The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 28, 1905, Image 2

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Eddie Schulliof was over from (Ilen
wood to spewl Christmas with home
folks returning this morning.
F. II. Stcimkcr and wife spent
Christmas in Ilavelock with their
daughter, Mrs. Moore, and husband.
Mrs. A. J. (Jraves went to Lincoln
Sunday to spend Christmas with her
daughters. Misses Mamie and Addie.
Andrew Schoeman and Wm. Kraft
were down from Louisville today, and
while here Mr. Schoeman called and
renewed for the Journal.
Miss Edith Martin, who is a teacher
in the Omaha public schools, is spend
ing her holiday vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ir. Martin.
lames I. Hall, now connected with
the store department of the Wabash
railway at Moberly, Mo., spent Chiist
nias with his parents, Ir. and Mrs. .1.
II. Hall.
Mrs. Kva I.Ves and two son, Cuy
and Carl, and Mr. Chester Baylor and
wife, came down from hnaha to spend
Christmas with Col. McMaken at the
old home.
VV . II. McDanlel, of Murray was in
Plattsmouth today laying in a supply
of legal blanks preparing to enter up
on liis duties as Justice of the Peace
the first of the year.
County Superintendent Wortman re
turned Sunday morning from a trip to
Oklahoma and Indian Territory.
Prof. Wortman is positive that that is
the coming country and has a bright
future before it.
Hollister's Uocky Mountain Tea is
simply liquid electricity. It goes to
every part of your body, bringing new
biood, strength and new vigor. It
makes you well and keeps you well.
35 cents. (Icring & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tighe and chil
dren of Wabash were over to eat
Christmas turkey with the latter's
parents,Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Sch later,
and Frank Schlater and family. It
was a sort of family reuuion.
Bruce Sires of Plainview, arrived in
Plattsmouth yesterday on a few days
business trip. Mr. Sires is the real es
tate man who Chas. Martin is asso
ciated with and they have a number
of land deals pending in this county.
Geo. Shoeman went out to Louis
ville this afternoon where he was call
ed to see an old friend in the person of
Capt. Hoover, who is very sick and
not expected to live. Mr. Schoeman
and Mr. Hoover were neighbors since
John Kuhney and daughter, Maude,
were passengers tor Omaha today re
turning with the child to see Ir. Cif
ford. Th? eye has so improved that
they think it will he unneccessary for j
her t remain in Omaha, and will 10-j
turn with Mr. Kuhney this evening.
.:.. . . .ey arrested a
:es its tit'" yard 4
: : V. had i-'O: .v!
'. The c:ir v.
, -:!. :l -Ahfal: I I'!
Carl Kunsman was in Omaha today.
Prof. Phillips and wife went to Ne
braska City this morning.
Mrs. L. L. Porter was a passenger
for Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. George Lehnhoff and children
returned to Omaha this afternoon.
Judge Chapman has been numbered
with the sick a few days this week.
Mrs. Goodman, from near Mynard,
passed through Plattsmouth today,
enroute to Omaha.
Foit Sale.- 100 Nebraska farms.
For particulars, address Windham
1 N V KST.M EXT Co. 2.-'M
John Ilergman orders a copy of the
Journal sent to his son, Frank, near
Manley, for one year.
The youngsters who love t skate
have been putting in the time pretty
! well the past few davs.
j Charley Patterson cam" in from
! Arapahoe Sunday morning to spend
I Christmas with home folks.
J. P. Falter was a passenger on the
morning train for Omaha, and from
there he will probably go to Plain view.
W. II. Betts, of Avoca.J. II. Behrns,
II. T. Behrns and Fred Weible, of Ne
hawka, were in Plattsmouth yester
Fred Waugh and Fred Tighe were
down from Lincoln to spend Sunday
and Christmas with Plattsmouth
Dan Coffey and wife came up from
Fort Worth, Texas, to spend Christ
mas, and will visit several days ere returning.
Mrs. Ed. Mann and little daughter
came in today from Omaha for a short
visit with friends and relatives in
Perry Kaufman was an Omaha
visitor today going up to see the physi
cian who operated on him sometime
ago for gall stones.
The familiar face of our jovial and
good natured friend Johnnie Fitz
patrick is seen upon the streets of
Plattsmouth this week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Barger were
down from Lincoln to take Christmas
dinner with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Peterson.
John Bergman, one of the prosperous
farmers of Eight Mile Grove precinct,
passed through Plattsmouth this
morning enroute to Omaha.
The Burlington experienced a small
freight wreck at Oreapolis, this morn
ing. No damage was done and the
track was in no way blocked.
Henry Tartsch and wife of McCook
are here to spend the holidays with
home folks, and will probably remain
the larger portion of the week".
i 'eoi i.'e
Kin m one
:t night,
for a gi M d
ne :i
!. and lad
a iitr ! fiiig run onto
i!.e.v 1: gained an eu
: ems t" l.r.i'V.. Toe car
:1icer Weldey t bought '
i best pi ace for him. and j
. instead, for the 'o;'.l-;
K. Hi sencrans. county clerk-j
was a caller at the Courier ottice I
or the
W he - i
ni- i
the i- ; - !. ,
been . ,
the si ! ;ie!.. : t ;;e
was u;i, ui. '
the j ii! wa tl
he rented i
ance of tin
of C
Claus i'
h' L ii viii
f- r t ; le ui
home in
dar Creek
:iv at'tenm
i t
.nd nei'.h
tooic ti
n for W
vs will
w.Louis Ke;l.
e train here
kin Illinois, to
telati ves.
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block.
K. B. Windham made a business
trip to 1 hnaha this morning.
. Mrs. L. L. At wood returned to her
home in Lincoln this morning.
Boy and Glen Boedeker, of Murray,
were in Plattsmouth yesterday.
G. F. S. Burton and wife were pas
sengers for Omaha this morning.
Andy Harwick was attending to
some business matters in Omaha to
day. Fred Ebinger, Charles Herger and
Bruce Sires went to Omaha this alter
noon. Dr. Lehnhoff, of Lincoln, is in
Plattsmouth today visiting with
friends and relatives.
Geo. Hall, mother and sister, Miss
Anna, were among the passengers for
Omaha this morning.
Frank Hawksworth returned to
Ilavelock this afternnon after a few
days visit with home folks.
Mrs. John Benfer and children went
out to Louisville this morning for a
few days visit with friends.
In county court this afternoon a
hearing of tinal settlement was had in
the estate of the late John Behrns.
V.. II. Booth and wife returned home
this morning from their holiday visit
with friends and relatives in Chichago.
Geo. Bates and wife returned to Lin
coln this morning after a few days
visit with the former's parents in this
Ilev. E. G. Hamilton, of I'nadilla,
was a Plattsmouth visitor today. Mr
Hamilton is holding a series of meet'
ings at Murray.
Dave Hawksworth returned to his
home in Detroit last evening after a
short visit with his parents and other
relatives in this city.
Peter Meisinger, one of our prosper
ous farmers from near Cedar Creek,
was in town today, coming in from
Mynard where he purchased a new
team of farm horses.
F. G. Egenberger, who has been
confined to his home with a severe
attack of rheumatism, is still unable
to leave his bed, but the physicians
are of the opinion that he will be out
in a few days.
Mrs Perry Utterback went to Oma
ha this afternoon to meet her niece,
Miss Ellis, who is coming to Platts
mouth to make her home at least for
the winter. Miss Ellis comes from
Pocatello, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Herbert and
wife, of Adair, Iowa, have been visit
ibg at the home of Rev. Houlgate and
wife. They are the parents of Mrs.
Houlgate. Mr. Herbert returned home
this morning and Mrs.IIerbert will re
main for several days visit.
Henry Lanphear, the lad who fell
from the chair a few days ago and sus
tained a broken wrist, was dow n town
this morning to see the attending
physician. The little fellow carries
Ids arm in a sling yet and will-probably
be laid up for several davs to
Eugene Gild, a newspaper man o!
Wilbur, Neb., was in the city today
I - . -
sir; We Ms You All a Happy rr
socTpi: and Prosperous Men Year
Special for the Last Week of the Old Year of 1905
We Want to Close the Year with a Rush.
Dress Goods
15 pieces dress oods and cloaking
in plain mixtures and plaids,
mostly 54-in wide. Special, yard,
20 pieces dress Lfoods and suitings
plain plaids and mixtures, ex
ceptional values. Special, yard.
Furs and Furs
assortment of fm
98c S25
None so Lfood as Annis Furs
We still have a lar
Blankets and Comfortables
We are showing some verv prettv comfortables, lare size and covered with rood
silkoline. $2.00 up to $2.75
(iood Cotton Blankets in White, Tan and Gray, 48c a pair
We're showing some pretty Queen Quality Shoes
Our Line of Rubber Goods is Complete
Personal Points
From Saturday's Iaily.
M. P. Meisinger, of Cedar Creek,
was in Plattsmouth yesterday evening,
returning home this morning.
J. T. Lindsay, of Murray, is in
Plattsmouth today, coming up to
spend Christmas with his sons.
Arthur Young, of Bethany, Neb.,
came in today to spend the holidays
with his parents near Murray.
M. V. Drake, of Louisville, was in
Plattsmouth last evening, coming
down to attend the Masonic banquet.
Peter Meisinger and family of Cedar
Creek were in the city today making
mouth today enroute toMilford, Neb.,
where his wife is in the hospital.
Mrs. II. II. Neitzel came in from
Murdock last evening to spend Christ
mas with home folks. Mr. Xeitzel
will arrive tomorrow.
L. A. Tyson came out from Platts
mouth Wednesday to look after the
holiday trade at his drug store, and
make arrangements for moving back
cident, but will not result in anything
Mr. and Mrs. Lester V:'iart, of
Louisville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker,
of Peyton, la., and Mrs. Andrew
Winkler, of Humphrey, Neb., were in
Plattsmouth this morning enroute to
I 1
i: "! in. and fai
ip.u' I rieiidsan
-t few days.r:
i i.
lames ( i ilmore is
to s;e!nl a few days
friends in this vicinity.
ti ves here ; uimi
(1 to 1 heir i also. ;:i
. t 1 lis Mil 1"I i i !1 r. ;
w:i from ( maha ! Jmi-
with his old
Mr. Mlmore
and ;.mv the .Journal a call, He is
connected with a paper called tl jo Ne
rve, urni was here to meet a
Nodc.ibt he was on busino-;
dwith the comity printing.
If-Jt a !:! Jor the sam'.
some Christmas purchases. While j Louisville, where they were called to
see their father, Sam Strihling, who
received a broken leg in the clay hank
that fell in at Louisville, last week.
The ladies above mentioned were all
daughters of M r. St ribling. who had
have tri":id
last Saturday evening. Mr. Ilosen
scrans had been to Plattsmouth where
had spent the week getting on to the
ropes in the oftlce he is to till after the
first of the year. He lias selected D.
C. Morgan as his deputy and the selec
tion seems to give universal satisfac
tion. His qualifications are said to be
flrst-class in every respect. Mr. Tyson,
the retiring county clerk, will return
to Elmwood and will resume charge of
his drug store. Mr. Barton will go
hack to his farm near Greenwood.
Louisville Courier.
is a former pionneer citizen of Cass
county, and has hosts of friends here.
Charley Sullivan, connected with
the Missouri Insane Asylum, No. 2, at
St. Joseph, came up to spend Christ
mas at home. He was accompanied by
Miss McCormick, of St. Joseph, and
they returned last evening on the Mis
souri Pacific.
You can hardly find a home
vnftout its Aver s nerry
Pectoral. Parents know what
it does for children: breaks
up a cold in a single night,
wards off bronchitis, prevents
pneumonia. Physicians ad
vise parents to keep it on hand.
"The twt pouch medicine mnn enn lnr
fa Arrr'i Cherry Pectoral. For the ooiicln of
children uotbind could r-oillT be Letter."
JACOB Slll IX, Saratov. Ind.
J5e S0c.. f I 00.
All drtieirUt.
.T. C. AVER CO.,
Throat, Lungs
Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry
Pectoral In breaking up cold.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured.
with Local Applications, as they can
not reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional
disease, and in order to cure it you
must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internaly, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not
a quack medicine. It was prescribed
by one of the best physicians in this
country for years and is a regular pre
sciption. It is composed of the best
tonics known, conbined with the best
I blood purifiers, actinp directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect com
bination of the two ingredients is
what produces fuch wonderful results
in curing catarrh, Send for testimon
ials free.
F. J. Ciiknkv Co., Props..
Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by druggists, price 7."c.
Take Halli Family Pills for constipation.
Annual Meeting of the Farmers' Mut
ual Insurance Company of Cass
County, NebrasKa.
The annual meeting of the Farmers'
Mutual Fire and Live Stock Insur
ance company of Cass County will be
held at the Heil school house in school
district number 88 in Cass County, Ne
braska on Saturday, Jan. 6,1900 at 1:30
P. M. for the purpose of electing of
ficers and transacting such other busi
ness as may regularly come before the
meeting. J. P. Falter, Sec'y.
Travis was di.-.turbed from lib
; peaceful sium'oers this morni nir about i
six o'cl ck. at which time one John 1 1.
Sehwin. of Wilkin. la., arrived from
Murdock, and wanted a marriaue
license, and wanted it in a hurry. He
wanted to get back to Murdock by one
o'clock at which time he was married
to Miss Gertrude Kveland, of that
Twelve years as a newspaper car
toonist, illustrator, humorist and lec
turer, has made the work of Alton
Packard familiar to many. He is a
keen wit, a genial humorist, a fluent
speaker and a great artist, as acknowl
edged by hundreds of press and per
sonal testimonials from all' parts of
the country. At the Parmele theatre
January 2.
A Word in Time.
Every season characterized by rapid
changes of temperature and many
slight or grave diseases brings before
the people a hoard of medicine for a
quick oppression of the most pro
nounced symptoms. In many instances
just this violent arrest in the body of j
the germs of disease is the foundation
of a chronic and often mortal form.
Ordinarily nothing else is needed for
the destruction of these germs than
building up the vital forces. This is
in every instance accomplished by the
use of Triner's American Elixir of
Hitter Wine. It acts on the digestive
organs primarily and makes them able
to accept and digest all food the body
needs. It will make a powerful fort
ress of your stomach which will easily
withstand all attacks of diseases. It
will give your intestines a comfortable
warmth, it will push digestion and
assimilation, it will cure all diseases
of the. digestiFe organs and of the
blood. It will uphold your health and
strength and increase your working
capacity. At drug stores. Jos. Triner,
799 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
here Mr. Meisinger called and renewed
for the Journal another year.
In the district court today a case was
liled by Margaret Deles Dernier et a!.,
against one ieo. II. White to quiet
j title i:i the X. V.. half -f etion 2:;.
! township 1-. range l'. in (.'ass county,
i Marriage lieeiies v.civ isii.-. torhiy
i to Uud'-ipli A. Kuehii. ;.;--'! and
M i- Ulaneiie K. Kwla.'id. aM ;. -Kith'!
Havelivk. Aiso 1" John K.
j Huberts, aire! -2. and Ms Ihichei
I Alice Hunt, age; ill'. Ith of Weeping
C. A. Woche. of IIL'!,' Mi'e drove
precinct, was in the city t"day poting
bills for his big sale o;i Friday. Jan
uary 12, and gave the Journal a call.
Mr. Woche will have one of tiie largest
sales that has been made in Cass
county in many years.
F. G. Ohlenhausen met with an ac
cident this morning that will probably
lay him up a few days. In using a
hatchet to make some repairs around
home he struck his hand mashing it
quite severely between the thumb and
forefinger. It was a very painful ac-
t o see i le-i r
(red sullicient -
been up to Louisville
father, but i,.- had n-ro
iy that they were roturnin:.' ho:n. and
a !i:e.iaLr'' was pe'-ived hei" that b"
w as w i a ;:u 1 1 1. y we: e re! u rn wj V
Louisville tins njorniiiL'. At the !;! '
Mr. Strihiing will be con lined to bis
home !'(! from tour. to six weeks. ;
Mrs. L. I',. ! "nderwnod, of Murray. 1
came in today to take the train for j
Grand Island to spend Christmas with i
her parents.
From Tuesl;i y's I);iily.
Henry Heil, Jr., of Cedar Creek, was
in Plattsmouth today, and made the
Journal a pleasant call, enrolling his
name for the weekly edition.
According to the compilation of
Governor Mickey, showing the percent
age of increase in real estate assess
ments in various counties in Eastern
Nebraska, Cass county's increase is
given at 51 per cent, while that of
Otoe county is only 42 per cent.
James Loughridge of Murray, and
little daughter passed through Platts
to Elmwood in the near future. Elm
wood Leader Echo.
Mrs. James Prown and Miss Marie
Berger of Murray passed through
Plattsmouth this afternoon enroute to
Beatrice, Neb., where they have a sis
ter vho has been quite sick. The lad
ies were accompanied to this city by
James Manners and James Brown.
Mrs. C. H. Smith and daughter, Mrs.
II. E. Sheehan, departed this morning
for Hickman, Neb., where they will
spend the holidays with Mrs. J. II.
Tceiarden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Smith. A familv reunion will 1
I - -
, at theTeegarden home Christinas flay,
'and Mr. Smith will join the party to
morrow. Oniad SVhialer -iio'.od i.s a letter
t his !!jOrn:nr. w i ill en by the j:al ami's
(i night er.v. lie 1 1 s' a t !,a I h'-r fat her.
( '.'an-. I Jr-i-kenfe.'d. .(' Fi;.
through a not le-r on.-ra t :
day a' the hoq.ital in Mi
that he is -"t t mu ai nrj
Breckenl'eldVs many fii'-r
pleased to 1. am this fact,
he will be able to ret ui n
short time.
Kudolph h'amsel and about fifteen
men from the shops here departed last
evening for Sheridan, Wyoming, where
they will put in a few weeks work for
the Burlington at that point. They
will be out there just along enough to
assist in the rush work that has been
caused by the shortage of help the
company is experiencing on the west
ern lines. There seems to be plenty
of work here but they are needed
much worse for the present out there.
We understand they will all return in
a short time.
. .vood. passed
ti !-:sf. Tues
j.i' vda. and
ni'-oly. Mr.
nd, will be
He thinks
home in a
' "V .-r5l? i
V 1
Zr -A.' v
"Gut Ileil," the favorite cigar
Look Here
No. 35 Enterprise Qc 7r
S-qt Lard Pre.sser dOi I U
No. 22 Enterprise
Meat Chopper . .
Cast iron tank heat
ers, basket trrate
Galvanized iron
tank heaters .
i i
But chop into clean cut, uniform
pieces, all kinds of meat, raw or
cooked, also vegetables and fruits
fine or coarse as wanted.
Butchers' Kettles
25-al. 30-gal. 35-gal.
S3.00 S3.75 S4.25
All parts nicely Finished and Accurately Fitted.
Four Knives with each Chopper.