to reform?"
"If you had come to me and said you
wanted to reform I should have stood
ready to to"
"Yes; go on. You would have stood
ready to give me a dollar and your best
advice, and within a week I would
have been a starving man. It won't do.
old follow. It's ail sawdust. We are
nil out for the dough, including your
self, and none of us is going to give up
a good thing for the pake of free soup
and a bod under a stairway. Cut it
nut and save your wind. Now, then, I
have packed up a bundle in the hall. It
contains a few pieces of silver, two
suits of yoi:r clothes and a few other
things. They are my perquisites, and
if you object it will be the worse for
"I may come again at the end of
three months. If I do I hope to hear
that you have gone out of the cloth
business and are selling toothpicks and
giving full measure for the money.
Perhaps I may be so situated as to of
fer you a dollar a day to drive an ex
press wagon.
"Another glass of wine? No? Have
a smoke? No again? Well. I'll bid you
food night and be going. I stand ready
to reform at any time, but I've got to
hare shoes for ray feet and something
for my stomach to work on In the new
profe-ision." if. QUAD.
insi'Ic (1" 1 .i:e h
was sou'.i'K'il.
ir alter th" tirst n!;inn
:al CO rres)o:ii! ill. '
i Our First Firs;
The first disastrous tire that ever cc
icurred in the thriving little village f
Murdock, happened i-n Christmas
morning at about half past live o'clock
in the morning. The residence prop
erty of II. I'. Helming, occupied by
Mrs. S. Kitts, caught on lire in the
most unaccountable manner possible,
as there had been no tire tuilt in the
house later than seven o'clock the
evening before. Mrs. Kitts is a widow
and occupied the house alone. The
first notice she had of the lire was
about half-past five in the morning,
when she was awakened by falling
brick as the chimney was caving in.
She arose immediately, and when she
opened her bed room door she was met
by almost unbearable heat and vol
umes of smoke. She had presence of
mind enough to pick up a coat and
two dresses and flee for her life. There
was no insurance on the household
fixtures whatever, therefore they was
a total loss, and included over one
hundred dollars worth of silverware,
some money, and relics and souvenirs
galore that were beyond price to their
owner, such as clothing and keepsakes
of her deceased husband, her engage
ment ring that she has kept these
many years, and photos of her mother
that were taken over forty years, and
which were the last ones in existence,
besides other things which have passed
down fiom generation to generation,
and were known to have been in the
family for over three hundred years.
Very few can comprehend the loss
this lady has experienced. The house
was insured; therefore, Mr. Denning
is not out very much. Heroic efforts
on the part of citizens saved the prop
erty of Arrend Gerdes which was not
many feet distance the windows got
so hot that they broke when water
splashed against them. The fire de
partment was composed of anybody
that could get hold of a bucket and
happened to get there in time. The
whole thing was burned to the ground
Ceo. 1'ttv.asa Lincoln visit r last
Mrs. P. S. Crink is spending the hol
idays abroad.
Mrs. Jacob Coehry was an Omaha
passenger Friday.
Mrs. Turner McKinnon is visiting
relatives in Murdock.
Geo. Gramlich's nephew is spending
the holidays in these parts.
Geo. Utt and family spent Christmas
with relatives in Greenwood.
Hare & Tool shipped a car of ZSo. 1
hogs to South Omaha Friday.
O. "W. Gillespie is entertaining his
father and mother this week.
II. K. Neitzel and family spent
Christmas with relatives in Platts
mouth. Adolph Kuehn and family of near
Louisville spent Christmas with Aug.
W. S. Hare is taking in the sights in
Omaha, having been there since last
A. S. Depner was an east bound pas
senger on No. i, Tuesday, returning
Geo. Gillespie of Fairmont is spend
ing a few days with relatives and
friends in town.
Miss Ward of Donovan, Neb., a
niece of T. r. Eveland, is visiting rela
tives in Murdock.
Miss Hattie Brunkow is improving
rapidly, having withstood her opera
tion in fine shape.
Mr. E. T. Tool left for Ackley.Iowa,
Saturday, to visit his dear old mother,
who is past 90 years of age. He makes
this annual visit every Christmas.
We have not heard from Bob Craw
ford since he left for Oklahoma and
some of his friends fear that Bob has
got tangled up with a buzz saw again.
Mrs. Mary Baumgaertner's sale wu
well attended and nearly everything
brought top prices. Two teams sold
for over three ;..;(.'':'! d'
pair, ai.'l li. r thi;,-;. v'
K. M. Jumper e l-aelc :r;.
husking oee at. St. Kdv.arris. to s"-i:'i
Christ mas at home.
Mrs. S. Kitts went to Lincoln Tues
day evening to visit with friends 1" r
an indefinite period.
Mrs. James Crawford pulled in from
Mansfield, Ohio, Saturday evening, to
spend Christmas at home.
Miss Mina Goehry came in from
Malvern, la., Saturday evening, to
spend Christmas at home.
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Lindsay and
family of Murray spent several days
visiting relatives in Murdock.
The infant son, born to Mr and Mrs.
Paul Schavy on Monday, Dec. 2o, was
buried on the Tuesday following.
Erhart Goehry came in from St. Ed
wards Saturday, where he has been
husking corn for the past three weeks.
Our old friend, Will McNamara.who
now lives in Fillmore county, reports
the birth of a fine girl at their place
One evening of last week a couple of
our boys got outside of a little too much
corn juice and proceeded to shed their
garments and prepare for battle. After
an exchange of hot words the partici
pants again pulled on their coats and
went opposite directions, rejoicing at
how they escaped getting a hemorrage
of the eye, a blood clot on the brain,
or some other dire calamity.
Vt"i Chi I.i.
itilUi ' 'si i.: ...
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ii, i ail I
T,. v!,:v 1 ,r a
'trip t jP-atriec. Nc!,.
i Mr. and Mrs. Herman JJ-ck spirit
Ciii'ist.'.-ias with relatives in Llmwood.
I .1. L. Young returned Saturday from
! a trip through the western part of the
i state.
Louie Puis and wife visited at the
! home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ilild
Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ilild and fam
ily spent Christmas with relatives in
Mr. Egger, of Gage county is spend
ing Christmas at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Schafer.
Alfred Gansemeier and Otto Schafer
left Friday for Hallem, Neb., where
they will spend the holidays.
Phillip and Emma Ilild left Friday
for a holiday trip to Pekin, 111. They
will be gone about two weeks.
George Schafer is making a trip to
the western part of the state with a
view of purchasing some land,
Henry Engelkemeier and wife and
William Puis spent Christmas at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis.
Herman Gansemeier and Eva
Massenia visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Puis Christmas day.
Magpie Grove
(Special Correspondence, i
Jake Ilild shelled corn Saturday and
delivered it to A. S. Will.
William Puis and Herman Ganse
meier made a trip to Murray Saturday.
Eev. Fred Spriegel made a call at
Maple Grove Saturday on business.
W. n. Puis shelled corn Tuesday and
delivered it to Chas. Chriswisser.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Shrader enter
tained quite a number of friends and
An aboluta apcclfle and antl-acptlc preo-
I M . mm ... .
nation lor an Kinai of
A aura enra for Koaraanaaa. ToaatlltlJ. Qataar
Inflamed. Ulcarated aad Catarrhal Sora Threat.
A preventlva of Cnup, Whooping Cogfh tB4
pckifyixo heaxixo eooTirnra
Xndoraea oy the W eat XmlneBt Tttroet BpecUl- '
Ua la tae oouirr.
bouia be kept ta arary borne. Price a a CeaU
Bera; Xe41elae Co Dee Atolaee, Iowa.
GERING & CO., druggists.