The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 30, 1905, Image 8

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iMMm , .wrs mmmmmimimB
'&0rPmmmm I Crawloy, Tn-a.m-r l.a(ua, Ku,n: riu., ,,l s. Mad-on .4Wt
Pc-ru-na lias a German Baron's Heartiest Endorsement-
nri.n I . M . V.-ndrii lioi r::, ; stret, N. W., Y:! li i n t n , I. '., writes:
.t n l;:ng time, until I came into this climate, I had congratulated my-
self upon t:ai ing a perfectly sound pair of lungs. But I began to have
little cough nr.d annoying cc.'ds that shook my faith in my breathing ap- I his continued two winters until I had lost health and strength
to an alarming degree Peruna cured me and restored my strength. You .
are at liberty to use my heartiest endorsement of Peruna as a medicine
and t-jnic fur colds, coughs and as a tonic. "'-'J. M. Ver.denheim.
......... i
I mod i!- !:: many fr; ml-; and well
P-ru-na H;;s Many Friends.
Mi-- I;-.- M . ;:i:dr. r. !.," Stat--4tr-
' . 1 1 - -1 .- i , ) , :ili-:
"I .M V TV ! M- Willi tho r'-.-ults
c ' i i ' I !' : "i ili.- n - i f 1" riiii.i. A few
! !:! ra U d r. -f. ere (.!d
M' r u-ii:z a I i 1 1 ! - I'
r.t : i : i -n:vi
i r.-l:-.t t
. -id m-:
Ad left
do-erv l." I'leaiior M. (Jardnor.
As Sure as Fate.
There art- .-oir.e things w hie.'i are a
sure a fate, and can I f relieil on to
ocvur to at least I'tie-half of the human
family unless means are taken to
ivr-r: t
. i!i ii.
t L-m . Your i
Mi- Mary Crawley, Trea-urer LaJranc Ku.-mu-. "iu., :ii s
t n 'l T1 III. T .U ( ! rfl tl III trritnr
I frtsr ei-eo one suffering from systemic catarrh will read this letter, r $J$g
i and will profit by it. I was in a v ery had shape indeed when I began to t MIkiiL Mffi
J faAe Pcruna, and my friends, as well as myself, were verv much alarmed J : ' ' -'
t Z7iaZlwtv"tiriXaS ncrvous' s!cp( tad,y' my food 'd!d ri'J no ood i ' Rev. Flory Miicd P.'cascri Willi Peru ria.
. " took three bottles of Pcruna and felt li!:e a new woman, ffowex er. f " " " " "
; did not stop there, and kept on taking it for a while longer and broke off J ' ' Kev. W. Howard l-'l..r ... S. I!r..:i.hv:iv, !.- Anuelcs, "a I., a mini-fer
gradually until I had taken eight bottles. Then I felt completely cured and i I with I,ro,'r'.-.-iv- lln -i!n n. a l.r;;:ieh of the Duuhuid.-, al-o a l-iunr ami
have remained so since. I am gfadto recommend Peruna." 'Mary Crawley. ; ? a had
. . , . ' T
in rvi'orm r 1 1 - -1 ; : 1 1 f - i n eon U'-et i-.n wiiheapital ::ml lahor, write-:
The Destructive Power cf Catarrh.
Catarrh .-iaro r:o orran er function
of the ln.dy. It i eapa! ie of :ir-tro'v-in
;ht,ta.-to, smell, hearing, di-et:oti.
secretion, assimilation and ex- retion
i X.'C -averl, and tens of thousand- f a.- -f
Cl.rf; catarrh prey. nr. ,. t,y tin
;!iiilf prcraution witi.m roaeh of every
I'erur.a is not .-imply a jiailiative to
now sur - t.ii
t ! t ; .See n.
:,:- r.'t promptly clt'ti are
il!-e t;: rr!i .
, fa'.-.rrh impro-wr! v treated, is
1 1 pirvades every part of the humau ' relieve scir.o of the symp
hody, head, throat, stoma' h, t owel-, ! turns. 1 1 i-a permanent and radical cure.
bronchial tubes, lun-s, live.-, ;:::ir.eys,! Thousands of Testiincuials.
Madder and other pelvic omar.-. j We have rn hie many thousand te-
The Curative Powers cf Pe-ru-ca ! ''"''r"1!:ll Jlk here. v-
;,.. i , aJi only ur renders a slilit
1 here is no lact in ir.r: al sc:c::-ei , . i- i
A , ,. , , , , '-rhnp-e of the vast array of unsolicited
better estahhsh-1 than that a tca.-poon- ,..Ki(!. 1:-(,n(rf V(. are rc(.,.ivinir evf.rv
ful of Peruna before ear h n.eai will ah- .j.. other j)!,vsi-ian in the
ohitely protect a per-.n from catehin.T -rrorld has ro-e-ced ei's-h a voiumo of
old. Now, if this is true (and there is enthusiastic letters ot tliLinks as Dr.
"f am very much p'.'zr.cJ with Pcruna, as it cured me of catarrh which t
? had suffered wi:h for many years, and which I thought I oud never he f
i rid of. All tho medicines 1 had taken only relieved me for a i.k.ort time
I and I was pretty discouraged when I began using Pcruna.
T "A few doses convinced nic it was doing me much good, and w hen it
I finally cured me and there was no catarrh left in my system ii .seemed all
i too good. I find that my cure is permanent and I shall yt.ard aaii.s:
another case of catarrh by taking Per una as soon as I contract a cold. " .
Vv. Howard Plory.
re to maK.e l.-ic hort cud miserable. I no doubt of It), thousand-? of lives wcu!J 1 IIav.:nau for Pcruna.
Suffersd Several Years Health Re
stored by Pe-ru-na.
Mrs. i:iiab( tli Keutlc r. ' V.'e. '.
i::t!i -;ret. ;-w York 'i; v. mem'.t r
l.-oan! of I 'liecturs North Z'.u-.i ';.., A-.- '
soeiaticr., writ'-:?: 11
' 1 a i:i Jil d to end'M-e ! "f ; i . 1 1 : l a- a
splendid medicine tr: ci'.arrii and tom- i i
:.ej, t:-..i!-l- l!.
r e '!;; e:; 1-
month- iind a
ioitiid :n ic ;:!
Mi 1 1 : 1 1 I
1 lr
i f..r
.-l :il
t j : i . s
' I !
: ! . :
il : l.d-:
Weeping Water
l"r..::i t:.. C-i.o. !..-::::.
Mis. .1. S. Stevens ii is been. su!lcrinur
.villi an attaeU of riiciiiiiat ism Uic
pastwick. l';t is njipruviMtr now.
lack Pliilpoi. accotnpatiied by his
.'.tie. left lor )!Jaho:i:a Tuesday t
look over the land proposition there.
A. J. Smith h'uded his yniids into
a car Monday and left for Frontier
county where he lias rented a ranch of
N00 acres and will enae in farminir
2nd stock raisin-.'.
Mrs. Jonas Tceyarden came over
from IMattsmoutli Saturday morning
and spent the day with the families of
J. M. and I. W. Teejrarden. leavinir
for lier homeat Hickman thateveniny.
"While ut riding Monday evenint:
Teanette Teeyarden was thrown from
her pony and sustained a slight con
cussion of the brain, beintr unconscious
for about an hour. She was able to
be back in school today (Wednesday.)
.lames Colbert is in receipt of a let
ter from S. J. Cowel, who was sick at
Mr. Colberts home a short time ago,
stating that he had reached his home,
at Central City, South Dakota, and
I had stood the trip very well. Mr.
; Cowel and teore. Hay started from
; here last Tuesday and arrived hometdi
i Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Shanbarker were
the victims of a surprise last Thurs
j day evening, when a number of odd
Fellows and their wives went over to
tender them a farewell reception, be
fore they take their departure for
their new home in Oregon. A royal
trood time is reported.
Don't be Deceived.
Do not be deceived by counterfeits
when you buy Witch Hazel Salve. The
name of E. C. I)eWitt& Co. is on every
box of the genuine. Piles in their
worst form w ill soon pass away if you
will apply De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
night and morning. Uest for Cuts,
Uurns. Hoi Is, Tetter, Eczema, etc.
Miss II. M. Middleton. Thebes, HI.,
says "I was seriously afflicted with a
fever sore that was very painful. De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me in
a few days. Sold by F. 1. Fricke &
Co., Gering & Co.
for chltdrnt mafe, murrn Jfo oplatma
or Tea
A few small biscuits easily made with
Royal Baking Powder. Make them
small as small round as a napkin ring.
Mix and bake just before the meal.
Serve hot.
Nothing better for a light dessert
than these little hot biscuits with butter
and honey, marmalade or jam.
You must use Royal Baking Powder
to get them right.
l'rorr, tl-." I.eader-Kclio.
leoic r.;;e!l i as purchased the un
improved Albert Wal'.inger eighty,
live miles northwest of Elmwood. Con
sideration 7.''vM.
Charlie Peck went down to Fnion
Wednesday. The Modern Woodmen
had a class of sixteen to initiate that
night and the boys wanted Charlie to
come down and help the good work-
E. T. Coiner's team became unman
ageable Monday evening and upset the
wagon, throwing '(Jene to the ground
and bruising an arm quite bad. The
overturned wagon prevented the team
from running very far.
Henry Stanford came near having
one of his legs broken Friday evening
from being kicked by a horse. He
was rendered unconscious by the blow,
but fortunately no bones were broken,
although the flesh was considerably
lascerated. He was standing quite
close to the horse, consequently did
not receive the full force of the kick.
Ernest, the nve-year-old son of Mi
Mrs. Henry Hauscbield, died Monday
evening of last week from rheumatism
of the heart, and was buried on the
following Wednesday at Xorth Branch
cemetery, twelve miles southeast of
of Elmwood. This is the fifth child
Mr. and Mrs. Hauschield have lost in
recent years. Mrs. Hauschield is a
sister of Mrs. Louis W. Hoettger of
this city.
Mr. II. II. S warts and Miss Marie
Hackemeyer were united fn marriage
at six o'clock Sunday evening, Novem
ber l'.i, at the home of the bride's
parents, the Rev. and Mrs. F. Backe-
meyer. i;ev. A. wicnman, pastor or j
the German Evangelical association.
performing the ceremony. The wed- j
ding was a very quiet one. only near :
relatives of the contracting parties'
bei tig present.
:;o Carr.
commenced :
i the- i:e'i-,t. r.
i and George Pittman
ic'iing their corn crop
last Saturday.
-I. L. Smith is the first to report hav-
! mg hnisiied gathering ln corn crop.
He got it all cribbed last Friday.
Charles Crabill and Al Despain of
Plattsmouth spent Sunday with the
former's brother. They have about
completed the new barn for Malcolm
Joseph Malcolm has been a very
sick man during the past week, but he I very severe attack of heart fa-lure
came in last Saturday to vid; ;i fe
d is with her brother. I 'rank harsh
and family, nort hea-.t of this village.
Ernes! h'oyle and wife of J latts
moi.t h. came last Saturday to make a
few days with their relatives.
Mrs. Mihy Curtiss and Frank Cui tiss
and family, near this village.
J. W. C'ogdill has bought from James
Talkington lot 1" in block lo I
second addition, known as the Chas.
Peck property. Mr. Cogdill has
bought good property, and will move
his family to tuvvn in the near future.
Mrs. C. L. Graves had a sudden and
Strength to Weak Men
, "Sow it
Rnci Nerve Force and Enemy.
T'i'n wnrl'l it-lrnir- m.-ii whar- Mr.iri in f.tiT'-lr-ftl,
ni':itu I iiiul imt ; I ir' ; m.-fi ti u in li : j. .n, rifr-y h ti'l
j...r.iul iiiuiii'tiMii ; tli' lru' I v .- ..I . rl.wt rmtriii'MH,
'i ultuin OiIm Om Ijr-t r'-'l'illtw in t'Hl. Iiealtljy
ynil S ! Ncrici. whi'-h t-i v.- nir-Ji'-iiy Sur in II l:
KtrrLK d n t . Tl (jU l, iriiiK.'H bironl. Mim nerves.
Ci.r. H Nervou Debility. Failing Memory. Vital VXcak
ncil. Prostration. Sleeplessness ami ..Oicr I run hleniiut,
to ov-r work, worry, mm ok uitr. r vIi-Iomh tallt.
Mitk-. rl'-h. Iii'ulliiv IiIo.hI ami r-jn,!rM v.att'd iitv-..
iiitl!y ifooil for woini-ri. Ilookli-t fri-f.
l'ri'M t l .mi h l.o t. Si f or f ' (Hi. (of pu 11, vlth a KTlar.
aiil--1 o r.-T ii nl . I f liol -ii r-l i it hHiii'iii.-il .
Man's Unreasonableness.
is often as great a- woman's. But I
T. S. Anstin, mgr. of the Republican I
of Leavenworth, lnd . was not un-
reasonable, when he refused to allow j
the doctors to operate on his wife for j
female trouble, Instead," he says,
we concluded to try Electric Bitters. '
My wife was then so sick, she could
hardly leave her bed, and five pbysici- i
ans had failed to relieve her. After j
n 1 -: . - 1.1 nit r ' Tlllfflrs -1 1 r ojqc run. I
fectly cured, and can dow perform all
her household duties." Guaranteed
by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, price
50 cents.
commenced improving Monday, and
at this writing is some better, but is
yet a very sick man. II is recovery is
assured but it will take time.
Misses Chloey and Isabel Tanner of
Weeping Water husked and cribbed
ll." bushels of corn Monday, the 12th
inst. Can any other two girls in Cass
county or any other county in this,
or any other state beat that? We wa
ger peanuts no other two can. They
may not be adepts on the piano, but
they do know how to work, and that
is more to their credit than being a
parlor attraction.
At the watch contest that was held
last Saturday evening Ferry Neal held
the lucky number for the gold ticker,
but after handling the beauty tor
about a second, sold it to Mr. David
son for a six dollar bill. The writer
has promised his girl a gold watch and
has purchased enough numbers to
let him close enough to bear it tick,
then Perry got his work in, and said
his girl was fiom Missouri. Ourgirlis
prostrated over the thought that
without a "time piece" s.he may get
old without knowing it awful.
No Case of Pneumonia on Record.
We do not know of a single instance
where a cough or cold resulted in
pneumonia or consumption when Fo
ley's Honey and Tar had been taken.
1 . .-1. - ,1 l ,1 c t
j l cures cuugns aim cuius reneci iv. so i ..
.... ... " Catarrh Cure
uo ijol LUKf ciiunces wiin some un
known preparation which may contain
nnintps which ennse const t nn t inn. rt i
condition that retards recovery from a
cold. Ask for Foley's Honev and Tar !
and refuse any substitute oll'ered. F. ,
( i. Fricke & Co.
For Sale bv (jcriti'r it Co.
about '2 o'clock Wednesday morning
and for some time was in a very pecar
ious condition. The prompt attention
of physicians and assistance of kind
neighbors succeeded in reviving her
and s-he is now setting along very well.
Charles Frans returned last Satur
day to Omaha, where he is having his
eyes treated by Dr. GifTord, the spec
ialist. Mr. Frans is having a serious
time with his eyes, one being affected
by ulcer and the other by granulation,
but he hopes to have them entirely
cured by the treatment of Dr. GifTord.
Mrs. W. L. Taylor has been very ill
for some time, and Wednesday morn
ing Mr. Taylor took her to Omaha
with a view of having the hospital
surgeon. Dr. Allison, perform an oper
ation for appendicitis. It was finally
decided that her weak condition made
an operation inadvisable at that time
and that she might avoid an operation
and get along better by returning
home for care and treatment.
From the Ledger.
Mrs. Margaret Applegate made a
visit Tuesday and Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Spader in Rock
Bluffs precinct.
Mrs. S. L. Kellogg of Tercival, Iowa,
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is senior partner of the lirm of F.
J . Cheney A: Co.. doing business in the
City of Toledo. County and State afore-
i said, and that said firm will pay the
jsumofoNi: Iir.VDKED DOLLARS
for each and every case i.njatarrh that
j cannot be cured bv the use of Hail's
I'u.wk .1. Chi-:m;v.
Sworn to befoie me and subscribed
in my presence. thi 'it h 'lav of Decem-
A. W. Gli; o.
Notary Public.
j IlallV. Catarrh Cure is take intern
i ally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. Chkxev & Co.. Toledo, ( .
Sold by all Druggists, 7.x:.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia
Kcr.rmtL, Pkln-oari'-er. nnil all iiainful ifch
injf skin di-eah"t treaol by th, iiiot cer
tain method. Moe. Birthmark uwi far-:al
blemishes rsmowl by elvtricjty. blood
poison in all atajfen. All privat ami rimUr
nrinarr all or add lH. ANOI.K,
Specialist Skin. Blood and (lnito-I 'rinarr
Diseases ItflSO Street. Lincoln. Nebraska.
HameSS Best Made.
Cailfornia Oak Leather
No. 1 Trimmings.
First Class Workmen.
Look for trade mark
Ask Your Dealer
C. Reynolds'iii C . Knir m-J..
-;. y i Cyiiecolorjy
. - c ;- ur.::!n. Keb.
For a dear complexion take
j her, A.
Laxative FruitSyrup
Pleasant to take
ORINO cleanses the system, and
makes sallow blotched complex
ions smooth and clear. Cures
chronic constipation by gently
stimulating the stomach, liver
and bowels. Refuse substitutes.