The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 30, 1905, Image 7

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    i I
Notice of Final Report
. f i m ii t f r A i: i I
Nil f 1 1 : 1 1
" in. is.-tl.
I ii t In ii ii i y
'I Ni'l.r:isl.:i.
'I'lif Malriif Ni iir i U ;i ;i ; I pri tis I n-
I.Tl'slfil I ll .ini I 1 1 . In mill..- f I I tin-
:ilrnliil-l r.itor i ri' II . 1 1 mm.'. Ii is f i - J
i iliiitl ;n-'iiiiil :iml r. t f In-, .idiiiiiji-i r:i
Imn mi'l :i (Million f..r mi I It-mt ni iiinl
iln-liiir- ;is siii'Ii. itlit.-li has t - s-i for
iii4rlii iM-forc t.ilil -turt n I in im I'.th.
I'i. al "in1 ip.-'-k . ru . hIh ii yiti n.iiy ap-i-tkr
iiml ..m.-st tlif i-
ltL-l .Nmi inlii-r Mli. I'ki.V
(heai.) IIAKVKV i. tkavi-.
!.. Iiwttic. Cuiirity -t lf-.
Attorney. J
Bank of Cass County
nf I'ial tsinoil! ll.
Charter No
X In aka.
U n n n
Legal Notice.
To I Wlii-: Ym will t;tU.- noij.-i- ili;it
oil tin; S.lti il.iv of .Novt-miNT. I'.m.i. AiMn-
XVhitr. ibiinl IrT. rll.-il litr -tltlii tn tli lls
I rlrt iirt of C;tss ihiiiI y. .N -liraska. against
you: tlif oliii'.-i aixl iravr of whl.'li iM-iiti.m
art; to ol.lalli :t llor - on tin- ltiiumiN of
a,liilu-ry. iiml t lia t-. ii ?ii. a sulnli vision of I nil: v itluul
I'll 4 In s-.M Ion l. lownsl.ip Ii ii. r ill of raiii'f i I'lni'k . . .
14. in Cass I'oinily. .N.-l.r.isU. il.-i-ri-.-il to In- 1 l. ni:uil - ri ilirati s of l. mmI .
in irotTt y or pit I in i ir a nil i in- i ii ! i iifi io . um- r' ilM'.it. s if liosii .
1 1 !'.! jh r.i 1 1 il in ' In- St ale of Nilirasl.a. al the
i'HW of li.WIM'ss .V lH-llllMT '.'ill. I'.mj.
Ill sol hi i s:
Loans ami I ls.-o.mts i ''."7 f7
v-rilraf I s. sn'iirt'il ami uiiviui !
ilh-r a.sst-is M.'l 'i-i
IS.mkliitf liousi' f urmt uri- nil ti-
turi'H K 500 (w
ntliiT rval i stan; I!'- wi
Curri-nt-.p iis" und ta s paid . . 4 '' m
Othh Items 15 41
J Hn' from national, statf and pri
vate lianks and lmnk rs 5;i; 4i
Total Cash on Maud I'i Ml 4i
l.i a hi i.i I us:
Capital stoi'U paid in..
Surpl us fund
I "ndivid-il prolits
ili-posiis siilijirt
i -t I ftil'i'V !' a.'a I list vuii.
V'ou a ri r-i ii i I 'ii to :i lis r sa i'l i.t it ! hi oi i
r iM-foii. tin- sin il.iy of .lanuiry. I'm., or
nil-m. -ill of ill v .1 ! a ii-l ipiMI in;; t Ii'- tiln of ri-.i I -si a n- w .: iiiiiriil in favor i.f
ml ii. i .in I IV :i .r .: , .1 f 't in li r n t l ' l m.
I .i ' ! I.lii - i 'i I i , N. .v tiil. i . ! i .
I.p; 1 ii. i i
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I I ' i iiii. " : ri-
I in- to si a I e ami private lia n ks a ml
. urj T!i4 till
f :o MM (10
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Lcgcl Notice.
, . .1 a ml i Ii . f 'i l v. l! .
I Ii -:ist ;:: of .No ; .!-r.
i : lit i !l. Ii nil a Mir .-.r in
Ti I'l M
s i n. i ir N khii .
ass County ,
I. T. M. I'.it t ersi ni. C.isiiier of 1 1 1 - abnej
nai'ieil li.tuk. soiernnly swear I In.'
a i , i - i a t - ri ' 1 1 r is ' n reit nd a t rue ropy of ;
t tn- rep ill f id' : i t In- Stale 1 la n I. ' ! hoard. !
! . M . I'vni iim n. i
At: i - I : a-lm-r ',
.1 .. 1.:. l.i .
'II s. '. I" i: v I I .
Sii t i.-fi .! ii-i or-1 1 t I f. it inr t p i- .'t j
i IV "f .NiUi lull. I. Hil.i. I.. K. II ssr.
HI. Not a ry full! '
My i:n t.iisvi. ,i; e pi ' es i ii-t . i: ',. I
One Number Has Ten Chances
Better Late that Never! If you don't win yourself, per
haps your best friend will. If you don't win it will
be an honor to be in such a great contest
If you have any
thing to sell
come ami ec us
fie il 1st r !' : i'i it 1 1 1 ..f lass fount v. N l-i ask.i.
i'atnst vouami Wil'i iia U .nleel a'. I In-
ft, ami nr. i vi r "' '.tlinh in t it ! .n ate to f- .1 e-
Uoi- a rlaiu u ort ja ileeil of il iti- Ma y j
I'rj. iriv in to se en re a noi of saiil il.tte i' ii j
inllTesf at t lie rate of '. p. r 'Till. Ull iol i j - - j
ill liloek s lii t lie v i! ..f'le in said lass: . ;
oiiniyand fort lie sa f said pr. r.y lo Je QaV Of All DaVS WlJiCh IS ObSeTVSd t
satisfy sa nl nun I.. tf.
Von and eaeli ol von are n iuir d to aiisiver n t n . TI...!,.,.:,,:.. i
s.t..t,Htiti..noorlH'f..retl,e 1st. .layof.lan- ?MiU iS t Uii 01 Til a f) KSgl V I Rg: .
. ... ..l.-.i i .. r . . . . .f .i : i.i i ir -i t ..-.j i' t-it f.,f i n I
ml l t it ion.
Hated iliis Ist day if NoveinlN-r. I'.m.'i.
C 1. ltl:W.. I'i.iit.lilV.
I in. 1 1 v:it. Attorney I :-'.':;
Legal Notice.
It Antedates By Far Both Easter and
:.t 1 1
: s in k i uiM i i in it r nr t .
m iiii isk a :
i:e est at of August lla
irerst ri rr. il'feasil.
To all persons Interest eil ill tlie evtali
.'..l'I-l 1 1 .ICerst rolll. tlefeaseil.
You are liereliv nottlieil that mum tlie I
:.iy nf Niivfinln r. A. 1 1. Itm.'i. "li.n les A. Ila
.rst rot. i Ii lei I his pet it ion in tliis-'nurt. a i i
us lliat Aii-Ttist 1 1 aiTiist roni iii-patteil this
! ; fe int est at e i n I he f on nt V of C iss. Neiiraska.
I... 'l.i .1 'v.f An -no V il I'l '. anil
ft sur i in,' liliii his father, diaries A. 1 1 a- slia.1 1 k'lH'P
-erst r. .in. as his s. :e heir at, law. mat He leu
arson, il nr. inert v of the value of f.'.iO: ami
r.rayniu- that, letters of rat ion i hast SOWN 1 11 t V tiold: and tllf fi'ast Ot
.-ranted to W . W . C.-.ites as a stiitatile audi. . , ...
-.imiH ti nt per-on f. .r l he aUtiiinisirat u ! said j ingathering. WlllCM IS III the Clld Ot tllC
'"vo.V'ar. -I., t. I.y not ilie.i t hat a l,ear,.- uill , '-'iU'. Wlieil tlloll liast itllOied ill tliy
i.a.i up..ii sai.i pennon at t he .'...nit y .o irt ;ii,rs (Hit of the Held." The observ-
roilll ill the "tty oi I'l.ll IsIlloll n. iiHil'iy oi l ... . i
ass Nei.rask a. on t he .,i ii ii ty ..f i le.-eiuher. j .'nice d this I cast ot Harvest lias,
:tiV,:';,:':.':;;;:;;;;'i,;:i ,';:,;,:M;t';:l;:: ; never intermitted am-
'4-shown why the prayer. r sail t-. 1 1 1 ion i .. s I fs; sni rit. lias morenver. been
rci.'i inied in a!! aires of tlie Christian i
Today is the date of our annual
religious festivals. The orison anti
dates by far lioth Kaster and Christ
mas. Its origin runs back to the days
of the Israelites in the wilderness
when the I i vineeoinmand was: "Thou
the feast of harvest,
the tirst-fruits of thy labors, which
We Pay Good
Prices for Every
thing we Buy.
We want-
Butter and Eggs
Veal Calves,
Turkeys, Ducks
and Geese.
The Palace Market u
r'v; LORENZ BROS., Props. i':t:;::t
Groceries, Provisions, Meats,
Flour and Feed
The sooner you begin, the better show to win
A Good Thing!
CKristmaLS Prizes
Not like the Piano Contest. Everyone has a chance to win for himself
First I'rie Christmas lleef, Hind Quarter
Second l'ri.e Christmas lieet, J'ore uai ter
Third Prize Christmas Spring Lamb
Fourth Prize Christmas Nucklinir Pitf
Fifth Prize Christmas Lamb. Crown Poast
Sixth l'ri.e Christinas Turkey
Seventh Prize Christmas Coose
Kitfhth Prize Christmas Larded Peef Tenderloin
Ninth Prize Christmas Mutton huck
Teuth l'rize Cliristmas Sprinu I nick
All will be displayed in our window on
No Humbug! The Real Thing! One Coupon with every 25c Purchase!
Every Ten Coupons Entities Holder to One Draw Number.
Contest Opens Oct. 7, 1905; Closes Dec. 26, 1905.
t ITIll
Il YOU YV.'lMt lo
liuv an v tiling,
idiin- in : w will
tr- to ', a-- '.on
Our Home-Made
Sausages Can't
Be Surpassed in
the Country -:-
They Have
No Equal!
f Ill in .1 In' -rr.'ii!ie.J. :ni'l :iT '. lii.'l. t ; rue -ueh
- tili-r- uli! I it i - ii i .' :'ei I I -.'i i 1 " 1 1 f T rt:i y
- ei:i ju-i :!! i:'"p. i:i ilii- .rei.i:-.---
1 1 lie--, i i.y ! i : : i' i :iinl I In :il i.f t In' 'int
n'lr: .if I'i-mmihi'v. Ni ' n :i-l..i. 'h.-. ! i'Ii .1 i.v
I V..
! ' I'i
. v i i !
c!i!iivh. in Harvest Festixais and j
au'umnal Than'ioi vi n days. In tin?!
Church "f Lnu'ia nd these flays have,
always had .minence. Mven now ;
t!ii- I t lt 1 is!; ivIiiM'nis papers arc li!!ed !
' It !i ski'Ii-he !' Harvest hI'S'TVuhit-i ,
:ri cl.-achrs : van-r.s il-no.ainat i'.r.s.
"I": i : i U : '. i ; ; day has he-t: s;,.i:--t ! :::es
- e;i !" ; : r : ;-. co'iiit r.v. pi ru : iai i
' ' ii 1
. . r. i
. . i vv i . . ! i
, .t.,-r : v i.v
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! ,n I-
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: i !l
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nary war.
ii I aa vi-1
Ws the Biggest and Best Deal Ever Offered
in Plattsmouth. Everybody in and out of the city ought to be interested. No doubt
you will need lots of goods for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we have the
goods to supply you. DECESV5SER 26th will decide the fate of the Great Contest
Watch for the Result. It will bo Announced in the Newspapers
If you settle your accounts before the contest closes, you have tlie privilege of
getting chances in tlie contest. Not the ones with the most numbers win but
ones with tlie lucky numbers.
: i.'.r,. tins :.-
... i
j'e.) i : -
'iv!nr as ear! v
vxas d.'-si::i:i.i
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a p g
Fial'tSLiCL-f!-'. r;8!:.
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1 1, ii. I w 1 I It. At :
.;..'li ..lie
1 S. i I I. HIT.
I V 11. I'T X
:,'... I'l
i. I-..:
Legal Notice.
i 1 IIM V.
IN Til I' I i il" NT V I'.H'II T I.F I A
N l llK.Ok t.
Ill re e-la'e of Aini.i:tli I. '
l;i.'li;irij-.. dft-i-uMtl. i
Th!I 1MTiii iiitiTevti-il in tlie et;ite nf
Atniiuli I, Uii'liards. deeeii-eil :
Vim are liere'.y imtilieil that the final :n-
.ourit and M-titnii for tinal settlement and
ftr tlei-ree of cli-trilnition. haf iH'en liie.i in
tny olTii e iy the adniinistrator. anil that a
harini; w ill lit-liaii l hereon at iny oftiet- in
the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. iimhi tht
Uth day of 1 H-eeinlier. A. I. IflKi. at 10 (A-hH-k
-.1. in., anil nil ol je.'t lin. thereto must Im.- tileil
tforf saiil hour: anil that at said time the
avounts will lie fully ami finally settled, and
the deeree of distribution made to the ler
sorii. in su.-h parts and paroeis. as shall then
tm found to have succeeded to said estate;
and that w ithin said petition it is alleged that
Isttbelle Anderson, lnulana Shively. Naney
Sowl. Julin F. Ki.-hards. .lehu Iliohards and
XVillis Ki.-hards are the only heirs entitled to
share therein. IIAKVKV l. TKAV1S.
s:ai.) County Judge.
;' t he :
: 'i' it est an? Kpiseopal ehuieli nt' the!
i'nited States as ratitied in lT-.i. it is;
i vo nmnen.Ied t !iat the lirst Thursday
i:i November Or. if any other day be;
appointed by the civil authority, then j
such day ) shall be observed as a day ot
Thanksgiving to Almighty God forthe
fruits of the earth, and other bless
ings of His merciful providence."
And tliis festival is as seemly and as
reasonable as it is venerable.
Son Lost Mother.
'"Consumption runs in our family,
and through it 1 lost ray mother,"
writes E. 15. Reid, of Harmony, Mo.
"For tlie past live years, however, on
the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold,
I have taken Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, which has
saved me from serious lung trouble."
His mother's death was a sad loss for
Mr. Keid, but he learned that lung
trouble must not be neglected, and
hoxv to cure it. Quickest relief and
cure for coughs and colds, rrice 50c
and $1.00: guaranteed at F. G. Fricke
& Co. 's drug store. Trial bottle free.
"Uncle Josh" Is Coming.
The attraction at the Tarmele on
j Friday December 1, l'.or, will be the
; ever reliable "I'ncle Josh Perkins,"
! undoubtedly the most successful rural
comedy drama that has been produced
in years. It serves a distinct and
highly commendable purpose, for it
teaches in tlie cleverest and most
entertaining xvay imaginable and in a
thoroughly up to date manner the
trurh f tlie old saying, that "love will
!ind a way.'' The chief interest in the
I'mui the Courier.
Kmery Steele has erected a neat
dwelling on his property near the riv
er bridge.
A. .1. Spooner has resigned his posi
tion as foreman with the National
Stone company.
John Sjogren has betn ill with the
lung fever for several weeks and is
still unable to leave his bed.
J. W. Dunn is building an addition
to his livery barn on Main street to be
used as a carriage house.
Mrs. J. D. Ferguson was called to
Lincoln Saturday on account of the
illness of her daughter, Mrs. Frank
C. W. Spence is erecting a new barn.
Mr. Spence says he tried for six weeks
to get a carpenter to do the work and
at last tackled the job himself.
A great many of the farmers in this
vicinity have finished gathering corn
and a day or two will find about all
of the corn in the crib.
C. K. Xoyes was at Omaha Friday
where he went to accompany his
mother to have her eyes examined by
Dr. GilTord. For some time Mrs.
Xoyes' eyesight has been failing and
she is noxv unable to recognize anyone
across the room.
About a hundred men and boys were
entertained on the bottom near the
! Hi'H'in Conn spent Saturday in
I I S . -Ill'
x a i .s
vx;.v t i ct on pi'iisioii ri
I a i c ail ox i'i .
sneeial c.rresoon.ien.-e. j lion. . H. Hand was a passenger t o ' i;,.t.ailv, ,t is sueh an easvxxav to
Mis W. II. Meeker are visiting her ; Omaha Saturday. i make a lixing. Sir, three hours every
daughter in Kansas City this week. Mrs. W. J. Kelley and children visit, i morning ;ind hold a little book and
W. E. Hand was a Lincoln visitor : ed her parents in Denton Saturday ask ,Uestions. I o the same t hing for
Wednesday of last xveek.
3 Our
at S3. 25
is xvell named. Study 'he
name, see t he siu)-'. 'Ti-
1. (.alt' bluclier. extra
heavy si lies, im tacks or
nails on inside. Txvn
good outer soles to heels
makes an ideal shoe for
sloppy xvcather. Have a
similar pne at S3.00
piece centers in the love "f Cncle Josh j Turlington depot Sunday afternoon by
; for his young daughter Nan. The I a broncho-busting exhibition. Henry
'entire cast of I'ticie Josh Perkins" ; I'ettit xvas the hero of the hour and
I has been selected from anvngthe best j demonstrated his ability as a rider by
known, most xvidely experienced and ! successfully riding one of the xvildest
must enscient ions actors and actresses bronchos that ever came over the pike.
of the American stage. The piece is j 1, xvas an exhibition worth seeing.
. most elaborately staged, and equipped j
: with beautilul scenery. 1 he engage-i
I ment is for one night only.
Sherwood & Son
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Nature Needs But Little.
1. F. Cofrin left Thursday of last
xveek for Washington, D. C. to join
his xvife, xvho xvent about a month
ago. They expect to make Washing
ton their future home.
Dr. F. B. iSlu-sser returned last Wed
nesday evening from Minden, Neb.,
where he has been on account of the
illness of his wife.
N. II. Meeker was a passenger to
Lincoln last Wednesday.
W. E. Hand and wife and xvife spent
last Thursday in Omaha.
Jas. Burks went to Lincoln for the
day last Thursday.
W. J. Laughlin of Ashland spent a
couple of days with his daughter here
last week.
The Burlington will issue a new
time card, effective Dec. o, on xvhich
No. will arrive here about 'M minutes
earlier than on the old card.
Esther and Mable Kelly were on the
sick list last xveek on account of hav
ing the chicken-pox.
A. I). Welton xvas transacting busi
ness in Plattsmouth last Friday.
Thomas Leaver spent lat Friday in
anu .-sunoay. ; three hours in the afternoon. Then
Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Ballings and : jllst have a good time for the remain
daughter, Gladys, of Lincoln who have I irnf eighteen hours. Nothing to do on
been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. J Saturdays or Sundays and a rest of
D. Kern for the past ,ew days, return-! four months and more every year dur-
Mrs. Kern accom
I). Meeker.
ed home Tuesday
panied them.
Born to Mr. and Mrs
Saturday, October 2., a nexv nine
and a half pound boy. All concerned
are doing nicely.
ing the hot weather.
Because I need the money.
But Few Are Free.
But few people are entirely free from
indigestion at this season of the year.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not only the
best remedy to use because it digests
what you eat but because it also
enables the digestive apparatus to
assimilate and transform all foods into
tissue-building blood. Kodol relieves
sour stomach, heart burn, belching.
and makes you feel bright and active, 'and all forms of Indigestion. Sold by
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not ! F. G. Fricke & Co., Gering & Co.
nauseate or gripe, and is mild and very
pleasant to take. Orino is more effec-! lr. Marshall, Dentist, guaranteed
tive than pills or ordinary cathartics.
Refuse substitutes. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Sluggish Liver a Foe to Ambition.
You cannot accomplish very much if
your liver is inactive, as you feel dull,
your eyes are heavy and slight exertion
exhausts you. Orino Laxatix-e I-ruit
.Syrup stimulates the liver and boxvels
Reasons for Teaching.
At the recent teachers' meeting in
one of the xvestern counties of Ne
braska, each teacher xvas called on to
answer the question. '-Why am 1 a
Teacher?' and here are some ol the
replies, xvhich the Journal prints lor
i the benefit of Cass county teachers:
J. II. Dairs. night operator at this: i;ecause I thought I might do more
place has been transferred to Have- t-,ian i)V being a preacher. It
lock as day operator. He xvas relieved j was a c;l0ice between those two nro
here by Mr. : fusions.
Ralph and John Coleman xxereAsh-j Because I wanted to be respected,
land visitors Friday. Teachers are all respected by children.
Olin Gullion. of Oakland. Cal.. xvas i Had nothing else I could do. s I
called here on account of the illness of tried teaching and like it.
his grandmother. He arrived Friday, I am a teacher because I like poxver.
Nature needs only a Little Early
Riser noxv and then to keep the bowels
clean, the liver active, and the system
free from bile, headaches, constipa
tion, etc. The famous little pills
"Early Risers" are pleasant in effect
and perfect in action. They never
gripe or sicken, but tone and strength
en the liver and kidneys. Sold by F.
G. Fricke & Co., Gering & Co.
Bob Barr returned from Ilavelock
Thursday where he has been doing
some line work for the Plattsmouth
Telephone Co.
Among the passengers to Lincoln
Saturday were Mrs. Ed Hartsook. Mrs.
T. F. Bethel, Mrs. Stiles, V. D. Conn.
Hazel Devoe, Mrs. Carr and two daugh
ters, L. n Daft and Mrs. A. D. Welton.
I still long for more poxxer. My am
bition in that iine is not yet satisfied.
Because I could make better wages
than by working out as a hired girl.
Because my friends and relatives
said I would make an ideal teacher
and old maid.
Because it runs in the family and I
love children.
Because I think Carnegie will pen
sion wornout school teachers. Only
We know what all good doc
tors think of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Ask your own doc
tor and find our. He will tell
you how it quiets the tickling
throat, heals the inflamed
lungs, and controls the
hardest of coughs.
'" Ajer'n C'lierrr IVctorml U well known in
'our family. We think it i the Iwit medicine
4u tbe world for coughs ami ooId."
Katie I-etebson, 1'etalurua, al.
I., .We., f l.w.' .i.r.iriRi"..
All flrntfifi.t..
ll. Mm
Hard Coughs
One of Aer's Pills at bedtime will
hasten recovery. Cently laxative.