1 The Plattsmouth Journal ri IM.I-JI HKKKLV AT .'u.VITS MOUTH, IJEBRASKA. I:. A. IIATKS, ITUUMIKU. KiUr-l :it t,h- jslnii'c :il ti'mm: t.. Nh- lr;t.sL;t. as M-i:nli'I:i-n rn:itlT. A !'!: v more corn crops like- the present one and the Nebraska far mers will he ridinir in automobiles. , - , i aini we. ii ui.uniiui c eiy u;i hi, the week. I;.kmi-:ks who are now engaged in selecting their seed corn should lay out a few ears to"place on exhi bition at the Farmers' Institute in Plattsmouth, Saturday, December V. Xati kai.i.v the question of the sea level and the lock is a big one incident to the Panama Canal, but whether it will be dug on the level of honesty is an equally important considerate n . it out on the Noung" lady's father wlu-n she jilts you for our rival is another invention de signed to make things interesting for the only member of the family who doesn't work. Tin-: fire which consumed Np. ooo gallons of whisky the other day was anything but a steady blaze, and many watery" mouths opened with awe at the destruction of so much "red-eye." Tin; Cass county farmer w ho fails to attend the institute here on Sat urday. December ), will regret it. This promises to one of the most in teresting meetings in their behalf ever held in the countv. Ir the people must freshen a ; smouldering fire with coal oil. why have grown beyond endurance and will they never learn that it can be ' threaten to grow greater if not re done with comparative safety by J dressed. If they did they would throwing on a little oil from a cup J not deserve freedom nor would or other open vessel, having the can j thev long retain it. afelv out of the wav? I:- Postmaster (eueral Cortclyou enf.-.rces the merit rule for appoint ment of all presidential postmasters, what are sen. '.tors and representa tives who depend upon the machine to keep themselves in office going to J d for a political living? TliK wrecking of the building in Lincoln had his first law office in nois. with its fioor Springfield. Illi-j , ioistsand beams I of heavy oak. its doors, windows and j frames of black walnut . tells an e;- ! . , , , mie:!t storv oi the abundance oi , , '. . ... , ! a.m. worn I timOer m the ear'v oavs ; : th.e west. ( Mir bl ick walnut is now nearly ail gone, and we- shall .'i.ive- to take good care of our oak forests in order to have that wood ..lwavs m good suptnv even, tor fur niture. At the state bar meetin?. ha last week. Judge (ood expr O. I 1 T the ipinion that the public good i would be served bv returning to the ! I old system of prosecuting attorneys, j .- , . i i in tlie course ot ins remarKS, ine judge saitl that some county attor neys of the stale did not seem to be "able to even place a criminal in jeopardy." I Ie said that the courts were allowing enough in the way of special fees for special counsel for the state to assist in prosecution to pay the salary of a district attor ney. Judge Good is in a position to know. Fkikxh Telegraph (rep): Far mers and taxpayers in general, when they come to pay their taxes this year, will very forcibly see the fore-e of argument as the Telegram has been picturing it to them under the robber revenue law of this state. Soon after this law was enacted, a prominent railroad man said to us that "the farmers of tlie state shouid pav the taxes, that the corporations had paid the-m lougenough." Tl:e man seemed to us to be in earnest in what he was saying, and we had reason to understand that he was speaking the truth. There is no need of roaring about this. The remedy is to send men to the next legislature who are pledged to re peal this law and to enact some thing that will hit all alike, and send wen who will redeem their pledges. j T!I.xks;ivin; lay will soon be Tin: attention of the courts is oe- here. Arc you counting the j-ood cn,,jt.,i a great deal of the time in , tilings to be thankful for? Are on investigating senators and oilier . going to help someone to be thank- hih officials who have gone wrong. fill.' The world is full of sorrow j Senator Ihirtou of Kansas i-, play laud tmthankfuluess. You can add j jK his third engagement with the your mite to the stun total of things ! court , indicted for fraud. that help to make the other fellow Iglad. To those who stumble foot sore and weary over the uneven I pathway of life by the way of pov- lertyand want there is little to be thankful for. They see little of any thine; but the dark and gdoom. No i fat turkev fills the larder. No sauce I fills up the blank of their misery. Then do you stretch forth from your hand of plenty to help them seethe good and leauty of the broth erhood of man? Let the president's exortation to watch for foes within rilng in your ears. Let the lesson of purity of citizenship that has been taught at the recent elections sink deep as something to be thankful for and when the next election j comes rouml go and !o as you nave j done this year, only a little more so. and. all that tends to Mickey re- publican ism will have the scci:c. :at: (! from Tin: people may be trusted. The laws of political economy, like the laws of gravity, will take care of themselves. They cannot be set aside by any demagogue or vision ary. If any infraction of them is persisted in punishment that will j follow will open the eyes of deluded ! communities and drive them back j to principles in accord with human nature and the production of wealth. The people under a free government are to be trusted. If they make mistakes in feeling for the right way to correct abuses they will dis cover their mistakes and amend them. They will not supinely tol- crate abuses in covernment which J. P. Rodk.man, manager of the Papillion Times, shot and killed himself at the Arcade hotel in Om aha, somtime Tuesday night. He was found Wednesday morning af ter the hotel authorities began to get anx:ou- over his long stav in the room uul the door had to be forced open. lle had been suffer ing from a disease which he thought was about t renew its attack upon him. which seems to be cause for the rash act. t u- sole! He was married in Papillion a year ago. I-. an;i::.!sv St XDAv. a convert- ..... ed ball-plaver. is stirring things . . , , , over in Illinois, ami ine .viecio pa- l ;k rs state t ;at he has made 9.-6 per j conversion is tlie result of his la- I bors. Th.is is certainly a big score. ! and in recognition of his final touch- uown. lie was given a ire-ewni oner j ing of S..057. which in addition to in ( );na-i his former gifts, make S5,5o6.l3. 't'lN.S cil'llli iF.ui jiu t i .i .1-. t1,i, i M i..r .1 1. H-i.T-e might be induced to sign, if that sort of a guarantee could be put up. Tin: reports from the foot hall game at Minneapolis last Saturday would naturally suggest that the Nebraska Cornhuskers better quit the game and accept a job in the cornfield, where there is a demand for real huskers. A Washington mind reader sees the election of Secretary Shaw to the presidency in 1908, which leads the Atlanta Consttution to remark that it was Secretary Shaw's mind that the forecaster was reading. It is not difficult to observe that the president will have a live con gress upon his hands in a few days, and that he will have to meet some very live questions in a live way. Ir President Roosevelt gets what lie wants in the w ay of railroad leg islation, he will have to depend up on friendly democrats to help him pull the measure through. Sknator Fokakkk says "rail road regulation is a democratic measure." We are glad it is, and also glad it is recognized as such by high republican authority. Lii-k is what we make it. Which hardly applies to the Equitable, the Mutual and the New York in these davs of revelation. Wi: iii'.ak mentioned frequently that Senator Uurkett is "with the president" in the matter of the railroad rate law proposed. It may be so, but we'll bet that the cold sweat stands out all over the senator everytinte he thinks of that subject coming to a vote. Tin: railroads have by adroit rep resentations coerced thousands of employes to sign a petition to Con gress protesting against action tend ing to regulate rates. They claim the companies employing them will reduce the wages of the men in or der to meet any threatened short age of receipts that might result from hostile legislation. Tin: Journal's stanch friend. II. I'estor, as everyone knows, is a verv ciosc observer. In conversa tion with him regarding tl ie corn crop in general in the I "nited States his observations from reports from the largest corn -growing states is to the effect that the authorities at at Washington estimate the same at about 4o).ino,Ooo bushels too high. A ni.w money order is soon to be adopted by the postoffice depart ment. A number of changes will be made, a prominent one being that the name of the remitter is to be placed on the order as well as on the advice. There will also be a marginal coupon showing the full j amount or the order. In this way j it is expected that raising the j It takes home patronage to build amount by forgery will be pre-1 up a town. The people should pat vented. ronize the merchants who advertise, j and the merchants should push Tins looks very tough for some , home-made- goods in preference to fellows w ho are ''hankering" after j others postofficcs. Postmaster General Cortclyou says that ''good post" masters will be retained in office!" That is the simple announcement w hich the public is asked to take literally. "Xo matter if the editor ot the other paper insists that it is: now 'his turn.' Xo matter what : Tin- Journal will give a year's the congressman and both United j subscription to the weekly and three States senators say." And the pres-. months subscription to the daily for ident coincides with Mr. Cortclyou. : the largest pumpkin brought in on The postmaster general evidently the date of the Farmers' Institute favors the "ins" much to the dis-; Saturday. Xovember 9. oleasure of the "outs who want in." Tiikkk never was a time, when! the only homely, practical lessons ! some kind to tlie farmers who ex -of honesty, stood out so forcibly, pect to attend the institute Satur as at present. In the greedy chase j day. December 9. Let us make this for wealth, men of high standing I the best corn exhibit ever witnessed and great influence, are induced to ! in Casscounty. do things that send them to their graves in dishonor. The- daily ac counts ot senators, congressmen. men who stand hieh in the social and business world, appearing in i courts, as common criminals. charg ed with fraud and corruption in the accumulation of wealth, is enough to make any man. who cares for peace of mind, stick to honesty as a policy measure, no matter how much he may desire the pleasures wdiich wealth can buv. Tin-: Aurora Sun says that since the decision of the supreme court in refusing Mrs. Lillie a rehearing, her friends have begun a campaign in earnest in her behalf. A communi cation from Lincoln to one of the state papers says that the imprison ed woman has made a large number of friends during her stay at the penitentiary. These believe in her innocence. Chief among them is Mrs. A. I). P.eemer, matron in charge of the woman's ward of the state prison. The details of the campaign in behalf of Mrs. Lillie is kept secret. It is known that a number of the delegates to the na tional prison congress took an inter est in the matter. The leaders in the club federation of the state are at work. Friends of Mrs. Lillie are working on a clew discovered after she was committed to prison. It is now known that a personal enemy of Harvey Lillie disposed of his property and disappeared short ly after the murder. Now he can not be found. The identity of the fugitive is known only to Mrs. Lillie and her closest advisers. Tariff Reform Coining. ! (lovernor Cununings of Iowa, is! a staunch republican, but he fore-j sees thus early that tariff reform is I coming and is undertaking the al- i most hopeless task of impressing the republican leaders with the import- j ance of the issue. At the recent ! banquet of the I'.cojioniic Club of j Iioston, he wisely said: j "The man who still holds that I our manufacturers need any consid erable protection in order to enable them to compete successfully in their own markets with foreign pro ducers, when they can sell their pro ducts at a fair profit in other coun tries in open competition with all the manufacturers of the earth, has surrendered his good sense to his idolatry at the shrine of that miser able maxim filched from the lang uage of the great American ginne. "It seems to me that we have gone mad in our zeal for the seller and have abandoned the buyer to the tender mercies of n.ouopolv, com- lunation am! g of the staudpatti. eed. The maxim r that the higher le price the more exalted the! st ' 1 1 in s1i i 1 1 ! v -t ,ii 1 1 .m tit t t,,,- i '"' ' ' i senses of a square deal. 'I deplore the policy which has closed the markets of France and j Cermanv to the American farmer j and which if pursued presently will leave us to sell our surplus to Kng land only. Congress, which is blindly indifferent to the needs of the tillers of the earth, must ulti mately reckon with an indignant and outraged people." ( H'K merchants and other citizens in general should extend the glad hand of welcome to the visiting WoOll 1 nf tll. W.t-1rt tiiiiirrrii,i- j Tiikkk is talk of Cow Mickey I calling an extra session of the leg islature this winter. We can't see 1 what it will be for. unless to undo 1 SOn,L' of the inphl legislation I'l'Kuv business man in Platts-1 i mouth can a fiord to offer a prize of j Tin: returns as reported to the secretary of state, show that Judge i Letton received a plurality of J1S ovtr Hastings. Xo person ques tioned Judge Letton's election. Tlie only thing was to know wheth-! er or not lie had returned his rail road passes. Tin-: latest reports of the crop in Nebraska arc to the effect that we have made a gain instead of loss on the corn yield this year. This is in a measure due to the work of edu cation along the line of seed selec tions. This should be another in ducement for farmers to attend the institute in Plattsmouth, Saturday, December 9. Ok all the bungled up laws pass ed by any sane legislature, some of those enacted last winter ''take the cake." Only think of it! And now Gov. Mickey thinks of putting the taxpayers of Xebraska to the ex pense of holding a special session this winter. To accomplish what? I-'ach member to eat three meals a dnv at a hotel and draw their oav. A ;)i deal of the present crn-j fusion arises from a quibbling; (orj le.tral) use of terms. The difficulty lies m our various applications ot the words "rebate" and '"discrimi nation.'' as in politics it lies in the use of the word "bribery." What is a rebate? Strictly speaking;, a rebate is a sum of money secretly paid back by a railroad company to a favored shipper as a refund upon his freight rate. And in this nar row sense rebating is undoubtedly much less common than formerlv. i3l Acgctable Prcparationlbr As similating the Food andRcguIa liiig the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes Digcslion.Cheerful- ness and Itest.Conlains neither Opium .Morphine norIiiieral. Not TMaiic otic. Mr afOU SIW TL PtTCHXH fcmfJun Stxtl Mlx.Smtui tit Carlwnalr.fjifo Hn.iJ -CtarifitJ . Hignr lirdrtyrrn Atarax ApertVcl Hornedy forConsliW lion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms .('oivvulsiuns, Feverish -ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of XEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. W 17' r PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN BROS., PRQPS. PLATTSMOUTH, -:- -:- NEBRASKA RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. (5c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call 15he Perkins Hotel ia COME AND Percijeron, Belgiai) Si Both Imporlnd and Homo-Brod. I ill si - lit n :t :ii wi niii r '.'iinui in I ,i t Jacks and pMi'Cs Ilurn ..'"l Iot-I1""'. I Iki i- Ir !--. . it :i i I :i -i . :.' 1. 1 , vi-;i r n.n. finrn I'.'i" ..-.:ni ill wf-iirht. :i ! I . m ml :i ml -' m. nil will. Iu-iii-, j:iy i mr fur 1 1 ii - n , -.il . i n i . j , . -.i :i ,1,. pill ."M iii t It- i vm-r' irl.fi . .M:n:y :i .N In :i -k ;i f;irriur n:nlil M.i p.ii.: u li'-ri- hi- 1 1 ;i. m i it:-. i tint- 1 in H nl m:i ri :i ii1 i ;i lil ! l.n p :i i i. -i ;i : . i. ,n fur ! U . i :i ml Iii- in-iirhlii if" list-. li'Hi'l li-t I lie Imis ii:i w t In- t.iin,: r:ii-i- mun ,i,(i mult--., it p:ty.-. l-t I : 1 liii n ny I Ii iii' ymi run .. .nv i iln- ii.-.,i- i. ru,i ..I Ii.i1'm. Ciiini'tii llir Cedar Rapids Jack Farm umi tniv :i -n. $ -i o..,,. ,,; li:i x i-iv it -ii M ivi- --ii). I ;i li i h:i 1 1-:i j- :ii . r I ii.i-i , I nf HOME-CROWN JACKS null iiri ntr fc ii. r i n.Mirt :it ii n pi i' y-:i r f r'-rn Sp:i in. 1 h ii t hr i- .i. i n . . , . i j .. , -i us neii riy o i ry vv lit ri- liii .m-.-iv.ii .it -inn M.-h. W. L. DeCLOW, tSBBBSBi Ay ers Pills Want your moustache or beard altuiitifiil Wnr. n'l.lil.lr) ttr. VMUiiiuiviunuui i itu vidk& r Bottled in Bond. Ac rtaiiiixp PLATTSlOUTH. A 15) Si i: For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought I & Bears the Signature 6 8 of I i i Use For Over Thirty Years 19) m tmi ecurrikwn eniir. Him voaa eirr. 3 tallions SEC MY German Coacf) Stallions '! ynu ,-i f n ; ! iii. , ,,.-, A ,.. ;. :, . , ,, , -. :i nii I "Mi r .. mi n.i i jn .1 i 1 .1 - i .1 Il l - Cedar Rapids, la. Keep them in the house. Take one when you feel bil ious or dizzy. They act di rectly on the liver. bZi jerCo., II, Maaa. RIIRKINn HAM'S nYF -a. W W m W W I as rim ctb. or dio'ibt ob ft p. hall a to., kuul'a. n a TLbc Best HClbfsh is tbc Cheapest in the EnM Poor Whisky is not only dis agreeable to tasti-. but uiidoubtod ly injurious to th . stomach. A lit tle fjood Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as inuca Cood fis a doctor's prescription. If you don't know Low 'oi rl it is enmc- in and trv it PRICES: (iuckeulieimer Five Yellowstone. Honey Dew. ri;r Horn. per 'a: in .! CO . 4 00 . ?, Of) . 2 00 Thierolf. NEBRASKA AW AW 1 W B 1 lEiiST J