V Murray Department .1. M. T NK. Pi;j.-ii.i:vi. 1 1 A -. PA M M I.I.I. V (."llAs. . M N 1.. t -m:i.i. 9 Murray State Bank Alurraj . NcbrasKa. pmlpamlp in tiik intkuksts i tiik plopli: of mpkmay am vicinity ii'!-:ci.L!.y mi: tiii: joi knal i::;apkm I r : i 1 1 ; i ' t n t.tii f ,i ; KiriK.;i,' Ku i i : t ,is :iml sell- l. . in :i t :i i n hi n i . .Mi m - V I ; t m I i i i ' h.i I 1 1 -, rn t I '. 1 1 ii ii i of tin i i ml, ,s i'f I In . h hi i ii ill !. it' in i i' ii . i a-', .1 i i , i :i' i i r ii , i ill iii ii' iiiticttt i ,i fit !. I'fi n i ii nil "il i inn il hii' tn tins ''''''' ' n'li np,,in-' I'mhr tln. i.i ml i it' I . Hi. irilnt nil ill ins nt inh its'. - Avi .' in . i '. IIcv. Mitchie is putting i.p :i new wind mill. Mrs. M. '-. Churchill went t o Omaha Monday evening. P.M. Lloyd and wife were county seat visitors Monday. Miss Kosa Wood lias heen ipiite sick for the past few days. rate Pa vis was an hnaha visitor last Saturday evening. i t i t.,.....,i hi. VI . It. IUN IliniH UI IMIIUI1HM "HI! .he sick for a few .lays. I imi Lil& AUUienue dllQ IIIB UUUdi.UH Misscuviic itoM wasa riattsmouth One of Pleasure. visitor last. Friday evening. Wednesday at the High school a L. Musterholt . and wile were in j food sized crowd enjoyed the rhetori l'iattsinouth last. Saturday. . caU. The delate which was the prin- Pate Kavis shipped one carol- Ik.-.', t.. South Omal.a last 1'riday. 1 il. .1 i i -i ! I vv ri s. :i I k i i r o i;toi i!i the co'Mity .vat last S:itui i ; v. i. II. Maimers, of Weeping Water. v.. hi ..lurray list Saturday an I Mm - I . ( '. Khoden lias been havinu n:ite a busy time in the livery ham the past Howard Craves and wile came down from Mynard Sunday for a short visit w ith home folks. r. M. Manners and Miss Marie l!er uer were Plattsniouth visitors last Saturday evening. The Holmes & Smith stores Mur ray or Mynard will pay cents per doen for fresh et-'t-'s. Miss Margie Walker, who is attend ing normal at Peiu. will spend Thanksgiving at liome. Miss Carrie Allison spent last Satur day and Sunday with the family of W. K. Fox in Plattsmouth. Hr. Ii. R Itrendel made a business trip to Omaha and Lincoln yesterday, returning home on the late train. lKvit;I)t Kecd. of Lincoln, represent ing the Hankers' Life association, has heen working in Murray this week. The Holmes Smith stores Mur ray or Mynard will pay i'o cents per pound for jjood fresh country butler. Mrs. Mont Kobh returned from Wyoming Tuesday eveniim where she had been down on the farm visiting her 1 -loseph Shrader shipped in two car lo ids of tine cattle Tuesday afternoon that will be placed on feed for the w inter The farmers are nrettv busv in the Is these davs. AH" bands a.e try- ctuwt their com out before the ,-rsnow. L l. Carroll, of the tbVowao I ::u i-.- works, is inttiii' ii! : line :ii''tiu- ::.:, f..rthe P: I ma:: est :. t - in l-,- MtJ ! .e.is.iii cemetery. T. .1. M!i"tK'n. wii.'i has Iv. :i u!ver with a sever" attack of -viatic : : .-. t: ::;a; .-in :ori.:e p:;-: ti;rie weeks ltKS' ! j i- .!... !- inii r'ivi: '. Mi 1 Helen Wiic-x. wlio has been isitw-.L.' at t lie b' aie of her aunt. Mrs. Het'.l'V It' V.'J. (il'i'-nt f( 1 i:e-f;av tor 1 - 1 - - ' 1 :io::;e i;i r:enanf:oa!i. Jr.'.i!i'.'S smith will pay "" cnts p v pound for L'oorl butter and "J". cents p. r dozen for iio Iresh e'-'s-'s, in trade. K'-:s must be fresh, not l acked. II i'.:nes& Smith are doimr a land o--e business in the poultry line this , week, but the popular fhanks-i vin- . i-ird seems to be "sorter" scarce flood fresh es -c per doen Mutter 2 cents per jiuund. in trade. ; delivered at th? store of Holmes Smith, either Murrav nr Mvnard. .1. A sell w as a passenger for Platts mouth Tuesday evening, iroin from there to Omaha, havinir some of his cieice work t deliver in both places. Several new members are being taken into the M. W. A. lodre at this place. A deputy has been in town for several days and seems to lie doinn tr jud work. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, residing west of town, are rejoicing this week over the arrival f a 11 pound boy at their home Tuesday morning. Motli rtr.liier and the littie one are d"in"; cicely and Tom is the happiest man in precmct. P.... C. H.-.M mi.' t'i -i-.i' rf.fr .it di.n t ' with a congestive chill l;.st Saturday ' . . . ' i ..fir..-,,... ,,i fi.r s. imp t 1 r-e w as l n a , ' ii..-. - ...... , v.o-v serious condition. Pr. Cook was . ca'.Ied in consultation with Pis. P.reti-1'1, del X Mrendel. and at this time he is -.. . ly improvin'. b:it isii"t considered out of danger. Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Stone. Mrs. P. C. West and daughter. ;iadys. of Ne I.awka. Mrs. K. A. Hill and daughter, Addie, and Miss Kmma Wolf, of Peters burg. Carl Stone, wife and daughter, i f Ncliawka, Cbas. Stone and Leslie Hall spent last Sunday at tlie home of M. M. Stone and family south of this burg. J. IL IFostetter an 1 sop, Claude, Plattsmouth last Saturday ! were in m:i-K ilr, ,;iril, i,,i.s b r the hoy to i return to Sioux City. to which place lie departed Sunday morning, to i take up his study of ii.u-.ic. 'J'he lad j bas almost recovered from his attack of appendicitis, and the many friends sincerely hope he may never experience the second siege. EXERCISES AT HIGH SCHOOL . I 1 .. J I , ril,:i1 Icatureof the pro-ram was very j ii.st ri:el i ve as well as ontcrtainiri?. joe ioi:r cieoaiers acMUiut-ii iiiem- ;se:es ery ci uu i aui aiei , oe niuyes. Mt-r. Tldd. WilidliUlii atid Salisbury. .Willi more l ll.-M OKIlliai (llllll). oe- . tiat ti. aninnative had .me and j ,.., ,lnl!) p,,im.s j,, excess of the i negative. The program closed w illi a talk from Hon. l. P.. Windham in which was detailed in a very interest ing marine;' the benetit and help the public library is to our schools and the public in Keneial. All others who took part did exceptionally well. The pro-am as arranged and presented was as follows: Ueadiii': Eva Jones Instrumental Solo . Marie Mookmeyer Debate ""IJesolved. That the study of history is more valuable than liht literature." Allirmative I'red Iuwsoti and Will Noxen. Negative Kirk Mates and Charles Ma pes. Mediation Vesta iKniylass Vocal Solo Miiford Mates Talk M. M. Windham The Plattsmouth schools closed this afternoon until next Monday morning. Miss May me Lacey and Miss Annet.ta Woods will spend Thanksgiving in Weepinir Water. Miss Luna Towle in Wabasll. Miss Kmma Lnyle will he' entertaitied by Miss Matthews in Au burn. Miss Llcaimr Wirt in Council M! nil's. Miss Oiive (lass in ('lenwood, la.. Mi.-s Amelia Martens in Nebraska Citv. Miss : race Montiromerv in Lin-! , . . i - i- i coin. Miss Anna Heisel in Lincoln Mi-.: ".. rr. W'hi.l i .1 AcM'il.rl . 'Al.. ..11. -1.IVI III Al. .1.1. "- n ., . . rfQll road MOteS. 1 A special from Omaha sas that on htceinber 1. .1. Kussell. superintend - ent of the Omaha-Katisas Cit v division cd tl.e Mi.-souii Pacilic railroad, tc- Uether with the office of chief enuirieer i .,. , ... , . , . . w:,l he removed irom Atchison to ma!.a. ( ,!"a,':i 'orM-Il et aid : Superint ent Mussell's territory is from to Kansas City. 1 1 is sa i.i the Missouri t Paciile w ill in tlie next year or two l.niid a number of short, feeders in ' Nei-.a-ka. and it is anticipated that:1'";1 '" ,,v''' t.'ic business will tie L'lvatly increased. ; tlte c.mimmil ..; I.iei.t, ii.-mt Without inc'.uditi'.' the Murlinton s . 1 .t. ,i ... ..u 1 ..1--. .... ! j'H'.i 1 Li'i caicolo'o i" .-ait "i ; ithe Milwaukee's Paeilic coast line, it ; is estimated that about ..000 miles ot new railroad wih be cf.nstructed next . vear !v western and north western i 1 t .... ,r-...t ..... .... ti.-iii i-)ii 11.11.1 ul .ill Ulil.lll l.'l 111'" 11 LI. .Ill . 1 T . I I loO. Oi0. Uobrlli t llServf.r: The Muriin-t. ,ia s t W leeUanys at Wtrk here ,- 'ii c- placing the litfht rails now 1.1 use with i .M. pound steel each way from town. Tliey also have a ani; here putting in poles and w ires Of their own to be ; used in the future instead Of the j H estem I nion Wires now in Use. , Tbe Murlington has placed a recent order for fifty locomotives. The Mis souri Paeilic is liguring on :,000 addi tional freight cars. Moffat's Denver Salt Lake road has ordered eight new cars for passenger service. The North western has ordered thirty new coaches and ten baggage cars Murlington has ordered :M0 re frige ra- tor, 2"i ore and 1.000 gondoh n-i -v-. . 1 . . ... . : . . 1 . . . . ... 1 v ,1 A11C .Mil llltui I .Itiin. iia.s uiuuini ore cars, and the Creat Northern has ,..,1 ...J,,.nf,;.,I.vntf. 1 iMULnv -1 , 1 U1UL II.-.I icil.l-l.li'i. i.'""' tr v. mm ... ... ' iiLiai.. As a risiilt of the I'avid L'Hv mass !fnvt't,nf Y' aySnU'e Jottrnal. 1:0 iess than three letters , I..,..,, r.-vfr-i vz-.d in t in-., o it i n 1 . . " .. .. .. ! ..,?.. .... . .-. . . t ! , , ii.if .1 M 1 I .t Oil v wi i ihi uinn. i i l . v v.- i o. iv io i i shipments made hereafter to the writ-1 : crs from h eal jobb-ino limtses n:ti--.t be ; made over the NtTth western railroad. : The Northwestern paid its taxes iast year and also this year without put ting up a light, and asa result it is the chief beneficiary in Mutler county if the feeling of antagonism aroused against the Murlington and the Cnion Paeilic. In other counties the Rock Island and the Missouri I'acitic will gain new business if this Pavid City idea spreads, for both of these roads sided with the Northwestern in pay- : . ing up w ithout a fuss EPOCH-MAKING YEAR FOR EUROPE Czar of Russia Afraid to Use His Troops Against Mutiny. " ARMY IS FULL OF DISLOYALTY Nayy jn the Same Condition Startling Arrest Made. 1 ,. ,.; , ,,. .. , .... , ,,,, ... ... snn.la vs. f I'i-;wieis .lo-epli ol .nsli-ia (Jrauts tlllVlls.iI Sutliane ait lli- IVn- pie's Oe,..;.ud-;.eai a- t:o,,:,Meino:,-i a- lio-i. St. Peters!. nr-. Nov. "Jfi. The soldiers attaehe.l o. the niiiiiarv seli.H,! of fleet rieitv ha e I it el i a nest ei 1 liy four liattalions of Ihe Pal)-ky rev.:inent and taken to the fortie.-s of St. Piter and St. Paid. . St. Petei-shiilir. Nov. i!i. Tile last day of irrnee aeeorded the inu'.in-i-ers at Seba-toni e.iireil a! inidi.iidit with no siuns ef surrender n the part of the men. The hills towering aliove Ih" harbor of the Kn-sian st ronuhold ill the Plaelv si a niav resound to.la v. ! as they did in the davs of tin 'rinieaii war with the roar of musketry audi famioii. should the overiiinent at - tempt to carry out its antiomiead tn tentioa of crushing the revolt witli the mailed list. The rebellious sailors are playing a wailinir irame. and apparent ly heve full foutideiieo llial the iruns of the lleet will not be turned airainst them. Will He Tcsr Their Loyalty'.' Whether Ceneral Nei.Iu-iT. the com- mandant of the fortress, wh. has been i-f leased by the mutineers and h is re- lieved Ceneral Paron Meller Cako- molskie. will dare to accept the dial- leii'e ot the nnilnieers an I slake tl.e i - ,;s. ; ,.1;.... .....i i,.,.,i,,- ,v,iv ,,r ti,. I discipline ami to.xain not o,n. ot xne I . . . . III. fe'...ri.lS.IISI.,.w.ll.l.T,.IIimi-.-IJ.I,.l . i " . -. ........ ! army on tl:- cast is. how-ve.. doubt- I'nl I lis-.-. l.-I.e- rmn. -i r -i r I l,n- 'I ..io m iioui a s i .n - ris-ms in Unssia show that Hie kind j forces of the empire are in a stale of i discontent, and any order la the troops " " "I"'" '"" ' '-"i. .i.-e- . ,.,e -,- 'V.'', '":,!,"'h tl,,r s"' v"', . !t sibly precipitate a uemral and wide- n..i(, Iim(inv Cars I'owcr Is I i ra ly cil. . On the other hand I, would be dim- "'""iinlt To starve out H,e sail v 1 v a Omaha: :.,,. sietre. as provisions and v-.er can b" obtain d by them ami a- they are under the -ims of m.t unfriendly warships. The report that Hm v.hcl- of the rVuiscr oifhaki.W: is incorrect. ,. ., . 1 1 1 r 111- 11 l.'-o.ie I o . (Im-ni ce Admiral KlMer ai.ortive demonst ra 1 i m ::iraiui the' tiiuliueers on the Kuia. Poteiukino now the I antelei n. at o.!e-a i.rol.-.I.Iv ?T1 l.e n-iil.le t . -V.t-im o'-edi P'ona ii w id i.e u.1.1 ..i i . n.. ..em- ence 01 ine men 1 or u:e c.irrvii:- our f any measures a--aiusl their com- raiies. AI'STIIIA IS Al,h TOKi: People lc...amir,.i rsal Su.lrae an.l r.ancis .loscpi, says. All Kiul.t. Vienna. Nov. ut. Yesterday marked n new ep.H-h in Austrian history, for the Austrian , pm throughout the entire land made know n to the crown tlwir demand for eipial suffraire. and even as this demand was licinir voiced the crown, throujrh Premier P.aron I tbiutch von Prankeiithuni. iu parlia ment, was assuring the j.eople that its will would be done. The premier prom- ise.i o. minv' in oy me en.i oL i eof.arv i litll k -ii 1 i ii ft it n i"n?I l't'im ,1Miv,M.S;ll. , .,.un:llul suffrage. 1 - ' . . . : i i ..... i .i : .... it 1 rrigera-lnJ'd l. a si-ries ef men-ti r iIciiii'm- j .... I a cars. . snali-ms in :.ll the pnm-ni:,! en s and , red oOO; towns.,: ,h, -i.un.r.v. Iron, only o- j rn has'"wn. Austrrlitz. ai-.s serious disorders , .to., I -rt, !. 1 ii .....I ..r. ' I: ......i- ... ' ' ...uni.... i i..ii. . uni .mi- i '"wn. Austcrlitx. are serious .iiso.deis ' l'C p. I f I I'll . Ttl,-.. HlC III.. MS fired otl' i'is- rderlv dcie in-! ra i :s. !, 1 '. i n r tv.o ..:, vci:in!i:: thiiiy. :th -rw the ; I. M . i I ra i ion- v. ':' cliar: .- by : I'.e mail:;, nance of order and di-uitv. Hmtdr..;- of imc-amls of ,,, pa- . ... ...... ..i.-.-iYin-- tt.. . 1 ..... . , 1 . ! 1 1 . I . I I . i - . 1 1 . I i.i -I m 1 , h ! 1 . !i H .i In I , .. . 1 d freed'. m. Such a tbMtioti- . . . ... . . . : . . . . . sll.i.i.'.l as in i tr "n nn w iiriessi'ii ji Au-tria. Parlianu -n? ....eni at 11 a. m.. ami ar n"n Pre:i:i-r P.aron latUi h -;: l-'raTd-Lcnt burn autinmcid th , ia:-H:.ir of snli'rae 0 Ihe i p,.. f;,.. w. en b a. m. and r. r. m. fully 17."..- ami women mat ch. -d past the j pa i iiament building:-:. rson i ed ch.th band 'V.-.il u:g en to-. in a i b. a: ':iL.' .v oi ds i u p. t :; i i el.v dcnr:i i-.Hng tl..- gvat ti: - :' ' ..ral f,;a-e.- O.-ie !)i"s in a II I'ire. Ka t i-r. I. oi is. til.. Nov.. "'.i. Ore n:::n wvis le;i :ed t .Vi-Hi ,-iad st .icr-J v : - ' -i i iii.-il ill- " :'. r . -I ev?t4ri'!i Sler.d v ,, isESiSTOBM HARVEST ON If), son il' Hie owner of the llfttcl. ami I !rr--w:d THE GREAT LAKES New York. Nov. At :i mcrlimj of the 'olumhia uni ersit y nil in it lee oil st intents' nrgnniali ms il was lie- i i ... :.i..,iisi, f.M.t i ... 1 1 as .. ..r ! recognized si... its of the luiiversin s i MtuieiiK. REFORM AT TERRE HAUTE - r"-f ;.'."'' Several Ai-re.-ls l;l llnciii' 1 1 i li 1 S-ool llo.v. j Ten-- Haute. 1 ml.. Nov. ".). ! There wa- im.re -i.-. ,t ej-ii.c" Sit'id.-iy ,,.. ., ,,,.,,,, v,.,.; t(l ,. the laws. :;il s. :mi -Is w re Iliade ol" s.-ih. tl:!e:-n i '"!: -ale '! ; i;.,,, (i- srn-piiiim.-lv l.v -hoot !, -L-.-.-iV , for .-..nsumpli n . !s.u li-Te th.-m m a v.al. -aused oiisi.ler.;li:e iliiinken- las The eiirhtv saloons mitside 1he i ity are fOinplyin. with the law. 'l l.e lioard of sal'eiv w ill uie the i.o- li(-" "ideis tn prevent turkey rallies in aloons. as also th, nsnal ratllim.- of liottles ol iiiii ir. jars ot eamly : 1 1 1 I otli- Christmas arlieles. Orders will bo issued against shaking diee at ,-iirar r-om.ters. A ei.r d.al.r was lined a few- ilavs ji-. for eonduetimr n.illii.ir ' ...i i i 1....1 nil lll . . 111 I I . ' ll.l.ll 1..., II. I. ,P- fessed slealinir ST.it from his parents ind said that he Inst the money in the ciyar slore GOOD STUFF TO HOLD yi' I he ';i luinel ami llei-la .Mine Is Somel hin Yori h lla int lor a -ISainy lay." ; Calumet. .Mieh.. Nov. "J'.i. - I i videmt disbursements l,v I.ak, Superior eoi- ! bu.-ns. the Mataafa. are believ d to ' . . . . 'liive nerisln-il pi-r i in ii 1 1 1 ir c iinpa mis ilurim;' the cur- piisihu. 1 ' -v,-i,r uil "Uesl since 1MHI. ThirlfC,. Hours of t;U: and I'.ioo. ami witli the exception of The wrecks are the Crescent City those years the larirest in the hi-lory and the Mataafa. of the Pi 1 1 i.M r- of the district. Already this year t he j St ea n.'ship company, a:::! the p. W. diideni payue'iits of the Miciiiiran 1 I'nuland. owned by the lailanil T ins- copper mines a-ure-ate more than ss.-1 oortalion .mpanv. of Clexi land. As j (N.. ,1U The eari.intis .,f these mines iu im;.-, w ill be Ihe lari:. st -ime a tive ! ,t .,.., ( i,ts u ere c. m lnenee.l i u I his d is- j , ,.j,.r .,,,,,. t ha n si l.v yea is au... Calumet and llecla's toial di v i.lend i...iit..i.- nil. .ii i. .( illi. ol .... i-.ii , , a .'i-e'.a te s:r' .:., nn a record not i payircnls will al the end of the year; j eipiaiio ny any inner nimimr comi.any iu nM. world. While the Calumet" and i , i i -.- . - r ( iiccla lias a ma imi In-cut past its fu- ! ....... Is ,,..,. ..,,,1 .1,,. c.mn.anv will . .. .. ; M. ., prominent factor hi the copper . ,ni:,imr world for many years to ,.(llU(, r -E OW WILL YOU BE GOOD L'lirle Sum's il i.en s W bo A ic Trvin S t Itai-c Cain wilt. C.,a Are iive a Throw - Iown. , . asilllmtoll. NOV. 2I. Sccr.t.-.rV Pool has a.hbess, ,1 a '..ilrr l,H 'li.in.s . , ,. ;, ,, .. ,, .., , U;Miiard. piesideiil o! the Amoilcau 1 S.H-iety of the I- f Pi., -. statin- psj,tvely that i:i his judcinetit the 1 "f 1i",'s M " t-,!l;;!' ,..u- ...i,-!o.., ,1,.. i-if...i ,..: ... ..... .... ........ ......... s t-itiins there to submit themselves to ,.,,1..,,, 1..,,. lie tel's lli ttct tl:e tl-. ill- T...M- , I "1 ! 1 1 tl IT beii.re the seuad olilV ace ifds . 10 una w 11.ii w a s m ;-s ; a a ceo; 1 ia nee will, interna I i. .11.-1 I law and in-li.e" and that the I-le -"is not and ne er has e ,,,, Tll).rc. Ait Kiuhr. rtica. .Mid).. Nov. vit, a , note to her husband savin- th.-c he j would find her body in the ciso-rn. ' "' A. Anderson, wile of n m....: ...... he discovered the note. He had aw ak- ened at 4 a. m. and n..f tiiidui": l.tr at his side beau a searclu Same Old Trick; Same Old Id-suit. .Mount Pleasant. .Mi.-Ir.. Nov. rnMl v..V(..., ,..,, S(ri (.t- , ; . ,j. " Pa-e. was leadmir a colt to wate.- and! ----- ' ''r f. T TUn Hm't " ZX'r' vor" Z Z about the yard, breakiiiir the l.ov s 1 "i .l.e r. .m.ii - iafi and : He- ;1( ,,,,,,.!,- his !il:n. He was ' vicinity of Whin li-h Point, wait;,, for u whcu ;, dearer wvath.-r. Tll(. til... ; ..(ents ,,, iU,vU. ;..,,,, , (- lti' Illnu-Oiil l' ;.!. . ve;i picked m l!i- HloU-Olll OftlS II.;li.u's;i,li. 'J'e.x.. Nov. l1. A terric blow-out of ..-is has oi-eurreij :;i the Hmelile ! licld. t;-.:ri;ig a :-..s- In the vat Hi !' ;r.-l : -;sz , ; . ; i i ! . e- U.e : . ;i and ,: , l,i: c-y l,r ,: 011.1, i ....i ! " ' . . . i i .. i . ' . , ii-l -;'!; e a i:u!':ii .-a.-u-.f . liiinii;.- ii.-s ;ii Havana. No mai cm.'I'iIs .-ivrlii;".' f-if ; . i -1 r 1 1 1 - iii the Western disiri- '.- of tin- pro-, in.-e of; ,ibvnna. No develop,,. ems Have y t occurred. I!itl.-ssii- is rep ,ried in some other r. tioiis. but no overt acts i jh - iM' I con report e,l. ! lie ".at ultr SviHe uretl. New York. Nov. Jeorge A.-ker-nian. years old. fotin tiil-rf illegal vot'iiK at the recent city ami county election, was -rtem-ed to lue ..imira refonnarosy ot'-'not less than fourteen mo-iiths. tie pleaded guilty to vutiufi tw ice. , i r , . - j Crew. of the Mataafa, Twenty Six Men, Die at the Mouth if Duluth Harbor. TWO MORE SHIPS ASHORE THERE Inland Seas Swept by the Most Ter- rific Gale in Years. P.Iia:-d r.lnus in the I ).i 1. , .! i Iin in sola, i -i -oii-i it ;ii:cl Mu Ii ia n I ji Snow II. -. f 'l w '.i. i . ii' rior. i-.. v.., . I.il e -a v- 1 '! s ;. Illiahle to Uel tile III t, i.'' the! , Mataala. 't he -hi. :; - broken in tu, , I. lit the ih-. ks are -till out of water. ,, js ,,,.,... ..sK ...... i ' " 1 r.l. ' i ""'' Mi'in.. Nov. l".i. -I,, o,e- of I the most I Ii.. .. . l..s . . , i .. . I . j . ... ,.. 1.1. W Wisconsin and the ureal lakes, even surpassim; in fury the terrible storm of ;lst Septeniber. in w hich s, n'any men lost their lives in the xicinity of the Apostle i-binds. tliree I . i ri lake sir 'i's Mie ilii.n ashore within siirlit of the lighthouse at the Imhith en- traine to the lo.al harbor, and sever - a I ineiiibei s of t he ercw of one ..r t he ! soon as int. rrupt. d telegraphic com mii'iicalion witli ollir la! c ports is i resnnied it is expected Unit lurthet re ports of wrecks will be rceivd. for t h- storm is thou-ht to have been a record l.reakinu' one. I'm- third e:i con- .1 ; src.llixe horns, lielwe. n 71 p. m. Moil- i . . nay aim il' i n e-i.-r.iav .tlie eloc- i . . . . . .. ( . it v of the wind a vera -ed' si M v miles i"'"" ''' X "' " "V "' ' ," i . ... . . ' . i 1 a res. i n one uroii iid or a in il her a 1 1 I he an hum-, and at times Mew at th-- rate: of scve.it v mil. ati Ii.mr oih.i- 1 r.-. n. I, ,s.. or.iinaii.es mani.d !.; ; llie ieeiano cn inniii'ii prop ion:, .Mataal'a Is Sm c a te l.. '."I celil fares ha l-beeu set aside ,y !!, The .Mataafa is beinir si . l.v pound- com is in litigation inspired by ihe op ed Oi pieces. The crew of tin- Crescent j position c. , 1 1 1 pa u ies. The curt ha now City escaped, bill the I mat is a Iota! j reversed I,.- .judymenl of llie cinuii. wreck. Captain K. W. Mn-la ml is thel,.,,,,,-, ,, ,, ;l ,, county iu Ihe ea-.-only man who left the Piiidand. The I of tin. l'n..i I'iiv I ; .-. i I w :. v coi,n.::i,. .... . ., 1 : ..;,. , ,1 , I . " . ' ', '' ! '' r'""'' ' '" ' ' , , V " "m""' , r "' ' 'T" ""' """""" " . . . . , .' ' '11,, 1 his ishnal. erew Willi Illetlelp.I ,1 l.lcec.-s :,,o. : T1;'' Mataala's ac idei,: was the In .st: "iiioi imiaie ei me nine. i,c --;nie:; . . 111 'lol'Ih l;lel' 1-! 1 . 1:1 r 1 a- e' ! r-i 1 h-Ie making h. r way im , the harbor and was imabb- 1.. .-. :i, ;.,,,-!, tin- S''" ''l""1 . s"!'! Ir:!" -'-' ""'"' ! '" ''! . . , , sue is now n. ii:-- ralx'-u l.v tl..-- v. -i e siviii'T i;v a ;i:i:t stuiim i.a.-s -.upei-i..:-. iiioi::i. an.i fiuron , . ,-ei t in- i on n ..i r.ote.i-. 1 ictroir. Nov. l':. Lake ';e. rior. from i 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 tu the S "!:: pen insula of ,M i. hiua n. tlie ei. ' "r in rt I., in ....not:. f I ... m . have been sw.,,t l.v a ierri!e wind and snow storm. Th,.'l,!im,-,: .,...! w it ., velmitv of f-.n f..nv t ,:vu- ,',', .m h)(i; ,,,,.' ,,..,.; ,.,., h;lk. ,,,,,,, ;m,, ! Supeiror are tilled with vessels w hich : ,i:,v'' ''"" '" l'"1' shelter. It is report d from Sanlt Ste. Mari' , that the wind lias fallen totwelve miles j illi hour, and althoii-h the barometer ; is fallimr the -weather situ-itinn is re : -a rded a s iival ly i mpro ved. AllbonTs ! - . oil tlie lower end or Lake Saperie are e I !( it e s ... . i : . - ... . . , .. , i. M a !'; 1 11. 1 i e re .. ;. .. , .- . w ith drifts . . i -- 1 ra i ; i : i s, -r -, i. , ; : ; i .. d ! a '. i d-.i-iye-l. Tr. - . a-' - .-: e ; I 'il i .a ke S:t: . ,;v .'(.;..;. ' : !..:!. and nn -! ; ::; :, a in;'' i: Vioing "Ut tl water there. 1 ' M;ll:v h"p. M. ii i O- a; d tl.e fomtiiiitiiea : u va .!i--l j.. )f (,;.. j,,,,.,. ,h foot of snow had fa!I :i ai oiit M:.r- I Iplette. The gnat est da mag" fepnrted from Lake Huron a a result of the gd.- is nt Alpena. The vva t erloire.I oarg Harvey P.issell. which was at a dock, was torn t pieces by the gale; the barge Yinlan.J broke away from her consort and is aground, and tin prnall fiassenger and freight steamer City of II id la Ml went on the ioks while tr.xim.: t' make tin- barbo'- (it Uiicrs City. The passenger : 1 1 1 I crew were taken from the steamer In safe ty ly a crew from shore. I loch ; ami other waterside properly su-l..inisl lie.-r y damage at Alpena. Mu.-hdaui av;e was aI- done on Thunder P. ay i-s! a ud. It.irue tiroi-ycr Is All IIIMI.I. Sheboygan. Wis.. N.. 2'.. Tin liai se ( leorgcr. w Inch il had lieen tea Id! foundered niter being eiit adrift by lhn steamer '.Vhltncv. agi'iund pear Port i V. ashii.Kion. has i pt-.w.-t l:i hero ,,v :1 ,: l,M i oi;i;i.i wiril snovy "iea ill i ln 1" I- l' lo I lie I 'em -e-Toji t wil'l I 'niiiii; fill In l. .M il nio-e, Nov. 'J'. '. Sioi:n piei..!. i et ei . I 1 1 n- ale a - loll v, - . Ashland. Wis. The -ip.v. I all '..i I ee'l e I ra o i i i na I . '1 I:' - 1 10 1- . . . 1'eiiee 1 1 ij i- i a 1 1 1 i I I - 1 1 I i ea ' I 1 . I : : i ' ih ej it i-. W.i -hlmni. . Tl..- -n.e.-. I; it il : i I I - I i oim one I 1 Oil i !i i i a : tile li!.e . T il I'.l. Imi l.'i.ll I !l , t a l -. Mai l: ilia v 'il , .lr!i. I he , mil i I .. l'oll ei-j!it miles . -1 " liolir lloiil tile soul Ii w e and there is ihiik ' ' '"'- . Sr. Paul. Nm, '"... A lilanii- hind j su"''' ,U" sK-v '"! brush of white. . i w,i -now Willi llllPMIs ll-l- over and .1-1111.-: everything and piling il in drill e -irywhere. Out in ihe prairie tow n- o North and South Pakola in Hie l-ill-. of the Keil Kiir alle.v and in lh hills and dales of .Minnesota and Wi--i nnsiii there was sia-h a t lorm as ha j not I 'ii witness ,., ;,i time of th.. .v,,;l '" ' 11 ma n;. y ea i s. ! Pi oba bly 1 he mo-l -ev ei e lo.n-h of t h , kV u:,s; '" l"IIMMI n.eii.i. i ... ... ! u ,'v,"'"""- l""-n.-iii..v -Sliownl miller. 'J lie street lailua.N S. s , : lenis ol the two cities at lln.' head o' ,,. .,.,.s U;l ,.,,, p lei el., k.lockci out. ; wires were pr .si i ;i i. , .hhI railioai ( i , ;l ,,, v.as in some i n-1 mi s entirely I sllsp(.i, . 1 1. ! THREE-CENT FARE VICTORY '. At ii-eipl of a Company lo li.ali.lal ; ,,s Conn-art, I- H.-.nlcil OI7' ail..i-t. Colmiibu-. .. N'.m . LM.. P.y a d.- ,-isioii of ihe -ujiiei oiirt court .Ma;. I .... i I , ,, ,. -ol ,. of Cle n !.I,. :. . .1. I ay. an-: f the ' 'jj,,. franchise "ivril ill llelini..;, a . ,.,,,. the Core-: C,iy J.'aiiua.v co- . panv am C.reene pr.n . .- lor 1 i- I . . . .1 . Lbiv'i,, 'the ' in.ce-t of ,,'opo- : ,-otni-anie-. enjoined ;!,. :,a.iy tr..: -" '" ' :'" '' ' w; s no- .!! vi..n .-.!. ARRESTED FOR "SiKAr.'GirAIG' Will - I'.l "il.-. nil llie 1 It. ..I M . , ... Vl... 1 '"'"-, -' oo. . . i inn v...,i. i . i .: , - ,. .. . . .. . , v,..i: ,, a 1 I - - . . I i . - ! ' ' e ' J i I'o ; i li.il-r.l with '-.,;!:;;.! an I f;,i-e t - i j i V- .-elilalioii lo ii. i ,!. lo i a board ! .'''oii.l iVc- of'i-Vo!' ", "wh! 1 :iV '....Sic' "', -. i .r i.-.. on t:.- i..,'ii,'in , h,-a p.-., k- ba n . s-l,.,. k w a -. held lo; . ;i hearing Three policemen who-.- u.i:,:. Hi department will not divulge have bi-c ordered for trial lu for lite p.iii. e board of iiijurijv on. tie- . Iijivi- of ai l ili; those -aid 1 !.' iiLia' d in ill.- i Uilllv "'i'l""- nu n I -) 'i -it-. l.al I lie ,ulop- siiiti-i. I Annapolis. Mil.. Nov. -U. Tin ati ,u I,,., .. ,. w a ... ; .- ,. , .1 11.. i ;., ., ;;, ;, , , . x i .J ' ,. ' ' .M ; ,M"f f A!'.",u'.n ' ' ": '' - ' or ..o:v 1 ' : -. ."- ' -. . : '. I - a i-: r.'i.,: i::-a!:-:: ii., i i: ; w.t.i hi- . rj.i :i -. loo Modi I iiiiilili- lor lino. prin.giielil. II!.. Nov. U'.. '.:.-i.'i,in !ii- personal I'lopeitv i, P i pa. creditors .fol.u H. "roiiey. a stock br k er. eolilinitteil suicide at hi- l";t Iltt liea." ('ascade. Ilk. l.v hauling hini-.-lf to a rafter in his bam after ib inking car bolic acid and strychnine. Worry over debts, coupled with the fa. t that hU wife i- i'i a lio.-pital recovering from a sec .in I operation f r a pprln 1 ici t is, i- as signed as tin- cause of ihe act.