The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1905, Image 5

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    . . .
IPS UII: (il AD I w " '
ami rv;niv lr ..'ir m-pr 1 1 m a- la-t a it arrivi-. It a
Carefully Selected and Up -to -Dale Stock
and tin- jii t-iviu puhfa- will find us will prvparvil t
stipplv tln-ir want-in tliislinr.
John W. Crabill, Jeweler
Whira Quality la Always Right
A Stylish
From Head
what anyone
lesire. you
millionaire, but you've iot to have sense
and use judgment in buying garments
. r1'- - - .fl
See our fine display of new and nobby
Fall emd W;nter Clothing
Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Gloves, etc., etc.
m A aV-a A . - W-' a. ' ' W -
' r ay aay ai aaa ar aa aar aa aa aai aa aar ajar tar 1 4w4wmw4wm-
The Reliable Store
',,) Liimi3HtmiAatgan
SeOen M &tixj.
plxts StocKs JVoZsj On Sale xt
Ah a tit Half "Price.
Ladies' Suits, Coats, Shirts.. Waists, Furs, all latest styles and
materials. $40,000 worth of HiglvGrade Garments, which
must be disposed of before January 1st,
value, at
Xoveltv Fur Scarfs, in fine Minks,
Stone Martin. Squirrel, etc., at $30.00
down to $12.50, 10.00 $7.50 QQ
$25.00 Eton and Short Jacket Suits,
bauds, extremely handsome in design,
$o.00 Walking skirt, great variety
of color and material, special 2
Fine Skirts in Panamas. Broadcloth, Cheviots. Serges, etc.,
newest styles, including the new circular skirt, worth up to SS.00
at, choice
$5.00 Silk Waists
.... 2.98
Waists worth up to
Scndfor otxr Special Ftxrnishing Good,
Mcn'r Clothing and Txirnittire Catalogue.
Hayden. Bros. N5ta.
. .. r , .1 r...-
Union Block, Plattemouth, Nab
To Heels
can be it they so
uon r neeu io ue a
Don't buy trade
marks Buy
We carry a line
of reliably made
Clothing, Shoes,
Furnishings, etc
and defycompe
cition. 8
save you
on all
factor ers Stir-
Women's Coats, 50 inches lonjf, with the new
back, in ereat variety of fancy mixed
prettily trimmed. slo.OO
Xew Alice Roosevelt Coat, all the rage
in Aew ork, in tans, browns, grays,
blues, black, and fancies, special at.
Elegant Otter Coats 150 00
Persian Lamb Coats, with Marten
and cuffi, splendid value
Handsome Blended Squirrel Coats, CQ ff
in blou-e style, special at OiVW
Fine Near Seal coats, with beaver At? fr
collar and cuffs, special at 4jiUU
$50.00 Krinimer Coats, great bar
gains at
115.00 Suits in long Chesterfield style,
Cheviots, Serges, Nun's Veiling, Silks,
etc., greatest bargains ever QQ
shown at.
trimmed with stitched bands
splendid bargains at
Extra Sized Shirts in all
styles, $12.50, $10.00, $7.50
all the
$2.50 Waists in Sicilians, X tin's Veil
ings, Albatross, etc., all colors A A Ok
and newest styles, at
An Old Kesident Returns After an Absence
of Twenty-Eight Years.
But Many Old Acquaintances Have Passed
to Their Long Home.
Mr. Frank Herbert, president of
the Clara Helle Mining company, and
his niece, Miss Lora Herbert, secre
tary of the company, are visiting
amontf old friends in this city. The
Clara Helle Mining company is located
near Oreville, S. I., and was discov
ered and developed by Mr. Herbert,
many years ao.
Twenty-eiht years ao Mr. Herlert,
in company with Fred Kroehler an'J
luira Graves, left l'lattsmouth over
land with a view of training their for
tunes in th tfold ileitis of the wild and
woolly west. The t wo latter members
of the party -oon tired of the roiiu'h
expt'ri-nce ami poor pay that they
were receiving, and returned. Mr.
Herbert lain. red single-handed and
alone fur inany years with but one
point in view, that of some day (indiny
a rich stake.
Sonic years later Mr. Herbert located
what he felt conlident was a rich vein
of the valued ore. but not having suf
iicient funds to develop the same he
was compelled to do the next best,
stay with it and do the best he could
alone, and many a time, Mr. Herbert
says, it was a tiht between him and
the Rocky Mountain lion to see who
would yet the meal he was preparing.
After all these years of hard work
and confinement in those almost un
explored regions, Mr. Herbert returns
to l'lattsmouth bearing the good news
that he has finally gained in the
twenty-eight years what he really ex
pected would be his reward in three or
Mr. Herbert and his niece are return
ing to their home after a business trip
in the east, where he met the stock
holders of the company to whom he
disposed of probably enough of the
stock to net him 1."0.000, and he still
holds 400.00O shares in the present
Mr. Herbert and niece will depart
Monday of next week for their home
in Dakota, but he does so w ith a view
of returning to this country, and we
hope he may decide to return to his
old home in l'lattsmouth. The people
will certainly give him a hearty wel
come. Will Go Back to tbe Farm.
Mr. Nicholas Halmes. for several
years connected with Mr. Herman
Kleitsch in the Weeping Water ilour
iiiir mill, has sold his half interest in
same to Troy L. I avis. who purchased
also one-third of Mr. Kieitsch's inter
est. Mr. Halmes will in all probabil
ity remain in Weeping Water the bal
ance of the winter when lit will re
move to his farm, and again become
one of the hard-toiling; ycomenry of
Cass countv.
Tried to Jump Board Bill.
Fred Ohm and a young man named
Lovell, who have been working in the
shops, and departed Thursday for
Alliance, tried to get away without
settling their board bill. They had
been boarding with Mrs. Hose Stadler,
and she notified the police who nailed
the lads at the depot, and they were
not long in "digging" up the where
with. Lovell owed SS.00 and Ohm
$1.7.". After the bill was paid they
were permitted to go on their way re
joicing. Where to Find Christmas Presents.
Our home merchant's are just as en
terprising (that is the most of them
are) as you will rind in any other city
of the size, no matter where you go.
This year they are making some very
nice displays in their windows and
these displays speak well of what may
be found in the stores. So one will
be compelled to go away from home to
buy acceptable presents. If you can
not rind just the article you may have
had in mind foi a friend leave your or
der early and it can be gotten in time
for the Christmas festival. It is need
less to say that such orders if left with
a home merchant will be for goods of
which you need not be ashamed. A
home merchant takes pride in giving
you the best that the money will buy.
You are his neighbor and he desires to
please you. The stocks in the l'latts
mouth stores are much larger than
last year. Times are good, crops have
been excellent and there is a spirited
desire to buy. born of the cause of con
fidence caused by a bountiful harvest.
And don't forget to buy of those who
advertise in the Journal, because they
are gentlemen that keep what yo u
want, and will give you the right
Beautifying methods that in jure the
skin and health are dangerous. Be
beautiful without discomfort by tak
ing Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea
Sunshiny faces follow its use. X3cents.
Gering & Co.
ar a syi:i;u:n ( ti.e nrnst strums
trouH;' v, v .ui attack a w dim in,
iz: falling A tin- wiii:b. Witli tliis,
generally, comes irregular anJ painful
periods, weakening Jrains, la;kaclie,
heaJache, nervousness, dizziness, Ir
ritaWhty, tired feeling, etc. The cure Is
The Female Regulator
that wonderful, curative, vegetable ex
tract, which exerts such a marvelous,
strengthening influence, on all female
organs. Cardul relieves pain and
regulates the menses. It Is a sure
and permanent cure for all female
At all druggist:; and dealers in SI. 00
in my womb and ovaries," writes Mrs.
Naomi bake, of Webster Grove, Ao.,
"al-.o in my right and left sides, and
my menses were very painful and irreg
ular. Since taking Cardui I feel like a
new woman and do not suffer as I did.
It is the bes.t medicine I ever took."
Great Things Expected of the Sand Hills,
and Everything Looks Prosperous.
Source Beiieved to be From Underground
Rocky Mountain Shed.
Whether there is anything in the re
port, the sudden outburst of a large
body of water in Cherry county, this
state has spread over the east like
wild lire, and despite the sparsely
settlements in that section, people
have gone for miles and miles to see
the stream, which has appeared so
Mr. II. II. Doyle, a gentlemen from
Chicago, is in the city visiting for
the day, and says there is no doubt
about the truthfulness of the report.
He owns a large body of land in that
section, and is now enroute for there,
and that it is going to work wonders
for western Nebraska. The settlers
have termed the body of water, New
River, and all over the section trav
ersed by the stream, artisian wells
abound. It is said that in I.oyd
county there is one well with a Mow of
10 barrels per minute, and one of 2.000
barrels per day. Over in Brown county
artisian wells can be made by drilling
from Li to ."0 feet. Cherry county pro
duces them at a depth of 20 and 40
feet. The drill never fails to produce
a Mowing well in several counties in
that section. This shows the tre
mendous Mow of water very near the
surface in that territory. Should the
flow of water cease as quickly as it be
gun, it would probably be years before
all the water in the course now would
seep into the ground.
Just what effect this new stream will
have on the surrounding country is a
question which is exciting much dis
cussion. It Hows through the "short
grass" country, where, for lack of
water, there has been little or no
farming; through a land which has
been given over to grazing because no
rain fell in the summer. But with
New River to furnish moisture
through the earth, hundreds of thous
ands of acres of former grazing lands
may be turned into fine farming lands.
Mr. Doyle seems to believe the re
port is not exagerated in the least and
that great things are now expected in
the way of transforming the vast
amount of land constituting the sand
hills of Nebraska into a veritable gar
den spot of the world.
Visit the Schools.
Parents, do you visit your school
occasionally to see how your children
are getting along and to give the
teacher a few words of encouragement ?
Don't forget that the teacher is a
builder of character and that your
child is one of his subjects. It may
not interest you very much, but it
may interest the child after it arrives
at maturity and troes out into the
world without proper training. The
regret of many a man is that his
father had no interest in him when
he was a schoolboy. Cause none of
your children the same regret.
Don't drag the stomach to cure a
cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts
the mucus, draws the inflammation
out of the throat, lungs and bronchia
tubes, heals, soothes and cures. A
quick cure for Croup and Whooping
Cough. Sold by Gering & Co.
Rev. Longhorst and Wife Arrived Yestsr
day Afternoon Without Warning
to His Friends.
The 1 lauvt'ivin tin-! at t In- parson
age of St. Paul's church I'riday
afternoon to arrange lor iHvinr II'V.
I'rcd .1. Longhoit a royal welcome to
their home, but eie ti e ladies had
completed their line of procedure the
bride and groom uticerinoniously
slipped in upon them. Previous to his
departure for the home of the then
bride-to-be, the pastor had failed to
signify the exact time at which he
would return, but many t bought it
would not be sooner or later than Sat
urday evening or Sunday.
The ladies, however, had no sooner
completed their arrangements and de
parted from the parsonage than Rev.
Longhorst and bride arrived and took
possession of the house which had
been prepared for them. Notwith
standing the friends had given up his
coming yesterday, as soon as it became
known that the pastor and bride had
arrived on the evening train they ar
ranged to meet at F. (I. I'ricke's store
between seven and eiu'ht o'clock.
From there they proceeded in a body
to the parsonage, all loaded down with
the many good things of this life, and
thus attested by their acts their glad
ness to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Long
horst to their future home.
The ladles and gents remained with
their pastor and wife for sometime,
and all returned to their homes much
delighted witli the appearance of t lie
bride, who no doubt will prove a great
aid to Iter husband in his church work.
She is said to be a very intelligent
lady, with all the necessary accom
plishments to tit her future station in
life, and will no doubt prove quite an
acquisition to the ladies' society of the
A Fearful Fate.
It is a fearful fate to have to endure
the terrible torture of Piles. "I can
truthfully say," writes Harry Colson,
of Masonville, la., 4ithat for Rlind,
Rleeding, Itching and Protruding
Piles, Rucklen's Arnica Salve, is the
best cure made." Also best for cuts,
burns and injuries. 2"c at V. (I.
Fricke & Co., druggist.
"Positive" Block System.
The "positive" block system is not
being used on the Rurlington between
Lincoln, Omaha and Pacific Junction,
says the Lincoln Journal. Fnder the
block rules made effective signal
lamps always show red, unless when
released for train clearance. It is said
the positive block will follow in due
time on this section of the road.
The First Requisite of Beauty.
The lirst requisite of beauty is a
clear complexion. Orino Laxative
Fruit Syrtp clears a sallow blotched
complexion as it stimulates the liver
and bowles. and the eyes become
blight and clear. You owe it to your
friends to take it if your complexion
is bad. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup
does not nauseate or gripe and is very
pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes.
F. (J. Fricke A: Co.
Missouri Pacific Holiday Rates.
At greatly reduced rates tickets will
be on sale at the Missouri Pacific sta
tions, beginning December 22 and con
tinuing to January 1, good to return
to and including January 4. See YV.
A. Swearingen, agent at l'lattsmouth.
To get the full benefit of the Christ
mas contest you must bring back all
the coupons and exchange therefor
draw numbers before Dec. 20, lOO.i.
Loukn'z Rkos.
top tk.m couh tad lalf luotfs
Summer time
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Goal
All Kinds of Feed
Proprietor Plattsmouth
Goal Yards
Corner Third and Main Streets
Bell Phone 25 Tlatts Phone 22
I on't allow money to lie around. It
is easier to spend it. and easier
to lose it
li keeping it in a sate place such a.
The Ban of Cass County
Capital Stock ."0,ooo, Surplus $ir.,000
nrricKii :
Cliuy ('. Iirnifl l'rv. .I;t.-i.l 'J rltvli, V-P.
T. M. I'atU-rson. C.4,li.
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account you
w ill be anxious to add to it rather than
spend from it. Ion't you want to
know more about it.
Edison and Victo
50,000 RECORDS
Send for catalogue of Machines
and Records or send us your name
and we will have our Mr. (leorge
Miller call on you.
We Prepay All Charges.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
hUh and Harney. OMAHA.
For quick ti'.:z'. from Bi'.iO'-isness.
Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun
dice, Dizziness, and ail troubles aris
ing from an inactive or sluggish liver,
DeVitt's Little Early R ssrs are un
equalled. They act promptly and r.ever gripe.
They are so dainty that it is a pleasure
to take them. 0:.e to to act ai
mild laxative; tvo or four act
pleasant and elective cathartic. Thy
are purely vegetable and absolutely
harmless. They tonic the liver.
r. C. DaWitt & Co.. Chlcai
Osteooathic Physician
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Co:its nicx-k. rooms 2ii and 326. Office hur
9 to a. ni., I to 5 p. rn. anJ 7 to S r. 'n. rv ap
pointment. Telephones, office residence
at Perkins Hotel.
All kinds of Dental work. Plates made that,
fit. 2J yeara experience. Prices reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
OFFICE Fitzgerald Block.
Telephone No. 3 oh47
V Abstracts of Title V
OFFICE Anheuser-Bush Block.
Preparing abstracts of title, renveyancini?
and examining titles to real estate a special
ty. Work properly done and charjres reason-
able. Office: Rooms t and 7. John GunCt
I Building, near Court Houe. Plattsmoutb.
J. M. Greene, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Can be reached by 'phone ni?ht or da7
Manley, Nebraska.
Piattsmouth : : Nebraska.
Probate, Commercial Law, Real
Estate Litigation
And Foreclosure of Mortgages apeclalt
' . I I f1'1';