The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 28, 1905, Image 5

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Xi -
ami ivuly lr vinsr m-pivtion a in-t as it arrives. It'sa
Carefully Selected and Up -to -Dale Stock
ami the jil t-i in- public will find us well prepared to
supply their wants iu this line.
John W. Crabill, Jeweler
Whtn Quality Is Always flight
A Stylish Dresser ij
b From Head To Heels b
v !
HPhat's what anyone can be if they so j
& desire. You don't need to be a H j
millionaire, but you've ot to have sense
and use judgment in buying garments
See our fine display of new and nobby
Fall and W;nter Clothing
Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Gloves, etc., etc.
SeVen Mantifacttirer? Szir
pltur StocK JVctv On Sale at
Abozit Half Trice.
Ladles' Suits, Coats, Shirts, Waists, Furs, all latest styles and
materials. $40,000 worth of High'Grade Garments, which
must be disposed of before January 1st,
gains at
Novelty Fur Scarfs, in fine Minks,
Stone Martin. Squirrel, etc., at $30.00
down to 512.50, 10.00 J7.50 QQ
$25.00 Eton and Short Jacket Suits,
bands, extremely handsome in design,
$5.00 Walking skirts, great variety j Extra Sized Shirts in all newest
of color and material, special Q Q j styles, $12.50, $10.00, $7.50 f CC
at Z!70'and 0,UU
Fine Skirts iti Panamas. Eroadcloth. Cheviots, Serges, etc., all the
newest styles, including the new circular skirt, worth up to $3.00 A Q Q
at, choice TJQ
$5.00 Silk Waists 2 98
Waists worth up to $1.50 Q
Send for otir Special Ftzmfohing Goods,
Merits Clothing and Furniture Catalogue.
Hayden Bros.
i r new -tt"k 1 i4'x)(K inr
- IIoiila Trade i - arri inr.
ariy all ! it will lc m place
Union Block, Plattsmouth, Nob
Don't buy trademarks-
We carry a line
of reliably made
Clothing, Shoes,
Funishings, etc
and defycompe
cition. 8
save you
on all
Women's Coat3, 50 inches long, with the new
swagger back, in grreat variety of fancv mixed
fabrics, prettily trimmed, S15.0C 'o rr
value, at 0U
The Xew Alice Roosevelt Coat, all the rape
in New York, in tans, browns, grays, 4 A Of
blues, black, and fancies, special at. lrT.Zs)
atE1.!?:. 150.00
Fine Persian Lamb Coats, with Marten
collar and cuffs, splendid value 00
Handsome Blended Squirrel Coats, Q CyC
in blouje style, special at D7VJVJ
Fine Near Seal coats, with beaver A r rr
collar and cuffs, special at tOVJVJ
Krimmer Coats, great bar
$15.00 Suits in long- Chesterfield style,
Cheviots, Serges, Nun's Veiling, Silks,
etc., greatest bargains ever rZ. C Q
shown at.
trimmed with stitched bands
splendid bargains at
$2 50 Waisti in Sicilians, Nun's Veil
ings, Albatross, etc., all colors AQk
and newest stales, at 1"
'Christinas Day is Observed in a Very Ap
propriate Manner fay Many of
O'jr Peop 1 2.
ij i i ! i- ;i t. ' m-r i.f fan.hy r-uu iot.s
vm-k' ii. ri i.ri I 'l it I vii' .i.I li Mo.vlay,
: :tr;l ! In- n:i! b;is I rii-d to pT
i V)i:il l::'ii! J t i t' tlii'Ui a!., but v f
j j i j . ii'.any ).' Ih'in liavi" mi i-,f J
j our ti'.tice. ami if .swell K tin' case we
I trust such omission will !? overlooked
as we have endeavored to a'we all due
attention. The lollowirik' are a num
ber of such occasions as were celebrat
ed during the day:
At the V. V. Leonard home a family
reunion was held yesterday, and in
addition to the members of the family
at home, the following visiting mem
bers were present to enjoy the happy
Christmas dinner under the parental
roof: Mr. and Mrs. Duke Hulger and
family, of Omaha; J. K. Worley and
wife, of Lincoln: and Carrol Leonard
and family, of Kansas City.
At the home of Uncle Jacob Trietsch,
in the city, all the members of the
most excellent family gathered in to
enjoy one more, holiday dinner with
the old f"!lcat homo. Those present
were: I )r. M. Tritsch and family,
of L'-t::vi!le: .!. V. Trietsch and wife,
and P. I'.. Tnetsc'n and wife. 1 he lat
ter I wo l!'i!.' reidentsof I'iatt sinout h
precinct. The occasion was one of
J gn-at en.ioyment to ali.
j At t!i.- lu)ii:e of Mr. and Mrs. II Ul.
i Slier wood, on (JJiicau'iiavenue. occurred
i-the celebration of their forty-fifth
wedding anniversary. :it. which all the
members of the family at home were
present and the following invited
guests: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Troop,
Miss l'erry, l'hil. Sauter, jr., and (ieo.
llrush. The evening was very enjoy
ably spent by all present, and at the
usual hour an excellent supper was
spread. At a late hour the guests de
parted for home wishing this estim
able family many more such happy
The home of Col. II. C. McMaken
was another scene of genuine Christ
mas merriment yesterday, and Mr.
McMaken was one of the happiest old
gentlemen in the town upon having
the larger portion of his family to
gether to enjoy one more feast at the
old homestead this glorious Christmas
day. At noon dinner was served to
about twenty live members of the
family. Follow ing were those present:
Joe McMaken and family, Walter
.Scotland family, (luy McMaken and
wife, Mrs. Eva Ilees and sons Guy and
Carl and Mr. Chester Kay lor and wife,
Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Pat
terson and family of this city. Such
occasions should be observed at least
once a year, and a day of more genuine
enjoyment cannot be selected upon
than Christmas.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. E.
IIulTner occurred another very happy
family reunion that was complete with
the exception of the absence of their
son and family at Stanbury, Mo.,
whom were expected home, but at a
late date sent their regrets upon not
being able to attend. Following were
those present: Mr. Hufl'ner's brother,
J. W. KufTner and wife, their son,
Sperry, and Dr. Hoy Dodge and wife
all or Omaha, and a sister of Mrs.
Rutrner, Mrs. Tutt of Great Falls,
Montana, and Robt. Rlack of this city.
The day was indeed a happy one for
all present.
Miss Josephine Murphy Appointed.
Sunday's Omaha llee contains the
following among its Lincoln specials:
"The clerk of the supreme court lias
appointed Miss Josephine Murphy of
Plattsmouth record clerk in his otlice
to succeed Mr. Leroy, who will become
Judge Letton's stenographer when the
latter ascends the bench. Miss Murphy
was a stenographer in the oflice of
Chief Clerk John Wall during the ses
sion of 1903." The Journal is pleased
to learn of Miss Murphy'sappointment
as she is in every way worthy of the
position. She is a young lady who has
hosts of friends in Plattsmouth and
elsewhere, who will be pleased at all
times to hear of her advancement.
Hog Cholera Ravages.
While in Wednesday, W. II. Heil
informed the Journal that the hog
cholera had hit him pretty hard in the
past few weeks, having lost up to the
present time sixty-live head. He al
so reports that quite a number of
farmers in Eight Mile Grove precinct
suffered severely from the cholera
ravages, but the epidemic has abated
somewhat among a few of the farmers
in his immediate vicinitv.
The Right Procedure.
County Attorney C. A. Rawls was
in Louisville Tuesday on legal busi
ness. Mr. Rawls tells the Courier that
numerous requests come to him from
all over the county for criminal prose
cution of parties for divers causes but
in the interest of economy to the tax
payers he is obliged to squelch a great
many of them. Mr. Rawls is fearless
in the exercise of his duties but finds
that to gratify every whim of those
who imagine that they have a case
would put the county to a great deal
of expense. He thus finds it necessary
to sift thoroughly all complaints be
fore entering them for trial. Louis
ville Courier.
It w'.U juy yuu t take kooJ care of
y.iur livt-r, because, if you do, your
liver will take nood care of you.
Sick liver puts you all out of sorts,
makes you ra'e dizzy, sick at the
stomach, gives you Stomach ache,
headache, malaria, tc. Well liver
keeps you well, by purifying your
blood and digesting your food.
There Is only one safe, certain and
reliable Uver medicine, and that la
For over (0 years this wonderful
vegetable remedy has been the standby
in thousands of homes, and is today
the favorite liver medicine in the world.
It acts gently on the liver and kid
neys, and Joes not irritate the bowels.
It cures constipation, relieves con
gestion, and jniniit's the system from
an overflow of bile, thereby keeping
the body in perfect health.
Price 25c at all druggists and
Test it.
Citizen Notified that Bundle, Intended
for Him, Was Erroneously Addressed.
Is in Storage and Must Have Charges Paid
Before Being Forwarded.
I'robably a number of Plattsmouth
people have within the past few days
received a communication purporting
to come from a delivery firm in New
York and reading something like this:
"Our western office reports inability
to deliver a prepaid package addressed
to you. Kindly advise us without de
lay where this package should be sent,
as it will shortly have to be placed in
our storage warehouse at your ex
pense." Naturally at this season the recipient
of such a letter, written on an elabor
ate letterhead and enclosed in a busi
ness envelope, concludes that he has a
Christmas present hung up some
where and complies with the request
for an exact address. lie receives an
answer to the effect that the package
has gone to the warehouse and pay
ment of a dollar or so must be made in
return for the trouble and extra ex
pense. The man who responds with the
dollar neither hears anything further
from the alleged delivery company nor
ever sees the package. The only one
he gets is the "package" that has been
handed him by a gang of swindlers,
who about two years ago, and even
one year ago. took thousands of dollars
out of the western towns by this very
method. It has been successfully
worked elsewhere throughout the
United States, and we know of one
such letter having been received by a
prominent resident of tins city, who
has read of the scheme before and is
too smart "to bite." But for fear that
those who are not onto the scheme,
get "bit" is reason sufficient for the
publication of this article.
Not infrequently the bogus delivery
company is able through its agents to
state that the package is addressed to
some former residence of the prospec
tive recipient, in which case all sus
picion is disarmed unless the intended
victim happens to know the game.
While but a small amount iscollect
ep from each individual who "bites"
the aggregate that probably is realized
from all over the country makes it one
of the most profitable fakes of an age
of fakers. Letters copied by mimeo
graph are sent out by the thousand,
and the result of one holiday's season
of swindling is doubtless sufficient to
keep this class of clerks in funds until
once more able to operate in the
Santa Claus guise.
If there should be others who re
ceive such information from the "pack
age house" that they have a "Christ
mas present"' in store for them, we
would advise them to keep their doliar
and let the "package house" hold the
package. It is the safest plan to pay
noattention to them.
A Fearful Fate.
It is a fearful fate to have to endure
the terrible torture of Piles. "I can
truthfully say," writes Harry Colson,
of Masonville, la., "that for Blind,
Bleeding, Itching and Protruding
Piles, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, is the
best cure made." Also best for cuts,
burns and injuries. 25c at F. G.
Fricke & Co , druggist.
!A Beautifui Marriage Ceremony at the
! Home of the Bride's Par-
ents in This City.
At the home i.t Mr. and Mrs. David
lair on North Twelfth Street Mon
day afternoon at live o'clock, occurred
the beautiful wedding of their daugh
ter, Miss Iellie, to Mr. John Swanson,
Kev. Vout.y, of the Christian church
pronouncing the solemn vows that w ill
unite them as one forever.
Just at live o'clock the beautiful
strains of the wedding march played
by Mr. Jesse Fair and Mr. Clarence
White were sounded, the bridegroom
appeared, followed by the bride and
her father, and took their positions
under the beautiful canopy of holly in
one corner of the room. The contract
ing parties stood upon a costly rug of
Angora goat presented the happy
young couple by Mr. John I). Fair, a
brother of the bride from Chicago.
Here Mr. Yout.y, in his usual impres
sive manner pronounced the solemn
words that should remain fresh in the two young
people for all time to come. Above
the bridal party was suspended from
the ceiling a large bell of holly, mys
teriously concealing and revealing a
dapper of mistletoe, and from this a
drapery of holly was drawn loosely to
a w indow on cither side, and it was
under this appropriate symbol that
the wedding ceremony was per
formed. After the ceremony, and all due con
gratulations, all the guests were di
rected to the dining room, where a
most excellent supper awaited them.
This room was also appropriately dec
orated, consisting of a pyramid of
holly which hung over the tables, sus
pended from the four corners of this
were silver horseshoes recalling the
old sentiment of good luck and happi
ness in connection therewith.
The groom is a designer for the
Reed & Iiattan Manufacturing Co., of
Omaha, and the bride has been book
keeper for the same firm for several
years, and in the official capacity as
well as in the hours of pleasure the
cord of friendship was woven witli the
results above mentioned.
There were some forty guests present
and the bride and groom were pre
sented with many very handsome gifts,
among which were two certificates
valued at $1,000 each, in the Lillian
Belle Cold Mining and Milling Co., of
Belle Fourche, S. I)., presented them
by Mi. C. E. Smith, of that city. Fol
lowing were the out of town guests:
Mr. J. I). I air, of Chicago: Mr. J. F.
Dander, daughter and son, of Mary
ville, Mo.: Mrs. W. C. Winslow, of
Newton, Iowa; Mrs. Dr. Pierce, Mrs.
Phillip Nathan, Mrs. Gardner, Mrs.
Myers. MissO. O. O'Connor, Mr. and
Mrs Kobt. Savage, Louis and Miss
Ilattie Nathan, Mr. and Mrs. N. A.
Moore, all of Omaha.
The happy young couple departed
on the 10:18 train Monday evening for
Omaha, and from there they will go to
Minneapolis, where they will spend
their honeymoon with the groom's
father, and later return to Omaha to
make their future home.
The Journal joins with the many
friends in extending hearty congratu
lations.and trusts that they may never
live to regret the beautiful and happy
experience received on Christmas day.
Death at Cedar Creel(.
Mrs. John Ahl died at her home in
Cedar Creek Tuesday night. We
are not informed as to her ailment or
how long she had been sick. The
funeral will occur on Friday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
tops th cough and heftlrlunt
Summer time
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Coal
All Kinds of Feed
Proprietor Plattsmouth
Coal Yards
Corner Third and Main Streets
Bell Phone 25 Platts Phone 22
- . i
Don't allow money to lie around. It
is easier to spend It and easier
to lose it
b5 keeping it in a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock $o,000, Surplus $15,000
Chas. C. I'urniHc. Prrs.. Jacob Trlt.v h, V-P.
T. M. Patterson, Cash.
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to I L rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
Edison and Victo
50,000 RECORDS
Send for catalogue of Machines
and Records or send us your name
and we will have our Mr. Ceorge
Miller call on you.
We Prepay All Charges.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
15th and Harney.
For quick reliif from Biliousnes.
Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun
dice, Dizziness, and ail troubles ar!-
ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are un
equalled. They act promptly and never gripe.
They are so dainty that it is a pleasure
to take them. One to two act as
mild laxative; tvo or four act as
pleasant and effective cathartic. They
are purely vegetable and absolutely
harmless. They tonic the liver.
2. C. DWitt & Co.. Chlcao
Osteooathic Physician
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Contes RIofk. rooms 2i and JJ'JO. Oflice hours
9 to a. rn., 1 to a p. ru. and 7 to 'J p. rn. by ap
pointment. Telephones, office 347; residence
at PerkiDS Hotel.
All kinds of Dental work. Plates made that
fit. 2( years experience. Prices reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
OFFICE Fitzgerald Block.
Telephone No. 3 ob47
V Abstracts of Title
OFFICE Anheuser-Bush Block.
Preparing abstracts of titie. nonveyanclrg
and examining titles to real estate, a .special
ty. Work properly d,ne and char ires reason
able. Office: Rooms and 7. .John liund
Building, near Court House. Plattsmouth,
J.M. Greene, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Can be reached by 'phone night or day
Manley, Nebraska.
Plattsmouth : : Nebraska,
Probate, Commercial Law, Real
Estate Litigation
And Foreclosure of Mortgages appeclalt