The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1905, Image 8

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Balkfijmg Pow
aves Heal
.1 . I Ii l. !. T- I !(. i.
Mr!,r:j!i!:!i tract ur
of hi-, l'-ll. l--g
Monday, a? l! -.i
- tin;
I rr.i . I h l. !.r-1 !
I. . mo
small h ii
I he an!;!-
Urn. I bri ; I rit-ks Ji !i 1 Lis. g.iods in
loarar Wednesday, and wit h liis fam
ily left, for their now h'Mne in Mis
souri. The fumiii'-s of W. F. Koseiicrans
and H. L. tlreeson were released from
luarantine yesterday. There are now
uo cases of diphtheria in Klmwood.
A son of Otto Stubbendcck cut one
of hands quite severely with a saw one
day last week. It required several
stitches to close the wound.
C. ;. Shrcve has sold his residence
property in Klmwood to Mrs. Kllen
Quinn. Consideration 1,100. I.eo
llortn expects to move into the pro
perty. Court 'Jo well was a passenger for
Fairbury Monday morning. Mr.
Cow ell has purchased a farm near
Fairbury and expects to move there
in the spring.
Mrs. Ilattie Hrunkow was taken to
St. Joseph's hospital, Omaha, Sunday,
and is still a very sick girl. It is ex
pected she will be operated on to
morrow morning.
l. X. Bymer, of Lincoln, deputy or
ganizer or the M. 'W. A., for the first
congressional district, is in Klmwood
working in the inteicsts of the Wood
men. Mr. Ilymer expects to have a
class of twenty-live candidates for
initiation nextThurday evening
.1. F. Hoover shipped a car of hoys
i r m tin1 hi.
I. W. 1: i.' ii t moved out onto Thos.
I. arming's place v!;i-h h will farm i
next year.
The new addition to the pool hall j
has been completed and ths week Mr. j
Hudson nut in three new tables. !
Mr. and Mrs. .Ia- Suokc were pleas
antly surprised last Sunday by the
unexpected arrival of t heir daughter
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. (iartield,
of San Francisco, California.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lanning started
Tuesday from Alvo, for New York
state where they expect to make their
home. Mr. Lanning has been in very
poor health of late, but felt able to
undertake the trip.
John Frohlich was taken very sick
last .Sunday night and has been under
the doctor's care ever since. lie is
able to be up and about the house, and
his millions of friends hope to see him
out again soon.
The little two-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Waldron was quite badly
scalded about the shoulder and leg
Monday evening. The accident oc
curred while Mrs. Waldron had a tea
kettle in her hand and was taking
something from the child.
Last week Harve Oliver received a
letter from one of the nurses in a hos
pital at Downs, 111., informing him
that his father, who had left here a
few days before to visit a niece in Ill
inois, had been hurt in a rahroad
wreck and taken there for medical
treatment. Mr. Oliver's injuries con
sisted of live broken ribs and a double
Weeping Water
From the H.-riiM.
Mrs. J. F. Jameson is getting along
nicely since the runaway accident.
Dr. Kickard was out last week and re
moved the cast from her ankle.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Kllis Miller,
on Wednesday, December iwr,, a
boy. Also, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruby,
on Monday, December 11. hip.", a boy.
At the home of the bride's mother,
three miles east of Weeping Water,
Sunday evening, December :;, at ;
o'clock, Miss Ella Mosely and Mr. ..
A. Coat man were united in marriage
by A. W. osterhout, pastor of the
; rand view church.
! I r. 1 1 ungate accompanied Miss Nora
; Robinson tn'.maha, Monday, where
: she went t o be treated in one of the
I hospitals. Sin-has been a sull'erer for
1 a long t ime and was operated on and a
, tumor removed. M.e is reported to be
; get t ing aloi.'j trie-
Will Hobson was laid
ek with a sprained
chived while cutting
wood its the timber.
i ii : l i .;e r
up a fe-.v days last wt
back. v. hieh h
or hauling sou
Four Children Brought in as Proper Sub
jects of the Nebraska Chil
dren's Home.
After Several Years Under Her Protecting
In I lie e .untv cou rt Monday morning
the queii ion of who should he t lie cus
todian of the four illegitimate children
of Lou Taylor occupied considerable
1 ime and was bit t.-rl v contested by t he
mot her and h--r at t orney.
J he ev: leiuv of ir- childnu
that they were verv well .,
Pe-ru-na, Used as a Last Resort, Cured Her of
a Severe Attack of Catarrh of the Lungs.
their I.
can- of.
1 . .e r--j:"i i w
v. it ! aj'.i, r.o;
t a
L::st ii; !;i
:irt with an
corn in his
as out '
'it is. in
,1s SICl
,:s ;i ;nis-
' ;,- i'!ik., i 'o:
accident v. hie
machine. Th
to Omaha Tuesday evening. In this fracture of one arm.
lot was a hog purchased of Frank ( Jus
tin that tipped the scales at s:0
pounds. Mr. Hoover says that during
his many years in the stock business
at Klmwood this is the largest hog he
ever shipped.
From the Kfjrtstcr.
Two cats of Hour were shipped from
the mill. Wednesday. One to St. Louis
and ine to maha.
II m. r-eo. L. Sheldon left Monday
for Wayside. Mississippi, to look over
his plantation. lie w ill be none about j
six weeks. i
W. F. Kosenerans. county clerk elect,
has named Clel Morgan, of Flatts
mouth, as his deputy. A better selec
tion could not have been made.
Henry DuClos had the misfortune
to lose one of his best horses last Sat
urday. In some mysterious way it
got its leg broken in pulling a load of
com onto the driveway dump at Palm
er's elevator.' lie had to kill :t.
Mrs. Kirk patrick entertained every
grandmother in this neighborhood.
Wednesday, at a "Grandmother's Din
ner" winch lasted from noon until
o'clock p. m. It was a jolly crowd of
old ladies, and as Mrs. Kirkpatrick is
an ideal hostess, a most enjoyable
meeting was held. May the good old!
souls live many years in peace and
K. A. Kirkpatrick is suffering with
a very sore hand. Last Monday a
small pimple was observed on the back
or his hand. He opened it and let out
the pus, but without relief from pain.
Tuesday he went to a physician who
cut it open and removed the forma
tion and cauterized it. He will not be
able to use his hand the only one he
has. having lost his left arm some
ears ago-for .pi'ite a while. We
hope nothing serious will result.
The Nehawka. Milling Co. bought
from the farmers in this territ; rv over
:;,so ) i,t!-;!k dsof w beat betweenThanks
giving and the first: of t'.iis week.
Teams hae stood all day in frmt of
the miil in order tiget a chance to
unload. Ti e mill is now tilled in
every crevice with grain, and is no.v
running full time to make room for
other grain being hauled in. Say Ne
hawka is not doing business. We
should smile.
The little linger cut almost entirely
off his left hand, the third linger cut
quite badly, and a deep, broad gash
on the wrist, sums up the injuries
Warren, the !-year-old son of C. S.
Trumble received last Friday evening
cutting shinny clubs. Charlie Root, a
boy about Warren's age, was wielding
the ax and Warren was pointing to the
stick when the accident occurred.
For "Tiiin
ia!d lieed
pop., in
e -asoliue
leaked in generating, and when he
touched a match an explosi' u followed.
His face and hair was burned, and
right hand, but not very deep. Donald
says he jumped after the explosion,
but the tire was too quick for him.
Dr. JIutler dressed his face, padded
him up with cotton and left a couple
of peek holes for the eyes and one for
the nose.
County Commissioner Marshall was
called to Kagle, Friday morning, to
investigate the case of a pnor and
needy individual whom the citizens
considered would be better off at the
county poor farm. The man was poor
because he contributed too freely to
the saloons, and was ever in need of a
drink, although he had swallowed
enough to ruin his insides. Mr. Mar
shall thinks the asylum the best place
for such subjects, as when they are
sent to the poor farm and get able to
leave, start out for the tirst saloon to
load up.
t and uric ,.
ol'-n; v t o -at .
c!ol..'iK!g to wear, and
good t rear ne nt on t :,
Hi' t her. '- ho was cry
n g v
were r,
ir.i i
'. ' e. (i
I wit li !
taken i
i. ii i
From the Ledger.
Hugh Chalfant arrived home last
week from an extended visit with sis
ters, Mrs. T. Wolfe of Lusk, Wyo.,and
Mrs. W, T. Johnson of IJellefourche,
S. D.
John McClatlin and wife arrived
Wednesday evening from Hartington,
Xeb., to make their Union relatives
and friends a visit. This being their
old home they find a cordial welcome
by all.
K. J. Mougey has become the owner
of a line N)-acre farm, the north half
of the southwest quarter of section 10,
.situated about four miles northwest
of town. The consideration was
Iiert Carter carries a very sick lin
ger since Monday, the result of having
it between a railroad tie and steel rail
when the two bumped together. The
index tinger of his right hand was
badly mashed and will be in mourning
j for some time.
j Mrs. C. It. Frans went to Omaha
I Saturday eveningto visit her husband,
whose accidenal injury last week has
M-t-it 'irrntmt jeonfined him to a hospital in that city.
L j Mrs. William Wolfe accompanied her
that is why to Omaha.
A telephone message from i'latts-
tl 1 J ,rt,,4-i-. T,-,rlo,. niirlit- n s. f t hi o rt hn rol.
scrawny. ScCttsiativcsllereuf the serious illness of
i Mrs. Fred Clugey, and that her recov-
! - TT.
cry was considered oouuliui. Jier
father, Eli Eaton, and her two sisters
Mrs. Will Tillman and Mrs. Win
Younker, went to Flattsmouth Tues
day, and the latest report from there
states that Mrs. Clugey is now slowly
TOo mifrifiiro nf tivn of our
babies are happy ; they do y0Ung people took place yesterday af
tlOt Cly they are rich j ternoon at Nebraska City, the princi
: ' . ' pals in the pleasant affair being Mr.
their lat is laid lip for jobie Pickering and Miss Alice Edmis-
nt -.-.a.l rrii-.- ICU. llie ntuuius os iiuauii'ii i
lied tl:.:
scliO-,1 r,
I'. lllg ;
t iiejl i
t c in-
t ie'ir cus! i. h;;n and sup-
ii- t o i i,de- 1 1 : i 1 r. , i t eti- j
t h"V v.n - b.uug .sent to j
ulardv. a!.v Sunday .-,c;io,il.
that lle ir ii. oti;Cr was kind toiliem.'
and that they did no; wan; to leave!
her. i
Among many other things the coin- i
plaint alleges that the woman. Lou i
layior. is an unmarried woman, hav
ing four children from one' and a half
years to twelve years of age, and that
she is an immoral and lewd woman,
and that the children are growing up
without proper education and exposed
to vice, and asking that the court
place the children in the care of the
Nebraska Childrens' Home.
The following named witnesses were
summoned: Lou Taylor, the mother
of the children, Joe Fitzgerald. Miss
Allen, I-:. L. House. C. A. Welrly, L.
A.Tyson. Fearl Lutz. Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Tulene, and Mrs. Taylor,
grandmother of the children.
Judge Travis, after hearing all the
testimony, pro and con. decided that
all but the youngest child should be
sent to the Childrens' Home. We un
derstand, however,that an appeal will
be taken.
We are here reminded of a remark
made by an old resident in reference
to this case. He said that "herein
was a case that should have attracted
the attention of the officers of the law
several years since, and not wait un
til the children had almost become of
that age that they could be of some
help to their mother. If they are sent
to the Orphan's home they will go
from there out into the world where
it is extremely doubtful that they w ill
tlnd a home that will be one-half as
good as that given them under the
protecting wing of a mother, even
though she has been guilty of illegiti
mate co-habitation. ?"
The Journal is inclined to believe
with this oid resident, and we also be
lieve that as long as the children have
registered no complaint but have sig
nified their willingness to remain with
their mother, they should be allowed
the privilege of so doing.
L (Sp& WM&0-Wi'yy- ' :'.: :: ,p
1 --'- 7 - V - I Vi'S
. i - - y
The Sensational Cure of Mrs.
Caldwell is the Talk of Mcr
Mr.. Ida Caldwell, .r.; pearl sired,
Sioux City, la., Viee-lresi(ii lit r; r of
Wasliington, writes :
'I siilTereil with entarrli t th- r--piralory
organs iff and n for tli; la.-t
thrt-c years until 1 Ili,ui;hl it va
tdironie. My chve t aiii Iimilts ver.- ir
ritated and 1 had to us.- tin? reat.'-t
care not to expose myself in chilly air
or dampness as it increased t.iy troubles.
"My physician advised rnc to try a
change of climate, but 1 was unable to
leave my family. Heading of the won
derful cures performed by Peruna, I
bought a bottle.
"It was with the greatest satisfaction
that I found it the one medicine among
them all which cured me. 1 was re
lieved within three days and after two
months and a half the irritation was
gone, my lungs perfectly healed and my
health restored." Ida Caldwell.
Thousands of women own their livo
to I'eruna. Ilumlreds of thousands OW'O
their )i"jil I h to IVrima. HundroddOf
thousands ar- piaii-Mi;; I'eruna in every
state of the I'll!. .11.
We have many t liousa iiiIm of lettcrfl
from jjratefui woni'-n, with jiermia.sion
io u -e them in jmlilie print, wdii.di ran
IK V.T lie Used for Want of njiaee.
Catarrh would not he such a curse
in this country if the people thoroughly
understand its nature. It must be
treated at once to prevent It from mak -ing
inroads upon vital organs.
If you suffer from eatarrh, buy I'e
runa to-day, for a day gained on. tho
enemy, eatarrh, means a day nearer
We have on file man thousand testi
monials like the onCKiven here. We can
only frivo our readers a tdiht pllrnpso
of the vast array of unsolicited endorse
ments we are receiving. No other phy
sician in -the world has received Ruch a
volume r.f enthusiastic Icttersof thanks
fas Dr. Hartman for I'cruua.
George Crosby Indicted.
Fa l is of
to a. lab
babies are
uarn is
E m n 1 s i o n is what he
wants. The healthy baby
stores as fat what it does
not need immediately for
bone and muscle. Fat
Furious Fighting.
J'or seven years." writes (;eo. W.
Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., had a
bitter battle, with chronic stomach
and liver trouble, but at last I won,
and cured my diseases, by the use of
Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly
recommend them to all, and don't in
tend in the future to be without them
in the house. They are certainly a
wonderful medicine, to have cured
such a bad case as mine." Sold, under
guarantee to do the same for you, by
F. ;. Fricke & Co., druggist, at "0c a
bottle. Try them today.
their friends in fact,it had been known
happy because they are j for some time that it was to occur.but
. . . i lift nnrO'oc rlirni'tlv intpr.
r i i , rT x i "Oil.. u.Ciu .ii u. m-j w . i. i..w.
vyimuiiuuic. x lie iau biu-
rotinds their little nerves
and cushions them. When
they are scrawny those
nerves are hurt at every
ungentle touch. They
delight in Scott's Emul
sion. It is as sweet as
wholesome to them.
D. 0. DWYER, Attorney-at-Law
Offcc in building cast of court
house, Plattsmouth, NebrasKa.
Send for free sample.
E; rure thstthis r'C.ure ir
the fsrm of a libel is on the
wrsprir cf every to:xe ol
Emulrion yoa buy-
Scott & Bowne
409-4IS Pmarl Street
Y" Vor-
50c. nd SI. CO
All Druggists
Can't Get a Box Car.
A Lancaster county shipper says he !
has been waiting for five days for a box I
car in which to load a shipment and
that the Burlington has been unable
to furnish him with one.
about car shortage are becoming more
numerous and it is said that the rail
roads are facing the most serious car
famine in many years. Ilailroad trade
journals do not report more than the
usual orders for cars at this time of
the year being placed with the factor
ies -Lincoln Journal.
The Chicago Tribune of Saturday,
December hi, has the following to say
in reference to the indictment of Ieo.
II. Crosby, well known to numerous
Plattsmouth people. He was general
freight a'ent for the 15. A: M. in Ne
braska for several years with head
quarters in Omaha:
'Ceorge II. Crosby of t bis city, gen
eral ttaflie manager of the Chicago,
j Burlington - tjuincy, was indicted
yesterday by the federal grand jury at
Kansas City for the giving of rebates.
His chief clerk. L. 1!. Tagyai t of New
York, and twelve others also weie in
dicted, including the principal pack
ing companies and otlieials of the Chi
cago. Milwaukee iS: St. Paul and the
Chicago & Alton railroad company.
'The indictment against the pack
ing companies charge a conspiracy to
gain rebates with the Burlington road
as the principal offender. Concessions
were obtained on shipments from East
St. Louis to New York. The rate was
cents a hundred pounds.
"Mr. Crosby, who has been regarded
as one of t lie mo.-.t eflicient freight
men in the I'riited States, has been in
the railroad business since 1VTJ, be
ginning with the Hannibal tc St . doe
railroad in Missouri. His most im
portant work has been with the Bur
lington. He was born in ly.Vat Hills-
! boro. lil."
i i. ' - :
Xrntis Gifts
l-'ur-Trimmed in l)rat,
(ireen. Wine and (Jliing,
in belting leather ll-.i
hi- soles. Dolge C ! CO
quality k)1UJ
Slippers in the
Men's Slippers,
65c to $1.75
ested were apprised of the exact date.
After the ceremony the happy couple
returned trom corasKany, aim ium i i
evening they were given a very nice
reception at the home of the bride's
parents. Mrs.James Ldmisten,
whicli was attended by a large num-
din- supper being very tine and highlv j relai i ves come to visit, you would call j
enjoyed by all who were present. j us up and tell us about it. It takes j
i liit ol- ivni'L- tri ifnt. riit ?i irtifirl nnvr i
j paper, and every little bit helps us a!
j great deal. We are .sure we will be !
thankful for any item of news handed
Failed. I
All efforts have failed to !ind a hot-1
Complaints i ter remedy for coughs, colds and lung j
troubles than Foley's Honey and Tar. j
It stops the cougn. heals the lungs and i
prevents serious results from a cold.;
J. N. Patterson, Nashua, Iowa, write.-: '
''Last winter I had a bad cold on my i
lungs and tried at lea-t half a dv.en j
ad vert ised cough medicines and had!
Don't want Slippers?
Then see our HOI, I DA Y
S3. OO Special Shoe
for ladies or gentlemen
CMIdren's Red Felt Slippers, 75c to 95c
KK I'K H'l MKK All.
Sherwood & Son
Don't Be At All Backward.
If you know of any news tell us about
it and we will tell the people. We
would be glad if when your friends or
Torture of a Preacher.
The story of the torture of Kev. .
1). Moore, pastor of the Baptist church,
of Jlarpersville, N. Y., will interest
you. He says: "I suffered agonies,
because of a persistent cough, result
ing from the grip. I had to sleep sit -ting
up in bed. I tried many reme
dies, without relief, until I took Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion.Coughs and Colds, which entirely
cured my cough, and saved me from
consumption." A grand cure for dis
eased conditions of Throat and Lungs.
At Y. G. Fricke & Co., druggist; price
50c and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bot
tle free.
us or told us by telephone,
both phones.
We have j
treatment from two physicians with
out getting any ir.-nelit. . lrind
reccom mended Foley's ih.n.-y and Tar
and two tiiiids of a Lott i- cur.-d m.-. J
consider it the greate.-t ' -ugii and
lung m.-dii-it:..- i: f !: ":!''. 1'.
Fricke Co.
crength to Weak Men
h.iK . ivL yJSMi. fiV4w tfi A
E'-r.t-nia, Skin--an-T. nnd all jninfnl itrh
lnif kin ili-.-at-i- tr-af.l ,v t- most cer-Ui-.ti
rii.-tho!i. Moi- U.rtliiiiurk-. aiid faf ial
bU;ini--l:" r- jii-)-i .1 by .-l.-f ri'-.t y. . Jilofxi
j:s'n in all .tn;,. All ;.river. ,t".,) u.-rnto-nriniii
v -a-.- nil ,r r;,i l U. A ;
S ;,;;c kin. h:j.1 i :.;; I rinarf
Livavs 121.' S-r.-'-t. N.-Urj.-ka
t'mv'ir; iionhjtai.
For a dear complexion take
Car Famine.
Evidently the car famine is on in
one direction only. One of our local
grain dealers applied for a couple of
cars to ship out. and was unable to get
cars on either road, or receive any in
formation as to when he could secure
them. Beingan independent dealer he
was compelled to sell his corn to the
Duff Grain company, who are able to
ship at any time.
E8 a
Laxative Fruit Spp
Rtntwi Nerve Force and Energy.
The TTArUi a'liuires mcu wliu are i-;r.n in yitiT-eira!,
m.-rital an.J m-rve fr',-; irin of ambition, vnTtry ami
jjr-o!mi irantls?m ; the true tyje of p-rf--t uianhOTKl.
To atculn thin the ttrvt ro.julsite Is i? i . heiiiti:
Kcrvcs. hi'-h plverapa.-ity for full Cerelopment.
PEFFER'5 NERVICOR DJBk-s strong. Calm Wervt.,
ntii freatrai.on. &iecpicaanca ai"i t.inrr ii.cju , , i i 1
to over work, worry, mx.kiiiir. or Tl.-ioua habits. IuaKeS EallOW blOtChed COtTlmPX.
Make-, rich, health v I.i.m! and renalrs ateU nerrea. . "'uiv-iiu UJIlllLA-
viuiiy srui for anmi-n. B-okirt cm. i ion3 smooth and clear. (Jurp
ftnree to ref.inl. 1 f Hot riirrfl fr Irrnelited.
Pleasant to take
Cures Nervoue Debility. FalllnJ Mcmery. Vital V.C.H- , UJXliN (J CJCanSCS the BYStom. and
neaa. Proatration. Sleealeaaneaa anil other troub.esilue ; . . . v . '-.-1
For Sale by Gerino; Sz Co.
chronic constipation by centlv
stimulating the 6tomach, liver
and bowels. Refuse substitutes.