The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1905, Image 7

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    TLconl advertisements.
Sheriffs Sale.
It V II I f " ' I ! 'II I- I I V I l ! .-
t n l -mi I I' lull ;nnl for I ";i- iiiui y. ;i nl I
ilir l !. I Mil! "ll I Ik-
22d Day of January, A. D. 1906,
..t:'iiVli'k in. of salil l.iy. at I In south
loor of ill n rt I hiii In I Ik 'l! y f I'litUs
niimtli. In s:ill i-oiuily. veil nt, iuliU' aiii-t ion.
tin; IiIkIm'sI Mll r for .';isli. lln: following
r til Hl.itl'. tivl :
'I In- soul li l.;ilf of lits I llli- I Jlllil Two ( -1.
hi ItliM-k 1'lfty-i.lx :. In tin- -ity of I'hitls
n.oiilli. Cast 'unity. NVIirHsUa. li-r ultli
li prl lli'tfrs ami aiiiirl.'iiaii''cs t Imti-iiiiIm
ix'loiiKlnir or In anyuliw u.X-rtliiln. 'I In--.tiim
Ih-jiii; l-vui iiton ami taki-n as tin
proX'rt y of .laim s 1 1. IIithM. l-f inlant. to
-iitisfv a ImlKim'iit of s:ml oiirt rnvcri-il liy
lli: I 1 r-t Nalloiial Cank. of M:it tsiiioiit Ii.
Ni-tiraska. .l.iiiilin ;iMinsi -aid .-r-iil;mt.
l'' li. N lraska. I H'i-'iiilx-r 'Jlsl. A.
i KI.,. .HiH.N ll. M.'ltlM lK. Mml-iM.
Ktl'iiNl I lliK. C;ii('niuily. ii:i-I.i.
I'i i inl i Tl - A 1 1. inn V ' ,f
Notice to Creditors.
- I I I. ! Ni nil h '
I'm mi
ii i.ln- in i u . r i f i In- -.! .i i
nI rum. ; 1 .
.Not , - I i V -'I '. n l
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V. Ht,
1 1 1 r i .
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-. i . iii- I !.. ' r
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ii I
Legal Notice.
Ill 1-
I !
Meple Grove
i S i-. la I f ri I nait iii-' -. i
Mrs. I'ricsi- of Oklahoma visit
id ;it. tli; home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Young last week.
Julius Kagoos and wife left Sunday
lor their home in .'eober, okla., after
a few weeks visit with relatives in
this section.
V. II. I'uls sold his half share in
the I'uls it fJansemeier corn shcller to
II. F. danserneler it is now the (lansc
meier Urns, corn sheller.
Mrs. Minnie Puis made a trip to
Murray Friday afternoon.
Ouite a number of farmers are
butchering their hogs tor next sum-;
huts use. j
I.. A. Young is putting in a new j
nair oi .scal"s and there he can weigh
his own corn and that which he huys. j
tt and Misv.s Mata and Annie
I'uls. Mr. and Mr-,. IM Jan-eimier and ;
daughter. Fern and John peit, were :
t Ii-- "i'-vs of '.V. II. l'u!s Sunday. !
.U- M,e-S t lip ! ' i
Greatest Christmas Bargains
;i 1
ni .
k !i .' . HI v. .i I ' I i
, .11 f , 1-IiiIm
i hi. -I ln-r ) i it :
f t '.i-. .-..nil! '. . N -1
. . !..:. -. I Ii i '
r. !'.. A.I.I..
n i.i tli" iii-,-
r.i a. .-1 a i f i t
ij-j.- 1 1 i. l mad
::;aha Mon lay.
M. ii'
cat t:
1 : .i a :i i
i. ii ii on his ,ia.-,'.
Mr. and Mis. Louie I 'uis ci c amon
ll," i 'iat 1 s;no'iMi isi ! 1 i s Tuesday.
N.'ii u ;. i i i. -: i' r si : . ,i
and d"i i v "i '! :! t o : I :
,.!:. A. . V.'i;i.
at EOT. Fanger's
Big Department Store
Yc have just iwoivctl a lare line of tlie Famous
WoolUvv Cloaks and Sk'irts that woiv (Ulavt-d
several eks in shipment, and as the season is
drawin to a close we make a wonderful eut in the
jrit-t s in this department. .Any of these -arments
will make handsome Christmas presents. They
ran-jv from $3.98 to 335. All Ih'ur liarains.
i . i t i
:i 11." ;.i
lilt". 1 1 i . L
ru t in '
. mi : I Ii ':! a ii I if. i v-r i .f w lil' 1 1 . i it : m
i r I Iim a ilivri n tl" a. mis of
i.:iit. r. ami I.i Ii m- I" I a - i.f
a I in -.. .1 ion I-. t til.i I .". nori Ii of ranL'"
! I. in fa-.- .'oui.t y. Ni-lirasku. I -. r- - I I-
In- i.r. !x-rt v of nia in I ill a ii'I t Ii" till" llu-t !
.nii-l'il f .1-.-v a ':i l v.m. . . . ........ I
You an- r.- luir.-.i to .iii-w. r vii.i i i ii i-m i over-workeil stomach can do lor useii.
r ii..- Mil iay .f January. !).. or i-n,i i i)i,fpSt what vou eat "ives of Uixor.-i-aii..iii.liiiL: Hit- t iti.- of I KO,J'" 'Hesi "IWl )'' r-m?
r.-ai im:iii' v 1 1 . no-r.-u in f 'A"r ' ,f 1 the stomach a rest relievcssour stom-
Trje Season of Indigestion.
The .season of indigest ion is upon us. j
Kodil I lyspepsia Cure for Indigestion
and Dyspepsia will do everythine; furl
the stomach that an over-loaded or
Here we offer Similar pportunitie
lll'.ihi ) u tin-' I-'lannel,
10 vls anv Calico, (7c kind)
Walkaway in
vuiil iilaii.litt a iray-l f. r in ln-r h tltmn.
I ati'l t ins t n "i ay i in it. ...
Al.liiK Will i :.
S. Won I'M s. ami riaintitV.
I . 1 1 I lu A I '"i m y--.
Legal Notice.
, ach, helchinir, heart-ljurn, inditrest ion,
I etc. Sold hy I'. C. Fricke t Co., (Jer
i inr Co.
( )ur trimmer has left us and we have a
line of Pattern hats that we wish to close out at
once. They're iointr almost at Your Own Price.
T M i-'.V'' li"ii-l;is. Jf-' Wa.i". ami Neil:" ;
.Vail.-. ! f ml. nits, you aii'l aeh of ymi wi:i
:akc i.otii'" on I In-::it day of N ivinlr. '
:.i.fc:. 1 Crown, plaiutiir. lilt U a n liti.n in j
: In- ilii ri-'t oiiri of "a- oiinl y. -N lraKa. i
against. .u a ml W i! lia in Wal-l al. til" oli- ,
i in f ura . r .f 1 1 1 rli ii"l it i. n ni" t o f. it t--
1...' a ttaiu inori-a'" .i ..f iiao-May ji. . died Decemher l:;, l!it)."i, while in
.'I'.'. fiu ll liiM-i-nrr 'I'-i'f sai.l lat" w.tli j i i . l,.,
ni. r.-t it til.-raf -of t i. r .-. nt. uioii i..t ; the 1 'leshy tei ian liospital at Omaha,
lV'.!:!;,;,:.i:' of :::'a!:i "V'rtV'T.I ! W fourteen years, ei-ht months and
sut i-fy s:.iu ti.ori--.r-.-. 1 1 1 ii rtcen days.
inn linn t;ii-ni.i iu .in- i.-ttiiii. ,i i . , ..
sai.l p. lition on ,.r"i for.-tin- ut .lay of Jan-; precisely at ten minutes oi eiyht
jury. e.. or .imlcmi iit of forerlnsure will In- , ... .i i-plipvpf llor of linr
"irti r.-il in favorof plaintiil as ,rayi-.l f.-r in JOCIOCK p. ni., ,mu iCilevlu lltr ui nci
.ii.i iH tition. j sull'erinr. She was the daughter of
Hat l tliisKKlay of N'ovi i-iIm t. I.mi...
c i,. Hi:w.N. ri.iiniitv. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cole, she was
!.. I v v tat. Attorm-y 11-'... t
iSp"i-ial Coi relH imlelit. i
Death of Gladys Cole.
Anna;iadys Cole, horn March .loth,
The "a im reaper came j
Legal Notice.
IN I II i: 'I NTV I'llllIT if I' l M V.
!n ri't'state of Henry 11. t'nCI
li;irhiii;iiui. "' rav .i. . . . . . . , . n.B
ToAniia l.uniMT. i ltarkiiiaiin : KrneM i niailllll-T faitllllll to the last. ller 1C
Itarkiiianii: l.otns.- nr.- ICa rh nianti : t ,.,:......., nnil t- Mnrdiii-U-
horn and raised in Cass county, and up
to within six weeks of her death, she
was a rohust, happy tri rl with a hripht
future hel'ore her, havin,' lived in the
Christian faith from childhood, re-
Iv.-itliarim- I'.arkmann: lliTinaii Kirk maun :
r.iln C.arkinann: Clara I lark 111:11111 : (o-orirc 1 rfi;;rsday: U!ld fUIieial SCl'VifCS WCie
U.trktiiatiii : I'loii-m'.' Cark tiianii : ami all ..tli- -11, ,i,,...,.i.
.riTMHis i 1 1 1 t- -t I 111 tin- aln;
tiiiti.-.i ' held on Friday, at the M
1 the I lev. C. L.
K. church.
Myers, of Auburn, a
this place, conduct-
Alter which, the
1 mi art- Ihti'IiV ti- t ilit'.l t lia 1 1 lu-aU tui Tiit r.i
; ri of ll." .tat" of lli-nrv 1 1 . I '.art ma 11 11 lias j-, irtllT past.1 1- Of
ril"l litT titK'.l ai'.'oiint an.l pi'tition nir filial!.
. tt i,-im-tit. akiir, i hat th.-ai.i a.-.-oimt 1 i i ri iT the services.'l ami lu-r p-titi"ii f'r linal si-ttiitai-nt 1 , . , r the Wa-
ui'i iKtrii.iiti...i ..1 Hi.-. -iat" 1." L-tant.-.i. an.l 1 det eased w a.s la 1 11 o 1 1 .-a at me a
hat sh.; ami h.T iHimi-;.!. )! i." r.-i"H. a fiota j L,;isii cemetery. The crowd which
" .!! an-fiinii.r n..titi".i ihat tii.i" will ) ; jjat lie red to pa v their last tribute to
?.';rrTAv.-;vi:!;,n :uiv;;::.i:j;;t,,::riV::" ; in .,i..vea one. wasthoiarst which
tiii.IT. a. n. i n., at in ,..1.1.-1. a. .!.. at t iy ' atiii'ied at this place in a number
in tin-City of flat t.ii, out Ii. Coiiniy .! . , , , 1 1
Cas. NriTa-k.-i! at or l. f,.M- lii.-h I1..111. aiivi-. : o! Veai'S, WliiCll shoWS the lllll CS
.fiiiiv. r::ut I." -Iimui wliy sai.l a.'.-oimt ''. , , 1 rl.-..(.-is..rl wis helfl
m-t ;i.r..M .1 ami th" play. T of -ai.l p.-tilivi teCill i!l WllKll the (lecCasiU WU.s 11CKI.
.rant.-.!. iiakvkv 1 . 11: wis. pi 11 i r ma.nv friends lom with tlie reia-
First Door West, in charge, of Mr. John Beeson.
Hear in mind, we handle the famous Kohn Bros. '
Clothing for men, and the iopular Laon I3rand
Shirts. Ve are offering many hip; 1arjrain. Also,
remember, our Bovs' Clothing will he closed out.
Great Bargain in All Lines. No room to Itemize.
Come in. see the ;ood and Get Price. If vou wish
to buy we are sure we can please you.
--, di
' ill
I.1' - ,: "i
8 IFfHifnifrrrfl?;
0 &GjS& &
of years,
is not the
e.'Mia v .in.
Catcrrh Cannot Sc Cured.
with L"cal Applications, as they can
not reaeii the seat i f tlie disease.
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional
;iseae. and in order to cure it you
must take internal remedies. Mall's
Catarrh Cure is taken interna!-, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous'
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not
a quack medicine, it was prescribed
by one of the best physicians in this .
country for years and is a regular pre-:
seiption. It iscomposed of the best
tonics known, conbined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly on the!
mucous surfaces. The perfect com-'
bination of the two ingredients is;
what produces fuch wonderful results :
in curing catarrh. Send for testimon
ials free.
F. .1. Ciiknky Co.. I'rops..
Toledo. Ohio. ,
oiti uy orueisis. price . ic
Takellalii Family rills lor c nsti-i
pat ion.
tives in this their sad bereavement.
A In n M' v" a pii' liios-nm
That c li nil. il Willi su.'li ear".
lJu'li ly taki-ii fr.un our Ikishiii.
i l.r.v 1 ni f a.-liimr lua rls ilf-pai i t
U.iuml Ih i- -i:ivt' we li:i'er.
Till 1 lie si ti vz sun is low.
I ' .'. i ti all our hopi's liavi- jhtim-i'iI
Willi tin- tlnwt-r w' elu 1 ilu-l so.
We shall sleep, but not forever.
There w ill be a glorious dawn :
We -hall meet to part no. never,
on t he re-urrei't ion morn.
Than he has in a number
which shows that farm life
worst after all.
Hew .1. K. Ilauuiartner was a busi
ness visitor at thecounty seat Monday.
Mrs. A. L Frascher and son, Walter,
are spend im: a few days visiting rela
tives and friends in maha.
Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Carter of Weep
ing Water spent Sunday at tlie hospit
able home of Mr. and Mrs. .lacob
I (lochrv.
Mrs. K. T. Tool's sister. Mrs. Mould
accompanied by her husband, from
Scranton. Iowa, are visitin: here for a
few days.
Karle and Fanny Cole were Omaha
passengers Wednesday and spent the
day with Miss Cladys at the l'resby
terian hospital.
Wm. Ilotenberr and daughter, Mrs.
Win. Knaup, left Tuesday for a visit
with relatives and friends at their old
home in Minnesota.
Robert Crawford and sister, Mrs.
Uushnell, left Tuesday evening for
' Oklahoma, where they will visit their
j sister for some time.
j J. J. Custin left for Cue "Windy
i City' Saturday to take in the sights
Miss l'ertha Coehry spent Sunday I at the great l've stock exhibition to
in M unlock. i be held at that place.
.1. C. Stroy was a business visitor at; The many friends of Miss Ktta
Card of ThanKs.
We to express our most sin
cere and heartfelt thanks to the many
friends who so kindly assisted us dur
ing the recent illness.death and burial
of our beloved one.
Mi:, and Mi:s. A. M. Ci.k,
anh Family.
; Omaha Monday.
C. Meliride and family were Omaha
; passengers Saturday.
Dr. Marshall. Dentist, Coats' lilock. ; i.,.r Austin is in town shakinir
hands with his many friends.
Paul Shavy has purchased a tine
span of mules from Will Neuman.
Ajjers I
aBWMMMMMnMnill Mil ill ill !
Ilium will be sorry to learn of her pro
tracted illness of typhoid fever at
their present home in Bellville, 111.
Mr. Davis after visiting in Murdock
lor several days with Dr. Merkel's
family returned to his home at Julian
Wednesday accompanied by his daugh-
and may cause the young fellow some up the old cow bells and
trouble. uoking for cake.
Mr. McCoy, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1 1. A Wait came down
his daughter, Mrs. II. Westlake, the from Omaha Friday evening for a. tew
past week, left Friday for his home at days visit with relatives and friends.
' Earnest Florinski, the blind musical
A wedding in these parts in the near artist gave an entertainment at tin
future is the next thing on docket. M. K. church last Satutday evening,
Oil up your shot-guns, boys, and dig which was a decided success, having
,-e will go out netted t he neat little sum of ::!). '7.
Miss Marie Kruse was voted the mosl
popuiar .voting lady in .m uruocK.
Mr. Carl Lewis I' ll, Tuesday tor a
winter's sojuiirii in Mobile, Alabama.
That's al I right , Carl, everybody has
his choice, but we would rather stay
right here and chase j-ick rabbits tin-,
winter than to go south and chas"
bull 1 rou's in those southern swamps.
y r
! House Furnishings Till Too Can't Rest
n i i
JTOHN FASSBENDER, the Old Reliable Furniture Dealer, is not having a
r ll Reduction Sale, but is prepared, as alwavs, to duplicate prices for troods
1 lir n 1 1 - fiirTii t 1 rv V n ir in T 1 n t f c m rin Vi An I ' sj st till'
sold bv anv furniture house in Plattsmouth.
tv and variety of stock we are ahead of them all.
And as for quality, uanti-
Sometimes the hair is net
properly nourished. It suffers
for fooJ, starves. Then it
falls o::r, turns prematurely
gray. Ayer's Hair Viror is a
1 hair food. It feeds, nourishes.
Ths hair stops falling, grows
Ion? and heavy, and all dan
druff disappears.
"M lialr was crunlnK out t"rii'.!T. lull
aiiioc atrui.l to ..nit it. I'.nr Aver s flair
Viuor .rii.p::y nro,.t'. the litiii. anil als9
rture.i tht. natural color."
Mill. K. K WKD. Landing. N J.
western tour on
I . -,t T I - I
Conrad Kaumgartner and wife were i ltr -UI- -ii--K(-1-Omaha
passengers Tuesday. a. Kikli, sr., has been quite sick
W. o. (iillespic returned from his I during the past week, having liad
Wednesday of last trouble with his heart. Ir. Merkel
has been in charge and reports the
Miss.b e Kveland and Sam Panska j patient as being on the mend,
are home from school on their holiday a number of young people gathered
vacation. I at the home of M. Sorick on Wednes-
II. A. Tool returned fiom his com- day of last week, and pleasantly sur
bined business anil pleasure trip in j prised Miss Ktta. We presume a good
Oklahoma. ! time was liad. as tlie guests departed
Our nlrl fi-5.-nrl ( j -i ( il p renmts the ! ai a iaiC liOUI
PI (X a liottle
A '1 1'e-.'i.T
J. C. AIM CO..
1 r.wl Mm ,
Poor Hair
arrival of a line boy at their place on
Friday, Dec. v.
August Wendt, sr., came down from
Crawford, Neb., for a visit with his
children and old friends.
Mrs. Herman Schmidt left Tuesday
for Oklahoma to visit during the holi
days with their relatives.
G. W. Sanderson drifted in from
Madison last week and will visit with
some of his old friends in Murdock.
Will says things are O. K. out there,
and that "Pad" is feeling stronger
Ora Rush has disposed of his resi
dence property in Murdock to 1 S.
Crink and expects to discontinue the
rural carrier service about February
loth, at which time he will leave for
his future home in Michigan.
Lacey McDonald seems to be very
unfortunate, for while he was out
skating the other day, he fell and
broke his arm, which makes the
second time he has broken this arm in
about two months. The break is
exactly in the same place as before
Bed Room and Parlor Suits, Pianos, Sewing Machines
Pictures and Frames, Carpets and Rugs, Etc,
Xo shop-worn oods will be found but everything new and up-to-date, a jreat
deal of which has been bought especially for the Holiday Trade. Don't
wait till the holdays are here, but come now. Xo trouble to
show !g-oods. Remember the place and come on now.
So. Sixth Street
House Furnisher
and Undertaker.
Plattsmouth, Neb.