DC DC DC 3QOC DC DC DC DC DC CiEI M A 00 Only Ten Days Away. Have you found just what you wanted to give for Xmas? If not, come to our store and seethe many things we have suitable for gifts. We may save you wornry, well surely save you money. u - o H i 0o off I Toys i 1 sn& i 10 lo Off on Toys for Cash; 25 Off on China We can give you more for your money than you can get in Oma ha or elsewhere in the state and you can pick from the largest and best line of toys and holiday goods ever seen in PUitts mouth Do St Now3 and Quit Worrying About it. ff !H CI1 R La- Ej jW u 8 u DC DC DOOC t m u M. 3d THE CITY. PLATTSMOUTH AND VICINITY. "Gut Hcil," the favorite cigar Smoke the Wurl Bros.' celehratcd 'Gut Ileil" cigars. Cloaks and Furs. Late arrivals. Lowly prices at Herold's. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block. Geo. N. LaKue, of Union, was a bus iness visitor in i'lattsmouth Wednes day. Philip Meisinger, one of the pros perous farmers of the precinct was in i'lattsmouth today. In county court Monday J. iteinke of South Ker.d, was appointed guardian of Annie Keinke, incompetent. F. II. Stander and wife, of Wabash, were in thecity Monday.Mr. Stander to pay his taxes and Mrs. Stander make oine Christmas purchases. We are always glad to ricasant was in to the lirst of the year, no to Council I Muffs, la., to make their home. Cloaks and Furs, Late arrivals. Lowly prices at Herold's. Adam Meisinger, of Cedar Creek, was a I'lattsmouth visitor today. If looking for economical gifts patronize the "10c counter at Herold's. I'ncle Nick Ilalmes while in the city Friday called on the Journal and re newed his faith in the paper another year. You will be surprised when you see what fine gifts you can buy off of the "10c counter" at Herold's. August Krecklow and John Kohr danz, of Manley, were in I'lattsmouth Siturday and paid the Journal otlice a pleasant call. J. K. I'. Cirper, of Fnion. came up A. S. Will and Wes Cherry and fam-j today to pay hi semi-annual dues to county, and while here made the Jour nal oili."e a pleasant call. James Stander, of Louisville, was In I'lattsmouth a few hours this after noon, returning home from a business trip out in Merrick county. John Knabe, a prominent farmer of ily departed this morning lor the V ill ranch in Colorado. Mr. Cherry has a position on the ranch and will remain. Geo. Horn and wife came in from Cedar Creek lat evening to attend the Kenner-bobbins wedding. George returned home this morning but Mrs. Horn remained until this evening. Mrs. J. I. Lewis, of Murray, was in town Tuesday, and showed her good judgment in subscribing for the Jour nal one year as a Christmas -rift to horse! i. A good way to do. Marriage licenses wcreissued Monday to Lee Faris. aged :!" of Murray, and Miss Lorena May Harris, aped 20, of Union. Also to Cash L. Wiles, aged :.', and Miss Olive M. Cole, aged 20, lxth of I'lattsmouth. J. L. Kennedy, electrician for the I'lattsmouth Telephone company and wife, went out to Louisville Tuesday to look after some telephone busi ness. They were accompanied by Harve Manners, managerof the Weep ing Water exchange. J. L. Young, from near Murray, passed through I'lattsmouth Tuesday morning going west with a view of purchasing some land. He expects to uoas far west as Alliance and will look at a number of large tracts as he wishes to purchase a ranch. T. J. Rhoden. who has been laid up with the rheumatism ever since the 7th of November, made his first trip to riattsmouth Wednesday since then In fact this is the lirst time he has been away from home. Hut the Jour nal is pleased to note his improve ment. otto reck..-r, of Pacific Junction, was a I'lattsmouth visitor Tuesday. IlestirteJ over with his team but when he pot to the river he found that the ice prevented the ferry from run ning, and he was compelled to return to the Junction and come over on the train. Otto came over to do some holiday trading Cass county. meet him. J. F. Hild of Mt town Wednesday. George Oberle and Jake Reiter, of Eagle, were in riattsmouth Monday. If looking for economical gifts patronize the "10c Counter at Her old's. Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter, Mrs. Dr. Gilmore, of Murray, were hercJWedneday making Christmas pur chases If you want to remember them all, and only a few dollars to spend, pat ronize Herold's ioc counter. J. W. Hostetter, of near Murray, was in the city Wednesday, reports his son, Claude, as much improved in his late illness. Dainty Handkerchiefs make tha best Christmas presents. Most complete assortment at Herold's. John McXurhn, of Mt. Pleasant precinct and Charley Reihart of Cul lom were in town Wed nesday.and made this otllce a business call. They will have a big sale at Mr. McNurlin's home on Wednesday, January 10, at which a m eat deal of personal property will be disclosed. The many friends of Claus Jireckcn feld in I'lattsmouth will regret to learn that he was again compelled to go to St. Mary's hospital at Rochester, Minn., for treatment. He has been theru several times alreadv. and itisi hoped he will return this time much improved. Mr. Rreckenfeld is a for mer resident of I'lattsmouth, where Nehawka. was in the city Saturday! on business, and while here called and he lived for a number of years, renewed for the Journal. 1 Nels Murray is pretty busy this i Dainty Handkchiefs make the best Christmas present. Most complete assostment at Herold's. A. II. Fernoff, one of our prosperous farmers west of town, was in the city Saturday and paid the Journal oftice a pleasant call. lie will, in the future, be a reader to the Daily Journal. Atost complete assortment of Handkerchiefs in town for Ladies and Gentlemen at Herold's. They make most acceptable presents to everyone. Thos. Nix, of near Murray, accom panied by his uncle, A. A. Holmes, of Union, was in the city Wednesday, and were callers at the Journal office. Mr. Nix will leave today for Thomas county, to spend the holidays with his father. Youwill be Surprised when you see what fine gifts you can buy off of the 10c counters at Henry Her olds. Among the prizes awarded at the corn growing contest in Lincoln last week, Talmage Miller, of Greenwood, was econd best, Robert Engel. of Saunders county, securing lirst prize. The former secured a steel windmill and the latter a cream separator. Two hundred and thirty prizes were awarded. J. II. Meisinger, one of the ln;ss farmers cf Cass county, living west of town, was in the city Saturday, and in conversation with him he tells us that played ball all the time. week installing his new feed grinding machinery, and in a few days he will be ready to meet parties wishing feed and meal. The new machinery is be ing placed at his elevator near the Missouri Pacific tracks. Jim Sage returned from his farm near Gallatin. Mo., where he went to get four head of horses that he had sent there for the summer's work. They were shipped over the Wabash to Malvern, la., and driven from there home. Two of the animals were sold today and will be shipped to Fierce county. Mrs. M. O. Metzger, and children of Cherry county, Nebraska, arrived in I'lattsmouth yesterdey evening, and she was met here today by A. B. For noff, who conveyed her to his home west of town. Mrs. Metzgar will re main in Cass county visiting her mother, sisters and other relatives for several weeks. Mr. Metzger will ar rive later to return home. with her. W. A. Stephenson, who represents j the American Collection agency of Minneapolis, Minn., is in the city in j the interests of that company. Mr. ! Stephenson will be remembered by many of the older I'lattsmouth people as playing ball here some eighteen or ! twenty years ago. He has played with the i'lattsmouth team, and alsoagainst them with the visitors. In those days I'lattsmouth could boast of a ball team that understood the game, and he has been troubled considerable with his rheumatism this fail. lie tells us that his son Phillip, out at Cedar The Misses Gertie, Laura and Per- -'reek will, in all probability, be elcct- tha Pitman, of Nehawka, were in the city Satujday, to the linal settle ment of their mother's estate, which was closed up in the county court to day. Miss Gertie will leave the fore part of next week for LosAngeles,Cal., where she will make her home at least for the winter and perhaps longer. Misses Lora and IJertha will, about ed mayor of that town next spring Henry Lehnhoff, of near Louisville, was down to pay his taxes Wedneeday, and of course called on the Journal. Mr. Lehnhoff has been a resident of Cass county for forty-five years, and of course is numbered among the early pioneers of Nebraska. Not only this, but he is one of the best citizens of! A marriage license was issued from the county judge's o:liee yesterday j evening to Mr. Ray Chriswisser, aged j 21. of Murray, and Miss Rosetta Wood of near Rock ClulTs. The groom is a son of Rennett Chriswisser, of this city, an old and highly respected citi zen of Cass county, and the bride is a daughter of Joseph Wood of near Rock Bluffs. The young people are spoken very highly of in the community where they have resided all their lives, and have hosts of friends who have none but the best wishes for their future success and happiness. Miss Anna Goos was a passenger for Omaha this afternoon. Joe Klein, of Lincoln, arrived in Plattsmouth last evening for a short business visit with old friends here. Mr. Klein has been suffering witli a stomach trouble for the past few weeks that has confined to his home in Lincoln t ime. a greater portion of the Have you Backache.-' Get a box of Kidney-Kttes the most wonderful remedy for all kidney troubles, and they will make yon right. 2"cat Ger ing & Co's. Benjamin Ranard. from near Mur ray, was attending to some business matters in Plattsmouth today, and while making the rounds Ik; dropped into the Journal ollice for a short visit. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea i- simply liquid electricity. It goes to every part of your body, bringing new blood, strength and new vigor. It. makes you well and keeps you well. Z' cents. Gcring . Co. CTrr 2C DC O Mot Waot Lpcjeir But go right now to I. Pearl man and secure a great bargain at the Big Reduction Sale of FURNITURE AND STOVES The good; must go, the prices are low, so now to buy if you are looking for great the time Bargains in Furniture Come and see the goods and prices. If I can't please you no hnrm is done m v i I can save ou monev Plattsmouth Xebrar-ka n 8 T CD-OCOS HLivLi is only a short time left for (. hristmas preparation and shopping. The useful is combined with the ornamental in the superb array of merchandise we an; showing and vow will find here just the things for holiday presents. The jinst months we have been person ally selecting the very best goods of the leading wholesalers and manufacturers. We send a cor dial invitation to all to inspect our largo and handsome line of holiday novelties, we have plenty of sales people to show you around and help you to select just what you want. Handsome China We have a largo assortment of decorated China, Fancy Plates. Cups and Saucers. Chocolate Pots. Celery Dishes, Salts and Peppers in Cut (ilass and China. Sugar and Creamers. Cracker Jars. Candle Sticks. Sterling Novelties, etc. Novelties, Etc. Mirrors all sizes. Shaving and Smoking Sets, (i loves. .Icv.ely, Handkerchief Fioxe.s. Toilet Cases. Manicure Sets. Collar and Cull' Boxes, In fact you can find just what you want here for Xm;is presents. Come in ;me look around. 9 Dress Goods, Silks, and Furs Nothing pleases better than a Dress. Silk Waist or Fur Collar. We can show you some handsome handsome things in Silks. Dress Goods, and S-'J Fur Scarfs. Clusters and Collars to select from. Sable Fur Collars, special. So. 00. atso Children"? Fur Setts. Ribbon We are h-ad ii.'i rter.-. Ioc. 1 l'O - and up to Handkerchiefs 9 Cloves, Etc. I fandkerehiefs. '-. ID.-. Chris in 9 r c A larre line of Eleet ra A xmin.-ter llw. some patterns. '2.'2 ' S'lio.OJ tiyS j i h no- Make our store your headquarters. We are prepared to make it as pleasant as possible for you to do your Holiday Trading here. Your Patronage Appreciated.