The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1905, Image 1

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    "Jblattainrtoutb journal.
volumi: XXV
s'aohinery Already Shipped anJ Will
Arrive h a Few Days.
F I i i I 1 1 in .1
i i .
ixil. the Prccristot. is Here
te Cor.!!e Arr2?n's.
i ' .ii ! vnowt 1 1
:o i
'actor-, . "l"li;iL".- a mm''' tiling.
: resent, indications. Mr. t'raig. the
laiKii.'"!-, ati'l his wile are in the city
:i''.v completing arrangements In this
till, and the machinery has been
shipped from M r. Craig's lormer loca
tion, Gloverville, N. Y., the head
quarters of glove manufacturing.
The factory will be located mi the
eco:nl '!Hir nf the Waterman Mock,
and for the present the extent of the
.nacliinery will he -oinposed of ten
machines and four cutters, and ahout
twenty employes. Most of them ex-
perienced workmen, which will add a
unrulier of new residents to the city.
We understand that Mr. Craitf has
heen seeking a new tield of operation
tor some time, and while he has vis
ited numerous other points he claims
that Plattsmouth is the best, of all.
The citizens of I'lattsmouth will no
doubt extend to Mr. Craig the right
hand of fellowship and do all in their
IHiwcr to help the enterprise along.
We can see no reason why an enter
prise of this kind w ill not prove as suc
cessful in riattsmouth as in other
cities in the world, for that matter.
And if this factory proves so, with the
proper spirit on the part of our busi
ness men it will also prove an induce
ment for other eastern enterprises
seeking western locations to come
Claud Seivers Badly Injured.
As we stated in Monday's Journal,
Claud Seivers arrived in riattsmouth
Tuesday and from his injuries re
ceived he will he laid up several days
from the effects of the accident a few-
lays ago. No particulars were given j
; tl.. -is..-i.r-k ..!. W.I I ti 1V1 !
, . . . . , . ; ., I not be made the basis of any claim
here, but since ls arrival -states the j Thg she lherc
accident as havmg occurred wh.le fQ n)t , .n.44 for his
working around a gasoline engine. ., ... . , ' , .,
, , I railroad tare when he rode on a pass
lie and an assistant were makingsome 1 . , ., .. . ,
, .... , ' trom l'lattsmoutn to Kearney and re
needed repairs about the engine, and i . . ,.. . .
. , . 4 . , . 7 . , j turn, and I am of the opinion that this
:ie had occasion to place his head and . . , , . .
, , , , . T, , , I item is not a legal charge against the
shoulders between the spokes ot the , ... ,,.
. I ,, , , state for expenses paid by an oflieer in
ly wheel to got under the engine, and ' .iir frnin !llwtipn nnf,
vhile in this position hi.-
. 1 N ,1111
started the machine in motion, and
the result was that Claud came out j
with a broken arm and jaw. His
.uries were verv painful, but it
was 1
fortunate thai they were not more j
serious under the circumstances. He
as down town this morning hut he
ill not be able to work for many
Visits Old Scenes.
Mrs. Zcriida Toxic r is here from
I'ortland. Oregon, visiting with her
brother. Tost master I. W. Lay tield. I
This is Mis. Tozier's tirst visit to
Louisviile since 11; when she and her
nusband and their two small children
Joined an emigration party of five
hundred and started fur Oregon with
x teams. The trip took about six
'iionths and while they were amply-
provided with provisions they often ,
-ulTered greatly for water. The inci
dents she could relate of the trip
would till volumes of interesting read
ing. The Tu.iers homesteaded the
farm now owned by t he Oliver Ward!
estate southeast of Louisville. -Louis-.
t !e Courier.
La Grippe end Pneumonia.
Pneumonia often follows in grippe
: 'it r.e er follow s the ,,f i"..ley's
tleney an 1 Tar. Itcuies it grippe
eo;igl:s and prevents j neuiiionia and
t. 'ns-:rrpti"ii. Ak for Foley's Honey
tai l Tar and ref.Jse any substitute of
rered. Mr. ;. X'acher. of I .T Osgood
St.. Chicago, write--: "My wife had a
severe els of la grippe three years
a:.d it !!'. with a terrible
cough. She tried a bottle of Foley's
Honey and Tar and it gave immediate
relief. A " cent bottle cured her
cobgh entirely." Kefuse substitutes.
r.C. Fricke t Co.
Holiday Rates For trje Burlington.
The Ilurlington are offering a one
and one-third fare for the round trip,
on sale December 22 to 25 inclusive:
also December 30 to January 4, good to
all points, returning January 4.
Sheriffs Cannot Charge Millage and at
the Same Time Use Passes.
Assistant Attorney General W. II.
1,'ijv! has rendered an t. pinion to A u
ditor Sai !e to the effect that county
sheriffs cannot rid" on a.sses aiel col
lect mileage from the s'ate. taking
! In- ground that tie- use of fret- t raiis-
; poi ' a ion Mi '-, i.i t n:i! i 1 1: t
! pa vii 1 ''!? o railway far
' ikI i! v .ite oilicial in a
' t hi- !:t i ! i . . 'J ! ' i ui-st ii i; i arose
' Midi
a.-, lo
low iu
on till-
: c!a : :i: ' .- he i i ',)' M c Bride o! con n
i t v f-r : 1 1 . ! ! f-.r I ha! il'.ce i "s lare 1 ! mm
i"i:tTrrri-jT;i ? o K ney an I ret'irn.
fl'jtf i ( . !(l ,. ;, j ;,, j j,,,, t , ;). aenuai. aii'l
i in hi . i of a r'-ceipt I ., ig.ilway lare
, ;i!!ac;,'"l lo tie v hi-r a contract
with T 1 ; lailwav company obligating
ii rnvif in return f. ! t he pass ! o charge
t he com pany no f.-'s and to advance
lro:ii)its interests hv all honorable ami
proper methods.
The opinion holds that he had no
ritiht lo relinquish the fees or to vary
them from the statutory amount. In
addition to its widespread effect on
contracts wherehy the sheriffs of the
state use annuals under similar condi
tions, it is lelieved that the ruling as
to fees will affect other officials who
have lieen in the hahit of commuting
them, especially justices of t he peace,
who sometimes auree with collection
agents to make special rates,
J Mr. Kose says in his communication
to the state auditor:
"Since your communication was re
ceived, the sheriff called at this office
and frankly stated his position. lie
insists that his contract with the rail
road company required him to per-
foim services for it, that the pass was
given to him for such services, that
the services had been performed, and
that in this manner he paid bis rail
road fare from I'lattsmouth to Kearney
and return and should receive it from
the state as an expense paid to him. I
am satisfied the sherill has acted in
good faith and conscientiously believes
his claim for this item is both proper
and just. The question presented,
however, must he decided along on
legal grounds.
"The services which the sheriff obli
gated himself to render Tor the rail
road company, were oilicial in their
nature. The terms of the contract on
this point are free from doubt. The
.sheriff's contract to charge no lees in
casts in which the railroad company
is interested is. therefore, absolutely
i void as against public policy, and can-
that the auditor of public accounts
should decline to issue a warrant
Call Frans Injured.
n Wednesday of last week Call
j Trans of this village, who has been
I working with a railroad carpenter
! crew near Omaha, sustained some
'accidental injuries that will confine
'him to the hospital a few weeks. lie
; was working on the depot roof at
Westside Junction, and the frost on
! the roof caused him to slip and fall to
the ground a distance of several feet.
The injuries consisted of broken
hones of one ankle and heel and dis
location of other ankle, making pain
ful injuries from which it will require
some time to fully recover. lie was
taken to an Omaha hospital for treat-
ment.- I mon Ledger.
Why We Do It.
Some newspaper subscribers often
wonder, no doubt, why a publisher
will keen sending the paper when the
subscription has expired. The reason
is this: When the subscription is paid
to a certain time, the time expires and
the paper is st opped. it looks as if the
publisher doubted the integrity of the
subscriber: and nine times out of ten
the subscriber will give the publisher
a "calling down" insinuating that his
credit is no good. Iiather than cast
anv reflections against a neighbor's!
honesty to pay a small debt it has be
come necessary for country newspapers
to continue sending the paper after
the time has expired. The city
weeklies and dailies do not generally
follow this rule, as their subscribers
live at a distance, and besides they
are not acquainted with them and do
not know their financial standing.
One should deem it an honor to know
tint his credit is not doubted, when
the publisher continues to send the
paper. Should the subscriber desire
to have his paper discontinued lie
should inform the publisher and re
mit todate, if any amount is owing.
An Old Man Who is a Stranger in Town
Falls Down at Perkins House.
1 Has Money to Fay His Way, Bat Got Left
in NattsfflQ'jth.
An old gentlemen r eg;-1 erimg his
i name a-. .loon .ggschwenit , at the
! I'ei -kins o;im' Friday night. ;t!se in
ithe morning ahout leven ""clock and
-1 :u i cd dow n t h- h tck stair.vay, and
at about four or ;ie steps from the
i hot torn h" slipped an.-:
him unconscious for some
time, and
at tirst it was thought that h-- was
seriously injured, hut when medical
assistance arrived it. proved that he
was in noway injured internally, and
but slightly bruised and stunned.
The old gentleman is v years of
age, who hails from Hoise City, Idaho,
where he has been a prospector for
the past fifty years, and having no
family he was going to Chad wick, 111.,
where he has a nephew, to make his
future home.
He was a peculiar old gentleman,
being so childish that he was hardly
able to travel with safety alone, and
upon his hat he wore an express tag,
hearing his name and where he wished
to go, and asked that some kind friend
see that he was put on the right train.
The cause for him being in I'latts
mouth was that he left train No. 2
yesterday evening and while out on
the depot walk the train pulled out
and left him here. He will prob
ably be able to take up his journey
this evening.
Nebraska Educators Have Decided on
Novel Method of Instruction.
Normal training in high schools was
discussed at length at a conference of
the members of the sub-committee of
the state association of superinten
dents and principals of graded schools,
in Lincoln Saturday. Those present
were: Superintendent K. L. House,
chairman, I'lattsmouth: Superinten
dent A. A. Reed, secretary, Superior:
Superintendent .lames E. Delell.
Lexington: State Superintendent Mc
Irien, Lincoln: President J. W. Crab
tree, Peru: and President A. o.
Thomas, Kearney: Dr. L. P. Ludden,
of the state board of education, and
President W. II. Clemmons, of the
Fremont Normal college, were invited
to participate In the meeting.
It was agreed unanimously to re
commend the following as the basis
upon which to approve high schools
for giving normal training, in accord
ance with the new law for the certifi
cation of teachers. Following is the
basis of the course:
A high school in order to be ap
proved for normal training must be a
school accredited to the University of
Nebraska, with a four years course of
At least three teachers exclusive of
the city superintendents shall give
their entire time to instruction in
high school branches.
High school graduates only shall re
ceive credit for high school normal
The course in normal training shall
be elective, and shall consist of a
review of the live essential branches,
reading, grammar, arithmetic, geo
graphy and history to be given not
earlier than the eleventh grade, and
at least seventy-two periods of profes
sional training to include a study of
methods, school management, obser
vation work. etc.. to be given in the
twelfth grade.
The course in American history, now
offered in Nebraska high schools in
the eleventh or twelfth grade, carried
for at least one semester, will meet
the requirements in that branch.
Heading, gram me r. geography and
arithmetic shall be reviewed fur at
least nine weeks each. The work
should include subject matter, under-1
lying principles and methods of teach
ing, and should enable the students to
approach the subject from the stand
point of teacher, rather than that of
student. It should be given by well
trained, experienced teachers.
The professional training shall be
given by the city superintendent of
schools, or by a member of the high
faculty recommended by the city
superintendent and approved by the
state superintendent of public instruc-onit.
Cats f cr Sams Along the Schuylr
Branch of the Burlington.
Thedate for the Burlington's seed
corn special on the Schuyler hranch is
I cceniher .'in. 1'rofessor Lyon of the
agricultural department and heal of
t he experimental station of Nebraska
; university, together with other scien-
t ists from the universities of Iowa,
i 1 llino is ami Missouri, will accompany
I t he special ;
j mi seed c ii n
j ed and w.'iat
I will ii 1 .v ) I ' i a
! culture and
I ing same.
will deliver lecture.
1 h iv it may he select
will do. The farmers j
a good d-al ahout .soil J
r o;-' ive-1 methods i ,!' ra;s- I
These led ure.s are iib nded ctnery
These led
i fur the benclit of farmers. An audi-
ence :-oach will he attached to the
! train for their convenience. The stop
i . . . r . . . . . : I 1 . . . . 1
at each lecturr
forty minutes.
poillL win iiuo e.xceeu
As i'lattsmouth is a
point at which the special stops one
hour, arrangements will be made by
which farmers along the line will be
carried to and from points of lecture
in accordance with the schedule, with
out charge.
Mr. W. II. Manss, of the Ilurlington
industrial department , will be gener
ally in charge of the special. Follow
ing is the schedule:
Prague lO:.;o a.m.
Mai mo 11:2.",
Wahoo 11:47 "
:t:40 a. m
11:10 "
12:27 p.m
12:4 '
1:07 "
2:20 "
2::;.'i "
2:47 41
:':o:; "
4:3.-j "
.1:07 p.m
South Pend
Cedar Creek
On return trip:
12:42 p.m
1:0. "
1:20 -2:.'12
2:4.-) "
3:00 "
.-i:0r, p.m
Cedar Creek . .
Louisville .j:H)
South Uend ::.n
Ashland o:47
Lincoln 0:40 "
Farmers in the vicinity of the towns
of South fDend, Louisville and Cedar
Creek will be brought to Plattsmouth
on the t rain and returned on the same.
Four Candidates Mentioned by Chairman
Allen For Governor.
Twin Allen, chairman of the demo
cratic state committee, was in Omaha
last Friday afternoon and night at
tending to some legal matters, and
among other things, he told a reporter
of the Pee that the democratic party
was already organized for the coming
fray and didn't need reorganizing. He
also said:
'In view of the fact the democrats
have a splendid chance to secure the
governorship, and also to get a United
States senator, a lot of candidates w ill
come out for the state otlice. I under
stand W. II. Thompson will be a can
didate, also A. C. Shallenbarger of
Alma, probably Mayor Prown of Lin
coln and George Perge. I have not
heard enough expressions, on the mat
ter to say what will be the strength
of the men mentioned when it comes
to getting the nomination.
"What we do of course will depend
largely upon what the republicans do.
.'I look for a mighty right in the re
publican party over nominations and
I expect to see them attempt to leave
out two or three of their present state
officers who are candidates for renomi
nation. Should the railroads win out
in the right for nomination 1 look for
the nomination of a man like Judge
Pobertson of Norfolk, while if the
railroads lose I would not be surprised
if George Sheldon or Dempster of
Beatrice should get the place. 1 think
Sheldon is a mighty good man."
Mr. Allen is a brother-in-law of W.
J. Bryan and Mrs. Allen received a
letter from the American traveler sev
eral days ago. dated a month ago and
mailed in Japan. The letter said Mr.
Bryan and his family would spend
Christmas in Manila and that all were
well and enjoying the trip.
Eox Cars Are Scarce.
"We have more grain business to
move on the Burlington, stored up in
elevators along the lines than There
are suiiicient box cars on all the lines
in the state to move," says a Burling
ton conductor. "Every station has
its elevators filled with grain and
every station agent is asking for
empties. The Burlington will have
to get a great many cars from some
where if the worst box car famine in
the history of railroading does not
fall to the lot of Nebraska during the
next forty days."
According to State pportionment Cass
Will Receive $4,983.29.
The semi-annual state school appor
tionment hy counties has just heen
completed hy State Superintendent
MeBrien. It. is estimated that, from
Jon to 1 i t school o' ist i iris a i e omi t ted
iy reason oi i.i 1 1 u ; e i o r. la 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 scnooi
tlie re j'liled limtl
ilist rict s ha ve i,i ,;
a d ist rict ha viog
of ii i out lis Some
yet disco'.ered that.
s"Vept y-:l-.e persons
m maintain nine
. Tin- law of p:i!.;
of sehoo
months if s,-),i ml .
changed t he minim
loo to 7" p qi bi;t
t ricts ret oi t n ' v
i i:'iii:i.' r i id m
ma;:v s:i.-!i lis-
-even lie
.i.t h-
schools. All the dist rict s (fitted in
the semi-annual app . r t ionment were j
given due notice, and many lilcd j
..:.. i !... i. ... ...:...! '.
a, uu.iwls-., ..,, uiai lie) nun e-.,.
and expended the maximum amount
of taxes, but did not have- enough
money to maintain school nine months
in the year. To such affidavits the
statement was attached that the
failure of the railroads to pay their
taxes prevented the raising of enough
money. The state superintendent is
authorized under the law to permit
such districts to share in the appor
tionment, and he has done so.
The total fund apportioned is yJ;.;,
4I1.S.1. Last year the December ap
portionment was s-272,000. The rate
per scholar in this apportionment is a
fraction over seventy cents. This is
based on :;75.:n4 children, being the
number of persons of school age in the
districts t hat share in the apportion
ment. Cnder this apportionmant Cass
county Aill receive the sum of 4, !.:!.
2!. Ir) District Court-
The city of I'lattsmouth has by its
attorney, Harvey D. Travis, Ii led a
petition in the district court against
the Nebraska Telephone company,
praying for a permanent injunction
be issued enjoining said company from
further use of the streets and alleys
of said city.
The plaintiff claims that said com
pany have no right to the use of its
streets and alleys, and that no fran
chise was issueo, and that they have
had the use of the same since 1SS to
the present date, and that now some
of the poles have in many places be
come rotten and are in a dangerous
j condition: are being used as hitching
posts and are in many ways a nuisance.
Plaintiff further alleges that defend
ant was given notice to remove said
poles on or about the 27th day of No
vember. 1''.., by ordinance, and that
the city has ordered the company to
remove said poles on Main street be
tween First and Eighth streets, and
that they have had due notice of such
ordinance being passed and have re
fused to comply with the same.
The plaintiff prays that an injunc
tion may be issued permanently en
joining the said company from further
use of the streets and alleys of the city.
The case will come up at the next
term of the district court and will
probabiy be a very interesting and
hotly contested number.
Mrs. Maud Burley Asks Divorce.
Mrs. Maud Burley has by her attor
ney filed a petition with the clerk of
the district court, asking for a divorce
from her husband, John Burley. The
plaintiff alleges in her petition that
her husband is a drunkard, has upon
many occasions used vile and profane
language, and has abused her in many
She also asks possession of her child
ren, as her husband is an unfit person
to look after them, and further asks
that the court grant her a permanent j
alimony of 40 per month for the sup-1
port of herself and children.
Two Promotions.
The Lincoln Journal says,
Kennedy, boiler inspector for the lines
of the Burlington west of the river,
has been made master mechanic of
the McCook machine shops. H. B.
Kepner is made chief piece work
specter. He has been piece work
snector for theHavelock shops."
i li
Gaeat Northern at Ashland.
The Great Northern has about com
pleted the building of its 'V con
necting its line with the Omaha line
and the old Plattsmouth main line of
the Burlington east of the Ashland
yards. Owing to the frozen condition
of the g,round, dynamite has been used
in removing the dirt.
Christmas Presents.
Fancy Christmas boxes, 12 Buds, .jOc.
Fancy Christmas boxes, 2o Buds, SI. 00.
Will suit gentlemen appreciating a
high grade smoke. Call at
Pepperbekg's Cigak Stoke.
Daughter of Sam Small, 1 he Famou
Lecturer, Contending for Property.
A special to the miaha World
Herald from Lander, Wyoming, says:
"The most important civilca-e of tin-.
t erm of court is that of I lie mot her
and sister of t he I : I . - In. Schuell.e
i a gai n-.t Mr
-clnu l Ke
wle i w as M i ss
of l he famine.
Lola Small, daught
leet un-r. Sam Small, and w ho is alleerd
to have hern t Jit common law wife ot
"The doc; ir ! i 1 1 (-i . 1 1 t . 1 ; -1 ; 1 1 .'e pi i p
erty. and it for i".,s.'s-idii ot tin
that the c mt est is made.
"Dr. SchuclUe coirimit tei suicide li
the Thermopolis-Casper stage a lew
year, ago because of jealousy oi hi-,
wife, ot lief i , t -1 1 having been paying
attentions to her. II
was at one
t i m - a leading surgeon in I he I nit i d
States army."
Dr. Schuelke at one t ime resided in
Louisville, this county, and was said
to be a very line physician. It has
heen a number of years since he lid I.
that place, but will no doubt be re
membered by t hose who were resident s
of that town at that time. Conrad
Schl.iter, of Plattsmouth, remembers
the doctor distinct ly. If was thought,
by some that he had two wives, from
neither of whom he had secured a
Pleasant Anniversary.
TheGapen home, near Mynard. was
the scene of a very enjoyable social
event on Wednesday, being the cele
bration of t he 7't h birthday of Mrs.
Maria Gapen, a well known and highly
esteemed Cass county pioneer. Guests
were present from Piatt smout h, I 'nion,
Murray and Mynard, also a few from
Colorado, Iowa and Michigan. The
day was spent very pleasantly, and a
splendid dinner added to a general
good time, making it, an occasion t hat
Grandma Gapen will remember as one
of the bright days of her long and Use
ful life.
Those present were Win. Eikeubarv
and wife, A. C. Dean and wife, T. W.
Swan and wire, Mrs. Mat tie Wiles.
Henry Eikenbary and wife, A. W.
White and wife, Mrs. Maria Gapen,
Henry Spanglerand wife, Frank Moore
and wife, Geo. Snyder and wife, John
Swartz and wife, Mrs. v'm. Swart.,
Lloyd Gapen and wife, Frank Dean
and wife, Oscar Gapen and wife,
Charles Swan, El her I, Wiles, Willard
Dean. Mearle Swartz, o.scar Gapen:
and Misses Hattie Swartz, Elsie Gapen.
Annabel Moore, Marie Dean, Helen
Swartz and Mat tie Gapen. I 'nion
Doctors Could Not Help Her.
'I had kidney trouble for years."
writes Mrs. Kaymond Conner of Shel
ton, Wash., "and the doctors could
not help me. I tried Foley's Kidney
("tire, and the very lirst dose gave me
relief and I am now cured. I cannot,
say too much for Foley's Kidney
Cure." It makes the diseased kidneys
sound so they will eliminate the pois
ons from the blood. I'nless they do
this, good health is impossible. F. (J.
Fricke - Co.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned 'takes this method
of returning his most sincere thanks
to the members of the M. W. A. camp
of Mynard for the great assistance
rendered him in gathering his corn
during the deep affliction anrl while
caring for my dear wife who was so
frightfully burner! and since died. I
assure each and every one of these
Neighbors that their kindness will
ever be remembered by me. Bakkkk.
Right You Are.
W I' I , . l. . . . . .1 ,.
i e . j. i ojscijci aus lias appoin tea x.
jC. Morgan of I'lattsmouth, deputy
j county clerk. Mr. Morgan is a popu
'. E. jlarand competent man. and with the
office of clerk in charge of Messrs.
Boseneians and Morgan, those having
business there will receive a cordial
greeting and be attended to in a busi-
ne. ss-i ike
m a n n e r . --- W e i- p i n g Wa t e r
Christmas Cigars.
I'lea-e bear in mind that the ever
popular Wurl Bros. Gut Heil cigars
are packed in a beautiful Christmas
package and can be found on sale at
all the cigar stores and news stands or
where good cigars are sold. Ask for
them, and size box you like.
Farm for Sale.
A farm of 1C0 acres, fairly well im
proved, six miles northwest of Murray.
It will average up with farms generally
in Cass count'. Address or call on
F. W. Kloeim'ino,
Jan. 1. Murray, Neb.